冼杞然 監製 喜劇恐怖電影|猛鬼撞鬼(Funny Ghost)|吳君如|樓南光|陳百祥|江欣燕|粵語CC中字|ENGSUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

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This is a special live broadcast of the Double Gold Cup race. Because Uncle is not feeling well, So tonight, I'll be the only commentator. Okay, the betting rate for 2 and 3 is the top bet. Only seven to one. God of Guan, please blessed that no.7 Fire Unicorn wins. We all bet heavily on this horse. -Oh shit! It'll lose this time. -I am even worse. My house is gone. Yue, Ah Shek just said on TV... that the horse is lame and has diarrhea. Is it true? Of course it is true. It was lame just to make sure it will win this time. It has diarrhea just to cleanse it's digestive system. It can race on an empty stomach. Are you sure? -You don't believe me? -We don't know if it is true or not. Let's call Rat and ask him. Just to make sure. Rat, is your information reliable? Of course it is reliable. If Accidental Guest doesn't win... I'll kill you. I took all my sister's money and bet on the horse. Okays, if it doesn't win, I come and let you kill me. Okay, it's done. We are rich. How is it? Rat said it's reliable. He said Fire Unicorn's owner had bet millions of dollar on the horse. Great, if I had money, I wouldn't have to entertain so many customers. You are hopeless. With money, you don't have to entertain but to choose your customer. You call this promising? If I had money, I'll quit working as a PR girl. I haven't thought of that. If I had money, I'll take revenge on this guy. That bloodsucker, manager Wu. Right, this guy is so mean. If we turn on the air conditioner a bit higher, he said we are wasting electricity. And count how much toilet paper we use when going to toilet. Our salary was cut this way. If I had money, I'll scold him and quit. Right. That bloodsucker's evil demeanor will come to no end. What are you doing here? There are so many customer outside, you girls have nothing to do? You turn on the air conditioner and the TV, electricity doesn't come cheap. We feel hot. You feel hot, the you go and look for customer. The air conditioning in the VIP room is freezing. Nobody asks for us. -Of course they don't ask for you. -What can we do? One, you are not sexy enough. Two, you don't spend much to pretty up yourself. Look at you, every time you go to work, you manicure. This is big taboo, of course nobody will ask for you. Go and sit outside. -Run. -Find a seat. Find a good seat first. -What are you doing? -One minute. I'll deduct your pay. Whatever. Run, Fire Unicorn. Speed up. Speed up. Speed up. Fire Unicorn come in last, why are you so happy? Right. This is bitter laugh. Speed up. Go, Run. -Fire Unicorn... -No. -What are you doing? -No. - I bet big money on it. Can't lose. -No. -Fire Unicorn... -No. I'm rich...I got it this time. Fuck it. Are you nuts? Something's wrong with you? You win and you cry, you lose and you laugh. This is abnormal. If this horse can win, nobody will have normal reaction. You girls laugh and cry, are you crazy? It's none of your business. You talk to me like this? I dare not raise my voice when I am poor. Now that I got money, I can raise my voice. You have money? I've got good news. We won 9 million dollars, I quit. No, Manager Wu. Listen to me. What are you afraid of? We quit when we have money. I'll still be a PR girl, even when I am rich. Being a PR girl is my lifetime career. I beg of you, manager Wu. We go and work somewhere else. You just said he's a mean bastard and limits our use of toilet paper. -This is not mean, this is thirfty. -What's the matter with you? -We won the horse race and can give him hell. -Right. Don't you say that. We got to have good virtue when we are rich. Screw you. Wu, I give you 500 dollars to buy toilet paper. Another 500 for this month's air-conditioning fee. Make the air-conditioner cooler. Electricity is cheap. I paid it all. You want to die? You screw me up big time. What are you doing here? I come and let you kill me. Mouse, your tips let us win big money this time. -We won't kill you. -My tips? Right, the Fire Unicorn. No, I asked her to bet on The Intruder. Where's Yu? Won the horse race? -Manager Wu. -You are rich. -Save electricity is right. -Right. It's alright to use less toilet paper. We won't scratch our asses if we use less toilet paper. I'll go and entertain the customer. Why are you talking to me so nicely? I lower my voice because I am poor. Stop dreaming. Go outside and earn your hard-earned money. Yu, I'll look for you wherever you are. Why you come to my house so late? Your house? I thought this is my house. What are you doing? You killed that cushion. -Don't scare me. What are you doing here? -To watch TV. Racing World at 23:35 on Wednesday night. Bill Tung is the host. Five more minutes. You don't have TV in your house? I have. Is she gone nuts? She lost the bet. Fuck, TV set is kaput. Did you have your late night snack? No. -What to eat? -Cheese balls. -Cheese balls? -Yes. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to have cheese balls. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to have French fries. What will you eat on Sundays. Want to drink something? Western tea. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to have western tea. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to have herbal tea. Sundays to have marijuana. I make tea for you. I'll help you. What's wrong with your legs? You are taming. You go out and sit down. I don't need your help. 18. 187 It's 17. 177 2,4,6, 8,10, 12, 14, 16, 17. We lost one yesterday. You include the one that was lost yesterday. You are nuts. What's wrong? Yu. Why are you like this? You are my only friend. Don't you scare me. Why? I was beaten. I can't pay them the money that I owe, they want to kill me. Don't be afraid, I'll help you. It is hard to find a true friend. Tell me, why they want to kill you. The thing is, I have a sister friend. Her dad needs to have heart transplant, and her mom needs to have kidney transplant. Her sister needs to have lung transplant. I borrowed money from the loan shark. I can't pay when the money is due. They want to kill me to retrieve my heart, kidney and lung. So fierce. Okay, I'll write you a cheque. Why do you laugh? I have a cramp. Hello. Ngor, did Yu come and look for you? What's going on? That bitch took all our money to bet on a horse and lost. Now she disappears. If you see her let us know. Actually, they beated you and made you gone crazy. This world means nothing to you. Yeah. -How much is the cheese ball worth? -10 cents. -This apartment? -10 cents. -Your dad? -10 cents. -Your life? -10 cents. Right. This is one dollar and is good enough for you. You can pay back the loan shark with capital and interests. You want me to get kill? Want you to get kill? You don't deserve to live. You think of every excuse to swindle your sister's money. Now that you know it all, and you don't help me? Why don't you level with me earlier? I am ashamed. Every time I have to trouble you. I know you are good to me. And you are my only friend. Every time I come and ask you for money. I feel so terrible. Save it. You and I are good friends. I'll help you this time. How much? Thank you very much. 800 thousands. 800 thousands? You think this is nether bank notes? Please, for the sake of our friendship. Okay? I don't have that much money. You just said a true friend is hard to come by. I didn't know a friend is so expensive. Okay, for the sake of the friendship, you say how much. 5 thousand. What? 5 thousand? It was worth 15 thousand last time. How can you say that? Interest rate is up, and the dollars' worth is up too. Not five thousand, then how much? Okay, I'll not beg you. Don't stop me, I'll go and kill myself. Don't -I'll die in front of you. -Good. Let me answer the phone first. I won't commit suicide. Fool. -Hello. -Miss Cheung, a Mr. Peter... ...cancelled your joint account today. Withdrew all your money and sold your property. What? Peter withdrew all my money and sold my property. Yes, and you can only stay until the end of the month. Then I am homeless. That I don't know. When are you paying me the lawyer's fees. You go to hell. I should be dead. I'm dead. No, if I die, the Yue will be all alone. No way, I kill her first then I'll commit suicide. I resolve to die. I'll tie my feet, you turn on the gas for me. Then come back hours later. By then even if I am not dead, I can't go out. Okay, I'll tie you up. You don't need to tie me at the back. Oh yes, because I am not going to use the gas. I'll stab you with a knife, and let you have a quick death. You try to scare me? Okay, if it's not enough, then go hara kiri Let the intestines spill all over like ox sripes. No way, I commit hara kiri... and let Peter feels guilty. What did you say? Yue, I have nothing now. Peter swindle all my hard earned money. What do you want? I want to die. But I don't want to leave you all by yourself, it will be too sad. So I'll kill you first, then I'll commit suicide. You said you want to die. I don't want to die. Can 17 No, then I'll leave you all alone, it's not right. Ngor, calm down. You die for this ass-hole? Is it worth it? Don't. I do it for you, not for him. For me? Then it's not worth it even more. I am a burden to my friends when I am alive, I don't want to trouble my friends when I'm dead. I don't want to disgrace myself even if I am not dead. So I don't want you to disgrace yourself here. Don't. Please don't...come on. Oh hell. Will she be alright if I leave her by herself. Go back and take a look. Ngor, what's going on? Yue, are you a friend of mine? Yes, so what? Then help me. Help you to do what? Help me to commit suicide. Suicide? Are you sure you want to do this? Do you have any last words? We are sisters, but I ruin you this time. You are not, you are helping me. You help me to leave all these worldly pains. And let me get to the blissful world. A car is coming. Are you ready? That car is speeding so fast, when it comes, you hit it head on. Don't be scared. -Hit it... -Here it comes. Close your eyes and make a dash. Hit me. What's wrong with you? Why do you stop? Don't you see she is committing suicide? You should drive with full speed and hit her dead. Please. Please reverse the car, I stand here, you drive with full speed, -and hit me dead please, do me a favour. -Are you nuts? How come it can run you over? There's a car. We turn around and pretend that we are chatting. Here it comes, don't be scared. Make a dash. It didn't work. Have you eaten? You can't even jump. Just aim at it and hit it. How can I jump if I have my eyes closed? You fool. If I am a fool, then you are dumb. I'm dumb, you are smart. You junp and let me see. Okay. Sister Yue. Shit, I hit somebody. I am fucked. Let's go. -Sister Yue, are you okay? - It is hit head on, right? Yes, but you are not dead. I aimed it right. What does it mean? You hit it head on, guarantee that you are dead. A car is coming, are you ready? Make a dash. Not me! Don't. Yue. Come on, slowly. Yue, I am sorry to make you suffer like that. But this time, it won't. I won't hurt you at all. I hope so. I jump now, you go away, I don't want to ruin you. You don't jump until I am further away. See you in next life. See you in next life. Master thank you. 600 grands is yours. You take other people's money and ward off all the miseries for them. It's my job. Master Hung, the ghost I raised for you this time, is brought over from Malaysia. It's a female ghost. A female ghost? She was raped and killed. She was found pregnant after dead. It's one victim with two lives. She has greater grudge than any other ghosts. Her power is greater than any other ghosts. How will she obey me? You shed a drop of blood on the um every week. That's it. Why shed blood? Because she lives on blood. However, I went through hell when I tried to suduce her. You must remember to feed her. She is so fierce, will she out-power me? I have thought of that. I put her embryo separately If she doesn't obey you, you put it in the fire pot, and burn it with cinnabaria. You have the upper hand I am sure she'll listen to you. Brothers, we raise this ghost Our organization will have a smooth operation. Okay... However, There is no reason for us to share our profits with the rebel. Rebel? -Right, -Who? The police want to bust me for a long time But fail. So they send in an insider -An insider? Is it you? -who? Waste him. Why don't you jump? I can't, I'm too nervous. I am so stiff, you help and push me. Push you? I'm afraid. I won't blame you, please. All right. What are you doing? Sister Yue. I am dying. Don't Don't. My money. -Don't pick them up, bitch. -Don't go. -You want to die? That's my money. -Don't pick them up. Hurry. That's my urn. -I'm bleeding. -Give it back. Return my urn! Where do you think you are going? Don't run. Get me the urn and the money Kill her if need be. Okay. Wait, you bunch of no-good bastards. You think Hong Kong is a city with no laws? A bunch of people running around with guns in their hands. Right, you do that when I am the Governor. Boss, I'll go alone. Killer Howe, you kill people then I'm at ease. Taxi, stop. Thanks. Thank god, I can travel around the world this time. Who is he? My husband is coming, please go away. Where're you going? Shit. I can't move, my feet got stucked. Shit. Come up and play with me. Don't kill me, I'll return your the money You don't need to. I even save the bullet, I let the car run over you. Don't hit me. Don't hit me please. Don't. Don't! How come? -Why are you grabbing me? -Get in the car -I am not going -Come on - I was enjoying the view up there. -Will you cooperate please -Why? Is it an of fence to enjoy the view? -Right, you come with me to give statement. -Why you bust me? -Will you keep quiet please. I am not going. Did you see what happened? I saw a woman push her down. I of course yell at them to stop. That woman fell down. Then she was committing suicide, and not enjoying the view then? No, it's murder. Are you sure you saw that woman pushed her down. I said yes. What I don't understand is why can't we find that woman's corpse. I just don't understand. I called her house but nobody answered. Nothing on her in the newspaper. Right, we better run, go home and get the passport. Officer, all my chickens in the henhouse is gone. What? All the chicks in the whore house is gone? Is it legal to run a whore house in Hong kong? Is it illegal to run a henhouse? You operate a whore house and dare to report to the police? No, not that kind of chicks. We have a farm house, they are chickens in a farm house. Officer. -What's the name of your farm house? -SoKee Yard -SoKee Yard -Scotland Yard? Scotland Yard? No... it's SoKee Yard. -We are from Scotland Yard -How Come? To see sergeant Wong. To report to duty. Turn right, room 101 Thanks. Officer, please make charges. Officer Wong, don't worry. Of course I am worried. These two guys are nasty bastards in Scotland Yard. They are lucky, nothing goes wrong so far. They are assigned to our precinct, We will have a tough time. Is that what you worry about? You don't want them hanging around? Ask them to do those itsy bitsy jobs. They won't bother you then. You make the arrangement. What kind of a person is this Sergeant Wong? An ass-hole. How do you know? You see, he has a shitty face. Right, he looks shittier than you are. He puts on air and read English Literature, dork. Bravo Bravo? I threw only on book. Just think of an excuse. Officer Wong, I think it's them. It's them all right. He's coming You must be the Scotland Yard's action heroes. Yes, Sir. What are you doing? Indirectly knock down a buffalo. To knock down a buffalo? Right, we are practising a long lost Chinese internal kung-fu. Is it funny? Why? It is funny because you say such an absurd thing. You don't believe then? Of course I don't believe. You think you are making a kung-fu movie? Police force will only believe scientific facts. Or else, why do we carry guns. It will be much better for us to go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts. How can I make you to believe me? Okay, you hit me with you palm in the air, and see if I will die. I order to prove it to you, I have to offend you. Hit me. Don't hit a person, hit an object. An object? Okay. I hit his office. You see for yourself. Is it really that great? Of course. Don't look, ask somebody to clear the mess. Sir, we just report to duty, are there anything that we can help? No need, Chan, you see to it. The kung -fu they teach in Scotland Yard is so terrific. This is nothing. He has much better skill. -What skill? -It's called "shootin down an aeroplane.” -You practice for a long time? -sine I was 14. He believes. Kuen. Do you have any such cases that are unimportant, but looks complex and weird, and will never come up with any results? Just give me one. Officer Chan, who offended you? He didn't offend me, but he offended... Whom? Officer Wong. They are the two trouble makers from Scotland Yard. Have a light? No. Can I borrow? He is Trouble. I have a case. What case? A PR girl committed suicide last night. And got detained. -Suicide? This is a no good case. -Not exactly. Listen to me. An eye-witness saw a girl was about to push the victim, but she slipped and fell down herself. We arrived at the scene but couldn't find the body. This case is probably a murder case, But I think, one, the eye-witness saw a ghost. And two, the victim was obsessed by a ghost. This is one weird case. We treat it as a murder case. And they will never find the murderer. Okay. Passport? Why don't you let me know that you are coming? So as to let me clean up the place and wait for you. If we let you know, then you will split. Save your breath. Give us our money or your life. You try to bully me? I am also a street-smart girl, I have nothing but a life, take it. -We dare not -But our boss dares. Boss? What kind of boss? Street cleaner is called the boss. People from the Mainland are also called the boss. The Boss, fool. You are so cocky, you dare to go to see him in the restaurant? -Why not? I fear of no boss. -Then go. - I will. You will see what's gonna happened. He is my boss. Boss. -You are their boss? I... -What? Why with your head down? Are you shameful? No, I have a terrible headache. Boss, if you got things to do, just say it, and I'll do it. You just said you see no boss. Now you are so obedient. The boss is here, how can I say I see no boss. Right? Boss. Your head. Who do you think you are? Talking to me with your head down?? You are not used to it? I am used to it. Why don't we all drop our heads when talking. Are you fooling around? Head up. Hello, boss. Have I seen you before? What? You have seen me? Can't be. I remember. -I recognise you. -Right. You were the centre spread girl of Sporting House magazine. You? The Sporting House? Yes... I did. Boss, you have such sharp eyes to recognise me. Of course. You have no tits, how can you be the photo girl? Right. No tits is a rarity. Big boobs are plenty, it's a nice change to see tiny boobs. How come you didn't say? Right. You don't wash dirty laundry in public. I owe betting debts, so I pose for the magazine to repay the debts. I don't want flesh for debts. I want cash. Boss, we are all street-smart girls and guys. We know one who repays his debts is of superior class. One who doesn't owe any debts is of lower class. One who doesn't pay his debts is of no class. I might be penniless today, but I might get rich tomorrow. I always pay my debts. Problem is will you give me a way? What kind of way that you want? -What way? -Boss. Let me think. Sit. I failed. Later. What do you want? I am thinking... You don't need to think. You won't be able to pay in one lot. How about by instalments? Okay, 10 instalments. -10? That's too long. -5 instalments. Okay? 5 instalments. 5 instalments. Boss, give me some grace periods, I don't have that many customers. I can't do it. 5 instalments. No way...can not. Are you sure? You think I am kidding? Let me think. This way I am dead. Let's do it quick. You drop something. I drop something? So, how many instalments? -3 instalments. -3 instalments? That's tooshort. -Let me think. I didn't drop anything. Bullshit. 500 dollars. Okay, you are no bullshit and I will not stall. 3 instalments. -When will you pay the first instalment? -When? -Let me think. -I have 500 bucks. You drop 1000 bucks. More? Start paying the first instalment tomorrow night. That quick? This kind of thing, quicker the better. Good, what a decisive woman. No delay. You girls go with her to pick up her passport, just in case. Okay. -Sorry if I hurt you. -It's okay. Let's go. Howe, what about that thing? My stone urn. I let that chick slipped away, Boss. You let me down. Boss, I won't next time. Last night a girl committed suicide on the roof, but she didn't die. She's in the police station. I had sent someone to keep an eye on her. Words have it that she is still in custody. I suspect that she has something to do with the stone urn. I know what to do, Boss. You were so cocky but then you turned chicken when you got there. You were so scared that you were in tears. Shame on you. You got balls, but we are sisters, don't do that to me. Wait, we don't have sister like you. You are so cheap to pose for the Sporting House magazine. If you want to do it, do it with Penthouse or Playboy. Of course I know I could earn more money to pose for them. Who doesn't? You got to see what I've got. I have no bust no buttuck With no money and no figure. I look like a box, it's flat in front. There's only a straight line on the side, with no curves. No more talking, -I'll get you girls my passport. -What is she doing? Wait, what's in that box? Nothing, they are my magazine pictures. Don't look, they are so ugly. Let's have a look. We are all women, we look the same when naked. Don't look, they are not good to look at. Stop fooling around. What's inside? Let's have a look. -Don't -Let's see. -Don't look. -Give it. Let go. -Beat it. -Don't look. -Let's see it -don't. -Open it -Don't look. God damn it, you stash away so much money, and claim that you are broke. The money is not mine, don't take it. If it's not your money, then don't take it. -Give it back. -You have it. Give it back. That's a lot of money. Give them back. We take the surplus as interest. You don't leave me any money. Go to hell. Stop pulling my legs. You are not dead, are you? I was only joking. Don't die. -Why you pushed me? -Ridiculous. I didn't pushed you. -Who else then? You want us too beat you? -Bitch. I didn't. I want to beat you so long. Drop dead. Beat her. Don't. You bunch of whores, you took all my money and beat me. You all drop dead. Don't die. Drop dead. Don't die, drop dead. Don't die, drop dead. Don't die, drop dead. Bingo! Great, this is a treasure urn. You bitches have it coming. Okay, all rise, listen to me. You all go and pose for the porno magazines, and you are not allowed to take money. You pose for the Sporting House. You pose for The Jade Pavilion. You two go and make porno movie. Go... Wait, leave your money. Leave all your gold watches, gold chains, gold rings, and even gold teeth. All four of you crawl out like a dog. Out. I can make money this way. -Hello. -It's me. Ngor, where have you been last night? I... Let's not talk on the phone. See you in the old place. You go now. I got exciting things to tell you. Don't be so foolish this time and do not try to kill yourself again. You die, I will not die. After what you guys had treated me, I got my enlightments in life. What enlightments? I decide to follw the steps of the Italian female Congressman to be a politician. I'll rectify all the bad services in the police force. I ask the government to have more toilets in jail. She's that girl, Howe. With police involve in it. Taxi. She got in a taxi, follow her... let's go. You go back and tell the Boss, we are tailing them. Don't know whom is she waiting for. A person that we are looking for! Probably... Will it be the girl that the janitor saw falling from the roof? Barbecue pork bun. -Barbecue pork bun -Barbecue pork bun? -Ngor -Sister Yue You said on the phone about some fantastic thing. Stop talking, I show you something. What is it? It's magical. Like that... Give me a pot of Pu-li tea. No. Jasmine tea. No. -Shao Mi tea? -No, we have nothing. Nothing? How do you run a tea house then? How should I know? I am not working here. You nuts. Nutty tea house! To hire someone who's not working here. I won't show it to you. You are bullshitting me? You don't believe? Unless you can prove it to me. Okay. Don't blink. You give me thirty 100 dollar notes. Come on... -Come on... -If you can do it, nobody will bet on Mark Six. Why don't you try it with a milk bottle? Failed. You think this is a magic lamp? It really worked. I am impressed. Great, I finally found a false print bank note. It's a 100 dollar bill. Miss, I'll exchange with you. I give you three thousand dollars for it. -3000 bucks? -Okay. -I found the treasure this time. -Great. I am rich. It worked, didn't it? Was that guy dealing with them? The boss is right. These girls are related. It didn't look like a deal. Would it be he owes them money? -Keep the change. -Thanks. -Let's go. -Where to? With this treasure baby, of could it will help us to get rich. -Let's go. -Yes. They get the bill. You ate so much. I didn't eat anything. Was it finger licking good? I tail them, you ask for a doggie bag. Pay the bill. You guys see for yourself. Out of my way. Hurry. I stay and watch in here, you tail them, and see what you find. Here comes the chance. These two pigs are in our way. We'll kill them one by one. Who are you looking for? -You'll see. -Who are you looking for? I look for your mother. Open up. Get in quick. This is one hustle and bustle place. Make youself at home. I invest heavily in here. Today, I'll get it all back in one lot. No more betting. I'll be the banker next game. 11 floor. With so many units. Don't know which unit the girls went into. Finally on the 11th floor. Busted light bulb? With so many busted light bulbs, they are killing me. What's under my foot? You are littering this place. You litter bug. They threw away the broken toy gun just like that They sure have no virtue. You try to steal my refuse? There are so much refuse on this floor. More points. -Blessed that we win. -We win. Duo heaven and earth. Come again? What did you say? Duo heaven and earth. How come? I had duo heaven and earth. How come it became four and four. What's wrong with you? You make duo heaven and earth to become four and four. How can you do that? You are crazy. I only have five and five. And I won. Did you see two girls went by? With hair this long, one of them is plump and the other is skinny Didn't see them. Here I am, I'll chop you to death this time. It's him. Earthly treasure. -Get the money. -Get the money. Duo heaven supreme. Collect money. We won again. Here you are. What's happening? Found anything? Nothing. What about the girls? Don't know. You let them got away? No. God damn it, are you shitting me? Where are they? They are still upstairs. I just don't know where they went. What now? We stay here and keep watching. You sure will die this time. As soon as you start the car, with a slight movement in the steering wheel, it will... -There's more. -Put them in. All because of this baby. I didn't realise it is so fantastic. Of course, let's go. Where're we going? We'll see when we get home. -I say... -What took you so long? -We'll have a big meal tonight. -We change our clothes. -I want to go to... -Peter... I got you this time, you jerk. -Ngor -Beat him. Peter. Where're you going? Go to hell. -Why you hit him? -Go away. Bastard, you swindle all my money. No, Ngor, please don't beta me. No, why didn't you say no when you swindle my money? Get him to the roof top and beat him again. Go. -Peter -Kill him. -You rescal. -You drop dead. I kick you to death. -You swindle the girl's money, I'll kill you. -Don't. You bastard, I was so nice to you, and you swindle all my money. No more talking to him, kill him. -You die. You have no heart, you die. -You drop dead. -Hit him. It's them. -Boss. -You go to hell. -Peter -They are the bitches? Yes. -Beat her. -Okay. You go to hell. Split. Are you all right? Go after them. Hurry. -You sluts. -I'm running. Hurry. -Stop. -Run. Blessed that we are possessed by Bruce Lee. Please. -You sluts, freeze. -Go. What's she doing? Quit acting, go. She's one hell of a fighter. Come on. Run. Peter, run. Peter? I can't run. You have enough? Then let's go. I didn't know I'll run into that bastard Peter. You are not pissed any more. Don't let me run into him again. Here they come. Follow her. Faster. It's lucky that I am a good driver, or else we will have an accident. I didn't hit him enough. Why are you so angry? Now that we have money, we should think how to enjoy life. 13, 14, 15. -15th floor. -Let's go. Of course we are in a lucky streak and become phoenixes. Can't we become swans? Phoenix is chicken. Whatever. I think this one. -I have sore wrist. -Right. -Put away all the stuff Hurry. -Who is it? Police. Looking for the two girls that just went in. Shit. How come the police are here? -They must have tailed us. -What should we do? You go and hide. I'll play with them. Let's see some ID. Come in. Thank you, old lady. What about the two girls that just went in? They are in the loo. They live here? No, they are my grand daughter's friends. Where's your grand daughter? She's out. Please sit down, I get tea for you. Soft drink will do. You always have tea and no soft drink. Situation different. Don't know if they put poison in tea. They can also drug you with soft drink, you fool. Slim chance. Look out, something wrong with this unit. How do you know? Feeling. I feel that you are not okay. No one knows what you are talking about. Such a small unit. What's wrong with it? Problem. That old lady went in so long to get tea. What's wrong? Officer, I am old, You nearly scare me to death. -You are?... -Me? I am the husband of that old woman who opened the door for you. Where's that old lady. You look for her? She's in the room. I go get her. Old woman, officer asks for you. -Can't be. -What? Are you trying to scare yourself? We saw that old lady went in and didn't come out. Perhaps she came out while we were talking. And you didn't realized. Can't be. Are you looking for my sister? -Who is it? -Down here. Who are you? I am the younger sister of my sister. You have to wait for a long time for my sister. I have to go to the toilet. You wait, I'll talk to you after shitting. Looks like this unit is weird. You think so too? -Shit. -What? That old lady said the girl went into the toilet. So this one... that one... Open up. Who's in there? If she doesn't open up, we'll kick down the door. Okay! What's wrong with you guys? You are so impolite, barging in here and watch an old woman going to the loo? Shame on you. You mother didn't teach you that? We see all right. -Does it hurt? -It hurts. -Does it hurt? - It hurts like hell. Granny, I am hungry. You got anything to eat? Grandma is in her room, I'll ask her to fix you something to eat. You just ate. You got worms or what? I take you to see the doctor. I don't want to see a doctor. It really hurts when he gives me an injection. Did you register as a voter? Why not? Remember to register. The Hong Kong Government needs your participation and opinions. Remember to go tomorrow. Sisters, today we'll teach you the etiquette of a PR girl. You need to sway your buttock when walking. You sway it the shakier the better. You need to shake your tits. Like this. You see these two guys are having a great time. Don't you agree? Oh God, Ghost! You don't wait for my sister? No, some other time. -Bye. -Hurry. -They are gone. -We fooled these two bastards. It's fun. They wet their pants. Hurry, go tell the boss that the murderer might be a ghost. I want to buy a house with a swimming pool. I want to have a chauffeur to drive me around in a Rolls-royce. -I also want... -We want nothing. We need to go to some place that nobody knows us. Right, but where can we go? We need to book a plane ticket, no matter where we are going. We need to leave Hong Kong as soon as possible. Let's go. Put away the stuffs first. Right. Honey, I'll come to your place tonight. You prepare chicken congee for me as a late night snack. Okay...that's it then. Hold on, give me a kiss. See you. -Sir. -Sir. Sir, we... What's going on? It's you again? What kind of kung-fu you are practising this time? Ghost. We saw ghost. You saw ghost? You saw ghost movies one too many. No, it's real. We followed that girl to her friend's house. We went to the house but we didn't see the girl. Then we saw an old lady, she said the girl went into the toilet. Then the old lady disappeared. We saw an old man. He said the old lady went into her room The old man disappeared, then we saw a midget. That midget... That midget is a girl, a friend, a kid, went into the loo. The old lady said the girl went into the loo. We barged in saw no midget and no girl. Stop talking! I don't know what you are talking about. No, she was legco member at one time, then she became a TV artist, then a midget. Are you guys police officers or entertainment news reporters? If you want to quit, then go back to Scotland Yard and practice your kung-fu. No... Then get out. I already said so. We are having a rough time. I won't believe it if I didn't see it myself. You said so too. Anybody who is smart enough will say so. What should we do now? You ask me? I ask whom? Ask me. Did you see a ghost? Right. -What can we do? -Right. At my age, I have seen everything. -When I was... -Don't be nostalgic. Think of the present, what should we do? A ghost is afraid of red undies. -It can ward off any ghosts. -Really? Before you go, you wash your eyes with water boiled with pomelo leaves. You will see the ghost wherever it goes. -Really? -Really? Believe it or not, I already told you. You believe him? What else can we do if we do not believe him? Let's go. You slut denies that you have a lover. I didn't go to work to see what you are up to. Those who came and looked for you were guys. If one more guy come and look for you, I won't be kind to you, I'm telling you. Mr. I would like to ask... Ask you mum. How would my mum knows where she lives. It must be here. Where is it? We are well prepared this time. Pomelo leaves. Did you put on your red under? I did. Let's go. It's these two pigs again. He died so terrible. Freeze, show him what we got. You are scared? You ain't see nothing yet. Switch places. What are they doing? I don't think that they are gays. He has no response. We failed to ward off the ghost. Can't be. Uncle Chung said if we turn our butts to him, he'll disappear. You take me as a ghost? Attack. Go. I'll play along. I am done. -I make you lose you abode. -Thank you. I am done. I am going now... I am done. Succeed. Go search this place and see what we can find. She makes me to do video film. You are better than I am, making video film. I pose for the Jade pavilion. I am much worse, I pose for the porno magazine. We didn't realise Yue knows such evil ways. Not evil ways? She must have kept a ghost, or else we won't be possessed. Is Fairy Lady works all right. Of course, she specialises in ghost busting. You put on your red undies? Not only red undies, bras as well. -Nothing. -We search the whole house, nothing suspicious. Let's go... Go. No escape this time. Evil ghosts, are you scared? It will ward you off. Right, ward you off. -They think we are ghosts? -Really? Scared? You ain't see nothing yet. Right. -I can't take it no more. -I am done. Wrad you off. It worked. If it worked, then we get rid of them once and for all. Get rid of? How to? You forgot what Fairy Lady told us, we raped the ghost, until their power vanishes. Rape him. Okay, let's do that. -Don't rape us. Don't. -Get up. -Get in...what are you doing? -Please don't rape me. -Get in. -Don't rape me. -Don't do this to me. -If you knew of the outcome, then you shouldn't have treated us like this. Fatty, we attack him together. Okay, get up. Why don't you come along, the more the merrier. Okay, I am not afraid of you. -Don't rape me. -Get in. Bitch You are asking for it. Let's waste her tonight. With this money, we can split among ourselves. I feel good. Then let's go. Go... I feel good. Today is the happiest time in my life. You have more to come. You won't be able to sleep tonight. How do we celebrate? We'll celebrate on the plane. Brother Hung will find us. We don't feel safe if we are still in town. -They want to run? It is bad news. -You are chicken. Why are you so scared? We have this treasure, we won't even afraid of Rambo. Treasure. You think this is a fairy, or is it the evil spirit? You are evil. It is a fairy. Not only can it bring us money, it can also protect our lives. If it didn't possessed us the other day, we won't be able to beat the shit out of those bastards. Right, please bless us. No more talking, let's go home and pack. -See you at the airport tonight. -Okay. -I'll go now. -Hurry. -Don't be late. -I won't. Treasure grabbing. Murder. Right, The two gangs kill for one No, three gangs. Three? Right. We are the gang. We? We grab the treasure and kill them all. Good. Hello. Yue, how dare of you to reap the profit. Who is it? Brother Hung. What do you want? Nothing, I am telling you, I can let go of the money. But you still have something that belongs to me. What? I don't. Stop pretending. It's okay. You can take it. I can always get another one. But you won't be able to find another friend. -Yue, Help me. -Don't. -Ngor. -Help me, quick. -So...? -What do you want? Tomorrow evening, seven o'clock Shatin Wai Yip Industrial Building 18th floor Her life is in your hand. Where's the money and the urn? The same statement three times in a roll. What does it mean. It indicates that the female ghost was died of an affair. Probably rape and murder. But what is weird is that the statement implies Yin and Yang will join together. There's no way that the female ghost is a shemale. Would it be that she was MC/DC? No, unless she was pregnant. And she had a boy. That's a point. The case is getting complicated. The corpse in the back alley was also a female ghost. Take this urn and watch the girl. There might be surprises. Right, we might get laid again. Screw you. Follow her. Where is the urn? In the car. Take it. You open the door. I forgot to take the key. What can we do? Anybody here? I am here. Yue, help me. Ngor. What's up? Are you afraid? Now you are scared. You bitch. How dare you. You steal from me? I am not afraid. I have this thing and I am not afraid of you. You let my friend go. Or I'll use this thing to deal with you. To deal with me? You deal with me? I know you'll do this. Give me the urn. Boss, the urn. The little ghost inside this urn, is the son of that female ghost in your urn. If she dares to do anything, I'll cast it into the pot and burn it with cinnabar. Do you really think that she'll listen to you and deal with me? I can't let him know that this urn is a fake one. I got to pretend that it is real. Bullshit, you take your father's um and said that this is her son's. Why don't you admit that she's your grandma. You are nuts. Teach him a lesson. -Teach me a lesson? -What are you doing? You beat them for me. Do you hear? Beat them. I already told you it won't work. You shit-eating dog, go eat shit. Boss, the urn works. Look, the dog is eating shit over there. You go eat shit. She says I am a shit-eating dog, and not the dog. You wise up. You are useless, you can't get it opened. Go away, let me do it. You are useless. It worked, didn't it? Why you use your head and the fist? The skull is the hardest part in human body. Not the teeth? You try and use your teeth then. It's too dangerous, I better not. This time I'll kill you two bastards. Don't push me. Or I'll break it. Now you act wildly. Okay, you let her go first. No way, I'll tell you. You give me the urn, I'll deliver her. Or I'll waste her. -And see if you can get out of here alive. -Don't Okay, let's exchange. Go. Shit, what now? -You give me the urn, and I'll let her go. -Give him... Should I give him the fake one? Looks like they are doing business. Definitely. Looks like she is holding an urn. The urn is with us, what are they exchanging? Help me. Okay, We'll exchange at the same time. 1, 2, 3. Run. Where're you going? Where are you two going? With these two urns, We can do whatever we want. What do you want? What do I want? Give it to me, so clumsy. -Kill them both. -Okay, boss. -What are you doing? -Kill them both. I am talking to the urn. Step aside. Kill them. No, please don't kill us. What are you doing? Fake dead. You have to shed blood on it to gain it's power. Try it. What are you looking at? You bugger off. That was close. Who is it? -Police. Take it easy. -Police? I don't care if you are Superman! Kill him. Why don't you go. I thought you are talking to the urn. Go fuck yourself. Every time I have to use the um, Why should I keep you around? Be a bit smart, kill him. -Kill him. -Charlie, push. Superman gives us strength. -Hit the Bull. -Shoot down the plane. Are they also raising a ghost? Cannot be. It's a fake. Bitch, you fool me. Listen, you female ghost, if you play tricks with me, I'll burn your son. Why didn't it work? Try again. -Hit the bull -Shoot the plane. Nothing happens. Draw the gun. Freeze, or I'll shoot. Howe, give me the urn. Give it to me. Don't move. Boss. -Give me the syringe, spray on it. -Boss. How dare you are, hit the bull. You two fight between yourself. Sorry, it's not my fault. I don't want to do this, forgive me. How come? Here it goes again. How come? Don't. How come I will raise my ass? Stop. Are you all right? I want you two to draw the guns. No. Shit. Be careful of my head, I got brains in there. You watch out for my happiest and most cherish part. Don't shoot or it will be game over. The two policemen will die soon. What to do? We can't escape. We risk it one more time. You go save the pigs and I'll take the um. Don't move your finger, or it will be over. Where's my urn? She took my umn. Ridiculous. Strangle them to death. I forgot to give it blood. Get me back the urn. Quick. Go after her. Hurry. Who tripped me? Where's the um? It's gone. You do... Where're you going? Catch. Let me. Sorry, I don't want it this way. Forgive me. What's going on? Give me my son. That little urn. What are you looking at? You kill them all for me, and I'll give you your son. All of you have to die. Run -Boss -Block her. Hurry. She's coming. Take it off. It worked. What now? Take off your pants. All of you, take off your pants and face her. Come on, I am not afraid of you. Facing her. She's not afraid. Give me my son. -It's useless, think of something else. -Something else? Throw at her. Run that way. Give me my son. Don't come near. Or I'll burn your son to death. I am so scared. You are scared, then you Kill the pigs and the girls for me. You have no right to bargain with me. Give me my son. Run. What should we do? How would I know? Fight with her If we won, we might survive. -Right. -Correct. You two take off your undies and fight with her. -What? Take off the under? -Take it off. -Take it off. -No way. -I'll help you. -Take it off? -Let's do it. -Take it off. No need for you to help us. Don't come over. God of Guan is here. Come on over. -She dares not to come. -Good You are so clumsy. Who else can protect you this time? Help. Help. Ward you off. It works. Hit her. It's me. Where is it? -Where's the ghost? -It's gone. I hit you hand, and may you have a hairy hand. I hit your mouth, and may you breathless. You hit the ghost or the trouble maker? Whatever, it's urgent. Go to hell... Hit her. Drop dead. -Drop dead. -Hit her. Drop dead. Out of the way. Do you think the ghost is dead? She is half dead for sure. Shit, where's my little urn? Howe. Where're you going? You bastard raise a sorry ass ghost. You are asking for trouble. Hit him. Stop it, I gotta find the little urn first. If Howe shed blood on it, then it means big trouble. What will happened? What do you know. That female ghosts lives on blood. The Master says, We can only let her have blood once a week. If Howe shed blood on the little urn, and let the ghost comes around, the shit will hit the fan I don't understand what's with the little urn. That little ghost died an embryo. It was united with the female ghost. If we feed the little ghost with blood, we are feeding her. So we have to get rid of the little ghost. Sounds reasonable. -Of course. -Is it really that magical? I am not bullshitting you. Go find Howe quick. -What's going on -Hold it. What's wrong? We don't feel safe if we are not stick with you. Right. You stay here and watch over the female ghost. What? I watch over the ghost? You go find Howe and get back the urn then. Of course it's you. Who else could it be? Let's go. It hurts. I have to stick with this thing. It is better to have the little urn, even though I lost the big one. I wonder if it's as powerful as the big one. What takes them so long? Left, right, left, right... No response? Is it still hungry? Feed it again. Help, open up Why can't it open? Help me, that ghost comes around. -Listen. -Help, open up. Do you hear? What's going on. Sounds like it's Yue. No. You didn't hear? I'll go and take a look. Woman is paranoid and troublesome. Get me out...open up. That ghost survives. Help... get me out quick. Help. Get me out. -Yue, what's going on? -Help. Quick, help me. -Oh no. -Help. I'm coming. Help me, hurry. The door is locked, can't open. Think of something. Help me, hurry. I am thinking. Break it loose. No response. The little ghost sure have a big appetite. Don't you know that it means big trouble if you drop blood in it. -Big trouble? -Of course. I don't know that. You don't know if I hit you. You dropped so much blood in it, there must be big trouble downstairs. She's coming. -Found it -Hurry. Bloody hell. Hurry. -What's wrong? -That ghost survives. Can't open the door. Do you have a key? -Do you have a key? - I have. Bloody hell. -Don't pull, I can't open it. -Hurry. Got it. Open it up and save Yue. It's open. Get hold of him. Run. Give me my son. -Your son is here. -Give me my son. Give me my son. I don't want it, you have it. Why give it to me,? I'll give you. I don't want it. Shit, it's bleeding. Her belly will swell up if you drop blood into the urn. I give it back to you. We'll donate blood together. Donate blood? Her belly will swell up if you drop blood into the urn. We drop blood together until she busts her belly. Hold on, I have a knife. I'll donate the first blood. I cut the wrong hand, it's hurt hand Oh god. Hurry, donate blood. Hurry. - It hurts. -Drip down together. -Catch. -Pass. Catch. It's our turn. -Drop blood. -Hurry. Catch. Speed it up. Drip down together. Good. More. Her belly is swollen. It might get busted, let's spread out. Okay. Why is she still moving? How come it's gone? -How come it's gone? Weird. -It's gone. It's gone to nothing, probably went back to Malaysia. -It's gone. -It's gone just like that. Why? You get busted, why put your hat on? Take if off. Don't you touch my hat. What? Inspector. I have waited for you for ten years. At long last you fell into my hand. You two take this four eyes into the car, -and clean up the mess. -Yes sir. I take this guy and the girls. Let's go. I'll go. We have to go with him, shit. Get in. You are so clumsy. Don't touch me. Get in. Close the door. Don't be ridiculous! There are no ghost. Ask your two officers if you don't believe us. -Ask your horse. -Yeah. They are the crazy horses, and the black sheeps of the police force. They have been in Scotland for years, and mingle with the "ghost" every day. They don't know what human beings are, they don't know for sure. -Ask him, he saw that too. -Right. You ask an vicious, evil doing killer, Do you really think that, we can trust his words? If 1 tell you that I operate gambling stalls, whore houses, and go drug trafficking would you believe me? I believe you With your words I can put you away for years. Why shouldn't I believe you? If I tell you there are ghost in this world, will you believe me? No. The voice sounds very familiar. Very familiar. Don't be afraid, and stop fooling around. Don't think that you don't have to go to jail if you are gay. No, sir... -That's the voice of the female ghost. -Right. You act as if you are crazy if not gay. -He is not. -He isn't. -I am going to faint. -So am I You can also play magic. -With you eyes emitting electricity. -No. -You think you are an actress. -No. Even if you are, I am insulated. My reproductive organs are not functioning. -You just go ahead. -Yes? No. Ridiculous. The hand-cuffs are good for nothing. I'll check and see who ordered this lot. Stay calm. Don't come any closer, I'll shoot. How come the government is so corrupt, -The bullets are also faked. -What to do? Let me see. Go and take a look. You are dead. Run. What do we do? Shit, I got cramps. It hurts. Oh mother. Mother? You called me mother? You are... I am your son mummy. I possessed her body, please don't leave me. I won't leave you. You must be hungry. I'll breast feed you. -Come. -No... -I don't want milk. -What? You don't like? No, sister just breast fed me. I'm full. You... I have enough for him. Since you are so nice to my son, then I let them to have a quick death. -No, I want to play. -Why? To play what? Take them to the cliff and hit them dead. It's fun. Save the troubles. -Strangle them to death. -No. Quiet. Yue is letting her on. -No, I want to play... -Okay you be good. We'll lock them in the car. Okay? -Get in quick. -Get in. Lock up. I'll drive. The key. "Turn and turn, spin and turn" "With crispy rice cake and glutinous rice dumpling." "Mom takes me to see the dragon boat race." -Hurry. -Don't rush me. -Open it up. -Or it will be too late, hurry. Hold on. We are going down the cliff together. Good... going down the cliff. We are going down. Good, we can hit the cliff. Hurry. -Hurry, or we'll die. -Don't you see. I try to open it. Please speed it up. We are going down the cliff and die. -Hurry please. I beg of you. -Don't rush me. Or I'll scold you. Hurry. The car is running so fast. Jump. -What? -I dare not. -You are hopeless. -Don't insult me. Don't hit me. I hit you, so what? I'll hit you back. Hit me... chase me, you fool. I will. I got you. You jumped. Right. -Yue is still in the car. -Shit. -Yue. -I survived. We are all right. That's good, my son. It's lucky that mom is so agile. I possess another human body. Nanny, you stay here and take care of my son. Son, we'll go back to Malaysia. Don't run.
Channel: 8號電影院 - HK Movie
Views: 1,394,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 粵語, 美亞電影, 美亞, 粵語中字, 香港電影, HongKongMovie, freemovie, 線上看, 免費看, 中文字幕, 電影, 經典電影, 港產片, 8號電影院, 免費電影, 華語電影, 亞洲電影, 線上看電影, 免費線上看, 中文字幕完整版電影, 电影在线看, 电影视频, Online movie, Hd movie, 線上電影, 電影線上看, Free Movie, 熱門電影線上看, Hong Kong Movie, Mei Ah, 睇戲, 週末好去處, weekend Movie, 電影推薦
Id: F4BTjZhpP9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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