【ENG SUB】絕命航班 (2014) 4K 國語 | Last Flight (愛德·維斯特維克,朱珠,李晨浩) | 最後航班上的所有人都很擔憂,而神秘兇手卻未打算就此罷休 |#經典華語老電影

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Susan Susan Susan cheers Charles Jessica you can't even listen for two seconds without getting distracted i was just looking at the view right on q Be careful Let me do it sir thank you sir I told you already You need to bring plenty of cash when you come to a small place like this. I spent almost all my money shopping for Aunt Shen in the afternoon. Fortunately you brought it with you Hey you are such a good man hehe I come have a good flight yeah good evening better not complain about the short runway here today last time so it's a souvenir it's not even sharp i'm sorry about no how dare you who do you think you are my husband can weaponize anything and this is very important this is my gift for him you're gonna ruin our anniversary congratulations you should have bought a race i need to talk to your manager we've got first class tickets hey little girl do you want to see a magic trick i want this watch this where's your toy in your bag hmm in my bag wait for you oh look who's here hi Katie how are you parents say hi to your parents have a good flight take care of yourself Don't look at it, be good Cherish life and stay away from these garbage deserts Um in my opinion Those forensic books of yours are more like endangering lives. Huh, that's my academic hobby Well, it can only be a hobby now. Okay, okay, one more question. Come on and you least expect to find what did your lover do to you a lies to you b cheats on you cHe actually never loved you Isn't this the same? How is it the same? actually It's all deception i'll set us up captain nah i got it last flight and all hi captain it'll get better when you're not seeing each other so much confirm me i'm still close with all my exes and soul that is your talent you're watching is making me nervous ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry to inform you but your co pilot is terrified welcome aboard ocean airlines this way please welcome welcome aboard this way please see you watch this step well we've got the whole floor to ourselves darling economic claustry the ones taking us there is champagne and i hate stairs you know too If Liu Xia hadn't bought tickets for everyone, I really don't have time to check your cell phone Um You never have time good evening ladies and gentlemen ocean Airlines is proud to welcome you aboard flight six one five to Singapore i'm captain Gallis and it's my honor to serve you this evening today is actually a milestone the last ocean flight on this route I guess there must be too few people coming to Lucky Island. we also have Jessica upstairs and my copile and Andy is readying us in the Cockpit we're here at your surface so please enjoy the flight thank you finally sure you don't want to tell them your life story there's not enough time they barely gave us enough fuel for the trip yeah the joy's a cost cutting three flight attendants for a 747 that's also a milestone three flight attendants nine passengers the company is generous isn't it really car racing stuck on the ground only turning left or right what place did you get in that amateur tournament last year second second what is that the third time in a row now you know the truth is with racing i don't need a co pilot Charles is your last flight are you really crying like a little girl are you kidding i'm waiting for you to throw me a pool party well this weather keeps up that rain will fill that pool right up for you no no i knew it i remember it we can't be out of this plane we can't bear on this way nothing we can't we can't be here we have to leave okay it's fine we're going to just In fact, from a statistical point of view The old lady is right to worry Leave because of the plane during takeoff and landing It’s the easiest bullet to go blank So I need a cocktail now Brother, is this true? stay with her It was a wise decision to choose Oceanic Airlines. Even economy class So special too excuse me sir we're taking off so phones must be off how about you turning it off for me it's windy out there i've seen a horse why aren't we picking up air speed please go back downstairs you're working yeah don't worry about it it's just the weather it's throwing us off it's a super moon it happens once a year you know she's going to be a pilot next year she did have a good teacher keep an eye on the pressure ladies and gentlemen there will be a big temperature drop as we cruise at thirty thousand feet we have plenty of extra blankets for you and we'll You can't take a break Do you want to wait until you get back to Shanghai to get these things? For the future of both of us My dear, when the season changes in Singapore, I have to send this report out. I really want to know what made him crazy like that what can i do for you could you start with a cocktail You tie me, you tie me You belong to me㖞 You tie me, you tie me, you tie me, you tie me Go to the edge first Didn't arrive ah Follow me Make some tomato jelly first i'm working it's a five hour flight we have time What's the matter? Ethan Ethan wake up what is it i didn't pay for this Liu Xia What a coincidence You can't sleep at all Why Give me time to wait until he and I officially break up, okay? Otherwise I will be like this with you It makes me feel particularly disgusting But you've been sick for two months Leave I don't want to hurt him Don't force me then what do I do have you ever considered my feelings I'm really scared that you'll never break up with him. sorry Sorry You think things too complicated I love you and I can give you happiness but he can't What you said is too simple Love is to be simple Why You finally want to take a break I want to take a break and continue working hard wow i'm impressed is this with me oh thank you dear Why kitty kitty it's getting late let's go to bed okay come here come here let's go okay sit Katie okay so i'll get you some warm cloth i think you will help you sleep okay let's go see what that is i'm not sure how to say this but we should investigate as soon as possible Stay I just saw you coming out of there Did anyone else go in after you? you see once everyone stops reacting the group dynamical shift they don't get bad我 I discovered his Dynamic what do you mean Stay in the back cabin all the time What do you mean? Except for our creek You're the only one who's been to the back cabin how long have you known me Anyway, it's definitely not caused by the creek. What do you mean I'm not interested everybody remain calm nobody's to go near that area when we land Singapore police will board the plane all connecting flights are cancelled it's all under control sir calm down honey here take your happy pill Can't be beaten to death whatever the tower says we do we're still two hours out i'm not gonna let some hobbyists compromise the scene i won't touch anything nobody goes near that area if he could help us don't you even want to try hold on let's keep in touch with the tower These are scratches scratch animal scratches No one takes animals on a plane I'll try to confirm Yu Hai's time There are few effective clues but It's impossible follow me this is my flight my responsibility when you get yours then you can make the decisions if something happens while we sit here following protocol waiting for some proper authorities can you leave with that i'm trying to protect you i don't need you to protect me uh actually this more what the marks of mammal the bites and the scratches on the neck and body are toxic the poisonous which doesn't make sense you can say that again let him talk whatever it is those wounds held talks and levels i'm guessing a rival of sea snake i don't understand there isn't a mammal on the planet capable of that much venom so what are you saying this is like half beast half snake get him out of here i'm saying i don't know what it is and that i should snow silver wait i don't know which one of you freaks is responsible for this but when i it's all around us it will take our body and it will take our souls she's halfway to nuts you're also insane look i'm not gonna die in a plane like some pansy all right i'm gonna live what are you talking about well you look real chatty in the cockpit how about repeating some of it you sneaky coward coward you were barely in diapers when i was on the battlefield Mother Fang, don't argue with him, he will hurt you. this loop thinks whoever killed her wasn't a person at all do you believe this be quiet and sit down please i'm going to be with my wife we need to be calm and stay together what now electrical system let's bring that couple down and circle the wagons again okay Charles i'll head down and see how we're doing no i'm sending Andy You were near the bathroom just now Didn't you see anyone? Are you interrogating me? Shen? I'm just afraid I want to know the truth Then you should ask Fang Mulan to ask you. Liu Xiang This is much more important than our matters Do you understand I only care about you Nothing else matters sir you and your wife need to come downstairs immediately huh my wife and i aren't going anywhere who it's me it's me what are you doing here I think it's best if we don't do it alone Passengers are not allowed to come down here It's been quite a while since he came down It should have been fixed long ago who Andy Andy Andy sir It’s the same as Jasper’s wound Let's go find the airport it is animal it is poisonous it's everywhere you hear that yeah i got the who on it already and some scientists are here with me now nd was beaten on the ankle he's dead so what's going on on my flight dan we don't really know dug up matching reports bites poison traces cases from twenty years ago apparently some creatures attack some people on a small Pacific island we've had two fatalities today we've got medical teams assembling to meet you on the runway we're doing all we can we just gotta make it there we have to tell them absolutely not you saw them that'll get worse if they know they have to know look i'm the captain it's my responsibility and i want everyone safe sweetheart i need to go to the bathroom okay you gonna be alright okay stop it Shen Yin I want to show you something I was looking for a better time But now we can't wait any longer You cover your eyes first Two bedrooms and two living rooms Next to the light rail outside Central Fully renovated facing south I promised you I'm here for this I've been working hard for a long time A return to Shanghai Just pay the down payment thank you Thanks Ahhhhh Ahhh What’s wrong with you shensen shensen wait don't touch her there's toxins on his kid where's my package where is it help help where's my package oh fuck it oh what have you done with it tell me where's my package where's my package Ah, stop it If you let me go, you must find me Must find him what are you doing What are you looking for? Why is it missing in the bag? ah Where has he been? Brother, listen to me Listen to me what's going on what the hell is it you tell me and whatever it is i'm gonna kill it I'm looking for something on the island I took it on the plane what did you bring What did you bring? helper Animal fossils But he is dead I'm sure he's dead He is a mummy like a dead cat I also embalmed him He is a dead thing no why'd you bring on this plane dead man no it wasn't almost Abby wasn't alive Why did you bring him up? Xiaoxin, you know I've been studying these things since I was a kid speak English what's that i promise so are you you look at her look what you've done just heard from Singapore anyone's attacked we flushed our system with water quickly as possible inside and out helped save some of the previous cases that's all i have water didn't save those people captain only delayed their deaths that's what they said you think that's what they need to hear go get some water If you hit him again Fang Mu wants to beat him, but I'm not the only one. Square wood Fang Mu, please don’t hit me. If you hit me, we are wasting our time. he has admitted He was the one who brought the monster on the plane I know But it's no use blaming anyone now If you want to blame, just blame that thing Didn't see it You want to be a hero even though it’s convenient? What do you mean? It's a pity that the plane landed You are still a loser A loser who can't even take care of her own friends What's wrong dear You haven't told him what happened between us yet What happened to you? Shen Yin sorry We all need to respect his choice, right? it's all my fault it's all my fault No, what's wrong? Brother, I'm afraid, brother Stop arguing I'm in trouble I am afraid I will solve it Brother, where are you going? Brother, don't go up there Okay, I'm not afraid I'm afraid I beg you, don't be anxious i'm here it's okay run Why Brother, be careful square wood other square wood good Can ah Ahhh go help We have to carry him down Manhu Manhu Manhu wake up Put him carefully on the chair be careful it's really bad upstairs the seat Put it carefully on the wound Charles we've been attacked again listen to me the weather is bad outside without Andy i can't come out there people are dying i've lost autopilot we can't let it get in here i have to but there's no repairing assistance we're completely compromised what can i do you're in charge out there protect the passengers protect yourself well whatever happens whatever comes up lolan you're right i trust you i'll see you when we land careful The whole body was checked no bite Be careful, kid, he can still be saved look at these wounds Two centimeters deep Too sharp right The incision is very plastic That thing is becoming more and more unscrupulous We can't confront him head on Don't mess with him There's still an hour and 15 minutes until landing. Everyone stay together and don't move around Don't be alone It is safer when there are many people What's the use of having too many people? We all have to listen to the steward You can't take a break Can't you wait until Shanghai to get these things? You never have time I want to show you something thank you Thanks What's wrong dear You haven't told him what happened between us yet What's the matter with you? I've wanted to tell you for a long time Please forgive me Shen Ying do not talk Wait until we all get off the plane alive talk later feel like i'm part of a buffet Ahhh ah ah Xiaoxi Xiaoxi, are you okay? Xiaoxi daisy this is coming Katie Katie Katie What's wrong with me how could you do this what did i do Are you still a man if I stay? What do you mean? Oh, you're going back to the heroes now, right? Fang Mu is more of a man than you are Since you think so Why are you staying with me behind that man's back? Yes, I'm blind and dizzy I'm sorry to neither of you two. But now Everyone's life and death are much more important than ours. do you know life and death Please wake up There is no injury here we will all die good luck island authorities just fessed up this thing which they thought had been extinct years ago what has been cited attacking people since last October that's the real reason they're canceling flights to the island several attacks have been in the carved caves they think it likes the low temperatures i need everybody to go upstairs block aided i'm gonna set the heat as high as you go be Cork upstairs it's the smallest place to ice late he's gonna roast us pity come on let's go We have to go up together ah come with us Xiaoxi doesn't want to go up I have to stay with him We'll just stay in the bathroom There is water Be sure to give Xiao Xi more water to drink Wan Hu, be careful not bad But we can't leave them down there Are you talking about Ten Thousand Fires and Creeks? Um lazy jessica andi We shouldn't have left them down there Do you like the smell of corpses? He's right at this temperature The smell of corpses I also saw Kitty’s flowers sorry I've put it in plaster Brother, I know you didn’t mean it Just want to keep it as a souvenir Might as well buy a vase Actually, I didn't want to come with you. Don’t you like traveling the most? It's too hard to start over The relationship after so many years of breakup It's like it never existed elder brother so lonely What to say I'm much more reliable than that brat. Don't be afraid if you have brother here Uh-huh Ahhhhh ah ah ah Ahhhhhhh bring them up stop what do you want to do are you crazy go away So shameless Ahhhhh ah ah Ahhh ah ah go ahead ah Ah, come and help Xiaoxi brook elder sister Wan Hu Wan Hu Lai He can't be a cat Absolutely not hey it's like a hospital up here how come we don't get any water tell me why you've earned any we own it some my wife gets the water we have enough water for everyone well there's three injured but only one's got a first class ticket you can't just say it's all yours all the injured should have some really so which one of you two's gonna be brave enough to take it from me yeah i think i'll join the captain in the cockpit you can't open the door it's too dangerous captain this is your passenger speaking who is this oh please prepare for company failure to admit us will result in further casualties aboard this flight you lay a hand on any of my passengers and i'll have a life sentence waiting for you on the runway if you see captain you've been tucked way up there without a scratch for so long it sounds a little too posh to pass up listen to me barrel field if you're such a hero kill the monster hey i'm trying to save my wife same as you and your sister differences i'm not blindly courting death keep my sister water ah Ahhh Ahu pick you my friend you talked to the captain the captain what did he say say us anti toxin really they just sent a description to Singapore they are waiting for us on the wrong way you really think that thing's gonna let us land look This can be painted It's a dark fire It all happened It was drawn before the incident. The plane will land too God he can picture the future. man what's going on the wind shears are too strong i can't bring her down bad news tropical storm Alice said earlier than we thought there's a force 11 wind over Singapore so we're gonna need you to rerap in the meantime we're gonna try to contact some places the storm hasn't reached yet but we need you to send eleven thousand meters in a way for further instruction Roger man ascend what are you doing why are you doing these red leaves tell me okay this is crazy it's just a coincidence are we climbing is this plane why are we landing talk to me you want me to hang up talk to what's left of your passengers there's a Typhoon we've been deverted it hits Singapore quicker than anybody thought a Typhoon ground control's sending us to Piquette airport Singapore's closed so are those surrounding what about the medics what about the antitoxin my wife's Gonna die if you don't land this thing don't land it now it's like to hours spoke in Thailand they'll be medics on the ground waiting for us the anti toxins being flown from Hong Kong as we speak i feel like i'm being lied to captain and that's very bad for you you stay here okay talk some sense into him it's the truth Lola yes what's happening landing in Singapore now Lola you're here to serve so tell me where do you keep the parachutes she's had too much water her body can't handle it shut up i'm telling you if he opened the emergency axis this altitude we all get fucked out shut up now move parachutes are here you do grab the parachutes move move it move it shut the parachutes listen to me captain i've got your crew and the passengers lower the plane ten thousand feet or doubt and see what happens Everyone, fasten your seat belts Lao Lan The song I just hummed What Just in the bathroom The monster came when I was just humming the tune Ah, be careful Ahhhhh Ah ah ah ah ah Ahhh ah Ahhhhh ah ah Ahhh Ah 1111 danger ah ah Ahhh ah sorry Sorry ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, on and on Brother Hui Come back, brother ah Go quickly Lola i'm here the right wing's been hit by Langley what's happening out there how's crazy he's dead what about the others still hanging there come and make it to buquette we have to but the fuel won't last i'm gonna have to set the engines at half in five minutes shut up our heat it was that or killed them completely i had no other option let's try to make it look at this attitude the temp in upper class will be the same as the rest of the plane very soon i'm sorry it's not your fault it doesn't matter i shouldn't have made arbitrary decisions about our future i miss you you wanted to share a plane with me someday that was your dream i could only think about myself i'm sorry don't say that i'm just tired as pilots we have too many restrictions but with racing cars i feel free that's my dream i understand Charles i miss you too forgive my selfishness you know i've been thinking and i have an answer but now it's hardly appropriate massage breaking the rules captain Run quickly Go upstairs quickly die Immortal faster Quickly President Su was attacked chase open the door chase Look at the stone He's going to come in and kill us all. I'll go find him Hello Hey, don't go wait me back be careful This doesn't look like your style It's not very similar Su San he is breathing he is still alive Lift him up quickly over there kitty kitty now Ahhh ah ah ah Leave Ahhh ah sister Either you find the money I don't want to either Liu Xia Liu Xia everyone back what the hell is going on up there it's freaking through telpuk airport Get down quickly prepare for landing now don't move okay stay here old old well are you there are you ready I haven't paid off my mortgage yet. ah ah ah ah relax i believe in you you can do this are the passenger safe the captain do not be sad he is a hero Yeah, treat him well We go home excuse me are you rollin yes here please hello hey there captain congratulations on your first flight Charles is that you you made it oh yeah i'm okay thank god i miss you i miss you too must be a remarkable landing yeah it wasn't so smooth it was a bit bumpy never soft do you have time for me now i'm going anywhere anytime soon are you curious about my answer what do you want to tell me i want to start over me too hey come on try keep up i need a break don't leave me behind brother hey where are you you have to see this i found something so you know we were bringing everybody this time and um that was really really special and it's really really interesting to see how everybody pulls together to uh to make the film i think this movie is going to be an an experience that you will sit in the cinema watching the whole thing three d with like fear feel the danger the romance the blood you know the sexiness everything is just like it will give you like an amazing experience my concept is to global resourcing to find the best guy for the right position i'm up with a good three dimensional good 3d photographic scheme that would put the audience on the plane so that they feel they're part of both the horror and the mystery and also the flight so that i think is the biggest challenge making the audience feel they're actually on of 747 and not just watching you know uninvolved and i would say there are probably very few American films that have tried to build the full length of an airplane i think because of that Vincent thought it would be really cool to have something that is unique to us this airplane is the main set piece everything takes place on this airplane so we treated it like our main set this is our house this is where we live in that part's difficult you know a lot of things would get sent over the wakitaki from from Vincent to the actors and it would all be in Chinese and which and i would look at each other are they gonna do something different now but culturally now there's no there's not enough differences i think to make it very difficult it's just another challenge another it's a bit more fun actually i think the most challenging with this production is a lot of team member they coming from a very different background and we are working together the first time we are like an international team so there is differences there is a film production coordination from different countries this movie has got everything that anybody could ever possibly want from a film i don't think there's anything more you could ask from a movie and it's in 3d it was a lot of fun to shoot this film the cast was great producers were awesome i never Vince was totally totally professional and passionate about his film which is refreshing to be behind a producer who truly is behind his vision and i can't wait to see what the finished version looks like should be fun one of the biggest challenges in writing music for the last flight is really to try to incorporate all the Hollywood big Epic sounds i think that's one of the reasons why Vincent hired me to work on last flight is because i'm here in Hollywood a Hollywood composer who who's done Disney movies and dreamwork movies and others whereby i've been able to incorporate and assimilate a lot of the orchestral sounds that i think Vincent wants to hear and really needs in order to punch up this movie in order to create that kind of Hollywood sound well the first thing i was asked to work on was a song so i wrote really lovely ballad for the film called last love but the film itself is a thriller and as such will be darkened and appropriately scary for the preacher that we find on this last flight i had to build a international team so different culture different nations different background different position it's very hard to make such a big combination to keep rolling so it's it's the most hardest part for me to put everything together and make it work
Channel: 經典華語老電影
Views: 2,327,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 中国电影, 中文电影, 华语电影, 经典电影, Chinese Moive, 经典华语电影, 中文老电影, 华语老电影, 经典老电影
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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