繁花胡歌 |【ENG SUB】《琅琊榜》第1集 琅琊榜首 化名进京 | Nirvana In Fire EP1【China Zone 剧乐部】

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Lin Shu! Father... My son... For the sake of the Chiyan Army! You have to survive. Father... Father! Father... Young Master. I bring you the most recent news from the capital of Northern Yan. Is there something I have to know right away? They declared the Sixth Prince as heir to the throne. He became the Crown Prince? Yes. Would you like me to inform Jinling? No need. The envoy from Northen Yan is returning to Liang. The princes from the Capital will find out soon. Put this in archive. Understood. I can't believe he did it. Border of Liang Minister Xu. You must be tired from your travels. Please come in. Minister Zhu! What a coincidence. Who would have thought that I would meet you here of all places! I pay my respects to you, Minister. Prince Yu! I am honored to be at your presence. Your Majesty. I bring news from the courier. It's the latest report of His Highness, Prince Yu's inspection of Jiangzuo. Bring it here. It seems Jinghuan inspected Jiangzuo diligently. I'm afraid there's no other prince as capable as Prince Yu in completing tasks. I beg to disagree. The Crown Prince may be at the Capital now, but he helped His Majesty with his worries as well. The Grand Empress' birthday is next month. Prince Yu should be back in town by then. Hm. He's on his way back here. He shall not miss it. Jinghuan did exemplary work in inspecting Jiangzuo. When he returns, I shall reward him with two more royal pearls. He deserves it. His Majesty proclaimed that he shall reward two more royal pearls to Prince Yu. I am Crown Prince for six years. But there's a prince with seven pearls. What is this? Is Father mocking me? It is clear that he is shaming me. I will not retreat or be defeated. What happened to the spy we sent? Any word from him about Prince Yu? We have not received any word. We are waiting for him. I have some information that you may find useful, Your Highness. Among the princes of the Emperor of Yan, only the Sixth Prince had no patronage. He is also the weakest. No one would expect that he'd take hold of the Eastern Palace and be appointed as Crown Prince. It is almost impossible. But he has managed to accomplish such a task. Do you know how the Sixth Prince did it? The Sixth Prince went personally to Langya Hall and received a silk pouch. Do you mean... he went to the omniscient Langya Hall in order to seek guidance? Exactly. What was the message in the silk pouch? What did the Sixth Prince seek? Do you know the answer? The Kirin Scholar. With him, the world will be yours. Is that all? He received a riddle? Who is the person the riddle speaks of? He can give you the world? Well... The Sixth Prince did not say anything about that. It seems that... I should make a personal visit to Langya Hall. Your Highness, your meal is ready. Would you be dining in the main hall? Or... I'd eat by the front hall. Your Highness, watch out! Secure the palace! Find out who did this! Don't bother. There is no need for an investigation. It's the Crown Prince. When I return to the Capital, father will discuss about giving me more honors. I should move forward, or I'll die. Your Highness... We must know the identity of the Kirin Scholar. As soon as possible. We leave here by dawn and travel to Langya Hall! Father, confirmed. Prince Yu is not in the carriage. There are a few routes from the city. If he wants to get past us, I won't make it easy! Get ready. Go back in position, and continue to track them. I will. Mt. Langya lives up to its name! Your Highness, this place is a paradise! I can't believe it's real. Langya Hall is known to have all the knowledge in the world and ranks existing heroes. Any vulgar behavior is not acceptable. I understand, Your Highness. Move forward! Was it you who summoned the bell? I've long heard of the Langya Hall. I have a riddle and I believe the answer lies here. You've come to the right place. Langya Hall can indeed hold the answer to your riddle. Pick a box over there and write down your question. Then place it inside the drawer. Return after three days. You will find our expected compensation. If you find our terms reasonable, you can place the compensation back in same the drawer. And the answer will be delivered to you. I am well aware of your rules. I am prepared for it. But every question is different. Are you certain these tiny drawers can hold them? I'm sure some answers would not fit. Correct? I understand. Please follow me, Sir. Young Master, Prince Yu of Liang is here. Give him the silk pouch I prepared. He must open it upon reaching the Capital. Yes, Sir. Prince Yu is here. This means the Crown Prince's men will soon arrive. Give them the same answer as the Prince. Young Master. What troubles you? Once Langya Hall becomes involved in court affairs, I'm afraid there'd be no peace. The question may come from the court, but not the solution. Don't worry. This is the answer you seek, Sir. The question I asked is of utmost importance. Are you sure a box that small holds its answer? Politics changes, but its essence remains the same. This box is enough. As for the compensation, it'll be ready in three days. Where is it? Show it to me. Zhuo Dingfeng tirelessly traveled for this and returned to the capital of Jinling, and almost the same moment as Prince Yu. First on the Langya List. First on the Langya List. Master Mei of Jiangzuo. Master Mei of Jiangzuo. Banruo. Do you know him? The famous Langya List includes people of all kinds of talents and geniuses in the world. Anyone in that list is bestowed with great honor. That person you ask of is on top of the Langya's Scholars List. Master Mei of Jiangzuo? Do you know him? Chief of the Jiangzuo Alliance, Mei Changsu. A man with a personality as cold as ice. He is hidden like a song heard by the river. He knows the way of all the heroes of the world. Master Mei Changsu. Chief of the Jiangzuo Alliance. Although the Jiangzuo Alliance is well known for being a pugilist sect, in his territory, he is well respected by all. No one can compare to him. The odd thing about him is that he himself knows nothing of martial arts. Ironic, for he has so many experts following his words. If he accomplished such without using his wisdom, what does he have? Mei Changsu... If you're certain the top of the Langya List is really Mei Changsu, then we should make haste with our actions! Once we have the Kirin Scholar and convince him to become my ally, I will no longer be a shadow of Prince Yu! If he is indeed the Kirin Scholar, what is there to lose in humbly inviting him? Banruo, prepare a lavish gift at once. Your Highness, you will soon be declared a seven-pearl prince. You can't leave the Palace. We'll depart after the declaration. I fear it will be late. Your Highness, why are you injured? Could it be? Someone from the Eastern Palace. If the Eastern Palace has ordered for your assassination, that means... the word about Your Highness' visit to Langya Hall must have spread. It's best you send an advisor to go there tomorrow at dawn. You must see the Scholar before the Crown Prince does. Send a steward to Langzhou. He must be the first one to speak to Mei Changsu! Hm. Wait. Can you tell me about Duke Qing's affairs? Be at ease, Your Highness. We have the Zhuo family of the Tianquan Manor at our aid. I will make sure Prince Yu's wings will be clipped. Row faster! Hurry! Faster! We're almost at Jiangzuo. We can't pursue further. Stop the boat! My name is Ji Ying. Pardon our intrusion. We strayed and accidentally... entered the Jiangzuo territory. The Double Sword Sect has always bordered Jiangzou. Since today the sect leader is here, I cannot resist to give my personal welcome. And while you're on Jiangzuo territory, you are now considered my friends. Fortunately, no fight has broken out yet. We still have time to talk. If this is a personal grievance, please make it clear for me. The Jiangzuo Alliance is willing to mediate. But if ending a life is involved, your Chief Ji Ying should reconsider. That is not how we conduct business within the boundaries of Jiangzuo. Chief Mei... Those people are Duke Qing's household servants! We're capturing our own slaves! That is none of your business! Help me! Help me! Chief Ji Ying! You should me more prudent in choosing your words. It's been so long since I last heard such preposterous words! Forgive me, Chief Mei. This man is not of the pugilist world. He is insensible and speaks without thought. I understand the rules of the Jiangzou Alliance. I hope that Chief Mei would be lenient. The water is icy. I suggest that before spring arrives, Double Sword Sect must cease doing business in water. Alright. Save me! Please! Retreat! Don't leave me! Let's go back. Alright. As you wish. All I did was to reward Jinghuan with two more royal pearls. And the expression of Consort Yue and Crown Prince darkened. Did you notice that? Ah... Prince Yu was under your order to inspect the 14 states of Jiangzuo. For countless months he worked diligently. Granting him the pearls is a fair reward. These two children. Their actions make me worry. See, I heard that those two sent out their most trusted men yesterday. Those men are carrying great gifts and are off to Langzhou. This news, your servant does not know. Of course, you don't. You're always here! They've both set out to seek some Kirin Scholar. They say, with his aid you can have the world! Really? He's just a scholar among pugilists. My great empire is not something he can easily conquer. Hm? Doesn't it sound like a joke? Yes, you're right. Chief Mei, the three things you want me to accomplish have been carried out. I arranged for Qiu Zhen to go to Qinzhou. Was that alright? Excellent. Fei Liu? Fei Liu? This way, Sir. I don't need you to point the way. I already know. I'm part of the Jiangzuo Alliance before you were even born. Is something wrong with Fei Liu? It is expected a certain person is here. He's not like that to others. Looks like he has arrived. Where is Fei Liu? Is he hiding? Young Master Lin is here. Of course he'll go hiding. Do you think he'd let you tease him? Young lady, how much for this one? 10 wen. Oh. Then how about for this? 20 wen. Oh. Excuse me, Master Yan. If you keep wandering around, when can we ever return to Jinling? Why do you care? It is inappropriate to visit during meal hours. It is fine as long as we visit today. So why not let me shop around? How much is this? Black flag with a silver dragon? Jingrui. That's the battle flag of the Great Yu Clan! That's right. Thank you. I'll come back again. Twelve years ago, a bloody battle between Liang and Great Yu emerged and after that there was no communication. Why would they send envoys now? I wonder what they're planning. Are you certain you want to travel to Jinling with Xiao Jingrui? They are a prominent family, and are not involved in politics. They are the most appropriate. I have to do something to start this task. If I don't go with them, do you want me to choose between the Crown Prince and Prince Yu? And become a strategist for one of them? Xiao Jingrui may not be involved in the fight for power, but his father, the Marquis of Ning, Xie Yu, is. Isn't it dangerous for you to be staying at the house of Xie? Don't worry about me. I have long planned for this. Even if I stay at the Marquis of Ning's, I'm well-protected. Fine. Chief Mei, a man named Xiao Jingrui requests to see you. He says he's your friend. Take them to the side hall. Jingrui, I know you're part of the pugilist world. But being friends with the Chief of Jiangzuo Alliance, that's not easy! I only met him by luck two years ago. Recently he's been ill. That's why we're here. It's the cold climate in Langzhou. So I invited him to Jinling. He can stay there and heal. I was surprised. He honored my invitation! I heard that he does not possess fighting skills. But heroes listen to his command! I always wonder how he can do such a thing. This is perfect. Now I can finally meet him in person! Oh. Why do you always have that face after checking my pulse? Are you here to see me off or stop me? Can I stop you? Since 12 years ago, I knew the time will come for you to return to Jinling. If you knew that I have to return, then help me accomplish this while I'm still in good health. Wait. How do you know you are in good health? I did not say that after checking your pulse. Be honest with me. How much time do I have? Then tell me, how much time do you need? Two years. Two years is fine, if you have ten doctors with you. When your heart is weak, take one pill. When it's about to run out, summon me to the Capital in advance. Having you with me is better than ten doctors. Fei Liu. Your dear Brother Su is leaving you for Jinling. Do you want to come play with me at Southern Chu? No, thanks! I'm going too! Going where? To Jinling! The Princess is here! Pedestrians, stand back! Everyone, step back! Please move aside. The Princess is here! The Princess is passing through! Move! Move! Hurry! Move! Come on, come on. Step back, please. Stand my side. Greetings, My Lady. Sis Nihuang! Hey, you alright? Not bad. You can parry my attacks this year. You have improved. Sis Nihuang, I became far better than him, right? I find it the other way around. I'm flattered, My Lady. Of course! He is taught by a master swordsman of the Tianquan sect! While I'm being taught by Xia Dong. Well done. Both of you improved. Big Sis, next time, don't test us the moment you see us. Look at all these people. It's embarrassing to lose. Right. Next time, in private then. Wait. You were out? Where did you go play? We went to fetch a friend. He's a poor health. He will recuperate in our manor. Hm. Hyah! The Pillar of National Defense. As expected from the house of the Marquis of Ning. Those words you see are written by the Emperor himself. My father spent half of his life in the military. That's why he is favored by the Emperor. Right. The military tactics of Marquis Xie is unparalleled. Hm. Around this time, father should be in the study. Brother Su, this way. Jingrui. I'm in the Capital to recuperate. It would be less troublesome if I conceal my real identity. My name is Su Zhe from now on. Please do not forget that when you address me. Don't worry. Brother Su, I will remember. Brother! Oh! Xie Bi! You have returned. My second brother, Xie Bi. This is my friend, Master Su Zhe. Oh. Greetings. He has a chronic illness. For his health, I asked him to rest here. My brother's friend is an honored guest. Master Su, make yourself at home. This way. Do not worry, Father-in-law. The old couple was sent to the Imperial Magistrate Office. The complaint was submitted. Well done. By doing this, there's no way Prince Yu can escape his involvement in Duke Qing's case. Let us see how His Majesty will deal with this one. Your Excellency, First Master has returned. I understand. They do not know I left for the Capital. It is best if we do not meet. I shall leave by the back door. This way, Brother Su. I have returned, Father. This particular journey took you a long time. You even missed the Mid-autumn Festival. If you dare do such a thing to me again, I will... A guest? I am Su Zhe. Greetings, Your Excellency. A few days ago, I sent a decree to the Ministry of Public Works. The stage is set for the Martial Arts Tournament at the foot of the great Yingfeng Tower. Any suitor of acceptable age and appearance can take part in the tournament. The first ten from there takes a written examination. What do you think? Will my husband be determined by the result of the written examination? I will pick the best three for you. In the end, among them there is only one winner. The decision is yours. Right now, Mu Qing has inherited the title Duke of Yunnan. But you, why must you remain all alone? You are a woman. And some day, you should get married. Hm? I'm grateful for your concern. Since I promised to pick a husband, I will not turn back on my word. I was wondering if you would let me change some rules. What would you change? According to their score, the ten contenders will battle me individually until a winner emerges. Nihuang, your martial arts skill has made it among the top of the Langya List. No ordinary man can defeat you. If none among those ten contenders can win against you, that means you will have no one to marry. Fear not, Your Majesty. If I come across the fated one, fighting skills will not matter. I will lose to him. Do not overdo it. Do you understand? I care for you, but do not take my kindness for granted. I will keep that in mind. Your Majesty, the Executive Officer of Xuanjing Bureau, Xia Dong, has arrived. Oh. Yes. I did summon her. Let her in. Right away. Your Majesty. Hm? Since you have other matters, I will take my leave. Oh. This is not confidential. You can meet her as well. Come with me. As you wish. Xia Dong of the Xuanjing Bureau. Greetings, Your Majesty. At ease. Princess. Officer Xia Dong. The Imperial Magistrate submitted a case today. It states that an elderly couple traveled far to the Capital to issue a plea against Duke Qing's clan. In Binzhou, they claim other's land as their own. Assault and murder are committed in the process. I want you to investigate the matter. At your word, Your Majesty. I declare you as the Special Envoy. This is confidential. Head to Binzhou and get to the bottom of this! Yes, Your Majesty! I thought I could stay in the Capital to witness you select a husband. Who knew the Majesty would order me to lead this case. Do not worry. His Majesty agreed to let me personally challenge my suitors. Nothing will go wrong. If His Majesty refused, I'm afraid the results will not be to your liking. Yet he agreed. Now I fear you will not give them a chance. Will you continue to honor that betrothal arrangement? I know what my heart desires. We met each other in the military, yet bonded like sisters. So as long as I don't marry, my old betrothal arrangement to the Lin Clan will upset you, and will not see me as a true friend. My husband, Nie Feng was under the command of the Lin Clan. His loyalty was unwavering. Yet at the battle of Meiling, he was betrayed and killed by the Commander. His remains are yet to be recovered. I hope you understand where my grudge comes from. Princess, you are no longer young. I hope you find a worthy husband. I hope so too. His Majesty even arranged an event. He has his reasons. If I do not find a worthy man, it will be difficult to return to Yunnan.
Channel: China Zone 剧乐部
Views: 2,097,346
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Keywords: 琅琊榜, 胡歌, 琅琊, Nirvana in Fire, 琅琊榜~麒麟の才子, 風雲起こす~, 王凯, 刘涛, 黄维德, 陈龙, 古装电视剧, 劉濤, 琅琊榜 胡歌, 胡歌 电视剧, 胡歌 王凯, 胡歌 唐嫣, Nirvana In Fire ENG SUB, 胡歌 刘涛, 权谋电视剧, 中国古装电视剧, 胡歌 梅长苏, 梅长苏 靖王, 王凯 靖王, 琅琊榜 王凯, 琅琊榜 刘涛, 刘涛 霓凰郡主, 琅琊榜 ENG SUB, 靳东 琅琊榜, 琅琊榜 靳东, 刘敏涛, 琅琊榜 刘敏涛, 刘敏涛 声临其境, 胡歌 金鸡奖, 胡歌 刘亦菲, Nirvana In Fire EP1, 琅琊榜 eng sub, 胡歌 仙剑奇侠传, nirvana in fire 2 trailer, 劉濤 紅顏舊, 唐嫣 胡歌 電視劇, 刘敏涛 张嘉译, 琅琊榜 麒麟の才子, nirvana in fire ep 1 eng sub, nirvana in fire song, 县委大院第一集, 胡歌 县委大院, 吴磊, 胡歌结婚, 大江大河3, 繁花, 繁花电视剧, 繁花 胡歌
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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