女孩進顧府當丫鬟,第一天就慘遭高冷少爺故意刁難 🍿 Chinese Television Dramas | 楊志雯 葉盛佳

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Ready... Go! To be a maid here, you must be strong and healthy. And work quickly. Good looking is required. Never annoy the madam and the young masters! This one looks promising. Take this plate. (Ranked the first) Report to the butler. These are all the new maids. Please check. You can't see me. You can't see me. Raise your head. Young Master is talking to you. Young Master. I just catch a cold. I cough a lot. Sorry to disobey you. Don't get infected. It's you. You know her. I thought we stick to a high standard. Why is a filthy girl here? Mind your language! I ranked first in your tests! That's right. She's the first to get the plate. Neat and fast. Take the others away. I'm curious about her ability. Yes, Young Master. Come with me. That's a monster! Planting them before joss stick burns out. How's that possible? Whatever. For Brother A'Ye, I'll do it. Finally! It's done. I must report to Poker Face. He will be convinced. Ouch. Madam. Watch your step. Careful. Waner! Grandma, watch your step. Careful. What? Madam. I'm not her. Waner! It's you! You're back! Well, madam. Take a seat. - Sure. - Here. I'm not Waner. You're mistaken. Wait. Where are you going? Madam. I'll get a maid here. I'm in a hurry. See you! Waner! Young Master. It's all done! The stick has burnt out. Yuan He. Cast her out. Hold on, I finished it a while ago! I was held off! Let me explain! Go there! You can't do this! No one will expel Waner. Grandma. What brings you here? Grandma! You're finally here! Alas. Waner. It is you! Let me see. Grandma. I miss you badly. - What's going on? - No idea. Waner, I miss you, too. Alas. Are you doing well all these years? Em. Oh, my. Look at your face. So dirty. Yanxi. As her brother, you should take good care of her. Grandma. Waner was eager to get home. After the long journey, she hasn't get changed. Please take a rest. I'll guide her to you. - Yuan He. - Yes, sir. Lady Dowager. Please. Waner. Come and meet me as soon as you get changed. Sure, grandma! Hurry. What's that about? Come on. It's not my fault. Grandma insists on calling me Waner. She wouldn't let me go. Are you threatening me with her? Allow my stay. And I'll cheer her up. Although I don't know who Waner is, excited as Lady Dowager looks, she must be important to her. If her granddaughter disappears soon after she returns... what would she be like? Alas. (Gu's Mansion) Ready? How is it? The suit is fine. Hum. Clear out the maids in Grandma's room. Make sure no one sees her. Yes, sir. - Let's go. - Em. Remember your lines? Sure! - Yuan He. - Em. (Ciyun Hall) Yanxi. Grandma. Waner is here. Oh! - Waner. - Grandma. Here you are. Come and have a seat. Okay. Alas. Where have you been these years? Grandma. I can hardly remember my childhood. My parents said... they are not my birth parents. They adopted me and brought me up. As long as you're back. It all thanks to Brother Yanxi. He found me and brought me home. Thank you, Brother Yanxi. Don't bother. Grandma. Time for medicine. Here. Alas. I don't want it. It's bitter. Come on. I'll feed you. What a surprise! Poker Face has his tenderness. Here. This room? That's the last maid room. It's what it is. - Hey. - Yes? I'm Grandma's granddaughter. That means I'm a lady. It's not appropriate for a lady to live here. Well... As Young Master said, you're only required... to feed Lady Dowager medicine twice a day. For the rest of the time, you're a maid. And you shall carry out his orders. What? Any problem? Not at all. Sounds good. Your clothes. Take care. Perfect! I've worked hard for it. But... where is Brother A'Ye? Why hasn't Brother A'Ye showed up? Em? Here you are! That way. What... what a round moon! Bath in the moonlight. It's good for your body. Time to exercise. Recently, they patrol more often than before. You should be more careful. Stop jumping the wall. All right? Why would I? Young Master. It's midnight. What are you doing? I'm here to pick up wanderers. The truth is... many drunken men fall off to this place. It could be dangerous if they get hurt. In case of an emergency, I'm here to help them out. Find another job. What? Working in the daytime. Helping others at night. This job as a maid... doesn't deserve your energy. No. Please don't. I need money. I need to look after my ill brother. Brother? Right. Once he finds out... about his powerful and vicious sister, what would he think? Hum. I'll go! Hum. Grandma, this is the honey that you tasted yesterday. I've prepared a big jar for you. You can have some when taking medicine. Then it won't taste bitter. Thank you so much, Waner. Grandma. That's all I can do for you. What's wrong, Waner? After I go back home, I don't know when I can see you again. - Go home? - Right. Isn't here your home? I'm also reluctant to leave you. But my parents have been living with me for these years. And they miss me. I have to go back. After you going home, when will you come back? That... will depend on my parents. Take some desserts and money. Come back soon after living for several days. You're too thin. How about taking some cooks back with you? No need. Grandma. My parents are very kind to me. Though I usually eat stewed vegetables, my parents said that it was for tempering my will. Besides, stewed vegetables are very good to the skins. How ridiculous! How can they treat you like that? That's a misunderstanding, Grandma. My parents didn't treat me badly. They even found a good husband for me. He's very rich and influential, though he's about 50 years older than me. - 50 years older? - Yes. It's good that he's old. He'll be staid and mature to cope with such an energetic Waner. Right. That's exactly what my parents said. He's old enough to know how to love me. Nonsense. Is that what you should say as an elder brother? Waner is too young to be sensible. How can you also be so childish? Please don't blame brother. He was for my own good. Waner can't go back. Grandma. We've agreed on that when picking her up from her parents' place. It's so difficult to find my baby granddaughter. I can't just let you ruin her whole life. Though you don't care about her, she still has me. Please calm down, grandma. How about me talking with her adoptive parents? There's nothing more to talk about. Since Waner's back, she can't go to her parents' place again. You're right. Grandma. Why should I say to my parents? Your brother will deal with that. Thank you, brother. You're welcome. Good! My baby granddaughter. (Ciyun Hall) Young Master. I'll do my job then. I did underestimate you. Just some little tricks. Fine, I'll let you bring it into full play. Second Young Master. You've been on the same page for hours. By the way, about Big Brother's memory loss when he was little, have you heard about that? Yuan He talked about it once. It's said that after Madam passed away, Young Master was too sorrowful that he forgot everything happened before. Gradually no one talks about his amnesia. Big Brother gave me a jade pendant before his amnesia. Now I wears it everyday, hoping that when he sees it, he can remember things in his childhood. But I still can't understand... Is it related to your lack of concentration when reading? Never mind. You can go out. Yes. Big Brother has forgotten everything in his childhood. Why does this girl want to see him?
Channel: 爆米花劇場
Views: 2,105,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese television dramas, chinese drama eng sub, chinese drama, c-drama, romance, 中國電視劇, 電視劇, kiss, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, 中國電視劇2022, 吃瓜追偶像剧, k-drama, asian drama, 戀愛, chinese romance, top chinese drama, love chinese drama, chinese new drama 2021, eng sub, romantic comedies, croton media, 克頓傳媒, 大陸劇, Entertainment, Film, 华语电视剧, 爆米花剧场, 小鮮肉, 小奶狗, 華策, 最新, 言情, 魔幻, 韓劇, 古装, 独步天下, 少爷与我的罗曼史, A Love So Romantic, 杨志雯, 叶盛佳, 虞书欣, 赵天宇
Id: tb_CQeqacIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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