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Today I’m going to unbox the top 5 super popular souvenirs in Osaka. There are senbei made of perfectly pressed seafood and award-winning desserts that are so delicious that they are selected as the first-class aircraft. You can taste these delicacies for only the price of copper. Affordable souvenirs. Hello everyone. We are the young couple of the world. I am Yunliu and I am Sharon . Recently, I just came back from Osaka, Japan and went abroad. In addition to visiting scenic spots and eating delicious food, of course the most important thing is to buy . Souvenirs Today, I will introduce the top 5 Osaka souvenirs , including some traditional snacks or new choices with special shapes. If you are planning to travel to Osaka, Japan recently , these souvenirs are good gifts for your own use. Choose this beautiful souvenir biscuit from No. 5 Osaka Hanaro The finished fluffy cream can enjoy the fresh honey flavor and light floral fragrance, as if you are in a sea of ​​flowers. His outer packaging is golden yellow, yes, and because his flower shape is very beautiful, and his workmanship is more delicate, so if you say You see, when I took it back and opened it, it was already a bit broken, so if you want to buy this souvenir, I suggest you never put it in your checked luggage. I just found out that it was opened after I put it in the checked luggage. This one is broken because it can be seen that the flowers on the side are very thin and crispy, so you have to be more careful when you ship it back. How does this artistic gift taste? Just try it out, I think it’s quite strong, because I can smell the smell of the crust as soon as I opened it, it’s actually very fragrant, because I just mentioned it when I introduced it, it has a little bit of honey flavor I can smell it here just by smelling it. It has a honey scent, which is quite obvious. Let me eat it. Eat him . Yeta pie crust is delicious . It has a very obvious honey smell and really has a little floral fragrance Then the important point is that there is a flower in the middle, and there are some dried fruits on it for decoration. I was worried that the fresh cream in the middle would be heavy, but no, it is a very fresh cream. The fragrance is so that it will not conflict with your biscuit, and then the dried fruit in the middle is not too sour. It has a light fruity aroma , so I think the whole biscuit tastes very soft. The main reason is that it is powerful. The flower cake on the outside, how much do you give my wife, I think this is quite high , but I am a little surprised that he only ranks 5th, and I think his unit price is not expensive. The unit price is 35 to 41 yuan, and then based on this I think it’s very face - saving when you give it as a gift. You want to get it . Wow, the shape of the flower is so beautiful. It’s super cute, super cute, and it’s delicious because some gifts may be beautiful, but he’s not good. Eat but this one is good-looking and delicious , so I highly recommend it. Next, I will introduce you to the fourth place, Yuehua. This milk steamed bun is made by mixing two kinds of beans from Hokkaido , plus Hokkaido condensed milk and cream after a unique process. The moist baking technique and the ingenious fusion of Japanese and Western styles make the taste softer and smoother. Moreover, this gift has won several awards and is used as a first-class snack on the plane. This gift Because the shape is round and the color is as bright as the full moon, he was named Moon Makeup Moon Makeup . I think his name is really poetic and picturesque because he described the mantou as the moon and put on makeup. The color of the full moon, don’t you follow? I said it was a souvenir, I would think it was cosmetics, yes, really hahaha okay , let’s eat and see if the moon’s makeup looks like the moon, then let’s try it out . The sweetness of this one is actually quite obvious. He mixed two types of bean paste , and in fact, the bean paste in Japanese wagashi would be sweeter , and he added condensed milk and cream from Hokkaido, so I think the sweetness may be higher. Try it , I think it’s delicious. Maybe it’s because I’m an ant-man and I’m a dessert lover. I think it’s okay. It’s really moist. It’s not bad because his bean paste is not as sweet as I imagined. I think the sweetness of the bean paste is moderate. There will be a little bit of sweetness in the tail , but I think it’s okay at the first bite. Then the bean paste in it feels very smooth. I touch it with my tongue and press it, and it spreads out and melts in my mouth. Yes, actually, I think this one is pretty good. It’s better than some Japanese souvenirs I’ve eaten. Some of them are really too sweet to give up immediately after eating it. It is a different category from the former Osaka Hwarang. This is a more traditional snack, so I think this one, plus its packaging is more Japanese traditional style, it is more suitable for gifting to some elders or usually at home For those who drink coffee or tea, I think this one is quite suitable. It is very suitable for afternoon tea. Take it out and put it next to it , and then pair it with a good coffee. It’s just a little bit of sweetness and then a little bit of bitter tea or bitter. I think this combination of coffee is very delicious , and the third place is Echizen Seafood Club Osaka-limited seafood senbei. This seafood senbei is made by using the traditional hand-baked senbei method to directly roast the seafood and retain the natural nature of the seafood. In addition to the freshly caught seafood, the umami taste also uses Hokkaido potato flour as the base. When you open the bag, you can feel the smell of the sea. The unit price of this is a souvenir for this time. It should be more expensive for an average seafood fairy. According to Bei, it is $147. Since he brings in the whole seafood, I think the unit price is quite reasonable if the unit price is high. Let’s open the box and have a look. There are two flavors in it , one is octopus senbei, the other is squid senbei, squid senbei and others. If it is curry flavor , this flavor is limited to Osaka, because his Echizen Seafood Club seems to have limited flavors in other regions. For example, if you go to Hokuriku , he has limited seafood senbei flavor in Hokuriku. So if you say If you want to eat these two flavors, you have to buy them in Osaka. I think the Japanese are really good at some marketing techniques, which are limited marketing techniques. You must buy them here and go to other places . It scares me. I always thought it was the kind of small piece. Wow, why is it so big? When you see this, it is very suitable for watching movies . You can eat this as a snack , so let’s see how big it is. This is octopus and this is curry squid. I thought it was a whole shrimp and then it turned into a large piece , so it seems to be a large piece . Split it into small pieces , but because it is not of that regular shape, it should also start from a large piece, then cut it up and then turn it into a small piece. Look at it, when I just poured it out, the seafood smelled so fragrant. Oh, we are in the seafood market , so let’s try it first. This one is octopus. I tried it. It’s thicker and firmer than I expected, so it’s actually quite tasty when you bite it down. You need to use a little bit of strength to bite it. Why is this a little spicy and slightly spicy ? It has octopus stuffing in it. Its seasoning is not too heavy and it is quite comfortable . It will not be said to be dead salty or you will feel tired after eating one or two slices. You can always think about it and keep eating it , because the seasoning is not very heavy , and the taste of octopus is really tangy. When you chew for a long time, you will feel that it is full of seafood flavor. There is that seafood flavor in your mouth . Really It will not dissipate for a long time. I still have the seafood flavor . It tastes quite natural and does not have too much seasoning. Let’s try the curry curry. The taste of the curry should be a bit stronger . I think the sound of the bite is too loud. I think the seasoning of his curry powder is not as obvious as our Taiwanese biscuits. I think his curry powder is more natural and fragrant because he may be worried that if the curry powder is too heavily seasoned, it will Covers the taste of the whole seafood senbei , so I think its curry powder is not as strong as imagined, it is suitable as a side dish. This gift will be more suitable for people who do not have such a sweet tooth , because everyone may go to accompany it. You will find in the gift shop that many souvenirs are mainly sweets, so I think it is quite suitable for adults who may like to watch TV with a snack. I think this is quite suitable for him. He should think it is more special after all Taiwan. There are relatively few senbei that are presented in this way. You can really see the whole seafood inside. I think this is pretty cool, but the unit price is a bit higher. There are only two slices in it. This is the second choice for a single gift. It is the new caramel cream cake. During the baking process, the cream is heated to a slight caramel color, exuding a faint nutty aroma , making the taste more intense. The skin is golden yellow, as if exuding the warmth of the sun. The special formula is The brown sugar produced in Kyushu Tanegashima and freshly squeezed lemons are added to make the taste more rich. I saw that he wrote in the back that he said that his cake can also be eaten after heating. I think it may be hot after heating. It should be not bad . Let’s eat it first. It smells so good. The egg smells so good. It has a bit of caramel luster. The sun-like warmth begins to warm you. You can eat Japanese souvenirs . In fact, I’m already in a good mood to play and then Go buy delicious souvenirs and come back to Taiwan. You can also reminisce about your time in Osaka. Let ’s try it. I think it’s a bit dry . So far, it doesn’t feel very moist inside. How does it look? It’s the second place. The pressure is getting bigger and bigger . I think it’s delicious, but if it can be more moist in the middle, it should be more delicious . In addition to being soft, it will also have a little crunchy texture. I can feel the slightly crunchy feeling , but I think you should think it’s a bit sweet, but I think it’s okay, is it too sweet? After all, the tastes of our tongues are different, and I still think it’s a little bit sweet. I don’t think his sugar will It’s sweet to death. He used brown sugar from Tanegashima, Kyushu, but he said he added freshly squeezed lemons. In fact, I can’t really taste it. The taste of lemons is not so obvious . Maybe it ’s because brown sugar is mixed with lemons. The sweetness of the brown sugar has been reduced , so he won’t be so sweet. It reminds me of the cupcake we used to eat. Yes, yes, yes, it’s very similar, but he doesn’t have any experience like a cupcake. Sweet , I think the cup cake is too sweet. The sweetness of this one is not so high , and it has a little crunchy texture. I think this one is not bad. If it can be a little more moist, it should be higher. Its egg flavor The aroma of his cake is not bad. The first place is Takoyaki Millefeuille. In this gift, you can taste the most popular traditional food in Osaka - Takoyaki , but this time it has become a small snack that is easy to carry. Every bite can feel the fusion flavor of octopus from Hokkaido, bonito flakes, walnuts, caramel, and Japanese green seaweed, which is the perfect combination of salty food and dessert. This takoyaki , but at the beginning, I actually looked at his packaging I think it’s a little cheap compared to other packaging. It’s just a general plastic outer packaging , but I think it’s quite a surprise when I open it. The reason is that it’s packed in a golden bag and a small box is also made. It looks like french fries . It looks like a small box that holds french fries. I think his design makes the packaging more special . The packaging is very textured gold . I like this color the most . It looks very textured. It’s really well done, but you just look at the outer box and think it’s so-so, but I think it’s quite beautiful when you open it. No wonder it’s the first place , but it should also be delicious. How to get the first place Look, it’s so small, it’s thin, it’s very special. When I smell it, I can smell a bit of mayonnaise and a bit of mustard . I heard it, I heard it. This is my favorite sweet and salty taste. I think this should be liked by most people. Yes, it is delicious. I am a person who likes mayonnaise. His mayonnaise tastes very obvious , and because it has a salty and sweet taste , and it is also crispy. Feel the texture and taste of 4 different levels mixed together in the mouth , but it doesn’t feel very abrupt, just like when we go to the night market outside or buy takoyaki from the street vendor, the feeling is just that he condenses him into a small It’s a small piece of biscuit , but the most special thing is that it is also topped with mille-feuille, which has a special and delicious taste. It’s really delicious. I think it’s really delicious, regardless of age , from children to adults. I think even the elders will love this taste. I think this is a suitable gift for all ages . This is a must-buy. And his unit price is not expensive because the average one is only 12 yuan. Although it is only a small bite, it is really a mouthful , because you will eat it all unconsciously. The above is our Osaka souvenir this time. Box Yunliu, do you have a favorite among the top 5 souvenirs? I should still be the flower in the front . That flower is the fifth place because its outer packaging surprised me because it is really like an art. If you think the video is good, remember to press like, subscribe and share it with friends who need it. See you in the next episode . Bye
Channel: 創世小夫妻 / Fu7 Travel
Views: 58,278
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Keywords: 日本旅行, 大阪, 伴手禮, 日本, 日本旅遊, 日本關西, 日本大阪, 大阪伴手禮, 關西伴手禮, 日本伴手禮, 大阪必買
Id: pE96N2hIwaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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