Movie!山村女孩機智救了一群姑娘,沒想到此舉竟改變了她一生的命運! #最新電影#古裝電影 #大陸電影 #職場電影

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My name is Lin Feng'er. My mother died when I was very young. My father was also killed three years ago. My wife was afraid that my enemies would harm me. She secretly took me to Lingshan Town and opened a pastry shop in the inn. Maybe you will say that I Life is hard, but I don’t think so, because I am luckier every day than before. I’m back in Lingshan Town. I’m wondering why it’s so quiet. Where have everyone gone? Master’s wife is playing the game of wooden figures again, is n’t it boring? I’ll steal your bag. Is this town good? Have all the corpses been cleaned up? Yes, this is the last room. The corpses. You three, hurry up. Brother Five, hurry up. Move all the corpses out and move quickly. How did the Third Master's Seven Typhoid Cold Ice Palms become this? If you hit someone with a palm, the body will freeze immediately. I mean, what a pity for this flower-like girl, this flower-like girl. Hurry up and work quickly. Move all the corpses. Have they been processed? Have they been processed? At midnight tomorrow, the three carriages and the Jin Yiwei all passed by Desheng Gate when they left the city. They did not check. What they showed was Eunuch Liu’s warrant. Let’s set off quickly. Little Fifth Brother, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, please don’t scare Feng’er, Master, please get up, Master, don’t be scared. Master Feng'er, Master, Feng'er is unfilial and cannot allow you to enjoy your old age, but Feng'er will definitely let you rest in peace. Please give my regards to the military master. I didn't know that the military master came and could not greet me from far away. Please take care of the military master and take care of the management here. Ma Zhuoyi is an old friend of mine. He asked him to come to see me. You may have made a mistake. My surname is Yang. He is my uncle. My uncle passed away a few months ago. My uncle went home to attend the funeral. My uncle asked us to come over and help the military master. We are new here and don’t know the rules. Please forgive me, military master. We are busy with official duties. We have brought our own dry food, so we will rest here for a while. You quickly feed the horses and eat them. We will set off immediately. Hurry up and get the best horse food, bring some water, and rest where you are. Take turns to be on guard. What's going on, big brother? They are so vigilant that they won't even eat a meal. The more careful they are, the more it shows the goods on this car. It's unusual. Remember, when you are feeding the horses, you can find an opportunity to loosen the wheels of their first carriage. By then, they won't be able to keep it even if they don't think about it. There is too much mud on the axle of the carriage, and the carriage cannot run fast. I wipe it. Just clean it and leave now. Do n't get angry. Leave now. Brother 4, it's done. But I seem to see a pair of embroidered shoes worn by women in the car. What are you thinking about women? Why are you so crazy? Let's start driving and it turns out to be I don’t know what happened to a group of women gathering all the girls to protect them. Brother, why are there women here? Should we rob them? I’m old and didn’t expect that they were actually a group of girls. We brothers have never seen them in this poor place before. Why have there been so many beauties popping up all of a sudden? I feel really itchy in my heart. Son, are you tired of living? Tell those brats ; A woman can’t hurt even a finger. It’s not a fixed wheel. The pin fell off, maybe it was caused by the bumps on the road. Is there a carriage repair shop in town? We need pins for the wheels. I will send someone to get a good horse hitch right now. Lao Wu, take someone to find Blacksmith Liu now. A good horse hitch will take the officer away. It will take some time to take care of the carriage. Sir, why don't you eat some simple meals? We have dry food and provide us with some drinking water. We have to hurry up as soon as possible. The officer will be here soon. Xue'er, where is this? Keep your voice down, sister, did you forget? Before we came, we were strictly forbidden to make any noise. Brother, there are many guards in Jinyi. It's too difficult for us to catch a living person. We can only outwit, prepare the sweat medicine, and tell all the brothers to listen. I smashed the bowl as a sign, so they can't let them succeed. I have to think of a way to inform Mr. Jinyiwei, please try our local herbal tea first. The repairman is here to try it. Come quickly, who dropped the bowl? What are you doing, my third brother? Three, kill one of them, Brother Xiaoman, what kind of trick is this? Shenlong swings his tail, Brother Xiaoman, help me, help me, sisters, don’t be afraid of me, Yan’er, who is very good at martial arts. Big brother, how can you hit a girl? Do you have any brothers or sisters at home? Are your parents still there? Did you make a mistake in talking about your relationship with the bandit? But it’s really bad for you to be a bandit. Not only will you not make any money, it will also make your parents very worried about you. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and gather there. Excuse me. What happened just now? A masked master. Do you know who he is? Then can you tell me the direction he went in the end? You can't speak, right? Sorry, this is Centipede. You can apply it on the wound to stop the bleeding. You've lost a lot. Is it okay to give you blood? Thank you for saving us just now. It doesn't matter. My name is Xue'er. What's your name? My name is Feng'er. Hello, my name is Yan'er. I'm very happy to meet you. But I still have to find someone, so I won't tell you more. Take care. Who are you looking for? Is that masked man with you just now? I'm not sure who you're talking about. We still have to drive a long way to the mountain. Why do n't you all hurry up and get in the army? Why do n't you get in the car? It ’s just that the people in this town don’t want to play with you anymore. I’m leaving first. Little girl, who made you unlucky? There are orders from above to silence all outsiders. Girl, in fact, the person you want to find is with us, but the identity is kept confidential. There is no one in Lingshan Town anymore. Come with me. Only our people have the ability to help you find the person you are looking for. I need to think about it. Feng'er is right. You ca n't find the person you are looking for with your current ability. Why don't you come with us? What kind of place is this? Yes, girls, welcome to Jiyuetai. It's so beautiful. Welcome to the Feiyun Palace of Jiyuetai. My name is Nightingale and I am the manager here. You will start a year here. I hope you can be as confident as them through this year's training. Is it true? Can we be as beautiful next year? Don't worry, we will definitely be more beautiful than them next year. Now everyone, come and get your room number. Jiyue platform means Looking for opportunities and rebirth r QJROB jMddHQjqO dfQOC Mr. Song, why are you here? Your Majesty, why are you here? Your Majesty, the matter you told me has been settled. Mr. Song, please get up. I have been very annoyed recently. Fortunately, you are here. Otherwise, you would have asked me to beat you up. No more beatings. Don't slap me in the face\\0 G Don't kick me in the crotch. I still have to pass on the family line. I'm so cruel, Your Majesty. You have to be careful. Don't slap me in the face. I'll beat you to death. I have to take action. Jyj/71 JVjIZ3 JWj/ tyln\ v iwg ivqg iyjny Feng'er, you are here too. This is so beautiful. Yes, since we will live together in the future, let's introduce ourselves. Okay, my name is Xueer. I live in Beijing. My father was an official in the court. Later, something happened at home. I I came here after hearing the rumors about Jiyuetai. My name is Yan'er. I was sold by my father to my master as a performer since I was a child. Later, I beat up a young man who teased me. Unexpectedly, his family was so powerful that he chased me. There was no way out, so I ran away here. My name is Qian'er. I live in Baoding Prefecture. My family has been a businessman for generations. I also escaped from marriage. You two are so awesome. My name is Feng'er. My father runs an escort agency. You are not from Lingshan Town. After my father died, I went to Lingshan Town to learn how to make noodles from my wife. What are noodles? Noodles are almost like pastries. I'm already hungry. Let's go change clothes. We'll be waiting for a while. Lunch is fine. I heard that there was an accident on this mission. The convoy was intercepted by a group of bandits in Lingshan Town. By the time we arrived, all the Jin Yiwei had been lost. What bandits are they? They are so powerful. I feel that they are not ordinary bandits. Fortunately, there is a bandit. The masters happened to arrive and the bandits were defeated, so we were able to escape. One of the masters, something strange happened. Immediately, Fei Ge sent a message. The master will wait for the afternoon to arrange for me to meet these new girls at Feiyun Palace today. By the way, Sister Yun is here this time. I met a girl of good quality in Lingshan Town. I met a girl of good quality and brought her back together. Girl of good quality, you made the decision without permission and brought her back. Are n't you afraid of being blamed by the master? Wait until I finish seeing this batch. Girl, take her to the contact point in Xuancheng and register her for a test the day after tomorrow. You have to bring this girl back quickly. It ’s Nightingale. You know the consequences of making the decision without authorization. I’m afraid that my sister won’t be able to protect you by then. Do you still remember the fifth time? Years ago? I was still the crown prince at that time. I am the same minister as I am now. I remember that was the first time I met the emperor five years ago. I thought that the emperor was a royal guard in the palace. I remember that time we fought like today. Your Majesty V/ too. I’m half-dead from exhaustion. I’m also half-dead from exhaustion. What a mouthful you have. But those days can never go back. Your Majesty/What’s on your mind is not the nonsense in the court. Forget it, don’t talk about me. Let’s talk about you. Tell me about it. Fortunately for me, it was only in Lingshan Town that we discovered Liu Mo's whereabouts were strange. In Lingshan Town, we found out that a situation occurred in Liu Mo's convoy. Governor Fei Ge sent a message. I have never heard of bandits in Lingshan Town. Who is plotting against me and that mysterious master ? Who is spying on me? Sister Yun. There are twelve girls in this period. Ten girls have just passed, and two have failed. Let’s go down the list. She has just entered Jiyue Platform. Most of the girls are recruited from the private sector and their quality varies. I don't understand why they can't be recruited from officials and gentry like in the past. This time, the master decided to recruit at the last minute to prepare for the Longfeng shop, so they can learn how to do it. It’s different from the previous period. Nightingale, do you want to ask Chu’er about anything? Chu’er has been here for three years and has participated in every assessment. She is the best every year. I originally thought she would be able to go out this year. Let’s talk about Chu’er later. Leave the two unqualified girls to the leopard slaves. Let’s go meet the new batch of girls. The convoy is in Lingshan Town. U The convoy encountered bandits in Lingshan Town. Let me discover this. Things were strange at first. With Liu Mo's character, he was very cautious in doing things. The possibility of encountering a bandit was definitely unlikely. But then something happened that was even more strange. What happened? We found that one of the captured bandits finally escaped to a mansion in the capital. Later, this person was killed and silenced. Do you know who did it? We tracked down the killer, but the killer was very hidden and finally disappeared into the official residences of the princes in the capital. It turned out that someone in the royal family was already uneasy. Hello everyone, welcome to Jiyuetai. I am the owner here. From now on, you all call me aunt. Why should we call you aunty? You all come from different places and have different life experiences. From the day you enter Jiyuetai, you will I have to say goodbye to my past. If you do the right thing here, you will be rewarded. If you do the wrong thing, you will be punished. I hope everyone is here to protect themselves and try their best to do the right thing. Now that we are here, how should we go next? It depends on everyone's performance. Now everyone can go back to the dormitory. Tomorrow you can take a day off to familiarize yourself with the environment of Jiyue Platform. We will have a basic test the day after tomorrow. Feng'er, please leave Feng'er and set off immediately. Ask Leopard Slave to take you down the mountain. A trip to Xuancheng found the address on the envelope. Give the envelope to the person in charge there. Be sure to come back in the dark at night to take the assessment the day after tomorrow. Do you understand? I'm going to find the Leopard Slave and so on. You have to be very clear that you want to use the power of Jiyuetai to find the place you want. The person you are looking for has some price and is indispensable. You must think clearly about it. You are not allowed to leave without permission in the future. After you have thought clearly, tell me. Manager Nightingale, do n't worry. I came here after thinking clearly. Then I will take you to change your clothes. It's very unsafe to go down the mountain alone. It's very unsafe to go down the mountain alone. Come and take a look at the pendant. Come and have a look. Please tell me how to get to Tianshui Lane. Tianshui Lane is right in front. Thank you, sir. You're so polite. Please sign in. Okay, you can go. Thank you. Waiter, let me bring you a pound of barbecue. Okay, I'll be here soon. Sorry, whose purse is so delicate and embroidered? Why is my purse in your pocket? It's your purse. I've seen a lot of thieves steal things, and it's the first time I've seen them out so blatantly. You are brave enough. Wait, who is the thief? You are the thief. Say it again, you are the thief. You stinky scholar. You stinky scholar. Why do you want to accuse me of being a thief? You big-eyed thief. You have my purse in your hand. He's still arguing that holding the purse is just stealing. Otherwise, stop talking nonsense. Folks, let's go and take him to see the official. If you have something to say, say it carefully. If you have something to say, let it go. Oh, it hurts. It hurts. It hurts. If you have something to say, there aren't that many people like you. Nonsense, okay, okay, let me explain this matter to you. Just now, when I came in, I gave you a big- eyed thief. Don’t let me see you again. What is this? I am obviously not catching a thief. How can you treat me like a thief? What about a thief? Do I look like a thief? Big eyes, a thief, and a scholar. When I find you, I will definitely remove you from your job. I will demote you and demote you. It’s really not like we meet in life. Let me discuss with you how to behave. Are you sure? In fact, it is difficult to be a human being. Come and see the little pendant. Let’s take a look. Little pendant, you asked me to give you more power. I gave it to you. How did you do it? The ministers of the Cabinet and the Ministry of Etiquette knelt down. Outside Kunning Palace, I cried and begged to resign and return to my hometown. How did you become the emperor? How did you let me face your father after my death? How did you face your ancestors? You better reflect and reflect. Let’s take a look at selling dolls. Take a look at the beautiful dolls. The jewelry is being sold. Come and have a look. Mother, maybe you will like it. The stinky scholar, the big-eyed thief, this is me. The boss bought mine first. The boss stole this money. You can’t sell it to him. Which one of your eyes can you see? Which eye did I steal? Everyone in the tavern saw that you stole my purse and you spurted people with blood. In the tavern, I got the purse for you. Have you forgotten? If you do this, I will I'm dragging you to see the official. Do you believe it or not? Go and sue me. I have evidence and physical evidence. Even if you sue the emperor, you won't win. I don't care. Anyway, this is mine. Brother, I see you are well-dressed and well-dressed. If you steal something, it belongs to you. As a hobby, I tell you, please don’t steal from those poor people. Turn around and look at Da Le Chunqiu Mansion. Rich people are coming in and out. The boss is a thief. If you sell things to him, the government will arrest you. Do you know Da Le? What is the relationship between Chunqiu Mansion and me? Da Le Chunqiu Mansion is my stinky scholar. Come and close the stall. I won’t sell it. I won’t sell it. Boss, this is true. This is a clean boss. This money is not dirty. Boss, but I won’t sell it. I won’t sell it. Let’s go. Come on, let's go, don't let me see you again. I just talked about you, Feng'er. I'm exhausted. I went out early in the morning to rush. Feng'er, you're back. I'm afraid you won't be able to come back for the test. Feng'er, you wronged that big-eyed young man. How could I have wronged him? My wallet is in his hand. How can I be wronged? According to what you said, that big-eyed young man is waiting for you at the door with his wallet. Obviously, your wallet was stolen by the thief, he thought. I took the purse and handed it back to you. What you said seems to make sense. Do n't think so much. Adjust your condition and take part in tomorrow's test. Okay, go to bed quickly. Let's start the memorial ceremony for His Majesty the Imperial Academy. Mr. Zhang Jian died of illness at home last night. Your Majesty, your Majesty, you think Zhang Jian’s posthumous title should be that of a bastard, a stinky scholar who doesn’t understand right and wrong, I’m so angry that I’m going to die, do n’t run. Big-eyed thief, run away, don’t run away, the stinky scholar, the stinky scholar, the stinky scholar, the scholar, oh, it hurts, the stinky scholar, the scholar, die, the scholar. Xueer, you can play music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and dance. Feng’er, what are you good at ? From now on, you are not allowed to breathe loudly. You have to choose one. 8 8 What kind of cake did you draw? Feng'er, how did you do in the exam? I 'm very good. You guys? I'm okay. I didn't do very well in the exam. I'm okay. At first, I thought I was playing backgammon. Who knew it was Go? We played three games in total. She didn't lose the first game. I didn't win the second game. What about the third game? You won the third game. I wanted to draw but she refused. I want to talk to Sister Nightingale. Let's talk about something first. I'm Feng'er. I'm Feng'er. I'll be back after a while. Come in and wait. Thank you for being new here. Hello. My name is Qiao'er and her name is Lian'er. We're also waiting for Manager Nightingale today. It’s time to leave Jiyuetai. Congratulations to the two sisters on your successful graduation. Sister Feng’er, we were unlucky. We did n’t pass the exam and were eliminated from Jiyuetai. By the way, sisters, you have lived here for many years, right? Because ω\ You should know if there is a man with very strong martial arts skills here. Yes, really. Do you know where he lives? Manager Feng'er, why are you here? Go back to your room. Manager, I have something to ask you. I know what you want to ask you. Wait for me in the room. I'll come to you after I finish handling the things at hand. It's already getting late. Come with me, manager. I don't want to stay in the room. Otherwise, I'll see off the two sisters with you. How about we go together? I'll leave these two girls, Leopard Slave, to you. Feng'er, this is the man with great martial arts skills I told you. It's him. Feng'er, don't delay them on their way back to me. Let's be buried. This is the portrait of today's examinee. The style of painting is weird. What is it painting? This is a painting by a girl named Feng'er. Feng'er, please step back. It's too similar. Sit down, Feng'er, Nightingale Manager. I won't sit down. Where is Feng'er from? You know from Lingshan. It ’s your wife who lives in Lingshan Town. What about your parents? My hometown is in Xuanfu. My father runs an escort agency. My mother passed away when I was ten years old. I left Xuanfu with my wife. Then where are your father and me? My father also passed away three years ago. Are your surname Lin Xuanfu, the chief escort of Longmen Escort Agency? Who are you, Lin Chaoqun? You know my father and we have met several times. I am tired. You can go out first, Sister Nightingale. I still want to Ask out. I know. You all can go down. This is to say hello to my sister. Who among these girls can compare with Chu'er? Yan'er has a kind of wild beauty that is easy to train. It should be good. The others are very ordinary. You brought them in. What about Feng'er? Feng'er looks very cute, but her thoughts don't seem to be here. Feng'er, we have to focus on cultivating Chu'er. I thought a lot about Chu'er. This time, I asked her to study with this group of girls. This group of girls is different from the past. In the end, There may only be one or two who go out, but I still believe that Chu'er can stand out. That's not necessarily the case. How can I have a strong intuition that the one or two who can go out will be among the Feng'er, Xue'er, and Yan'er we just talked about? I understand. Why is this happening? Why is fate so unfair? No, I, Chu'er, will not wait for the final outcome of fate. My destiny is up to me. God has stipulated that you are not allowed to wear personal jewelry during dance practice. Hand it over. Feng'er stretched out her hand. Okay, let's start today's class. If you don’t know how to move here, go back and practice hard. Let’s go to eat. Let’s eat. Feng’er, please leave it for me to search. Is it sister Chu’er? I’m sorry for not having the quality to report to the manager. There is nothing. Yan’er’s things will not be confiscated by the nightingale manager. Don't worry, Feng'er has already given it to me. Then give it to me quickly. The jade pendant is broken. How could it be missing? Do n't lie to me or to you. The jade pendant is hidden. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding here. Where to go? Is it in your sleeve? Why is this missing? Yan'er, stop making trouble. Look, where is Sister Xue'er who is so anxious? The jade pendant is really missing. Xue'er, let's eat. Yan'er, you lost Xue'er's jade pendant, right? Feng'er doesn't blame Yan'er. It doesn't matter. We can just go look for it after dinner. Why are you so careless? I didn't mean to forget it. I don't know how Jiyue Platform was chosen. You guys are far worse than the previous ones. It's far worse than the previous issues. You newcomers have to learn to abide by the rules now that you have arrived at Jiyue Platform. From now on, you must listen to Manager Nightingale and me. Don't be clever. Do you understand? I don't understand that you are not the manager. Why should I listen to you? Because I have strength. My strength can be heard or not. We have twenty girls here. Can you compete with just one? Okay, sisters, there are people bullying us. You are new and you know how to count. I don’t have the same experience as you. If I had a choice, I would also like to eat there. I won’t argue with you. I’m going to have a ward check soon. What should I do if Xue’er is not here? Xue’er, why are you here? I’ll look for the jade pendant with you. Thank you, hurry up and look for it. Go there first. Isn’t it there? Why? Whoever chases you, come out quickly. Come out proactively. I'll take it lightly. Wait until I catch you. You will definitely die when I go out. Just stay here and obey. Whoever chases Jiyuetai should abide by the rules of Jiyuetai. Someone who openly violates it should be punished. Xueer comes out. Do you have anything else to say? Feng'er is guilty of harboring an accomplice and gets a second chance. It's not often that Aunt Feng'er knows she's wrong. But Feng'er is willing to bear all the responsibilities alone. You guys really have a deep love for each other. Come on, bring the evidence, Xue'er. This shoe is yours, right? The mud on the shoe is the same as the mud at the scene last night. The footprints also match the person who came. Please put the life and death cards. My punishment for you is that you decide each other's life and death. I will be the judge. Outside of the law, I will leave it to you. There is a glimmer of hope. You can take care of yourself. When I get out, just stay here and be obedient. Feng'er, thank you for helping me. I am the one who is implicated. You are the one who is being punished. It doesn't matter. I am a voluntary life and death card. Life and death. You have to live. If that doesn't work, live and live together. If we want to die together, I, Lin Feng'er, am a loyal person, but the rules of the game are that only one person can survive. I have no relatives anymore, but you still have your brother Xiaoman, so you must live, Feng'er, if you can survive, remember to stand for me. Revenge Snow Life and Death Card Life and Death You must think carefully when writing the Life and Death Card. Let them both be pardoned together. It scared me to death today. My heart is still pounding. I am so timid. Look at Feng'er's suffering. She was so frightened that she didn't say anything. Sister Xue'er must be scaring you. Feng'er, if I agreed to your request, would you write new words on my card? Suddenly, I'm not sure what I will write, right? Well, Feng'er, you are. We are not relatives. If it comes to a life-and-death situation, I really don't know what I will write. I think the same as you. We both have reasons to live. Neither of us can die, so we You must find a way to get rid of your own fate. Oh my god, this is so terrible. If it were me, I would hate Xueer to death. Sister Feng'er, you are so awesome. Feng'er, will you hate me? I hate it so much. In fact, when you write on my sign, I hate it. I have already figured out that we are both the same people who have no way to control our own destiny. I do n’t hate you. I know you are a kind person. But in the future, if you do such things, you must tell me in advance. I will tell you that today I'm almost scared to death. I'm especially afraid of you writing the word "death" on my card. What should I do? Yan'er, write it, I'll write it, wow, okay, you guys come together and write the word " death". Sister Yun, tonight's game is really unexpected, isn't it? A game. Is this a death test ? Did my sister come up with this death test with her resourcefulness? In the past ten years from the Jianji Platform to the present, there has never been a chance for two people to survive together. Do you know the reason? Trust between them is wrong. Xue'er didn't trust Feng'er in just one day. Of course, Feng'er didn't trust Xue'er either, but how did Xue'er do it? My kindness, judgment, and wisdom are amazing. I wo n’t say that anymore. I’m still very satisfied with tonight’s result. Let all the girls on Jiyuetai see how strict our rules are. We can also leave two girls with good qualifications. Sister, you are very resourceful. Next, you will teach them how to disguise themselves. I have prepared a surprise for them. Go ahead and give them a day off after this is over. Let them relax during the Lantern Festival tomorrow. Cancel the curfew.
Channel: 戏剧研究所
Views: 28,869
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Keywords: 戏剧研究所, chinese movie, full movie, chinese drama eng sub, chinese drama, chinese drama eng sub full episode, 霸道总裁电视剧, 家庭, 倫理, 劇情翻轉, 勵志電視劇, 孩子, 精彩片段, 大陸劇, 字幕, eng sub, 吻戲, 床戲, 偶像劇, 青春偶像劇, 劇情, 戀愛, 美女, 帥哥, 愛情, 仙俠, 古裝, 古裝愛情, 特效, 逆襲, 電視劇, 電影, 中國電視劇, 2023中國電視劇, 出色中國電視劇, kiss, korean drama, drama china sub indo, kdrama, 甜宠, 高甜, love chinese drama, kiss love, 都市情感劇, 都市情感, 喜劇, 励志情感剧, 都市情感大剧, 都市家庭劇, 仙戀, 趙麗穎, 爱的厘米, chinese drama kiss scene, chinese romantic drama, beautiful chinese drama, 懷孕, 出軌, 職場
Id: 0QkePaGFPE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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