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The Fed suddenly announced that it will not cut interest rates? For those who have made more money from their previous investments and show it off everywhere , their end may be worse than bankruptcy! I wonder how many people can see this warning! But this may be the first time in my life that I urge everyone to hold cash! Why? Hello everyone! I'm a sweeper! Just take a look, for example, the house prices! People who are bullish on housing prices will tell you that if interest rates are cut this year, housing prices will take off and rise even more crazily! If you don’t buy it now, you won’t be able to afford it later! Then those who badmouth housing prices will say that things are different now! The birthrate is declining, and no one wants to be a housing slave. The fundamentals of the housing market have changed, so housing prices will plummet in the future! But they will add that unless the United States cuts interest rates! In other words, the United States has raised countless people's expectations for an interest rate cut since last year. Everyone is concerned about it. As long as the interest rate is cut at the end of 2024 , for example, the cost of borrowing money to buy a house becomes lower, so many more people will come out to borrow money to buy a house, or invest. Then the price of the asset will skyrocket! After the skyrocketing price, everyone will have money to spend. When everyone is willing to spend money , we can go back to the era of making money without thinking! But you know what? Japan, which owes the most money in the world, actually took the initiative to imitate the United States and raised interest rates. I owe you a lot of money. Although I say I can't pay it back, it doesn't matter! I will take the initiative to pay you a little more interest! Then a few days later, Switzerland, which had no debt problems at all, actually announced an interest rate cut! Even if I don’t owe you money, don’t lend me money because there’s no benefit to you lending me money and I won’t pay you back the interest! And the most disgusting thing is that after these two things happened , some time ago, the spokesperson of the Federal Reserve actually came out and said that there may not be an interest rate cut this year! The spokesman who previously said there was a good chance of interest rate cuts has now changed his attitude faster than the Rockets! Then think about it, if interest rates are not cut, everyone’s expectations will be disappointed! So in the past few years, everyone thought that what they had survived was an economic depression , but in the end they discovered that this was just the process of economic recession! In other words, the economy has not bottomed out yet and the worst case scenario has not yet occurred! Because you will find that the assets of Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey and countless countries in South Africa have all been shorted simultaneously! For example, in Egypt, people there are rushing to convert their country’s currency into US dollars! So who's next? Taiwan or Hong Kong? If they fall one after another like in 1997, then the financial crisis may just be the beginning! But don't worry! We never really believe what the Fed says, do we? What really affects the layout of our investors is that we need to see what the capitalists behind the United States have done and what happened, rather than what their spokespersons say! As long as we can see through the current situation and trends and know how we can make money when the best and worst situations occur , I don't care what he says, right? Also, the U.S. stocks, gold, and Bitcoin we bought 4 months ago have skyrocketed so much. Can we still buy them? If you don’t want to fall into the biggest trap of this century. If you don’t want to miss the trend of getting rich in economic recovery, you can subscribe to my channel for free and turn on the little bell. If you are afraid that you will not have the ability to execute after listening , then you can click for this video. Like it and the video will automatically be saved in your playlist so you can follow along at any time! First of all, the U.S. economy is like a plane flying at high speed! What does that mean? Do you still remember the epidemic in 2020? At that time, Trump started printing money in the name of giving money to the people, constantly printing money, and constantly releasing money! So you have heard of printing money, but can the printed money get to you? This money will first be lent to the bank at a very low interest rate, and then the bank will lend it to the capitalists behind the United States at a higher but still very low interest rate! So at this time, the capitalists have a lot of money in their hands. Since they have released so much water, they should collect it, right? not enough! After Biden came to power, he continued to print money and send money to the hands of capitalists! But everyone feels the same way. If you print too much money, it will cause inflation. You will be able to buy fewer things with the money you have, and it will depreciate! But the former and current Chairman of the Federal Reserve will tell you categorically, no! There will be no big inflation in the United States! As a result, in 2021, inflation really took off, but they still told you in unison that this was only temporary! it does not matter! Then continue to print money and send money to capitalists! However, although such continuous money printing creates a lot of chips in the hands of capitalists out of thin air , this money will continue to depreciate in the long run and become worthless! At that time, no matter how much money you have but they don’t charge you US dollars, it’s useless! Therefore, interest rates must be raised to alleviate the depreciation! As a result, exactly in the year 22, the Russo-Ukrainian War broke out! The spokesperson of the Federal Reserve rushed out with a look of concern for the country and the people, saying that it was time to raise interest rates! Then the interest rate is increased once a month, but at the same time, money is still being printed! One of their biggest purposes is to shear sheep. For details, you can read the previous issues! To put it simply, all the money in the world is flowing into the United States, and all the assets in the world are sold at a low price! At the same time, the U.S. dollar immediately surged in value! For example, a piece of land used to sell for 100 million, but now it only sells for 50 million! At the same time, what used to be 100 million U.S. dollars can now be used as 200 million U.S. dollars! It’s equivalent to buying only one piece of land before, but now you can buy four! Therefore, American capitalists not only have a large amount of cash on hand , but also the value of this cash has appreciated. Then they can use this money to buy the world's plummeting assets! So you will find that a large amount of US dollars later flowed into assets around the world, especially Japan, and both the stock market and the real estate market continued to skyrocket! In fact, it is the American capitalists who have completed the bargain hunting! When the companies and land in these countries are in their hands, it is equivalent to them ruling that place! Think about it, the money you earn at work must be given to your boss! The money you pay for renting a house after get off work must be given to the landlord! And the bosses and landlords are the same group of people, the American capitalists! So do you keep working to support this group of people? But don't be afraid! Because this interest rate shearing has side effects! Just like an airplane, after you reach your destination and you are still flying at high speed but you are about to land, there will be two results! The first is a soft landing! Just like when we usually fly, this plane will slow down in advance and then land slowly. When the plane hits the ground, the collision will be soft! This kind of soft landing will not damage the entire plane! To put it simply, after the sheep shearing in the United States, the economy took off but money became worthless! But if the United States has a way, it can slowly bring the economy down to a comfortable position! In this way, there will be no large-scale deflation and unemployment, and the foundation of the United States will not be damaged! This is of course what the United States wants to see most! Even after the sheep shearing, the whole country was still safe! But there may also be a second result, which is a hard landing! It's like a plane that has a broken wheel but needs to make an emergency landing! So there will be a very big impact when it lands! To put it simply, if the United States cannot prevent the depreciation of the dollar , the asset bubble will be burst in an instant! Instant collapse! Instead, the United States will be robbed by other countries! Because the dollar has depreciated, American assets have also plummeted! This is what the United States least wants to see! Therefore, the most important things in this world for the United States will affect whether the United States will have a hard landing or a soft landing ! Oil, gold and goods! Because these are all linked to the US dollar. For example, today you want to buy and sell oil, gold , or you want to trade with the world and buy and sell goods! Basically, you have to convert your country’s money into US dollars first! Then you can use this dollar to trade with other countries! And if the prices of these three things increase, the dollar will depreciate, become worthless, or even collapse! So here comes the excitement! In the eyes of our businessmen and investors, the Russia-Ukraine war is not about war! Everyone knows that there is a huge gap in military strength between the two countries. Logically speaking, it should be finished soon! The result is not over yet, why? You will find that the average price of oil has been around 3-40 US dollars in the past ten years! After the Russo-Ukrainian war, oil prices skyrocketed to 120 or even 130 US dollars! Why? Because Russia is one of the three largest oil-producing countries! He does not supply you with oil, so if the price of oil triples, people are willing to pay three times the amount of U.S. dollars to exchange for a barrel of oil, which is actually equivalent to a three-fold depreciation of the U.S. dollar! Then you may ask, China is the country that uses the most oil in the world! So if oil prices skyrocket, China will not fare much better, right? I personally went to mainland China to investigate and found that all the streets in the mainland were filled with trams! And the price is very cheap! I won’t comment on whether this car is good or not! At least I still like gas cars! But trams are already very popular in mainland China! Why did China use so much oil in the past? That is, 65% of China’s oil is spent on oil trucks! Others are used in industry! Well, now that China is no longer using petroleum vehicles but instead using electric vehicles or even transitioning away from industry, the sudden rise in oil prices will not cause much harm to China! And then gold! Gold is a substitute for the US dollar. When gold rises, the US dollar falls! If you want the dollar to depreciate, you have to push up the price of gold! Therefore, China and many countries around the world would rather exchange more than double the US dollar for one ounce of gold! This is why we asked everyone to buy gold last year. At that time, I was attacked by countless hateful people, saying that gold was worthless! As a result, gold rose by 13% last year and 17% so far this year! These are all proven by videos and cannot be faked! What I want to say is, whether it is the US stocks I buy, gold, Bitcoin, etc., as long as we can see the chart, we can find clues of supply and demand! And these are the real drivers of price increases and decreases! Rather than fundamentals, financial reports, current affairs, etc. Because even if a company performs well this year, even if there is good news about gold, it can collapse in an instant! It's very simple. The big players take advantage of the good news to ship goods, and then you go to take over the order and buy, and you're stuck! Therefore, the market is regular, because human nature never changes. There is nothing new in our transactions, and there can be no new things! We can catch rising and falling trends because they have happened before and they will happen again in the future! We just need to be patient and wait for the market to have a truly perfect trend . There is no need to prejudge the timing of buying. Just buy at the right time and sell at the right time. Moreover, our trading is not something we do every day. People who want to trade at any time ignore one condition : trading requires a reason, and it is an objective reason. So if your wish is just to earn two or three times more salary every month, it does not mean that you will change your salary immediately after work. Wear a convenience store uniform and work as a waiter in a restaurant because it's not making money, it's just selling blood! Rather, starting today, choose a master who has achieved results in stocks, Bitcoin, and gold, learn his methods, and then use them for your own use! So now you can choose to use your time to sign up for my 2024 latest stock investment class worth $1,000 by following the first link in the video description column for absolutely free ! And the country with the most exports in the world is China! The goods China sells internationally used to be traded in US dollars! But China has implemented the internationalization of RMB very early. Now if you want to buy Chinese goods, you have to settle in RMB! I even searched for data specifically! In 2023, about 48% of China's goods were traded in RMB! Only about 47% of Chinese goods are traded in US dollars! So when everyone would rather have oil, gold, and renminbi than the dollar , will the bubble of dollar hegemony burst at any time? not that simple! There is a saying that goes like this, whoever controls the Middle East controls the oil! You will find that when oil prices rise, the Middle East actually increases oil production. If the supply of oil increases, the price will naturally not rise! So you can see that the price of oil dropped from 130 US dollars to the lowest of 64 US dollars! This is why I never tell everyone to buy or sell oil futures! So the price of oil has been suppressed for the time being! Then there are the goods exported from China, it’s very simple! Aren’t the shoes and furniture produced in China in the past very cheap and of good quality? Now American capitalists directly support Vietnam, India, and Southeast Asian countries by investing money in them and letting them replace China's production! Then they shorted China's stock market and real estate and also shorted Hong Kong, making it impossible for China to raise funds externally! At the same time, not a dime of money will flow into China and let American capitalists divest from China. You can see that Buffett also sold BYD! Shell, Blackstone, Pioneer and countless other companies are no longer in business! Directly divest from China! It seems that the only stock markets in the world are China and Hong Kong, which have not yet finished falling! On the contrary, the stock markets of India, South Korea, Japan and even Thailand, which are not developing so fast, have soared to the sky! Why? Because ABC, Anywhere But China American capitalists say money can go anywhere, but not China! There are other things like imposing tariffs on China, etc. For details, you can watch one or two episodes of the video! In short, the result is that even with the continuous depreciation of the RMB, the prices of goods exported from China cannot rise! So how can the price of gold be brought down? There is also a saying that whoever controls Switzerland controls gold! Why? Because you will find that 70% of the world's gold production is in Switzerland! The world's largest gold trading center is called the Zurich Gold Market, which is also in Switzerland! So why does the currency of a country as small as Switzerland have to be included in the US dollar index and remain unchanged for a long time? You can see that after the Swiss interest rate cut, gold, which had skyrocketed after we bought it, has now stopped rising at a high level! Why? Because the way to soft-land the US dollar is to find other countries at the bottom! If the United States cuts interest rates and prints money today , the U.S. dollar will instantly become worthless and then depreciate! Then if I, the United States, pull everyone down first and make your currency depreciate first! And everyone! Exchange rates are relative. If your currency depreciates today, my dollar will appreciate! If you become worse, I will naturally be the best! So you see that the U.S. dollar index is composed of six currencies. After Japan raised interest rates, did the Japanese yen depreciate? After Switzerland cut interest rates, did the Swiss franc also depreciate? In other words, the currencies of two countries in the US dollar index, Japan and Switzerland, have depreciated! The U.S. dollar does not need to raise interest rates, it will naturally appreciate! Then Canada, the United Kingdom, and Sweden are all saying that they will cut interest rates soon. Once the interest rates are lowered, their values ​​will depreciate! And the most important thing, the euro, has been refusing to cut interest rates before! Recently, they have relented and are ready to cut interest rates! So if the currencies of the six countries in the US dollar index all depreciate, will the US dollar index naturally appreciate? So when the time comes, when the United States says it will cut interest rates and print money, will the dollar depreciate not so fast? Because there are other countries that are already at the bottom! Others depreciated first, causing my dollar to appreciate first! When I wanted the US dollar to depreciate , although it dropped, it maintained its value and did not collapse! So has Egypt’s currency been devalued recently? To put it bluntly, this is also at the bottom! The purpose is for the United States to have a soft landing! So our investment layout is very simple! I myself sold many US stocks that had skyrocketed some time ago! Cash out US stocks and convert them into US dollars! Then use these dollars to buy when gold breaks through around $2,064! These are all proven by videos! In fact, I had already sold most of my gold positions on April 12th ! Many people don’t understand why! Didn’t gold just enter a bull market? After finally waiting until the world is about to cut interest rates, gold is about to appreciate in value! Why did you sell it so quickly? Very simple! First of all, you will find that when gold rises to around 2427 That is to say, Japan announced to raise interest rates, and Switzerland announced to cut interest rates. Not long after, gold stopped rising! There was even a warning that resembled an escape signal! On the day I sold it, a big Yin K suddenly appeared! And there is a very long upper lead! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand! To put it simply, the price of gold opened at $2,375 on that day, and then suddenly skyrocketed to $2,427! The results fell quickly! At the close of the day, the price of gold dropped to 2345! And it comes with huge trading volume! This is probably a signal for large investors to ship at a high price! What does that mean? The price of gold rises because there are more people buying gold than selling gold, so it rises, right? So the price of gold on this day was originally skyrocketing, that is, the number of people buying gold far exceeded the number of people selling gold. But at the close of the market, the price of gold suddenly flipped and fell! Suddenly there are far more people selling gold than there are people buying gold! And it’s unprecedentedly high. You can see that the trading volume on the 12th was greater than any trading volume in the previous period! If you buy at the highest price of the day and sell before the close of the day, you will lose 4% that day! In other words, there is a very high chance that many people, like me, bought gold at the bottom and made a return of close to 20% in about a month! On the 12th, if the price of gold suddenly surges, then our group may make a profit and leave the market! Because there was such a large trading volume, I couldn't tell whether it was retail investors or large investors. In short, when it was not a good signal , I was unwilling to take risks and sold most of the gold futures and ETFs! Then turn around and go long USD foreign exchange! Even I would rather hold US dollars now! Because it is very simple, the US dollar is now in a condition not to cut interest rates for the time being , and may even raise interest rates! It may cause other countries to cut interest rates, thereby pushing up the US dollar index! Then I believe that in a short period of time, gold will weaken and the US dollar will strengthen! So you can see that even if the price of gold rises back up in the future , every time it rises to about 2,040 US dollars (slip of the tongue), it turns around and falls. In other words, this 2,040 US dollars (slip of the tongue) has formed a temporary pressure. Bit! His upward trend has been temporarily interrupted and he can only adjust and consolidate at a high level! As for whether it can rise, I don't need to bet. As long as it can break through 2,040 US dollars (slip of the tongue), I will buy it back! Then set a stop loss around 2,030 (slip of the tongue) below! But at this moment, what I need more is not to make more money but to keep the profits I made earlier! You may think that I only made around 17%, but that’s not the case because I added leverage! So my profit is already not low! If he can't break through this pressure level , not only will I lose time, he may even have a chance to turn around and plummet! Then I don’t need to blog! It’s like last Sunday’s video I’ve sold a huge chunk of Nvidia myself! Because it has shown warning signs of changing trends and may turn down! As a result, it suddenly plummeted 22% this week! Therefore, the most important thing in any transaction is not the timing of buying but how to sell our assets in the safest position and make a profit! Most people lose money not because they bought the wrong assets because assets either rise or fall! So it means that they are unwilling to make money when they buy it, and they don’t know whether to leave! As a result, in the end not only did I lose all the money I earned, but I even had to lose money in the end! Some people still don't admit their mistakes and continue to increase their positions and invest more, and then lose more and more! Is it like this? So when I see a red flag I don’t argue with him, I just hide away for a while! After a period of time, if everything looks good and there is a new buying opportunity, then I will buy it again and remember! If we are walking along the railway track and suddenly see a train rushing towards us, shouldn't you jump off the track immediately and let the train pass first? Are you going to stand there stupidly and not move? As long as this train leaves, as long as I want, I can still get back on the tracks! So if you don’t want to miss the huge profit opportunities in stocks, Bitcoin, gold, etc., you must learn how to enter and buy with the lowest risk in rising and skyrocketing prices ! How to make the lowest risk stop loss when you look at the wrong direction and trend! I play a game that has a high probability of going up, I play a game with high odds! To put it simply, when I toss a coin today, I not only know that there is a 6-70% probability that it will come up heads , but if I guess it is heads, I will make 100 yuan! But if the 3-40% probability makes me guess wrong, my loss will only be 1 yuan! But many people said that my previous courses were too expensive and you couldn’t get into the courses! Come! Let's make a connection! Next, I will give you a bonus. As long as you are my fan, you can sign up for my 2024 latest stock investment class worth $1,000 for free through the first link in the video description column ! The same goes for Bitcoin. On March 5th, I actually sold half of my Bitcoins! The reason is almost the same as before : a big negative K appeared on the same day as a signal for large-scale shipments ! The price of Bitcoin opens high and moves low, which means that there are more people buying than selling, to more people selling than buying! If this happens in a bull market , especially if it is accompanied by the unprecedented large trading volume below , it may imply that this day is the first day for large traders to ship! So I bought Bitcoin after the price exceeded 45,000, and within a month or two, it rose to around 68,000. I have made more than 50% of the profits. This is proven by videos! Then I won’t be greedy and sell about half of my Bitcoins! As for the other half, I probably stopped making profits after spending around 70,000! The reason is not explained. If you have watched stock investment classes, you will know that it is probably an escape signal! alright! Simply put, if you have not bought gold and Bitcoin before, now is definitely not the time to buy! I would rather hold US dollars at this moment ! Bullish on the dollar! Nor would I choose to enter the market when the price is high and turbulent! Because you can see that both gold and Bitcoin are developing sideways and adjusting downward! Then we just need to wait until they explode in one direction next time, wait until they break through a new pressure level, and wait until they have the best time to buy before we enter the market again to buy! At this moment, I am different from who I was four months ago. I would rather hold U.S. dollars! Hold on to cash! Keep your profits safe! It’s not too late to wait until the Federal Reserve really cuts interest rates before making plans! Because once the trend really changes, if you take over, the consequences will be gone forever! Of course, there is another possibility for the United States, which is not to land! He even said that he would take the initiative to trigger a global financial crisis and die together with everyone! For example, there has been a conflict between Iran and Israel recently, and oil has soared again! Inflation has become serious again! The United States is absolutely qualified to say that it will not cut interest rates now, and may even raise interest rates instead! then what should we do? What assets can be used to protect oneself or even earn more than usual in a crisis? I can only talk about it in detail in the next episode! So you can expect that the next video will be very informative, because it is the top priority! Okay, the time when my videos will be put on the shelves will be changed next. I will continue to share free information about becoming rich, entrepreneurs, investors and achieving financial freedom every Sunday at 8:30. If you don’t want to miss it, I will continue to share it. I call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Well, we will see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 美國不降息, 全球資產暴跌, 資產血流成河, 2024年抄底機會, 2024年資產暴跌, 2024年手持現金, 2024年手持美元, 美元為什麼會升值, 不降息美元也能升值, 美元指數, 什麼是硬著陸, 什麼是軟著陸, 美國經濟, 金融, 美股血流成河, 黃金投資, 比特幣投資, 美股為什麼會跌, 黃金為什麼會漲, 比特幣為什麼會跌, 中國如何在金融戰攻擊美國, 美國如何在金融戰攻擊中國, 美國剪羊毛, 美國升息, 美國降息, 美國還會升息嗎, 金融危機, 賺錢, 2024美國降息, 2024美國升息, 2024金融危機才剛開始, 降息買入資產, 升息賣出資產, 美國債務危機要拉全世界墊背, 埃及貨幣貶值, 瑞士降息, 日本升息, 美國金融戰, 中美金融戰, 2024美國不降息了, 升息美股為什麼還會上升, 美股上升的泡沫將會破裂, 財經, 美联储, 股票, 理財, 投資, 投資理財, 美國為什麼升息, 美國為什麼還不降息, 美國真的頂不住要降息了嗎, 升息反而股票上漲, 美國降息資產價格暴跌, 美國升息後果, 美國降息後果, 什麼是擴表縮表, 為什麼美國升息卻擴表, 升息美債暴跌, 美國降息 股票, 美國升息 影響, 金融危機 対策, 90後創業家掃地僧, 扫地僧, 2024賺錢機會, 錢
Id: iG5Pa_UDVkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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