開箱試用 Airpods Pro Type-C 機身無驚喜 全靠iOS 17先有智能升級! 繁中字幕|廣東話【Karenly:】
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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 47,666
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Keywords: price.com.hk, 格價, 消費卷, 評測, 比較, 買嘢, gadget, tech, review, unbox, 科技, 電子, 電器, iphone 15 pro, ios 17, iphone 14, 科技新聞 香港, iphone 15 pro max, ios 17 review, airpods pro 2, airpods pro 2 评测, airpods pro, airpods max, airpods 3, airpods 3rd generation, airpods pro 2 usb c, airpods pro 2 unboxing, airpods pro 2 review, airpods pro 2 vs airpods 3, airpods max review, earbuds, earbud finder, earbuds review, earbuds under 1000, earbuds under 2000, earbuds 2023, earbud test, earbuds for gaming
Id: 2YcEVXz24hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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