【Mario Galaxy】LETSA GO | Mario Galaxy #1

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do [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello teammates hi nice to see you again so soon wow yeah i saw you guys last night huh with minecraft and now back again with my mario galaxy play through we are it's more space stuff that's pretty cool i never played mario galaxy before so i'm pretty excited um hold on [Music] yes okay can you guys hear the game can you guys hear it like an icon [Music] yes i never knew that [Music] the controller had like uh moving around stuff motion controls now hold on it's too loud okay [Music] how about now is that good [Music] oh yeah guinea pig oh yeah hold on [Music] uh guinea pig i wanna show you guys this guinea pig this is really cute [Music] where is it [Music] [Music] oh look at it isn't it super cute i tried to post this to members but i don't know i think it's because when i when i posted it i was on my phone and i like when i post something on youtube on my phone and i keep refreshing it it like automatically deletes it i tried to post this and then i kept refreshing it to see what you guys were commenting on it and then youtube deleted it like 10 seconds after i posted it because i kept refreshing anyways it's so cute look at this little feet look at his little feet [Music] it's got like a little weird hands it looks like an animatronic that they would make for star wars you know like in the earlier ones they made like the weird animatronics cute it's a guinea pig i'm pretty sure i don't know i'm pretty sure it's a guinea pig i saw the picture online i wanted to show you guys okay let's play more galaxy the audio the audio sounds good right what's his name i don't know he doesn't have a name i'm not gonna leave the picture on stream whose hand is that i don't know it's whoever took the picture i just posted it because i found a random cute guinea pig picture that i thought looked weird and i wanted you guys to see it because it had like the weird little legs all right let's start the guinea pig's name is robert oh sorry okay the comet was so large one year it filled the skies and said countless shooting stars raining down the toads brought the shooting stars to the castle where they became a great power star it should have been a very happy time for the citizens of mushroom kingdom should have been but what happened that was the night of the star festival held once every hundred years to celebrate the comet dear mario i'll be waiting for you at the castle on the night of the star festival there's something i'd like to give you from the beach what is this animal crossing it's all voice that's weird i guess peach usually it's all voice mario's so happy finally the girl of my dreams is gonna give me something now what are these [Music] i have a piece of furniture next to me where uh papa is sitting and he's just sitting there yeah there he goes but he might sound louder than usual [Music] he's barking at me did i talk to anybody bring this piece is waiting for you at the castle how did they know i thought that was a private letter how do they know look alleys candy i want them uh-oh of course here comes bowser here comes thousands like a pirate huh he's like a samurai pirate is it bowser's castle my odyssey what going princess peach are formally invited to the creation of my new galaxy a new galaxy that's pretty big i'm gonna move the piece in furniture i'll only put it there so you could lay down next to me while i'm sitting here but if you're gonna be annoying if you're my best friend all right so bowser vietnam's peach sounds like they're yelling papa princess is this way so they're trying to kidnap he's trying to kick that peach because he wants her to be a part of his galaxy i was pleased get high jump [Music] big ufo is that bowser's ufo impressive let me get bubba a treat [Music] i'm here i'm watching whoa it's just just gonna take the whole thing it just took the whole thing that's not possible it's not the first time he's done this really why somebody saying bgm is there like did you give me the background i'm not [Music] evil [Music] oh [Music] me oh it's so chubby it's so cute a tiny planet yeah it's a bunny finally you're awake let's play come on jump with me oh there's like motion controls is that start always there on the screen what if we jump out of the atmosphere will i fly off into space let's play hide and seek okay i guess you can catch all of us we'll tell you about where you are what the hell [Music] what are these thingies can i i want to i want to explode them [Music] this is kind of disorienting [Music] this is this orient oh one right through it [Music] that's why [Music] okay i'm not allowed to go in there but i found one it looks like i like this music it's nice i didn't do anything are you guys telling me then huh yeah you guys don't even know can i do the backflip like in um i want to get up there maybe i just can't get up there yet it looks too tall anything in here [Music] hi am i trying to catch him hey [Music] you caught me off only had hidden in the pipe but i already found you oh i see i'm supposed to catch all of them you caught me another one oh they're so chopped okay okay then we're looking for the last one [Music] i thought i just had to like see them spot them [Music] where where are you [Music] this hurts my tummy i see you come here come here what can i do with these little candies i can't believe i let myself get caught wow you caught all of us maybe you really can't help mama okay i was gonna go get the those little star candies but i guess it's fine hello [Music] wow she's so big i've been watching you from here this place is called the gateway to the starry sky my name is rosalina i watch and protect the cosmos i watch over and protect to save your special one you'll need the power to travel through space lima can give you this power i will entrust you with his now the hair to spin now shape you can also spin with why oh should i be playing with my joycons instead of the pro controller [Music] that's trying to struck us just as it has visited you uh with luma i hope you can rescue the grand stars may the stars shine down on you just like uh [Music] what is it in uh in uh what's that a story called it's just a wizard of oz either is fine [Music] just the ability she gave me the ability to spin fairy godmother yeah this is the launch star shaco press why would you need one to shoot through it like a space comet now go and explore the universe there are lots of galaxies for you to discover [Music] hi there good to see you i have some bad news though see i had a long start all ready for you but the meteor smashed it up you can't live without it so find all the star chips to fix it oh and be sure not to fall in the black hole for what [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's like a black hole down there i want to see it i want to see it but i can't it's blocked by the rest of the world [Music] i know [Music] this is like brittle hollow it's just like brittle hollow it's not the black hole in the center and then it has like asteroids or whatever ears flying on it it's like exactly the same oh this looks like a little toy where you had like a little pet in a jar but it was like a little fake pet in a little fake water jar and then you could press buttons and it would like dance and stuff but it was like tamagotchi but not virtual you guys know what i'm talking about get me out of here one of those enemies should have the key yeah yeah i get this [Music] yeah there he goes [Music] hello thanks would you mind rescuing my buddy in that base up there too i'll transform into a slingstar just jump into me i transform i can just transform into [Music] one [Music] what's wrong with you today i bet the big goomba has nothing i want to get there one time such a good boy i got it i'll for you it's disorienting hi hurry down here center what's in the center oh [Music] [Music] wow okay maybe he'll be satisfied with that we've been waiting for you that's the grand star we have to save it okay they're using the grand star to power that awful machine it looks like it's making something you have to do something before the grand star's power is straight quick find a way to stop that terrible machine is this going to be timed i don't want it to happen i don't know how long the spin lasts so i try to like spin into them turn off the flip switches on the floor shut down this machine that's what i'm doing is that it oh i see there's these give me a look it's hard to see like how close i am okay [Music] when i get this right just like a mario odyssey [Music] you got a grand star whoa [Music] not oh you have to make it big ones give your house back too okay oh this is nice let's at them they're so chubby [Music] just like a shop [Music] you increase your starbit count mario's tongue the beacon is lit again it shines weakly maybe only as bright as a classic star but at least the poor lumas will survive now well thank you for saving the grand star these people these star people are my family they mean so much to me welcome to the comet observatory it's my home and also home to loomis you see we traveled the starry skies we passed by this area once every hundred years every 100 years but we suddenly stopped in front of this planet a strange force had latched on to our ship pulling away star bits and our power source the power stars our ship had lost power so it entered a deep hibernation state in which it could not move those who took your special one picked up the power stars and discovered the power to cross the universe please please i have a request this observatory uses star power to project images of the galaxies that are scattered across space and there's a chance we can use our few remaining stars to look for other power stars those round rooms are called domes we observe galaxies from domes such as these but the only one that is working now powered by the star power you restored the only one that is working now powered by star power you sword is the one is this one the terrace please go to the terrace and try to recover power stars from the galaxy as you can see there if we do that we'll be able to restore the comet observatory's ability to fly like a starship look at the dark star it's so cute and perhaps we can pursue the thieves who ran off with the power stars [Music] mario's cheeks are so chubby [Music] oh so it's not auto save that's good to know [Music] he is so cute power stars are our friends i implore you please help them okay i will try my best to save your power stars this is one of many domes on this observatory we call it the terrace was the same thing if you need to rest press plus just quit to save your progress and take a rest okay i see this dome is cute it's like a grassy glue welcome this still acts as an eye for the an eye of the observatory from here we can gaze upon distant galaxies once this luma transforms into a pull star he will guide you to those far away galaxies simply point your star at the star on full star and press if you lose sight of the star you can reset it with r if you're playing in a handheld mode you can just tap directly on the screen [Music] i just click it i want to click this one [Music] oh i see these are the galaxies that can be observed from this dome the numbers represent their distance from the observatory the bigger the number the greater the distance the more power stars you find the farther you will be able to travel i see here we have one let's go to this one [Music] the good egg galaxy i like that yoshi yeah she's egg yes it's undeniable we're detecting power star energy patterns in the nearest galaxy but i must warn you that the evil energy readings are off the charts please be careful evil energy readings bye to this guy i got a peanut you guys see that big peanut [Music] let's go [Music] i know piranha why does it say that oh they're like the little squiddies the dinosaur egg [Music] it's weird because like you have to walk up to them and then do it but i don't know i keep thinking that you can move like you can't move while doing it but it's not as much movement as i thought it'd be what can i even do with these little star candies what's the point what's in here [Music] oh this is right please give help okay i'll go the other way because it seems more relevant go this way or should i go in this thingy [Music] will shoot me you oh up starbucks around the galaxy touch them with your thingy okay okay okay oh i see collects 50 to get a one up and it really wouldn't hurt to store some up okay [Music] get up there you guys tell me the secret strat to do this guys how do i do the big jump [Music] oh [Music] it's just because i'm using the pro controller so it's weird okay i'll just shake it around i'll just shake it around all right [Music] there's so many [Music] is this can i just farm this area are they trying to give me enough to like get 50 so i can see what it is and i fall into space too what happens if i jump so much motion controls you can walk on this huh [Music] me okay i guess i have to use the bridges what are those little buttons on the wall okay my eyes look tired it's probably because um i have the portable monitor yes told you guys about before and so i'm playing with it like propped up on a shoebox i look down a little bit when i play my friends are ahead hurry where am i going now the [Music] if you get hurt grab coins to patch yourself up oh okay he slows you down [Music] yay on the other side okay i didn't take the image once not once sassy are these slimes i can jump on it [Music] hey i need my candy cane bunnies [Music] well first what's on the other side on the other side this looks like a lima bean oh i see i use this [Music] where am i knocked me off the map i couldn't see it it's on my head [Music] i can finally see the black hole they're talking about what's in here gonna go in here i'm gonna go in here okay never mind never mind that's not where you're supposed to go did i jump from here onto there oh it's over there [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] i was trying to go around it but i was looking at the rocks i didn't realize i was stepped on something [Music] [Music] i think you can just press y yeah okay i don't need to check right because shape is y what is that what is that what is it [Music] what is it i just killed that thing for no reason but i got rewarded for it it must have been evil they had really cool shoes i could just get these with my cursor thingy but i'm too lazy to shake the control watch out after you spin once you'll have to wait until your luma comes back before you can spin again jump on them [Music] on it it's a big dragon [Music] what do i do [Music] okay i see the seed work just like how the other little balloon thingies work we're killing a baby [Music] i probably shouldn't say that but why are we hurting it i'm sorry i don't want to hurt you it's just a baby is it chasing me or am i asking i'm here okay maybe i'm supposed to do something else maybe like i distract it it'll just go to sleep right we're not gonna like you know you know [Music] um [Applause] it died [Music] it was just a little baby it wasn't evil it was my fault because i hit it and it got angry [Music] you gotta start the dino piranha good egg galaxy okay wasn't there more stuff there that i didn't explore though how do i it's not anyway [Music] there's no there's no what i do i'm trying i'm moving the controller but nothing's oh there we go it's probably because my switch is like behind the screen okay i can press r inside okay uh those are star bits though the lumas those are the tastiest most delectable treats manageable i knew it i knew they were candy aim at the screen and point your star at them to pick them up wait i already know how to do this i'm a pro what i don't need this information [Music] [Music] is it gonna transform it's gonna like evolve okay and also shoot them at enemies or feed them to a hungry lima either way i'm sure star bits will be a big help on your adventure oh i have like a gun okay i don't want to waste them do i go back i go back right guys go back to the same galaxy [Music] yes okay just making sure now we have two can rotate it okay i guess we go back to the same one wait yeah i guess we'll go back to the same one we go back to yeah because it has two stars i can get there okay well take me to different area do i have to like find a different area i think yeah a snack of cosmic proportions space food [Music] yes [Music] doesn't even kill them [Music] dump gun [Music] hello oh get this you can shoot those star bits as you are in tap steps up the bow same your start your target and press your people yeah i don't want to waste my starbucks like that oh thank you [Music] unlimited what's this thing in here my ground pound you guys had a ground pound tell me how to ground fast [Music] things [Music] while i'm here okay now let's go okay maybe not here maybe on the other side why can't i get this one okay maybe on the other side there's one of those star thingies [Music] if [Music] oh i've got a hungry friend up ahead you don't mind sharing your snacks do you head forward using the star and the star okay okay i got it [Applause] [Music] to be honest it's kind of hard to do with them hard to do with um [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] goombas on this like a little pear like a pear they are planets hair though well i guess a big pair compared to like regular pear but small in terms of [Music] i look so cool yeah hello [Music] hey you yeah you got any tasty star bits if you feed me a bunch of starbucks i'll burst with snacky happiness and then transform i'm famous you need 100 servants to curb the hunger [Music] different colors amount to like different quantities or just like they're all the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] unlimited goombas unlimited [Music] [Music] give me your star bits this is a robbery give me a stop i need a few more you like five more [Music] am [Music] i suck this planet dry at the starbucks [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] did i go back or [Music] there's this one might as well get all of them i definitely have enough i should have like 50 now at least 50. i'm gonna go to the capsule i want to go to the capsule it looks really cool i just have to feed this guy first hello i brought food for you snackies why don't you you're holding too you can eat those [Music] i was right let's get like 50. that's it i'm stuffed here we go transform [Music] [Applause] a new planet was born wow that was fast but you died well i guess it became like the planet so it didn't die it's gone yeah [Music] yeah hey i hit [Music] i don't like it [Music] i don't even like those those balloon thingies sticking out of the ground i wouldn't use it what was the point of using it i get it for like boss fights but for like little little little guys i can just kill them [Music] thank you [Music] maybe there's something on the right side that i missed ah i think it's fine let's go inside [Music] can i just kick those guys when they're in their spin mode let me in a ground pound oh a little entrance but there's also [Music] responses [Music] oh this one okay i'm ready this game is actually really cool i do like it at first it's a little like um disorienting but you get used to it what are these arrows for me oh i see oh shoot i see oh okay i gotta be careful not to go all the way back wait can i jump from here and go wow i can't wait okay i think we just keep going this way ah let's go this way let's go this way [Music] i think i missed something back there you guys think i feel like i did like that mushroom i bet if you get it if i go this way [Music] now i get up there i guess from here [Music] ah i almost had it i can do it damn it it spins like weird why is it spinning like that it's spinning like a diagonal [Music] i know you guys are probably spamming the answer in chat but i'm not gonna read it [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] this way you totally can't [Music] there we go [Music] broken [Music] what is this blue thing and can i just jump to that star in the middle i want to get it like this like a star pit i guess not i'm scared to fall off oh it's like metal footsteps [Music] how long is this speeder in this game do you guys know it's probably like three hours huh [Music] i see i see i see i see i see [Music] yes [Music] are you guys enjoying mario galaxy so far he discovered a new galaxy you like it loving it it's trippy sorry i'm opening something i'm hungry are you guys mad that i replaced titanfall with mario galaxy alright if you're looking forward to titanfall we'll finish it next week though i like it feels more relaxing than mario odyssey [Music] it's better open this time fall to next week [Music] on a snack clothing [Music] uh-huh i don't think i'll play titanfall from the start because um [Music] the emotions the part there's like one part that makes me really motion sick so i just rather replay from the time chapter collecting powers will span the range of revision perhaps to eventually include the enemy base [Music] i'm eating a turkey wrap that has black olives and lettuce and tomato yummy [Music] should i go outside to the terrace let's see let's just i mean i know all the galaxies we unlocked are going to be in this dome but i just realized what the domes are they're like the little worlds like an original mario except they're like 3d i like black olives i don't really like green knowledge too much though they're [Music] okay it's just like a it's just like origin the original mario the super mario not the original mario gopro go anywhere you're on the map and then you walk on the map to go to the next level and it's like connected with the lines and then yeah i know i'm talking about what if i jump on this where will this take me oh whoa so dark is it just because it's not lit up yet is this how it's supposed to look maybe this is like the final it's like the final level super mario world hmm yeah there's a bunch of them like that press this button [Music] okay back to our dome so there's three of them only three domes this grassy dome that blue dome and then the dark dome and the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] be mario bro i'm gonna be mario [Music] yes welcome to the honey kingdom our queen rolls the slant okay so it's over here we can't climb this i'll slide [Music] i knew it this water looks nice the music here is good too that's alright to look around see the sights you can't you'll hear a buzz [Music] [Music] oh if you can't look around you'll hear [Music] isaac [Music] now [Music] all right i'm done eating yeah i want to fly yes butterfly high yes i get there maybe i'll go the other way first oh i did the jump okay maybe i can do like a yeah the wild jump what's his plans [Music] i'm practicing not falling in the water it's going okay [Music] i wanna fly am i supposed to do something here oh they're scared they're not evil i'm sorry i see [Music] this hole is the queen's castle let's talk to the queen maybe she wants oh there's a mushroom there damn it i didn't see it [Music] look at my butt these are weird they're like they see a danger they're just like i guess i'll die i guess i'll die how do i what is i that he's like a chainsaw sounder i'm saying like a weird drill sound for the beep [Music] he's just bumbling around oh honey and he's heavy excuse [Music] if i get hurt i'll lose it right because i gotta have the b mushroom [Music] [Music] [Music] wait where's my costume i got hurt where'd it go i didn't even notice that hurt i can't touch water why are you seeing such water [Music] grab a flower stem and shake or press y for a boost oh that one second [Music] maybe i have to have the b costume or else or else she won't think i might don't get hurt or touch the water [Music] nice i forgot i thought i needed it to boost i thought i needed a little boost basically i can become a vegan maybe i don't have to but i want to go [Applause] okay wait mushroom okay no i don't want to go over there do i even use the mushrooms i feel like i haven't really used the mushrooms that much [Music] is this is scary i [Music] reminds me of like a mario party oh i can go up this way but what's on the other side and they're like mario party minigames [Music] [Music] yes what [Music] [Music] it's really hard to tell the depth while flying [Music] [Laughter] i don't need extra coins [Music] go to my queen and who might you be a physician we presume a physician no matter we are the most vexing predicament and require assistance the most furious itchiness plagues our entire being it must be stopped please find a source these are allergic to something wow that's like ironic that's where it came from [Music] are those are those uh their fleas i lost my my costume [Applause] [Music] okay let's not touch the water this time wait is that everything i have to go up there to talk to her oh there's like a fireplace right there i want it it's like in her fur that's so weird all right that's you oh i'm just gonna oh okay i'll just crawl all over you don't worry [Music] oh my thanks you've shown much bravery newbie we trust that we may rely on you in the future [Music] [Music] oh dude what are you doing here oh we are going to get back ah a bee what mario hey it's you we escaped from peach's castle too then we walk browser then we thought bowser would get us then we got lost with luigi luigi oh i just remembered we found a power star i'm sure you need this so here take it just like that just like that [Music] [Music] mario your name is mario isn't it that's what i just heard from your friends who just arrived mario it has such a nice ring look [Music] maybe rosalina will love me instead of peach who just your friends are waiting for you in the garage i think they want to tell you something so you best hurry on over there okay what are we building a spaceship here let's save [Music] to do [Music] howdy mario if you're looking for everybody to back this way [Music] mario somehow we made it too we'll help get the power stars and save princess peach you can count on us mario we're all in this together what you doing [Music] lulu's are going to build this ship when it's done let's go look for princess peach and power stars i guess this place is some kind of mobile space station controlled by the rosalina lady but who exactly is she anyway she's not a witch is she is she no that's ridiculous right now this ship is for the toads [Music] building a starship [Music] all right well let's continue in our galaxy so the time is it and we still got like a few more minutes in like 25 more minutes [Music] the observatory theme this one [Music] i have to do this one too would you guys what do you guys prefer the honey hive galaxy or the good egg galaxy [Music] it's almost over because the one watch it is celebration stream [Music] egg [Music] oh [Music] yes yes [Music] how do i get up there is there like a there's gotta be a tube somewhere [Music] all right there's gotta be a tube somewhere it's got this tube is it oh a pipe this one i love to hear um the music from mario galaxy music from mario galaxy performed like uh in an orchestra from an orchestra it probably sounds so cool to hear it live [Music] i sounds really epic it was oh you've seen it that sounds really cool i don't know why the mario galaxy music like um it just sounds like really epic like the music and mario odyssey was good but i think i like the music of mario galaxy better it just sounds well it depends like i like that song in mario odyssey but in terms of like just game audio like the ost i like it i get up there maybe it's from here where is the pipe okay i can jump down [Music] i don't know where it is maybe maybe there isn't one that i have to find a way up read what gone for a long time need to get in use the pipe on the other side [Music] this is the house there must be an exit then somewhere ah you know when i was in here i was like there might be something on that wall but i didn't check [Music] this little moon [Music] thanks mario in return let me tell you about a secret about this place apparently those spiky things just hate coconuts jacob press why to smack them with a coconut oh it's a coconut [Music] oh it's not attached to the ground like the other one what is this [Music] i don't need to you know okay i'm ready wait can i climb this tree no i don't think so oh there's something up there yeah [Music] [Music] i want to climb the tree [Music] oh [Music] oh hey you too buddy i don't need to kill him i just let's go i'll just run into it and kill myself if i said it dump then jump but there's no chain whoa that's crazy [Music] [Music] it's really cool [Music] oh the coins [Music] [Music] um you transform into rainbow mario you're invincible [Music] i'm gonna kill these just exploded like their inside just came out messed up [Music] do i need that for something [Music] oh i guess it just makes this part easier i don't even know where i'm going i don't know what to do i'll leave here ah there's so much stuff so much stuff everywhere though i'll kill you me out of here your attacks won't reach those mean looking aliens but here's a great idea it's hard to keep that like grasp what if he tried to bounce something back at them okay i got it [Music] okay yeah thank you it sounds like boss music this is gonna be a boss fight [Music] yay wait is there anything over here [Music] anything on the side of the ship let me uh get in mushroom your health grew to six if it drops below four it will return to normal okay that's supposed [Music] be careful there's a big big danger up ahead if things get really bad shoot a starboard at one of those lights on the ground then a coin will pop out grab it to replenish some of your life [Music] okay time for boss fight oh it's like the soda octopus okay oh i see you only get one though oh okay shoot me again funk last night [Music] uh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're like playing ping pong that was easy that's it lava looks so good i want to drink it doesn't it look yummy i do feel like this game is easier than mario odyssey but maybe it's because i'm playing on a different monitor now through the capture did i say this is easier the more i want to see oh yeah [Music] it looks like cheese it gets harder oh okay yeah that makes sense [Music] wait so when they say new did they mean in dumb or did they mean like somewhere else [Music] what was that blue star sound is so nice does it almost sound like you could hear this at disney or something [Music] observatory is running low on juice so it's all dark past here [Music] i think we have time for like one more [Music] by the way thank you guys for all the super chats i really appreciate it thank you uh i guess today's super chats will also be read on super chat sunday we'll have a pretty long super chat sunday probably but i i have a stream after but there's like five hours in between so i think we'll be okay i think we might be okay [Music] trouble on the tower oh there's a new galaxy oh we have a honey hive galaxy if we have time after we get this one i'll go to new galaxy all right um we went that way up to the hospital now let's go guys this is obviously the ground pound symbol i would recognize it anywhere there's gotta be a way [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] no problem no problem it's like it never happened [Music] what's over here [Music] [Music] shoot but then i didn't [Music] i like how mario he just goes it's like almost like a t-pose he just gets in like this really weird stance like these rocks are wait i feel safe here okay [Music] oh action okay uh let's get out of here wait i wanna die okay is that it okay i guess that's it oh this is [Music] head slimes [Music] how do i get that i want to get that [Music] [Music] it just falls short of it i think it's a camera angle okay oh stop going to the side [Music] uh um [Music] you guys really using the ground pound he was down [Music] it makes a funny sound when you hit them [Music] it's a little bunk a little more like a clunk you guys know what i mean [Music] down here i can't kill him right i don't want to kill him oh i found my eggs oh he's angry i'm gonna kill this bug all right he's friendly right he looks cute i like his little boots i thought i was gonna die hey yep it's me the famous gilboard if you want to climb this wall you better listen up when you stick to the wall after a jump press b yeah why do you think this is my first mario okay what do you think i am a baby [Music] [Music] the different colors garbage they're all the same right now [Music] [Applause] you know i don't even need it i just wanted to get it damn it i landed on it right when it disappeared yeah the tower oh [Music] [Music] i just been messing around [Music] caterpillar is there anything on here did they do anything they're so cute they hurt right i'm pretty sure they hurt but it's not because they're evil it's just you know they're big i killed it [Music] nice that was clean hello those mandy bugs have taken over our observation deck oh they make me so mad oh they make me so mad is this an elevator it's like a windmill [Music] squish bug pancakes i don't need these points yeah this on button i'm guessing [Music] i don't want to go down here [Music] why did that happen yeah [Music] i missed it i missed that one again [Music] wow that would hurt your tailbone okay i see if you're not on the wood parts you will slide off and die [Music] not die but it's hard whoa camera okay all right we have a few more minutes i'll just get up here i'll get this last one and then we'll go we'll say goodbye thank you guys again for all super chat like i said thank you i'll read them every single one i read every single one i [Music] that was easy what the heck [Music] wow [Music] oh hmm yes yes [Music] and a hiccup i don't remember hiccuping i think you guys are hearing things i just want to see what the new galaxy is not this one you guys told me there's a new galaxy oh this one what is it [Music] i want to play i want to play more i like this game we'll play more next week probably doesn't say maybe i'll do gorilla but i don't know maybe later tonight but probably not mario because because it's a good game like i want to have it scheduled beforehand i like so people know in advance i do want to play later but i guess i'll wait i'll wait until next week maybe we'll play like a lot of mario next week it's fun to play it's really fun to play okay well uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna end the stream now but thank you guys for watching thank you guys for watching i had really had a lot of fun thank you for helping me sometimes you guys give me some tips and advice thank you for behaving today teammates you did a good job proud of you um i'm gonna go watch as good as the 2 million celebration stream i guess she's going to sing or like do something special or something i don't know it's going to be pretty exciting i know you guys are gonna be watching too so i'll see you there and uh yeah thank you guys for watching i'll see you later tonight maybe perhaps maybe i'll get real i don't know yeah i didn't sleep i slept for like two and a half hours so i don't know i have a lot of energy right now but i might crash in like three hours so i don't want to promise anything but if i have energy maybe i'll do gorilla stream later maybe i'll do short minecraft or i want to play apex kind of also i don't know we'll see we'll see it's uh let's say 69 percent chance of not streaming but the other no okay maybe maybe it's like 60 months or maybe it's like 55 percent not true i don't know i don't know i can't even give you an accurate percentage okay thank you guys again for for watching the stream thank you for chatting thank you for your support and thank you for your super chats thank you for hanging out with me and thank you for watching and supporting me thank you good night for now goodbye for now for now i'll see you guys in good channel it's gonna be really fun i'm really excited about it okay bye everybody [Music] uh hold on okay goodbye [Music] goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two aliens
Channel: Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 233,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nz-nmF4ByNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 55sec (6895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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