貪汙了還想跑?中國政府讓海外逃犯「自願回國」的秘密武器,代號:獵狐行動!《 左邊鄰居觀察日記 》EP 065|志祺七七

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Have you seen this kind of news? A certain overseas Chinese "suddenly disappeared" one day, but a few days later, he suddenly appeared in China and pleaded guilty. There is actually a very important keyword behind such incidents called "Fox Hunting"! So today, let's talk about "Fox Hunting"! hiho~ Hello everyone, my name is Zhiqi! There is a classic line in the Chinese movie "Wolf Warrior" called : "Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away." It means that if we offend us Chinese, no matter how far away, I will speak to you . Sorry, Huang Biaozhen recently. It 's too serious. Talking about war, discussing soy sauce, and the Taiwan Railway are all yellow marks . So today, let's replace that word with a little bit. I believe that everyone should still understand . When it comes to this line, most people may think of someone. The picture of insulting China and then the little pinks going off to all over the world, but in fact , the Chinese government is also working very hard to practice "no matter how far they are, they will be punished." In 2014, China began to implement an anti-corruption operation called "Fox Hunting". The target they want to deal with , called "fox", these people are usually corrupt officials or economic prisoners. No matter where they go, the Chinese government will take people back to the country and get back the stolen money . At first, many countries cooperated with China to arrest the criminals together, but later More and more people find that "something doesn't seem right" . Today's video, we are going to introduce what this "Fox Hunting" is? How does China catch foxes? How are other countries reacting? However, before we start, let us enter a period of industrial and commercial service. 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The most important thing is that Splashtop is supported by a local Taiwanese technical team, and the platform can also communicate smoothly, so that everyone can enjoy a smooth , easy-to-use, and secure remote collaboration environment. If you want to know more information, please click the link in the information column to visit the official website or you can try it for free. Let Splashtop help you make the IT world a better place! In 2012, after Xi Jinping came to power, he began to launch a large-scale "anti-corruption campaign" . In July 2014, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security officially launched the "Fox Hunting Operation" to target those overseas Chinese corrupt criminals and economic criminals and recover the stolen money . At the end of 2014, hunting After Operation Fox, they "captured" 680 people. This number is 2.8 times more than the previous year. Chinese officials believe that the results of the entire Fox Hunt are absolutely amazing, so they are restarted every year. This year is no exception . That in China There are also many positive reports about "Fox Hunting" in 2020, and it was also adapted into the series "Fox Hunting". This work is quite good in terms of word of mouth and ratings. However , China's "Big Internal Propaganda" is the result of this fox hunting operation. At the time, it was not mentioned that their targets were not only corrupt and economic criminals, but also that the means used were not necessarily all legal. According to Chinese officials, in the Fox Hunt, the suspects were brought back from abroad, usually through There are four ways to complete it: extradition, repatriation, prosecution in other places, and persuasion . The first three methods will all require cooperation with foreign countries. For example, through other people’s police, first help arrest people and then remove the target, the so-called “fox” from the country . Foreign territories or customs, transfer it back to the country for trial. This is the main method adopted by China in the past. Most countries under the rule of law also do this. However , in actual implementation, because the judicial systems and laws of different countries are different, the enforcement efficiency of work is also different, so The efficiency of arresting people will be unsatisfactory . Therefore , in the fox hunting operation, the biggest difference is that they have a means of "persuading them to return". On the surface , it is to persuade those foxes to voluntarily return to China and surrender . But is it simpler to persuade a criminal to go back to China and face trial? Not sure, but as far as China is concerned, they executed it very successfully and this is the most controversial part of the "Fox Hunt". It started two or three years ago. The FBI in the United States publicly condemned China's Fox Hunt and this January Human Rights The organization "Safeguard Defender" also published a report called "Involuntary Return to China". The report pointed out that the goal of "Fox Hunting" actually included living abroad, opposing the CCP, and questioning the CCP's political dissent. and even Uyghurs. China will first charge these political dissidents as "economic criminals" or "corrupt criminals" before trying to bring them back to China from abroad . Only 1% of people are brought back to China by legal means ! In fact, China often abuses INTERPOL's "Red Notices" to pressure targets. It also uses other gray areas and even apparently illegal means to "involuntary return" of targets . These illegal means can be roughly divided into three categories. Category: Threatening family members in China, sending personnel overseas , and various forms of kidnapping , and these three methods are often used in combination, giving the fox more pressure and threats . The first illegal method is to threaten the fox's relatives and friends in China. They will let these Relatives and friends, get in touch with the target, and then use relatives and friends to persuade the person concerned to return to China and turn himself in. If it is useless, the police will use more drastic means to pressure relatives and friends , including freezing property, making people unemployed, preventing children from going to school, or even leaving their parents, and even putting them on various charges. Relatives and friends were sentenced to prison , and all of this was done to pressure the fox and make him willing to return to China. For example, Guo Xin, a former associate professor of history at Yunnan University who was accused of "taking bribes", was put on the Interpol "Red Notice" list by China. During the process, her 86-year-old mother, her sister living in Guangzhou, and even her brother in Canada were constantly harassed, and her sister was also unable to go to Hong Kong because she was a "red pass family member" . China surrenders In the most extreme cases, China will even bring family members to the United States to pressure face-to-face. For example , the former Communist Party member "Xu Jin" accused of corruption forced his elderly father to go to the United States with Chinese personnel . Asking his father to persuade Xu Jin to return to China involves the second method of "Fox Hunting": dispatching personnel overseas. The second method is that China will send personnel to contact and harass the target overseas. They can directly send plainclothes police officers. Or agents, they will also hire credit bureaus and underworlders in the local area to achieve their goals . In Xu Jin’s case, China not only sent people to force Xu Jin’s father to the United States , but also hired detective Mike Mike , who was originally a New York police officer and ran a credit bureau after he retired. Followed Xu Jin's father, so he knew where Xu Jin and his wife lived. Later , Xu Jin's daughter was photographed and harassed by messages. Xu Jin's door was posted warning that if he was willing to return to China and be detained for ten years , the family would be safe and sound . The case is that the Chinese secret agents would harass and threaten the landlords of these foxes so that they would not dare to rent the house to these people. Some would send someone to smash the windows of the fox's house and then call the fox to tell him that they were in contact with the local underworld in the United States. With cooperation , he can kidnap his wife back to China at any time. On this side, there is also a third "involuntary" method: kidnapping. When it comes to kidnapping, the most famous example is Gui Minhai and Xiao Jianhua. Gui Minhai is a Swedish citizen. , is also a shareholder of Hong Kong Causeway Bay Bookstore. On October 17, 2015, he disappeared from his residence in Thailand and his exit record could not be found, but the miraculous thing was that he suddenly appeared in China the next day and said that he was going to "surrender" Xiao Jianhua It was a wealthy Chinese businessman. He was the chairman of the student union of Peking University at the time of the June 4th Incident . He assisted the school and persuaded students to end the protest. After graduation , he was sponsored by Peking University. When he was kidnapped from the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong, he was tied to a wheelchair with a cloth cover over his head. There were six unknown men around him, and he was never heard from again. It is worth mentioning that if this "kidnapping" was carried out secretly In the future, people will be brought back to China by means of "smuggling", so there is no record of leaving the country. However, usually kidnapping incidents mainly occur in countries or regions that are more friendly to China. The regime will even assist Chinese officials to kidnap. The actual execution method may be that the local police first arrest the person, and then go to the Chinese counterpart to take the next step. Sometimes the Chinese agents go directly to arrest the person and then take the person away. Like Egypt, they are detained. There are more than 200 Uyghurs , many of whom have received calls from their families in Xinjiang asking them to come back. However , the three methods just mentioned usually have disputes over "violating the sovereignty of others". If one is not careful, things may become very troublesome. So in the face of more democratic countries, China will change its tactics . For example, in the United States, China will first list the "fox" and accuse them of entering illegally and ask the United States to send them back to China . Let us deal with it. Later , more and more Democracies have gradually discovered China's intentions and are less willing to cooperate with sending people to China, so they will change their practices . For example, try to find a way for the local country to send the target to a specific third country first , as long as the third country has signed an extradition agreement with China. In the end, we can still be extradited back to China smoothly. Before entering the point of view, we would like to express our special thanks to all members of Zhiqi Qiqi. Because of your support and sponsorship, we can continue to operate this channel and make this topic that may be yellow-labeled. Really Thank you so much everyone! If you are willing to support us to go further, please click the "Join" button on the main page of the channel to become our member, or you can use "Super Thank you" to support us with a small amount. In terms of data, I think "Fox Hunting" is a perfect way to practice the wolf warrior spirit of "you will be killed even if you are far away". However , compared with the war of words in various humiliating incidents, we think that the seriousness of "Fox Hunting" may be even higher. It makes people shudder even more. For other countries, China uses the name of "catching economic prisoners" and actually mixes a lot of "political prisoners" . In addition , we have also noticed that the reports related to "Fox Hunting" in China even mentioned that they once came to Taiwan to capture the so-called "fox" back to China. But for this part, we are still looking for it. I do n’t know whether it’s true or false without the follow-up related information, but it ’s easy to think of many stories of “people in Taiwan and Hong Kong”, and also the case of Li Mingzhe who was “trialed and deprived of public power”. About Li Mingzhe As for the case, he finally returned to Taiwan recently! If there is no accident , we will do another episode to discuss this event , so please wait a little longer! Finally, if you like today's video, please share it and let more people know about "China Fox Hunting"! In addition, you can also click this place to watch the related videos of "Xinjiang Re-education Camp" and "Hong Kong Anti-Extrasion Follow-up Lazy Bag" Then , today's Zhiqi Qiqi will come to an end here . See you tomorrow night!
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 530,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 蕭建華, 桂民海, 郭欣, 徐進, 央視, 電視認罪, 李明哲, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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