唔想玩自組 又要手感好?實測3大頂點現成機械鍵盤|FILCO.LEOPOLD.Keychron|軸體|內附打字聲|繁中字幕|廣東話【Karenly:】
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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 60,790
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Keywords: 機械鍵盤推薦, 機械鍵盤 軸 聲音, 機械鍵盤 按鍵不靈敏, 茶軸鍵盤, 茶軸聲音, 茶軸 紅軸, mechanical keyboard, mechanical keyboard vs regular keyboard, keycap profiles, keycaps, keycaps mechanical keyboard, filco majestouch 2, keychron k8 pro, keychron q3, keychron v1, keyboard layout change, 鍵盤軸, 鍵盤推薦, keyboard, keyboard asmr, keyboard tutorial, keyboard cat, keyboard switches, keyboard switches sound test, keyboard switches explained, keyboard 轴 分别, keyboard 线, 自組鍵盤, keycap abs vs pbt, keycap abs doubleshot
Id: rVj9n5MIEzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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