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And don't forget: Ao-chan appreciation time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Economy-Initial-9113 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

i don't remember this being on the schedule.

is this gorilla? or is my terrible memory even worse then i thought?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gammongaming11 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do do [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] just like 10 seconds ago i pulled the muscle in my heart i was adjusting the uh cushions on my chair i over extended my arm and hurts ah i'm okay i'm okay it's uh you know like you know that one time i talked about how like you gone and then like you like pull a muscle like right like right like near your neck it's similar to that it's okay it just spuns out a little bit it's fine it's fine uh yeah so yeah we're gonna be enjoying new super ninty today welcome i hope you have uh not have are having a wonderful morning afternoon evening hello hello hello hello hello yeah did you guys all see nettie's uh new visual isn't it so cute isn't it so is this so cute but i mentioned it was cute uh if you all watched it you should uh go see it i mean you gotta be seeing me draw her anyways but at the same time it was like it was a fun stream too so you should go watch it she also released a cover song too which uh you can listen to on loop while i'm drawing energy yes um it's super duper cute i mean i i knew it was gonna be cute i just had that feeling that i was gonna be cute and then i saw it i was like she's so cute anyways uh so i guess i can show you guys the raft that i worked on while i was watching the stream i i woke up uh yesterday like a couple hours before the stream and then uh i was drawing stuff and then well i was gonna actually work on the sketch like starting uh on the stream but then like you know i was watching her stream anyways so i decided to do her while she was revealing her outfit uh so we have the rough finished we're gonna start from the liner and then hopefully hopefully finish the colors on time uh yeah the uh yeah as you can see i have not slept yet i tried napping before this stream but i just laid in bed staring at the ceiling so i decided to get up and uh eat lunch [Music] okay i need to find out where did i go okay there you go hopefully my my brain juices last a while i have like two multi beside me just in case i need more brain green sugar but otherwise uh yeah we're we're gonna start so let me show you the sketch i finished while watching your stream [Music] yesterday it is it's on the thumbnail did you guys see a thumbnail it's on the right i blurred it so it's a little surprise she also has like uh their bare ears and like pods and she goes cow yeah anyways this is what i already do during this uh while watching her stream uh yeah i love her jacket too so cute anyways uh so yeah this is where we're gonna be starting from today uh starting from line art color hopefully in like four hours or so give or take a few minutes maybe we'll see anyways [Music] so uh i have the timer today just to see how long it takes for me to uh work on everything so yeah okay we're gonna get started and hold on let me see if my if my pen and pressure works okay it works okay [Music] start okay timer started neneties boing boings are bigger than expected it's like a deja vu to you know when you uh when i first saw amis william wins the jackets they cover up so much it's a flashback but it's okay it's not betrayal i mean i i knew i knew ninety wasn't that bit done i knew ahead of time but you know now everyone gets to see a surprise hmm between three times i want to call it betrayal if i already knew from the start there's only america who really took me by surprise you know because when i um when i was asked to draw for the pvr um i didn't know you could take off her jacket so in the jacket you know it's like kind of like flowy so you can kind of you can't really see underneath and then yeah the reveal was like oh oh why is yeah but you know at the end of the day even if amy was extreme buoying points or if she was paid then i would still love her this season that surprised pikachu face i think that was all of us when we when we first stopped everyone was like wait i mean but then what's up i can't what did it see it's like she her uh original clothes they're a little bit like on the bigger side like with her jacket and stuff it just depends on if you how you draw it but um but then like you can tell the boy boys are there [Music] wait out of all the blondes blonde hall live members all of them are bowing born huh why are we only talking about this i see just dye my hair no i like my hair can you imagine can you imagine the amount of hair dye that takes to dye my hair that cost a lot you know hair treatment is expensive and takes a long time you see how long my hair is it takes forever to you know dry them and like make sure they don't they don't like static they don't become like staticky or like you know they don't tangle hmm yo if you say bye isn't blonde she's like more like pink with black gradients to bluish hair hmm electric taco uh i don't think boing boings work that way you guys even if i dye my hair i won't grow point points if you're looking for buoyant ones you're in the wrong place unless i take out my tentacles but platinum blonde isn't really pink it's like it has to be a bit more like on the uh like a more beige tone in order to be like a platinum blonde at least in my books i mean i could take out my tentacles now but i'll just cover up half the screen so there's that i mean i could make myself like tiny on the screen and maybe you can do it but you guys actually want me to do that oh i thought you guys you guys like seeing me there on the screen but you're all here for the point points i see i see how that is i see how it is you can't you can't accept me the way i am and you want me to be your girlfriend for valentine's day is that what it is go find someone else here i was gonna give you guys a chance i was testing you guys but you failed we'll see i'll give you guys more chances i won't tell you when but i'll tell you oh if you made it or not soy taco what's the point of point of you know saying sorry without uh admitting what you're sorry for ha where's your where's your essay apology essay i'm kidding [Music] unless okay i should probably focus on drawing unless cut roasted roasted roasted takoyaki i still have ingredients left for takoyaki but i haven't found tacos from the the mart that i go to they usually have like giant like octopus likes like frozen ones but they haven't had it in stock for a while so i'm i'm like always checking the freezer section if they restocked it but they don't they don't come by every time so let's see i mean last time i had to make two was like ika but you know i want actual takoyaki taco everything in the world is a fake taco or a taco or at least i'd like to see i don't know where i was going with that conversation honestly even tacos i mean everything in the world is a taco or not a taco but there is a taco decay to see [Music] [Music] i'm in the uh not taco division because i'm human woman and how many times i have to repeat this puma all these doubts what if this was the second test takarachis huh what if this was the second test what if you feel just now let's look at the third time's the charm right third times the charm chat never learns i don't know what chad ever learn if i seem lower energy than usual because my brain brain is uh using all its brain sugar in drawing i'm doing my best to use as many many much much easier as much energy i can into talking and drawing range is lacking i'm trying i'm trying [Music] ah yeah eat some taco tea no no no no no i heard dumble octopus they uh they taste bad i think we went over this before you shouldn't eat you shouldn't eat switch cartridges right so you shouldn't eat pakora cheese i don't know i don't think i'd rather you guys stay and watch the streams rather than get eaten by people you know maybe it's a defense mechanism to be not tasty if you were tasty and cute that's too powerful you have to be nerfed but since you have to look cute you just taste bad you gotta you know find the middle ground exactly fair point yeah so when i say you guys taste that just be like you know what at least i'm cute you don't have to be perfect i just have to be cute [Music] perfectly balanced yes you're cute yes you are who's that cute you are there's a there's a saying that uh dumbo octopus are also very smelly but let's uh forget about that fact for a bit we'll just focus on looks and taste for now uh smell is not in the category for judging today you know you want no secret my nose is plugged so i can't smell you anyways i guess there's one thing good about my my nose so you know how sometimes you have you can like smell when the food goes bad but then like when a food is like just gone bad it's kind of like hard to tell so the other day um i had like uh what was it i think it was like it was like fried chicken or something fried wings hmm and i left it on the counter for like a day and then i went to eat it afterwards and then i like sniffed it and i was like hmm i don't sell anything and then and then i ate it i took a bite i was like what's this always this sour because it had like sauce on it right cause i it's like leftovers from last night i was like yeah usually it doesn't go bad in a day so i was like what's this always this sour i was like chewing and then and then my monies was like she came into them and she was like you know are you eating the eating the chicken from last night i was like yeah and then uh and then as i was chewing i was like it tastes kind of sour though and she's like stop eating it i was i was still chewing i was like no it's kind of sour i feel so dumb i mean i kind of land but it's okay my stomach was fine my stomach was fine i only took like one bite she just happened to walk in while i was chewing down my first first bite of chicken lesson of this lesson of the uh i guess more of the story is uh put leftover food in the fridge even if it's in the winter in the fridge oh usually usually stuff is fun like the um the fried chicken without the sauce was fine i think like the sauce definitely went bad faster than the other stuff something something chemicals something yeah so that's probably why i tasted more sour than the not fried on it's okay i'm alive nothing a little bit of i don't know training for my immune system something something strong stomach i mean i do get sick but it's usually like not with food i don't think i've ever gotten like food poisoning before i just get like only time is sick is like a little cold or something don't tempt fate time to knock on wood i mean i've had like i've had like bloody accidents before but i've never broken the bone hmm i mean i don't do much stuff that requires breaking bones but at the same time it's like i haven't broken the bone before i think the only time i like i got close to breaking a bone was like um i went when i was learning how to snowboard once like my monies and papani's kind of forced anderness and i to learn snowboarding and uh they only she only signed me off for like the very very beginner class snowboarding so after that was over they just let us loose and then they just like drop us off at the uh at the ski slopes and stuff over the weekend or something and i was like oh i i don't feel that i don't want to go it's like i can't i can't you know how snowboarders they like right down sideways like the slope i can't do that they only taught us how to go down perpendicular to the slope so um so i had to go all the way up to the top of the slope and slowly make my way down zigzagging perpendicular to the slope and there's like all these cool skiers and snowboarders zooming past me and here's me falling down going perpendicular to the slope and i didn't like that i didn't have fun and but they still forced me to go so and then um one time i was going down and i tripped really badly but in order to not fall like uh um face flat actually uh onto the under the ground i like um leaned backwards and fell on my butt but uh the more mud the most embarrassing part of that story was that this happened on the kitty hill like a very very very small hill i was coming down the hill perpendicular to the hill and i felt like i think and then i think i bruised like my tailbone or something and then i was like and then i went back to like the lounge where like the rest of my family was sitting i was like i think i think i heard i i think i hurt my tailbone it really hurts to walk and they're like now you're fine just go back to writing your snowboard and then i was like i was kind of upset because like i got hurt but they were just like now you're just you just you're just saying that because you you know you don't want to snowboard but then they probably regretted saying that because like i went back and i tried to you know tough it out for like another hour or so before before i came back to the lounge and just sat there painfully and then i think like around the month or so i had trouble singing out and i had like a huge bruise on my back i was like i don't ever want to go snowboarding ever again yeah lesson of the story if your kid comes up on the verge of tears saying they might have uh hurt their tailbone maybe get them checked out [Music] yeah i don't know i'm not a i'm not a big fan of exchange sports i'm fine with sports like swimming and then like and like you know basketball or like like badminton or table tennis but when it comes to extreme sports where you go really fast down like really steep slopes i'm just like nope can i skate i can skate but um i haven't gone skating in a long time actually but um yeah i'm not very uh i'm not very keen on risk taking sports um so i'd rather just ah the more passive sport you know ice skating is fun like just going around laps and stuff i just gotta remember not to you know not to uh escape right from the center of the ring to the edge while there's speed skaters going around that's a memory i won't forget other than that yeah i'm fine i can uh you know i can ice skate yeah i think uh i learned how to skate like a little later like jenny elementary school or something but i learned i'm pretty sure i learned uh skating before swimming was around the same time i forget i definitely prefer swimming because swimming can save lives skating maybe swimming is a good skill to have i think you never know when you'll be off you'll need it i like swimming yeah i almost i was okay um i was like really close to getting like the lifeguard certificate so i could have i could get like a part-time job as a lifeguard at the pool but then i got lazy i didn't get it and then by the time i i was looking for like a part-time job i was like maybe i can still use my uh is my swimming experiences to become a lifeguard and they're like oh sorry you're uh your qualifications are expired so you gotta take all these lessons and i was like no [Music] how does how does like a qualification for something just expire like that like man i i still know how to swim i don't just forget how to swim but yeah there's regulations and stuff and stuff changes but it's like uh when it comes to rules and stuff and i understand it's just that back when i was uh searching for part-time jobs during the summer breaks i was just like i'd be nice if i could just sit by the pool for hours and just get paid lifeguard lifeguards got paid quite a quite a bit but yeah yeah first aid stuff gets changed a lot sometimes i think and you gotta like like uh make sure you remember all of it that's like one big part about uh being a lifeguard hmm yeah it's true you can only you can't forget so you gotta remember that it's i say jokingly about how i was lazy but at the same time you gotta remember that lifeguards are very important because they're um their job plan deals with like other people's lives so you gotta make sure you're in top sheep and you know like all the uh all the regulations and all the first aid stuff because although most of the times it's just sitting around on the side but when it comes to emergencies it depends on you so more responsibilities means more regulations yeah i mean back when i was qualified to be one i was that was back when i was um i was like uh like doing one of those like really really long marathon swim for charity stuff and back when i was actually fit not anymore i can't do that anymore i if i went to the pool i'll just get a giant floaty and just float on the water this is back in the day yeah even better i'll just sit on the side with my uh with my feet in the water to cool down and i'll just be drawing that's just me i was like back when you know i was like just starting to draw so i didn't i didn't like dedicate everything i had into drawing you know yeah i had to try a little bit of everything you know to find what i like to do i think it's because i tried so many things when i was little like everything from like sports to like arts and a whole bunch of stuff i actually learned like i was like oh i really like drawing huh yeah so it's important to try a lot of things when you can you never know what you'll find what got me into drawing uh i think the first thing was like back in the day underneath she also liked drawing and then when we saw like inuyasha [Music] on tv and stuff she used to draw like inuyasha and the show maru and her notebooks and be like oh that looks cool i'm gonna draw what she drew and then i got interested in that and then uh a classmate when they brought one of those like how to draw manga finger books that you can buy from like uh like the school catalog and stuff and i was like oh can i borrow that and then i used to like draw it a lot yeah actually that kind of brings up a memory of uh when i got like really into drawing um i used to like draw a lot in classes and stuff and like the the friend who let me the book was like stop trying come play i was like i want to draw yeah but um after that like uh during like summer breaks and stuff uh i used to like gather because like papani's he had like a lot of like leftover paper from his work and stuff so i would like gather up all the paper that he didn't need and make like a little booklet of like paper i could doodle on and then i had to spend the entire like summer break dueling in the paper and stuff that was fun like i uh that we had like an extra like i was like kind of like an attic it was kind of like a small room in the corner of the house and i just bring my stack of paper sit the small desk in the corner and then i'll just draw all day and then uh they used to take us to the library a lot because reading reading is important and then they had like shaman king in the library and like was it yakuza and so i'd borrow that and like follow drawings from there [Music] yeah actually uh underneath she doesn't really admit to watching anime and stuff like to her friends like like her normal friends but like she likes to sometimes talk about anime and uh recently like when she came back last time she was talking about it and she was like what was that what was that one anime that i really really liked it had like uh like a red haired dude and like uh a black hair like shorty was like like spiky hair and the white scrub is like uh oh yeah that show i was like man nostalgic yeah she probably doesn't talk she doesn't have that many friends to talk about like anime with so she doesn't even know like the titles for most of them she just remembers some of the characters vaguely eat some new chicken ah that was from a while ago huh it's okay i actually had like chicken it's not really chickens too it's kind of like chicken stew uh we had that for like dinner [Music] ish dinner breakfast lunch it was really good for being so comfy and welcoming from these past months the thrill vibing and having fun together with everyone here's to our comfy streams ahead in the future ah thank you so much hmm hello from japan [Music] yeah i'm glad i'm glad everyone everyone well most everyone everyone hopefully everyone is enjoying the streams um because i sure do i told you guys that i am out of all the needs that i have my need for sleep is the biggest and the fact that the fact that i still wanna stream when i'm sleepy means a lot you know what's the thing between you and then it planned before the manga stream or did it sort of happen uh what's with the wall of text on that thumbnail hope you too would collab more in the future we look forward to it ah so nothing nothing is really planned when it comes to like spontaneous conversations and stuff i just i just played a lot along and then suddenly i had a ahead of life but you know uh yeah our wife let's chew this unit she has many many wives a great upgrade any husbands many wives but then there goes like oreno blink right you guys are all waifus you guys thought we were the life is no you guys are the lifeless you know what they say no white food no life um what does our frill look like hold on hmm no life is just friends you friendzoning me i mean i'm not against it but that's what you want that's what you want hit the back button ctrl z a bad end this is where the you died skin come on [Music] then you die i do wish we can one day play the souls games for all the suffering one day and bloodborne that'd be nice so hmm i feel like once uh if we get permissions everyone well a lot of a lot of holy life members will start playing it i would love to see that too it's like when when we just got permissions from you like so many of us were waiting that they started streaming it right away um i'm also really hoping for and to get monster hunter permissions wouldn't that be nice i like playing montan i haven't tried the uh demo yet there's still some stuff in uh monster underworld that i haven't done either the thing is if you get if you maybe get like permission for like older monster hunter too those would be fun to play too although i only have a wii u so maybe the weaver i'm not even sure if i have the charger from my 3ds hello but yeah rise demolish the first [Music] wait is not like tomorrow i have to play tonight i didn't know there was a uh a limit no let's play well i guess i know what i'll be doing later tonight sleep no sleep is temporary monster hunter rise demo is today maybe i'll i'll bring my uh switch to the shrine i'll take the extended extended meeting break be like uh i got i got a meeting with the gods yeah [Music] i wouldn't be i wouldn't be surprised if some of the other priestesses uh also would like to play though i wouldn't be surprised it's a pretty big shine so they might they might want to play with me as long as the uh the head crease is still planned out it's fine right it's part of our uh it's part of our uh you know our training bonding together yeah [Music] mm-hmm actually um usually when i have to wait for like um what should i say like the revelations the whispers to come during my duties hmm i usually get a bit of free time even at the big shrine so when i do i've been uh playing quite a bit of my jungle lately um i got actually got like three three yakuma's the last week or so i got really happy maybe i'm improving i don't know maybe i'm just really lucky i think i'm just really lucky one of them was i don't really know what it was called but one of them turned out it said it was a double yakuman but i don't know what makes saliya come out of double yakuman and then i i tried a bit of mahjong in final fantasy 14 but the tiles all look really different so it confused me a lot yeah that one sounds like a digimon it's just if you have enough yakuza ah probably yeah i started watching saki a bit because um i was curious if i could learn mahjong from it but then i mean i learned some terminology but i realized like a plus minus zero i'd be lucky if i just don't go negative oh yeah and today i was playing playing a little bit and uh like two of the rounds i was like one tile away from 13 orphans and i got really sad [Music] because i'm just too old and i cried a little bit inside it happened twice twice and one of them was actually like like um oh yeah one of them um someone smooth and then one of them someone calmed the white dragon and it broke my heart it broke my heart seeing that khan [Music] yeah i think i was waiting for a nine nine bamboo and and the white dragon well it happens you can't always like the reason why 13 orphans is so hard to guess because the chances of getting it is just slow you know i'll get it again one time one one more time one day one day [Music] it's hard to get because it's hard to get yes yeah i don't know i think it's like a good filler game like when i'm when i'm just waiting for something i just turn on the mahjong when i'm waiting for my food to heat up [Music] i think it's like a steep learning curve at first but once you get a hang of it it's kind of fun nice job ah how are they on time ah we're almost an hour since we started the line art and we're not even halfway done oh no chest is two at first yeah like chest like i think i think i just have to play a little more to warm up my brain to the idea of chess usually it's like yeah it's kind of like a good game to play like on your own time probably not on stream because i like to think instead of talking same with module i think i do worse if i'm like streaming my brain needs to be focused the thing about chess is that like i have to think about like how to end and the game but i just don't have enough brain power to think ahead enough to end the game now i did well against the define the fine well yeah it's like i know how the rules work and i know how the pieces work it's just my brain does not go too far ahead before you know reading of a checkmate [Music] yeah i'm slowly learning how to like beat the pieces and stuff in mahjong though like like whenever someone someone has like a vt i like look at the board and be like okay they put down these pieces so they're most likely going for like this and this piece i try to guess which one's gonna be naron or the tsumu i got some of them right has to curve in a little is a rare occurrence okay it doesn't happen every day have i played speeches no i don't think so hmm all night i want to play whole night i started so many games recently that i should probably finish before starting new ones but a lot of the games that i did start require quite a bit of time at the same time so maybe you'll play holiday next week or the upcoming week i want to play a little bit at least yeah like i'm gonna i wanna finish like splatoon story mode and then go to the octa expansion and then maybe do some ranked and stuff also wanna do hollow night i also wanna replay near tomato and outer wilds and ah so many games a little time so a little time ranks when i got up to level 10 first i'm like halfway halfway through level nine or something so soon i'll be ready yeah the thing about nier automata i talked about this a little bit but um i wanna your automata is like one of my favorite games of all time it's really fun to play in general so i wanna book like a really really long time to uh marathon like like a to e endings maybe a little more if i get the end ending uh i'm kidding but i wanna at least like book like one of the weekends or something and just marathon it through when i'm not too tired yeah the ending speed run not a speed run though just not you know relive the experience yeah i think generally it says like a to e ending it's like around 30 hours or so so um probably try to knock it out in like two days maybe two and a half three days not a 30-hour marathon but i'll probably do like 15 and then break and then 15. that's my that's my plan but how viable it is and we'll see when we get there it depends on a if my uh if my thumb and fingers can handle holding a controller for that long because i'm not used to playing with controllers for like a really long period of time but um i do wanna i didn't wanna have fun enjoy playing near tamata again because i really enjoyed the first playthrough i did when it first came out so i wanna revisit it and remember the old times looking forward to replicant yes very much so like it was like it's kind of like like before it was announced it was kind of like a wish list of them it was like in my wish list like i hope they like remake the older games the new visuals and they did which is really nice [Music] i did i did hope for like platinum games to do the remake as well because i really enjoyed the uh i really enjoyed the fights and the battle system in automata but uh still looks promising so i'm looking forward to [Music] how i played austral chains i actually haven't finished austral's chains i have played it a little bit though i had a little trouble like getting used to the uh controls for the chain i guess i forgot what it's called but the uh the thing magic that you are chained to i had a little bit of trouble getting used to that system and then i think i think my pokemon arrived like the week after or something and i didn't i didn't go back into it yet the lesion yeah like you know how sometimes you have to like loop around the the mobs and stuff like i had trouble like like coordinating my movement yeah there's definitely a learning curve and i didn't have much time to spend on it until my pokemon run i haven't played metal gear series actually i want to play it if there's a chance to that'd be fun how many how many metal gear solid games are there they're like five seven six five eight is so many quite a few that's a good answer quite a few there's like seven or eight ah which one is your favorite i mean i guess if i were to play the series i might as well start from the start three ah three is really popular huh like i've seen like uh like like uh clips of the games come up in like one of those like um videos where they're talking about different uh let's just say different like things that happen in video games and stuff so i always wanted to try it one day one day three is the star of the time i see also it's one of those games that's like the numbers don't follow like the chronological order so you gotta like piece together the story by playing through all of them [Music] see i see that sounds fun i love games like that like there's some like uh easter eggs and stuff and automata that's like that like uh refers to like the older games and stuff that i really like maybe you can go visit that when we play through it um yeah i definitely want to go through the games like maybe like i'll do like a game like gameplay like marathon with like the major endings and then i'll go find the smaller stuff together that'd be fun um done may cry shade is the gameplay from devil may cry series like similar isn't like it you have to do like a whole bunch of combos and stuff i think i've watched the gameplay before but i haven't played the games themselves [Music] ah i was interested in playing it sometime and i know we have permissions for it i don't know it'll be fun it is it suit you i didn't want to play i know like yeah i watched um some of the gameplay for it it looked kind of fun so i was uh when i was making like a list of games i want to play in the future i put it on the list and i totally forgot we had permissions for that already yeah the ost i listened to the ost before yeah yeah that's how i remember the game i forgot what track exactly it was but um i was listening to it a lot actually a lot of games are discovered by their music first like the new series i discovered them because i i like random like just randomly listened to their btm i was like wait game is so good what game is this and i i like read up on like so many things i'm like this is good i need more and then like a a few years after that you're taught to release i was like if you guys like the music of uh of the near series you guys should check out uh an anime series called yukina as a hero they also did music for that it's really good um [Music] and well of course like um what's it they also did the music for ceno alice because yokota was working on that too but yeah that's that music from there is good too hmm actually i think i didn't need to do this part yeah i should have done a better job with the rough sketchy ah i bought the game i played through it a little bit but i didn't finish it it'd be nice if we could play too yeah a lot of the games i want to play are like really really long game like game time wise wait free time play time play time-wise so i don't want to start too many at the same time capcom if only hmm um yes super ninty okay i feel like i'm taking a long time on the liner only it's okay we still have quite a bit of time left hopefully hopefully and also streaming to like like like uh pretty late so i could not want to finish it by the time she wakes up [Music] [Music] i think if she sleeps in today i can make it untied let's see please sleep in yeah like uh i can only like imagine how hard it must have been for her for like the last like couple of weeks actually more than weeks months so if this can cheer her up a little bit she worked really hard on preparing for the new stream and stuff too so [Music] well she she stayed really positive through everything and she deserves the best she's a really hard worker yes she is she's like really really like if i think about like one like the person with like the most bright warm personality i just think of the new precious cinnamon bun hmm power super super ninety indeed power of love is that why she has so many wives waifus is that the trick to being as positive as nancy [Music] not enough waifu in my life not enough food why fools oh maybe i should follow her example hello inna hello you guys like that idea huh i'll think about it put it in the suggestions box good morning it is it afternoon i can't tell anymore i haven't opened my curtains in like weeks [Music] [Music] daytime nighttime is just relative it's day time when i'm awake it's nighttime when i'm sleeping time is relative right huh now that i say time is relative i just think back to like my physics class all those equations i had to memorize never again i didn't i didn't take i didn't i didn't pick bio i didn't was i didn't enroll for biology i don't like memorizing stuff i'd rather do physics than biology [Music] i mean physics you have to memorize like the laws and stuff but most of the stuff is just applying the laws so even if you don't know the equation you can somehow guess the equation in a way if you think back to the theory behind it that's how i got through physics or they used to give you like a formula sheet yeah physics is just logic but biology if you can't remember that one terminology you're doomed and i loved chemistry chemistry was one of my favorite subjects everything except organic chemistry okay no regular chemistry yes okay was just painful i don't even remember what i got in okin anymore i just remember struggling through it calculus calculus is okay yeah i don't know calculus was just a different world all together because like my class had like all these smart kids smart kids in the uh in the grade and then like like i don't know what happened with my class but our class average on tests were like high 80s to 90s so curve was out of the question curving without the question he's actually at the chat it was uh yeah it was like it was like the class where like everyone was really competitive like everyone was just like as soon as they get their tester they're like hey what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get who's first who's first and like the difference between the first and second was like a 0.5 mark ugh nah i was never talk one of my close classmates was like the uh the smartest girl in like the entire like region so there's no way i'd be talk yeah like you know how you get like uh oops you get like like created and like sometimes they like tell you like what your grade is compared to like the city and like the region like the whole country yeah she was really smart never understood the reasoning for uh regional rankings as for scholarships mostly probably scholarships and like sponsors sometimes or like competitions or stuff hmm at the end of the day though like those rankings like academic rankings they're like just dependent on what the curriculum so it doesn't really it doesn't really gauge your um real intelligence much well depends on how well you do and following the curriculum and stuff there's multiple types of intelligence doesn't measure all of them just because you're not doing too well in school don't worry about it testing skills are different things like test taking skills are actually a thing like i can tell you a thing about test taking skills that i've developed but like sometimes you can be really smart but really bad at taking tests so you get like a little no what should i say like a know-how on taking tests and stuff if you're good at that then you get better marks you know what they say work smarter not hard opposite is also possible yeah you might not be too smart but if you're good at taking tests because in the end like tests and like unless they're like free like like uh like free answer test but that's like multiple choice and stuff you can make your way around it even if you don't know much an educated guess yes the only thing you can't really cheat is like one of those like uh attendance stuff where the teacher actually knows you those sort of uh quote unquote spontaneous attendance test you can't cheat actually there is a way but you just but you need a friend so one thing like the attendance stuff that we used to do was like a spontaneous like uh quiz and it was like a multiple choice that you had to like text them the answer so if i was like running late or if i i was like sleeping in the library i just asked ask like a friend in the class to tell me when it was and just like text me when it's going on that just texted my answer don't follow my example i i said nothing i was a good student never miss the class [Music] hey when you when you you know never have asked anything even if you're skipping class do it wholehearted please don't quote me on this ah it's okay it's okay i'm fine and i still have i still have like nightmares about classes and assignments it's like it's like the day of the finals and then you're like on your way to school and then you remember that you didn't attend any of the lectures and you have no idea what this class is about and you're just like oh i ain't gonna fail didn't i oh yeah do you guys ever have dreams about like when you are like going somewhere and everyone has their luggage but you your luggage is missing you're just like okay just wait here i'm gonna go get the luggage except you can never make it to where your luggage is and they're like come on that the plane's about to the park and you're just like oh i don't my luggage isn't here yet where's my luggage why can't i go get it no yes no i don't know i've had those dreams or like i misplaced something and it's like something really important and like panicking yeah those are just nightmares good dreams are i don't know actually do you remember any dreams you had that were like so memorable that you still remember to this day i have one dream like that [Music] it was like um it was like a dream about like random like like it was like night time and then i was like in my uh childhood apartment that we used to live in yes yes yeah it's the uh it's the one on the 13th floor yeah i don't know i'm pretty sure i talked about the that apartment but um one day like uh my front door was unlocked like this wasn't the dream this wasn't a dream and then like there was like really bright lights outside and i got really scared and then hid underneath the bed and then there was like a whole bunch of people like walking around and like in my head i knew i knew they were aliens and they were they were coming for me so i was hiding i was like holding my breath trying not to try not to make a noise so the aliens will find me it was so surreal i still remember this day was it really a dream you never know it was just a dream or not a dream yeah maybe it was like maybe some people were trying to find like eofy's empire or something back in the day that was a weird dream or was it a dream a dream within a dream hmm yeah oh speaking of stuff you remember from your childhood you guys remember that uh like the first time you didn't cry when you fell on the ground i still remember mine i can't remember if i talked about this or not probably did maybe but yeah i was i was doing like i was just running around randomly like around the tree and then i tripped on the on the tree trunk or roots i guess and i didn't cry and i was like oh i didn't cry i still remember that and these like random memories that you remember from childhood it's just like really small things if you look back to it but back then it was like such a big thing for you that it's like angry then you're in your brain a core memory is not what they're called core memory speaking of a core memory there's another one that i remember when i was i was very very small i think it was like some sort of like i think it was like arnis's school had like a sports festival and then uh we were having a picnic in the field and then mamanis made like the seafood stew that was really really good i still remember the taste of that [Music] it's so good i haven't had a seafood stew that good like until now i still remember it because i took the bowl that the soup wasn't and i chugged it and i think i was really really little and then my money was like look at her go it was delicious yeah i love nerdy's jacket i wonder if she'll ever make it into like a goods you can buy then a cheese jacket honestly they could totally make like a hollow life clothing brand that'd be nice are you listening maybe one day i mean they already have quite a bit of like clothing items like on booths and stuff but like an actual brand would be really nice shop are we almost done the line art we're almost in the liner yeah like girls hoodies it's like really nice too i totally wear it i will not work on the line art a little more if i had time but you don't have that time so we'll refine it as pico okay and if you turn off the [Music] sketch good enough okay time to do the uh fill in the base colors hopefully this is okay i mean i made up uh [Music] hold on i need to draw a few more things all of the there i think this is it so let me check yes save missing something here okay now we can go on to blocking out the colors so yes ah of course i need a liner that was fuzzy i'll just fill in what i can [Music] why was i a mask and then [Music] that's good just gotta fill in this part and this part and this part and this part and that should be good enough to fill in like this i'll play down here yes yes venus venus [Music] mm-hmm and hmm [Music] [Music] okay okay now that's okay and then do that save ah my heater is making my disk too warm i turned it off now okay now i'll just copy paste okay fill in the colors fill in the colors oops and then her eyes [Music] shop then i'll fill in her mouth got the drawing ah thank you and then fill with that and then the cheese eyes mhm and then fill in the eyes like so good boy [Music] time for her hair sleepy yeah i might take a short nap of his i could not sleep at all i was looking forward to drawing this too much apparently i knew it that's it from this now i should be able to fill it in [Music] it's not good no i will hold on i can't make it through this without falling asleep i'll do it for a minute ugh i shot he has to be all over here oh i missed the spot there huh there you go okay okay okay okay well i guess i can put the the bear paws in the same layerish seeing group rather yeah i don't need my layers but i keep them in a general order that's easy for me to remember so i don't have to name them at all ah thank you hmm i think when it comes to fan art it's like i'll be happy if forever i just use the drawings it's okay if they don't see either because i'm just drawing because i'm a fan of them that's why it's called fan art why amazon oh and yes i can put a hearts no it's orange it's like orange is orangish pink oops this [Music] and then there's also the nails yes stretch time huh okay i'm awake now and then fill the jacket first i knew it maybe i should put this in a different folder actually bring it up here [Music] and go like this having the fuzziness definitely makes the masking part harder huh [Music] ah thank you [Music] so sorry i'm going into focus mode my brain is going into power saving mode basically it's going into power save mode maybe it's time for a mochi break maybe it's time for a mochi break my brain must be running out of juice yeah apparently the store that we go grocery shopping at they were selling some mochi oh we bought some fresh mochi okay after i block out all the colors i will take a mochi break a motivational break okay that was kind of bad laughs come on you guys should be used to it by now you should have seen it coming ah that was great cat can also make her bow hi oh and and her corset we're getting there we almost there i need to restart hold on where is that there you go um so and bell huh just a little longer for mochi break just a little longer oh oh that was that part is brown yeah this is a little harder ah wait a minute what color is oh it's also brown okay in orange yellow yellow yellow ribbon rip it [Music] like this is everything no her jacket stripes orange ah also her jacket also her jacket also her jacket now i feel like hold on like it would show up on this side also that white part of the jacket needs to be deleted down here too two i do it did i make it i think i made it i think i made it hold on it's missing something needs to be like soft okay oh wait it's also missing ah ah these colors are finished that was what two hours hey not too bad we got we got two more hours maybe hour and 45 minutes i know the flowers are different colors it's called base colors for a reason i'll be changing them later don't worry um [Music] multi-time what do you say because it's like the right amount of sweetness to get my brain going no it's just regular mochi with a red bean paste in the middle [Music] um time is there like a different flavor emoji i know there's like [Music] i know there's like strawberry daifuku is that what's called where they put the wrecking piece around the strawberry and then wrap it in mochi those are good too um [Music] [Music] i'm not eating more to you i have more coffee i do hmm oh um speaking of watching my name um what was that series called tamako market huh [Music] i like how they named one of the characters like their last names [Music] the the birdera hahaha the movie the movie version was a tamako love story that was really cute i remember watching it [Music] hmm i'm sorry you're just watching me eat my mochi ah we can get started again i think i'm gonna change it so it's not just that this is the thing oh oh do i set the timer i did not okay there you go timer huh i'll keep it like this [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] i should save forgot to see you um timer is just from when i started the line art to when i finish i guess just a reference for myself [Music] up a little bit of hiccup on the connection it should get better hopefully it might just be youtube because remember even during nina's like her one of her last songs it was seen up to youtube good get your act together huh [Music] i'm pretty sure it's just youtube [Music] it's just going on and off there's nothing wrong with my own internet right now i just checked it just youtube can't be helped then it's too powerful maybe it's not my fault it's youtube console the power of super niche can't handle it [Music] yo mm-hmm oh [Music] [Music] sneeze oh it's gone it's gone ah no it's gone it's gone it's gone it's gone it's gone forever denied once again [Music] sad oh there we go thank you thank you oh now my door's gonna be all stuffed give me one second okay hopefully my nose is okay ah thank you i can't believe it took so long for this knees i've been denied so many times [Music] thank you thank you decided it wouldn't happen i didn't believe you gotta believe till the end the sneeze that never was it's a once a year sneeze probably it's the first sneeze of the year right technically for sneeze of the year ugh jump so [Music] oh shouldn't take as long as a liner i think probably hopefully um [Music] now i'm going to adjust that later i'll do that later [Music] yeah every time i sneeze i like my nose gets really stuffed up so it's fine when i want to talk but when i do have to talk it's a little troublesome ah oops i'll probably end up having to do some retouch work like after the stream but i think we can manage to finish the majority of it on the stream probably now it's just a pain to switch programs on obs so when i do the retouch works probably end up being puff sweet [Music] [Music] ah it's okay i'm not i'm not sleepy yet i'm yawning but i'm not it's not like a sleepy on it's like a uh yawn that just comes and goes no like it's like you know like when you yawn in like situations where you're not really sleepy but it's like just yawn it's not asleep beyond it's just the yawn it's a comfy on ah that's one way to put it a comfy on and it's like a brain needs aryan ah maybe i need to breathe more probably doesn't work that way it probably doesn't work that way a bit of fresh air can help probably i could probably use some sleep no air [Music] and then [Music] uh oh let's see i could use some fresh air maybe i'll take a walk after this i could use some fresh area what weapon do i mean in monster hunter uh insect glaive with the side of bow by outside i mean just like the street outside my house i need nowhere further hmm [Music] why is chat fighting chat no fight no fighting i could open the window yeah but that's cold and that's like wasting heating bills it's like if articles i'll go outside myself monster underwrite doesn't have the clutch claw thing right i really like that i know they have like the the singing swings where you can like spiderman onto them and stuff you can ride the monsters huh there is there any like new new monster that was like just added for rice i guess that's maybe the demo huh um it's kind of ah [Music] i split on his arms ah [Music] how many monsters can you fight in the demo just a few four two five two three three or four seems like four is a common answer that's still quite a lot you think i can finish it tonight i can probably finish it tonight right all right yes okay i'll have to give it a try i'll just double check when the demo stops i guess so i don't miss it is i'll try playing it two of them are really easy i see that one a lot the one like in the it looks kind of like um uh how to explain it it kind of looks like that giant like not really fox but it's like white and red and they uh fight it near the waterfall stuff i've been seeing that one a lot yeah the bubbles the bubbles [Music] the bubble bubbles oh let's add colors like this this can be a little lighter yes save yeah definitely we'll try the demo before it goes away i have to download it but i haven't turned it on yet that's why [Music] mm-hmm yes i have enough time left in the demo to play through at least like maybe one or two hopefully so 12 midnight tonight is that in like eastern time you can still play it after february 1st ah really [Music] ah only online will be ah so i can just enjoy it okay that's good [Music] i understand if the online stuff is gone though because they probably need to work on that before the release hmm alcohol's fine i'm a solo hunter anyways i'm just a solo hunter i mean i like to hunt things like myself first before like i bring people in for forms and stuff it's like when when you're alone you can see the movements and like the the like the uh the moves of each monster more easily when there's more people it's just more chaos so when you learn the moves and then you if you wanna you know get some help then you can get some help but it's always good to clear about yourself first i think hmm here with gradient is kind of difficult to get right at least get the uh effect that i want um i forget which which monster and monster in the world i had the most trouble with it's probably actually i haven't done rajon yet [Music] i have not done rajan yet [Music] by the time i was through iceborn like um there were like a lot of down time before an update and then i got kind of tired of waiting so i i played a little bit of something else but i want to try raja if we ever get monster hunter world permissions on the play through it again from the beginning oh actually the one one that i remember was actually killing king king because the hitbox is so small it jumps around so much i'm trying to get my buffs inside exactly it's just like nope nope just like gallop silly and you're like i thought you're moving it's just like just kidding haley wow it's still fun though it's like painful fun the story of all monster hunter players it's painful but it's fun [Music] is them well so are you all playing monster hunter don't worry one of us i don't know oh i think her hair has to be a little lighter i can fix that later power photoshop but my counter self being on meow i don't know i'd rather be i'd rather be i want to be fluffy you see my do you see my choker it's fluffy and i put people to sleep wait i'm paula nightshade not gonna lie it's like one of my favorite gears gear sets they're so cute my favorite my favorite set is actually like the iceborn base set with the wiggler head i love the wiggler head especially especially as insecure when you jump it just like when you fly around it's the best yep i forget which gear i always give my pelico it's like a really cute one that i always give them [Music] ah don't you call um what's it holocaust something different in japanese i forgot what it's called i do hmm yeah the cats the cats pollicos i do i like it because it's kind of like saying eyeball but i do um [Music] it's coming out nicely hey thank you we're getting there closer and closer to the end um but yeah the best part of all like some of the monster under stuff is like the food they eat it looks so delicious [Music] like when you when you see them cooking like the uh the shore seed cutscene you always feel hungry you're just like man it's a lot of food i probably can't finish it if it was like real portions but still it looks so good you always get hungry when you when you see that cutscene i like rarely skip that cutscene because it's always so nice yeah i'm pretty sure there's people who like like see the uh see the different plates and they like make it on their own like in real life i bet when monster hunter has like one of those like collaboration cafes it's like really popular i can imagine i'm pretty sure there's collab cafes of monster hunter around did i do the collab yeah i did you know the uh wrestlers trial it's so good to get like during your leveling like if you're leveling a class and you get in the troll you're just like yes jackpot because i think it gives you like what three mil experience points for like that trial itself it's so good [Music] i mean i i used to do the main story quest like every day or every other day like well something in classes but when you get wrestles that's like 10 minutes and then you get three email experience points like easy usually you don't get that much in a trial i don't think huh yeah trail gives you very little so when you get that rustles you're just like yes you should change the background yeah okay we gotta progress it's 8 o'clock in japan now oh no i gotta hurry okay i mean even if i don't make it until she wakes up it's fine i'll just post it a little more and then post it later and like i saw [Music] and so do you have any tips for good liner uh you can make sure you use like varying uh line widths with english heart to express things a little more dynamically and stuff like that what opacity says i'm 100 ha ha ha why bionic so much rain needs more air how do you know what shapes to make for the clothing folds i guess i guess but basically uh when you have like a good mental library of how different types of fabric like fold and stuff then it just comes naturally i think you fake it till you make it it doesn't have to be exact it just has to look good it has to be convincing yes that's what i meant to say that's why i always always emphasize that observational skills are just as important as uh just practicing drawing itself like if you are really good at analysis and building up your mental images uh mental library of like all the different materials all the lighting effects all the colors and stuff it really cuts down a lot of time in uh your studies like sometimes i don't draw as much but i just spend that time staring at different artworks like trying to analyze it how they would do so and so and such and such it's like image training like when when athletes go through like image training and stuff it's the same thing for our artists you can go through image training you need good observational skills and being able to break down stuff in your head in order to effectively draw better more efficiently i guess learn efficiently as well it's the term here [Music] [Music] that's why i like buying um some art books too because sometimes there's some processes that's hard to learn but when they include like a like a how to not know how to but like a step by step on how they work on a few things and you can pick up a few tricks here and there but mostly if you try to just look at someone's work and just kind of be like i wonder how they went about this i wonder if they use like this layer mode or like if they uh chose these colors and then like uh you know did something diff like this and this like that and you think about the different ways so that when you're working on your stuff you're just like oh maybe i should try uh using this layer mode or like you can try uh using these kind of colors that you saw before and stuff like that uh i don't know i can't really describe what i'm doing in words because it's just instinct it's just instinct to me at this point so i can't just be like so that part will be your homework you have to think why is inna using these colors or why is ina doing this nut could i use it in my work could i do something differently something like that because when it comes to art i can't just uh i don't think just telling you what i'm doing is that effective in the end because the actual act of like thinking about what someone else is doing and like how you would go about doing it is actually part of the learning hmm oh i don't know that i guess that's kind of the way i learned this stuff or how i got used to doing stuff yeah i think it has been pretty useful or effective for me so maybe i'll be a for someone maybe it won't be for you everyone is different so never know what will work for you or it's not you won't know until you try you know how do you feel about using blender models to figure out lighting cheating or not there's no such as just thing as cheating in art i don't think it's just being more efficient for trying different methods there's no right or wrong remember work smarter not harder plagiarizing of course is wrong i mean you gotta use common sense like of course stealing someone else's other work like work is wrong but like using blender to figure out shadows and stuff no [Music] tracing can be useful depending on the uh purpose of it you know there's a lot of like background artists and stuff they trace over photographs but they render their own like colors and such but tracing someone's work and then claiming as a your own i don't know there's a lot of great spots of course but when it's like just improving your workflow by using like 3d programs and stuff i think that's completely fine i mean like concept artists and just illustrators do that all the time nothing wrong with it huh at the end of the day it's up to your own standards and morals etc etc etc angry i'm not angry you would know if i'm angry because i just won't be i don't know i don't get really angry that much i'm more hungry than angry i don't know if anything when do i actually feel like i am angry i don't know i never really thought about it salty i don't know maybe just like a little annoyed at times but not like actual like anger anger oh oh i should be good enough hmm [Music] angry at chat [Music] no haha ah i mean if someone's angry at me for doing something i don't know if i'm maybe like lost in a game or something that's understandable uh i'm not the thing is like i don't like teaching or quote-unquote teaching something that i don't grasp the rules of myself which is why i also don't do like critiques on drawings and stuff like that too because i don't have a grasp on the theory art theory or anything so you can't really give feedback others then if it was me i would do it like this but the way i do things is probably not optimal i think it was the same thing during school too like when uh someone asked me a question it was something i didn't know i just feel a little more lost and i'd like to help but i don't want to give you wrong answers so yeah teaching is a different different skill definitely [Music] it's like if they have like no one else like absolutely no one else to go to it's okay but like when i'm trying to figure out stuff myself i'm just like sorry i need to sort out my brain first before i can explain this to anyone else whoops i'm sorry i keep yawning today oh no we only have like 45 minutes left speed speed speed i thought four hours would have been enough since i had the rough finished i was under asked or overestimate overestimating my speed [Music] and again i think i put more effort into drawing this than i expected it's probably why it's taking longer [Music] it's for life true yeah i mean i don't finish everything that i draw on stream but some of them i do want to finish so that's why the sunday streams are called doodles jeans because they don't i don't obviously have to finish all of them i mean i can down the line but um i'll fix that later and i always want to get the base shadows down before the time is over left hand is stiff [Music] okay just a little longer [Music] oh i'll be honest i was drawing for a long time before i started the street so my hand is a little stiff or getting a little stiff i'll make it through a different energy like you saw brown part add this color so all right there's also ah there you go forgot the light strip here [Music] now i'm saying that is uh having fun in dreamland right now she deserves it oh there we go one more layer um this color hmm fluffy now poco's usually awake pretty late or early yeah then this outfit is so cute isn't it super cute for super minutes [Music] mm-hmm [Music] oh i have to work on the rendering of this a little more later i think i got the colors right probably ah poco mentioned she lurks in my stream sometimes i also work in her sometimes yeah sometimes i just don't like to comp like i watch a lot of streams but i just don't like commenting on it because each each uh each streamer has their like own piece going right now right so like sometimes when i get like mentioned randomly i can just like you know peek my head in but usually when they're doing their own thing i just prefer to just watch them i mean i have to spend uh a lot of time doing repetitive tasks so having lots of streams to watch really helps with that's the time ah good night sleep tight [Music] we are almost there 30 minutes yeah i definitely will have to uh do the fine tuning and stuff off street i do want to post it today so maybe i can do it after or on my way to the [Music] shrine at least get the basic shadows down and then [Music] chop [Music] not gonna lie when it comes to drawing doing only drawing for like a couple hours in a row really takes a lot of concentration my brain juice is running out already green's just lacking yeah i think it's doable like in small bursts but marathoning drawing probably all means i won't be talking much oh marathon drawing to 800 i will be able to i mean it wouldn't really be a marathon i'll just be a normal drawing stream do why do artists flip the canvas because a sometimes it's easier to draw certain things at a certain angle that is uh possible to get by flipping the canvas and or to double check if there's any uh mistakes you've missed gives you a fresh look on the piece [Music] those are the two reasons i can think of so so so because sometimes when you stare at something for too long you can't really tell if you made a mistake or not you need a fresh eye that's why sometimes it's good to like uh draw something and then leave it for a while and come back to it so you can see some uh stuff that your eyes aren't used to seeing mm-hmm drink ah coffee um hold on where is the slayer [Music] they are squishy okay say no more say no more [Music] the heart is like the jellies on the paw they're so cute [Music] squishy beans and then i guess i can also color these yes and because okay and ah the claw next to the ear hi hi hi oops saw oh we can add a little bit of highlights okay save man this is rough we're almost there we're almost there though okay i can't even speak properly anymore uh yeah i might actually just sleep a little bit after this and then i'll uh i'll wrap it up or refine it a little more and then post it my my brain cell is at its limit inside its absolute limit ah almost there and touch up a little more [Music] okay save oh i think i think i'm gonna wrap it up for now my brain actually is like telling me i need real real real sleep [Music] oh we got we got like majority of the stuff done stop the timer ah we're like we're like like 90 percent finished what's everyone yeah that's rough i need to rest my hands it was uh definitely a marathon of drawing today uh thanks so much for coming to watch today thank you for all the super chats uh welcome to all the new members much much much appreciated thank you thank you thank you i still have to finalize a few things on my schedule so i'll be probably posting it like later tomorrowish tomorrow's probably a birthday i'll see so much for everything sorry i ended up going into like power saving mode near the middle thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i will see you uh next time i don't know when the next time it's gonna be yet but i will uh oh it's just now thank you [Music] bye you
Channel: Ninomae Ina'nis Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 300,838
Rating: 4.9955025 out of 5
Keywords: ninomae, inanis, ina, takotime, hololive english, hololiveEN, holomyth
Id: XKCCSgf5ehs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 31sec (13171 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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