【CC】免揉大气孔面包 意大利风味 手法特别 一看就会Easy way to make no-knead ciabatta bread at home
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Channel: jin的美食
Views: 1,417,646
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Keywords: 免揉面包, 意式面包, 拖鞋面包, 气孔面包, no-knead, ciabetta, Italian bread, how to make ciabatta at home, homemade ciabatta, 手工面包, 脆皮面包, 意大利面包, 免揉意式软面包, 无油无糖面包, 健康面包, no knead bread, crunchy bread, Ciabatta bread, Italian Ciabatta, easy steps to make Ciabatta, 夏巴塔面包, 大孔洞面包, 法式乡村面包, 软欧包, 法棍, Ciabatta recipe, Amazing Italian bread, how to, how to make, how to bake, simple, easy, delicious, recipes, 欧式面包, 意大利软包, homemade bread, homebake, 烘焙, 教学, 西点, 面包, 自制, 懒人面包, 免搓面包, 免揉膜面包, no knead, ciabatta bread recipe, easy bread recipes
Id: 8VVGRNsc-W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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