專攻資安的白帽駭客帶你看懂:暗網是什麼?駭客也分黑白兩道?|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
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Channel: GQ Taiwan
Views: 115,803
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Keywords: 5 levels, 5級機器學習, basic, c#, c++, cne-intl, computer science, computer scientist, explanation machine learning, gq, gqtaiwan, hacker, hidden door, html, innovation, java, java script, machine learned, machine learning, machine learning explained, machine learning wired, machine learning youtube, ott 5 levels, php, python, science u0026 tech, science u0026 technology, 交大, 交大資管, 創新, 台大資工, 台科大資管, 機器學習, 機器學習 youtube, 清大, 白帽, 白帽駭客, 程式設計, 程式設計師, 程式語言, 解釋機器學習, 計算機科學, 計算機科學家, 資管, 電腦程式設計, 電腦程式設計丙級, 電腦程式設計乙級, 電腦駭客, 駭客, 駭客任務
Id: qnAbsuNW1Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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