【ENG SUB】盛唐幻夜 01 | An Oriental Odyssey 01(吴倩、郑业成、张雨剑、董琦主演)

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[♫ Are you still waiting? ♫] [♫ The wind blows away the sand. ♫] [♫ The past prosperity vanishes. ♫] [♫ I'm alone in the world. ♫] [♫ Your profile is drowned in the darkness. ♫] [♫ My memory goes wrong. ♫] [♫ I can't hold your hands. ♫] [♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫] [♫ I'm afraid even I doubt myself.♫] [♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫] [♫ they are not real. ♫] [♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫] [♫ I want to give you more. ♫] [♫ The more I do, the more mistakes I make. ♫] [♫ I'm always by your side. ♫] [♫ I'm waiting for you. ♫] [♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫] [♫ I don't forget your persistence. ♫] [♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫] [♫ they are all real. ♫] [♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫] [♫ I don't want to be the only one in love. ♫] [♫ How to break through all the barriers? ♫] [An Oriental Odyssey] [Episode 01] [Age of Mythology has come to an end.] [The Mother Goddess Nuwa molded mankind from yellow earth, giving them life and wisdom.] [Mankind was divided to nine Tribes with different talent, taking charge of the world.] [Yet with division came war.] [Nine Tribes were plunged into endless war for their ever growing desires.] [Out of passion, Nuwa sealed desires and super power in Crystal stones,] [the ones remained after patching up the sky with them,] [converting them into Nine Divine Beads, achieving temporary peace.] [Yet, what about the future?] [The world has changed.] [You're born in the realm of mankind,] [so should you go back there.] Master... Master passed away! Monk Tianqiao of Ci'en Temple seeks an audience! Your majesty and your highness, greetings. Monk Tianqiao of Ci'en Temple is credited for contributing to our victory by offering advice, together with his effort of protecting Relics of Master Sanzang. You're declared as State Preceptor. You're also in charge of betterment of Ci'en Temple. Thank you for your kindness, Emperor. Love live the Emperor. Long live. Hurry up! Stop dawdling! Move! Follow up! What's that? It's a man. Li Gui, get some water and wake him up. Quick! Move! Hurry up! Move! What are you doing? Move! Don't slow down! Hurry! What for? What do you want? Seeking trouble! Do you want to end here? Stop looking! Move forward! Go! Stop looking! Hurry! Neatly! Alright, quickly. Be careful, you two! Quickly! Do a nice job. Load it securely! Move! Come here! What's wrong? Are you hungry or what? Boss, the anchor seems to be stuck among reefs. Then get some help! Stop waiting! Bring him here! Great strength! How about selling him to me as well. Boss, Constables from Luo Yang County court. Move! Come with me! What can I help you with, sir? Tell me your name, origin, and your destination. Here you are, Official Announcement. I'm Shen Da, a grain merchant, here for rice. The boat is registered at Yu Hang. I just loaded rice, ready to get back. You look terrible. Are you getting endemic? I was born in southern area. It's really dry here in Luo Yang. I cannot get used to the food either, causing an interior disorder. That's why I'm sick. Please do take good care after getting home. Sure, thank you. Everything is normal. Sorry for bothering you. Wish you a happy voyage. Thanks. Search! Yes, sir! Listen up, I want him captured alive! Who are you? What great strength you have! Go. Sir. It's exactly what I expected. It's Opium. It's my fault. They would have been at loose if it's not for your sharpe thought. Get them guarded. Take them away! Yes, sir. Move! Hurry up! Quickly! Move forward! Hurry, follow up! Quickly! How did you find that? I once served at Annam province which surrounded with forests and swamps as well as wild tribes. Although the local tribes live an uncivilized life, they're known for using the toxic goods. It is toxic yet could be used for relieving pain. [As a result, military medic often offer grain to tribes in exchange with it.] [It's used to cure the badly injured soldiers.] [Yet they also say that it could be lethal once overdosed.] [It should never be allowed freely in our country, or it will destroy the country and ruin the people.] Yellow mark of xanthine on Shen Da's hands looks is similar to the ones of people in tribes. [Draught of these boats are light.] [It doesn't seem to be loaded with rice.] That's why I'm hesitated. I see. Why is the boat so luxurious, like a palace? You may have heard about its name, that's the well-known Qianduan Brothel. It's the place where dignitaries spend their money. Now you're talking. I've heard rumors about it. How dare we get inside! It's said there is a girl called Ru Yue there, known for her dance skills. Want to have a look? It's impossible now. Ru Yue died a few days ago. Master is in charge of the case. The judgement was made soon for the evidence is clear. Is that for real? Exactly. We would never expect the lies hidden inside, leave along secrets and conspiracies. Miss! Miss! - The snaffle is broken! - Shi Tou! - It's not repaired! - Shi Tou! Shi Tou! Go... Go after her! Miss! Bravo! Good! Excuse me, have you seen someone with this tattoo on his arm? Excuse me. Have you met someone with this tattoo on his arm? - No. - Not yet. Thank you. You're welcome. Are you hungry? Dawdling? Get back and go to work! What's wrong with you? Aren't you a man? Why can't you do the work by yourself? Stop hitting others. It's none of your business. Get lost! It's my slave. I can order him to do whatever I want to. Does this have anything to do with you? Even a slave is not born to be hit. Seriously? You're more like a slave in my eyes. Do you even deserve one? Are you kidding me? Why would I? Now that you said he's your slave, can you tell me which big family are you from if he's born to be a slave? I know well enough about the families inside Luo Yang City. Or if he's bought by you, where's your certification? What's wrong with you? Why would I give it to you? Stop saying nonsense if you can't show it. Is he from black market? Let him show the certification, shall we? Right! Show us the certification! Stop shouting! We've been searching the whole morning, yet there isn't even a clue. Seems he is a cautious man. He's got a talent at martial art, yet is moving around secretly. I have an intuition that he's related to the case of Opium. They're fighting! There is a fight! Move! My horse! Move! Move way! Sir! Chase him! Miss! New snaffle! The old one is broken. Stop yelling. Make way. Move! He's lost again. Never mind, back to the office. I'm warning you. If it's not the slave and the officer, my life and lives of people on street will be lost! What's wrong with your hand? Got cut when chopping forage this morning. It's not the first day of work. That's too careless! He's being stupefied the whole day, like he's out of his mind. Please punish me for once and for all! Let Xia kill me by putting my head against the chopper! I... I was merely criticizing you. I've never punished you. There are something you don't know. One of his fellow-villager was sentenced death. She will be executed tomorrow. I can hardly live on! Is that the girl who sent you shoes on Dragon Boat festival, three years older than you? Who else could it be other than Duan Xiaoyu? Why is that? The lady she served is dead. She's got a bracelet from her. Though she said it's a gift, no one believes. It's you! You're the murderer! Ru Yue treated you well. But you hate her for sending you to the kitchen! How vicious you are! Vicious! Look! That's the bracelet you stole from Ru Yue! Xiaoyu of Duan's family, you murdered Ru Yue for money. The evidence is clear. You're sentenced death, to be executed three days later. No! I'm wronged! I didn't kill anyone! I know she's wronged! I will follow her if she dies. I'm terribly sorry for your being frightened. I apologize! I'll repay your kindness in my next life! I'll give you a kowtow. You're a man! Now that you know she's wronged, you should try to save her! Stop wasting your time here! Stand up! Stand up! Shame on you. Wait for me! Shu Shu. Shu Shu! Come out! Shu Shu, where are you? I'm leaving if you don't show up! I'm counting on three. Three, two... One! Girl, it's been a while. You're falling behind! I made a mistake on purpose! Release me! What's this? That's a good stuff. it could bring you whatever it catches, whether it's an item or a person. That's powerful! This is it! I'm here for your good stuff. Good. That's exactly what I expected. Satisfied? Come on, Heroine. That's your last meal. I won't eat it! Won't? Then there will be nothing for you left! Sir! I am wronged, sir! Please let go of me, sir! Release me. - Sir! - Let's go. - Sir. - Sir. - Sir, that's Xiaoyu. - Sir! Sir, I'm wronged. I didn't kill anyone! Please believe me! Please, I'm begging you! I am wronged! Release me! I don't know the detail of your case. But the same words I've heard so many times before. Almost everyone get inside would say it. God's mill grinds slow but sure. Why didn't you think about your ending when you commited crime? Sir, I... I am wronged, sir. Please! I am wronged for sure! Sir! Playing trick with me? Hear my word, I don't care! Right, I did smuggle opium. I earned money from it. I made more money in one day than your salary for a year! Wanting to know my boss? I can't tell you. I'm afraid you're get terrified! I am thirsty! Give me some water. - How... - Why it's salty? Better than nothing! Sir. Sir. Father, mother. I'm sorry to leave you behind. Shi Tou, let's get married in the next life. That's... that's a ghost! A ghost for real! Wait! A prison raid! Prison raid! What? Where is she? Up there! Let's go! Move! Sir, they're gone. Not far away. What about now? I've got an idea. Come with me. Sir, they're good at running. You need practice! Where are they? They won't be far. Are they hidden underwater? I'll dive in. Wait. I know you're right here! The one you got out is awaiting execution! The city is cordoned off. You can't escape! Xiaohu, let's get back. Xiaoyu! Shi Tou! It's you, Xiaoyu! I thought I could only meet you in the nether world! Thanks to this hero. He rescued me from prison. That's not a hero, but Miss Yuan'an. Now you're in mansion of Assistant Minister of Finance. Thank you for saving my life, miss. I don't deserve it. We're about the same age. I've got no talent except some interest in martial art. Besides I enjoy helping others. I don rescue you from prison. But the officers are chasing you. You're sentenced death anyway. You can hide at my place for a day or two. I'll sent you out when it's less dangerous. Thank you, miss! Don't mention it. [So close!] [Father is going to work earlier than before.] [He nearly see me.] Sister! Come on! Stop being so stealthy! You're the one who's stealthy. What did you do wearing all black? That's fashion! Do you know anything about trend, nerd? I heard some noises at cellar in garden, are you hiding someone there? You heard something too? I went to check in the garden last night. Do you know what did I see? What's that? A mouse! A mouse as large as you're! Yuanning. Mother. - Mother. - Are you annoying her again? Miss, you're making progress on martial art skill. Do you have to seize him by his throat as a punishment? I thought you're choking him to death. I'm sorry, mother. Sorry for bothering you with such scene. I would let you see it the next time I choke him. Miss, Master asked me to urge you copy The Disciplines of Women. Time to sleep. What sin did I do in the last life? It's really suffering to live together with her. What? A raid? And it's right under your nose! Sir, they are gifted at martial art. Besides, they've got a strange instrument. We didn't expect a raid like that. That's why he succeed. I am sorry. Gifted at martial art? Zhao Lanzhi, it's said you're a veteran at frontier juncture, intelligent and courageous. As a Top swordsman, you should be the one who's great at martial art. How could someone raid with you at present? I'd say that's an unearned reputation. You have my word, I will capture the criminal. Stop wasting time! Go after them! Yes, sir. Sir, I've got information as you requested. The officer here is looking for you. [- It's him. - It's him.] Ye Yuan'an, eldest son of Ye's Mansion. Zhao Lanzhi, head constable of Luo Yang County. This is my subordinate, Xiaohu. Nice seeing you again, Mr. Ye. [She's a woman!] Thank you for saving me at market yesterday. I might have lost my life from felling off the horse if it's not you. What's your purpose here today? I'll be honest with you. Someone raided prison last night. A criminal was taken out. Have you heard about it? Not at all. Does that criminal have anything to do with me? Now that you're here by yourself. The woman is from Shandong Province. She doesn't have many acquaintances. We found that she's got a fellow man named Shi Tou, who's a servant at your place. We want to ask him a few questions. [No wonder he didn't expose me last night. He's already at the right place.] [He won't quit easily until he meets Shi Tou.] Mr. Zhao, I think it's inappropriate. My father is Assistant Minister of Finance anyhow. You're just a tiny constable. It's beyond your position to question us. But I can understand that you're here on duty. We should cooperate with you. Xia, summon Shi Tou here. Yes. Want some tea? Don't bother. Shi Tou is here. You're looking for me? The officers here said you raided prison and escorted a criminal. Is that true? I'm warning you, tell us the truth! Or I will punish you to death! I don't have the guts for such things. I didn't do that. I swear. Brother, are you telling the truth? Sir, I can't take the responsibility to lie to you. Mr. Zhao, I can assure you about he's honest. He is well-behaved. You may search the yard as you like. See if you can find any sign of Duan Xiaoyu. When did I tell you the name of that criminal? It's Shi Tou who told me that. A few days ago, he told me about his fellow Duan Xiaoyu, who's sentenced death. Is that her? You do share a lot of information. [I let it slip!] Exactly. Alright, that's all I want. We're finished here. Sorry for bothering you. I've got a few words to say. It's a severe criminal of raid. No one could escape from the punishment. no matter how talented one is at martial art, or what status one is. There will be an order of arrest for the criminal. In other words, there won't be just the two of us here chasing her down. She will be watched everywhere she goes. As for the raider, punishment awaits. Xia! See them off! This way please. Mr. Ye. Farewell. Sir, could it be Shi Tou? No, it's Mr. Ye who did it. Sir. What did you find? Let's go. Hurry up. Where are you going? Miss, I'm leaving with Xiaoyu. Are you looking for trouble? Exposing yourselves. We can't stay in mansion anymore. That would trouble you, Master, and Madam. Now that we leave, we could be together no matter we could make it or not. Right. You would be relieved by dying together. And you could save us a lot of trouble, right? Then why would I save her yesterday? What are you thinking on earth? I don't know what to do. Right. We still need to worry about tomorrow. It's a long night. Fine, I'll send you out. Thank you, Miss. Thanks, Miss. It's about time. There will be a boat in a minute. They will send you away once paid. Good for you, there's a boat. Hurry up, don't waste your time. Take the money. Find a place where no one knows you. Live your life. Don't worry about your mother. I will have Xia take care of her. It's so kind of you, Miss. I don't want it. You took good care of horses. But it's worth it to risk for such a good girl. Live your own good life. We will never forget your words. I will change my mind if you kneel down again! Alright, off you go. Go. This is my subordinate, Xiaohu. Sir, do you know the consequence of prison raid? I don't. I am a man of my own will. Stop! All he want is to capture me and get me executed. I won't bother you, Miss. My life doesn't worth a penny. But I don't want to be wronged. I will die innocent. Xiaoyu! Xiaoyu! They said you killed her for money. What did they find on you? They said I stole a bracelet from Ru Yue. But the coral bracelet is a gift from Ru Yue. There are countless goods that's more precious than the bracelet. Why would I take the cheap stuff if I was a thief? Why would I wait to be captured at Qianduan Brothel? Sir, I'm afraid no one ever listened to her before judgement. Officers are in charge of different affairs. I'm not in charge of this case. So you just capture her and get her executed. Sir, I do find Ru Yue's death weird as well. What else do you know? Mr. Ye risked his life to save you. Tell them what you know. You're a decent man. You won't know much about place like Quanduan Brothel. Though she's the most popular courtesan, she was from a noble family. Though she ended up here after the family declined, she sticks to her principle and never sell her body. Madam, that girl really knows how to dance. Ru Yue saw money as dirt. All she's offering is dance show. No one could enter her room. Open the door, Ru Yue. I'll do it myself! Piss off! I used to work in the kitchen. I was punished a lot. Ru Yue asked me to help her out of sympathy. But I could only enter her room when permitted. Ru Yue never tell me about her own affair. I've never seen the face of the man who saved her. Ru Yue would sent me away every time he came. Dear, let's find a date. We shall get married in the next life. All I know is that he always come wearing informal cloth. He doesn't want to be recognized. Why don't you say it on the court? I intended to, but no one believes. Sir, please give me some time, and some time to them as well, I will figure out the truth. [♫ Tired off and lights out, it's about to dawn. ♫] [♫ I never speak out my love sickness. ♫] [♫ In my dream, we are falling into sweet love. ♫] [♫ Everyone wants a lifelong lover, ♫] [♫ but the passion fades away with time. ♫] [♫ I'm stubborn and you're reluctant. ♫] [♫ Antagonistic love is so absurd. ♫] [♫ We can't be reconciled to the past. ♫] [♫ What sweet time we have, ♫] [♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫] [♫ I lead a wandering life in the world, ♫] [♫ pursuing the traces left by you. ♫] [♫ I hope to get acquaintance with you. ♫] [♫ Recalling the previous love and hatred with you, ♫] [♫ I think we live a worthwhile life. ♫] [♫ What sweet time we have, ♫] [♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫] [♫ What sweet time we have, ♫] [♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫]
Channel: 华策影视官方频道 China Huace TV Official Channel
Views: 10,929,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 古装, 爱情, 喜剧, cdrama, 大陆剧, 国产剧, 最新, 2018, 电视剧, 吴倩, 郑业成, 颤抖吧阿部, 张雨剑, 董琦, 刘天佐, 袁文康, 于明加, 探案, 悬疑, 破案, 玄幻, 魔幻, 言情, 偶像, 古偶, 浪漫, WUQIAN
Id: 6vsAgLaHqTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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