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modern work pressure staying up late has become a habit And don't wait until the body is too tired to die Only reluctant go to bed If these phenomena often appear in your life careful you're afraid you've got Late sleep obsessive-compulsive disorder Hu Naiwen started speaking I'm your old friend Dr. Hu after get off work Take advantage of the beauty of the night put on a mask plus maintenance Before I knew it, it was already midnight I work hard during the day and want to relax chasing drama watch the game I'm so happy to see you in the middle of the night Watch out for chronic sleep deprivation don't make it a small thing health effects is very big But I can't sleep Whoa whoa Come look over Introduce to you today How to press an acupuncture point Let the body sleep when it wants to sleep besides What to eat to help you sleep Let you get rid of lack of sleep as soon as possible Please share the video with your friends and family Let more people know such a good way 2 good sleeping acupoint, sleep when you want to sleep good sleeping acupoint You press it and sleep when you want to sleep full of sleep Then when the spirit is full, the combat power will be full. What are you doing with people outside like this? good business It's good to talk about things can do the best Even if you want to upgrade your thesis It's probably much easier, isn't it? Shenmen acupoint There is a Shenmen acupoint in the hand Where is this acupoint This way it's on the wrist On the line between the ring finger and little finger Intersection with wrist stripes This hole is called Shenmen acupoint when pressed will feel a little sour Then it is called Shenmen What does Shenmen mean? This is what God intended passed by this place A door like this that walks around Therefore, the Shenmen acupoint is often pressed can make your god to achieve the best so sleep well Sanyinjiao acupoint There is another acupoint called Sanyinjiao If the two acupoint of Shenmen and Sanyinjiao We often massage together often press together then this person's this head will be special The neurosecretion substance in the brain or endocrine substances will reach the most balanced state Where is the Sanyinjiao acupoint It's three inches above the inner ankle Three inches is the length of four fingers That's four fingers above the medial ankle the position of this length Then this point is called Sanyinjiao acupoint Sanyinjiao point I think Its main function is to Let the endocrine of the pituitary gland and hypothalamic endocrine get the best Therefore Shenmen plus Sanyinjiao can make people's sleep better The spirit becomes more Not susceptible to any outside influence so that he will be happy very positive very positive 1 Qi acupoint works refreshing and sleeps well at night Okay, let's come to a more important acupuncture point. You are in the normal acupoint This is not found in ordinary acupuncture books. What about the acupoint I told you about? There is a new acupoint therapy called auricular acupuncture a acupoint pain relief acupoint Where is the pain relief acupoint it's in this in this ear ear place it's the previous one called tragus The place opposite the tragus is called the antitragus in this pair of tragus If we open it up and look at it Here's an antitragus plane This plane looks like Viewed from above, it is an inverted triangle or inverted trapezoidal shape What about this inverted trapezoid? You cut it down the middle into two sides Then divide it into three parts in the middle the position of the top copy of This hole is called pain relief acupoint What about when the pain relief point is pressed? can cause pain in your body to improve I remember talking about gout before when that part Also mentioned this pain relief acupoint It was inventing this acupoint That Professor Cheng in his book when writing this acupoint clicked here Then your body will act as if it's been anesthetized So the pain changes When this pain relief acupoint is pressed may make The nerves at that time were easily the whole is driven Therefore, after pressing the pain-relief acupoint, there will be spirit Do you know, press it in the morning and afternoon can make you sleep well But what about pressing at night? hey that time Maybe your spirit will change for the better so you just don't stress at night We have many companies in the middle while working For a while it was called a tea break or called coffee break it was at that time how are you You can just click here Then your spirit will come If that's the case, I'll sleep well at night. It's a feat, isn't it? This bowl of soup has a miraculous effect on sleep TCM sleep aid In this Huangdi Neijing there is such a sentence It says that if you have an upset stomach, you will feel restless when you lie down Then there are only 13 prescriptions in Huangdi Neijing In these 13 prescriptions This prescription is called Pinellia sorrel rice soup sorghum rice Pinellia and sorghum rice these two drugs cook together and drink boil it together and drink it you know what help is to help your stomach and make your stomach better make your stomach normal Sleep well like this That Banxia Rice Soup What if you go to a Chinese pharmacy to buy it? Like this, pinellia is about three dollars. Sorghum rice about one or two boil it for tea Drink it warm or cold Should be the best Sleep during the golden hour and grow taller easily do you know Sleep is a Free Supplement for Growing Taller The relationship between sleep and height do you know there are many study in middle school high school kids Even now when some people are in primary school has already begun to have that developmental condition what about this time Mom and Dad always say what to do he has started to develop Will he grow taller? what will happen to him Then what I must prescribe medicine to make him grow taller In fact, prescribing medicine is one of them. the most important I am still to warn everyone sleep well go to bed earlier why I'll explain it this way and you'll understand you know we grow taller The most important kind of Hormones (hormones) This hormone is in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland a hormone secreted this thing is called GH Growth hormone auxin or growth hormone What about growth hormone? It is every day at a certain time The secretion is relatively strong What time around 12 o'clock at night The most vigorous secretion Then what The secretion is most vigorous around 12 o'clock in the evening But what's more One to two hours after bedtime The most vigorous secretion so why don't you hurry up let him in I just fell asleep until 12 o'clock I slept for an hour to two hours at this time Growth hormone secretion is the most vigorous what about this person there is a chance at this time Get the most Growth hormone Then it can grow taller In addition to this plus a movement so what many middle school students or parents of high school students when you ask me to prescribe him medicine I often tell another sentence is put him to bed early and then add exercise more Why Exercise can increase the secretion of Growth hormone There is a editor who shared that She herself likes to stay up late since she was a child Her sister has been getting enough sleep since she was a child also eat enough nutrition The results of it sister is better than her 3 cm longer Eh How many people dream of how long this 3 centimeters is? The 3 centimeters may change from 157 (centimeters) to 160 (centimeters) The many disadvantages of lack of sleep do you know Chronic lack of sleep can kill you poor memory get fat Are you still tall? Sleeping late for a long time I have to get up early for work the next day The body has been sleepless You don't even know that the body loss is huge Not only the skin becomes dull, rough and dry even I still have acne and constipation again just another thing to notice Sleeping late for a long time can also cause obesity You go to bed late, it's that time do you feel It's like my stomach is rumbling I just want to have some supper So what? you naturally eat more will get fat Take a measure in the morning wow weight Make yourself feel bad all day Long-term sleep deprivation really makes people memory loss Obviously I still remember something in my mind just now So But you forget in a blink of an eye or just wanted to say something It's in front of the tongue and I can't speak said the above sentence I can't remember the next sentence even dementia long term memory vs short term memory To connect these all rely on sleep after sleep short-term memory into long-term memory Long-term memory plus these short-term memories then became a piece of knowledge that's all Then if say you not enough sleep Be careful with this long short term memory everything went bad then memory loss Gradually lost What now Some reports I have seen age of patients with dementia also has been younger This needs to be reminded Maybe when we're 30 we should Prevent this problem in advance Fan Q&A Okay, okay, don't ask again (Taiwanese) Many netizens and fans I love asking questions like this this acupuncture point is it left handed or right handed is it left or right in the end want In fact, I told you a lot of acupuncture points Both left and right hands are useful unless i specifically say Can only press the left hand or can only press the right hand Or left and right I'm specifically saying that you are the only one who can distinguish left and right. Other left and right can be so how much should i press You press it twenty times thirty times It's all fine don't ask again Dr. Hu You must press 20 times, right? It seems not Hey, you must press thirty times don't be like this that is to say roughly press gently a little feeling it works
Channel: 胡乃文開講 - 名醫談養生
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Id: bheo51CFk5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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