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hi hello hello hi can you introduce yourself the name of where you're from uh my name is mag I'm from England I'm Kyle also from England okay nice to meet you my name is D nice to meet you meet you so where did you arrive in Japan on Sunday Sunday two days ago yeah yeah lost track of time we won holiday we forget we're doing a big Asia trip so we've been to China then to South Korea then Japan and and then we're going to Hong Kong next Hong Kong next Hong Kong next WoW one so how many days in total for your in total it's about 16 days in total 16 days 16 16 yeah yeah not long in not long in each place about four days in each place oh really wow that's very Tice kid yes yes okay so did you try any Japanese food yet Japanese food no we accidentally ended up at a Chinese restaurant yesterday yeah yeah oh I see so I want to take it to good like beef restaurants near here okay let's go okay cool now we have like a English man this is something we are going to eat home now like beef hot pop you're going to see how bad I am with Chopstick it's okay really fine so do you use chopsticks in your hometown as well yeah we used him a few times yeah yeah cuz Kyle's quite a good cook so he tries all sorts of different things and I bought him a pair of Chopstick you like with engrave his name engraved in the supposed to be in Japanese but it's hard I wouldn't know if it's right or wrong um so yeah we we do use them a bit don't we but no I'm not very good I think I look like a I can teach you how to toop sticks you might have to yeah yeah it's kind of difficult even like when I was a kid I always make a mistake on using it and then my mother called me in how to do it so it takes time but you'll be fine holding way is almost similar to how you hold the P okay yes and this is like power to clean our hands before we everywhere we've been not everywhere we've been we've been to a few restaurants you know cuz we've been to Korea before this and yest to a Chinese place by accident and keep getting taught how to eat the food cuz I think we keep getting it WR oh yeah yeah when we were at the Korean barbecue we were eating like one piece like a piece of meat and then a vegetable and then something else and someone came over and like no no no you can just put the lettuce leaf down and pile everything into it wrap it up and eat it like that and then yeah the Chinese restaurant yesterday we got taught how to use like The Dumpling spoons you know the soup spoons cuz we' never used them yeah you have to like slur from the the spoon you poke The Dumpling and then it comes out we're learning quite a lot yeah but you came from to China in Korea yeah China and Korea yeah yeah yeah I went to Beijing first then to Sol and then yeah now to Tokyo Tokyo how's Tokyo Tokyo is good yeah bus busy and I think cuz we're cramming so much in on all these days we're very tired so we spent most of today in bed that's so sad it's very sad is it Planet lab teb team yeah it was good and then because of the rain and everything we just like we're going to wait out the rain and then come out in the night CU there seems to be a lot going on at night time all the buildings look beautiful yeah only us see too right Koto we've got Koto after so we got to Tokyo on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday and then we're traveling to Kyoto On th and then in Kyoto so we're getting the bullet train we're getting the shanson down to Kyoto then we're there for one full day and then travel to Hong Kong the after that yeah maybe you can skip a little bit cup yeah okay so you can choose your own Cup oh I like made of rice traditional alcohol here okay all right so Cheers Cheers all in one no no is it's not like a shot I was going to shot it oh it's nice yeah it's nice very nice so this is kind of appetizer before we eat like a beef so it's kind of light yeah what's it called so this is called heer okay which means just cold soup okay yes and so now Chopstick time holding style is three fingers this side and two fingers this side and you have to hold like this yes yes you right you right I can but then I can't the other side oh like like this P the P yeah yeah yeah yeah but you can use your own way I might have to yeah yeah yeah but still maybe at least know how to hold it you can try that maybe you still stay here while so yeah all right let's go oh I've got it yeah I'm I'm doing it I'm very good at this oh it's lovely yeah this is a tofu right yes it's really nice yeah is this adame yeah it's edame yeah yes I love [Laughter] ad it's really really s it's good and some mushroom more mushroom delicious wow you are good I am I am I can't do it I can't do it the proper way though if you hold this yeah yeah to carry I might give it oh youve done fast SL take time which city are you from in UK uh from Hood Hood isphere which is nearest to Manchester oh Manchester nearby yeah I'm from Nottingham originally you know do you know Robin Hood do you know Robin Hood you might not know it it's like an English Legend So I don't blame you for not knowing so you're married or wow we met at Uni um we were roommates so we sh shared a house together oh wow yes I think this is really easy to drink yeah a lot easier than Spirits in England it's a lot more subtle this is like uh beef with some soy based flavor and this like kind of seawe but with vinegar kind of roast beef any particular one first okay easy beans I'll go for a bigger piece yeah yeah is good good yeah I gu try yeah it's a big pce yeah really tasty delicious what was it again what was it it's Japanese beef we call it this is s I think better hold up like this power because V yeah for your health so you hold up and eat like this it's not as sour as I thought it was going to be actually yeah it's really good yeah yeah I didn't think I'd like it like I didn't think I'd like it but I I do normally I'm not big vinegar but this is this is really T really yeah it's good with the lemon I feel like it's quite lemony yeah lemon yeah lemon in it it's nice yeah I'm so excited this one yeah yeah it's really good really tender tender yeah really smooth that one's the best the one hard to keep but worth it cheated yeah delicious good very good so you been to Korea and China before coming to Japan is there any like uh difference like among those three countries the culture oh in the cultur um or people yeah we've struggled a little bit in China um we didn't think it was very like the transportation's harder it was harder to get around compared to South Korea compared to here the people seem lovely in Japan and they were nice in China as well no one no one Tre is unwell in China but people here in Korea go out of their way to treat you well yeah yeah cuz we tra we travel quite a lot and a lot in Europe and people are not very nice no they don't like British people you might not like British people but you don't show it no yeah so it's nice we've really enjoyed it um cleaner a l cleaner yeah there's yeah like I say about the the subway the just public transport in general there's a lot cleaner there's a lot less like graffiti everywhere vandalism there's no vandalism um and I like it seems very simple but you've got the gates that close in front of the Railway track we don't have that so you can just fall in anyone could just step in the rail they want and it's nice it's just nice to have that like little barrier maybe only in Tokyo if you go to like a Countryside different like depends on the stations depends on the areas yeah even in London we don't have that in l yeah even in the biggest yeah the biggest places we have anything like that I think in Japan in Tokyo there are so many people very crowy we're excited to go on the um bullet train bullet train yeah yeah you can see M Fuji pass M fu yeah yeah we picked the side I'm hoping I've done it right but I've picked the right hand side of the carriage so hopefully if I've worked out right it should be on our right side yeah otherwise it would be looking across it's really common to have lunch box in and there are many shops that Sals lunch box no um Bento boxes Bo we're looking we're keeping an eye out for some we keep TR buy some I don't know in England we have restaurants that are Bento Box restaurants yes I don't think it's probably not a Japanese thing but um that's what we've had that style of food in England before it's really good we call itai that's English tradition what do you drink yeah vodka arila with the lemon the salt how about beer you guys beer the rest we're weird we don't like beer but that's that's weird for English people yeah the rest of England you drink be as soon as have also beer and also this whiskey M Japanese whiskey it's very expensive in England Japanese whiskey oh really yeah yeah your English is really good where did you learn uh English uh I was in Canada for a while and I was a student and then I came back yeah and I also use English for my YouTube channel okay like keep using it yeah you keep practicing years hey so this is Sushi okay beef this is like a plum the sour plum roast beef I'm expecting to like this a lot because my um favorite what you call it level of cooking for beef is like as raw rare as it can get so I'm looking forward to this yeah you see did you just put it all in one all in one all in one okay you ready yeah was really good yeah that's so like just soft it's just soft it like melted in my mouth it was so good you cry and like the sauce was like a little bit like there's like a little kick to it yeah it was really nice yeah again it's really good yeah really good yeah I didn't want to swallow it so just want to keep eating it yeah so do sometimes go to Japanese restaurants at home at home occasionally occasionally only yeah not of not often not often we have one called um wag wag Mama yeah but I think it's um an imitation of Japanese Cuisine I but they a lot it it's really good I have cat quite a lot okay cat yeah so unique thing about like this hot pot is weat raw egg okay as a sauce maybe in your country it's not common to eat like a raw egg yeah but we have like a good control of quality so you don't have to worry about like salmon or okay yeah so now Hot Pot is coming but we have this egg and we kind of mix it like this okay break egg everywhere yeah did you know this like you call it suaki I had no idea okay how what you call suaki Sukiyaki yes okay traditional Japanese Hot Pot okay yeah maybe it's because of was hot pot and you are wearing white sh and this one this is a eon oh thank you yeah just in case [Music] so this one is more like a Medi like without much packs and this one is more P okay so you can compare two beefs and this beef is from Yamagata Prefecture okay yeah so it's the idea that we dip it in the egg and then boiling away already do they have any like a h dish in I've never uh stew but yeah it's not you don't bring it out with fire it's already warm and then you just yeah out of a bowl yeah and we eat it with dumplings but but not your kind of dumpling it's just bread balls it's just bread balls oh okay and then just some random bread balls on top thank you yeah always rice and M comes on the table Yeah so glad you're here to like teach us how to do this yeah sure we would have been like yeah we seen all this been like what do we do i' been even maybe with me you have all opportunity to try I think I think we' have been too like scared to try even try it let's get something to say let's just get like a bowl One One Bowl that's it yeah and because we don't know any Japanese as well it's it's difficult to ask how to how to do it this is good okay so dip like this and maybe you can first eat just by sale yeah and I think you should hold this plate the bow okay you try want me to go first you go first yeah it's so good yeah I'm going to eat egg only like this now my turn h M yeah that egg's really creamy it makes it so much better yeah that's amazing how did you like think to do this it's pretty weird cuz egg is from bird like this is like beef combination yeah the combination it shouldn't work it does uh recommendation is ring be together together try [Music] you get it yeah I just had to practice [Music] again yeah I could eat that until I die yeah it's really good it's probably the best thing I think we've had so far that's the best thing we've had I think in like overall in the whole everywhere that we've been better than anything we had in China better than anything we had in South Korea it's really good and I'm literally not just saying that for the camera and this is uh the different type of beef you can try that too thank you yeah you can eat be first and eat right second that's also fine yeah it's just yeah it's just really creamy it's so nice like egg the raw egg mixer don't know how I'm going to eat this one I got a massive piece you got it yeah so this is the fattier piece the one with more fat yeah it's nice it's just so tender yeah just like yeah falls apart yeah just falls apart say soft keep like cutting through it like on ey the bean sprout be this are mushy mush mush oh mushrooms interesting small mushroom yeah it looks like a but it did have those like bulbs on it yeah the mushroom the top of the mushroom I I get that now they actually were delicious like them slippery when it's in the egg what is tofu made of tofu made of soybeans yes keep going but yeah keep going keep it going have more meat also drink God I normally just don't have this cuz I never think it I always I think it's in my head I don't think that it's going to be nice I just think it's going to be watery and I don't want it I never really try it this is really good just like a broth it's like a broth it feels like something like your grandma would make you when you're sick and you want to get better warm up you warm up like on a winter in Winter and you're poorly with a cold and your mom makes it for you and you're instantly I feel like that's going to fix all my problems yeah this one is like a fermented soybeans fermented things is always good for your home yeah your stomach yeah it is healthy all ours is just deep fried yeah cuz even cooking it like this it's healthy it's all healthier it's not fying it in oil that's what we do to everything fry it in oil I'm really conscious of like I don't know breaking some sort of food culture you have and then just being everyone in the comments like oh my goodness I can't believe we ate that that's just for looking that yeah yeah that was just ornamental he just ate a plastic flour [Music] that good mushroom did you have mushroom yeah it's really rich I don't like mushrooms so when I ate the bean flout which turned out to be a mushroom I loved it so I might be converting to Japanese mushrooms mhm so this is Apple H Apple okay we weren't sure if it was Apple or so sweet sweet it was lovely like I say he's only the best thing we've eaten so far and we've been out for a week now so yeah we've been eating a lot of different places and this has been the best okay thank you so much yeah have a good trip for the rest of the days okay bye-bye bye
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 520,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人, 和食, 日本食, 外国人の反応, 海外の反応, 人生初, 初来日, 日本が好き, 日本, 外国人が感動, 日本で驚いたこと, 日本で感動したこと, 外国人 日本食, カルチャーショック, すき焼き, 和牛, 世界が感動, 日本食冒険記
Id: dCx2UqKe654
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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