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hello hello can you introduce yourself where from of course hi I'm liia and I'm from Ukraine hello I'm Tiana I'm from Montenegro hi NAA from Croatia wow so you came from different countries yes how you guys met to each other working together working together in the same company same company wow that's great we met yesterday what yes with it here in Japan no in Dubai oh we have flight attendants oh I see now I understand wow so is this your first time to come to Japan yes my second yeah second time yeah we have only 24 hours that's why we came just to the heart of Tokyo just to explore some have some nice food and observe the local stuff so yeah super excited about it so far that sounds great I mean I don't like very good restaurants for you guys to try so I let's let's go together let's go okay let's see what you have for us yeah now we have to [Music] go so you just arrived this morning or yesterday in the evening oh yesterday evening do you have any Japanese food already uh not in Japan not in Japan I mean we we went out yesterday to have a Ramen Ramen yes okay was really nice yeah and usually we would have soci Ram somewhere where um it's not authentically Japanese you know they had a lot of stuff so let's see how how you do it here okay I hope you will like authentic s here it's a different style so I got here all right let's get in so this is how we have to clean up our hands first so so is there anything you don't want to eat or you have like any allergy or no no allergies you say like oop no life oop oh no no nothing that me and also what do you want to drink first I'm good without drinks thank you yeah we oh oh we are not allowed to drink yeah now it's I you got your job yes we fly tonight so you have fight tonight yes tonight we're going back to Dubai okay so you've been to many places in the world yes how many countries you know Japan is my 55th country 55th country wow I'm counting yeah oh you're counting I haven't counted ever yeah same I don't count I started like uh 6 seven months ago so maybe 30 4 something like that something in between but of course like travel with a job and travel vacation is makes huge difference ah yes sure so usually maybe 24 hours or 48 Hours yes to just four yeah 24 30 it depends like it depends on how far is the country uh how long is the flight do you know anything about Japan before you came here I know like you being how about you guys I mean we used to study a lot in school of course about the culture and history and the dynasties but yeah it's mostly because of the movies right now I think uh like Samurai and GES and like the food as well katana yeah like it's the huge art I think and the Japanese knives are one of the famous in the world so yeah so I used to read a lot Haruki murakami ah haruk yeah I loved him so yeah books anime movies everything combined it's pretty interesting for us yeah we're far away and like seeing countries in Far Asia it's always nice experience yeah yeah how about you like first time you came here it was also for your job or yes and I really wanted to sleep in a capsula hotel hotel so that's what I did and that's something that we don't have in Europe oh yeah so we have mostly hostels so it's something different um yeah I'm mostly fan of Japanese Cuisine that's what I'm mostly interested in food if you come to this kind of restaurants you can not really pick up Sushi one by one okay there's like a course menu so I order Chef's recommendation today I don't even know like what's coming oh really fish okay will make it so okay what's your favorite Japanese dish I like fish in so so she is also good okay but you have to try also uh Japanese beef oh yeah V and especially winter time we have a good hot pot but you need to know how to do it I tried it once and yeah it can be a messy if you don't know what you're doing some restaurants you have to Cookie by yourself like a or I don't know if you know about you know it's my favorite Japanese dish takuaki takuaki I love them it's a pancakes yeah yeah it's almost the same I love it but I had it in Osaka that's where they're famous and where is the best ramen in the whole Japan it's hard to pick because uh Ramen has so many different types I heard that hoko the island is very famous for ramen yeah R it's a good but also south of Japan we call it cusher is also famous for ramen too okay but different style Isis yeah no and big okay what is this jelly challenge with okay we're going to be break girls I guess don't ask before you eat ah yeah yeah yeah maybe better yeah don't tell us we can guess we can try to guess no spers first Cheers Cheers Cheers water let's always say cheers yeah the same is it so you have like a language Russian or no so croatians montenegrian serbians it's almost the same language but as they have Slavic Roots same as ukra I speak Ukrainian so I can understand them because oh really yeah not all not completely but I can pick the main idea of what they're talking about because the source of the language is the same so kind of old words would be the same okay wow that's so interesting yeah and Japanese is not similar to any other language no unique we is a Chinese character so for writing somehow we kind of know what it means in ch oh okay and what about Chinese cuisine is it famous in Japan yes famous in Japan yeah wow kind like a chinat town Tokyo we travel a lot and we can say for sure almost every Big City have chin definitely how about Japanese restaurants in your country not a lot honestly not a lot Sushi is becoming a thing for the last I think last 5 years it's a thing but you know it's a sushi that has mayo or cream cheese Chee or it's not it's kind of American style of sushi no I don't think in Serbia honestly Serbia Montenegro Balan in general not very yeah Sushi like sushi is everywhere but anything else no in Ukraine there was a lot of Japanese and Chinese restaurants Sushi like one of the best of course and if it's uh tasty it's expensive of course like they've really become super famous like last 10 years I would say because when I was in University I still remember the first like sushi open in like my hometown which is super small a big deal right it became like super immediately Croatia has a sea so croatians do eat a lot of fish but I think it's the problem with the idea of eating raw fish we don't practice that we do either grilled like it's Mediterranean style of seafood so for us to eat a raw fish I think it's more of a mental blockade than the taste wise this is squid okay this is like a kind of Veggie so like it's like broccoli and something like the whole one the whole hole okay let's see M this is great M it's so rich flavor I like it it's kind of bitter right the sauce gives it m i wouldn't expected it to be honest it's really nice this is super strong but it's so nice Okay I can try I don't know do you want to know that know this fish first or after you want to after after let's go after this is like a like a fish jelly wow and it doesn't much have like much flavor it's very nice I like it it's not strong taste as this yeah but it's nice this was very nice like the I can eat yeah this but this Seas you have nice stuff a lot of good stuff okay what it is nice is do you know puffy fish oh the one that yeah that's a skin of this this is like a skin of puffy fish oh oh wow skin yeah and also like fish jelly like broth okay and they make it like you know jelly I I I don't know if you know it's a poison fish as well yeah so you need to be precise make the flight will tell our company it was your fault we do something very similar with the Jelly but we would put pork parts inide we have the same how how you call it holiday holid it looks like frozen soup basically yeah yeah with the and we doing this like with chicken with the pork and like with everything basically so this is the poison fish yeah okay the one you need to be I'm not going to tell about this to my mom she don't want she's going to know some what about this I think ukan people may know what it isav yes it's like uh ikra that's what it's called and would you just eat it with a Chopsticks or you would spread it you use spoon uhhuh in Melbourne I had it in Japanese restaurant okay let see M very good really nice nice no crunchy yeah Pops in your mouth salty really nice you don't like good it's amazing I think it's like a few cavers here mhm mix it yes it's cavier mix it with some eggs M some roll amazing okay let's go yeah the best so far very nice yeah this is we're eating we don't talk anymore it's okay that's why we like it and there is like a salent which means is really good very good that's why we're eating like it what about Japanese breweries saporo um for yeah saporo asashi and Kirin those like three companies are the biggest producer but we also have local breweries and what about sake sake is also it's wine right it's like a rice wine but it's quite strong isn't it like 60° because I tried it yesterday oh really beer and sck wow that's a good combination I mean for sushi I really recommend you to try also sake it goes in with like very good with fish yeah unfortunately yeah maybe the next time if you have a chance so you only stay in Tokyo of course maybe 24 hours it's not it's not enough for Tokyo especially yeah it's not easy to get this as destination you have to be like very persistent to beat for it to wait for it and then if you're lucky you will go everyone wants to do these flights um customers are very nice destination is food is great so everything I think it's one of the most popular flight to ask for okay um have you traveled around Europe Italy oh yeah and Portugal and Germany good destinations great be my PS those countries are also like for my business strep no for my travel and what do you say about Italian cine Italian of course everybody likes know I think it's a very tight U tight match between Japanese cuine and Italian when it comes to people's favorite I think people either adore Japanese or Italian just or both or both yeah but it's always like you know no one's going to say um like if you ask people usually they would say either Japanese or Italian cuisine you know like it's very highin I mean in my heart of course my mom's cousin is the best but I cannot say that this or Italian cousin is not tasty so no it's amazing do you miss sometimes your home meal always always and like this is map of Ukraine and this is the s w is it my home is always wow yeah it's even here that's ukra and this is the her call the her Ukrainian and this is like basically the symbols like Kina okay the Muk the flower sunflower which is from my town I'm from the south of Ukraine so wow I had B today ago oh really yes it's the national UK red soup this was really nice as well try this what dish would you recommend from Montenegro for people to try I always say pruto and they kill me from Italy yeah because we have very good pruto in mono and it's Mediterranean country as well so like yeah it's similar to Italian cuisine but we have kachak oh I love it what was that but um it's just corn flour it needs to be cooked for a long time like hours I would say Sarma oh Sarma with the grap leav S no we don't do we do cabbage leav cabbage but um we we have me cabbage o and summer time it's bell peppers because it's a season of bell peppers so we stop yeah beautiful we have the same and it's really nice like it's one of the best thing moms and grandmothers can cook to their like child your first time here and your second time here so what are the things you are surprised about Japan when you just arrived here can I can I say why is there no trash beans trash beans I've been struggling with carrying trash all over I wouldn't throw it on the street obviously but also having a trash bin especially if it's the busiest Crossing in the world yeah have a have a trash bin so we can get rid of trash so is it is it the cultural thing I I I think I think there are two reasons mainly one is you have to maintenance always like a cleaner has to pick up the trash from the TR SP all the time so we can maybe save the cost oh okay and also there was one big incident maybe 20 years ago so I think it's because of the security reason yeah I can one problem and also of Japanese people have like customer to trash back home bring trash back home so I think uh we have no problem with that but maybe for foreigners you know Ed it's kind of weird yeah it is for me it's a lot of introverts here because yesterday we went to e Ramen and there was like this small stuff which covers you from everyone so no one can see how you eat and I do believe it's assumed that you came there alone just to have your dinner and everything ah okay so you went to eat your around maybe it's like private space yeah kind of like this right yes and it was like super nice super tasty and the people it makes huge difference because all of them like polite and so cute I really sometimes feel like I'm in the cartoon because today we were trying to buy the ticket uh to get to shabuya and we stopped just one random girl and she was trying to speak English as much as she could and she was so hard trying to help us and it's it's like super sweet it's outstanding really you have to be proud of this I think the thing for us maybe Europeans is that when you go out to eat you go to uh gather with your friends and a b event I think for Japanese people it's more about just enjoying the food even if it means going out by yourself in Europe it's more about the the social part about the food yeah I see for me one thing I I didn't expect that much was bow so like we had one girl here on the flight Japanese and the way she ran like she was like this and then she ran with the bow she was running and bowing so I liked it I honestly I enjoy it even on the flight when people go and they say thank you I do the same I'm like okay thank you so the bow is I really love it's it respect and it's very cultural specific Japanese thing so it's amazing natur we kind of B it's is this all the food going to no sushi is not coming here yet really there's more Sushi this is not Sushi this not Sushi yeah yeah I know I wasn't wow there now cooking I this ising the golden plat golden plate yeah [Music] inside are you okay with you didn't you don't serve on the side like they do in yeah they the it's already this like this is squid they put salt instead of like soy sauce so depend on the fish they use so this is tuna I guess Bonito oh okay Bonito is the name of the fish this is squid it's squid this this is tuna tuna and this is like a horse Mao oh mael mael yeah nice should we start from the lowest flavored one to the strongest which one is is Fat Fish yeah baby so gentle M oh my perfect I love it mhm soft milky my mom would be shocked then this is the proper sushi I swear I love it gentle so good yeah mhm and the rice already with like the the S sauce and everything and you use the ginger just to refill the fresh so we eat ginger between Sushi yeah let's go with Squid chewy because of squid is always Che should we put the music from squid games no okay let's go M try it's very good more spicy mhm you would I like it yeah it's it's but Che properly hard and Che mhm but it's richer flavor is it I feel it's it's kind of a spicy oh my God I'm super curious about the restaurant let's go to Bonito this is Bonito yeah okay the best one so far it's soft mhm it's very soft is it I like it the most for now mhm it's nice soft saltier and the taste this one was the best one beautiful T but I like it it's very soft it's very nice like not strong flavor but still good so so nice M this is my favorite M for me sa bit oily yeah it's oily not too smelly fishy I'm not piy I like everything but this one is super big I don't know how I it's very big yeah oh my God now I'm shy wait you like it yeah we have it a lot yeah so it's just like okay let's see Taste of Home Taste of Home that was so sweet m M really good tast but still soft and this spread the garlic one yeah oh yeah gives a nice final yeah yeah yeah she the only one who tasted the garlic I was just like wow nice yeah it's actually the garlic like more like green onion uhhuh yeah so it's really it's really good well we ate everything so it tastes good thing is I'm not very good at describing food I'm not good at describing food even in my language I like I know if I like it or not oh it's I guess it's something like my God am I right it's like a mi oh look at this they have like small flower inside look this is so cute and is this Toda spoon yes oh wow I love this pot wow that's beautiful so this is the egg part yeah it's egg part oh wow girls swirl call it do oh wait you lost the flower ah found [Music] it oh if this py girl likes it it should be really amazing I think it's for Success wow mhm MH it's super nice I wasn't expected it to be honest because I'm not a big fan of eggs but this one is like so good and they have some meat inside meat like a chicken meat super super small piece of meat yeah which just gives a flavor it's called chaam musi chaam Mushi so creamy it's so nice wow amazing as always I forgot to take a photo I'm just enjoying this is everything is so cute in Japan yeah like small pieces details that's true like if you will see look at the child starting from the hair buns and everything and it's like all pink with the cartoons with the like I don't know flowers and it's everything is so cute just and the socks and whenever you will watch I'll stay them so colorful but also I think culture got really famous with anime M and I think when you see them like or Pokémon I used to grow Pokemons were a big thing and you would see them eating these rice triangles you know the sush and for us as kids from Europe it looks so interesting you would be like what are they eating why it looks so much fun you know when now when you're growing up it attracts you again so I think subculture is doing great for Japanese cuine yeah if you go to like commun store you can see so many this triangle yes kind of breakfast me for me really eat this one is rice triangle triang yeah the sushi one nice and you see them in cartoons eating Ramen like crazy with oh yes super fast yeah and I was raised in Sailor Moon and Digimon adventor Moon yes it was Naruto Nar oh narut like three different Generations sake I remember Sake sushi so then then over so wow there is never more Sushi it's always enough right I will just drop it from you later honestly yeah that's to wrap it no yes we should wrap it okay yeah and like this this and okay chees M it's amazing the SE is crunchy flavorful the fish is sauce it has flavor mhm but honestly this is not the fish what is mushroom M the the grass and the Sea similar to cucumber and I like you have so many good stuff how come you're so thin I think it's healthy it's healthy it's healthy and tasty well so you have the perfect combination of healthy and tasty food okay thank you it's Mis soup so you eat Mis soup after [Music] everything this is s I want to buy everything there is dessert wow I made youat sorry wow all right fat and happy happy but wow this is how the Mis soup sh looks like and we hold it like this and like in cartoons yes we don't we don't use uh sper we can mix it with chop sticks a bit M wow beautiful ready take a look at this m wow no more words needed that's it wow usually I'm not fan of miso soup but obviously this is a proper one the one I've been having is not a real one so this is something else wow all right so this is our red beans spast strawberry and and some kind of like a rice cake let's see I love red beans usually it banana like banana pure banana yeah I love it not honestly much better than I expected wow for me super awkward to have beans in dessert it is for us yeah but that's why I wasn't expecting this but I like it so thank you so much for this experience thank you ar ar we finished yes was very tasty thank you so much for inviting us thank you it was a huge pleasure for me and for me as well we tried a lot of new things and they were all delicious we enjoyed so much thank you for hospitality and thank you for showing us Japanese culture hope coming back to Japan not for 24 hours but more days yeah longer okay thank you have a great day
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 1,390,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人, 外国人の反応, 海外の反応, 和食, グルメ, 寿司, 日本, 寿司に感動, 日本食美味しい, 初来日, 訪日外国人, 外国人観光客, 外国人インタビュー, 日本が好き, 日本が好きな外国人, 日本食冒険記
Id: b3MLru3DRs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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