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[Music] um right now I'm looking for orders for my YouTube channel and I have about 40 P of them on YouTube and what I do is I get foreigners to eat Japanese food and take their reaction it's like a little chat you know know each other culture a little bit like that I'm like so in for this but we just ate dinner no I mean it doesn't have to be today that's the thing oh I do this full time oh really and you don't have to be F and we take people like great great great to hear so we are drinking red wine red wies we're having a bottle so in Japan uh before we eat we there's a word that we say it's kind of like same Grace but um it's called itas yes exactly in school they taught us this they taught it to remember it they said just think eat a duck and mouse oh what are you do mouse a duck and mouse duck what does it mean it's like good health or like uh it's actually thinking the chef taking the food like it's kind of like thank youing like like gratitude gratitude yeah do you have to say itadaki Mas every time or just at the beginning just in the beginning notes [Laughter] question remembering it I am duck M yeah yeah you can use that when you take yeah exactly yeah I could that's to me good okay let's get into this let's do it just going to have it on its own first so much flavor there's honestly so much flavor in that yeah it's good I don't want to put anything on it yeah right I had it on its own just like you you said and I was like yep I probably don't eat anything and I don't want to like ruin it because it's just so good on its own mhm I may have just entered Heaven I have arrived you have arrived I have arrived that is so tasty I mean it's fatty but it is that is like so flavorful yes every butt is like a punch it's like actually I take my time with this [Laughter] one I'm usually eat very yes you want to this deserves more I think that's the best food I've ever eaten in my entire life really yep it's that it's that it's that good it is that good if I ever commit a crime and I'm on death row a12 that's my last meal You2 I reckon you want something like this maybe at a minimum like this is the best thing I've ever I've ever put in my mouth in my entire life but I'm telling you that's my last meal that's my last request not that I would commit a crime you know if death row was the only way for me to eat this again I would commit a crime commit a crime oh it's that good that's another way to put it yeah that's right actually yeah I would literally do anything yeah yeah that's that's that's really funny I'm never brushing my teeth again pleas please do please do please do please do yeah it's wagu or nothing now wagu or nothing mhm that was the best red me I've ever had my that's the best red just hands down that's the best red I've ever had my I'm glad how was uh today's meal like fantastic fantastic 11 out of 10 11 out of 10 11 out of honestly like I wa remember I told you on the way here I had to wag you steak yes had you though but had you no like this honestly like it's an experience you know that's good and good company and good company too like we're like really grateful for this I me we are grateful too so Flav without being like overpowering texture and the mouth feel is really good it was a sensory experience so thank you very much well thank you very much for you know coming out really making your time for us thank you yeah it was it was really really nice yeah and it was fun talking to you guys and you know watching your reaction too [Laughter] [Music] so hi hello hello here h oh my God this is killing thanks oh was it uh was it e not t yeah I think it was the on the face that we yeah it was it was be that didn't sorry oh that's delicious that's Miss look at this [Laughter] me on the real that's really good what source did you got I don't know this what you call it that's that's yeah right and you're talking you're talking about the Miso [Laughter] soup that's the best pork up ever had yeah yeah yeah I'm goad been actually m is pretty good that is sorry Co yeah yeah yeah that's also really been try sauce and I love that mustard scum good good that's good sauce the brown one it's really do you want to try one of these ones there yeah I'll swap you I think yeah like for look at that I'll right oh my gosh that is in hero awesome yeah this is great love which one do you go to F yeah hello the night the vi BR with the meat I feel like everything's going to be good with this me oh my god really really going try that oh yeah is this bis or is it har yeah you can put on top of grass too and then he y me that I'm really have too much to say I'm enjoying this too much sorry this beats all of the like say just tripping out I'm just tripping out me like bright orange it doesn't taste like oh really tastes like a mandar give SE SE SP orange yeah holy I can smell the Citrus all the way here wa G on no no wait wait for the wait wait for it you get the orange wait for it what donkey k [Laughter] [Music] I know it's as in like as in taking it somewhere or just yeah right it'll take about an hour and a half right okay and it doesn't have to be today right looks good back for the team round two round two they'll cut all the uh that looks amazing you want to take pictures take pictures this is for three and this is for one huge it's huge this is for [Laughter] one yeah you can hold a dish too oh my God that sauce is really good load me up here you go another wow that's incredible kind like I supp it isame that's a seed a SE yeah so it's very peanut buttery it's nice and sweet yeah nice good good Wow Let's see I got to try I got I got to try and see if the hype is real go stay it's good huh get that [Laughter] reaction that was good that's good I'll try that's a yeah this one is a red meat yeah so this is Sirin this is red meat so you do same thing though yeah same thing yeah so now you have suak and Shabu Shabu which one do you like better um so far I'm kind of sticking to this loveu and then do you change the sauce or like you you change the sauce yeah if feel like yeah yeah one's oh my God I used the wrong [Laughter] CH it's fine it's it's beef oh man this is so good it's probably going to be gone in like really quick better try this with the yeah let's see what the pon and sauce like that just like melt in your mouth sorry the meat the meat yeah just like melt in your mouth that's incredible that makes abolutely incredible I think I like this may just different I what me yeah I like yeah probably you don't get this at all you can eat you near did it you near did it wait Did you actually do it or I did it there you go she can't she can't say it's just me then I can eat just forever I know it's like it could just be never end it's just going down so smooth so I have like it just doesn't get out does it no every mouth is as good as a l M yeah have made veggies I haven't seen you had any veggies yet we haven't had any well you had some I had some mushroom mhm so out of all the uh Japanese food that you had what was your favorite well this is pretty close to it now oh yeah this is pretty close to it now yeah um I don't think I've had me that's that good yet so ooh in terms of like like red meat meat I think this is this is be number one let's see the reaction have you ever been on your own channel you should you should have you should have done it on the first one have you ever been have you ever been on your own channel no I have not just pretend like cut you're going to cut this bit out [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] nowes [Music] okay so it's two different parts wow you can try feel like that yeah this one's a f Co so you can put one on [Music] [Music] what did you put any sauce to it no I don't know I did a little bit of the I'm just going to take a while guess I don't remember if this is spicy or not but I want to ro [Music] spicy that bit of f is probably the nicest bit of pork i' ever put in my mouth yeah oh my God that's incredible that's crazy [Music] that's [Applause] [Music] good lost for [Music] words what you have treated us today holy C nothing's going to taste good at home no like wow I want to try this [Music] the only time I ate pork at home is like pork um what is it called the ones with bone on it I think yeah pork ribs yeah but it's so hard to eat it's like not enjoyable this is like amazing I'm glad W my God so that's insane you're going to have to try the sauce let's have the spicy sauce at the same time can we we say house about te that looks delicious you ready yeah oh that looks that looks good [ __ ] on on the right on the right yeah you have to fully dunk it as well that's a lot of spicy salt spy salt not spicy this not spicy [Music] you've just dunked yours oh I have as well oh no it's swimming in it it's a little bit sossy but yeah that's actually good this is where do I want to put it let's do it in the spicy one this is like some of the best food I've ever tried wow oh my gosh m I can say why you said come hungry yeah come hungry yeah yeah another one of your be yeah okay it was just [ __ ] delicious pick it up this is so nice [ __ ] right now I'm looking for corers for my YouTube channel and uh I saw you guys guys were I assume you guys are like YouTube yeah yeah so I'm looking for foreigners YouTube channel and what I do is I get foreigners eat Japanese food and then take their reaction okay you know have a little chitchat get to know each other like that have you done that before like no no we haven't I'm kind of realizing that Sushi is an airport like in here you really get to appreciate it so much more than you do even in the state I mean have nice Sushi restur bake so soy sauce is already on it so we can just go right ahead with your hands and feat it oh with your man are you happy I love that I love that and then one bite I was about to say do you do one okay horse mackerel horse macro oh my God oh my God sh I can die have happy man all it took one Piece One Piece we're just starting it literally oh my gosh melt in your mouth the rice is amazing M and it's just the perfect I mean Perfect Touch of soy the the fish literally melts in your mouth absolutely amazing yeah that is delicious eating art today oh yeah you can name it so this's just s it okay probably see [Music] it have a on it it's like perfect amount of everything yeah I see why they don't give you any extra cuz thought they've already prepared it perfectly absolutely perfect to the and the fish was so fresh like they're just not none of that fishy you know flavor like so this is seared Barracuda never had Barracuda before I can say for a fact never had this one's the ver it I've seen them swimming in the ocean with me I'm excited to eat them now cuz they always look like they're going to eat you that's a fact this is to you bar here we go [Music] Bara there right who knew that they were that delicious a little bit of a smokiness on that one yeah serious am so you're ad just a touch the tiniest bit of smoke on that front end I'm so glad that they will give you the soy sa I feel like I BW it I really would you're glad I am glad that there was a nice fattiness to that face too right there's a just just enough it doesn't coat your mouth but you still feel the fat a little bit in your mouth after that's nice oh my gosh I M sweet CRA o give it a go oh wow and so sweet compared to what I was expecting one sweet Pro next up we're having red [Music] tuna amazing I'm in heaven I to die is what name say has nice see nothing yeah again just melts in your mouth right so so it's going to be Snapper oh Snapper will be another type of okay we go okay I like that yes it's a lighter flavor this it's got more of a bite to it and some of the other fish not in a bad way at all very delicious yeah and then that Wasabi punches you right here me Doo it gotting pretty good Ki I'm not crying over here I and getting a little emotional but you know because the food is good D the food is I'm starting to tear up over here the food's so good you know another this back off so this is conero cono cono coner never had eel okay here we go eel he's so nervous oh man nice oh wow that's a dener some Fish N dense isn't the right word I know it's fluffier fluffy it's like a fluffier texture than like a a tuna is or the thre but it like falls apart in your mouth rather than melts in your mouth and it was enjoyable it took me by surprise it was warm yeah that was nice price is a bit cool mhm just a touch of like the sea ocean fish taste to it which was really nice I like eel now Qui eel sea urchin Barracuda this is my mind is it was amazing 20 out of 10 [Laughter] [Music] nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you you nice to meet you i'mi hi JT JT JT okay nice meet you it's garlic garlic that one is onion Japanese ginger and green onions can you just dip it in the soy sauce and eat it yep okay I'm glad you're going to have this on video cuz this is this is cool yeah horse meat yeah horse meat first time eating horse meat first time go I don't think I've ever seen it in real life yeah [Music] no it is so soft it's like melt in your mouth yeah ooh don't tell your mom I said this but horse meat is good why her mom loves horses yeah your mom's going to see this and be like I mean my mom likes chickens and she eats chicken that's true the horse is a little different it is it's a it's a big not what I was expecting yeah you're going to go back home and then see horses differ now like I want to eat you this is called it's a lot thinner than the udon we're used to yes it's thinner we go to like mugud a lot so that's like our extent of knowledge of udon mam is good de that's a big step up from Mami it's like similar taste but a lot stronger right uhhuh I'll try the [Music] G it is powerful yeah right have a good powerful [Music] [Music] engl is boy me not me you you are wife read B beautiful yes yes she is very beautiful hey take picture with me yes you want me to take picture yes please yeah okay three two one wait wait thank you coming to Japan [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and what I do get and reaction okay you don't have to food this very much feels like traditional Japan like what it should feel like so yeah this is the first time I'm actually getting culture shock here being in this place yeah I've never sat any cuz I've saying rooms like the son th and Gintama because I'm a bit wow that's for three people and that's all beef that's for three people that that's so much you could fade a couple families with that's crazy Hi and then there's going to be vegetables that goes with it too oh great are ready all oh oh that's what the egg oh wow you ready ready mhm all right and then you can really dip it in like yeah get that is sick I a little bit of shock I'm not even going to lie get that egg going with the meat need to record this I I can't believe I'm eating raw egg right now putting the cooks me meat into it I've never like oh oh okay what's the taste what's the taste oh my God it's so juicy do you have it all in one bite yeah you going to take it oh no I just took a little video of like the the egg actually you can taste it yeah but actually good it's it's more smooth that way oh I'm interested pleas this oh my God it melts in your mouth oh that's an interesting [Music] Li spe a little bit drunk there no it's not the drunk it's like I'm not even feeling the alcohol this tap like the food's overpowering it's just so [Music] good so delicious that's so melt in your mouth if I could pick a final meal is this we die tonight I wonder if they could actually you know how you go on death row and you get final meal I you get this kind of you know the um the UK couple and the so what he said is exactly that when he was on a death throw he said he would have wagu beef last meal so we're all thinking this IDE I have the whole set I'm studying to um become a psychologist I think from now on like the therapy you're just going to consist this kind of food and you'll be having e prescription is prescription wag so what I want you to do I want you to grab a fly from Japan find these fers spend all your money on vag you'll be happy it'll be worth it [Music] I have a YouTube channel and I'm my YouTube channel and what are you doing I get forigners to eat Japanese food and then take their reaction okay get a little bit Yeah Co have you had a tongue before no that's know doesn't know I'll I'll try it you'll try it I'll try it I'll I'll try anything once look at it and try try I have pet cows at home so I just think of my pet cows you eat be I know still their names are Bruce and Bruce and Arthur that's one of my [Laughter] drinking fast he drinks fast too but really yeah like can't lose can't lose trust me I know three Wings together I hate losing can't lose it's like another I think I think that's the quickest out of all the people that I've done reactions with oh no I guess I win you win she's Qui I was just trying to Wi he even said he lost yeah so this is Tong okay the one on the further side yeah and the one in the middle is a filet you're probably familiar with yeah this is a fet you can have it on its own and then second round you can holy [ __ ] oh sorry that's okay my f good I think it's probably the best [ __ ] in my MTH look how juicy it is yeah very we can't go back we go back to no this one's my favorite of all time yeah I guess it is more common it's so juicy very juicy what did you say this one like the muscle yes it's outside skirt right here oh yeah oh here it is I'm going try it with more get I really like it yeah I thought it was going to be chewy cuz it was like cuz it's like a MH I assumed it would be Che yeah but it's not it's like it has like a similar texture to the tongue but it's likeor I really feel yeah yum thank you this is so good yeah is really good this is my favorite I think yeah even more than filet I don't know I really like it's a close but it is a close it's a very close po what would you like to try next do I have sparkling sparkling I not sparkling one they do have a bottle Bott they only have it in a bottle oh no put him with the he said he'll drink througho okay okay all right delicious thank you so much K oh that's good I just love bu so this is part of ribs it's a good part of really yeah take the get the bubbles with the bubbles with the bubbles with the bubbles so this one you eat it with this sauce this one here like first go or buy itself on its own oh you can you can dip it in already yeah oh my God what the hell oh my D I take them out oh my God what the hell that's good it's so good it's hly better than be in Australia oh yeah we can't go back can't go back [Music] it's it's liquid so I won't stitch you up that's the best R had this entire time I want a crispy hang on oh my God can you wait the Chopstick oh my Lord I'm trying holy [ __ ] oh my that is the best that is so good it's like spicy yet so fluffy I haven't got spicy yet no I think it's a bit spicy it's the pepper oh my God the what would you like to drink I surprise me as well yeah yeah yeah if it's strong strong I'll drink it
Channel: 外国人が食べてみた 〜外国人と日本食飲み会バラエティ〜
Views: 57,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #外国人, #海外の反応, #Youは何しに日本へ, #世界くらべてみたら, #和食, #外国人の反応
Id: KfbAhBqC5Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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