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A while ago, the BBC released a documentary titled "Tracking the Idiot", which exposed a criminal syndicate specializing in selling videos of sexual assault and obscene women in public places , and the masterminds behind the scenes turned out to be a group of Chinese living in Japan . What the hell is going on? What's going on? Today, let us talk about "BBC's Tracking Idiot Documentary"! hiho~ Hello everyone, I am Zhiqi! The BBC recently released a documentary called "Tracking the Idiots" which exposed a group of Chinese people living in Japan who run the "Idiot Candid Filming" industry chain. These people would go to public places to rape and harass women , and record the crime process and put it on the Internet. Trafficking and filming took place all over East Asia . From China, Japan, South Korea, to Taiwan , people were victimized . The reporter spent a year of undercover investigation and finally found the mastermind behind the scenes . On June 9, the BBC simultaneously released English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean The full documentary with subtitles in four languages ​​also put the Chinese version on youtube , which caused a lot of discussion. However , these criminals have not been arrested for a long time . In China, the discussion on this matter is not very hot . So today we will be based on this documentary. Content Let's take a look at who are these Chinese who operate the sex crime industry? How does their organization work? In addition, it will also discuss the reaction of the Chinese government and Internet public opinion after the documentary was broadcast . But I would like to remind everyone first that the following content will involve some descriptions of sexual crimes . If viewers who are more sensitive to this issue, it is recommended to watch it at their discretion. Before starting today's discussion , let us have a period of business service time! [What is a moron? 】 "Idiot" is a word derived from Japan. Simply put, it is a sexual harasser , especially a person who likes to behave obscenely in public places such as buses , peeping, and secretly filming women. The Japanese police interviewed in the documentary said that moron behavior may be It is caused by psychological problems , so after the moron is arrested , most of them will be sent to receive psychological treatment. However , since it is difficult to leave direct evidence for this kind of behavior , there are actually very few people who are actually arrested . Now, morons have become a serious problem in Japan. In 2021, there will be more than 5,000 recorded sneak-camera cases in Japan , a record high . Moreover, this "idiot" culture has also begun to affect other countries . The BBC pointed out that a large part of this is due to the growth of the Japanese adult entertainment industry. Adding fuel to the flames, people gradually regard idiot behavior as "normal" and even induce people to commit crimes. The store manager believes that providing these legal "idiot" goods and services can satisfy people who have such needs , so that they will not hurt others in reality , but there are also interviewed "former idiots" who said that he used to watch It was only after the idiot-themed videos that I came up with the idea of ​​"shooting myself" . Moreover, the BBC discovered that this idiot culture has spawned a business that combines sex crimes and candid shots ["Idiot Videos for Profiting Sex Crimes"] Website] BBC reporters found that some Chinese adult websites openly sold sneaky videos of "obviously not set" by idiots. The content of the videos is basically a faceless man in crowded public places such as subways and buses Randomly follow a woman and perform obscene acts behind her . Among them, the name "Z" keeps appearing in the titles of these videos . According to documentary surveys, at least three Chinese adult video websites sell "Z" videos. Most of these videos are Shots were made in China , but some were shot in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan , and the operation of these websites also has a set of established procedures . Each of these three websites has several promotional Twitter accounts that regularly release new movie trailers , and there are several more. There are about 4,000 people joining the Telegram group. It is used to communicate "harassment and sneak shooting" skills . Z also often shares new movie information in it. In addition , these websites that use sex crimes for profit will sell videos by category according to different obscene behaviors. General billing The methods are divided into "single chip sales" and "monthly membership". There are even "order-to-order" services that allow users to specify a location and request to find a specific type of object to shoot . The payment method is from Alipay , WeChat Pay, PayPal, and Amazon GiftCard, and the BBC reporter began to trace the whereabouts of the man behind the scenes step by step from the accounts and payment methods of these websites [BBC undercover investigation: The man behind the scene is in Japan! 】 BBC reporters first joined the telegram group of the website and found that the teaser photos released by the "Z" account were in Tokyo, Japan. Then they investigated the paypal accounts of the main website and found that almost all of these accounts were in RMB . There is only one account exception for receiving Japanese currency , so the reporter found out the identity of the payee through this paypal ID. He is a Chinese living in Japan. A former member broke the news on Weibo that Noctis and the orchestra’s bass player Lupus (Fu Yao) were running a pornographic website. BBC reporters directly contacted them and sent a reporter from China to pretend to be a music manager to deal with the two and then declared that he was against them. They were interested in "investing in the Japanese sex industry", and they came to talk to them, and the two later confessed in front of the uncle that they helped promote those idiot video sites. They also told the uncle that the person in charge of the website was a Chinese named "Cat". He has a cautious personality and is very wary. The uncle tried to propose a meeting invitation to the cat under the name of "investment website", but was rejected. Just after the investigation fell into a stalemate for a while , things suddenly turned around. At the beginning of this year, on New Year's Eve, the cat's assistant I took the initiative to call and ask my uncle to meet at a KTV in Ikebukuro [The true face of "Idiot Z"] Although the documentary did not explain why the cat suddenly changed his mind and asked the uncle to come out to meet , but in that interview, the uncle successfully used the excuse of business negotiation to dig out Out of the inside story of the "crazy website", the cat said that the three websites are all operated by him , and the turnover is very stable. The main website can earn 5,000 to 10,000 yuan a day , and the other website has more than 10,000 yuan, and the monthly payment is 180 yuan. He even said that the reason why these sites are successful is because people have to take the subway and bus to work every day , so some people like to "watch these places to masturbate" and said that he can understand what the audience wants because he "also has This habit" At the same time, the cat also personally confirmed to the uncle that he is Z, but more precisely , "Z" is a team of about 15 people he founded, responsible for providing the "first-hand content" of the website , and ten of them are "stable creations" in China. ” The website will provide 30 to 100 new films every month. The true face of Z has finally been revealed, but the last step in the investigation is the real identity of the cat. So the day after the meeting in KTV , the uncle invited the cat out for dinner. When the uncle asked where the funds should be transferred At that time, the cat was careless and handed a bank card with his real name printed on it to the uncle. His real name is "Tang Zhuoran" (transliteration) . He is 27 years old this year and is from Guangzhou, China. After a year of undercover investigation, the BBC not only dug out the real identity of the man behind the scenes , but also obtained video records of their confession . However, the documentary ended with the cat "absconding out of the country". ”Still outside] After learning the true identity of the cat, the BBC reporter went directly to his residence in Tokyo to block people, confronted him face to face, and asked him why he made and sold those videos that exploited women , but the cat avoided the camera and said nothing Even attacked the reporter, forcing the BBC team to evacuate. After the reporter fled into the car, he said angrily to the camera that we made a series of accusations against the cat , and his only response was silence and violence . The cat left Japan on a plane the next day , and the accusations filed by the BBC against Notics and Lupus also received no response . In addition, the websites and Twitter accounts operated by the cats are still in operation. Although the BBC asked Twitter officials to respond , they only received A "poop emoji" As for the Japanese official , it will pass the "Anti-Peeping Law" this year , which strictly prohibits secretly taking videos and photos containing sexual exploitation without consent. At the same time, Japanese gender activists are also calling for legislation. Punish idiot behavior However , in addition to the main line of investigating crimes , this documentary is also interspersed with a large number of interviews with "victims of idiots " . Women who have been harassed by "morons" all said that they often encountered sexual harassment when commuting by public transportation, and because it was during commuting time , there were often many people and crowded cars , so it usually happened after the harassment became more serious Only then can I confirm that I have really encountered a moron , but even if I realize that I have been victimized , I am often too scared to react immediately . By the time I react , the moron has often disappeared in the crowd. Trauma and feelings of powerlessness have had a profound impact on them. Many victims said they fear taking the bus or the subway because of it . Others said that being harassed seemed like a "natural disaster" that women couldn't escape and could not do anything about , so they also gave up. The idea of ​​resistance even began to doubt and self-examine . The victims, whether they are Chinese or Japanese, are very angry at those idiots who violate women and those who profit from idiot movies like Z. They think that these people only see women Being a tool to satisfy one's own desires , not a real person . Some victims in Japan chose to turn their inner anger into strength and push for change with practical actions. They set up the "Idiot Suppression Center" and organized volunteers to monitor suspicious people in subway stations. People also organized many activities to call on the public and the government to pay attention to the issue of "idiots" . However, after the news that "Chinese people make money from sex crimes in Japan" was sent back to China, it did not cause much public opinion reaction [Documentary Exposes Crime, But being "cold treatment" by China? ] On June 9th, after the BBC released this documentary , it caused a lot of discussion in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and other countries. The Chinese version of the documentary on YouTube alone exceeded one million views in just a few days. The three websites selling idiot videos , related telegram groups and Twitter accounts are being updated as usual , and the cats and others have not been brought to justice. The Chinese police said they have followed up the investigation , but there has been no cat "tang Zhuo Ran’s record of entering China, the official media “Global Daily” also published a comment condemning the perpetrators while emphasizing that “the Japanese police are duty-bound.” As for the reaction of Chinese online public opinion, it is quite subtle. Although the BBC’s report cannot be directly watched in China , there will be Chinese soon. Netizens uploaded the entire film to bilibili and sparked some discussions. Some questioned the unreliability of Western media reports . Some accused the reporter of running to confront the cat for "dramatic effect" and gave him a chance to escape . Some called for the public to pay attention to this documentary and sexual harassment. Question However, the discussion about this incident is actually not very popular , and several related tags have been banned on Weibo . At the same time, it is an "Oolong Candid Camera" incident that was featured on Weibo. Suspected that she was being secretly photographed on the subway , but after checking the other party’s mobile phone on the spot, she did not find any photographs. The female student recorded the process and posted it on the Internet , saying that she was protecting her own rights, but this approach was condemned by a large number of netizens , who said she was “a wronged person.” "Innocent man , but even though the female student posted an apology later , it still failed to quell the scolding. Such a contrast in the popularity of public opinion made many Chinese netizens who followed the BBC's idiot documentary feel chilled. They made memes to satirize the public's concentrated firepower against a female student . Turning a blind eye to the real problem [our point of view] We actually had some struggles at the beginning of whether to do this episode because we were still worried that doing so would promote this kind of sexual crime movie in disguise , so we tried not to do it in the script. The name of these sites is mentioned as Z. This name is also a pseudonym . I hope this will minimize the chances of people coming into contact with these sites . Although we also know that this information is not difficult to find , we think it is more important to let more people know than not to mention these things. Many people are aware of the seriousness of this incident and the harm it has caused to the victims , because this kind of idiot and secretly filming behavior is honestly a very long-term and common social problem , not only in Japan or China , it also appeared in Taiwan a while ago There are many Facebook groups dedicated to sharing sneak shots or other people’s private images . We think that the reason why such things will always exist and even develop into a business is because people will watch or even pay money to buy such videos . We think that we must solve this problem. The fundamental solution to the problem is to make everyone willing to "not watch or spread" to resist this criminal act . We also know that it is very difficult to do this , because many people may not realize that these videos are real. Crime , or not knowing that the satisfaction they get by watching these videos is the result of real people being hurt, so we hope that through this episode , more people can pay attention to the crime behind these videos and The harm it brings is so great that more people consciously choose what kind of adult videos to watch , and are even willing to do their part to report and tell people around them not to watch such videos , but this is only Our point of view We think how to solve this problem . There should be more complex aspects that can be discussed. So in the end we also want to ask everyone , what do you think, how should we stop this kind of "sneaky photography behavior"? Finally, if you like today's video, please share it to let more people know the introduction of "BBC Idiot Documentary"! In addition, you can also click here to see the discussion of "Korean Room N" and "Revenge Porn". So , today's Zhiqi Qiqi will come to an end here and we will see you tomorrow night!
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 340,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: 1OTydD3VQdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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