台灣人在中國洽公自由行如何用 WeChat 微信行動支付?這樣做就搞定

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Everyone can see now that I am in Shanghai This place is called Tianzifang I believe everyone knows that If you come to China You hardly have to spend any money Because their mobile payment is already very common If you are a foreigner like us If you are not Chinese Then how do you make payments in China? It used to be quite troublesome Because previous payments all required real-name registration But in these two years I mean, their government has changed the regulations to say As long as it's like Alipay and WeChat Pay They have already opened up to bind cards from other countries Alipay is just after you bind a card from Taiwan You can go shopping on Taobao If you bind a credit card to WeChat It has more uses So, it can be used for consumption on the regular city streets No matter if you are the payer or the payee, it's possible What about Alipay then It can't make direct payments to regular people outside Unless you have credit Otherwise, you can only simply use it for payments on platforms like Taobao and Today, I will explain briefly How to use WeChat Pay to link your mobile phone And then, consuming in China So, if you want to say you are within China If you want to pay like this Then you must use WeChat The WeChat of the past It could only chat with Chinese friends It couldn't make payments Actually, WeChat in China is a super app It can do everything you can imagine However, the overseas version is less useful You can only communicate with Chinese people It cannot perform any other tasks It is locked down What about now? Because China's policy has changed So now, you just need to go to 'Me' After clicking in, there is a service After going inside You can proceed to bind your credit card Next, let's see how to bind a credit card Okay! Let's spend a bit of time on this Let me briefly introduce to everyone How to use Wechat to register a credit card account Firstly You need to register for a Wechat account When you log in for the first time, it will ask you to register The current WeChat registration process is a bit tedious It's not like before where all you needed to do was register It has become so that You can register with a phone number Then you can register with Facebook or with an Apple ID After you've registered It will ask You need to find someone who has been using WeChat for over half a year To help you with a verification process Or scan your QR Code There wasn't such a thing in the past He may not promote it abroad anymore So he simply doesn't do this at all Then after you finish everything Your screen will display a normal image If you have friends They will also be displayed at the bottom Next, let us tap on this Then everyone can click this service Then you can see it has payment and wallet features The wallet is more complicated You have to apply for a bank account in China Next, we are going to link a credit card There are some conditions for linking the credit card You need to pass real-name authentication As you can see I will click the three dots in the upper right corner Here they have a real-name authentication After clicking it We then click on verification Here it will ask you to enter your real name It depends if you're using a Taiwan Travel Document Just like the old Taiwan Compatriot Permit Now it is a Cross-strait Travel Card And then go fill in the information After filling out the information You can register your credit card in there But one thing to note is The credit card only supports Visa If it's not Visa You can't use it After you have linked it You can click on this It includes payment receipt and wallet The wallet is for depositing money Don't mind him After you click on 'receive payment' Normally, a QR Code would appear Then you let the store scan the QR Code In principle, here Regardless of any store It would be strange for you to use cash Whenever he needs to pay you You just show him this WeChat Pay QR Code Then he will scan the QR Code for you And the payment will be completed You just need to bind a credit card inside Then you can make the payment However, I have encountered something, that is Some stores, for unknown reasons When they are swiping, a warning pops up Saying this might be a scam Failed to swipe That might require payment through other means Otherwise, customers might not want to use it here I have inquired with the bank They said due to lots of scams associated with WeChat Pay so this might happen Moreover, there is another point Apart from making payments, this software has other uses For example, when you go to order food in a Chinese restaurant You might notice Possibly after the waiter guides you to your seat They won't hand you a menu They also won't ask you what you want to order Because they are all using QR codes to order now On the table, in the corners Or on the menu there is a QR code But how do you scan it? It's very simple Just go back to the main screen Click the '+' in the top right corner This is a scanner Click on it Use it to scan the QR Code on the table in your store Then you can place an order Or even proceed to payment and check out All done at once Once you have made the payment The stuff will be brought to you Additionally, you see there is a 'payment' feature here When someone requests payment from you You can also go into Wechat And you just tap on this 'payment' feature The same QR Code page will pop up And make payment directly like this This is a simple payment action Apart from this It actually has a very useful feature as well. That is, after entering this service Everyone can see Everybody can see there's a lot of stuff inside He also has some things like storage values, life payments, we can't use those But what do we need? It's like a car-hailing service You click on it. This will show your location For example, I am currently at Tianzifang I'm considering where to go Like I live on the Bund Then I can directly input 'The Bund' here Suppose I want to go here And after you click on it It will show all the cars in the vicinity He is actually the same as Uber Then you just need to choose which type of car You can order it directly like this He may even offer a discount After you call the car It will show where you should wait for the car Which is the number on the license plate? Actually, the whole process is the same as Uber You don't need to tell the driver anything No need to worry about him taking a detour Basically, he doesn't dare to take detours. Majority of this price is pre-set And you can complain if he takes a detour He was fined So this is quite convenient Apart from this WeChat If you come to China I suggest everyone download apps like Little Red Book If you don't know what to play Just follow the 'Little Red Book' Then, you type in a location. There will be a lot of local food, entertainment, and shopping Or public reviews When you don't know what to eat You just browse the public reviews It will show what nearby restaurants are delicious. I think these apps are quite convenient Providing it for everyone's reference I am Computer King Ada. If you like this video Remember to like, subscribe, and turn on the notifications See you in our next video! Bye
Channel: 電腦王阿達
Views: 78,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wechat sign up, wechat account, Wechat, 微信, 微信支付, 滴滴打車, 支付寶, wechat pay without chinese bank card
Id: B8zpgDJ-XNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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