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Father sent me to the Flaming Hills when I was five. Though my identity was a secret, everyone treated me respectfully. Teacher taught me the best martial arts, gave me the best care. - However, - Ge'er, come here quick! - I envied the punishments Teacher gave to Zhan Feng and Junior Brother Ji. - Come on, hurry! - Come on, let's play! - Because my ears didn't work, - nobody knew how to talk to me - Zhan Feng, wait for me! - The world was so quiet I could only hear my own breathing. - Wait for me! This pickled prunus mume is delicious, try some! - Sour, isn't it? - Mmhmm You eat it. No way I'm eating it, little silly! This is all for you! Here! Thank you, Zhan Feng! You're welcome! I'm off to play! Royal Father, how much longer must I hide here still? Senior Brother, for you. Sour. Sour. Can you say it already? Okay then. Sour. Sour. That day, Ge'er ate a total of 16 plums. Sour is the first word I heard in this world. Since then, she would frequently come to talk to me. At the start, it was hard for me to understand what she was saying. She would also talk very slowly. Afterwards, it became faster. I actually was able to catch up. Older brother gets a xiucai recognition by passing his imperial examination. Cart drivers and cart attendants, send older brother to school. Older brother studied for three years. Just one exam and he got the xiucai rank. Just one exam and he got the xiucai rank. Is it fun, Senior Brother Yu? I want to hear you chant it. I beg you. I beg you. Afterwards, Ge'er cried the whole day and night. And then, I compromised. Prince! I was unable to hear my own voice. I could only sense that my throat was dry and trembling with great effort. I thought my voice must sound very bad because the facial expression of the maidservant that passed by looked as if she wanted to cover her ears. But Ge'er instead happily laughed. She hugged me and said, "Senior Brother Yu, your voice was more touching than the singing voices of the birds." Such childish words. But as long as she was happy, it was enough. When I learned to speak, the first word I learned to say was her name. Ruge. Prince, if you miss Eldest Miss, why not write her a letter and ask her to come to Luoyang? No... She must not come. The situation now in the government is complicated. She must not come here. Senior Brother. Senior Brother, are you not happy that I traveled far to visit you? Ge'er?! It's really you?! Why is your hand so cold? Ge'er, say a few more words. Say what? Just casually say anything. Stay a bit farther and turn around. You can talk with your back against me. If I turn around, then you won't be able to see my— I can hear now. Can you really hear? That day when you left the mountain villa, didn't you promise me that you'd take good care of yourself? How come you've turned thinner? My health condition has always been fluctuating since I was little. No need to worry. Ge'er, you must be tired from traveling. - Huang Cong. - Here. - Take Eldest Miss to her room and rest. - Yes.
Channel: 好剧不断
Views: 1,126,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 好剧不断, 古装, 古偶, 字幕, 吻戏, 恋爱, Eng Sub&CC, 爱情, 反轉, 逆襲, 大陸電視劇, 迪麗熱巴, 烈火如歌, 霸道护妻, 强吻, 婚礼, 2男抢1女, love, kiss, 虐妻, 追妻火葬场, 改编, 宫斗, 反转, 变身, 圣女, 宝藏, 王爷, 郡主, 刺激, 宠妻, 床戏, 相爱, 先婚后爱, 男友, 女友, 嫉妒, 吃醋, 出轨, 圆房, 同床, 初吻, 三角恋, 爱情片, 偶像剧, 护妻, 宠溺, 公主抱, 摸头杀, 一见钟情, 大婚, 穿越, 同房, 上床, 舌吻, 功夫, 爱情电视剧, fall in love with, 霸道, 2男争一女, 男扮女装, 情感
Id: hTuQ8UtWbX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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