【Full Movie】窮小子無家可歸,卻在一位過路富家千金的幫助下開始了命運 💗 Chinese Television Dramas

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Dude, what are you doing? Calm down. Don't think about anything. Are you okay? Are you okay? Dude, where did you put your wallet? I helped you. You should repay me. Go away. Calm down. Dude, don't do this. Need help this is Queens Road intersection yes there 's a man lying on the ground he looks like he's passed out I'm not sure I'm not sure if he's okay I'll wait here thank you this is between the two of us. What does it have to do with you? She can testify for me. Sorry, police, I didn’t see who made the move first. I hope he’s okay. Mr. Ye, did you complete your Spirit Bird work independently? Mr. Ye, did you borrow your plan from others? Works and Designs Mr. Ye, your plan is very similar to another entry. Oh my God, you finally sobered up. Drinking is not a good thing. Can you understand what I am saying? Could it be that you are an illegal immigrant? What happened to me because of alcohol poisoning? and mild concussion. If I were you, I would lie down obediently. Alcohol poisoning and what concussion. Hello. I want him to know the dangers of alcohol. Don’t let him drink so much again. Thank you. Who are you? Let me introduce myself. My last name is Yi, who is also Chinese. I sent you to the hospital. You didn't have any documents or money on you, so the hospital asked me to stay and wait until you wake up to ask about the situation. Fortunately, you have no other injuries except a slight concussion, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with it. It will be very troublesome. Can I ask you a few questions? Name: Ye Jiacheng, age 27, where are you, China? If you are an illegal immigrant, the hospital will hand you over to the police when you wake up. You have to be mentally prepared. In fact, I am not the first. The first time I saw you was in the hotel lobby. I saw you arguing with someone else. The other party was a man and a woman. The quarrel was very embarrassing. Later, you made a move. Did you ask me if you were a police officer? I did not see it, but I guess you were the one who made the move first. Are you here to participate in a design competition? What happened? Did you end up like this? Did you complete your work independently? The similarity between your plan and another entry plan is as high as 80%. Okay, please rest first. I won’t. I'm asking again. I don't know what kind of design it is. If I know the time, I will let go. There are some words that I can't say. If I can understand the smiling face, come over here and sit in the living room. Come in. I'm sorry. I want to go first. Sorry, the guest room is upstairs. There is a bathroom inside. I will take you there. Thank you. A well-known young architect in China was exposed for plagiarism and was disqualified from an international competition. The soul bird is washed. Come and sit and have some tea. Thank you. It goes without saying. It’s enough to meet you twice in a city as big as London. It's fate. Thank you. Pu'er tea is better from China. The UK can't compare to it. I feel like I've gone home when I taste this taste. Where is your home? It's a small place in Qinglin. I've heard of it. It's a city by the sea. So you should be considered to have moved here now. No, that 's not the case. I am engaged in investment and art collection, so I travel to both Europe and China. Thank you. Are you not an architect? Then help me take a look. I just want to buy an old castle. Do you think it is worth it? Is it worth collecting? Is it worth collecting? I can't estimate its historical value. As far as architecture is concerned, if you want to restore it and use it, you have to invest a lot of energy and a lot of money. So there are actually many old castles like this in the UK, but they were also destroyed during World War II. It’s small, so there are many collectors who came to restore it. The restoration is pretty good, and if it’s resold on the market, the price will definitely be very good. I think you should find a professional history or restoration expert to restore such an old building, right? Wrong, but I have to decide whether to buy it or not. This requires a collector's vision. In fact, maintenance is not difficult at all. It just requires a little patience. Thank you. The building must withstand the passage of time. A castle like this can withstand the weather during the design stage. The role of external aggression is why it can survive in the smoke and fire. Modern architecture does not have to consider these things. Then I want to go to this place tomorrow. Are you free? Anyway, it will take a day or two for your ID to come down and accompany me. Okay. That's settled. I have something to ask you. Can I borrow this computer? I want to make sure my family is safe. I'll take it. Thank you. By the way, Miss Yi, I want to say thank you again. You're welcome. Do you want to come and give it a try? Why have I never driven a right-hand drive and don’t have an international driver’s license? Right-hand drive and left-hand drive are the same. Just try it and it will be fine. Sometimes you can see different scenery when you change the position. No wonder the ruins of the castle are not sold at half the price. I think you should think about it again. Do you have any ideas? I guess repairing a castle like this is not the purpose of your investment. In fact, there is no possibility of repairing a building like this. No matter what the reason was, it was It destroyed a whole half of the main body from the wall here to here, so instead of repairing it, it is better to rebuild it. But if you rebuild it, you will lose some historical architectural significance. So your suggestion is to strengthen the existing wall. It becomes part of modern architecture, and maybe from a visual point of view, it will form a contemporary and classical visual impact. Of course, I am talking from an architectural point of view. From an investment point of view, I don’t understand. Hello Sean, this is Eva. I'm looking at the old castle. I'm going to buy it, but we have to discuss the price again. Goodbye. I've always had a good eye. There 's absolutely nothing wrong with buying it now. You have to rebuild it and turn it into a modern villa. Look at the garden here. The location is big enough and relatively private. If you sell it in a few years, you will definitely get a good price. There is a small town next to it. I will take you to visit it. 60 Come on, let's go there and have a look. 60 60 60 60 60 said Tell me about your spiritual bird. It is my graduation work. The inspiration for the spiritual bird comes from the flying feathers of the bird in flight. It is presented through the natural refraction of the glass, so I drew it at that time, but at that time it was still there. It was just an immature concept, so what now? Later, after repeated conception and revision, I completed all the technical aspects. However, the Urban Construction Institute wanted to use Lingniao to do a government bidding project. I refused. Why Lingniao has been my first choice since graduation? The most precious of my efforts, using it for a government bidding project means having to make countless modifications, which will lose its original characteristics. I hope to retain its integrity, so I later refused, so you just take it to participate in the competition. If I win, I have a chance to succeed, but I didn’t expect what would happen next. The copyright of Lingniao is still in the hands of others. You have heard about it. I heard it. The other party has already planned it. The relationship between you must be extraordinary. I love you so much and hate you so much. Your ex-girlfriend must have a lot of feelings for you, otherwise she wouldn’t drag your current fiance to take away your most important thing. So remember, you can’t guess the woman’s thoughts. I will fly tomorrow. I can’t contact you when I look for you in London. You don’t know where you live. Please contact me immediately when you see this email. I can call or email you. I can wait for your news. Regardless of whether you can see this email or not, I will be at the embassy door every day. Wait, why are you up so late? Aren't you asleep? Come over and have a drink. Why can't you fall asleep? I'm thinking about the spiritual bird. I'm thinking about how to get it back after I return to China. Have you thought of anything other than filing a lawsuit with a lawyer? The solution is to sue your ex-girlfriend and her fiancé, which you can't do, so men will never think like women and have good intentions. You can't fight her. I don't want to fight with them. I just want to get mine back. Your girlfriend understands your point of view. Why did you break up with her? Let me guess. There must be another woman, right? This has nothing to do with others. It’s just that the two of us have gradually become different in what we need. Then there is another person who appears. The person you want to give the crystal fox to. Am I transparent in front of you? It's very simple. When you returned to the hotel, you didn't care about anything and were nervous about the little crystal fox. You can guess that in all likelihood. Come out and talk about this love story again, it’s nothing more than those few. Is it good to drink well? This is the biggest benefit of insomnia. My drinking capacity has increased sharply, and I understand wine better. This is the first time I have suffered from insomnia in my life. Is it true? Isn't your life too smooth? You can't realize how happy it is for an insomniac to sleep soundly for more than ten hours, right? Then why do you have insomnia because of loneliness ? Have you woken up? Good morning to you. Did you sleep well? I'll wash up and pack my luggage. Let's get ready to go. Back to China. I called the embassy to confirm that your documents are out. Then we take the eight o'clock flight. I'm going back to us. You two are flying together. Do n't you have to go back early today? Let's go to the embassy to get the documents first and then go directly to the airport. That's great. By the way, I'll pay for the room and air tickets for the next few days. I'll pay for the air tickets and pay for the room when I return home. Forget it. I'll give it to you, Yi Biya, thank you for taking me in these days, otherwise I'd really have to live on the street. Don't be so polite to me. I have to thank you. Do n't you have to spend money to find an appraisal expert? Besides, after talking to you last night. It's rare that I had a good night's sleep. Let's settle things down. Let's pack up now. Are you going to the Chinese Embassy? No. 51 Portland Street. Okay. Have you ever been to London? Yes, I studied here for a while. When we arrive, I'm waiting for you in the car. I really want to tell you that the memory you gave me is like a shadow in the air. When I close my eyes, your figure in the distance is a journey through sorrows and joys, with courage. Time knows that every question mark it gives is because we are too young. We have to race against it. Let's go to the Royal Hotel No. 7. Do you have the specific address of the hotel? The Royal Opera House, turn right towards the Old Town Hall and pass by London Bridge. You know London very well. Thank you. Is the ending happy? I forgot that I forgot something. I forgot that I bought a sponge cake for my dad this time. I went back to celebrate his birthday. He is very picky. Every time I go back, I have to buy him the flavor he specified. Otherwise, we can’t go far away until we turn around and go back to buy it. I have plenty of time. Sorry sir, let's go to the Royal Hotel No. 7 first and then go to the airport. Okay, thank you. When I close my eyes, your figure in the distance is a journey through sorrow, joy, courage, and time. I know that every torment it gives us is ours. I want to know if the ending is happy. If we meet again, I will try my best to get closer and adjust my breathing. Like a fish swimming into the water, I want time. Leave it to me. The quietness of the clouds and the naughty wind look at you. The days and nights alternate. I want time, leave it to me. My first heart, my first you, I want time, you leave me the stars in the sky to accompany me on a long journey, even if time goes by, even if things change and the stars move, slowly get closer and adjust your breathing, like a fish swimming into the water, I want time, leave me the tranquility of the clouds. The wind is naughty and you look at the time. Day and night come and go. I need time. You leave it to me. The weather is not bad. Mr. Yi, when did you come to London? Is n't it business that you are here? By the way, let's see if there is anything I can do to help you. It's your first time in London and you're not familiar with the place. How can you find someone and haven't eaten yet? There's a good restaurant in front of you. After you eat, you have the strength to find someone. This is not my first time in London, but now I feel like it's so strange here. Appetite is still worried about Jiacheng. He must have been having a bad time these days. He has lost all his things and has no money. Where to live, what to eat, how to live? He has no idea. He has never been in such a situation. I will give it to him. Adding fuel to the fire. If I had known this was the case, I shouldn't have let him come to the UK. He is an adult and must bear the consequences of any choice he makes. There is no need to blame yourself. Besides, you didn't know such a thing would happen. Is that right? The problem is that I know that I know that not winning this game will be a big blow to him, but I still feel lucky. Maybe this choice is wrong at all. If I had stopped him in the first place, would he have not come to the UK? What happened now, since you can’t eat, come with me to a place. I’ve been to London so many times and I haven’t been there yet. How about going and seeing it? But there’s no point in searching aimlessly. I ’ve already asked my connections to find you for you. All you need to do now is to wait and you have another identity as my special assistant. You have to listen to me. If you don’t regret it, come up with me. This is a private VIP box. Originally it was not open today. So how did you convince them? Tell them that you are here to find a boyfriend. If I hadn't seized the last chance to confess to you at the London Eye before you found a boyfriend, I might never have this opportunity in my life. I might have lost my love for this forever. The reason is not bad, right? Then they really believe it and wish me success. You don’t really believe it, do you? Mr. Yi always likes to make fun of me. Now that I’m here, why not enjoy it? Cheers, Thames, Big Ben, Waterloo. I really didn’t think about it before. I ’ll see London from this angle later. I mean, I’ve seen these in magazines before. I never thought I could look down at them from this angle. Your guide is very detailed. I don’t know if Jiacheng has time to do it. Let's take a look, but he shouldn't be in this mood. It seems that you love him very much. Jiacheng is the person I have already determined that he is the only one in this life. How can you be so sure that it is him? You don't need to be sure that it is this person and this person. When you see him, you will know. Sit down. The master here is not here. Wouldn't it be bad for us to just come in like this? Coincidentally, I am also the master here. This is the Yi family's apartment in London. It's just that my aunt is staying in London. She will often live here for a long time. It seems that our arrival is not a coincidence. I don’t know which country she went to visit again. This is your aunt, but she looks very young. She is not older than me by a few days. It’s just a matter of seniority. I'm much older. My mother is the daughter of my grandfather and his previous wife. My aunt is the daughter of my grandfather and his current wife. She is Yi Qindong's sister. Do you understand this explanation? Does that mean that your relationship with her is not special? I'm not very interested in our family affairs. We grew up together, so we have a good relationship. You can find a room to rest and adjust to the jet lag. I will definitely reply to you if I see your email. I can't do it tomorrow. Ask your friends in London to help you find it together. Thank you, Mr. Yi. Isn’t this a painting by Jiacheng? Are you sure it ’s Jiacheng’s handwriting? Of course I can be sure because this is the work he came here to compete in this time. But why does the spirit bird appear here? How do you go? Do you have friends coming to pick you up? No, I haven't had time to notify them yet. Someone is coming to pick me up. Come with me. No need. I can just take the subway. Do you have money to take the subway? Good people will do what they can to send Buddha to the west with me. Let's go. Why did you come to pick me up in person? E It's rare for you to come back. Of course my brother has to pick you up. I finally changed my boyfriend. Let me introduce this to you. This is Mr. Yi, Ye Jiacheng, Designer Ye. You two know each other. Not only do we know each other, but also We have dealt with each other before. Designer Ye is really destined to be with us, Yi Mao. You are Mr. Yi’s younger sister. She is his biological sister. I am prettier than him. Let’s take him back on the way. Come on, let’s go. Let’s go. I’m here. Thank you again. You’ve said a lot. By the way, I will transfer the money to you as soon as possible. I will say thank you later to catch up on the jet lag and have a good night's sleep. Goodbye, bye. Auntie, I'm back. Jiacheng, why are you back? Shi Jian went to England to find you. Jane went to the UK to find me. Ye Jiacheng, how did you meet? How did you two come back together? I picked it up. Don’t keep teasing your brother. I’m not teasing you. He was drunk and fell in front of my car. I saw that he was from China. I just helped him. When did you become so kind? You said there were too many drunkards and homeless people on the streets of London. I didn’t see you picking up another one, but you picked up Ye Jiacheng. What is his fate with Yi Mao? Yeah, there won't be anything going on between you two, right? I can see it by looking at your expression. Is n't it because of Yi Pei, that brat? He is the person next to Xiao Pei. He is the designer of Grand City from the Architectural Design Institute that Yi Pei hired. The supporting center was designed by him, but he no longer cares about it. Why did he leave the Architectural Design Institute after breaking up with their dean’s daughter, so naturally this project was no longer under his control. His current girlfriend is Yi Pei’s. The special assistant is a girl named Shi Jian. This girl is not simple. Her ex-boyfriend is named Chang Jin. She is my subordinate. I don’t know how she got in touch with Yi Pei. She abandoned her ex-boyfriend and ran to work for Yi Pei as a special assistant. You said that a newly graduated college student has no work experience. Why is Yi Pei so fond of her? I think that brat Yi Pei must have evil intentions. He is playing Zhao Wenwen's wishful thinking and half-heartedly trying to place someone beside him. A little secret, but unfortunately Shi Jian fell in love with Ye Jiacheng, which made the boy confused. Do you think this girl is not simple? You are quite a gossip. You know yourself and your enemy. Not to mention the matter with Yi Pei. These things are just tidbits. When I was in the UK, I also heard a lot of rumors saying that you left the real estate company and now Xiao Pei is in charge of Yimao Real Estate. I am planning to open a real estate company by myself. Now there are many people who want to cooperate with me. Don't worry, I won't let that brat Yi Pei dominate Yi Mao easily. I don't care about the fight between the two of you. I have no interest in Yi Mao either. I just came back to see my father. I am Yi Pei and you are Ye Jiacheng, Mr. Yi. Are you also in London? Are you with Shi Jian? Where are you? Shi Jian has been looking for you. Wait a minute. Hey Jiacheng. Where are you? I arrived in London yesterday. Have you received the email you sent ? I'm at your house now. I'm with my aunt. You're at my house. Goodbye. Goodbye. Jiacheng has returned to China. I want to go back immediately. It'll be fine if you come back. Look, you're not here. In those days, I watered your flowers and plants every day. I was worried that if you didn’t take good care of them when you were away, you would come back to settle the account with me. How come these flowers and plants look better than before I left? I’m sorry. Jiacheng, I shouldn't have suspected you and Song Xiaojing when you went to London. It was actually my fault. I shouldn't have deliberately angered you for being so hot-tempered and failing to control your emotions, making you so worried. Go to London to find me. As soon as I heard that something happened to you. And I haven't been able to contact you, so I'm in a state of confusion, as if I've lost my soul. I don't care, I just think that I must see you to feel at ease. Who knows what will happen in London? The development and changes are much faster and different than I imagined. I was thinking that after participating in the competition and getting the bonus, we would be able to have more money when treating my aunt in the future, right? I don't care if you won the award or not. It doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you have come back safely. But this award is very important to me. Since I resigned, I have pinned all my hopes on this award. I know. What happened in London must have been a big blow to you, but can we put this matter aside for the time being and stop thinking about it because the spiritual bird will definitely be realized in the future. Do you still remember the last time I was on that rooftop? Point me in the direction you are pointing because the spiritual bird will definitely appear there in the future. Okay, please stop comforting me. I am not comforting you. I told you that I can see the future. Do you believe me? Okay? You say it so beautifully. Can you see that it's all your illusion? It's just your wishful thinking. Even if the spirit bird really doesn't belong to you now, it doesn't hinder your development as an architect at all. Can you please stop looking at what's in front of you? This point of gains and losses, because these are really not that important, Spirit Bird is my graduation work, you are not the author, you have no way to understand the pain of losing it, the future you mentioned may be visible to you, but all this is too far away from me, too slim, what am I? I can't even see it. Now I don't want to talk about this anymore. I just want to be alone. Biya, this cake tastes really good. Then you can eat more. Grandpa, aunt, Xiao Pei, give me a hug. The whole family is here, so why are you missing? I came back suddenly. Let’s sit down and have some cake. This cake is a sponge cake that Biya specially brought back from London. I like to eat it the most. It’s called sending cakes from thousands of miles away. The gift is light on friendship but heavy on friendship. Yes, I heard my dad say yours. Congratulations on the success of Yi Mao Real Estate. Thanks to my grandpa for all kinds of encouragement. I also want to thank my uncle for his willingness to support me. I just try my best to live up to the high expectations. I am too humble. It is time for Lao Yi to have physical therapy. It’s so rare for you to meet me. Let’s talk slowly. I just arrived in the UK and you left. I wanted to see you. You really didn’t give me any face and I missed it. I had no choice but to come back and say hello to you. You didn’t even tell me that you were going to the UK. I was just accompanying you. A friend went to find Ye Jiacheng. Unexpectedly, Ye Jiacheng met you in London. Couldn't this friend be called Shi Jian? You got the news quickly enough. Zhao Wenwen often mentioned her to me. You, this special assistant, are not ordinary. You two are quite close. She came to see me in London before. You don't always want her hanging around outside, do you? Aren't you afraid that she will break the engagement and not marry you? I said, Yi Pei, this doesn't seem like your style of doing things. Do n't you always put danger in danger? The coefficient is reduced to the lowest. Is it delicious? What about you? It's been so long. You don't plan to stay alone. Let's eat your cake. I hate it, Mr. Yi, be careful about burning it. Thank you. Should I ask why you are still here so late? Some of the work I have been doing in London has been backlogged in the past two days, so I just want to work overtime to get it done now. I don’t want to delay my work because of my own affairs. Maybe I had a quarrel with Ye Jiacheng. I can understand his feelings. It disappeared overnight. He was feeling aggrieved and angry, and it was difficult to let it out. The other party was his ex-girlfriend and Ye Jiacheng, the daughter of the mentor who single-handedly promoted him. He couldn't possibly be so cruel as to break his skin. The other party also took advantage of him. So I think you should understand him, but I just want him to look forward, because in the future he will not be affected by this incident at all, but he just doesn't want to believe me. That's why you think so much. Ye Jiacheng is in your heart. The head is the most talented and the future is limitless, but you should think about this matter from a different angle and a different standpoint. It is precisely this kind of talented people who often cannot stand such a sudden blow, not to mention that the other party is from the major he values ​​most. Now that his reputation is gone, how should I help him? I'll leave it to time. When all this is over, it won't be a big deal when I look back. Thank you, Mr. Yi. Wenwen, you're back. You've been wandering outside enough. I decided to go back to the go -kart park tomorrow. When Mr. Yi Wenwen called me, I rushed over. You are here too. This is Jiacheng. You are here too. Ms. Yi, you are here too. I have been sending you text messages before, trying to transfer money into your bank. Account, but you haven’t replied for a long time. Don’t worry. Didn’t we meet again? Just give it to me later. This is my aunt Yi Biya. You are the kind person who took Jiacheng in. Hello, Miss Yi, thank you for being here. Help Jiacheng when he is in trouble. You are Jiacheng's girlfriend. Hello everyone, you are really giving me face. Everyone is here. Everyone is here. What do you want to do by inviting everyone together? I have something important to announce to Wenwen for a long time. I don’t see you have any new news. So since we are all here, let’s play two games first. Is it okay? Jiacheng is awesome. Is it okay? Come on, Mr. Yi, let’s say goodbye again. Shi Jian, we are better than one game. How about it? Is it okay? Shi Jian. It's dangerous to drive so fast for the first time, you know? It's okay. You and I are okay. Come on, be careful. Slow down. What's wrong? It seems a little twisted. Come and see when my boyfriend can be so gentle to me. You Be gentle with him first. Why don't you feel that you are not excited at all when you see me? Why did you come back suddenly without saying a word so that I could pick you up? I want to give you a surprise. I told you in advance what the surprise is called. Even if I told you in advance that you would pick me up yourself, why do n't you ask Zhang Kai to pick me up? When will I leave? How long do you plan to stay this time? You didn't understand. I said I won't leave. I can't see much of the outside world. I think this time we can come back and take care of our serious affairs. Aren’t my parents and grandpa always urging us to get married? Are you really excited when you heard me take the initiative to say that I want to marry you? I know you were duplicitous. Why didn't you call me when you were in Europe? Do you still have me as your fiancée in your heart? Are n't you afraid that you will turn around like this? Your fiancée ran away with someone again. How can you come back and stay for three months? Are you tired of it? You will leave of course. I am serious. I won’t leave. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. This is the most important thing I want to announce when I come back. It hurts. Now I know it hurts. I was driving so crazy just now. Why don’t you? Do you know you are afraid? Who told you to ignore me and still be so indifferent to me? I can't control so much when I'm angry. You can say anything to me and hit me when you're angry with me. Why don't you have to be more serious with yourself? So you still care about me. Is that right? In fact, after we had a fight that day, I went back and thought about it seriously. It was indeed my fault. I didn't think about it from your perspective. Spirit Bird is very important to you. If you really can't get it back, you still have to keep walking in the future, right? So no matter how difficult the future is, let me walk with you, okay? Close your eyes, close your eyes, open your hands. What a delicate and cute little fox. There are more than one. There are only two. Why didn't you bring them to me earlier? I bought them in the UK at that time. When I saw them, I didn't know how to think of you. I never had the chance to give them to you. I like that I couldn't get the trophy back. I ’ll give you this. It doesn’t matter if you have a trophy or this. Let this be a thing of the past. I want to start over.
Channel: 小幸运影视汇
Views: 1,028,873
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Keywords: 小幸运影视汇, Chinese Drama, Chinese Drama eng sub, c-drama, Chinese television dramas, 中国电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, 好看中国电视剧, 精选电视剧, 偶像劇, love, kiss, 爱情, 情感, 恋爱, 古装, dilireba, dilrabadilmurat, Asiandrama, 甜宠, cdrama, 青春, 偶像, 浪漫, 小鲜肉, 爆款剧, 吻戏, 接吻, 三生三世十里桃花, 字幕, 英语, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, top chinese drama, chinese new drama 2023 eng sub, 仙侠, 仙侠剧, 精彩片段, 逆袭, 玄幻, 动作, 仙恋, 特效, 翻转, Little Luck Drama & Movie Clips, 励志, 成长, 治愈, 【Full Movie】, 完整电影, 霸总, 宠妻, 灰姑娘, 总裁, chinese new drama 2023, 鏡‧雙城, Mirror:A Tale of Twin Cities, 杉杉来了, 趙麗穎 張翰
Id: 5QLe20AdVq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 10sec (3850 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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