中國人「潤」起來!?年輕人為了逃出國,甚至興起「潤學」旋風?《 左邊鄰居觀察日記 》EP 068|志祺七七

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In recent months, many media have reported that China has set off a wave of "immigration fever", and some Chinese netizens will also say on the Internet that they "can't stay any longer" and want to "money" quickly. So ...why does China appear Immigrant fever? What does "run" mean? Today, let's talk about "Run Xue" together! hiho~ Hello everyone, my name is Zhiqi! A few months ago, many people on Chinese social platforms started to use the word "money" . For example, how can I make money if I don't have any savings? Run Ou or Run Mei... They say "Run", which is derived from the Chinese Pinyin R, U, N "run" of run, which means "running" , especially "escape" from China and emigrate to other countries. The topic of "moisturizing" has sparked more and more discussions. Some people even admire Eileen Chang, who believes that "moistening" China before the Cultural Revolution was a "running queen" who saw opportunities The word "Runzhi" is a sentence, asking everyone to "Listen to Runzhi's words, Runzhi!" That is, "Listen to Chairman Mao's words, run away!" Moreover, there are many netizens who are super serious on Zhihu, bilibili and other platforms. Studying or teaching "running learning" , what is this "running learning" doing? Why is it suddenly red? Are there really many people who will "moisten" out of China? But before we start discussing these issues, we will follow the usual practice and advance a period of business service time. Today, I want to share with you the June limited offer of YouTuber's 36 classes! Now everyone knows that as long as they know how to edit and manage, everyone has the opportunity to become a million YouTuber ! If you want to rely on being a YouTuber, the biggest key is to know how to convert "traffic" into "revenue"! For example, starting a business, producing products, creating, etc. These abilities that are required to cross all walks of life are what "YouTuber's 36 Classes" wants to teach you. The lecturers of this course are two million YouTubers: Adi and me! We will analyze our business secrets in depth and provide executable methodologies to help you cultivate yourself in a better way. Click on the website of the information column now to grab the June discount code! [Runxue out of the circle: China, setting off immigration fever? ] Many international media reported that after the closure of Shanghai, China set off a wave of "immigration fever" . Many immigration consulting companies in China said that the recent inquiries have been continuously answered , and the search volume of "immigration"-related words on the Internet has also increased. Rapid growth On WeChat, the search volume for the word “ immigration ” has skyrocketed since February, reaching as high as 50 million per day in mid-April. The growth rate of popular search words such as “Immigration” is also as high as more than 2000% , but soon, WeChat and Baidu will no longer display the data of “immigration” related words, and this kind of popularity has gradually formed a kind of “immigrant mutual aid association” on the Internet. Atmosphere Many netizens will share the reasons why they want to leave China, and they will also discuss the methods of migrating overseas . There are even "masters" that can be consulted according to different regions and different channels. Most of these "masters" are Chinese living in other countries. Share your own experiences on Zhihu or bilibili. In addition , some netizens have built a warehouse on the code platform Github to store various information about Runxue and share cases . The methods and theories are called "run school". However, in fact, "run school" became popular among a small number of netizens in China last year, so many people say that this immigration fever symbolizes that run school has "stepped out". "Little Circle Circle" , like rolling inside and lying flat, has become a clear learning [three choices for Chinese young people: roll, lie down, and moisturise] It has been reported that in recent years, young people in their twenties and thirties in China have a different mood. Very drastic changes and contradictions These young people's growth stage, encountering China's economic take-off , have a certain sense of pride in their own country A few years ago, their popular Internet meme was #amaizemycountry or from Xi Jinping The #roll up your sleeves and work hard, etc. But in the past two or three years, many young people have been under the enormous pressure of life and employment. Even if they are optimistic about the development of the country, they are pessimistic about their own future. Popular words do not seem to be There is so much "positive energy". The first popular one is "involution", which mainly describes the "vicious competition" caused by the rigidity of the Chinese class and the saturated job market. Many young people think that involution means: no matter how hard you try, you can only do it for the sake of not being able to. I was eliminated, worked overtime with clenched teeth, tried to squeeze out competitors, but my life would not get better because of this, and then there was a trend of “lying flat” against introversion , that is, “don’t want to work hard.” As long as you lie flat enough, you won't be cut leeks, so I'd rather not get married, don't buy a house, endure a minimum life , and don't want to explode in the day-to-day competition. This year, it's becoming popular to learn from the inside. Lie flat, go to Runxue These three buzzwords that have appeared since 2020 are also known as the three choices for young people born in the 90s and 00s in China. Some netizens also described these three choices as "you can either be ruthless, bear with it, or endure it." "Go away" [Chinese young people, why are you moisturizing? ] In the whole discussion of promoting learning, there are mainly two groups of people who "want to improve". One is to pursue freedom and the other is to seek a better life . Those who first advocated for learning, opposed to The CCP’s autocratic regime believes that living in China can only allow “the will of the party” to manipulate one’s own destiny . Therefore, they maintain that Run is not to pursue a stable and decent life, but to “vote with your feet” and choose to “have freedom.” However , many people who want to make money now just think of a place where they can live in peace. Many discussions on mainstream Chinese platforms will say, "Everyone wants to make money, not because they want to make a living." Do the right thing with the motherland.” And now this wave is mainly affected by the zero-clearing policy, especially in cities like Shanghai, which are strictly closed and controlled, people are facing economic activities that have almost stopped, income has fallen sharply, and employment is becoming more and more difficult . In addition, The control of the state has penetrated into almost all aspects of life. The government wants you to stay at home or go to a quarantine center. There is almost no right to say no. Even when you leave your home, your personal belongings or pets will be trampled on . Yes Scholars say that after the outbreak of the epidemic in China, some people were forced into a corner, and those who were still living relatively comfortably were also shocked to see the situation in Shanghai, and they all came up with the idea of ​​"moisturizing". But, how exactly? What about Run? 【How to moisten? "Escape Plan" of Chinese Netizens] In China, the way to make money is nothing more than "job hunting" and "studying abroad" and the most popular places are English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. On major platforms , the first step of the "money" method organized by netizens is to ask everyone to evaluate each option first, including feasibility, time and money costs , and the risk of being forced to return to China if it fails. Studying abroad may be a relatively direct and simple way. However , Whether you can apply for school and whether you can find a local job after graduation are all factors that need to be considered. The biggest problem is that many people do not have enough money to cover tuition fees and other living expenses . Therefore, many people still choose to seek employment. But this method is more difficult. Not only do you have to measure your own ability, but whether you can find a job visa will also be a big problem , and the work visa regulations of different countries are also very different. Some Chinese netizens said that going to work in the United States is not outstanding enough” It’s basically no fun.” However, some countries have short-term work visas with relatively low opening thresholds. Therefore , some people will also apply for this kind of visa first, and then find a way to stay or apply for job opportunities in other countries. In addition to studying abroad and seeking jobs, Wealthy people can also use investment immigration to get visas or passports . Others include marriage, relatives, political asylum, etc. But the conditions are very special, and few people discuss it . Finally, there is another method, which is called "" "Running without bottom line" means that it is possible to take illegal means and leave China unscrupulously [Want to run, is it not that simple? The plight of "low-level rat people" and the "one-child generation"] A few years ago, some media pointed out that China 's powerful and middle-class are "jumping the boat" and migrating overseas . After the IP location was announced on Weibo a while ago, many Chinese celebrities were also found . , not in China at all. Now , there are more people who want to make money, but many immigration agents think that there are very few people who can really make money. Some people describe this situation as "the poor and the lowly cannot move." Many people who call themselves "low-level rat people" Netizens think that they have no background, no education, and no money . They can't find jobs abroad or apply for foreign schools . As a result, even passing through customs is a problem , which means that there is no way to make money. Therefore , it is also rumored that Some people choose “no bottom line” to buy fake job or school admission letters in order to pass the customs smoothly . In addition to resources, family is also a major reason for “difficulty”. In particular , China’s one-child policy was introduced in 2015. Completely abolish today 's post-90s and post-00s young adults, most of them are the so-called "one-child generation" . As their parents are getting older, they want to get rich, but they may not be able to take their parents abroad. Moreover , their parents may not be willing to leave. Even some People, who already have a stable job abroad, or return to China to take care of their parents , in addition to these personal factors, in terms of policy, the border wall seems to be getting higher and higher . ? After the outbreak of the epidemic, the entry regulations of most countries have become more stringent. Although there are many places to relax restrictions , many countries still have stricter and stricter regulations on residence and immigration. In addition , the United States The tension between China and China may also make many Chinese people encounter more restrictions in studying abroad or seeking employment, but not only is it difficult to enter other countries, but it may also become more and more difficult to exit from China . In China, only 10% People hold passports, and the government has strictly restricted the issuance of passports since last year. Passports issued in the first half of last year were only 2% of the same period in 2019. In addition, the restrictions on entry and exit began to tighten as early as the end of 2020, and this year In April, shortly after the "immigration fever" appeared on the Internet, many people said that they were being made difficult for them when they left the country. There were even rumors that the customs had torn up their passports and foreign residence permits. The implementation of dynamic clearing requires "strict and strict" restrictions on "non-essential" outbound activities of Chinese citizens and the review and issuance of entry and exit documents . Although the Chinese government has not responded positively to the education or immigration fever, some people believe that The official intention is to "prevent moisture" to prevent the outflow of the younger generation of laborers. However , no matter what the official intention is , under the current situation, it may be even more difficult for the Chinese to want to moisturise . Hate the National Party? ] With the popularity of Runxue, criticism of Runxue is not uncommon. We have observed that most of the criticisms are applied to Runxue using previously existing terms. The arguments are similar to the previous criticism of overseas dissidents, like these Critics believe that those "rat people" who want to make money are all foreigners and foreigners, and they will only blame the government's "national haters " for not being able to get along in China, so they pass their own problems to the country. With immigration, all the problems will be solved. In addition , some people think that most ordinary people can't get out at all. It is the powerful and powerful elites who used to eat and drink spicy food in China . When the country is good, he wants to share the joy, but when the country is in trouble, he is unwilling to share the hardships. He always feels that he is superior to others and talks about freedom . He tries his best to promote learning, just to "show superiority" in front of Chinese compatriots . In addition, there is also a saying that the “advancing school” or “immigration” craze is just a topic hyped up by those immigration agents. Our point of view: No choice but to choose? ] At present, although there have been many international media reports on China’s immigrant fever and news about Runxue, it is still difficult to know exactly how much Runxue’s influence is, except for cities such as Shanghai that are strictly closed and controlled, how many people are there. Do you really know or agree with Runxue ? What's more surprising to us is that the content related to Runxue has not been banned at present. Maybe you feel that Runxue is not enough to be afraid of? Or maybe there are too many dignitaries and dignitaries who have already moistened half of their feet to go out? It can only be said that the Chinese official’s attitude towards Runxue is still ambiguous . In addition to Runxue, the team also noticed that a new buzzword appeared. The process of leaving home and going to the quarantine center for residents who have not been diagnosed" The last sentence "This is our last generation, thank you" aroused strong resonance among many Chinese netizens, and the video went viral. We saw that someone on Weibo interpreted this sentence Cheng: "Either this life ends in our generation, or we end in this life" The slogan of "the last generation" is obviously more directly at odds with public power than Run Xue . The police are also involved in China's political censorship "affecting the three generations", the recent three-child policy, and the background of the low birth rate, etc. Therefore, the official's ambiguous attitude towards the "last generation" is completely different from the ambiguous attitude towards "run school". "The Last Generation" videos and related tags were quickly banned on the Chinese Internet . After Shanghai was unblocked in early June, some netizens uploaded a song on WeChat reminding people not to celebrate too early. The lyrics read: "In a dream . Today when we wake up, we are the last generation, don’t think that everything will come back.” But in the same way, this song was immediately censored and deleted. Nevertheless , from involution, lying flat, running learning, to the last generation of these popular words we I can still feel that feeling of being powerless in the future is really sad . Finally, I want to ask everyone. Finally , if you like today's video, please share it and let more people know what "Run Xue" is! In addition, you can also click here to see the "Great Translation Campaign" and "Fox Hunting Action" . Today's Zhiqi Qiqi will come to an end here. See you tomorrow night!
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 911,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 潤學, china, 上海, 最後一代, 中國, 移民, 清零政策, 習近平, 中國人, 中共, 躺平, 內卷, yt:cc=on
Id: GyB2zIByQ9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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