【ENG SUB】黄晓明刘昊然续写胡歌经典传奇!绝世美人佟丽娅变悍妇狂扇老公!#黄晓明 #佟丽娅 #刘昊然 #张慧雯 《琅琊榜之风起长林 Nirvana in Fire II》第01集【正午阳光频道】

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SUBTITLES BY Babel Fansub Alina, Katherine Nirvana In Fire II Episode 01 [ Xiao Pingzhang ] [ The eldest son in Changlin Mansion, Daliang Empire] [ Dong Qing ] [ Guard of Xiao Pingzhang, the vice marshal of Changlin Army ] My lord. Our scout troop report, there's no trace of reinforcements coming to us. We've ran out of supplies for over ten days. It's really not easy for you to stick to it till now. But I'm afraid that we can't withstand it if our enemy attacks again. Now we still have a chance. My lord, please withdraw from the south gate. Under the Changlin Army's banner. How can we be deserters? Ganzhou defense line is important. But you're the eldest son in Changlin Mansion! If anything bad happens... The old lord, he... Since we're in the battlefield, I'm no different with the others. If that really happens... Luckily, my father has a second son, Pingjing. [ Changlin Army ] [ Three Months Ago ] Fifty-eight. Fifty-nine. Sixty. Sixty-one. Sixty-two. Sixty-three. Sixty-four... Sixty-five. Sixty-six. Sixty-seven. Sixty-eight. Sixty-nine. Seventy. Seventy-one. Old master, bad news! Brother Pingjing is drowned! Old master, bad news! Brother Pingjing is drowned! Brother Pingjing. I'm a dragon in the lake. How could I be drowned so easily? Brother Pingjing, did you find it? Look. Speaking of which, brother Pingjing. Why did old master punish you to get Hanjing stones under the lake? Did you make any mistake again? What mistake could I make? I just made a suggestion kindly. I don't buy that. What good suggestion could you make? [ Xiao Pingjing ] [ The second son in Changlin Mansion, Daling Empire ] I just told him, if you eat too many radishes... Stand downwind. [ Mt. Langya ] Xiao Pingzhang, from Changlin Mansion. Please come with me. My lord, days ago, you sent people here to ask a question. Here's the answer. Is old master really gonna tell me the answer so directly? What Langya Hall does is to answer questions and disabuse people. Since we quoted you a price, of course we should give you the answer. No matter it's you or anyone else, it'll be the same. Old master. I've given Changlin's young lord the answer he wants according to your words. [ Lin Jiu ] [ Young master of Langya Hall ] I just don't get it. Is it really proper to tell him everything in this way? Now that he's started to question it, he'll know it sooner or later. It's just... At this moment... This moment? Did he feel on the northern border... So he made a detour to here? [ Lin Chen ] [ Master of Langya Hall ] The face reflects the heart, while the situation changes with the heart. The battle on the northern border. More dangerous than auspicious. Call Pingjing to come back. It's been a long time since they brothers saw each other. Yes. Except the stones, you gotta collect three falling stars. Is old master really so mad? Now that he's old, do as he said. This is Zhejin Order. He's not mad any longer and wants me to go back? Let's go. Big brother! Big brother! I thought old master pulled a prank on me again. Didn't expect you really came! What? He often makes fun of you? It's okay. I often makes fun of him, too. Big brother. How many days will you stay here? I'll go get a room for you. Wait. I gotta leave soon. Didn't you just come? According to father. Soon there will be a major war on the northern border. So he told me to rush to Ganzhou to stabilize left and right defense lines. I rode quickly overnight. And saved half a day to come here. Of course I can't stay too long. Big brother. You rode so tiredly. But won't stay even for a night. You just came to have a look on me? I don't know why. But there's something I want to tell you again face-to-face before I went to the northern border. Big brother, you still want me to go back? -Even father agrees... -Father agrees that you can learn things in Mt. Langya. It doesn't mean you can be a kite unstrung. And fly away as you wish. Pingjing. You're turning twenty-one years old. One year after. His majesty will urge father to make you engaged again. When married, you gotta have a career. You can be carefree for a while. But can you always be so? In the future, the responsibility of Changlin Mansion... The responsibility of Changlin Mansion. They have you, don't they? Changlin is a mansion of generals. Everyone is responsible for protecting our country. I can't shoulder the responsibility for you forever. No one knows when I might... You know what I mean even if I don't say it. Do think about it yourself. After the war on the northern border ends. No matter what happens. You must go back to Jinling. Big brother. Will it be very dangerous on the northern border? Of course it won't be easy. But father has made an overall deduction for me. Chances are that we'll win. My brother, you're always invincible. It won't be an exception this time. Right? You sweet talker. No matter how you curry favor with me, it won't help. When I'm free, you can't go anywhere else. [ Jinling ] [ The imperial capital of Daliang ] Judging from these military reports, Dayu's action in the north is indeed quite different from what they did. What's your opinion, brother? Your majesty. Since the year before last year, Dayu has experienced droughts. Also, locust plague and hail give them poor harvest and less livestock. [ Xiao Tingsheng ] [ Lord Changlin of Daliang ] But now they're levying a multitude of grains on the border. [ Emperor of Daliang ] Attempting to attack us. [ Xun Baishui ] [ Prime minister of Daliang's cabinet ] I think, we must get ready for that. Your majesty, please order the west frontier official post move northwards. As a backup to the north. Relevant details have been attached to my memorial. Your majesty, please grant me the commander's tally. Your majesty. [ Song Fu ] [ Head of the secretariat of Daliang ] What Lord Changlin said makes sense. But think carefully. Those omens are not obvious yet. Just a conjecture. Besides, Dayu has internal and external problems, a turbulent royal court. Such a petty action is nothing to worry about, right? People in Dayu are always cunning. And they don't follow common sense in military operations. The more turbulent their state is, the more their people complain, the more likely they'll wage sanguinary wars as a distraction. Minister Song. Don't you understand such a logic? Get the commander's tally before the war starts. Since you've sent your eldest son to guard the northern border, I think it'll be okay, generally speaking. Shouldn't we discuss it after looking at the developments? A war is like chess puzzles. If we react after our opponent makes a move, we'll lose the advantage. Even so, military supplies for Changlin should be ample. -It's not necessary... -Stop arguing, ministers. About military arrangements in the north, I believe my brother's judgement. Get the commander's tally. Yes, your majesty. His majesty's order, get the commander's tally. His majesty's order, get the commander's tally. Brother, keep the north safe. Thank you, your majesty. Before they set out. All the ministers tried their best to stop Lord Changlin's deployment. But prime minister, you said nothing. Now you're worried, will it help anything? As long as Lord Changlin asks, whether the reason is sufficient or far-fetched, his majesty will give him the commander's tally at last. Does it matter that I said something or not? Now our Daliang is still a powerful state. All the ministers tried so hard to stop Lord Changlin's deployment. They just worried that he made a fuss? To waste our Daliang's manpower, money and grains? They worried about such a habit of his majesty. Now, it's not just his majesty's preference that is worrying. But his majesty really can live hundreds of years? The crown prince is only ten years old. A loyal official should plan ahead for his emperor. Prime minister, only say empty words like you do now, will it help anything? What did you mean by that? Prime minister, you should know it clearly. About this deployment's supplies, his majesty has given the task... To me. Changlin Mansion has too prestigious military exploits and fame. Minister Song, I believe you have no other choices but this. Big brother... Brother Jiu. Anything new in the north? How far in the north? Something new about Beiyan. Want to know? You know the place I'm asking about. Although the Langya Hall locates in the secular world, but it goes beyond the latter. People here look on things in the world like they watch a creek. They know it flows day and night, so let it be. I know you're the proudest disciple of old master Lin. But do you have to say such lunatic words like he does? Master Lin. [ Three military supplies ships for the left wing sank accidentally in Datong ] Datong... Humans are scheming. Sometimes they can't trust themselves. Sometimes, they can't trust the others. Finally, they still see this coming. Send it in. Yes. Brother Jiu. Did anyone else see this? Old master. What did he say? Datong. Three military supplies ships for the left wing... Sank accidentally in Datong Datong. [ Datong ] The left wing. [ Ganzhou ] Ganzhou. Big brother... Pull! Master. He left? Yes. That kid is always coltish and carefree. But as long as he cares about someone, how could he be truly coltish? Pingjing leaves till this moment. When he arrives, he can't help anything, right? For such a news Langya Hall gets, Xiao Tingsheng would have known it earlier in the north. When it comes to military talent, he's kinda like that man in the old days. So he might have reacted quickly. Now the key point is, whether Xiao Pingzhang can make it to the end or not. My lord! [ Lord Changlin ] People of Daliang behind our back! We Changlin men will never give in! Never give in! Never give in! Never give in! Kill! Kill! [ Ganzhou ] My lord. Shoot. It's too close to his heart. The arrows must be taken out right now But I'm afraid... I'm really not sure about this. Got it. Dong Qing. Dong Qing! Lord Pingjing. Why did you come here? Where's my brother? In the office. Lord Changlin stays with him. Father? Why did father come here? Dong Qing. What on earth happened to my brother? My lord. Just wait. Master Li of Jifeng Hall should be here soon. My lord. My lord. My lord. This is the master of Jifeng Hall, Miss Lin Xi. [ Lin Xi ] [ Master of Jifeng Hall ] My lord. My lord. Master Li told us to ride overnight here. Miss Lin can take care of everything first. Don't wait. He'll be here soon. Sis Ying. Decoct the three herbs together, only take the first round. Get water. Fu Hsi powder, well salt, bamboo juice to be used. Yes. Sis Ying, stop the bleeding by acupuncture. Yes. Father. My lord. Pingjing? Big brother! Sis Ying. Take out the arrows. Miss Lin. Miss Lin. It's not that I don't believe you. But to take out the arrows... They're six centimeters below his bones. Although close to his heart, they haven't hurt his lungs and heart. It's close. He's really lucky. But this is just my judgement. No matter what, the urgent thing is to take out the arrows. The most dangerous thing is, his blood vessels might be hurt by then. Then... How could that happen! My brother is badly hurt. Can't let him be treated by a little girl! Is there any other reliable military doctors?! Pingjing. Miss Lin. How long could my son bear it? His condition is pretty steady now. But he's lost too much blood. My lord, you want the operation after Shifu arrives? No need. Everything is up to you, Miss Lin. Father! This is my brother. Even if we can't keep him safe, we can't just... How is that? Why don't you say something? My brother breathes so faintly, is this okay? My lord, please send him out. What did you say? You want me out? You. Wait outside. Dad. Out.
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Id: NzkEqSW5Mo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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