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This dictionary.. | I bought this already. Why it is him? He's really a driver. I have been to five bookstores. I cannot leave without it. I should get close to him first. Excuse me, may I discuss with you? What to discuss? Can you let me buy this dictionary? Right. It's because tomorrow I have a very important thing. I must have it. Moreover, I have been to 5 bookstores, there's only one left. I also have an important thing. Handsome but so mean. Right, actually there's another one is also great. This one. Take a look. This one is English-Chinese, Chinese English dictonary for construction. It's also a good read. It's because you want to buy this so you recommend a worse one for me? How can you say it's worse? There are lots of new words in this one but there aren't any phonetic symbols. If your English is not good, you won't know how to read it. How can you know my English is not good? So let me test your English. OK. Ataxophobia. Fear of disorder. Chinese meaning is 'fear of disorder'. What the hell is this? Even a driver is such that good at English. Rob my job. Your English is so good. So surprising! 'A man of true talent never shows off. Showing off is not a true man of talent'. This one is for you, right? However, I think that you are such that good at English so you won't need this dictionary. I still want this anyway. Could you let me check for a minute? OK. Thank you. It will be quick. Excuse me, could you please help me to hold it? Like this. What are you doing? Taking photos. Maybe I'll need it tomorrow. I've just charged battery yesterday. Why does it turn into this? Fine. If you like this dictionary that much, I'll give you 30 seconds. Tell me why I should give up this for you? If you touch me, I won't buy it. your English is good. Mine is worse. I need it more than you. You are gentlemen. I'm lady. Lady first. Hold on. You have a car. I don't. You can find bookstore more convenient than me. My leg is unconvenient. Time's over. I'll leave first. Hold on. Today is my birthday. Birthday? What a coincidence! It's true. I'll let you see my ID card. Wait a minute. Look at this. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. You are kind. So kind. It's finally mine. It's better give it back to me. How could you be like this? Let me pay it for you. Thank you. Wait a minute. You are so generous. Could you please sign on this for me? Signing? No need to. I'm not the author. But this dictionary is really important to me. I'll rememember of you whenever I open it. Although this world is cruel and full of wars, there are always kind people. Not that serious huh? Yes it is. You must sign it. Here is the pen. Thank you. Your name is.. I can't read it. I signed it anyway. Thank you. Thank you. Happy birthday. You are back? What are you doing? Please don't mix it up. I'm not. It's clean. Beef is about to be done. Wait for 10 minute. Where are tomatoes? I forgot to buy it. There are potatoes. Use potatoes is fine. I put potatoes in already. If there isn't any tomato in Borscht soup, how can we call it 'borscht soup'? Potato is OK. I'm fine anyway. You are so easy. Right. Birthday gift. Open it. I've worked hard for 3 three months to knit it. Look at these two balls. They are the most difficult. One by one. Try it on. Your daily style is so lifeless. Put on some colorful pieces. Perfect! Come on, try it on. How is it? Very special. I told you. Looks good. Come on. Have a drink. Happy birthday. Cheers! Great. Put this here. Manager, the dictionary you said, I bought it. I've read it all night. Awake all night huh? Slept for 2 hours. This is my first task you assigned me. I hope I can do it well. Don't worry. Your competance is really good. I've prepared it well. I don't worry anymore. Ah, you choose Professor Ye Jia Ming's lecture huh? You know him? Yeah. He is instructor for my master's thesis. When I was in university, he took care of me a lot. He has a daughter named Ye Jing Wen. Same age as you. She is your university student. Jing Wen is my classmate. She stays next to my room. What a coincidence! I had already graduated when you guys entered university. Right. Today I have a commercial summit meeting. Our Jiu Tong's workers have all gone. We are lack of translator. Otherwise, we won't assign a temporary translator for such that big international company like GMF. So I have to do it well. When you arrived at GMF, find Head of translate department, follow her arrangement. I told her already. I got it. Hello. I'm looking for Mrs Su - Head of translate department. You are.. I'm Xie Xiao Qiu, temporary translator from Jiu Tong. Right, she told me already. Please register here. OK. This way, please. OK. | Mr Wang. Good morning. Take a look. This is Shang Hai's branch. Please come in. I want to ask this. Who is that one? He is my boss. You will be his translator. I've already written this. From here go straightforward to the end is translate office. No. I can't come in like that. He will recognize me. Excuse me, is there any salon near here? Yes. Go out and turn left. OK. Thank you. I've got some business. I'll be back soon. OK. I'm in a hurry. | Hello. Nice to meet you. Lady, cut the hair or perm it? Hm..do you have makeup here? Yes. Can you make me become a completely different one? Same or different? Different. So who to look like? Anyone is OK. But don't be so bad. You have 7 minutes left. After I said this, you only have 6 minutes 30 seconds left. Lady, do you have glasses? Lady. Do you have glasses? I use contact lens. But there's a backup glasses in my bag. SO put on your glasses. How is it? It looks good. Thank you. Thank you. Hold on. I have to put a mole on your face. Hold on. Why do you change your hair style? You still can recognise me? Your clothes is not changed. Don't be too curious. It will kill a cat. Kill a cat? Anyway, I have to thanks you for the dictionary. Today I'm so busy. Otherwise, I'll treat you a meal. Goodbye. | You're welcome. Anyway, I want to ask you one more favor. Pretend not to recognise me when you see me, is it OK? Why? You are commercial spy? No. I'm worry your boss will recognise me. Working with this type of person is really hard, right? Not so bad. I'm here to be temporary translator. If he recognise me, he'll find me. If I can't do it well, maybe I will be treated badly by gangster. Maybe. You have already been treated huh? I'm a man. Don't think that being a man will be safe. There are those bisexuals. Fine. I'm curious. I want to ask this. Why? Why do you scare if he recognises you? You aren't scared when I recognised you. Is there any different between two of us? It's funny. Why do I have to scare a kind driver who always helps other? Too funny. Driver? Finished? Yeah. You invited a new translator huh? Just temporary. She looks famaliar to me. How about her level? Quick reaction. No error. There was a little hard at first, but it's fine then. Her perfume makes me feel sick. Anyway, could you please help me to edit this drawing? Can we change the place of this intake door? It just can be placed here. Can't we change it to here? Here? You want to increase pollution huh? You aren't the one who is easy to deal with. This is my project. I have to be responsible. Fine, make it that way. Sign it. Hello, we meet again. Hello. Do you realize that this dining hall's food is tasty? Look at thoe fishes, shrimps and so on. They look fresh. Try this one. I'm not hungry. Don't say that you are trying to lose weight? Let me tell you this. Everyone need to eat one egg per day for adequate nutrition. Look at this egg. It's so cute. So tasty. Really really tasty. Right, let me take you there to have it. Or else there will be no more. Let's go. | I won't eat. Let's go. | I don't need it. Oh no. Please cover me. I won't let boss recognise me. Please. Ji Chuan, could you get me soup please? Which one? Vegetable soup. HR Department reveals that until now, Ji Chuan has fired 4 people. 4 one? One driver, one director, one accountant and one architect. He even fired architect? I heard that the reason is because he didn't follow clothing rules. I don't worry about this. I always follow the clothing rules. In an exactly way. Anyway, Xiao Bo master is the most pitiful. I heard that last year her wife had a twin. She thought his salary is not bad so she resigned and was at home to take care of children. This time is too bad. How pitiful they are! Excuse me, is there any place near hear selling fresh milk? Don't know whether there is anything new. The latest new said that his next goal is your translate department. Just wait to be cut off staff. How can you know this? Who am I? I used to be a receptionist at our company. I used to be our company's face. There isn't anything I don't know. I heard that, Wang Li Chuan said that there was no need for translate department. Therefore, he want to find a translate company. Outsource everything. Really? Why could we do now? Mr Quan. Is the position you said last time still vacant? Please don't hire other. I need it. OK. See you tonight. Ming Ming, you are such a disloyal one. Just care about yourself in this difficult time. You don't care about us huh? You are head of our translate department. That's not fair. You even begged Mr Zhang for bonus in our year end party. Such an zebra brain. All was thought already. Right. This time, you must say something good about us in front of Wang Li Chuan. Please make clear of this. This is Wang Ji Chuan, not his brother. How can I help you guys? There won't be any salary if I make him angry. Although bad person clothes is like murderer's parents, you guys don't need to worry. I find out the way. What is it? Ji Chuan is quite handsome, don't know whether he is single or not. If not, let me use beauty-trap. Maybe it can change our situation. Trust me. Please don't let his apperance seduce. If you want to win, you must pass Pacifics. He has such a stony heart. He is extremely nitpicking and imperious. You must be miserable if you are with him. Really? I've just me him on the corridor. He seems to be nice and gentle, doesn't same as what you guys said. Xiao Ting, don't you know that how he looks like when he is bargaining? Fine. I consider you my friend. I will give you 50% discount. The director and I have just dealt an 20% discount. Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. This is the lowest. The price can't be down anymore. Fine. I'll give you more 10%, is it fine? Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. Fine. I'll give 5% more. I don't have any profit indeed. I just want to make friend with you. I have already given you what I had. Is it ok? Or else..I also have superiors. How can I explain to them? Mr Wang..you.. What do you mean? 10 more percents? You are not follow the rules. I haven't met any like you. This is a losing deal. No. What do you want? I want your blood. I just have fat, no blood. Just one sentence, sign or not? OK, sign. Just consider as losing weight. Mr Wang, there's a movie I think you should watch it. What is it? Vampire! Fine. I'll go if I have time. Fine. Don't scare me. Anyway, there is a world of difference between these two brothers. They are not normal. One really knows how to bargain. One really knows how to win the project. One is black face, one is white face. They are a perfect match! She is such a young lady but she starts to go one a diet. Xiao Qiu, you can't eat this little. We are translator, we can't be unhealthy. Got it? Fine. I'll notice it. Your stomach is good today huh. I've never seen you eat this much. I'm a bit hungry. You can drink this? Come on, you can't eat this much. Give me some. This egg is bited. This chef must be changed. Please don't be that suspicious. Is there anyone else except me? You eat it? You looks so familiar. Have me met? Definitely nope. Are you clear now? There seems to be a little familiar. I've finished my work. You can't help but pay me. Please clean it carefully. Or else I won't give you your salary. Moreover, I'll call your manager. I'll tell him about your performance today. You could try if you don't believe it. Don't think that you have money means you can act superior, you can insult and look down on me. Call him. Just call him. Don't think that he'll trust you. Let me tell you. he'll trust you. Let me tell you. I had to pass such a fierce competition to be assigned to be here. If the worst comes to the worst, I won't work for GMF anymore. You think I can't find a job if I displease you huh? I want to meet Xiao Manager. I clean it. Let me do it. You have to apologize me first. What to apologize? You damaged other's property. But you also made me lost my job. You pour insecticides onto me. You have such a great memory. Clean it. Hurry up. If you can't make it clean, or ruin the color, you have to take responsibility. You are not a generous one. Why do I have to be generous to such a terrible woman like you? May I borrow some tools? Excuse me, do you have cloth or glass cleaner? We don't have it. You can ask over there. Thank you. You're welcome. Hello. May I borrow cloth and glass cleaner? Thank you. I'll give it back later. Thanks. Ji Chuan, I am looking for you. What happened? I change my mind. You should take up the position after I leave Shanghai. Why? You should focus on your drawing. Let me do everything else. I will handle them thoroughly. OK? Thoroughly? You mean you fire my employees thoroughly. Don't forget that My status is higher than you in administration. Even when I haven't taken up, I am qualified to fire them. You can't fire anyone without my signature. Even a driver. Driver? You should call him 'old man'. He just drove once a week. Earn money too easy huh? What does he consider GMF as? Money printer? My company can make money. I have my own way. I know company can make money. However if you based on my way to do, we can make more money. I don't want to follow your way. Fine. Business is business. Alright? Sophie. Book for Ji Chuan a ticket to Zurich. As soon as possible. I hope that tomorrow I can have it. You book ticket for me? I have to tell her my passport number. Come on. Let me talk to her. Sophie. You have to book that ticket but you have to change the name. Change into Wang Li Chuan. Hey, give it back to me. Please tell your president that Li Chuan will leave the next day. Ji Chuan, you.. Fine, fine. It's OK. Nothing. Ji Chuan. I hung it up. Keep calm. We are gentleman. Take your hand off. You just have three months to transfer. Moreover, Lisa's project has to be started. I won't go back. It's not me who want you to be back. It's our grandfather. I don't care. What can I tell him? I don't care. Fine. I won't touch your employee anymore. Can you fly back now? You can't even touch one of them? Fine. You should call all of them back. This is not good. We have done the procedures. I feel embarrassed. You don't need to care about procedures. There's HR Department. What you need is just one call. Fine. Because of grandfather, I agree. You must remember it. Hello. Hello. Excuse me, you are.. Clean the egg white. Clean the egg white? I tell you this. Don't be dad. I knew it all. You know what? You have just lost your job, right? No problem. Being fired by this type of person is not bad thing. Proverb said that 'better luck next time'. Or also 'there are plenty more fish in the sea'. Sorry but those sentences I.. don't understand. What is called 'there are plenty more fish in the sea' ? You are overseas Chinese? I mean what Mr Wang said to you, you don't need to keep it in mind. Those are nonsense. Then our working class should cooperate. Cooperate? How is your English? Maybe vocab is fine, how about communication? No problem. Actually I'm studying in America. Before coming to Shanghai, I worked there. You are overseas Chinese in America? My nationaly is Switzerland. I grew up in Switzerland. Let me introduce myself. I'm Wang Li Chuan. Hello, I'm Xie Xia Qiu. I'll help you to find a job. Don't worry. Anyway, please help me to hold this. Thanks you. Tomorrow there will be a job here. It is a international commercial negotiation. They will negotiate for 2 hours. Travel cost and translation fee is 1600 yuan total. I'll give you 800. Actualy I have to go but I find out that you are in difficult situation, so I give you half of it. This may help you to buy milk for your child for one month, right? This is my phone number. I have their address. Sorry, I think that you are misunderstanding. No, it's ok. It's nothing. There is nothing we can't overcome. I trust you. We will make more money when we work together. There are also more opportunities. Let me tell you this. Translator is a potential job. I trust you. It's gonna be okay. Wait. Actually, I.. I can't come tomorrow. I'm really busy. Right. You have just lost your job. There must be lots of things to do. No problem. If you need something, just give me a call. Don't worry. There are lots of people want to help you. Fine. Goodbye. Anyway, you are familiar here than me. Help me to give them back. It belongs to the cleaner. Thanks. Bye. Bye. What happened to Jing Wen today? She didn't say anything. Do we need to say it? CK Jun didn't arrive. Right. He hasn't come here for so long. Should we help her? Ask for phone number or something? I am not that nosy like you. How can we ask for those things huh? The man run away at the moment the woman arrived. Nonsense. Xiao Manager. It's OK. I'll get my translator wage whenever I'm free. Go out for dinner? No need to. I have to ask for your help later. Fine. See you on Monday. Goodbye. Xia Qiu, you really know how to make money. We are in same university, I'm your senior. Actually I'm not that busy.. how about..Xia Qiu.. Oh my gosh. You frightened me. It's three in the morning. We should go to sleep. I'm nearly done. Look at your office. Look at the atmosphere. What's going on with my office? There isn't such a change. I don't need to change. Do you know how time is born? It is when there is an explode, everything changes. Every minute every second will not be the same as before. Then time is born. If there's one day, everything stops. Past, present, future have no difference. It is the end of time. The end of the universe. No change means death. Is it relate to me? Enjoy your life. What are you doing? You are even back at three in the morning, aren't you? I'm playing until 3 o'clock, ok? Look. What is Wang? Wang Li Chuan? I remember. You want to come? Welcome. Great. I'll wait for you at 933 bus station in the evening. See you there! You have to be translator in the evening, don't you? I find a co-worker. Who's that? A driver has just lost his job from foreign company. Driver? Xie Xia Qiu, can you be more trust-worthy? He is not ordinary driver. He studied and worked in America. His speaking skill is excellent, and also his vocabulary. But he can't even keep his job as a driver? Foreign company also wastes talent sometimes. Don't worry. Trust me. Xia Bo, how to go by this bus? How much? Two yuan once, just give the money when you get on. Do you have small change? No. May I borrow you? OK. Wait a sec. Mr Wang, the bus is crowded. It's better to go by car. No need. You can come back first. I'll call you when I need. Let me drive you.. | No need to. Don't worry. 933 Are you sure that you know the address? Yes. It won't be wrong. It must be around here. But we have passed here many times. Right. Don't worry. I know Shanghai very well. Right, look at this if you don't trust me. This is a map I drew it myself. All the places I have passed by. I drew it based on my memory. This is where we need to go. You drew it yourself? Why don't I understand it? This star and this arrow are stand for what? This is where we need to go. However, I haven't drawn it. What are you doing? Let me guide. Let's go. Here it is. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm Xie Xia Qiu. He's Wang Li Chuan. We are translator introduced by Chen Mei Juan. Finally you two arrived. I thought that you guys was stuck in traffic jam. I'm director secretary Li Xin. Hello. | Chen Mei Juan must be told you guys that our company want to import raw materials from Italy. Now they assign 3 people to negotiate with us. They have translator? They all understand English. Xie Qiu. Xie Qiu. Sister. There are 5 minutes left until the meeting starts. Let's prepare for it. Please be well-prepared. Gosh! I've just met them. I can't understand what they are talking about. How could? You can even understood Indian English last time. I have just known that among 3 of them, one is French, one is German, one is Italian. They all say Italian. They just know a bit English. Their accent is so heavy. I talked to them for half of a day. They can't understand me. I can't understand them. Moreover, they said my English had problem. I won't accept this job if I knew this. What could we do now? Our second language is Japanese. Alright, Wang Li Chuan. You are Swiss, aren't you? Switzerland has 4 official languages. You should know at least one of them, right? I know 3 of them. German, French, Italian. Genius! Angel! God's will! You two should hurry up. I have other things to deal with. OK. Goodbye. This way please. Okay. This way Ah, thank you for today I must have been in trouble without you Your are welcome. This is your remuneration, take it. Thank you! Everyone performed well today. Especially you, excellent. Assistant Li, this amount is not correct. As our agreement before. It should be 1600. There are only 800 here Moreover, there were two interpreters today Translated four languages for you. Besides, you probably know that German, French, Italian, translation fee are way different compared to English. We even did not charge for this gap . Only this amount whether you two want to receive or not. Let me tell you, students like you are just part-time translators. Even 200 yuan per hour are too much. It's like giving yourself a chance to practice. - Please don't go! - Assistant Li. If your company is a decent company, Please keep your words. Stop bothering me here. I still have lots of works to do. This money is due to my labor. Give money to me or else I won't let you go. Let me tell you, I won't use you anymore in the future. How dare you beat me? - Don't fight with him. Stop. - How dare you? Stop fighting. Stop. What are you doing? Director Fang. He gave me 800 yuan only of translation fee. Isn't the deal 1600 yuan? He must have had his hand in the till. What? Li Xin, why did this happen? I... Thank you! Please receive this money amount You have to financially support your family, your life is more difficult. You have just now got into a fight to help me. I didn't expect that Translation is a dangerous job. Ah, right. Are you okay? I'm okay. I think, we should have a seat over there Fine. No, I told you that you just take it. Your hand is injured. That's okay, I bring sticky plaster with me Let me tell you, If you are in similar situations, Never, ever start a fight with them. We alone, take our side ourselves. You have to learn how to use your facial expression Not your fist when you express your anger. When he hit you, you can angrily stare at him. Right? Scary? See? Frightening? You think so? Definitely scary, right? I told you, you were too frightened to laughed. Now, stick it on. Done! Thank you. Don't mention it. You know what, A small frown makes people Use 42 facial muscles While swinging a fist uses 2 only. Really? By the way, I have to tell you That we have another interpreting work at 6 p.m Which would last an hour only. Won't be tired. Will you join? No, I won't. It's my coffee time. Coffee time? Are you assuming that you're owning lots of money? You are now a part-time worker, Unstable wage day to day. Now you are telling me that you have coffee time? Are you kidding me? I don't want to join the meeting, really. Let's go, Today, you helped me. Let me invite you the dinner Come on. Let's go. Really? Money has been just a while with you, You've already wanted to spend. It's not that I will go to an expensive restaurant. Look for a transportation first. Is there any taxi around here? Taxi? Do you know How much money would it take for the journey to the center on Taxi? Do you think you are rich? Could you please save money? The bus station is right there. Let's go! Li Chuan, there is a seat here, come here. Take yourself that seat. It is a long journey, you have to stand for long time. Come on, take a seat. I'm really okay with that, you should have that seat. Lady first. I think you are a real gentlemen. What are you doing? I make use of this time to learn new words. Let me tell you, to be a professional interpreter, we have to increase qualifications every passing minute. Did you remember all what I have said? I did. Let me help you. No, thanks. I can do it myself. Be careful, careful! I sincerely admire you that you can stand on the bus such long time. I haven't taken the bus for long time. Feeling was so different. Well, I remember there is a restaurant nearby. Let's have a meal together. Okay. Is it expensive? Not at all. That's great. Thank you. Choose the dishes, what do you like? You do it, it's up to your choice. Just choose the food as you like it, but don't order too many dishes. One is enough. But what do you enjoy? I told you. It's all up to your taste. But I like beef. Please help me choose some dishes. She likes beef. My pleasure. Oh, this cooked beef is delicious, but the quantity is small. You know what, every time I finish my interpretation, I always starve to death and want to eat a huge meal. Don't eat mixed salad only, try some beef This beef is so tasty. Come on, come on. In my hometown, We always have appetizer first. Where is your hometown? Zurich. Zurich? That sounds far from here! I'm so full. Are you full? Can we ask for a cake now? Do you still want to order cakes? Here are your cakes. Do we have cakes for real? Wait, Miss. I think you’ve made a mistake with the bill. Our main course costs 180, Total number here is 1800. The comma must be in the wrong place. Madam, Your total is really 1800. Could you please recheck the details? There is no need. Here you are. - Thank you. -Thank you. Why did you order such expensive dishes? Perhaps, we could break even today and lose all money we have earned. Excuse me, I have just now ordered, I didn't check the price list. You know what, the mouth is a bottomless pit, Do you know how much money that we have "eaten"? How much we earn, the double we spent! I finally know why were you fired. Tell me the truth, did you have your hand in the till? Forget it, you have already been fired and must need some time to adapt. Maybe, you are in the excessive time. Could you wrap unfinished dishes up, please? Wrapping? Do you still want to wrap them up while there is such little food? Fine, fine. We don't bring them home anymore. But we can't waste food, even a little piece of them. They, however, cost 1800. I have to enjoy them steadily. Okay, no need to walk me out more. I catch the bus here, I have to work this evening. Do you still have to work? Do you need money that much? I live here alone, so I earn some money in case of unexpected situations. Moreover, my younger brother is going to University soon. I have to save some and pay tuition for him. Thank you so much for today, but you should take this. It was initially your job, I just gave you a hand, and learnt some knowledge by chance. This is because of your help. You have to earn for living and your family as well. We divide this amount into half, so it would be fair, no one is lost. Do you want to separate clearly like that? If you want to, I have to pay your money for the meal back. Okay. Listen to me, The income of the part time job as a interpreter is unstable, so you have to keep trying. Do not think that earning 800 is too much. All labor who belongs to the proletariat has to be united. The bus is coming, Stop taking here. Bye bye. Bye bye. Xiao Po, drive here and pick me up. Sir, your total is 68 yuan. - Here you are. - Thank you very much. Madam, this is your coffee. - I apologize for letting you wait. | - Thank you. 20 yuan, thank you. Your boyfriend has waited for two hours How kindly he treats you. Is that true? Fighting, fighting. What happened? Look at Jing Wen, she laughed so much that she is grinning from ear to ear. Really? Why so? If I tell you, don't be talkative. Jun CK has come. Your hair looks great. Which salon did you came to? Please wait, I am giving you the change. Thank you. Your hair style is so great, really. Hey, he has drunk all his coffee. Should we bring him another? - This is your coffee. He drank the typical coffee, small size today. Bring him another cup. - Please take your change. | - Okay. Sir, this is your coffee. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to drop it. I'm sorry! I'm deeply sorry, Let me help you clean it. It's okay, no worries. How are things? | - Are you scalded? What have you done? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop the cup. You did! You two get the wipers and clean this mess. Right now, quickly! - Let's go. | - I'm sorry. Quickly, quickly. We deeply apologize for this. She is the new staff, still clumsy sometimes. Please, could you give us the laundry bill, we will refund your expenses. You don't have to do that. That's because of my careless when accidentally touched her. How about your laptop? My laptop is still fine. Let me bring you a new cup of coffee. No, thank you. It's time for me to leave. Don't you want to stay a little more? No, thank you. Watch the wet floor. We are sorry. Wang Li Chuan. I'mm so sorry for that. But thank you very much for your help. It's okay, I thought you didn't know that's me, so you were startled, right? True. How could it be that coincident? When will you come here again? I come here quite often. At your next coming, let me give you the money. Money? Money for fixing the laptop. You don't have to do that. You helped me a lot this morning, but I haven't send you any thanks. The compensation is not related to helping. I certainly will return your money. Really, it's no need to do that. I know you are a generous one, but I can make use of your kindness. Moreover, you are in such a difficult stage. If you look for a job or do anything at this time, you surely need a laptop. If you are insist, I won't come back to this place. Wherever you go, I will look for you, and the money must be returned. I don't know what to say. Bye bye. Xie Xiao Qiu, come here! Xie Xiao Qiu, I find you clumsy day to day. You have to learn how to control yourself. Control yourself from the beauty. You are not the first one who dropped the coffee cup on him. Is it right? Is he handsome? His mustache, somehow looks sloppy. You don't know a thing! The mustache is his attractiveness. That is called handsome, that's manly, okay? Whoever has mustache is manly? I felt like he is a hitter. If you didn't think he is handsome, why did you pour the coffee on him? That was due to my carelessness. Let me talk to her. Xie Xiao Qiu, if you like him and want you approach him, I can understand that. Usually, I'm not talkative, but I have to tell you. Listen or not, it's up to you. Don't waste your love onto this man, He has never signaled his interest to any ladies. Is it true? I'm begging you two, please stop flattering that Jun CK. He properly is a usual person A normal one drives a luxury car? Driving a luxury car doesn't mean he owns it. He could be a driver. Sound right. What's right? Do you know that Many woman chose her wrong man to get married? Because they can't see the gentleman's dignity. It's not that a man who owns money could be the tycoon immediately. Only one during 3 generations in the family tree. You have to look at his temper, his behaviours. You definitely can't see those things, just look at the tip he gave, you would se clearlt that he is not a driver. You two, I felt It's as easy when finding a poor man and a rich man. If it's not that easy, how could The Weaver Girl find the Cowherd. And as you said, who is happy with whom, We can't confirm it. It sounds reasonable. What is reasonable? Back to work! This is ... Director Wang, on my baby's 1st birthday, my wife was insist on giving you these red eggs. Thank you very much. you child has been a year old? How quick! Why are they red? Because of my family tradition Red eggs show prosperity, fulfilling and arising. Director Wang, thank you for keeping me with company. In such important stage like this time, If I lost my job, I won't know how to talk to my family. Don't be worried, your profession is good, I'm sure you are not struggle to find a job. However, thank you on behalf of my family. Don't mention it. I sent you to the Administration Department to manage documents. Hence, No one would consider your works easy. Don't you mind? No, I don't. Director Wang, don't worry, I'll dedicate to the work. Please keep doing what you are. I'll see you later. Take care. Thank you! Director Wang, Shao Hua has just told me We have to give backup money to Fang Shi an amount of 20 million yuan! That's right. We had advanced money before. Li Sha said it will be returned at the year end. Even the loan agreement contract, there isn't any of them? You knew that when Frank was here, his grandpa spoke in words only. I knew that Franks' promise is like credit. Li Sha not Frank. First time ever she was in charge of huge expense in Fang Sh How couldn't she having any documents, then told us to give her advance? If she won't return that money, what will we do? Besides, after Frank passed away, Fang Shi immediately was chaotic. Who knows that Li Sha could sit upon this chair someday? If we ask for the contract now, Li Sha will be angry. That's why I don't look for Li Sha, I looked for the assistant Jie Ke. Jie Ke? Jie Ke is not easy to deal with. How could you know? I found him? 20 million yuan! It's not a little amount. I was about to arguing with him on phone. He told me to go directly find Li Sha. Li Sha is now in China? Has just come! She comes for examining in Qing Dao Why? Has it started to be designed yet? Just started! Let's go and find her! No, no, no, you can handle this You don't need to bring me there. I feel insecure whenever I'm standing in front of Lisa, ok? You feel insecure? So I shouldn't go there. It will need two of us to deal with her. What if I can't answer her question, you can help me to face with the situation. It's almost 4 months. Why hasn't Jun CK come yet? I think those plates are in pain. This plate passes away. It's all your fault. Why did you quarrel with Jun CK? Because of that, Jing Wen now is pining for him, her spirit might be dispersed. Okay, a girl's happiness of lifetime is ruined at your hands. You said enough? You've been saying about it for months. My ears have worn out. I feel that Jun CK isn't a good guy. We should be happy that Jing Wen didn't fall into his clutches. Somebody feels craving for it. What now? Everything is getting worse. Before felling into his, she had already entered the fire herself. Xiao Dong, clean the toilet. Xiao Qiu, take out the trash. Miss, do you have small change? No, I don't. Lend me some for cigarettes. There must be money in your backpack. No. Let me help you look for some. What are you doing?| - Give it to me. What are you doing? Why do you rob me? What are you doing? Let go. Help me. Let me go. Xiao Qui! Are you alright? Get in. I'll take you home. Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu, if you keep standing here, you want to be robbed again? Get in the car. Haven't anyone taught you, in this case, the top priority is to leave all your stuff, and run away immediately? There is a great deal of money in my backpack. Is it worth costing you your own life? It's 2,000 I need to pay you back. I always keep it in my backpack. It's convenient to give it to you at any time. I apologize to you for what happened last time. But, you see, as I'm still a competent translator, can you forgive me, please? I know you don't lack this money. But if you don't take it, I'll pay it back at any cost once I see you. How about this? I don't want this money. But if you still mind it, please just invite me to a meal. Okay. There is a food stall on the street ahead. I often come there. Is it fine? Food stall? What is a food stall? A food stall is... Once you come there, you'll know it. I'm telling you, this doesn't mean I forgive you. Sir, hold it firmly, please. - Thank you.| - Yes. Let's go. Go! Welcome back next time. You haven't been to our store for a long time. Weren't you frightened by me? I went on a business trip. Qingdao. For 4 months. Tell me, Shanghai is that big, why do you always come to our store only? Because it's clean. Plus, it's convenient for parking. Any more questions? No. I realized, when talking with you, my brain is out of order. Think, that day, obviously you're unemployed, how could you drive a car? You were absolutely not a driver, right? What were I thinking of? I can understand your speculation. When I was a little kid, I loved cars. Sometimes I thought when I was grown, I would be a car mechanic. Really? Then tell me, how do you feel when being a translator? Is it a completely new feeling? I feel a bit... A drop in value. A drop in value? Translating is a high-class profession. That's not what I meant. How about this? Let me introduce to you a bit about the structure of GMF. My grandfather is in this position. Under my grandpa is my big brother. I, and the board of directors. Under these three positions are branch companies and subsidiaries. Under companies are several departments. Departments to departments, and so on. It keeps going all the way down, till reaching the bottom, still, under the bottom, there is a company of building materials. That low? Understand? Anyway, this company is the one... Do you remember the map you drew last time? The Italian company introduced me to do translation. We even had a fight. It's the company of building materials. Sounds like you have a little bit of that. Not just a little bit. So much. I always had no idea when I came back to the headquarters, seeing those people, what I would tell them. Then we all lost out. Now we're even. So, could you forgive me? Will you come to our store? Do you want me to come there? I mean, indeed, there are many people hope you to come there. If you want, I will. In fact, that day, I was kinda harsh on you. Actually, that's the way I am, so don't be offended. The headpiece won't compete with the small-mined. Come on. Finishing this cup, the old score between us can be deleted. Cheers. I don't drink alcohol. Firstly, I must drive. Safety comes first. Secondly, because of my health, I can't drink alcohol. You can drink, suit yourself. Then can you drink water instead? Let's clink glasses. Cheers. So you're the only child in your family? Do you have siblings? I have a brother named Xie Xiao Dong, 3 years younger than me. Xie Xiao Dong. So you were born in autumn? And he was born in winter. Good shot! That's my compliment on your cleverness, dummy. What about you? Do you have siblings? I have an elder brother, whose name is Wang Ji Chuan. 5 years older than me. You met him. When you were kids, had you ever fought? We keep doing it up till now. Wang Ji Chuan, Wang Li Chuan. Your names seem to relate to water. They said our Five Elements are deficient in water. Wait. That's why your parents wanted you to work in Shanghai. Their purpose is to make up for your lack of water. Is it right? I made a great shot, too. How can I be that smart? I'm so smart. My parents passed away. In a car crash. I'm sorry. It's okay. I was in that car, too. Was you? But I survived. Therefore, I'm still here. You're of great luck. I suggest people like you should buy lottery tickets. We're on the same page. You did? Did you win? I won 10 yuan. That was much. What about this? You could overcome the Death, so the happiness must come to you. Let's toast. One more clink. This part of you. What are you doing? I didn't mean that. - What? | - I... I mean the words on your clothes, it's Nan... A high school named something Nan, is it your school? You mean this? Yes, this is... Nanchi High School. My hometown is in Gejiu. Nanchi High School is in Gejiu. Gejiu? Gejiu, Yunnan Province. Sounds far away from Shanghai. It takes you 3 days to travel by train. This dinner is on me. Don't compete with me. You should drink less, I will take you home. I'm not drunk, you haven't eaten anything yet. I'm telling you. This goat meat kebab is very, very delicious. I order a lot every time I come. Try one. This, this , this kebab has so much meat. This, too. Why don't you taste it? Try it, it's very good. Xiao Qiu. The kebab is still in your mouth. Xiao Qiu, you're drunk already? Hey, wake up, Xiao Qiu. Xiao Qiu, over here. Foot up. This way, this way. Stand here. Lean on here for a bit. Not here. Stand up. Sit there a bit. Over here, over here, over here. Sit. Tell me your address... Not here. Not here. Tell me your address, I'll drive you home. Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Go home... Then, take your shoes off first. Xiao Qiu. You can't sleep here. If you want to sleep, go to the living room. There is a living room over here. Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Awake? Hi! This... I... Why am I here? You were drunk, and you didn't tell me where you live. So... I had to take you to my house and let you stay here one night. I... This is your house? Did I bother your family? I live here alone. That... I... I'm thirsty. Can I, can I drink some water? Of course. Is mineral water OK? Yes. Yes. Thank you! You haven't slept? I'm busy with designing. You are? An architect. I should have thought of it. No wonder you wanted to buy that dictionary. I know just a few Chinese characters, but my conversational language is fine. You drink milk this late? It's hard to change a habit formed since childhood. But, what if you go on a business trip? I'll buy it. No matter how far it is, I must buy it. Would you mind going to the reading room and bringing me my crutch? No, I wouldn't. You didn't have the crutch with you, so how could you come here? I skipped over here. I feel embarrassed to skip in front of you. Thanks! No problems. Actually, your balancing ability is really good. Was it... due to that accident? It happened a long time ago. It's late, come back to sleep. Good night! What time will you go back to school? I have a class at 9 a.m. I will drive you there. OK! Thanks! Good night! Good night! Bye bye! Li Chuan! I woke up early and went back to school. You don't need to take me to school. That omelet is my favorite breakfast. I wonder if you like it. Plus, thank you for let me here last night, Xie Xiao Qiu. I know you don't need this money. But if you don't take it, once I see you, I will pay it back at any cost. Li Chuan! Hello! What a spread! It's hard for you without me. This is my breakfast. Stand up! Stand up! I can't have even a bite? Move away! This is mine. So stingy! Forget it! I will find something to eat myself. Mr. Jiang's family member introduced a restaurant with delicious dim sum. It tastes quite good. Want to go? Who is Mr. Jiang? Jiang Heng Xi. This is my orange juice. You're so stingy! Eat your own food. No sitting on the table. It tastes quite good. Come on! Try it! I helped Mr. Jiang's art gallery with two paintings. The exhibition is tomorrow. So carefree. You're so active in painting. But the drawing I need you to edit is nowhere to be seen. I have things to do tomorrow, can you help me there? Which art gallery? He has more than one. It's the one you designed, it opens tomorrow. Didn't you receive the invitation? I did, but I don't remember when. Is it really tomorrow? I originally intended to refuse. Okay. Can you stop making that reluctant expression? Find a chance for yourself, cultivate your knowledge of art. You already knew my attitude towards postmodernism. Why don't you eat yours? I ate breakfast. Is it too sweet? Isn't it good? No! No! I already ate breakfast. Come one! Eat mine. It has a little sugar. Try it, you see. Two guys over there are handsome. You see? Remeber it! Don't say anything to her. Welcome, what coffee would you like? Hello, I'm here to meet a person. Please come in. Uncle Gong. Li Chuan, it's been a long time since you last visited me. Last week, your grandfather even phoned me. Really? Recently, I had a business in Qingdao. I just came back last night. Let me invite you a cup of coffee. Alright. Then please take a seat first. A large-size cup of coffee. Larg-size. A big cup. OK, OK. - Hi, long time no see. | - Coffee, coffee. Did you have days off? No. Then, did you have a vacation? No. Then, did you go somewhere to rest? All are wrong. Well... Recently... No... Do you like dramas? Recently I knew a drama named "A girl on the breadfruit tree"... - Lately, I'm quite busy. | - very... No, it's okay, okay. I just ask. Oh, right, your coffee's ready. Please drink it slowly. Thank you. Xiao Qiu, it's the lunch time. This is your meal, finish it quickly. I know. Hi. Hi. May I? Please! Thank you for the breakfast. You're welcome. Hey. The girl who prepared your coffee. That girl, her name is Ye Jing Wen. She's amazing, an excellent student of our faculty. She's very good at English. She can recite the Song of Everlasting Regret in English. Impressive? Song of Everlasting Regret? Is it a song? Song of Everlasting Regret is a poem of Bai Ju Yi. Who is Bai Ju Yi? A poet. Am I quite culturally illiterate? No, you aren't. You grew up abroad, but your Chinese speaking at this level is not bad at all. When I was little, my grandfather was extremely tough. The rule at home is every child must speak Chinese. Basically, I can notice more than 900 Chinese characters. That's awesome. More than 900. It's equivalent to the first grade level at primary school. That's when I was at my peak. How about now? Depression. I can understand texts about architecture, but the others are quite beyond my ability. By the way, you have something to tell me? This is for you. - I can't take this... | - I told you. I won't take this money. Fine, forget it. Bringing it back and forth is useless. Then, I owe you a favor. Next time, if your company need a translator, you can find me. OK. Keep eating. OK. Xie Xiao Qiu, come here. What's wrong? That man... That Jun CK, are you interested in him? What's the matter? I liked him first. So, I can't talk with him? No wonder, you lied to me that he was a driver, unemployed and had a child. - No, I... | - You want to keep him for yourself. Xia Xiao Qiu, you're so naive. You think he will be attracted by a girl like you? Such a kind of girl... Which kind? A poor and old-fashioned student? Therefore, I'm not worth talking with him, right? Anyway, everyone should know where they are. If a fairy tale does happen to you, it's nothing but a comedy. If the one you crush on likes you, it's nothing but a bullshit. Excuse me. What else do you need, sir? Fruit juice. Yes, yes, yes. When it's done, I will bring it to you immediately. Thanks. Wang Li Chuan. I invite you to the movie theater. When? 11 o'clock. 11 o'clock in the evening? Yes. OK. Stay over there and wait till I get off work. Talk to you later. OK. You're in big trouble. Are you alright? Are you cold? No, I have allergic rhinitis. You're cold. Hold them for a bit. No need. You'll be cold, too. I'm all right. His coat is warm. The smell of lavender is comfortable. Xie Xiao Qiu, are you really not moved? If you're used to men treating you well, in the future, you will marry a good man. By the way, last time I was too busy to ask you. Do you mind watching movies this late? Of course not, which movie theater? Near my school, there is one. There are some Hollywood movies at night. Today is The silence of the Lambs. The silence of the Lambs. A horror movie. You like horror movies? Let me carry your bag. No need. If I don't ask, don't help me with anything. You're always that rigid in everything? Is it difficult to get along? No, it's not like that. Among people I met, you have quite good personalities. No, no, you're the best. Really? Then I hope that you'll accept my defect. What defect? Persistence. Stubbornness. I saw it. Brother, can you slow it down? You're speeding. You're afraid of high speed? I'm afraid of the police. I'm still within the speed limit. Might you have heart disease? Please, slow down a bit. In order to watch this film, your heart needs to warm up. This chicken wing is quite good, wanna eat? No, thanks. Then, eat popcorn. I don't eat, it's yours. In fact, in this movie, there are many conversations I can learn by heart. Why? Because I watched it 4 times. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case though, about yourself. Quid pro quo, yes or no? This is how you do oral practice? You certainly don't realize it. This conversation is rhyming indeed. Where? Quid pro quo, yes or no? Quid pro quo. It's Latin, isn't it? It means giving one to take another in return. Quid pro quo? Don't move. What? The back of your head is not bad. The back of my head? Let me tell you one thing, A seven-foot body is not as good as a three-inch nose. A three-inch nose isn't better than eyes' shape. Eyes' shape can't be compared to bone structure. The most important area of your bone structure is the back of your head. Are you talking in ancient Chinese? Can't communicate with those born abroad. It'll be better to send him a Chinese dictionary. Forget it, I'm telling you. Indeed, I... can predict the fate from your bones. OK. Prove it. So, did you find the miracle? Surviving the deadly misfortune means receiving blessings. What's wrong? This section is not scary. Moreover, didn't you say you'd watched it many times? No, I'm afraid of blood. You fear blood? But there is no blood in this part. See, I'll tell you when there is blood. Really? Yes. Is it real or not? The blood is spraying out, she's skinned alive. I hate you! Is it over? Not yet. Why so long? The skin is being removed. Is it done? It's just a half. A half? It hasn't finished yet? - Why so long? | - That's a lot of blood. The previous times, it wasn't that long. It's all gone. No more. No more. Stop, stop the car. Here...here is okay. If you don't mind, I will walk with you to the dorm. It's late now. I don't feel okay if you walk alone. That's okay. It's not necessary. Do you know that if I drive you here, you leave then suddenly disappear, according to the law, I am the number one suspicion. Fine then. Hold on. Let me open the door for you. If you don't mind, I might walk a bit slower. I know that if you run you'll get the dorm very fast, but I hope that you use your patience to walk slowly with me. Of course I will. I still remember during university period, Architecture Department building was really easy to recognize. Why? Because at 3am, self-study room was still lighten. Wow! You had that much assignment? After going to work, I worked extra time almost everyday. I didn't have a day off. Why? I don't look like an architect? Ah no, no. Look really, really like! So you must be a very tidy person? Since I was a kid, my dad usually asked me after finishing my breakfast I had to make a to-do list. It was a family habit. Must have a plan. No wonder! No wonder why you know that term! Atelophobia. Are you having atelophobia? Probably. Family disease, also occupational disease. But I completely opposite to you. I am the type of people who can leave things everywhere, also don't like to clean up. So what disease is this? Obsessive spotless disorder. Nah. It is called lazy. You even say that. Oh my! Why they locked the gate? The main gate is locked? I give you this back. Just leave first. So...so what should you do? I can climb in. Climb in? You're not kidding me, aren't you? It..it's too high! How...how can you climb in? Very simple! Xiao Qiu! Really, really! Please come down, it's dangerous! Come down! That high must be really dangerous. What if you got hurt? It's actually fine. I normally climb in a lot. Normally? No, no. I will find someone to open the gate for you. Hold on! Anybody here? Hello? Anybody? Security, security! Hi there! You slept already? Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu! What are you doing? Come down here! It's dangerous! You see, really simple, yeah? - I have climbed over this wall, haven't I? | - Come down, quickly! Quickly, quickly! Be careful, be careful! Hold on tight! You scared me til death! Okay! Go home quickly! Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! Mr. Wang! I found this in the living room. Do you still need it? Just leave it to me. Yes. Then I'll leave first. Thank you! Bye bye! You are not allowed to sleep in the living room, Xiao Qiu. Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu! Jing Wen! Jing Wen! Boss Wen, why you call me so early? What? No! How about my salary? Tong Yue Tong Yue Can you help me to say some words to boss Wen? I really need this job. This is your salary. When will the boss arrive? I want to explain to him myself. Xiao Qiu! Remember to return the uniform. Or not it will be subtract in the deposit. Uncle! Xiao Qiu, I'm sorry. I was afraid that you had to go to class so I have to call you this early. Is there anything wrong uncle? Recently I have an unsuccessful business, still need a bit of fund. The money that your family lend from me can you think of giving me back? It doesn't have to be the whole. Two or three ten thousands even works. Uncle...uncle you don't have to worry There is still a bit of money in my card more than 6000. Give me more time I will try my best to give you back the whole. Okay then, just be like that. Bye bye. It never rains but it pours. This time really broke. Welcome. A coffee please. One barley bread. You are just in time, our shop just add a brand new coffee bean. We just finished making it. Or maybe just have a seat. I will bring that to you later. Don't worry, I can stand here waiting. Your workplace must be nearby. Not really near. So your place must be. Not near neither. This is awkward. I want to introduce myself a bit. My name is Ye Jing Wen. My dad's surname is Ye, my mum's is Wen. They are both academic researchers they hoped that I wouldn't be noisy, so they gave me Ye Jing Wen. Hello there, I'm Wang Li Chuan. Hello! Hello! The coffee is ready. And this is the desert I'm giving it to you. It tastes really good, give it a try. Thank you! Ah right, when will Xiao Qiu go to work? What you looking for her for? No nothing, just want to ask. She quit this job. Thank you, nothing. Barley bread I will bring to you later. Li Chuan. Xiao Qiu. I found a hairclip in my living room it has a silver heart on the top. Is that yours? That's mine, it was the gift from my brother. I went to the coffee shop heard that you quit the job, what happened? Because...because it's end of term time is pretty fixed. Moreover I want to have a scholarship, so there is no time for me to work. So... Does your life has a trouble? Not at all! Normally I can take several temporarily translation jobs. Or maybe this. You come here to help me. I'm looking for a Chinese teacher. Wang Li Chuan, are you sure you are not doing charity? Charity? I am really looking for a Chinese teacher. Moreover I think that you are really suitable. If you really need I will surely be happy to do this job. Then 2 days a week, tuition fee will depend on the time. I won't take the money, how can I take it. You helped me a lot, I can be your Chinese teacher for free. My mission. How can you not taking the tuition fee? If you feel awkward then I teach you Chinese, you help me with my thesis. Each week we meet each other twice, I use one and a half hour to teach you Chinese, the remaining 30 minutes you correct my thesis, what do you think? Okay, then we'll start tomorrow. How about 1pm? Okay, then 1pm tomorrow I'll wait for you in first floor reading room at my school library. Call me if you arrive. Okay, see you tomorrow. See ya, bye bye! Hurry up! This is embarrassing! Look, so handsome! Have you taken a picture? Yes I have, look! So handsome! - So handsome! | - How can he be that tall? - Who is that? | - So tall! So tall! I'm sorry, can you move a bit. Hello, can I see your library card. If you don't have library card you cannot enter. I don't have the library card, I'm looking for someone. So you cannot enter. I'll make a call. Okay. Hello, the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later. The number you have dialed cannot Hello, the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable, please Mr. Wang! Ye... Ye Jing Wen. Why do you have time to come to school? I come for several things. You're looking for Xie Xiao Qiu right? Xiao Qiu is not here, she's outside. She's outside? Her phone is not connected. Probably there's a high school friend came to Shanghai to meet her, she went to the station to get her friend. Is your thing urgent? Not urgent. I came here to learn Chinese. Learn Chinese? You have found the right person, I can teach you. I have Madarin certificate level 1, also won a first place at a city presentation competition. That's enough for me to teach you. It's okay, I have discussed with Xiao Qiu already. So... Is one teacher enough? The higher the concentration of learning a language, the better it is. Have you ever thought of having 2 teachers? So here's the thing, my brother is also at Shanghai. I think he also needs a Chinese teacher. This is his namecard. You should contact him. Brother? Thank you. Don't be that formal. I have to leave, I still have other things to do. Bye bye! Has been 30 minutes, why haven't Li Chuan arrived? My phone is broken. Must have missed Li Chuan's calls. I want to ask can this phone be repaired? It is broken. Broken, or maybe buy a new one. But it is only touched mildly. Look at this side, it is not broken. Even the better phone cannot bear the mild drop. So how can yours, yeah? Please take a look at our new ones. Because you are a student, I will give you discount. What do you think? This or this are both suitable for you. No, that's okay. Thank you. Xiao Qiu, finally found you. Sister. Why can't I call you? My phone is broken. Xiao Guan has an urgent thing, translation. Probably you don't even have time to prepare. Do you have time? Yes I am, what time? He said if he I found you tell you to wait for him in front of the library at 3pm. It's almost time, I need to prepare a bit. Did he say where he want to go? To attend an opening ceremony of a new art exhibition. So do you understand the terms related to arts? I don't even know Michelangelo what else should I say. Don't be shy, to push you out I have made up a lot of things. I said that your uncle is a famous artist has grown up with art. Art style whether Eastern or Western all know like the back of the hand. Why you have to make it up that much. Can I borrow your phone for a while. Okay. Here you go. Thank you. Li Chuan. I was looking for you today. Since my phone is broken I couldn't pick up your phone. And since I didn't know I was waiting for you there. Your friend told me that you were picking up someone at the station. What? The one that works with you at the coffee shop, her surname is Ye. I didn't go anywhere. Still there waiting for you. I was busy during the noon. How about tomorrow? The same time? Okay, then let's meet tomorrow at the same place. Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye. See ya. You have been waiting for so long, haven't you? It's okay. Your senior told me that you have a good understanding about art, is that right? So so. This is today's documents. Your mission today is to go with a person, It's an American artist Davy. This has everything about the style, the school achievement, his creation consumption situation. Moreover, the owner of the art gallery is my relative. Also a famous art seller in Shanghai. This much documents I don't have to translate in two hours right? I can only give you one hour. The other hour I have to buy clothes for you. Spend time to prepare. Buy clothes? Isn't this okay? Could be better. Let's go. Kid, kid kid! Can I ask a bit, do you know Xie Xiao Qiu? Xie Xiao Qiu? Yes yes yes. You're looking for Xiao Qiu? You are... I am his father, just came from Yunnan. Xiao Qiu is not here, probably she hasn't come back. Where did she go? When will she come back? I don't really know. Okay, thank you then. - Thank you, thank you. | - Bye bye. Bye bye. Let's go, let's go. - Thank you, thank you. | - Really good. - Let's go. | - Please. Please. Let's go this way. Ok, ok. Ok. The final mission has completed, I'm starving. Don't be that rush to eat. Gonna correct a flaw for you. "Lu" in this Qiu Lu Fu Rong painting means "stork", a type of bird, not the "Lu" that means "dew" Then what should we say about this bird? Egret, E-g-r-e-t. Thank you senior. Okay, let's go to eat. What do you want to eat? I'm gonna hold the disk for you. Which one? This one, yes, I'll take it for you. Thank you. What do you want to eat? I won't eat. - Just eat. | - Its price has increased 5 times. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry I'm late. Hello. - How are you doing? | - Bye. - Bye. | - Yes, please. You are late you have to drink. Heng Xi, Mr. Wang couldn't drink. Don't give him pressure. Li Chuan, this is my cousin Xiao Guan. He is the manager of Jiu Tong translation team. Xiao Guan, he is director Wang of GMF, Wang Li Chuan. Hello, director Wang. Hello, manager Xiao. Our Jiu Tong always has good business relationship with your company's translation department. I have met your brother, Ji Chuan. Have already drunk with each other. I even specially asked him to invite you here. He said you can't drink. Yes, Ji Chuan can drink a couple of glass. Your girlfriend is beautiful. I came here to... Let me introduce a bit. This is Xie Xiao Qiu, his uncle is a famous artist from Yunnan. Specially research about landscape, splash ink style. Just like Zhang Da Qian used to. Of course, Ms. Xie really loves art, normally likes to draw a few art. Really? Ms. Xie, this is Wang Li Chuan. CEO of GMF Shanghai branch a famous architect. The one that won talented architect last year. This art gallery, is also his masterpiece. He...hello. Hello. Xiao Qiu, aren't you hungry? Grab something to eat. Yes yes yes. So I will go, sorry for being impolite. Director Wang, really nice to meet you. I really like the design here. Welcome. You scared me. Actually you scared me. Can't believe Ms. Xie could be here in an art background like this. So monumental. I really like art. How about have a walk with me to savor and also teach me. Actually I'm not really understand art that much. But look at the way you design this art gallery I really like this style. Of course my point of view is only mature. I have been flattered. So architect Wang, I want to ask. What's the style of your design? Natural style. Hope to overpass the era's limitations. So is it similar to Zhuang Zi? Zhuang Zi is my most favorite sage. I chose courses related to him to study when I was in university. There's...there's a thing I still have to be honest with you. Is...my uncle, actually he is not an artist he is just craftsman, haven't even finished primary school. Moreover I don't understand a bit about art I'm just here to do the translation for an American artist. Manager Xiao just helps me to make it up because afraid that people will doubt my capacity. don't ever think it is true. What are you laughing at? Nothing, you are more honest than most people. Actually I think art doesn't need to be explain. Why? Because it can goes directly into people's souls. Even I don't understand art doesn't mean I can't feel the beauty. Right? People like me I am the type of people intuition is quick, comprehension is really high. Just be honest for a while now you're making things up. All I said was true. If it is true let's take a look at this art. Nice drawing, really beautiful. Can you analyze a bit? Analyze? To be honest this scrumbag has a really stupid mind don't understand even have looked at it for a while. But if you have that high intuition, comprehensive ability that huge so please tell me what's your sage for this art? Sa...sage? What does this art expressing? I only know it is from post-modern. Post-modern. Yes, just like drawing the face of a person, right? The face of a person, what else does it express? Human face is public. Everyone can see it. So what about this face. The face combines with the body of a person. What does body express? Body is hidden, hidden. Has desire, can't let anyone to see it. So the art of combination of face and body like this want to mention the desire that has been hidden now become public. Understand? If he asks anything else I will be exposed. No, I have to counterattack. There are so many words there, what does these words say, express? Wang Li Chuan, please tell me. Language. Finally I can entice this guy into my field of specialization. Yes, language. Language, sound, text. The ways of unofficial communication. So? So, the desire of post modern must go through text to be satisfied, not through feelings. Like? Like message, blog, email things inside phone or computer become an organ that indispensable for our body. Bravo! It's nothing. It's only my bare thinking. This is the bravest, newest way of explaining that I have heard about this art today. People said, it's easy to find gold, but it's hard to find your soulmate. It's unfortunately that Ji Chuan is not here. If he was here, listen to Ms. Xie's amazing explanation he would be really excited. I will tell him these words. Your brother is also an artist? My whole family loves art. This picture was also designed by my brother. You see. I want to listen to your wise words. Li Chuan. Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Xiao Qiu, why are you fainted? What's wrong? Are you okay, are you okay? What's up Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Director Wang is busy if there's something you need to do, just leave. I can take care of her by myself. You two are... I'm her senior. Xiao Qiu and you, are in a relationship? We met each other at GMF. Right, you see, my memory... I told her to visit your company to work as an translator. Yes. Sorry, I have to pick up the phone. Xiao Guan, can you come here a while? What's wrong? Can we talk after meeting? Where are you? Old place. Xiao Qiu, you are awake. Feel any better? Sorry Xiao Qiu, I have an urgent thing probably need to ask Direct Wang to drive you home. It's okay, leave it to me. Sorry for disturbing you. Why you didn't let me know that you afraid of blood? It's not that frequently. You even watch horror movie. I thought that could help. It's congenital or any other mental reason? When my mom gave birth to my brother she passed away because loss of blood. I saw that scene. Actually you can try hypnotherapy. Drink something red everyday maybe tomato juice or wine... What are you laughing at? I think you are really weird. The others know that I fear of blood all told me to avoid red things. Not to look at red things. Only you told me to take hypnotherapy. Look at this. Now I'm used to it. It's my leg. If we dare to take time to train ourselves we will be able to fix a lot of trouble. You can change things that are not nature into nature. That's called the second nature. Second nature. So I have to practice slowly. Emma, why did you drink so much? Who left you again? You have money? How much? Use credit card. He used all of my credit card. I only have two thousands, take this. This two thousands only enough for one day. One day is enough. You attract man only takes you one minute. Take this. Come here, come here. - What are you doing. | - Waiter. Two thousand, don't need to pay the change. - The remaining is for you. | - You are drunk. Dear Ms, I'm sorry, this is embarrassing. Are you insane? Take the money, take it. What insane are you talking about? You men are all bad. Why are you aggressive to me? Why didn't he pick up my phone? Why he didn't even pick up my phone? - Okay, okay. | - Why he didn't pick up my phone? What's wrong with you, what's wrong? Who hazed you? He didn't want to divorce. Who didn't want to divorce? Tang Qian Tang... Tang Qian has married? Be careful, I'll take you home. Ai Ma. Give me the phone. Tang Qian Give me. Imma tell you, don't ever text my wife again. I changed my number also. Don't call me again. Don't think that I don't know you have another man. - Damn it. | - What do you want? Don't, please don't fight. What? You still don't get it? I even thought I still can find him to talk tomorrow. You beat him like that now him and I are over. Ai Ma, you go back there and I leave. Next time, those bearing your trouble on my back don't ever find me. Why are you so aggressive to me? I did nothing wrong with you. Don't forget, I gave you my first time. I even had your baby. It's because you don't need it! - You stop right there. | - Don't ever call me again. Damn it, what so good about you. You come back here. You have been working at Shanghai? After graduating university I was still at America. Then went back to Switzerland. Shanghai GMF Department was established by my brother. He worked for three years, then was organized to the head company. I am his successor. Has been three years. But, you and your brother are so weird. You are nice, while your brother is such a bad-tempered. Were you guys really grew up together? Yes. You are right, he is a bit hasty. But after getting close to him you will recognize that he's really nice. So do your family has anyone else? What do your parents do? So here's the thing, I work as an architect right? So after that you might feel a bit disturb. My brother does, my parents do. Grandpa, grandma my other grandpa, uncle, aunt my cousins also. So your other grandma is not? Even she is the same. My brother and her work as interior architect. Your family background is so boring. Don't they say working as a same job is injustice? Why does your family all work in the same field? Maybe because we are architects. Don't have time for love. So everyone will feel that find the people with the same field will be less annoying. You have lied here for an hour. Why does your face still look pale? The doctor told you to stay here for 10 minutes you will be back to normal. Because I have put my makeup on. You're still young why do you have to put make up on. Is makeup for adults not allowed or what? This Xie Xiao Qiu has nothing. You can say that I'm empty-handed. But I have given Wang Li Chuan all my love. In terms of sentiment, I'm much richer than you. Can you not be persistent anymore? You won't gain anything. Can you not torment yourselft anymore? Xie Xiao Qiu. Let me go. I say that I'm not wrong. If I died, you would have to right away move on. Isn't it hard to do? I agree, I just need for you to recuperate, I will go right away. I won't stick to you anymore. I will leave Shanghai, I will come to another city. But I beg you, you have to try to live. Sorry I didn't told you. Jing Wen said that you was sick. I came to hospital, but the doctor said that you had already discharged. Knowing your address, I come here right away. It's sudden, right? I don't think that you have had a baby. Have you married yet? Did you tell Jing Wen? Or Jing Wen didn't tell me? Mi Ya. Mi Ya. Mi Ya, do you remember me? Mi Ya. Sis, I'm coming. Xiao Dong. Do we have guest? This is Li Chuan. Don't you remember him? Of course I do. Hello, Li Chuan. Hi, Xiao Dong. Why do you have time to come here? I heard that your sister was sick. So I come to visit her. I'm gonna introduce. This is Xiao Qi - my brother's wife. Xiao Long is their son. Xiao Long. This night are we going to...? - What? - Your friend. Right. We've planned to hang out with my friend. We will drink a tea and have dinner. You two just talk. We're going. - Have dinner before going. - Never mind. Talk to each other. Xiao Long, let me take you to dinner. - Have dinner and then go. - Just talk to each other. - I'm going. - Thank you. Thank you for taking care of Xiao Long. Thanks. Sit down please. I'm gonna give you a cup of water. Sorry, I haven't been here for several days, so I didn't boil the water. There hasn't anyone here for a while, so it's dusty a little bit. I will sweep it. And clean the dust. Let me help you. I can do it myself. Xiao Qiu, you really don't need to do that. Just sit, sit down. Watch TV and I will help you clean. No. It's not ok. You've just come. You just rest. I'm not tired. Seriously. Sit down. Give it to me. Xiao Qiu, where's your detergent? In the cupboard. Yes, cupboard. When did you change your canes? I have a lot. I've broken a lot of them also. Did you have to undergo another surgery? Did they amputate your other leg? They did. So how much do you have left? Just kidding. It wasn't amputated. I'm not that unlucky. Xiao Qiu. Don't hold my hand. Or else, I can't do the chores. Ok. How is it? Is it clean yet? Almost 5-star hotel. Where do you want to go? Cook dinner. Aren't you hungry? That I cook is enough. Really. I will let you know when I'm done. What's the previlege today? Am I dreaming? Have you booked hotel? Where will you be this night? Can I be at yours? Wang Li Chuan, let's say what do you think my house is? Just come and go when you want. Why so aggressive? Last time when you came to Zurich, wasn't it my house? I don't have any other thinking. I just think that you're sick, so I want to take care of you for a while. What do you have to do with it when I'm sick? Did I say that I need your care? Also, I've recovered already. Don't be angry. You see, your face is white whenever you're angry, it has no color. Sit down, quickly. I'll finish right away. You took care of me before. Last time when you had accident, it was Xiao Guan who took care of you. Now it's my turn. So delicious. Right? Do you think that I've made any progress? I know that your stomach is not strong, so I didn't add chili. Why are you looking at me? Why don't you eat? I just wanna look at you like this. Whenever I see you eating, it's like I'm eating the most delicious dish. Just eating rice, I also feel that my life is meaningful. Eat some more. I'm full. I haven't eaten that much for a long time. Let me wash the dishes. Let me do it. You've done enough. It's my turn now. I do the washing up What are you doing? Philogynist. Let me help you. Don't worry, I come to take care of you. But Li Chuan, I've changed much. I'm more excitable these days, my temperament is not good also, and my hormones are imbalanced. Now I basically don't know anything about love. When hearing it I am even qualmish. It's not that serious. It is. I've been so busy for several days, so I didn't have time to wash my hair. Do you smell that? Let me wash your hair. No you don't need. I'm so shy. Come on. No. Just washing hair and you turn back and forth. You're not good girl. It's not. Just tell me. How many days haven't you washed your hair? I, that is... It's that I'm busy, so I don't have time to wash. I'm sleepy. Just go to bed early. I'm done. So I'm gonna go to bed. Philogynist. There was one word that Li Chuan used to say most regularly, which was "Perfect". He wanted everything to be most perfect. If he weren't the best in the exam, he would be so disappointed. If he didn't get A in the exam, he would be so sad. I remember one year on the summer vacation, when the doctor checked on his eyesight, he said that Li Chuan was nearsighted. And then the doctor said that "you can't be a astronaut someday anymore", he had been sad for all the vacation. A person that loves perfectness like that, if he loses his leg, how big will the attack be to him? After I had come to GMF, I sticked to my grandpa everyday and said that "I want to meet Li Chuan everyday". I wanted to work at the same department with him. When I was transfered there, he treated me ceremoniously. In the second week, he said that he wanted to go to Shanghai. I was like you, I tried to start a fight, and argue with him. Everyday, I sticked to him and didn't leave him, but it didn't work. He said that when he leaved me was the most perfect. In my mind, he always remains, always remains most perfect in my mind. Zhen Ni Te, don't be too sad. Actually, it wasn't true that he didn't accept you, it was that he didn't accept himself. I thought that when he comed to Shanghai, he wouldn't get out of this shadow. Unexpectedly, he met you. When you two started, I admit that I was jealous, but then I realized that he had changed. He liked to smile more, he became more open-minded. When he was in company before, he had a nickname, Mr.Cold, until then, he hardly smiled. There is only work, work, and work in his head. Working overtime, working in the weekend. He has never rested until now. So when he won those big awards, they were exchanged by his efforts. An Ni, I feel that you has made him change a lot. He is about to come back to Switzerland, and then you can be with him everyday. I hope you can take good care of him. Don't you come back? I told to him. I said that "I just need for him to live well, I will go". You have to do it when you say it right? After all, what's the matter with you two? Why do you have to torment each other? The biggest topic in our love is tormenting each other. Therefore, it's good when we're not together. It's a rescue, right? If you have made up your mind, I won't try to hold you. I agree with you that I will phone you regularly to tell you his situation. Never mind. We decided to break up, so I have to do it thoroughly, right? If you do that, you will miss him so much. Of course, but I can keep this in my mind. Actually, the fact that I'm here doesn't facilitate his recuperation. Do you know that? Because of me, he was in emergency many times. I can't let it happen again. An Ni, don't think so. these things that happened weren't your fault, do you know that? Don't cry. Are you sure that you won't return Zurich with us? Has the flight arranging done? So-so. Uncle Gong will fly with us. How about marrow repository? Do you have any new information? I haven't had. So I guess it's not really optimistic. I will pray for him everyday. Thank you. Remember to call me whenever you're free. No, just completely forget me. It can't be like that. Are you too decisive this time? I'm a bit intolerable. Because I wasn't decisive before, I caused so much trouble. I hope that you guys will take good care of him for him to quickly recuperate. Ah, Li Chuan want for me to give it to you. OK, On behalf of Li Chuan, let me give you a hug. Take care. You too. Hi, Xiao Qiu. I've known that your dissertation won the award. I'm really proud of you. Lanzhou pulled noodle in the North Gate Is that the restaurant that we used to come? I really miss the taste of beef, radish and herbs. I'm sorry, Xiao Qiu. On the day we're separated, I couldn't say anything, just quickly escape. I really hated myself to be coward. I brought along your pillow which remained your fragrant. Now, when in the hospital, I still pillow it. It's like you're here with me. My surgery is at 10am tomorrow. Everybody has come to church to pray for me. Luckily, you're not here, so you won't know that I don't need to see you hurt, or sad anymore. No matter now, you will wish me luck, right? Love you. Li Chuan. Hi, Xiao Qiu, Eventually, I can discharge from hospital. When hearing this, I'm really overjoyed. I really hope that I can quickly recuperate. Do you know, Xiao Qiu, that the surgery when I was 17, hit me very hard. I thought that good things had left me, things that I waited would quickly wither. But then, I saw the beauty that I haven't seen recently in your face. In your eyes, how lovely I am. Why still have new email? 3 years later I run a small translating office in Kūn Míng, which has only 10 staffs, most of whom are young. Hello, Xiao Qiu. - Xiao Qiu - Hi. Single woman as boss is like encountering double assassins. the age is one, work is one more. It will be a hormonal imbalance, she will get older faster. You see, in conditions of Xiao Qiu, why doesn't she work in Shanghai, but dedicates herself in the countryside? I'm sure there's something wrong. She's coming. Xiao Yan come to the museum, there are American visitors needing translator. - Help me. - Yes. Xiao Zhang, I'm about to discuss the contract with our customers. Leave me a lunch serving. OK. Is stir-fried beef with green peppers or fried pork with bitter melon? Fried pork with bitter melon. OK. Who's that? Xiao Qiu, I have good news. Li Chuan has found suitable marrow, he will be transplanted next week. Really? Right. It's good. Yes. OK, bye. Bye bye. I'll carry it. Where do we go? Just go to eat. OK. Mi Ya, Mi Ya, have you heard it, darling? My Li Chuan has found his suitable marrow, are you happy? It's been 3 months, has Li Chuan discharged from hospital? He has been transplanted, but the complication makes us scare. Don't say that it's 3 months, the doctor said he needed at least a half of a year. So, after all, has he recovered yet? Don't worry, Xiao Qiu. It just hasn't been stable yet, but Li Chuan is so cooperative. That's good. How about others? How about Rui Nui, Zhen Ni Te, grandpa, and you and Ji Chuan? Finally, you mention me. Don't worry, I'm good. Do you know, Rui Nui and Zhen Ni Te has married. They two? Because Li Chuan is in the hospital, his work is transfered to Rui Nui. Zhen Ni Te is in charge of designing the landscape. They were in the same high school. First make friend, then make love. Rui Nui said that in high school, he had love Zhen Ni Te secretly, but she had had Li Chuan, so he couldn't have done anything. Eventually, he has her by his side. And grandpa, now has had new mate. Li Chuan and I has engaged. How about you? For the past 6 months, other than being a manager, what have you done? I donated my marrow. If I can help a person, I will help. I don't want to see them to suffer from pain like Li Chuan. How about you yourself? Personally? Xiao Qiu, do you really want to move on? I have, but in a different way. I don't wanna talk to you anymore. I have a phone call, talk to you later. Bye. Director Fang, I'm Xie Xiao Qiu. The documents that you need, I have translated. OK, I will send you right away. See you in a minute. Who says that women need to marry to be happy? Do you see, it's him. I don't know his full name, but his pen name is Mr.CK. Mr.CK? In your shoes, he's really handsome, like male model of CK. Not only Jing Wen but also all the girls here like him. I don't know when you thought that I am a driver. Maybe I'm like a driver. Why didn't you say that to me at that time? Wang Li Chuan, If you want to have fun, go somewhere. I won't play with you. If you dare to come to our coffee shop, I will splash coffee into your face once I see you. If you meet a man treating you like that, you will marry a gentleman someday. Is there an unexpected meeting today? Do I need that meeting? Welcome. What would you like? A M-sized cup of coffee. Alright. I just wanna ask what are they doing by the viva tree? The tree has bloomed since last week, so they come there to take some pictures. Miss, this is your coffee. Do you wanna take picture? It's alright. Thank you. OK. Take care. See you next time. Welcome Mr.Director to come to observe GMF. Congratulation on being the President. How do you feel? One word: happy. Don't be too happy. If the year profit doesn't meet the demand, you will be miserable. It's so hard for our old boss to retire. How long have I been waiting, do you know? Wanting for him to confirm an amount of money, sign his name was harder than making promotion. Congrats. Congrats won't help. You have to help me. Can't I help my brother? Don't forget that I have share in the company. We're in the same ship. I need this sentence of you. Where's Jing Wen? Go to school that teaches baking. It's because you have a sweet mouth. Ah, come to my house this evening and have dinner with us. Grandpa, Rui Nui, and Zhen Ni Te will come also. What's that? Your birthday. I forgot it. Xiao Qiu, have you been good recently? Hello. Wang Chuan Qiu Shui translating office speaking. Is Miss Xie Xiao Qiu out there? She's not here. She's in the hospital. In the hospital? What's wrong with her? Stomach bleeding. She has been there for 2 weeks. It seems that she will discharge from hospital tomorrow. Which hospital? The People's Hospital. You are? Sister, what do you want for lunch? I'm gonna cook. Alright. I will come to translating office. You didn't let me use computer when I was in hospital. Will you work right away? You're boss now. Can't you rest for several days? Of course not. Ah, Don't forget feeding Mi Ya. Even when I'm hungry, I won't let her hungry. Don't worry. You just say easy-hearing words. Xiao Qiu, it's almost your birthday. Have you received the chocolate? I hope you like it. Xiao Qiu, are you home? Xiao Qiu, it's midnight, why haven't you come home? Xiao Qiu, are you on bussiness travel? Why haven't you answered me for several days? You've just discharged from hospital for the first day, are you going to risk your life working? The work is like mountain when I was in hospital. I have a question. Do we need to buy a public vehicle? Okay. What should we buy? I think it should be a small pickup truck. We need it to be economical, right? Oh no Xiao Qiu, we need a quite good one anyway. You see, when our office goes out to work, we meet statesmanship, right? So it needs to be proportional. Good vehicle? Do you think that I'm well off? We will try to earn some more money this year. Next year, I will let you buy a good vehicle. Ah, someone phoned you yesterday. Phone to your office. I said that you was in hospital. Who was that? I don't know. He hung up when I hadn't finished. Definitely our customers, it's ok. If there's any importance, he will call back. What do you want to do? What do you mean? This thing... I don't know very well. I didn't say I tended to do anything. You a pervert! You see? The days you went away lower my IQ. I'm so sorry Xiao Qiu. My bad. I made you waste many youth years. Guys, come here. See? Come and see. Your lunch. My lunch? When did you make it? Early this morning, when you were still sleeping. He's so handsome. Remember to call me before you finish work. I'll pick you up. Goodbye. - So admirable. - Tạm biệt. - He's not only tall but also handsome. - Yes. - Good Morning Xiao Qiu. - Hello Xiao Qiu. - Xiao Qiu.| - Xiao Qiu. You won the jackpot. Is he your boyfriend? Xiao Qiu, could you still be our manager? Definitely. What are you guys thinking? You'll go with me to the car shop to see which one is suitable for us. It's no need to choose. Just buy one like the previous car. We need an economical one. Economical one? Come in. Come in. Let's have lunch, beauties! Let's have lunch. Have lunch. Xiao Qiu, let's have lunch. What do we have? They're all delicious. What are you having for lunch? I have my own lunch box today. This is mine. Who is so considerate? It's also has the lovely pink color. Let's have a look. See, there are also some notes. Number 1, I'm meat porridge, reheat me in one minute. So romantic. Number 2, I'm the egg-plant, please reheat me in 30 seconds. He's so caring. I'm fruit salad, you can eat me raw no need to reheat. Alright, give it back to me. What's wrong with my lunch box? - You jerk. - Wait a moment, I need to have a check. I think there's no food in these but full of... love. Come on. You're exaggerating. Have lunch. Alright. Stop exaggerating. Have lunch. Let's have lunch. Li Chuan, what are you doing? I'm just thinking if we want to make some changes to the space what can we do to make the whole room more comfortable? There's only one way which is to change to a bigger one then we can have more spacious space. You ask for it so we'll change it now. But I have to make the design first. What style do you like? Tell me. My favourite? It should be spacious besides, the bathroom has to be equipped with more safety devices. That's it? Xiao Qiu, you are not so suitable for spending money. Wang Li Chuan, it seems that I haven't agreed to get married to you. You haven't. Yes. You say you want to renovate the house so how you do it seems to have nothing to do with me, right? I don't want to get married From our previous experience, I don't dare to be ambitious that tomorrow when I wake up you are still here, in this room. Em vẫn còn nhớ rõ mồn một, chuyện cũ vẫn như ở trước mắt. Therefore, just leave the marriage thing later on. Alright. I'll ask you a question to see if your memory is good. Help yourself. Do you remember the day when you poured coffee over my shirt? What music was being played in the coffee shop? A vulnerable woman. Not that. It wasn't? The king CK has come. Rhapsody in Blue. Rhapsody in Blue? It's my favorite song. The reason why I frequented this coffee shop was because of my favorite song. I couldn't give the correct answer to your question just because I was too busy at that time. Normally I had to handle lots of things in the shop. How could I pay attention to what song was being played? Alright. What color was the tie I was wearing? Coffee brown. It wasn't. Unbelievable. Didn't you pour coffee over my shirt? Yes, I did. What color was the coffee? It was brown. I'm asking before you pour coffee over me what color had my tie been? Coffee brown. Oh my God. Next time you come I'll pay you back. Money? For repairing the computer. Come on, bye bye. It was blue. Yes yes yes, now I can remember. Blue turning into coffee brown, right? Alright, alright, alright. It's okay, now I'll ask you a simpler question. Hard one is alright. You can't certainly answer the hard ones. This one is really simple. Tell me, what were there in my hand? Left hand or right hand? Left hand. There can't have been a marriage ring. Right. You wasn't wearing a watch. I wasn't. That day you was working on the computer, so I can't have been holding a pen. Right. Yes, I'm correct. So, what was you having on your hand? I was having a plaster on my hand. When I sharpened the pencil, I carelessly cut myself. Really? Alright, forget it. It's okay to give you an inch. I'm... not up to the standard. It doesn't matter. You know the reason why you are not up to the standard? Simply because you didn't pay attention to me. You didn't have any impression of me. I didn't pay attention to you? It's not fair, I have to tell you why didn't I pay attention to these things? Simply because all of my attention was on your face. You can ask whatever things related to your face. I bet I can answer them all. Alright. I have a question for you that's related to my face. Help yourself. If you fail to answer this question, I'll fire you. I can't answer it? It's impossible. That day did I ever smile at you? I've got the answer. You definitely didn't smile at me. Because you was frowning all the time. Wrong. It can't be. When you poured coffee over my shirt, of course I didn't smile. But when I looked up and saw you, I smiled. It's impossible. You can't have smiled that day. If I hadn't smiled at you, you can't have pour coffee over me. The point's that it couldn't be counted as a smile. You just made a half-smile. My dear Xie Xiao Qiu, even though I just raise my lip a little bit, it was still a smile. Alright, alright. If you said it was a smile, it's okay. I'm just giving you an inch, anyway. You have zero correct answers out of all, you've got zero, a zero. Listen Wang Li Chuan, why only you can make questions? If I ask you you'll get a zero for sure. Alright. Ask me. I'm confident to get 100. Let me see. What was I wearing on that day? A yellow checked shirt and blue jeans, is this correct? What about my hairstyle? A ponytail. With a black hair tie. The color of my lipstick? You wasn't wearing lipstick. What did I first tell you? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm terribly sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Sorry. You jerk. Can you be not so violent? Why do you remember everything? Because it wasn't the first time we met at the coffee shop. It seems that we first met at the Rabbit coffee shop. You had been fired before you went to work at that coffee shop. Why you even know this? You were wearing a black, white striped sweater with a bag on your shoulders, and a pair of black ankle boots. You looked like a neighbor little girl still attending school. But that time I hadn't entered the coffee shop. You were standing in front of a car window arranging your hair. And then looked at the glass fixing your bra. I saw it all. You even bumped into my car's side-view mirror. I'm wondering why you didn't know there was a person sitting inside? You peeked me, Wang Li Chuan. You peeked at me, right? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. You pervert. Tell me at that time you already fell for me, right? A little bit. How much is a little bit? 10%. Xiao Qiu, do you find this Jin Ma Square's structure so interesting? It's the most beautiful at sunrise. When the sun sets, the moonlight appears illuminating this golden sign of Jin Ma Bi Ji reflecting it on the road then gradually weaving together, which is a perfect combination. A perfect combination? Are you kidding me? I've never seen it before. Moreover, it's not the sunrise. I'm so suspicious. Why you haven't seen it yet? I haven't. We are having it already. You see, isn't it a perfect combination? Too fast, I haven't seen anything. Alright, this is the second perfect combination. There's a painter over there. Can I ask him to draw a picture of us? Sure. Excuse me, can you paint a picture for us? Certainly. How much is it? 60. 60? Is it costly? It's charge 30 over there. That's for one person. You guys are two. Then two of us won't be drawn on the same page of paper. 40, is it okay? Xiao Qiu. Take it or leave it. Honey, it's okay. It's not. Is 40 alright? Are you sure? Alright, alright. - 40 then 40. - You see I can persuade him successfully. Two of you move back a little bit. Okay. Alright, keep holding this position. Stand closer and lean to each other. Sure, raise your head a little bit, sure. Hold this position. It just takes 15 minutes. 15 minutes? We're going be frozen aren't we still-life objects? Why are you looking at me like that? You're afraid I cannot make it? Hurry up, get back to the position. Li Chuan, do you think it's silly? Just keep the same position. It's not. Actually we did do something sillier. It was siller. It's done. Is it that quick? Didn't you say 15 minutes? Is it beautiful? Just have a look. I'm sorry. I can't go down on one knee. So I can only take this picture to represent me. However, my heart is actually getting on one knee. Xie Xiao Qiu from Yun Nan born on 7 of September do you agree to marry me? It doesn't matter. I do. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Do you have your identity documents and photos with you? We do. They are all in here. I have got my ID card and family record book. He's Swiss and his permanent residence, and his passport are also in here. We also have our 3x2 mutual photos inside. Can he speak Chinese? He can. He's a little bit so nervous that he can't utter a word. He is a Swiss, so he needs to hand in the marital status paper to prove that he's now not married. I already told you right? Ask them carefully then come. Is it troublesome now? Is there anything troublesome? Wang Li Chuan, don't tell me you have married in Switzerland. I don't dare to. Ji Chuan, can you do me a favor? I need notarized paper of my marital status. Can you take it for me? He said he would do it immediately. Then he would give it to us in person. Such a good brother. Sorry to bother you. Many thanks. Now it's okay. We'll go to have it done now. - It doesn't matter. - Alright. These are our marriage sweets. Thank you. Alright. You can take these documents back. Sure. When we're done, we will come back. Certainly. Next time when you come remember to dress more formally. Don't be that casual. Marriage is a serious thing, you should have a sense of ritual, got it. Yes, we got it. Moreover, have you had the rings yet? We have them already. What is this? It's the Vent Pipe. Vent pipe? Besides the drainage in the bathroom we also need a vent pipe? Of course, if there's no vent pipe when you flush the toilet, the vacuum will appear. What will happen? For example, if there were a day every toilet in Empire State building is occupied by a person and they flush the toilets nearly at the same time. If there was no vent pipe a huge amount of vacuum would attract the butts of everyone sitting on the toilets no one could stand up. What could we do? Unless the person at the highest position opens his mouth widely and then fart. You jerk, what did you say about my mouth? Your mouth smells pleasant, mine stinks. So what is your mouth? My mouth stinks badly. Xiao Qiu! Tong Yue, thanks for you help! Don't be so formal! This is my resume. Go to wear uniform. It's on the chest number 6. Don't worry, I'll try my best. - Fighting! | - Fighting! Fighting! Look, is it okay? It's pretty good, very suitable for you. This is coffee dispensing table and menu. Let's learn it by heart! I'm talking to you. She must be Ye Ying Wen? She is! You know her? She is my schoolmate. We've chosen many same subjects. Her family is very rich. - why did she work here? | - Our boss is her uncle! About her, she is the mistress here. So while I'm working here. what should I pay attention to? Good question! Not to be so excited while you're working. Just like her, at first she came to drink some coffee, then she had a love at first sight with him. In order to see him everyday, she decided to work part-time for this coffee shop. Wow, it's so romantic. I've already warned you not to be so excited! I think it's stupid, not romantic at all. 6 months have passed, but she hasn't talked to him. If they had been in a move, they should have had some children already. So who has made her falling head over heels in love with? I've already warned you not to be so excited! This way! Can you see him? This guy. I don't know his name, but his nickname is Qun CK. Qun CK? | - Yes. According to many women, He is as gorgeous as CK advertising models. I understand why Wen is so infatuated with him. Every girl falls in love with him. Whenever he comes, he doesn't need to say anything but the atmosphere becomes hotter and hotter. He made all the girls here become a mess. Is it so magical? Believe it or not, just go to ask Wen for the answer. Wen said "Even if he turned into a skeleton, he would be a gorgeous skeleton." It's an expression of being so excited, I've told you not to be so excited or else you'll make a mistake. Let's go to see the cafe machine. I've told you not to be so excited! - I haven't done yet! | - Go! Let's go! Don't gossip! This one... And this one... Excuse me! Thanks. | - Yes Director Qian, long time no see. Is this your wife? Hello, Madame. It's my business card. Thank you. Please care about us! Of course, we will. Here I come. Long time no see. I have to go for some greeting. Okay. Director, long time no see. You must be... I'm Xiao Guan Na. Guan Na, favorite student of Ye Jia Ming. Thank you. Manager of Jiu Tong translation company, you such a young talented. Thank for your compliment, director Fan! Later on, I hope that you'll care about our Jiu Tong. Of course! Let me introduce! Lady Ai Ma, French interpreter of GMF. She has just come back from Paris with me. Hello, Ai Ma. Hello! Two of you used to study in the same university and at the same age. You two should have known each other before. - Yes, we are. | - No, we aren't. Keep talking, I go to get some wine. - I'm sorry, talk to you later. | - Okay. Ai Ma, we haven't met for nearly half year, you still look like a rose in Fontainebleau, a little star in the sky, It's shining brightly. How's everything? Another boyfriends? At this age, you still want to... Just an acquaintance. That's right. Why I feel that all the buttons on you are screaming that acquaintance. He? That little value can't catch my eyes. If he were 20 years younger, I might change my mind. So you don't need to stand there like a postcard without any address. Xiao Guan, you're still a sharp tongue man. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have dumped you in front of the men's toilet. This year, on my birthday, on Valentine's Day. It's because your birthday is Valentine's Day. Why didn't you talk to me a bit later? Okay, okay. You want to follow this satirical feeling, don't you? I just want to follow a better life. Therefore, the reason why I left you is just because at this time you weren't good enough. But you don't need to worry about it. As long as you try your best, maybe some day you will come back from hell. You! It's not the translation regular meeting, why are you here? I'm finding a business. So what? Is your translation department busy now? Help me to find some business, please. This is our boss. Do you want to get acquainted? Of course! Translation department requires a lot of temporary interpreter. You need to try to get acquainted with him. But, later on don't tease me anymore. I have to tell you, you and me are ex-lover of each other. That right! Let's go! Listen, tomorrow, in the morning - you'll make a plan for all employee. | - Director Wang. Let's me introduce. He is manager of Jiu Tong translation company - Mr Xiao Guan, and he is my friend as well. He is director Wang of GMF Shanghai - Mr Wang Ji Chuan. Hello director Wang, nice to meet you! Mr Xiao, are you from translation company? Yes, I am. At this time our GMF has a translation department which has less work than personnel. That's why I'm thinking about assigning this department's task for a translation company. If you are interested in our company, you can come to our company for a discussion. Of course. I am really interested in your company. If I satisfy with your service, I'll disband this translation department to hand over the work for Jiu Tong. No problem, we'll try our best. Okay, I have to go. Okay. You! What are you doing? I just want to look for some business. Is it okay? I have to tell you, if later on you try to steal my business, do you belive that I'll kill you? You saw it. He proactively gave me an offer first. Of course, I could ask him to to keep your position, okay? If you touch my territory, do you believe that I will let you die in very bad way? Okay, so from now on. I will give you my credit card. How much do you think you can earn? Don't think that now you have a little money, you can show off. In my view, you just a manager of a small company. I have to tell you that you're far away from my dream man. Wait a minute! Don't strangle me, please! - I'm mad. | - You want to kill me? - You stole my work. | - Okay, okay, okay. I'm afraid of you. - Don't hit me. | - So intolerable! You dropped my business card. Whenever Mr CK comes, the rate of cashier's error will increase. Today isn't an exception. What do you mean? Look! Actually, the presence of Mr CK is not a bad thing. He tips us a lot. Tips? Why have I never received any tips? In this store, we have a rule. Whenever he comes, if we aren't busy, we'll bring coffee to his table. Why? Because he's a bit inconvenient. We should take care of him a bit. Inconvenient? Isn't he? Can you stop being a gossip girl? Actually, nothing inconvenient, he just limp. Is he sprained? I'll gossip a bit. In front of our shop, is there a car park for the disability? In the morning, can you see a black sport car SUV? This is his car. It is parked in the car park for the disability. No wonder beside his seat today, I saw a walking stick. So why... Anyway, you shouldn't care about it. He is our VIP customer. Come a lot, spend a lot, tip a lot. The secret man in our coffee shop who has a sexy back. Alright, alright. A lot of girls became his fan. Don't bother him. It's late. You'd better go home early. It's OK. I can help you. Today you're intern so you won't have any wage. I think I should let you go home. Tomorrow you'll work officially. Okay! See you tomorrow. Little bunny cafe. Fighting! Fighting! Fighting! Welcome to our little bunny coffee! Let's support us! Let's try some cake and the 5 latest flavors of coffee! - Okay okay! Let's have a try! Welcome! Oh, I'm sorry. Are you OK? I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm so sorry. It's OK. My coffee, how wasteful! Welcome to our coffee shop! Let's have a try! They're the 5 latest flavors of cafe. Thank you. | Really good. It's free of charge! 5 latest flavors of cafe. See you later! Madame! Let's try our coffee! It's free. For me? Is it good? It's really good. Thank you very much! Hey, girl! This egg's our home-made product. It's for you. Thank you very much. It's still alive? There are surprises every day. What are you doing? I'm working. Boy! Stop hitting me! I'm going to get angry. Why are you hitting my butt? You pervert! Say something. How do your parents teach you? Who do you talking about? This is my son. Mistress! I said this child was obedient, very obedient. You're also "obedient". Get back to work. Yes! What a good boy! Let me tell you! It's so funny! I agree with you, this kind of people need to be punished. My shoes! Why couldn't I get in? Ai Ma. You're so brave! You saw him on elevator and you followed him immediately. Is it worth? You'd better know that everyone loves Wang Li Chuan. If you want to approach him, you'll have to queue. Queuing? Why I have to do that? Because I've worked here longer than you, I must be in a higher rank than you, of course! Moreover, yesterday I saw Yang Kai from Planning Department giving you a big bunch of flowers. How could you compare Yang Kai to Wang Li Chuan? They're different like children music and symphony. He doesn't deserve to me. Even he doesn't deserve to you, so you think that you deserve to Wang Li Chuan? Thank you, Mr. Wang! At 1:00 PM, you'll meet structure architects of Hua Wu. At 2:40 PM, there's a meeting with blueprint department. At 4:00 PM, you'll have a discussion with Tek Metro. At 8:00 PM, it's a wine party of Indian club. Wine party? But I've just had a look at my timetable, there is no wine party. I've just received the notice. Cancel it! I have to check a lot of technical drawings in the evening. Yes! Hello! What's up, Su Fei? Ji Chuan is going to Shanghai? What time does he arrive? Okay. I got it. Thanks. Ji Chuan's just come to Shanghai. Wait for the regular meeting in a while, Let Director Zhang be the chairman! Yes. I'll call your driver. No, it's OK. I'll do it by myself. Yes. Ji Chuan! Li Chuan! I'm back. How was the flight? It's very good. You look taller. Right, I made some handmade marzipan for you. Thank you. And grandfather told me to bring you his oil paint to hang in your room. It's your birthday gift. Really? I'm sure that you didn't bring it to me. I did. No, you didn't. Because you knew that I don't like it. Of course I brought it. How could I forget to bring grandfather's stuff? But it's still at the airport. The picture's beyond the limit so I couldn't carry it. After that, I felt very regretful. Let's think, based on grandfather's reputation, this picture might be very valuable 20 or 30 years later. Oh stop it. If it's lost, just let it be! But when you call him, you must tell him that you've received it, understand? I'll tell him that you've lost it. Don't do that! He would be very sad. Sad? When did you care about the sadness of the others? Of course, I care about it. I have such a sympathetic heart. Is it true? Let's go! Why I can't see your driver? He's busy so he can't come. Busy? He is busier than you? Thank you very much! We're out of free trial. But there are only two customers, I'm done. I can't get bonus money this month. How about you? Me? 10 customers. Why? What's your secret? Our "Little bunny cafe" advertising signboard is what? When you're alone, you always have coffee as a friend. Welcome to "Little bunny cafe"! When you're alone, you always have coffee as a friend. Welcome to "Little bunny cafe"! When you're alone, you always have coffee as a friend. Welcome to "Little bunny cafe"! Guy, are you alone? I'm not only alone but also single. When you're alone, you always have coffee as a friend. Welcome to Little Bunny cafe! Today, we have a big prize for customers. Every bill over 50 yuan will receive Indo snack and Tiramisu, you can choose one. Does the girl has big eyes, fair skin, and dimple working here? What do you have except for coffee? What can we sale in a coffee shop apart from coffee? Hoodlum? Hoodlum? What did I say to become a hoodlum? Get off. Ji Chuan! Such a pervert! Stop! Welcome! Welcome! - What did you say? | - Ji Chuan! You've just... I'm sorry! So sorry. I didn't mean to. Get out! Are you OK? You didn't mean to? So what is your definition of "mean"? It's pointing a gun or stabbing? Where is your mistress? I have to meet her. Who's calling me? You're the mistress? Yes, I am. Your employee used weapon to suddenly attack customers. - No, I didn't. | - Please give me her name and her cellphone number. My lawyer will contact her. I'm so sorry. Who did it? Who attacked our noble customers? It's you again, Xie Xiao Qiu. How dare you? Apology them, now! It's OK. Really. - It's not that serious. | - What is not that serious? It's insecticides, it contains toxic. It's fine. I thought it's color spray, welcome you! - Welcome, welcome. | - Really? Can you see? It's for family usage! and it's not harmful for people and pets, it is harmless. It's not harmful for people and pets, then you can spray on me? Who do you think I am? Cockroaches? You said that you did not mean? I think you are deliberate. What did you curse at me outside? What? Xie Xiao Qiu, how dare you cursing at customer? Because he outraged me first. What did I say? Your driver beside you, he can testify. Right, right? Excuse me! Xie Xiao Qiu, you not only didn't admit your fault, but also ague with customers? Mistress. If you don't resolve this matter, I will not leave. If I were you, I wouldn't forgive such a bad employee likes her. Calm down, please! She has just worked here. She's from the suburb so she's uneducated. And she also rarely contacts with others. I'm on behalf of all the employees would like to apology you. Is it OK? Come in, please. Today, everything is free. And it's done? I will pay the laundry fee for your vest, okay? This vest is full of insecticides, do you think that I'll keep wearing it? So I'll buy you another vest, okay? You can afford it? If you could afford it, you wouldn't have to work here. I really need this job. You've insulted that I'm a hoodlum. You obviously don't need this job. Xie Xiao Qiu, you don't need to work anymore. You are fired! Come on, it's not a big deal. Ji Chuan, she is just a student. Don't treat her like this. It's not a big deal? It has toxic. You're allergic to insecticides. Li Chuan, as long as I am here, nobody can bully you. Can you hear it? Are you OK? I'm fine. Why did you come Shanghai without calling me? The corporation is going to receive an important project. Our grandfather wants me to come back earlier. Why he didn't need me? Li Sha likes you. The main buildings must be decided by you. Official report will be enforced tomorrow. This time, I come back to take over your business. Such an important event like this, why don't you have any discussion with me? The corporation isn't lack of designer, right? Additionally, our Qing Dao's also responsible for Li Sha's project. I must come to check it in few more days. Maybe she wants to surprise you. Li Sha is the kind of people who is reticent. Do you remember when we help her design that museum? It won a big prize but she still called us to criticize. Neither this nor that is good. At this time, I was so angry that I even wanted to kill her. That's she talked about you. Things that made she annoy were equipment installed at the museum. You're interior designer. It's your business. I have to tell you, it's not about my bad learning. It's about her bad aesthetic eye. Hey, look at this chandelier! Its design is beautiful,isn't it? I have to draw it. You should think about going to the corporation. It's very difficult to have this chance. You haven't come back home for a long time. I'm not interested. Go home, please. Now I have to take over a lot of projects, to sum up, it's about more than 20. How could I have time? Moreover, working with grandfather. He is too dictatorial. If he likes someone, he'll work with them. Anyway, I won't go home. You want to against him, don't you? I just can not. Listen, do you know anyone beside him, who works like a hard-working bee, and tries her best to support grandfather? Zhen Ni Te? Now, she is the chairman of the board's secretary. A famous person. I've changed my number. You didn't give her, did you? How could I do it? I'll always go with you. I'm not surprise. Because you borrowed me a lot of money. 300 yuan is my wage. It can't be missed. No bravery, bad temper. I can't serve you, take it. This money is to prevent disaster. Mistress! Hello! Where can I buy some milk around here? Milk? Just sit down. I'll tell them to buy it for you. Thank you. Thanks. You're welcome. What? You want to revenge? Two of you'd better never see me again. Otherwise... Otherwise? Little girl, what is your ability? You can turn the Earth around? Turning the Earth, or else, I'll give you some eggs. It's unacceptable. Welcome to Shanghai! Help me to take a photo! Okay, Wipe it away. Hello, Xiao Dong! Sister, I've just argued with dad. What's the matter with you? I want to study corporate governance but my dad disagreed. He strongly disagreed, he forces me to study accountant. The major you're talking about, how much does it cost for one year? About 5-6000 yuan. I see, about money, I can try to earn. Actually, my aunt said she can give me tuition fee for the first year. I think that in later years, I can find a part-time job to pay tuition fee. Xiao Dong, don't bother her like that. Her family is not really wealthy. If I couldn't earn enough money, we would ask her to help. okay? Sister, I have one more thing to tell you. 2 days before, auntie came to talk about the debt, then dad collected all the money to pay the debt. I see. Actually, it's OK. I've told you about Shanghai. It's a big city, as long as you're hard-working then everywhere is money. I'll try to earn money. Don't worry about it! Okay, talk to you later, the cellphone fee is very high. You need to study harder, okay? Sister, you have to take care of yourself. OK, bye! What should you do, Xie Xiao Qiu? You're unemployed! How foolish! Tong Yue! Hello, Xiao Qiu. I'm working. What's up? I'm working at Little bunny cafe but it's too far from my school. Are there any slot there? Morning shift was full but night shift still has slot. Night shift is fine, can you tell your boss to give me a slot? No problem! My boss has just promoted me to be the night shift manager. You can start working today. Yes, I can. Thank you very much. You're welcome! I heard that it has a really good beef tendon. Let's go for a dinner tonight. Hello! What's wrong with my signal? Hai Lun! Ei. I can hear you. Hello Director Wang. My name is Zhang Ying! Hai Lun, no personal calling while you're working. I knew it but my name is not Hai Lun. To me, all secretaries will be named Su Fei, Hai Lun is the name for receptionists. If you don't want to be called Hai Lun, I believe that there are many people who is volunteer to be called Hai Lun want your position. Although I just a normal employee, I still have egotism. So, do not let your egotism prevent your future. Right, what's the name of Li Chuan's driver? Fu Jian Jun. Tell him that I need to meet him. You look fat! I'm not fat! Today you didn't work? Not yet, I'm sorry Director Wang. You're Director Wang's driver, so, do you know that he's going out? I knew it. But normally, Director Wang likes driving alone. So, why does he still need you? I'm at my office everyday, read architecture magazines to know more about architectural form. Sometimes I watch some car repair forums to improve my professional quality. You have your own room with computer? Do you mind if I recruit a secretary for you? It worked! 365 types of vegetable which is most suitable for the leader. Manger Feng, you'd better have it. Li Chuan. Hello, grandfather. Has your brother arrived yet? Yes, he has. Everything is fine. I gave you an oil paint, have you received it? Oil paint? Oh, I've received it. Thank you so much! You always understand me, I love it. Floral! Flower! What's wrong? Are you busy? No, I'm not. You're not busy? OK, I have a question. Why did you send me an email at 4:00 AM? Listen, How many nights can you stay awake? You'll have to regret soon, understand? Grandfather, it's just sometime, just sometime. I'll take care of myself! About Li Sha's category, have Ji Chuan known about it? When will you go home? Next week? Next week? Grandfather, I need at least 6 months. 6 months? Okay. I give you 3 months! After having done it, you should retire. Retire? No, no, no! Grandfather! If I need to... You work over 8 hours every day, you need to retire. Grandfather, I... I have to go for a meeting! Mr President, where do you want to hang this picture? Pack it, then sent it to the office in Shanghai for Wang Li Chuan. Yes. We're like two peas in a pod! This is exactly our brother! What's happened? Grandfather gives me 3 months to hand over. 3 months, what should I do? Whatever. Be a chairman in every meetings, going to every parties, checking all financial reports... Anyway, I am in charge of technical only. You've said! So I'll in charge of everything? It's your choice. You like parties, don't you? There's a wine party with some enterprise tonight, you should come. By the way, meet some business partners. Okay. A massive of work are waiting for me outside. Unfortunately! Feng... Manager Feng was fired! So, so... What about me? It's totally different from what you said! I've just left GMF for 3 years, why the company's management is becoming so bad? It's such a mess! I've heard for half a day but I can't understand which department you are talking about? Technical department is quite good but administrative department is in chaos. But the number of employees in that department is very small. These employees must support for architects, they think they could receive money without working? I've fired many people. Now, the biggest problem is translation department. I don't know why we have to establish translation department. There are a lot of translation companies, we only need to pick one of them. We can save both money and employee. Can you prepare a list of translation company for me? Director Wang, can I talk about my opinion? Say it. As you see, our company only has some female secretaries and interpreters, the rest are all men. Moreover, most of them aren't not married, including me. So, I think that should the staff's arrangement be considered about gender balance? Why do we need to balance? At work, both man and woman, they need to be neutral. At least I'll treat them like a neutral. What if you don't? It's sexual discrimination! If I have chance, I want to go. I have to go. Goodbye! Bye bye! Look at her! Hi! We have to go. Goodbye! See ya! See you tomorrow! Bye! See ya. Sister. Your outfit is so beautiful. Where did you buy it? I've just done my interpretation. I spend all the money on clothes. Sister, do you have any new job? The best jobs are all given to you. It is not enough? My family has some difficulties. Help me, please! Okay, let me think. There is a company wants to hire part-time translators. But their interview is very hard. I've introduced some students for this company but they were pinched. Are you interested? I can do it. I'm fine. Anyway, I just a newbie. I'm not afraid of being criticize. OK, I'll contact with them for you. But this company is very far from you. Only one-way taxi may cost you nearly 40 yuan. Is it worth a try? Yes, it's worthy. I'm a little smart in this city. I knew all the major traffic systems in the city. I'm fine. Which company? Jiu Tong translation. Jiu Tong translation. Here you are. Thanks. Are you going to GFM? We've made an appointment. Anyway, it's just greeting. It's impolite if I don't come. I was so surprised to know that you're trying to approach GMF. If Wang Ji Chuan disbands the translation department, then, if they don't come to Jiu Tong, they'll find another. If they came to Jiu Tong, I wouldn't let them fire you. Who do you think you are? You really can manipulate Wang Ji Chuan? Otherwise, you can come with me. Spouse Store. So, can you pay me as high as GMF? As long as you come. At worst, I'll give you all my salary. Really? If so, I have to think carefully. OMG! It is the implicit rule that people are talking about? I'm so sorry. Your secretary said the previous candidate had finished, then, they let me in. We've done. Come in! You must be... I'm Xie Xiao Qiu. I was introduced by Chen Mei Juan. This is my CV. Yes, she called me. I'm Xiao Guan. Xiao in "from the horizon to the whistling wood". Guan in not to go into details. It's not a bad CV. Your writing skill is good. Thank you. Do you like Tang poetry? Yes, I do. My father used to teach literature. So, it's your family's tradition? We haven't reached that level. I really like this verse by Dufu. The frosty skin is raining around forty, and the color of the sky is 2,000 feet. You have to translate it into English. Now? What? You can't? No. I can do it. The rimy bark, slippery with rain is forty spans around. And kingfish blue hues high up into the sky two thousand feet above But why did you use "kingfish blue" instead of "black"? As the color is not black it's blue and black. So, it must be blueblack. So, why don't you use "blueblack"? Because it shows that my vocabulary is quite large. Okay, tomorrow, the company you have to come is the branch in Shanghai of GMF. Their English interpreters are on business, there're a lot of missions. Have you ever been to GMF? Never. This is an architecture investment company headquartered in Switzerland. Their main businesses are America and Europe. In fact, the branch in Shanghai is a department of architect. Their main business is designing. But they also invest in real estate. Right, do you know specialized vocabulary of architecture? Just a little bit. There is a dictionary called New English-Chinese dictionary of architecture. You should read it because it's useful. Okay. I'll find it. At 9:00 AM tomorrow, GMF have a collaborative discussion with a Hongkong company. Their new director is a Chinese oversea from Switzerland. He can speak Chinese fluently, but he can't read and write. If there're any special syntax or idioms, he won't understand. Your responsibility is to interpret for just one day. I mean 8 hours. Your salary will be 300 yuan per hour, okay? Thank you for giving me this opportunity. This is GMF's address. Let's try your best! Yes. See you later! See you tomorrow! You should dress formally tomorrow. Okay. I have to go. Wait! What about tomorrow, at 8:00 AM, I'll pick you up at your university. I can take a bus. All right, I have some business near your university. It's by the way. OK. Thank you! Goodbye! I have to go, too. Will you see me off? Don't rush. Let's sit down for a while. I won't. I have to report to GMF that you let a suburb immature girl to bring us down. Look at her unconfident, incoherent appearance! Basically, she is inferior. Her qualification is okay. Xiao Guan, you're really a kind of person that everyone meets then immediately falls in love. I can't believe that just a girl who comes to interview, you also want to flirt her. What do you mean? I said you I just appreciate the talent and love the beauty. She is the one that Jiu Tong wants to recruit in the future. Of course, you're always my vedette. Of course, I am. What does it mean by Ai Ma, your mind is full of MTV, then, you don't need to watch discovery channel anymore. MTV, discovery? MTV, discovery? Hello. I wonder if you have New English-Chinese dictionary of architecture? Okay. It's specialized dictionary so it's internal only. Furthermore, professor borrowed it. Thank you. You're welcome. Hello, do you have New English-Chinese dictionary of architecture? No, I'm sorry. Thank you. You're welcome. Finally found it. My beloved dictionary, here I come. This dictionary.. | I bought this already. Why it is him? He's really a driver. I have been to five bookstores. I cannot leave without it. I should get close to him first. Excuse me, may I discuss with you? What to discuss? Can you let me buy this dictionary? Right. It's because tomorrow I have a very important thing. I must have it. Moreover, I have been to 5 bookstores, there's only one left. I also have an important thing. Handsome but so mean. Right, actually there's another one is also great. This one. Take a look. This one is English-Chinese, Chinese English dictonary for construction. It's also a good read. It's because you want to buy this so you recommend a worse one for me? How can you say it's worse? There are lots of new words in this one but there aren't any phonetic symbols. If your English is not good, you won't know how to read it. How can you know my English is not good? So let me test your English. OK. Ataxophobia. Fear of disorder. Chinese meaning is 'fear of disorder'. What the hell is this? Even a driver is such that good at English. Rob my job. Your English is so good. So surprising! 'A man of true talent never shows off. Showing off is not a true man of talent'. This one is for you, right? However, I think that you are such that good at English so you won't need this dictionary. I still want this anyway. Could you let me check for a minute? OK. Thank you. It will be quick. Excuse me, could you please help me to hold it? Like this. What are you doing? Taking photos. Maybe I'll need it tomorrow. I've just charged battery yesterday. Why does it turn into this? Fine. If you like this dictionary that much, I'll give you 30 seconds. Tell me why I should give up this for you? If you touch me, I won't buy it. your English is good. Mine is worse. I need it more than you. You are gentlemen. I'm lady. Lady first. Hold on. You have a car. I don't. You can find bookstore more convenient than me. My leg is unconvenient. Time's over. I'll leave first. Hold on. Today is my birthday. Birthday? What a coincidence! It's true. I'll let you see my ID card. Wait a minute. Look at this. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. You are kind. So kind. It's finally mine. It's better give it back to me. How could you be like this? Let me pay it for you. Thank you. Wait a minute. You are so generous. Could you please sign on this for me? Signing? No need to. I'm not the author. But this dictionary is really important to me. I'll rememember of you whenever I open it. Although this world is cruel and full of wars, there are always kind people. Not that serious huh? Yes it is. You must sign it. Here is the pen. Thank you. Your name is.. I can't read it. I signed it anyway. Thank you. Thank you. Happy birthday. You are back? What are you doing? Please don't mix it up. I'm not. It's clean. Beef is about to be done. Wait for 10 minute. Where are tomatoes? I forgot to buy it. There are potatoes. Use potatoes is fine. I put potatoes in already. If there isn't any tomato in Borscht soup, how can we call it 'borscht soup'? Potato is OK. I'm fine anyway. You are so easy. Right. Birthday gift. Open it. I've worked hard for 3 three months to knit it. Look at these two balls. They are the most difficult. One by one. Try it on. Your daily style is so lifeless. Put on some colorful pieces. Perfect! Come on, try it on. How is it? Very special. I told you. Looks good. Come on. Have a drink. Happy birthday. Cheers! Great. Put this here. Manager, the dictionary you said, I bought it. I've read it all night. Awake all night huh? Slept for 2 hours. This is my first task you assigned me. I hope I can do it well. Don't worry. Your competance is really good. I've prepared it well. I don't worry anymore. Ah, you choose Professor Ye Jia Ming's lecture huh? You know him? Yeah. He is instructor for my master's thesis. When I was in university, he took care of me a lot. He has a daughter named Ye Jing Wen. Same age as you. She is your university student. Jing Wen is my classmate. She stays next to my room. What a coincidence! I had already graduated when you guys entered university. Right. Today I have a commercial summit meeting. Our Jiu Tong's workers have all gone. We are lack of translator. Otherwise, we won't assign a temporary translator for such that big international company like GMF. So I have to do it well. When you arrived at GMF, find Head of translate department, follow her arrangement. I told her already. I got it. Hello. I'm looking for Mrs Su - Head of translate department. You are.. I'm Xie Xiao Qiu, temporary translator from Jiu Tong. Right, she told me already. Please register here. OK. This way, please. OK. | Mr Wang. Good morning. Take a look. This is Shang Hai's branch. Please come in. I want to ask this. Who is that one? He is my boss. You will be his translator. I've already written this. From here go straightforward to the end is translate office. No. I can't come in like that. He will recognize me. Excuse me, is there any salon near here? Yes. Go out and turn left. OK. Thank you. I've got some business. I'll be back soon. OK. I'm in a hurry. | Hello. Nice to meet you. Lady, cut the hair or perm it? Hm..do you have makeup here? Yes. Can you make me become a completely different one? Same or different? Different. So who to look like? Anyone is OK. But don't be so bad. You have 7 minutes left. After I said this, you only have 6 minutes 30 seconds left. Lady, do you have glasses? Lady. Do you have glasses? I use contact lens. But there's a backup glasses in my bag. SO put on your glasses. How is it? It looks good. Thank you. Thank you. Hold on. I have to put a mole on your face. Hold on. Why do you change your hair style? You still can recognise me? Your clothes is not changed. Don't be too curious. It will kill a cat. Kill a cat? Anyway, I have to thanks you for the dictionary. Today I'm so busy. Otherwise, I'll treat you a meal. Goodbye. | You're welcome. Anyway, I want to ask you one more favor. Pretend not to recognise me when you see me, is it OK? Why? You are commercial spy? No. I'm worry your boss will recognise me. Working with this type of person is really hard, right? Not so bad. I'm here to be temporary translator. If he recognise me, he'll find me. If I can't do it well, maybe I will be treated badly by gangster. Maybe. You have already been treated huh? I'm a man. Don't think that being a man will be safe. There are those bisexuals. Fine. I'm curious. I want to ask this. Why? Why do you scare if he recognises you? You aren't scared when I recognised you. Is there any different between two of us? It's funny. Why do I have to scare a kind driver who always helps other? Too funny. Driver? Finished? Yeah. You invited a new translator huh? Just temporary. She looks famaliar to me. How about her level? Quick reaction. No error. There was a little hard at first, but it's fine then. Her perfume makes me feel sick. Anyway, could you please help me to edit this drawing? Can we change the place of this intake door? It just can be placed here. Can't we change it to here? Here? You want to increase pollution huh? You aren't the one who is easy to deal with. This is my project. I have to be responsible. Fine, make it that way. Sign it. Hello, we meet again. Hello. Do you realize that this dining hall's food is tasty? Look at thoe fishes, shrimps and so on. They look fresh. Try this one. I'm not hungry. Don't say that you are trying to lose weight? Let me tell you this. Everyone need to eat one egg per day for adequate nutrition. Look at this egg. It's so cute. So tasty. Really really tasty. Right, let me take you there to have it. Or else there will be no more. Let's go. | I won't eat. Let's go. | I don't need it. Oh no. Please cover me. I won't let boss recognise me. Please. Ji Chuan, could you get me soup please? Which one? Vegetable soup. HR Department reveals that until now, Ji Chuan has fired 4 people. 4 one? One driver, one director, one accountant and one architect. He even fired architect? I heard that the reason is because he didn't follow clothing rules. I don't worry about this. I always follow the clothing rules. In an exactly way. Anyway, Xiao Bo master is the most pitiful. I heard that last year her wife had a twin. She thought his salary is not bad so she resigned and was at home to take care of children. This time is too bad. How pitiful they are! Excuse me, is there any place near hear selling fresh milk? Don't know whether there is anything new. The latest new said that his next goal is your translate department. Just wait to be cut off staff. How can you know this? Who am I? I used to be a receptionist at our company. I used to be our company's face. There isn't anything I don't know. I heard that, Wang Li Chuan said that there was no need for translate department. Therefore, he want to find a translate company. Outsource everything. Really? Why could we do now? Mr Quan. Is the position you said last time still vacant? Please don't hire other. I need it. OK. See you tonight. Ming Ming, you are such a disloyal one. Just care about yourself in this difficult time. You don't care about us huh? You are head of our translate department. That's not fair. You even begged Mr Zhang for bonus in our year end party. Such an zebra brain. All was thought already. Right. This time, you must say something good about us in front of Wang Li Chuan. Please make clear of this. This is Wang Ji Chuan, not his brother. How can I help you guys? There won't be any salary if I make him angry. Although bad person clothes is like murderer's parents, you guys don't need to worry. I find out the way. What is it? Ji Chuan is quite handsome, don't know whether he is single or not. If not, let me use beauty-trap. Maybe it can change our situation. Trust me. Please don't let his apperance seduce. If you want to win, you must pass Pacifics. He has such a stony heart. He is extremely nitpicking and imperious. You must be miserable if you are with him. Really? I've just me him on the corridor. He seems to be nice and gentle, doesn't same as what you guys said. Xiao Ting, don't you know that how he looks like when he is bargaining? Fine. I consider you my friend. I will give you 50% discount. The director and I have just dealt an 20% discount. Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. This is the lowest. The price can't be down anymore. Fine. I'll give you more 10%, is it fine? Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. Fine. I'll give 5% more. I don't have any profit indeed. I just want to make friend with you. I have already given you what I had. Is it ok? Or else..I also have superiors. How can I explain to them? Mr Wang..you.. What do you mean? 10 more percents? You are not follow the rules. I haven't met any like you. This is a losing deal. No. What do you want? I want your blood. I just have fat, no blood. Just one sentence, sign or not? OK, sign. Just consider as losing weight. Mr Wang, there's a movie I think you should watch it. What is it? Vampire! Fine. I'll go if I have time. Fine. Don't scare me. Anyway, there is a world of difference between these two brothers. They are not normal. One really knows how to bargain. One really knows how to win the project. One is black face, one is white face. They are a perfect match! She is such a young lady but she starts to go one a diet. Xiao Qiu, you can't eat this little. We are translator, we can't be unhealthy. Got it? Fine. I'll notice it. Your stomach is good today huh. I've never seen you eat this much. I'm a bit hungry. You can drink this? Come on, you can't eat this much. Give me some. This egg is bited. This chef must be changed. Please don't be that suspicious. Is there anyone else except me? You eat it? This dictionary.. | I bought this already. Why it is him? He's really a driver. I have been to five bookstores. I cannot leave without it. I should get close to him first. Excuse me, may I discuss with you? What to discuss? Can you let me buy this dictionary? Right. It's because tomorrow I have a very important thing. I must have it. Moreover, I have been to 5 bookstores, there's only one left. I also have an important thing. Handsome but so mean. Right, actually there's another one is also great. This one. Take a look. This one is English-Chinese, Chinese English dictonary for construction. It's also a good read. It's because you want to buy this so you recommend a worse one for me? How can you say it's worse? There are lots of new words in this one but there aren't any phonetic symbols. If your English is not good, you won't know how to read it. How can you know my English is not good? So let me test your English. OK. Ataxophobia. Fear of disorder. Chinese meaning is 'fear of disorder'. What the hell is this? Even a driver is such that good at English. Rob my job. Your English is so good. So surprising! 'A man of true talent never shows off. Showing off is not a true man of talent'. This one is for you, right? However, I think that you are such that good at English so you won't need this dictionary. I still want this anyway. Could you let me check for a minute? OK. Thank you. It will be quick. Excuse me, could you please help me to hold it? Like this. What are you doing? Taking photos. Maybe I'll need it tomorrow. I've just charged battery yesterday. Why does it turn into this? Fine. If you like this dictionary that much, I'll give you 30 seconds. Tell me why I should give up this for you? If you touch me, I won't buy it. your English is good. Mine is worse. I need it more than you. You are gentlemen. I'm lady. Lady first. Hold on. You have a car. I don't. You can find bookstore more convenient than me. My leg is unconvenient. Time's over. I'll leave first. Hold on. Today is my birthday. Birthday? What a coincidence! It's true. I'll let you see my ID card. Wait a minute. Look at this. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. You are kind. So kind. It's finally mine. It's better give it back to me. How could you be like this? Let me pay it for you. Thank you. Wait a minute. You are so generous. Could you please sign on this for me? Signing? No need to. I'm not the author. But this dictionary is really important to me. I'll rememember of you whenever I open it. Although this world is cruel and full of wars, there are always kind people. Not that serious huh? Yes it is. You must sign it. Here is the pen. Thank you. Your name is.. I can't read it. I signed it anyway. Thank you. Thank you. Happy birthday. You are back? What are you doing? Please don't mix it up. I'm not. It's clean. Beef is about to be done. Wait for 10 minute. Where are tomatoes? I forgot to buy it. There are potatoes. Use potatoes is fine. I put potatoes in already. If there isn't any tomato in Borscht soup, how can we call it 'borscht soup'? Potato is OK. I'm fine anyway. You are so easy. Right. Birthday gift. Open it. I've worked hard for 3 three months to knit it. Look at these two balls. They are the most difficult. One by one. Try it on. Your daily style is so lifeless. Put on some colorful pieces. Perfect! Come on, try it on. How is it? Very special. I told you. Looks good. Come on. Have a drink. Happy birthday. Cheers! Great. Put this here. Manager, the dictionary you said, I bought it. I've read it all night. Awake all night huh? Slept for 2 hours. This is my first task you assigned me. I hope I can do it well. Don't worry. Your competance is really good. I've prepared it well. I don't worry anymore. Ah, you choose Professor Ye Jia Ming's lecture huh? You know him? Yeah. He is instructor for my master's thesis. When I was in university, he took care of me a lot. He has a daughter named Ye Jing Wen. Same age as you. She is your university student. Jing Wen is my classmate. She stays next to my room. What a coincidence! I had already graduated when you guys entered university. Right. Today I have a commercial summit meeting. Our Jiu Tong's workers have all gone. We are lack of translator. Otherwise, we won't assign a temporary translator for such that big international company like GMF. So I have to do it well. When you arrived at GMF, find Head of translate department, follow her arrangement. I told her already. I got it. Hello. I'm looking for Mrs Su - Head of translate department. You are.. I'm Xie Xiao Qiu, temporary translator from Jiu Tong. Right, she told me already. Please register here. OK. This way, please. OK. | Mr Wang. Good morning. Take a look. This is Shang Hai's branch. Please come in. I want to ask this. Who is that one? He is my boss. You will be his translator. I've already written this. From here go straightforward to the end is translate office. No. I can't come in like that. He will recognize me. Excuse me, is there any salon near here? Yes. Go out and turn left. OK. Thank you. I've got some business. I'll be back soon. OK. I'm in a hurry. | Hello. Nice to meet you. Lady, cut the hair or perm it? Hm..do you have makeup here? Yes. Can you make me become a completely different one? Same or different? Different. So who to look like? Anyone is OK. But don't be so bad. You have 7 minutes left. After I said this, you only have 6 minutes 30 seconds left. Lady, do you have glasses? Lady. Do you have glasses? I use contact lens. But there's a backup glasses in my bag. SO put on your glasses. How is it? It looks good. Thank you. Thank you. Hold on. I have to put a mole on your face. Hold on. Why do you change your hair style? You still can recognise me? Your clothes is not changed. Don't be too curious. It will kill a cat. Kill a cat? Anyway, I have to thanks you for the dictionary. Today I'm so busy. Otherwise, I'll treat you a meal. Goodbye. | You're welcome. Anyway, I want to ask you one more favor. Pretend not to recognise me when you see me, is it OK? Why? You are commercial spy? No. I'm worry your boss will recognise me. Working with this type of person is really hard, right? Not so bad. I'm here to be temporary translator. If he recognise me, he'll find me. If I can't do it well, maybe I will be treated badly by gangster. Maybe. You have already been treated huh? I'm a man. Don't think that being a man will be safe. There are those bisexuals. Fine. I'm curious. I want to ask this. Why? Why do you scare if he recognises you? You aren't scared when I recognised you. Is there any different between two of us? It's funny. Why do I have to scare a kind driver who always helps other? Too funny. Driver? Finished? Yeah. You invited a new translator huh? Just temporary. She looks famaliar to me. How about her level? Quick reaction. No error. There was a little hard at first, but it's fine then. Her perfume makes me feel sick. Anyway, could you please help me to edit this drawing? Can we change the place of this intake door? It just can be placed here. Can't we change it to here? Here? You want to increase pollution huh? You aren't the one who is easy to deal with. This is my project. I have to be responsible. Fine, make it that way. Sign it. Hello, we meet again. Hello. Do you realize that this dining hall's food is tasty? Look at thoe fishes, shrimps and so on. They look fresh. Try this one. I'm not hungry. Don't say that you are trying to lose weight? Let me tell you this. Everyone need to eat one egg per day for adequate nutrition. Look at this egg. It's so cute. So tasty. Really really tasty. Right, let me take you there to have it. Or else there will be no more. Let's go. | I won't eat. Let's go. | I don't need it. Oh no. Please cover me. I won't let boss recognise me. Please. Ji Chuan, could you get me soup please? Which one? Vegetable soup. HR Department reveals that until now, Ji Chuan has fired 4 people. 4 one? One driver, one director, one accountant and one architect. He even fired architect? I heard that the reason is because he didn't follow clothing rules. I don't worry about this. I always follow the clothing rules. In an exactly way. Anyway, Xiao Bo master is the most pitiful. I heard that last year her wife had a twin. She thought his salary is not bad so she resigned and was at home to take care of children. This time is too bad. How pitiful they are! Excuse me, is there any place near hear selling fresh milk? Don't know whether there is anything new. The latest new said that his next goal is your translate department. Just wait to be cut off staff. How can you know this? Who am I? I used to be a receptionist at our company. I used to be our company's face. There isn't anything I don't know. I heard that, Wang Li Chuan said that there was no need for translate department. Therefore, he want to find a translate company. Outsource everything. Really? Why could we do now? Mr Quan. Is the position you said last time still vacant? Please don't hire other. I need it. OK. See you tonight. Ming Ming, you are such a disloyal one. Just care about yourself in this difficult time. You don't care about us huh? You are head of our translate department. That's not fair. You even begged Mr Zhang for bonus in our year end party. Such an zebra brain. All was thought already. Right. This time, you must say something good about us in front of Wang Li Chuan. Please make clear of this. This is Wang Ji Chuan, not his brother. How can I help you guys? There won't be any salary if I make him angry. Although bad person clothes is like murderer's parents, you guys don't need to worry. I find out the way. What is it? Ji Chuan is quite handsome, don't know whether he is single or not. If not, let me use beauty-trap. Maybe it can change our situation. Trust me. Please don't let his apperance seduce. If you want to win, you must pass Pacifics. He has such a stony heart. He is extremely nitpicking and imperious. You must be miserable if you are with him. Really? I've just me him on the corridor. He seems to be nice and gentle, doesn't same as what you guys said. Xiao Ting, don't you know that how he looks like when he is bargaining? Fine. I consider you my friend. I will give you 50% discount. The director and I have just dealt an 20% discount. Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. This is the lowest. The price can't be down anymore. Fine. I'll give you more 10%, is it fine? Or else we don't need to discuss anymore. Fine. I'll give 5% more. I don't have any profit indeed. I just want to make friend with you. I have already given you what I had. Is it ok? Or else..I also have superiors. How can I explain to them? Mr Wang..you.. What do you mean? 10 more percents? You are not follow the rules. I haven't met any like you. This is a losing deal. No. What do you want? I want your blood. I just have fat, no blood. Just one sentence, sign or not? OK, sign. Just consider as losing weight. Mr Wang, there's a movie I think you should watch it. What is it? Vampire! Fine. I'll go if I have time. Fine. Don't scare me. Anyway, there is a world of difference between these two brothers. They are not normal. One really knows how to bargain. One really knows how to win the project. One is black face, one is white face. They are a perfect match! She is such a young lady but she starts to go one a diet. Xiao Qiu, you can't eat this little. We are translator, we can't be unhealthy. Got it? Fine. I'll notice it. Your stomach is good today huh. I've never seen you eat this much. I'm a bit hungry. You can drink this? Come on, you can't eat this much. Give me some. This egg is bited. This chef must be changed. Please don't be that suspicious. Is there anyone else except me? You eat it? You looks so familiar. Have me met? Definitely nope. Are you clear now? There seems to be a little familiar. I've finished my work. You can't help but pay me. Please clean it carefully. Or else I won't give you your salary. Moreover, I'll call your manager. I'll tell him about your performance today. You could try if you don't believe it. Don't think that you have money means you can act superior, you can insult and look down on me. Call him. Just call him. Don't think that he'll trust you. Let me tell you. he'll trust you. Let me tell you. I had to pass such a fierce competition to be assigned to be here. If the worst comes to the worst, I won't work for GMF anymore. You think I can't find a job if I displease you huh? I want to meet Xiao Manager. I clean it. Let me do it. You have to apologize me first. What to apologize? You damaged other's property. But you also made me lost my job. You pour insecticides onto me. You have such a great memory. Clean it. Hurry up. If you can't make it clean, or ruin the color, you have to take responsibility. You are not a generous one. Why do I have to be generous to such a terrible woman like you? May I borrow some tools? Excuse me, do you have cloth or glass cleaner? We don't have it. You can ask over there. Thank you. You're welcome. Hello. May I borrow cloth and glass cleaner? Thank you. I'll give it back later. Thanks. Ji Chuan, I am looking for you. What happened? I change my mind. You should take up the position after I leave Shanghai. Why? You should focus on your drawing. Let me do everything else. I will handle them thoroughly. OK? Thoroughly? You mean you fire my employees thoroughly. Don't forget that My status is higher than you in administration. Even when I haven't taken up, I am qualified to fire them. You can't fire anyone without my signature. Even a driver. Driver? You should call him 'old man'. He just drove once a week. Earn money too easy huh? What does he consider GMF as? Money printer? My company can make money. I have my own way. I know company can make money. However if you based on my way to do, we can make more money. I don't want to follow your way. Fine. Business is business. Alright? Sophie. Book for Ji Chuan a ticket to Zurich. As soon as possible. I hope that tomorrow I can have it. You book ticket for me? I have to tell her my passport number. Come on. Let me talk to her. Sophie. You have to book that ticket but you have to change the name. Change into Wang Li Chuan. Hey, give it back to me. Please tell your president that Li Chuan will leave the next day. Ji Chuan, you.. Fine, fine. It's OK. Nothing. Ji Chuan. I hung it up. Keep calm. We are gentleman. Take your hand off. You just have three months to transfer. Moreover, Lisa's project has to be started. I won't go back. It's not me who want you to be back. It's our grandfather. I don't care. What can I tell him? I don't care. Fine. I won't touch your employee anymore. Can you fly back now? You can't even touch one of them? Fine. You should call all of them back. This is not good. We have done the procedures. I feel embarrassed. You don't need to care about procedures. There's HR Department. What you need is just one call. Fine. Because of grandfather, I agree. You must remember it. Hello. Hello. Excuse me, you are.. Clean the egg white. Clean the egg white? I tell you this. Don't be dad. I knew it all. You know what? You have just lost your job, right? No problem. Being fired by this type of person is not bad thing. Proverb said that 'better luck next time'. Or also 'there are plenty more fish in the sea'. Sorry but those sentences I.. don't understand. What is called 'there are plenty more fish in the sea' ? You are overseas Chinese? I mean what Mr Wang said to you, you don't need to keep it in mind. Those are nonsense. Then our working class should cooperate. Cooperate? How is your English? Maybe vocab is fine, how about communication? No problem. Actually I'm studying in America. Before coming to Shanghai, I worked there. You are overseas Chinese in America? My nationaly is Switzerland. I grew up in Switzerland. Let me introduce myself. I'm Wang Li Chuan. Hello, I'm Xie Xia Qiu. I'll help you to find a job. Don't worry. Anyway, please help me to hold this. Thanks you. Tomorrow there will be a job here. It is a international commercial negotiation. They will negotiate for 2 hours. Travel cost and translation fee is 1600 yuan total. I'll give you 800. Actualy I have to go but I find out that you are in difficult situation, so I give you half of it. This may help you to buy milk for your child for one month, right? This is my phone number. I have their address. Sorry, I think that you are misunderstanding. No, it's ok. It's nothing. There is nothing we can't overcome. I trust you. We will make more money when we work together. There are also more opportunities. Let me tell you this. Translator is a potential job. I trust you. It's gonna be okay. Wait. Actually, I.. I can't come tomorrow. I'm really busy. Right. You have just lost your job. There must be lots of things to do. No problem. If you need something, just give me a call. Don't worry. There are lots of people want to help you. Fine. Goodbye. Anyway, you are familiar here than me. Help me to give them back. It belongs to the cleaner. Thanks. Bye. Bye. What happened to Jing Wen today? She didn't say anything. Do we need to say it? CK Jun didn't arrive. Right. He hasn't come here for so long. Should we help her? Ask for phone number or something? I am not that nosy like you. How can we ask for those things huh? The man run away at the moment the woman arrived. Nonsense. Xiao Manager. It's OK. I'll get my translator wage whenever I'm free. Go out for dinner? No need to. I have to ask for your help later. Fine. See you on Monday. Goodbye. Xia Qiu, you really know how to make money. We are in same university, I'm your senior. Actually I'm not that busy.. how about..Xia Qiu.. Oh my gosh. You frightened me. It's three in the morning. We should go to sleep. I'm nearly done. Look at your office. Look at the atmosphere. What's going on with my office? There isn't such a change. I don't need to change. Do you know how time is born? It is when there is an explode, everything changes. Every minute every second will not be the same as before. Then time is born. If there's one day, everything stops. Past, present, future have no difference. It is the end of time. The end of the universe. No change means death. Is it relate to me? Enjoy your life. What are you doing? You are even back at three in the morning, aren't you? I'm playing until 3 o'clock, ok? Look. What is Wang? Wang Li Chuan? I remember. You want to come? Welcome. Great. I'll wait for you at 933 bus station in the evening. See you there! You have to be translator in the evening, don't you? I find a co-worker. Who's that? A driver has just lost his job from foreign company. Driver? Xie Xia Qiu, can you be more trust-worthy? He is not ordinary driver. He studied and worked in America. His speaking skill is excellent, and also his vocabulary. But he can't even keep his job as a driver? Foreign company also wastes talent sometimes. Don't worry. Trust me. Xia Bo, how to go by this bus? How much? Two yuan once, just give the money when you get on. Do you have small change? No. May I borrow you? OK. Wait a sec. Mr Wang, the bus is crowded. It's better to go by car. No need. You can come back first. I'll call you when I need. Let me drive you.. | No need to. Don't worry. 933 Are you sure that you know the address? Yes. It won't be wrong. It must be around here. But we have passed here many times. Right. Don't worry. I know Shanghai very well. Right, look at this if you don't trust me. This is a map I drew it myself. All the places I have passed by. I drew it based on my memory. This is where we need to go. You drew it yourself? Why don't I understand it? This star and this arrow are stand for what? This is where we need to go. However, I haven't drawn it. What are you doing? Let me guide. Let's go. Here it is. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm Xie Xia Qiu. He's Wang Li Chuan. We are translator introduced by Chen Mei Juan. Finally you two arrived. I thought that you guys was stuck in traffic jam. I'm director secretary Li Xin. Hello. | Chen Mei Juan must be told you guys that our company want to import raw materials from Italy. Now they assign 3 people to negotiate with us. They have translator? They all understand English. Xie Qiu. Xie Qiu. Sister. There are 5 minutes left until the meeting starts. Let's prepare for it. Please be well-prepared. Gosh! I've just met them. I can't understand what they are talking about. How could? You can even understood Indian English last time. I have just known that among 3 of them, one is French, one is German, one is Italian. They all say Italian. They just know a bit English. Their accent is so heavy. I talked to them for half of a day. They can't understand me. I can't understand them. Moreover, they said my English had problem. I won't accept this job if I knew this. What could we do now? Our second language is Japanese. Alright, Wang Li Chuan. You are Swiss, aren't you? Switzerland has 4 official languages. You should know at least one of them, right? I know 3 of them. German, French, Italian. Genius! Angel! God's will! You two should hurry up. I have other things to deal with. OK. Goodbye. This way please. Okay. This way Ah, thank you for today I must have been in trouble without you Your are welcome. This is your remuneration, take it. Thank you! Everyone performed well today. Especially you, excellent. Assistant Li, this amount is not correct. As our agreement before. It should be 1600. There are only 800 here Moreover, there were two interpreters today Translated four languages for you. Besides, you probably know that German, French, Italian, translation fee are way different compared to English. We even did not charge for this gap . Only this amount whether you two want to receive or not. Let me tell you, students like you are just part-time translators. Even 200 yuan per hour are too much. It's like giving yourself a chance to practice. - Please don't go! - Assistant Li. If your company is a decent company, Please keep your words. Stop bothering me here. I still have lots of works to do. This money is due to my labor. Give money to me or else I won't let you go. Let me tell you, I won't use you anymore in the future. How dare you beat me? - Don't fight with him. Stop. - How dare you? Stop fighting. Stop. What are you doing? Director Fang. He gave me 800 yuan only of translation fee. Isn't the deal 1600 yuan? He must have had his hand in the till. What? Li Xin, why did this happen? I... Thank you! Please receive this money amount You have to financially support your family, your life is more difficult. You have just now got into a fight to help me. I didn't expect that Translation is a dangerous job. Ah, right. Are you okay? I'm okay. I think, we should have a seat over there Fine. No, I told you that you just take it. Your hand is injured. That's okay, I bring sticky plaster with me Let me tell you, If you are in similar situations, Never, ever start a fight with them. We alone, take our side ourselves. You have to learn how to use your facial expression Not your fist when you express your anger. When he hit you, you can angrily stare at him. Right? Scary? See? Frightening? You think so? Definitely scary, right? I told you, you were too frightened to laughed. Now, stick it on. Done! Thank you. Don't mention it. You know what, A small frown makes people Use 42 facial muscles While swinging a fist uses 2 only. Really? By the way, I have to tell you That we have another interpreting work at 6 p.m Which would last an hour only. Won't be tired. Will you join? No, I won't. It's my coffee time. Coffee time? Are you assuming that you're owning lots of money? You are now a part-time worker, Unstable wage day to day. Now you are telling me that you have coffee time? Are you kidding me? I don't want to join the meeting, really. Let's go, Today, you helped me. Let me invite you the dinner Come on. Let's go. Really? Money has been just a while with you, You've already wanted to spend. It's not that I will go to an expensive restaurant. Look for a transportation first. Is there any taxi around here? Taxi? Do you know How much money would it take for the journey to the center on Taxi? Do you think you are rich? Could you please save money? The bus station is right there. Let's go! Li Chuan, there is a seat here, come here. Take yourself that seat. It is a long journey, you have to stand for long time. Come on, take a seat. I'm really okay with that, you should have that seat. Lady first. I think you are a real gentlemen. What are you doing? I make use of this time to learn new words. Let me tell you, to be a professional interpreter, we have to increase qualifications every passing minute. Did you remember all what I have said? I did. Let me help you. No, thanks. I can do it myself. Be careful, careful! I sincerely admire you that you can stand on the bus such long time. I haven't taken the bus for long time. Feeling was so different. Well, I remember there is a restaurant nearby. Let's have a meal together. Okay. Is it expensive? Not at all. That's great. Thank you. Choose the dishes, what do you like? You do it, it's up to your choice. Just choose the food as you like it, but don't order too many dishes. One is enough. But what do you enjoy? I told you. It's all up to your taste. But I like beef. Please help me choose some dishes. She likes beef. My pleasure. Oh, this cooked beef is delicious, but the quantity is small. You know what, every time I finish my interpretation, I always starve to death and want to eat a huge meal. Don't eat mixed salad only, try some beef This beef is so tasty. Come on, come on. In my hometown, We always have appetizer first. Where is your hometown? Zurich. Zurich? That sounds far from here! I'm so full. Are you full? Can we ask for a cake now? Do you still want to order cakes? Here are your cakes. Do we have cakes for real? Wait, Miss. I think you’ve made a mistake with the bill. Our main course costs 180, Total number here is 1800. The comma must be in the wrong place. Madam, Your total is really 1800. Could you please recheck the details? There is no need. Here you are. - Thank you. -Thank you. Why did you order such expensive dishes? Perhaps, we could break even today and lose all money we have earned. Excuse me, I have just now ordered, I didn't check the price list. You know what, the mouth is a bottomless pit, Do you know how much money that we have "eaten"? How much we earn, the double we spent! I finally know why were you fired. Tell me the truth, did you have your hand in the till? Forget it, you have already been fired and must need some time to adapt. Maybe, you are in the excessive time. Could you wrap unfinished dishes up, please? Wrapping? Do you still want to wrap them up while there is such little food? Fine, fine. We don't bring them home anymore. But we can't waste food, even a little piece of them. They, however, cost 1800. I have to enjoy them steadily. Okay, no need to walk me out more. I catch the bus here, I have to work this evening. Do you still have to work? Do you need money that much? I live here alone, so I earn some money in case of unexpected situations. Moreover, my younger brother is going to University soon. I have to save some and pay tuition for him. Thank you so much for today, but you should take this. It was initially your job, I just gave you a hand, and learnt some knowledge by chance. This is because of your help. You have to earn for living and your family as well. We divide this amount into half, so it would be fair, no one is lost. Do you want to separate clearly like that? If you want to, I have to pay your money for the meal back. Okay. Listen to me, The income of the part time job as a interpreter is unstable, so you have to keep trying. Do not think that earning 800 is too much. All labor who belongs to the proletariat has to be united. The bus is coming, Stop taking here. Bye bye. Bye bye. Xiao Po, drive here and pick me up. Sir, your total is 68 yuan. - Here you are. - Thank you very much. Madam, this is your coffee. - I apologize for letting you wait. | - Thank you. 20 yuan, thank you. Your boyfriend has waited for two hours How kindly he treats you. Is that true? Fighting, fighting. What happened? Look at Jing Wen, she laughed so much that she is grinning from ear to ear. Really? Why so? If I tell you, don't be talkative. Jun CK has come. Your hair looks great. Which salon did you came to? Please wait, I am giving you the change. Thank you. Your hair style is so great, really. Hey, he has drunk all his coffee. Should we bring him another? - This is your coffee. He drank the typical coffee, small size today. Bring him another cup. - Please take your change. | - Okay. Sir, this is your coffee. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to drop it. I'm sorry! I'm deeply sorry, Let me help you clean it. It's okay, no worries. How are things? | - Are you scalded? What have you done? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop the cup. You did! You two get the wipers and clean this mess. Right now, quickly! - Let's go. | - I'm sorry. Quickly, quickly. We deeply apologize for this. She is the new staff, still clumsy sometimes. Please, could you give us the laundry bill, we will refund your expenses. You don't have to do that. That's because of my careless when accidentally touched her. How about your laptop? My laptop is still fine. Let me bring you a new cup of coffee. No, thank you. It's time for me to leave. Don't you want to stay a little more? No, thank you. Watch the wet floor. We are sorry. Wang Li Chuan. I'mm so sorry for that. But thank you very much for your help. It's okay, I thought you didn't know that's me, so you were startled, right? True. How could it be that coincident? When will you come here again? I come here quite often. At your next coming, let me give you the money. Money? Money for fixing the laptop. You don't have to do that. You helped me a lot this morning, but I haven't send you any thanks. The compensation is not related to helping. I certainly will return your money. Really, it's no need to do that. I know you are a generous one, but I can make use of your kindness. Moreover, you are in such a difficult stage. If you look for a job or do anything at this time, you surely need a laptop. If you are insist, I won't come back to this place. Wherever you go, I will look for you, and the money must be returned. I don't know what to say. Bye bye. Xie Xiao Qiu, come here! Xie Xiao Qiu, I find you clumsy day to day. You have to learn how to control yourself. Control yourself from the beauty. You are not the first one who dropped the coffee cup on him. Is it right? Is he handsome? His mustache, somehow looks sloppy. You don't know a thing! The mustache is his attractiveness. That is called handsome, that's manly, okay? Whoever has mustache is manly? I felt like he is a hitter. If you didn't think he is handsome, why did you pour the coffee on him? That was due to my carelessness. Let me talk to her. Xie Xiao Qiu, if you like him and want you approach him, I can understand that. Usually, I'm not talkative, but I have to tell you. Listen or not, it's up to you. Don't waste your love onto this man, He has never signaled his interest to any ladies. Is it true? I'm begging you two, please stop flattering that Jun CK. He properly is a usual person A normal one drives a luxury car? Driving a luxury car doesn't mean he owns it. He could be a driver. Sound right. What's right? Do you know that Many woman chose her wrong man to get married? Because they can't see the gentleman's dignity. It's not that a man who owns money could be the tycoon immediately. Only one during 3 generations in the family tree. You have to look at his temper, his behaviours. You definitely can't see those things, just look at the tip he gave, you would se clearlt that he is not a driver. You two, I felt It's as easy when finding a poor man and a rich man. If it's not that easy, how could The Weaver Girl find the Cowherd. And as you said, who is happy with whom, We can't confirm it. It sounds reasonable. What is reasonable? Back to work! This is ... Director Wang, on my baby's 1st birthday, my wife was insist on giving you these red eggs. Thank you very much. you child has been a year old? How quick! Why are they red? Because of my family tradition Red eggs show prosperity, fulfilling and arising. Director Wang, thank you for keeping me with company. In such important stage like this time, If I lost my job, I won't know how to talk to my family. Don't be worried, your profession is good, I'm sure you are not struggle to find a job. However, thank you on behalf of my family. Don't mention it. I sent you to the Administration Department to manage documents. Hence, No one would consider your works easy. Don't you mind? No, I don't. Director Wang, don't worry, I'll dedicate to the work. Please keep doing what you are. I'll see you later. Take care. Thank you! Director Wang, Shao Hua has just told me We have to give backup money to Fang Shi an amount of 20 million yuan! That's right. We had advanced money before. Li Sha said it will be returned at the year end. Even the loan agreement contract, there isn't any of them? You knew that when Frank was here, his grandpa spoke in words only. I knew that Franks' promise is like credit. Li Sha not Frank. First time ever she was in charge of huge expense in Fang Sh How couldn't she having any documents, then told us to give her advance? If she won't return that money, what will we do? Besides, after Frank passed away, Fang Shi immediately was chaotic. Who knows that Li Sha could sit upon this chair someday? If we ask for the contract now, Li Sha will be angry. That's why I don't look for Li Sha, I looked for the assistant Jie Ke. Jie Ke? Jie Ke is not easy to deal with. How could you know? I found him? 20 million yuan! It's not a little amount. I was about to arguing with him on phone. He told me to go directly find Li Sha. Li Sha is now in China? Has just come! She comes for examining in Qing Dao Why? Has it started to be designed yet? Just started! Let's go and find her! No, no, no, you can handle this You don't need to bring me there. I feel insecure whenever I'm standing in front of Lisa, ok? You feel insecure? So I shouldn't go there. It will need two of us to deal with her. What if I can't answer her question, you can help me to face with the situation. Thank you. Your hair style is so great, really. Hey, he has drunk all his coffee. Should we bring him another? - This is your coffee. He drank the typical coffee, small size today. Bring him another cup. - Please take your change. | - Okay. Sir, this is your coffee. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to drop it. I'm sorry! I'm deeply sorry, Let me help you clean it. It's okay, no worries. How are things? | - Are you scalded? What have you done? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop the cup. You did! You two get the wipers and clean this mess. Right now, quickly! - Let's go. | - I'm sorry. Quickly, quickly. We deeply apologize for this. She is the new staff, still clumsy sometimes. Please, could you give us the laundry bill, we will refund your expenses. You don't have to do that. That's because of my careless when accidentally touched her. How about your laptop? My laptop is still fine. Let me bring you a new cup of coffee. No, thank you. It's time for me to leave. Don't you want to stay a little more? No, thank you. Watch the wet floor. We are sorry. Wang Li Chuan. I'mm so sorry for that. But thank you very much for your help. It's okay, I thought you didn't know that's me, so you were startled, right? True. How could it be that coincident? When will you come here again? I come here quite often. At your next coming, let me give you the money. Money? Money for fixing the laptop. You don't have to do that. You helped me a lot this morning, but I haven't send you any thanks. The compensation is not related to helping. I certainly will return your money. Really, it's no need to do that. I know you are a generous one, but I can make use of your kindness. Moreover, you are in such a difficult stage. If you look for a job or do anything at this time, you surely need a laptop. If you are insist, I won't come back to this place. Wherever you go, I will look for you, and the money must be returned. I don't know what to say. Bye bye. Xie Xiao Qiu, come here! Xie Xiao Qiu, I find you clumsy day to day. You have to learn how to control yourself. Control yourself from the beauty. You are not the first one who dropped the coffee cup on him. Is it right? Is he handsome? His mustache, somehow looks sloppy. You don't know a thing! The mustache is his attractiveness. That is called handsome, that's manly, okay? Whoever has mustache is manly? I felt like he is a hitter. If you didn't think he is handsome, why did you pour the coffee on him? That was due to my carelessness. Let me talk to her. Xie Xiao Qiu, if you like him and want you approach him, I can understand that. Usually, I'm not talkative, but I have to tell you. Listen or not, it's up to you. Don't waste your love onto this man, He has never signaled his interest to any ladies. Is it true? I'm begging you two, please stop flattering that Jun CK. He properly is a usual person A normal one drives a luxury car? Driving a luxury car doesn't mean he owns it. He could be a driver. Sound right. What's right? Do you know that Many woman chose her wrong man to get married? Because they can't see the gentleman's dignity. It's not that a man who owns money could be the tycoon immediately. Only one during 3 generations in the family tree. You have to look at his temper, his behaviours. You definitely can't see those things, just look at the tip he gave, you would se clearlt that he is not a driver. You two, I felt It's as easy when finding a poor man and a rich man. If it's not that easy, how could The Weaver Girl find the Cowherd. And as you said, who is happy with whom, We can't confirm it. It sounds reasonable. What is reasonable? Back to work! This is ... Director Wang, on my baby's 1st birthday, my wife was insist on giving you these red eggs. Thank you very much. you child has been a year old? How quick! Why are they red? Because of my family tradition Red eggs show prosperity, fulfilling and arising. Director Wang, thank you for keeping me with company. In such important stage like this time, If I lost my job, I won't know how to talk to my family. Don't be worried, your profession is good, I'm sure you are not struggle to find a job. However, thank you on behalf of my family. Don't mention it. I sent you to the Administration Department to manage documents. Hence, No one would consider your works easy. Don't you mind? No, I don't. Director Wang, don't worry, I'll dedicate to the work. Please keep doing what you are. I'll see you later. Take care. Thank you! Director Wang, Shao Hua has just told me We have to give backup money to Fang Shi an amount of 20 million yuan! That's right. We had advanced money before. Li Sha said it will be returned at the year end. Even the loan agreement contract, there isn't any of them? You knew that when Frank was here, his grandpa spoke in words only. I knew that Franks' promise is like credit. Li Sha not Frank. First time ever she was in charge of huge expense in Fang Sh How couldn't she having any documents, then told us to give her advance? If she won't return that money, what will we do? Besides, after Frank passed away, Fang Shi immediately was chaotic. Who knows that Li Sha could sit upon this chair someday? If we ask for the contract now, Li Sha will be angry. That's why I don't look for Li Sha, I looked for the assistant Jie Ke. Jie Ke? Jie Ke is not easy to deal with. How could you know? I found him? 20 million yuan! It's not a little amount. I was about to arguing with him on phone. He told me to go directly find Li Sha. Li Sha is now in China? Has just come! She comes for examining in Qing Dao Why? Has it started to be designed yet? Just started! Let's go and find her! No, no, no, you can handle this You don't need to bring me there. I feel insecure whenever I'm standing in front of Lisa, ok? You feel insecure? So I shouldn't go there. It will need two of us to deal with her. What if I can't answer her question, you can help me to face with the situation. Hello, welcome to our store! Hello, I want to ask you something 20 thousand Yuan! 20 thousand? It's design and constitution are not simple, so the price can't be lowered. For instance, if this laptop is watered, how much does it cost? Do you mean fixing the main board? Yes, yes. That kind of board. I have to have a look on the situation, but it could be 20 thousand yuan. 2 thousand yuan? I'm not sure even with 2 thousand yuan, it is properly fixed, we have to look at the reality. Thank you. Two-day wages disappear that way. Manager Xiao. I'm sorry. I was so busy recent days. The previous days, there were two tours, the other days were conferences. I couldn't arrange even little time. This is your money. 2,400 Yuan, you got it! Thank you. Next time, give me your bank account, It will be more convenient when I can transfer to you. Manager, You have already give wages to me, and lead me to such a fancy restaurant. Really, I made you spend a lot. It's okay. Let's eat. How was it when you came to GMF to work? Very good! Is GMF the cooperated agency of Jiu Tong? Not really, we are just cooperate on documents. Actually, we had chances for a long-term collaboration, and supposed to make a meeting here for details. Finally, the phone call yesterday has canceled all. So I thought, I should wait a little more. Are you going to graduate? I still have 1 year left. Have you started finding a job? Not yet. You should quickly determine your target. How's that? Do you interested with Jiu Tong company? Well, I ... No forcing, just asking! I'm applying to be a post-graduate student. Post graduate student? That's good to be a professional researcher in our major. The higher you study the better. We can keep in touch. Our company Jiu Tong is always in need of a professional intrepreter like you. As you call, I will come! Let's eat! Your study result must be impressive, isn't it? I saw your background, you received the Hong Yu scholarship I always beased on the scholarship. I was just like you, a student who came form rural area. My family had no money, no relatives to ask for help. All I can do is to put all attempt. Is your family background came from the Tong Chen revolution? You did it anyway. You are running a company yourself! Success? They don't call it as success in Shang Hai. It is just the beginning. First time I arrived in Shang Hai I was just an ingenuous student. Ingenuous? Rustic, simple, a mug guy. I met difficulties and failures many times It was a rough period, right? I think it's getting better now. You have become stronger now. So are you. Quickly, let's eat! Delicious! Eat more! Give that red wine to Mr. Liu If he drink that red wine, this problem will be solved. How good is that! Ji Chuan! Li Chuan! Long time no see! That's right! That's right! How's your grandpa? My grandpa is very well. Have you examined the Qing Dao gallery yet? I was on the plane and have checked the information. I felt that The gallery hall Vancouver and Melbourne are the best sample for us. They focus on Environment protective standard, they make use of ocean view, and even modern materials. We expect you can make it better than them. Another important thing is the sound proof system. I hope you can find out the latest sound proof technique. We could offer the products at the western, and eastern side is used to hold Rock n Roll concert. The center is the speech hall. So you have to make rooms soundproof to avoid bothering each other. Also... Ji Chuan... have a seat first! You, you don't have to send me disgusting carpets and curtains. - Madam, actually those curtains ... | - don't use them! Classism theory has convinced me. I don't need anyone tell me what the beauty is. I said not good, which means not good. Ok! Li Chuan, You are the design director, you won't stay at Shanghai for remote monitoring, will you? It's the thing. We have researched that place in reality, I found environment condition not good. Wang Li Chuan's health at the moment won't let him stay there for long. But do you know that Fang Shi has strict requests on this category? Li Chuan,I think you need to stay still at Thanh Đảo only. I will go to Qingdao tomorrow, I will stay there for four months. Alright, have your coffee! Jack said that you have something to tell me. Ah, about that. Which is constructing, is in area in Li Shui He. Our company GMF has helped Fang Shi an advance the materials and deposit. It costs 20 million yuan. You have told me before, that you will return at the year end. Yes. Is there any problem? It's ok with the year-end payment. I just want to say that, I would be better, if we have a contract. In the past, your grandpa and Frank did business together they just had oral transactions and confirmed with their handshake. Why does it change when it comes to my generation. Have Fang Shi ever made a deal without payment? This... No, you haven't. You know. We are developing this commerce field, it takes so much risk. We still survive mostly based on other capital. Our money will be yours, If your money is not given in advanced, the commercial designing company of this city is not yours only. Your designing fees, compared to Wagner Manchester in America, is higher I have never drive a bargain to you, right? No, you haven't So this should be our mutual understanding. Let stop right here! Madame, that... Wang Li Chuan, I think we syill have something need to be done, right? Come here! Madam, we truly trust you. About this point, you don't have to be worried. We won't ask for the advance, we just want to see a proof. What proof? What do you mean? In case you cross the street one day and are crashed but no one knows Fang Shi is still owed GMF an amount of 20 million yuan. Do you have to say that? Something that hurts people. Do you really want to crash my heart? Then, will GMF be pulled down together with us? Madam, It's not that serious. Right Wang Li Chuan? It's going to the end of year, right? Months to get there! How is the interest? What is this time? It's not the time for dealing by mouth. I can see her intention of stealing our money. We had such cruel sayings, then we don't have to talk about it anymore. She was in charge of 5 categories of us. In case she gets angry and returns the dividend, we are in huge trouble! You know what, Just now she still shouted at us like that. I think in this critical time, you are able to irritate other, I can't. Ì I knew what happened, I won't let you go with me. I didn't want to go at first. It's you who made me go. Also, talking to Li sha is no use. just going round and round. Grandpa. Is the branch in Shang Hai lacking of money? Why can't you get 20 million yuan from her? We are not. Is this your brother's wrong decision? Let me talk to him! Is that you who ask Li Chuan for getting Li Sha's advance? Yes, about that... Grandpa. It's not Ji Chuan's fault. We didn't ask for any money back. I told you many times, Don't mistake the founders. They make a sign, our company will be in trouble. Do you understand? Alright, things has gone now. A gentleman doesn't resent the small-minded. I told Li Sha as well. When will you comeback? Grandpa, I still have to visit Qingdao. Do you know that Li Sha's Gelery hall is going to be opened? The construction is dangerous, do not get there! I should go, if Li Sha feels uncertain. So strange! I'm worried about your safe, you have never noticed that? Why do you put your effort into her Gallery hall? Listen, you are the priority to me! Go back soon. Go back soon. Ok, I will go back very soon. Good bye grandpa. May I brush my teeth in the restroom? I'm so handsome that I will be distracted if I look at myself in the mirror. See? Only when you say Grandpa won't be involved in. If it was me, I will be blamed for that. You are the next successtor. Who will he blame for but you? Li Sha Fung is hard to cope with! Even harder than Frank! However, I feel like Li Sha will return the money to us. She was in rushed of proving herself that she is as talented as Frank! Jack? Alright. Ok, ok. Thank you, thank you. We won, the money will be in our bank on friday. Look. Hello. Hello. As usual? Yes. Can you go over there and wait for me a little bit, I'll be there soon. No, I mean that you should wait overthere, I will bring your coffee right away. Keep the change. A man that wear a purple shirt. That's noble. Take it. What are you doing? You will get a nosebleed when you're too excited Do you want me, help you think about how to, let you spill coffee on his shirt. I tell you, I tell you this, the best position is on the pants. You say sorry, then you help him clean it. Stop it, can you be serious a little bit? Ok, serious. Look at me, how do I look? Is it ok? Ok. He say it's ok, is it really ok? He say it's ok, which means very good. Alright. You guess, will she succeed flirting with him? I told you before, don't be garrulous, I don't know that. I know it, I bet 1 yuan. Only 1 yuan that you bet. I bet 1 and a half. 1 yuan. Jing Wen, I want to tell you something. What's that? About the guy named Jun CK that you have talked about, actually, I know him. He had married, he got two kids already. He used to be a driver for a foreign company, that's why he always drives luxury cars. No, no, what do you mean? What come first? He's unemployed now, he's looking for a job. No way. He doesn't seem like what you said. It's true, because that I used to be an interpreter for that company. I had met him several times. You say he had married, so where is his ring? Maybe he forget to wear it. Xie Xiao Qiu, don't you be garrulous. Actually, let me tell you this, according to my analysis, at least he has one billion. One billion, no way. I had found several jobs for him. He need you to help him find a job? Do you know how much does his watch cost? How much? This much. 3 thousand? Can you afford it? 3 hundred thousand. Fooled, isn't it? What does it mean? Does it mean that I was fooled or she was fooled? I was fooled? No way. So it means the she was fooled. An A type product costs only 3 hundred. So it must be a fool. Hi. This is tuna sandwich. It's our new dish. I don't know if you'd like it. It is paid already, It's on me. Thank you. Have you just changed your laptop? That's right. I redeem the fixing fee for you. 2000, I don't know is it enough. You take it, I don't need it. No, no, I must give you this money. Really, I don't need it. You're still a student, you need more money than I do. But you're unemployed now. You have to raise your family as well. Moreover, I broke your stuff, it's normal is I make up for you. You need more help than I do. You have to take it, just take it. Actually, I don't need help that much. Xiao Qiu, actually, there's a little misunderstanding between us. What's misunderstanding? I'm not a driver. Also, I'm not out of job. The things is, My driver is unemployed. My brother fired him. Your brother. He is the big boss. But don't worry. I have called that driver back. There are four people in his family. You don't need to worry for him. Xiao Qiu. Wang Li Chuan, pack your stuff now. Go outside with me. Xiao Qiu, listen to me. I like sport cars. I also like driving it. I don't know since when, that you considered me as a driver. Moreover, I have never told you that I'm a driver. Maybe I look like a driver. Why didn't you tell me then? I was going... │- Don't come here. Just stand there and tell me. Ok ok, I was going to tell you. But then we met again, and again, and again. True, we had met again. We kept met each other over and over. But this thing, has nothing to do with that thing. You was so enthusiastic that I could not resist. You could not resist. I thought you really need money. That's why I share the half of all of my job opportunities with you. I didn't want to trick your money. But my time is as valuable as yours. I only sleep five hours per day, five hours. I have to earn money for my school fee, my living expenses. I have to pay the debt for my family. I just want to make money every minute Wang Li Chuan, Sir Wang. If you want to have fun, go find someone else. I don't play with you. Also, If you dare to comeback to my coffee shop, I will hit you every time I see you. Also, If you dare to comeback to my coffee shop, I will spill coffee on you every time I see you. What were you yelling with the customer out there? Do you want to chase customers away? If he is a bad guy, do you think he will be that obedient? He won't come when I told him so? I'm gonna clean the toilet. Jun CK tell me to give this paper for you. I'm not as garrulous as you are. Sorry, Wang Li Chuan. This star, Also this arrow, which direction is that? This is our destination. Just because, I haven't drawn it yet You was so enthusiastic, that I could not resist. I thought you really need money. That's why I share you the half of all of my job opportunities with you. Wang Li Chuan, Sir Wang. If you want to have fun, go find someone else. I don't play with you. Also, If you dare to comeback to my coffee shop, I will spill coffee on you every time I see you. It's almost 4 months. Why hasn't Jun CK come yet? I think those plates are in pain. This plate passes away. It's all your fault. Why did you quarrel with Jun CK? Because of that, Jing Wen now is pining for him, her spirit might be dispersed. Okay, a girl's happiness of lifetime is ruined at your hands. You said enough? You've been saying about it for months. My ears have worn out. I feel that Jun CK isn't a good guy. We should be happy that Jing Wen didn't fall into his clutches. Somebody feels craving for it. What now? Everything is getting worse. Before felling into his, she had already entered the fire herself. Xiao Dong, clean the toilet. Xiao Qiu, take out the trash. Miss, do you have small change? No, I don't. Lend me some for cigarettes. There must be money in your backpack. No. Let me help you look for some. What are you doing?| - Give it to me. What are you doing? Why do you rob me? What are you doing? Let go. Help me. Let me go. Xiao Qui! Are you alright? Get in. I'll take you home. Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu, if you keep standing here, you want to be robbed again? Get in the car. Haven't anyone taught you, in this case, the top priority is to leave all your stuff, and run away immediately? There is a great deal of money in my backpack. Is it worth costing you your own life? It's 2,000 I need to pay you back. I always keep it in my backpack. It's convenient to give it to you at any time. I apologize to you for what happened last time. But, you see, as I'm still a competent translator, can you forgive me, please? I know you don't lack this money. But if you don't take it, I'll pay it back at any cost once I see you. How about this? I don't want this money. But if you still mind it, please just invite me to a meal. Okay. There is a food stall on the street ahead. I often come there. Is it fine? Food stall? What is a food stall? A food stall is... Once you come there, you'll know it. I'm telling you, this doesn't mean I forgive you. Sir, hold it firmly, please. - Thank you.| - Yes. Let's go. Go! Welcome back next time. You haven't been to our store for a long time. Weren't you frightened by me? I went on a business trip. Qingdao. For 4 months. Tell me, Shanghai is that big, why do you always come to our store only? Because it's clean. Plus, it's convenient for parking. Any more questions? No. I realized, when talking with you, my brain is out of order. Think, that day, obviously you're unemployed, how could you drive a car? You were absolutely not a driver, right? What were I thinking of? I can understand your speculation. When I was a little kid, I loved cars. Sometimes I thought when I was grown, I would be a car mechanic. Really? Then tell me, how do you feel when being a translator? Is it a completely new feeling? I feel a bit... A drop in value. A drop in value? Translating is a high-class profession. That's not what I meant. How about this? Let me introduce to you a bit about the structure of GMF. My grandfather is in this position. Under my grandpa is my big brother. I, and the board of directors. Under these three positions are branch companies and subsidiaries. Under companies are several departments. Departments to departments, and so on. It keeps going all the way down, till reaching the bottom, still, under the bottom, there is a company of building materials. That low? Understand? Anyway, this company is the one... Do you remember the map you drew last time? The Italian company introduced me to do translation. We even had a fight. It's the company of building materials. Sounds like you have a little bit of that. Not just a little bit. So much. I always had no idea when I came back to the headquarters, seeing those people, what I would tell them. Then we all lost out. Now we're even. So, could you forgive me? Will you come to our store? Do you want me to come there? I mean, indeed, there are many people hope you to come there. If you want, I will. In fact, that day, I was kinda harsh on you. Actually, that's the way I am, so don't be offended. The headpiece won't compete with the small-mined. Come on. Finishing this cup, the old score between us can be deleted. Cheers. I don't drink alcohol. Firstly, I must drive. Safety comes first. Secondly, because of my health, I can't drink alcohol. You can drink, suit yourself. Then can you drink water instead? Let's clink glasses. Cheers. So you're the only child in your family? Do you have siblings? I have a brother named Xie Xiao Dong, 3 years younger than me. Xie Xiao Dong. So you were born in autumn? And he was born in winter. Good shot! That's my compliment on your cleverness, dummy. What about you? Do you have siblings? I have an elder brother, whose name is Wang Ji Chuan. 5 years older than me. You met him. When you were kids, had you ever fought? We keep doing it up till now. Wang Ji Chuan, Wang Li Chuan. Your names seem to relate to water. They said our Five Elements are deficient in water. Wait. That's why your parents wanted you to work in Shanghai. Their purpose is to make up for your lack of water. Is it right? I made a great shot, too. How can I be that smart? I'm so smart. My parents passed away. In a car crash. I'm sorry. It's okay. I was in that car, too. Was you? But I survived. Therefore, I'm still here. You're of great luck. I suggest people like you should buy lottery tickets. We're on the same page. You did? Did you win? I won 10 yuan. That was much. What about this? You could overcome the Death, so the happiness must come to you. Let's toast. One more clink. This part of you. What are you doing? I didn't mean that. - What? | - I... I mean the words on your clothes, it's Nan... A high school named something Nan, is it your school? You mean this? Yes, this is... Nanchi High School. My hometown is in Gejiu. Nanchi High School is in Gejiu. Gejiu? Gejiu, Yunnan Province. Sounds far away from Shanghai. It takes you 3 days to travel by train. This dinner is on me. Don't compete with me. You should drink less, I will take you home. I'm not drunk, you haven't eaten anything yet. I'm telling you. This goat meat kebab is very, very delicious. I order a lot every time I come. Try one. This, this , this kebab has so much meat. This, too. Why don't you taste it? Try it, it's very good. Xiao Qiu. The kebab is still in your mouth. Xiao Qiu, you're drunk already? Hey, wake up, Xiao Qiu. Xiao Qiu, over here. Foot up. This way, this way. Stand here. Lean on here for a bit. Not here. Stand up. Sit there a bit. Over here, over here, over here. Sit. Tell me your address... Not here. Not here. Tell me your address, I'll drive you home. Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Go home... Then, take your shoes off first. Xiao Qiu. You can't sleep here. If you want to sleep, go to the living room. There is a living room over here. Xiao Qiu, Xiao Qiu. Awake? Hi! This... I... Why am I here? You were drunk, and you didn't tell me where you live. So... I had to take you to my house and let you stay here one night. I... This is your house? Did I bother your family? I live here alone. That... I... I'm thirsty. Can I, can I drink some water? Of course. Is mineral water OK? Yes. Yes. Thank you! You haven't slept? I'm busy with designing. You are? An architect. I should have thought of it. No wonder you wanted to buy that dictionary. I know just a few Chinese characters, but my conversational language is fine. You drink milk this late? It's hard to change a habit formed since childhood. But, what if you go on a business trip? I'll buy it. No matter how far it is, I must buy it. Would you mind going to the reading room and bringing me my crutch? No, I wouldn't. You didn't have the crutch with you, so how could you come here? I skipped over here. I feel embarrassed to skip in front of you. Thanks! No problems. Actually, your balancing ability is really good. Was it... due to that accident? It happened a long time ago. It's late, come back to sleep. Good night! What time will you go back to school? I have a class at 9 a.m. I will drive you there. OK! Thanks! Good night! Good night! Bye bye! Li Chuan! I woke up early and went back to school. You don't need to take me to school. That omelet is my favorite breakfast. I wonder if you like it. Plus, thank you for let me here last night, Xie Xiao Qiu. I know you don't need this money. But if you don't take it, once I see you, I will pay it back at any cost. Li Chuan! Hello! What a spread! It's hard for you without me. This is my breakfast. Stand up! Stand up! I can't have even a bite? Move away! This is mine. So stingy! Forget it! I will find something to eat myself. Mr. Jiang's family member introduced a restaurant with delicious dim sum. It tastes quite good. Want to go? Who is Mr. Jiang? Jiang Heng Xi. This is my orange juice. You're so stingy! Eat your own food. No sitting on the table. It tastes quite good. Come on! Try it! I helped Mr. Jiang's art gallery with two paintings. The exhibition is tomorrow. So carefree. You're so active in painting. But the drawing I need you to edit is nowhere to be seen. I have things to do tomorrow, can you help me there? Which art gallery? He has more than one. It's the one you designed, it opens tomorrow. Didn't you receive the invitation? I did, but I don't remember when. Is it really tomorrow? I originally intended to refuse. Okay. Can you stop making that reluctant expression? Find a chance for yourself, cultivate your knowledge of art. You already knew my attitude towards postmodernism. Why don't you eat yours? I ate breakfast. Is it too sweet? Isn't it good? No! No! I already ate breakfast. Come one! Eat mine. It has a little sugar. Try it, you see. Two guys over there are handsome. You see? Remeber it! Don't say anything to her. Welcome, what coffee would you like? Hello, I'm here to meet a person. Please come in. Uncle Gong. Li Chuan, it's been a long time since you last visited me. Last week, your grandfather even phoned me. Really? Recently, I had a business in Qingdao. I just came back last night. Let me invite you a cup of coffee. Alright. Then please take a seat first. A large-size cup of coffee. Larg-size. A big cup. OK, OK. - Hi, long time no see. | - Coffee, coffee. Did you have days off? No. Then, did you have a vacation? No. Then, did you go somewhere to rest? All are wrong. Well... Recently... No... Do you like dramas? Recently I knew a drama named "A girl on the breadfruit tree"... - Lately, I'm quite busy. | - very... No, it's okay, okay. I just ask. Oh, right, your coffee's ready. Please drink it slowly. Thank you. Xiao Qiu, it's the lunch time. This is your meal, finish it quickly. I know. Hi. Hi. May I? Please! Thank you for the breakfast. You're welcome. Hey. The girl who prepared your coffee. That girl, her name is Ye Jing Wen. She's amazing, an excellent student of our faculty. She's very good at English. She can recite the Song of Everlasting Regret in English. Impressive? Song of Everlasting Regret? Is it a song? Song of Everlasting Regret is a poem of Bai Ju Yi. Who is Bai Ju Yi? A poet. Am I quite culturally illiterate? No, you aren't. You grew up abroad, but your Chinese speaking at this level is not bad at all. When I was little, my grandfather was extremely tough. The rule at home is every child must speak Chinese. Basically, I can notice more than 900 Chinese characters. That's awesome. More than 900. It's equivalent to the first grade level at primary school. That's when I was at my peak. How about now? Depression. I can understand texts about architecture, but the others are quite beyond my ability. By the way, you have something to tell me? This is for you. - I can't take this... | - I told you. I won't take this money. Fine, forget it. Bringing it back and forth is useless. Then, I owe you a favor. Next time, if your company need a translator, you can find me. OK. Keep eating. OK. Xie Xiao Qiu, come here. What's wrong? That man... That Jun CK, are you interested in him? What's the matter? I liked him first. So, I can't talk with him? No wonder, you lied to me that he was a driver, unemployed and had a child. - No, I... | - You want to keep him for yourself. Xia Xiao Qiu, you're so naive. You think he will be attracted by a girl like you? Such a kind of girl... Which kind? A poor and old-fashioned student? Therefore, I'm not worth talking with him, right? Anyway, everyone should know where they are. If a fairy tale does happen to you, it's nothing but a comedy. If the one you crush on likes you, it's nothing but a bullshit. Excuse me. What else do you need, sir? Fruit juice. Yes, yes, yes. When it's done, I will bring it to you immediately. Thanks. Wang Li Chuan. I invite you to the movie theater. When? 11 o'clock. 11 o'clock in the evening? Yes. OK. Stay over there and wait till I get off work. Talk to you later. OK. You're in big trouble.
Channel: 剧乐部
Views: 926,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 剧乐部, 中國電視劇, chinese drama, 灰姑娘, 总裁, 小三, 伦理, 爱情, 都市, 未婚妻
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 11sec (3731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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