廣州!歷史最悠久的酒樓!榮華樓!148年歷史!富貴榮華雞!55元半隻!一定要試!賊好吃!美食旅遊推薦!味道一流!市場買菜!龍津路!!舊城區最新樓價!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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These are the carmines I just talked about. These are not the best. They are so small. They cost 13 yuan per pound. They smell very fragrant. They were founded in the second year of Guangxu. See how awesome it is in 1876. I just ate a piece . Usually we There are several requirements for eating plain-cut chicken . The first one is not to cut it into such big pieces , but to make it whole... It is full of praise and taste , and it is not the kind that is marinated... Hello everyone, it is now 4:10 pm and my location is again. I 'm waiting for my wife in this newly opened shopping mall above the Chen Clan Ancestral Station. We will go to the market to buy some food first and then have dinner. But we won't eat here. We will go to an old-school restaurant. It is said that it has been open for a hundred years. Ronghualou By the way, a viewer wanted to know what it is like. We have been there twice to drink tea. To be honest, it’s like returning to old times , but maybe because of the epidemic or some other reason, the experience was not very good . I don’t know how it is now. I am waiting for my wife now. It’s 28 degrees Celsius in the summer , and I’m already like this. Summer in Guangzhou has been coming for a long time without any secrets. It was still freezing a while ago, and now it’s like this. I got out early and it’s freezing. My daughter also has a little cold. Now there’s no good cold air . She 's already gone . That's awesome. Let's wait for her first. By the way, dear viewers, if you plan to come back to Guangzhou during the Easter holiday, please pay attention and listen. It's very hot. But it doesn't matter . Hong Kong audiences should be the majority during the Easter holiday. You should all know that Guangzhou will How hot is it? Wait, I met my wife, but she was very confused. She didn’t know that I saw her behind her . We met again. Now I’m going to the market to buy groceries. I haven’t been there for a long time. I need to buy some things to put away. It's almost 5 o'clock at home , and the restaurants are starting to set up tables and chairs to welcome guests. I'm really looking forward to what it will be like in the summer. It's still spring and it's a hot day. I should sit here with a fan blowing and drink beer. I will be very happy. Initially, I wanted to eat Qingping chicken here today. I thought it would be better to go to Ronghua Building for dinner first. There are many opportunities to try these Qingping chickens. "Food and accommodation first" has branches in Dongshankou , but I don't know if it is still done before . I have seen durians sold in their BBQ branch here. It seems that they are still sold in the branch here. It is 29.9 per pound, which should be about the same price. Summer is coming soon, and many vegetables, especially fruits and vegetables, will undergo great changes . For example, persimmons are not available now. We went to Longjin Road Market again to see if there are any good things to buy. Before buying fruit, there was one here. Before, here was selling those... baked cakes in baked bags. If you come back during the Easter holiday, you can try these soy sauce chicken shops. The prices are not very high. They don’t have to be expensive , but they have to be Michelin-starred. They are all delicious, affordable and of high quality. I believe more viewers from Hong Kong may go to Shenzhen to spend money. There should be quite a few in Guangzhou. Every time you pass by here, take a look at this . I don’t know why it takes a long time to get up. I think it’s almost five o’clock now. The market should be very busy. The weather has been good these days and it won’t rain. It’s just a little hot . There are many citizens coming to buy food at this time. This is usually the case. If the market is not busy at five o'clock, then it is good and there are limits. The Longjin Road market will definitely not be busy all day long. Many shops selling fish in the city center have temporary leases. We are not talking about the temporary leases in front of us. Maybe the things sold are different from the past. For example, these fruit shops rent a space to sell eggs. The egg sellers have always been selling here , and the cries are very lively. At five o'clock , of course the vegetable vendors want to Quickly clear the goods and sell them at a good price . Mandarin oranges are sold here for 8 yuan per two kilograms. Sandworms are already sold for 25 yuan per kilogram. Finally, I can’t understand. It says 38 yuan per kilogram. The sandworm porridge is delicious. It’s 40 in Huangsha Market. There are too many , but we can’t count them like this. After all, seafood in Huangsha Market will be cheaper now. There are also sandworms for sale there . They are sold in every stall. Everyone’s prices are about the same . They all buy fresh ones. Is it familiar to you or not ? Here again, it’s 25 yuan per pound. The price is the same. The boss wants to poke the sand out. It’s the same price as shrimps and better than eating shrimps . These are very nutritious. Unless you don’t like insects, but they have nothing to do with insects, the boss starts to poke the sand to see how raw it is. I was moving to buy a lot and cut it out, maybe only half a kilogram, so I just took it out... Then we came to this place again and we have said many times that the biggest challenge is to buy vegetables here , but it is really cheap and now they also sell watercress. There are winter melons for 2 yuan per catty, 3 yuan for two catties, and 1 and a half yuan is reasonable. To buy winter melons and tomatoes at this price, you have to slowly pick two catties. There are so many people who bought winter melons for 3.1 yuan, which is exaggerated. The aunt is picking tomatoes one by one. Can the boss see it? Patience is just a matter of shopping for vegetables. There are radishes and these 1 yuan winter melons are sold here for 1 yuan, but these are not that good. 2 yuan a pound is not a choice. The boss lady picks or not, they are all beautiful. How much is it? Give someone 2 yuan to pick one by one (your hands will be swollen) . Boss, 2 yuan. Spinach is good for the body. It contains a lot of iron. Eat more and it’s good for the body. Buy green onions here. 1 yuan for tomatoes. Big meat here. 3 yuan a pound Today's Longjin Road market is not very crowded. At least I can travel to this area. Green beans, corn, and pink taro are available all year round. The taro here is 3 and a half yuan, which is reasonable . Cherry tomatoes are 4 yuan a pound . There is also this thing called Baihuacai. Next, there are beans all year round. They usually sell cabbage sums here in Hainan Island for 4.5 yuan. The aunt here is doing a good business. We saw those potatoes for 1 yuan and 3 yuan. We saw them yesterday, even if they were triangles. The market in the city sells 2.5 yuan. Everyone knows why we like Longjin Road Market. It makes sense. Nowadays, many people have colds in the transition between spring and summer, so they need to supplement their nutrition. Pan-fried chicken wings are 25 yuan per pound and 16 yuan per pound. I almost thought about it . After thinking about it, the weather is much hotter today. It is actually not a good thing if I buy it and store it for a while. Now is the time when we don’t dare to buy meat in the evening. I tried it many times last summer. It is not other people’s meat. Not good. In fact, it will be like this in the evening, so if we want to buy meat in the future, we will definitely... When the weather gets hot We will come in the morning to buy groceries . It has been a long time since we have come to buy groceries in the morning . If it is later, there will be more food. The weather is hot. Everyone has seen many stalls selling sandworms . These are the delicious seafood of the season. They are flat, fresh and beautiful. Even prunes are not Sanhua plums. If Sanhua plums are released a little later, you can see them because it is almost the Qingming Festival, so the chrysanthemums are very beautiful. Fifteen yuan a bunch is better than being slaughtered at the door. If you like to eat frogs, they are sold at these stalls. But I don’t know if you like eating frog chicken. It’s written like this and the boss will be responsible . But this picture is too shocking and I won’t shoot it for everyone to see. There are also snow fish, sea fish, cartilage and mango, which are 20 yuan a pound or Tsing Yi 25 yuan. There is a pound of East Star Spot here, and the owner is here. The picture of this fish is too shocking, so avoid going there as if it is an auction one by one. How much does it cost ? This is how the whipfish is sold. The whipfish is also eaten at this time and will be eaten until the weather freezes. So why come to the Longjin Road market ? You can see a lot of... the vegetables that have just been put on the market , papayas, five yuan each, four yuan each, the cheapest and most expensive are six yuan each, according to the size, and pomelo. Because some rural customs are to go to worship. If you want to go to the mountain, you can eat pomelo. We don’t have this custom. But imagine if we go to the mountain to worship, we will eat some roasted pig , chicken, but not goose. What should we do? Then we will eat some pomelo, which is good for clearing away heat. We have finished buying it. Usually when we go to Longjin Road, when we go to find restaurants, we mostly use Longjin Road Market as the center point and head west. This time we plan to go east. There are many good restaurants on the road that I would like to recommend to everyone. I just came here and walked there once because I'm afraid I won't remember. I saw that some restaurants were very busy. Let me tell you the specific location and transportation route. The nearest subway station on Longjin Road is called Chenjiaci subway station, which can be reached through an alley. It’ll be there in about five or six minutes. Tourists returning to Guangzhou Market probably won’t be able to pass by and know what’s going on. But if some relatives and friends or even staying in the hotel see some good ones, such as roasted goose and roasted pork ribs, they can buy them back. Longjin Road is one of the most lively places in Guangzhou. I think you can come back here if you have the opportunity to see the various traffic jams, bicycles and pedestrians walking out in the middle of the road. We can't find us in Zhujiang New Town. I also like this feeling and this location is often crowded with people. It is already very good today. I saw that a car was about to turn around and the road was already blocked . I remember driving here once during the epidemic because the novices were not very familiar with it at that time. I don’t know much about finding a U-turn position , and the car is already very small. You can adjust it however you like as long as it’s legal. Now it’s troublesome to pass by pedestrians. Come here and talk about the transportation route. You can reach the Chen Clan Ancestral Temple subway from this alley. You can reach the East Station only by subway station No. 1. It’s super convenient and there are many different fruits for sale. There are also guava, which we usually call Rouge Red. The best one I’ve ever tasted is the one from Conghua. The fragrance is unique and the one from Nansha. It’s not that good. Now we have started to have food. After we left the market, we slowly continued to the east side of the guild. After passing through the food court where my wife was just waiting, we started to enter the food recommendation and continued on for a short distance of about 500-600 meters. There are many good restaurants along the way. Let me talk to you slowly and tell you what kind of road Longjin Road is . Especially on the east side, Longjin Road mainly has Cantonese restaurants . If you want snacks , you don’t come to Longjin. Is there any road talk? No , but it is similar to other old towns in Guangzhou . Is there an old-fashioned shape? But the most exciting thing about Longjin Road is actually the Cantonese restaurants rather than snacks. We will recommend this to everyone . As for going to the West Hua Lu, of course, talks about some snacks such as rice rolls and various kinds of rice rolls. These are the carmines I just talked about. These are not the most beautiful ones. They cost 13 yuan per pound. They smell very fragrant while standing next to them. After watching the carmines, I started to understand them. The first food recommendation is the chicken specialty store opposite because we all like it and have been there twice. The most exciting thing is the soup. The soup there is really good. After we finished the trick, it cost more than 30 yuan for a tripod. Yes , if two people go there, we often don’t dare to call . Why does my wife force me to drink all the soup until I’m full of water ? But it’s delicious, especially in winter. It’s better. The food next to it is very good . But we rarely try it. You already know how good it is when you see it says 1997. Chan Kee Tian Tian Shao Wei is a little further ahead and Zhu Sheng Noodles are good , but the names are not too loud . It’s just that these few are already very good and they are bussed in the middle. There is a bakery that is covered up, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore. If you go to Zhujiang New Town, you wo n’t be able to find these . Then there is also the Rice Roll Rice Roll. Don’t look at the sign. It’s so new . In fact, it has a very traditional taste inside. The Rice Roll Rice Ball is not suitable. There is also Taiye Chicken next to it. It should be the one on Wenming Road. This is one of the branches . It is a smoked pork rib and smoked chicken shop. There are not enough shops for tea. There is Dot Dot next to it. You can see that there are so many in this business. Good food, right? I can’t count them all on five fingers. If those over there are not suitable because you want to sit down and enjoy it slowly and don’t like eating chickens. For some reason, you like eating squabs. We met a guy in Daoxuan in front of us when we last came to Longjin Road. The audience from the United States said that he really wanted to try this restaurant. It was inside the former Golden Dragon Boat because it was renovated for about five years. The environment is very good. As for whether the taste is amazing, I can't tell you, but it's not bad. But the price is its biggest advantage. There are many old neighbors who eat here. Even the old neighbors who live on nearby Longjin Road have gone to Bawei in the morning and there is no profit left? I don’t know if there should be any discounts. It’s usually like this. Those restaurants offer discounts on one dish to attract us Guangzhou people who think they are very smart. They have one dish for discounts and order two dishes without discounts. I’ve eaten in its electric cooker. The chickens are all good, but the small problem is that if we want to eat tonight, assuming that we may not have a table if we go up now, we have to wait for a table. It is from Baishan... Roast goose 328. The chicken at Baishan has roasted pig 438. Is there any electric pot squab? ? Of course there is an electric pot of squab that used to sell for 28, but even now it’s not too expensive and it’s delicious. The taste of things varies from person to person , but when it comes to comfort and proximity, I would recommend this one. The lighting is brighter, the location is more spacious, and it won't be too tight. After passing the road in front of you, Kangwang Road, continue forward. There are two Michelin restaurants in front and one... Jiang Chuang Dai shop and the one we want to eat at tonight... What's the name of that one? I forgot the person's name again. What's the glory? Ronghua Building is Ronghua Building. When you hear the name of the building, you will know that those restaurants did not appear just in the past two years. They used to be called what buildings and residences . Those are the oldest ones, such as Lianxiang Building and Taotaoju. Identify the specific locations . Go straight ahead on this road for about fifteen minutes and you will reach Zhongshan 7th Road , which is the Chen Clan Ancestral Station. If you like, you can walk there to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall and admire the Lingnan art buildings, and then come back to find good things. First of all, the first recommendation for eating is Liuji opposite Changfenpu. A little further on, the casserole porridge and Chaoshan casserole porridge and fried chicken are also very good , but they are a bit salty and have a little bit of MSG. But it’s the kind of food that makes you happy. That’s right. Next to the Xinjiang Afanti Xinjiang mutton skewers is the Yunteng casserole porridge. A little further on, right next to it is Tang’s Food. If I remember correctly, it is also a rice with a Michelin title. Zhilian was selected as a restaurant. If we go there later and there is no seat, we may come to Tang’s for dinner. I don’t know if there is a seat. I also asked the audience if this is good. I haven’t tried it before. I don’t know. They all said it is not the best . In this way, if you have a chance, you can try it if you have high requirements for rice rolls. This is Quanji rice rolls. Do you think these are not famous enough or exciting enough? Next to Tang's Food, there is also Chaoji Claypot Rice . This is one of the branches. The main store is not here. The previous branch was near the Ximenkou subway station. Now we have moved here to sit more comfortably. The key point is that next to it, everyone, look at this location. There is Shawan ginger bumping milk. Shawan ginger buried milk is traditional and authentic. It must be written as ginger. Those of us who are buried in milk are not authentic and only talk about Jiang Bang Nai. This is good. If you have a chance, you can come back and try it . In addition to the restaurants I recommended before, the last one is Ronghua Building where we are going to eat tonight and the one opposite it. Oops, I forgot again. The main store of Xiangqun Restaurant is called Jiayue Restaurant. They all look good. You can tell at a glance that this is the favorite food of the local neighbors. You can also try Longjin Road. There are many delicious restaurants. This restaurant is newly opened in the city. Yes, they are all local flavors of Guangzhou. The Ronghua Building is very lively and there are people listening to music. They are also singing very well. When we came upstairs, we just came for dinner. The singing used to be on this floor. Now it has been moved downstairs . I came here very early to eat during tea time. It turns out there is Lavande right opposite. Let me check the price. It’s this. You really can’t guess how much it is. Tonight, 313 has no window. 313 or if there is breakfast, it’s 339. It’s reasonable. Go to the subway station. Recently, Longjin Road has become more convenient . It’s dazzling to read the menu. It was founded in the second year of Guangxu. Guangxu was only two years ago. It was very powerful in 1876 , the second year of Guangxu’s reign. I don’t know how many years there are in 1876. You viewers can calculate by yourself. Eat some traditional food here. The thing that stirs the intestines is the crispy large intestine 58 , which I don’t dare to eat. It should be very delicious. Secondly, it is a pity that the squab has been discontinued. How can there be no chicken in Guangzhou? A half-cut chicken is 55 yuan. If you come back to the chicken, there will definitely be many ways to make this. It’s called Lingnan roasted salt-baked shredded chicken. I want half of the salt-baked shredded chicken for 60 yuan. You can put it in a shopping bag or chicken with scallion oil . If you don’t like chicken that’s too raw, you can choose between shredded chicken with scallion oil. There are also all kinds of barbecued pork, boneless pork knuckles, and pork neck. Most prices are the most expensive. For example, this is the most expensive 68 barbecued pork double combo 68. There is also pork belly with sand ginger. Even if you like to eat fish skin , there is also this fish skin. There are also squids. I remember that the last time I came here, it seemed that it had not been renovated. It seems that it has been renovated now. The third floor is Cantonese opera. Now it has become the second floor Cantonese opera. I said at the beginning of the video that this environment is good. Now everyone has seen it, absolutely. It’s unusual and beautiful. A lot of Ronghua Xiaochaohuang 48. Fatty beef and goose intestines in roasted sauce . This is awesome and filling. 48. Pineapple and Sour Pork. 45. Do you want to try this? I also want to try this, especially now that the weather is hot. The weather is hot and the food is delicious. If you are afraid of fat, just juice pork chop. The American audience will definitely smile knowingly when they see it. Or stir-fried beef with lotus root and stir-fried beef with lotus root, etc. I like the five-tenderloin eggs that are good in summer. There are also various kinds of fried seabass, followed by side dishes. Most of the prices are more than 50 yuan. You can have tilapia with scallion oil or steamed California seabass. There are many choices. Not only that, I don’t want it. Let’s read the back because there is this one, but there are no pictures. Let’s take a look at the prices. I won’t read them one by one . Let’s take a look. The most expensive ones are typhoon shelter hand-grilled bones 68, only cowboy ribs 68, the cheapest stew soup 23 , this is steamed fish. This is what I think of the dishes that should be eaten in summer. The first dish is of course the white-cut chicken . The price I just told you is 55 yuan. The most traditional way to eat it is white -cut chicken. If you like it, you can also shred it by hand. It can also be shredded and baked with salt. It is fully cooked and mixed with... It is also a little bit red, but it is not very red and is red to the point of bleeding, as if you just hurt your finger. Of course, I dip it in the ginger and scallion first, and the ginger and scallion is very big. The plate is very decent. Look here, it doesn’t have a lot of subcutaneous fat. It makes sense to eat plain-cut chicken. I thought about it... I haven’t eaten shredded chicken for a long time , but I thought of course, try plain-cut chicken. Just now I ate a piece of plain-cut chicken. There are several requirements for cutting the chicken. The first one is not to cut it into such big pieces. It can be put into the whole piece . It is the customer's business to do so. It must not be so big as in a fast food restaurant. The second one is that the skin must be crisp enough. This is also the largest piece of chicken that can be made. Even if it is not dipped in ginger and scallion, it still has flavor but is not too fishy . Of course, it is dipped in ginger and scallion. It is delicious. It is very delicious . Look at the ginger and scallion and it will be cooked beautifully. Now it will be done. Chop the ginger into pieces. In the past, when I was a kid, I ate white-cut chicken. Some chefs would choose only white scallions to mix the ginger and scallions into the dish. There are different ways to do it . Now most of them use this method. The skin is smooth and the meat is smooth . The chicken is pretty and boney and hard enough . I think the delicious white-cut chicken is just like this. It 's really good. Half a piece is 50 yuan. The other two dishes are served with chicken. I only ate two pieces because we came early enough. This is Yi noodles for 28 yuan. This one is 28 yuan. Stir-fried Beef with Bamboo Shoot Tips 45 I thought about using five slices of egg with sweet and sour bones. He said that sweet and sour pork is not called sweet and sour bone. It is the traditional way. There is a piece of fat in it. I thought about it but it is not good. In fact, the traditional way of making it is to eat it. Try this, I can already smell the aroma. It is freshly fried and has a strong wok smell. It is very good to eat bamboo shoots at this time. The bamboo shoots are different and the tips are pickled. You must try it. The bamboo shoots are not pickled, but they are whole. The bamboo shoots only eat the tender parts in the middle. It won't work even if it's hard. This one is both crispy and very tender. Only the tender parts are selected and added with beef. This is not a big bamboo shoot, it's a long one , or it's a broken asparagus. no? Its name seems to be asparagus, but it is not the kind of small bamboo shoots we eat with beef. It is available in spring this season of the year. If it is later, it will be gone, because the bamboo will grow to be very big. It is not good for one tree. I ate it and praised the beef. It was very tasty. It was not the kind that was heavily marinated. It was lightly marinated because I don’t like this kind of meat . But it didn’t look like it was soaked in formalin. It feels good and delicious. This is the season of the year because the tips of bamboo shoots are edible in summer. They are just pickled. How can we eat spring bamboo shoots in summer ? Spring bamboo shoots are often edible, but if they are bamboo shoots... they are only edible in spring. I tried bamboo shoots and I tried boiled chicken. Will my favorite part be rough? I don’t know what it tastes like when dipping chicken breasts in soy sauce. This piece of chicken breast is also good. I tried these just now. Only I can eat them. It’s not chewy, has no meaty texture, and is rough. It’s not the kind of quick-cooked chicken. I’ll try dipping it in this one . Soy sauce has more of a flavor like Zhanjiang chicken, with a hint of sand ginger. Try dipping it with some ginger and scallions. Choose a suitable time to come and eat some traditional Cantonese dishes with old neighbors. Sitting in these century-old teahouses, if they are acquired by those big groups There is no such price. At least 20 yuan more for these four words in the second year of Guangxu's reign will be better. With the acquisition of a large group, it is easy to have many pre-made ones to try . I ate this one and the one next to it has the same crispy skin as I just mentioned . The most admirable thing about the chicken is that the skin is very crispy. There is another thing that everyone should pay attention to. We Guangzhou people have been eating for so many years. In fact, I can accept it if it is a little worse . But as a tourist, I feel that it is very close to the limit. But we are suitable for this. The chicken chef grasps the critical point of ripeness very well, and it takes a lot of effort to pour it out slowly. Everything must be coordinated well so that it is overcooked but not too raw, and it seems like there is a little too much water and ginger. All kinds of green onions can only be eaten in old-style Cantonese restaurants of different sizes , and the price is not too expensive. It is cheap and beautiful. The chicken is also good to watch. Some tourists go to eat provincial food when they come to Guangzhou to eat provincial food. Then don’t come to Guangzhou. Come to Guangzhou. These tourists from other provinces must eat. I think the most popular food is rice rolls and tea. They don’t know how to eat and drink tea. They will accept it , but they don’t know how to find these places. Next, let’s try Yimian and return to Longjin Road, of course. Eat Yi Noodles because the most famous Yi Noodles are not far from here. Do you want to get the goods there? I don't know but it's not too bad. What is Yi Mian? After the fried noodles, the egg noodles and the Yifu noodles are particularly juicy after being fried . And because they are quite tough, I am not very good at chopsticks. On the birthday of an old man , because it is not so easy to pinch off, the old man doesn’t like it, so birthdays are usually There is always a Yi Noodle that has gradually disappeared for a while. Kin Kee has started to make it and more restaurants are making it. However, I have eaten it recently and there is a better one called Kin Kee . On the other hand, I went back to my hometown to go to Huadu . The next time I went back to Paishan, I went to a restaurant and ate the noodles. The noodles were very well done , but these noodles are not bad. I just bought the noodles. I usually don’t make them myself, but when I make noodles, they will be deep-fried, so they can easily absorb the juice . This tastes good. The sauce is smooth and not as salty as what I had last time. The shredded pork and chives are also very important. It tastes delicious because they are all soft and the texture is not good. It feels a bit like the instant noodles we eat. The inspiration for instant noodles also comes from its fried feeling, which is very good. Let’s talk about transportation routes. As mentioned just now, if we want to return to the Chen Clan Ancestral Temple subway station, we have to go here, this circle, here, you can see this distance. Secondly, if you want to go to the Ximen Subway Station, you have to go here. The two places are almost the same. Instead, there is the Hualin Temple Subway Station . We try to go to the Hualin Temple Subway Station and it is Line 8. At the same time, if you want to go up and down, please 9. This is the best direction to meet the guilds, and you can also go to Xinghualin Temple. It’s great. Can we take everyone down after we eat slowly ? We were full and finally settled for 138 yuan. Not only is it a good deal, but also half a catty of chicken is given as a gift. The cake is amazing . It should be a purchase of 100 yuan or more. Or the cashier sister saw that my handsome boy may have both. Let's change the chicken cake to see if there is any cake. My wife said that if it is a thin kind, she will change it if it is a thick kind. Let’s see if it has anything else. Is this the kind of chicken pancake we like to eat? It’s very hot and there are many traditional snacks. My favorite is the preserved egg puff pastry and the salted egg puff pastry. I both like it baked. How beautiful it is, and it feels so juicy when you bite it. There is also this wife cake and this chicken cake. They were given to us as a gift for 28 yuan a pound . There are also some very traditional sugar-free cakes for 16 yuan a box or these homemade cakes. The homemade breads are all available, including Chinese-style CupCake festive cakes for 2 yuan a piece and these very traditional mazai for 18 yuan a pound. This one is delicious and traditional enough for 11 yuan a box. There are also banana cakes that make you full at the restaurant. Ronghua Building 1876 here is very good. If you go in this direction, you can go to Huifu East Road. As for us, we will go back in this direction. It is a good choice to listen to Cantonese opera food and nostalgic Cantonese food here . If you have enough appetite, you can also go to Xie We couldn't stop eating the ginger and milk . There is also a newly opened Zhanjiang Chicken across the street. Usually we call it this because we have this Zhanjiang Chicken downstairs called Sweet Haoran. There are also people listening to music right opposite. It seems to be here. There's durian chicken in golden soup. I don't know how much it costs. It must be delicious. It's also very exaggerated. Now when I'm eating, Quanji rice rolls were just taking a break. Now there are customers coming to eat rice rolls or crispy roasted meat to buy vegetables and cut ingredients. Home Children like fried chicken very much. There are also many arcades here. Just keep going forward and turn left. You can go to Kin Kee to eat Yi noodles. I just said that Yi noodles can be eaten at Kin Kee. It’s not surprising at all. The bicycle passed by and we arrived in a while. We came to Kangwang Road again. It’s time to get off work. What’s there? If you keep going forward, you can go to the Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Area in about 15 minutes , which is exactly where Liwan Square is. If you are very interested in jewelry and jade, go a little further. There will also be a street selling jade. Come back to my right. One of the roads in Guangzhou that no longer has a very old status is called Daihe Road. It used to be here, but it disappeared because of the construction of Kangwang Road. Next time, there is a big one diagonally opposite. The food stall with a great name is called Jinqiu Food Stall. It used to be Shahe Noodle Village. Only those of us who are old in Guangzhou can remember it. We even talked about Jinqiu Food Stall and asked people to go there to eat. Didn’t you know Brother Nan talked about Shahe Noodle Village? He would know it if he was there. I want to go to Shangxiajiu here. Like just now, we finished eating Cantonese food and walked over slowly. OK, OK, OK here. The weather is hot. It’s better not to be like now. The sun won’t be too hard. I also saw how much it costs to get a haircut. It’s 25 yuan per person . Some are 15. These Yuan ones may look better. Let’s take a look at these stores. Hong Kong viewers should not have this problem . You can get a phone card from Alipay. But if you use phone cards when you come back and are not from Hong Kong, you can come to the business office and explain it clearly to him. It will be short-term. I don't want a long-term plan, so there will definitely be a package for you, because if you use it for a long time, it's average, but if you use it for a short time, in fact, China Unicom's Internet package traffic is data, which is the most cost-effective. Including myself, I am currently using one of China Unicom's phone cards to access the Internet. The traffic is great value for money. In addition to the Hualin Temple subway station that we just visited but did not go to, there are three subway stations nearby. We went to the Chen Clan Ancestral Subway Station and walked all the way to the Ximen Subway Station. We went to the Chen Clan Ancestral Subway Station, which we are most familiar with , because there is Line 8 there. Of course, the Hualin Temple Subway Station is both Line 8. Here we saw Chengguanghui. Chengguanghui is also a shopping mall with many delicious food. We went there before and took everyone there. I went to take a look and this is where I saw a place with Chinese desserts, that is, sugar water. In front of it is a shop that sells Likoufu or egg tarts. Everyone saw a place diagonally opposite with many lights. It was so close to the square where I was waiting for my wife just now. There is something to eat here. If you feel that it is not suitable for eating there, you can come here. Chengguanghui is very convenient. There is also a fish spot above and everything is available. There is also tea. There used to be one called Carrefour , but it has closed down now. There is also Naixue. There are tea, Starbucks , and Chow Tai Fook selling gold and mobile phones. Before leaving, you can also go to another refreshment shop that we usually go to. Isn’t it fun? The nearby Chen Clan Ancestral Temple subway station is very convenient. Here is the video of this episode. It’s over and it’s time for us to go back. We’ll take the subway there and it’ll take about twenty minutes. See you in the next episode. Bye. Help share this video with your friends or give me a like. Remember, I really need your support. See you in the next episode. Bye.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 32,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 美食, 旅遊, 酒樓, 榮華樓, 雞, 白切雞, 龍津路, 樓價, 老城區, 牛肉, 伊麵, 龍津東路, food tourism, china tour blog, china tour vlog, china tourist, vlog china, vlog study, vlog bgm, cantonese food, chinese food tour, china touring
Id: mxAUA_P8Eg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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