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Such a expensive box is actually so small and beautiful. How can you be so good at buying it? It is known as LV in the cream world. Hermès in the cream world. This episode of ours has more content . We specially help our little traveling companions to buy souvenirs. We have arranged some ready-to-eat products. Friends, you can buy this one for a change. This one is a souvenir that I must buy every time I come to Tokyo. Hi, I’m Paul . Hi, I’m LU . We prioritize travel. Hmm, why should we do it again? Have you arrived at Tokyo Station? Don’t you have enough shopping? Yes, because the video of us buying Tokyo Station souvenirs an hour ago was well-received, so many young travel companions knocked on the bowl and asked us to complete the list of things we had missed before. At that time, we searched more than ten or twenty stores and ended up with the last one. I only bought 8 of them in this episode, right. I originally wanted to buy it all out of the blue , but I overestimated my own strength. This time, I can finally make up for the regret of the previous episode. And our scope this time is not just in Inside Tokyo Station, the magic hand also extends to the Marunouchi Red Brick Plaza and Tokyo Daimaru Department Store . What about us this time? Just like the previous episode, the second half of the video will be a tasting part. Young travel companions, you must watch the first half to the end. We have to work hard to buy and then we can enjoy the second half. If you haven’t watched our last episode and bought Tokyo Station souvenirs in one hour , you can click on the upper right corner to watch. If you like our As for the video, you can help us like it, subscribe, and open the little bell. In the information column, there will be a lot of information about our episode . There is also a map that Paul worked so hard to make . If you think our video is helpful to you , or If you like our video, you can also give us a super thank you as an encouragement. Then come with us. Let's go! Go! Since today we are taking the red Metro Marunouchi Line to Tokyo Station, so come out from here After that, we have to walk to the JR Marunouchi Underground Central Exit. Our souvenir shopping trip today starts from here. Yes, this is also the place where we last bought chocolates for Tokyo souvenirs in the previous episode. Then we When entering the station, enter from the JR Marunouchi Underground Central Exit. On the right front, you will see the first souvenir store we want to buy. This store, "ヒトツブカンロ", is the only one among the dozen or so souvenir stores we bought. There is a candy-like souvenir shop. It has online shopping , but it is the only store in Japan that sells it. It is not on the list of recommended souvenirs , but I am a glutton and have a sharp mind. Observation makes this must-buy souvenir undetectable . It’s the best. It’s basically when we introduced Tokyo souvenirs in the last episode , you saw a bunch of Japanese people queuing up to attract our attention, okay? It's 7:30 in the morning. When we arrived, the store wasn't even open yet. There were already people queuing up. Hurry up . Where is the end of the queuing? Oh my god, can’t I buy it? Oh my God, how many floors do I have to go down ? I finally see the end . Can I buy it here? There are people who push strollers to buy strollers and leave them here. They go downstairs and queue up. There are purchase instructions in English. When queuing up, they will also give us a menu for reference. This one is posted downstairs. This is not the 18th floor. It's the 3rd level and we should have a chance to buy it. I hope so. It has two types. One person is limited to only buying two boxes in total . You can either buy one box each, or buy two boxes on the top or two boxes on the bottom. We have two people. That is , you can buy 4 boxes and so on. The most popular item in this store is this "グミッツェル" shape, which is basically a colorful butterfly shortbread. It is colorful and limited edition. Japanese people queue up for this product sometimes . There will be some seasonal limited products that are easy to sell out , so if you want to buy, you must come to the store early. The store opens at 8:30. We were just giving out coupons when we came at 7:30 , so please consider the time. OK , we are now After you get the sorting coupon, write the time on it and then come back to pick up the goods. The store will first let you choose the items you want and give you this card. Use this card to come back to pick up the goods and then pay for the sorting coupon. It will be distributed at 9 o'clock , so you don't need to come after 9:00. Is it 9:20 yet? It’s 9:23, that’s it . This candy should be very delicious for me. I spent so much time on it. The competition for souvenirs in Tokyo Station is very fierce. The shops that can survive here should all be very delicious. Otherwise , it’s like this. If it tastes bad or the packaging is not beautiful or refined enough, it will be sold out quickly. So come here and choose what you like. It should not be too bad, so just buy it. There are many sold. Other types of candies are made to look like marbles. They all look so cute. In fact, if you haven’t bought them or don’t want to queue up, it’s not a bad idea to buy some of these candies. The one with many jars I just saw is also good and pretty . Yes, yes. Very beautiful, very Japanese style . Thank you for buying this paper bag. We have to pay for it. Then we go to the next store. Now we have finished shopping in the basement of GRANSTA. We have to go up the escalator at the central entrance of the underground. It is where we came down last time when we bought chocolates . Go up the escalator to the first floor . Next, we will introduce this store "now on Cheese". It sells various snacks with cheese as the main character, including the cheese pancakes and cheese that we will take back to unpack this time. Cake fillings and other cheese pancakes are one of the only two souvenirs we introduce that don’t have sweets. My mother doesn’t like sweets. I bought this as a gift for her. It’s just right to take care of my little traveling companions who don’t like sweets. There are many items , and there are many sweets in small boxes. There are 12 pieces in them , and the prices are not the same. There is a set, so why not just buy the set? In fact, it is just a package price. I believe that the above prices add up. The Japanese sell them this way. It will be cheaper. If I buy three boxes at a time, it will be cheaper. If not, then just buy this one. Thank you "now on Cheese" "This store not only sells cheese pancakes that we want to unbox, but we also secretly bought cheesecake sandwiches. We couldn't take them back, so we had to eat them on the spot. We want to show our appreciation for our hard work . Isn't it hard?" Because we love to eat, we also buy souvenirs for our relatives and friends at home. When you see snacks that can be eaten immediately, you are attracted to buy them quickly. Don’t treat yourself badly. Isn’t this one? It’s the souvenir ranking in Tokyo Station. Refrigerated It has been ranked 2nd in the dessert category for several years in a row. It’s awesome. One is original and the other is strawberry for a limited time. The Japanese are good at doing business. This one, "Now on Cheese", has limited desserts in every branch. It's the same, so if you want to eat any flavor, you must go to that branch. Its Shibuya branch is in SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE. This is the building where we took the SHIBUYA SKY photo. SHIBUYA SKY over there . Come on. Come on. Eat and see , wow , it smells so good. There are two soft biscuits on the outside, sandwiched between thick ice and cold cheesecake. This dessert is baked at low temperature using cream from Hokkaido and cream cheese from Australia. The crust is It's a bit moist and soft . The texture, taste, and temperature in the mouth are all quite different . It's delicious. You can eat one piece by yourself. I'm so happy. Next, I want to eat the limited-time strawberry cheesecake filled with strawberries. It's fragrant. Yes, this one. It’s also delicious. It has a lot of acidity from the strawberry in it. Because it has the acidity of the fruit, it tastes a little more refreshing. The cheese is also very fragrant. It goes well with the two soft biscuits on the outside. The strawberry version is also delicious. If you only If you can choose one, I recommend buying the strawberry flavor. It’s limited to Tokyo Station. It’s so delicious. Yuki (Happiness). These are the stores we photographed in the last episode of Tokyo Souvenirs. Wow, there are so many people at this “COCORIS” store. Queue up. We introduced it in the last episode , so I won’t buy it in this episode. If you haven’t watched our previous episode about Tokyo Station souvenirs, you can check it out. So why do we choose Tokyo Station ? You can buy souvenirs near the station. You can buy them all at once, and the environment is really comfortable. The most important thing is that most people in Tokyo Station will pass by here , so young travelers can refer to our video about shopping at Tokyo Station. There are all the souvenirs around the station. GRANSTA is inside the station. We have to leave the station now . In this episode, there is also the part outside the station. Now we have to go to the Marunouchi South Exit. Go out from the Marunouchi South Exit. Next, we have to take the small What about fellow travelers? Let’s start from the Marunouchi South Exit and head to the Marunouchi Red Brick Plaza, a 5-minute walk from Tokyo Station. That’s our next souvenir shop. When you pass by the Marunouchi South Exit, you might as well admire this historic dome that blends Japan and the West. Oh, it 's super beautiful. The buildings here are really clean, neat and beautiful. It's so comfortable to walk here. The store we're going to next is next to the red brick square next to the Mitsubishi One Museum of Art, which is under renovation . It's so beautiful here. It 's full of Japanese people queuing up here. I just came here and wanted to stand in line here and wonder why there are so few people queuing up . But in fact, there is a long line behind me . This is the end of the line. Hahaha. The store is here. The left side of the front corner is still so far away from the store. We were queuing here and the aroma was really amazing. It went all the way to this store. It’s called ÉCHIRÉ MAISON DU BEURRE in French . ÉCHIRÉ is Ash. Ash cream is in Taiwan. You must have heard of it. The famous MAISON DU BEURRE is the House of Cream. Ash Cream is France’s top cream. It is known as the LV of the cream world. Hermès in the cream world is more expensive, so we are going to buy that one. The Birkin bag in the world of cream hahaha The Birkin bag in the world of cream And this store has branches in Shinjuku, Shibuya, Yokohama, Osaka, and Nagoya. The Marunouchi branch is the first specialty store in the world. It only sells cream. Desserts are already very expensive , and the desserts are even more expensive. Our goal this time is the signature cream biscuits , which we won’t read in French because I don’t know how to pronounce them . Hahaha, they are two iron boxes and one is blue. The iron box is a white one. Each box costs 3672 yen. Some are quite expensive . Some people sell sets that come in sets of two boxes . Are there any cheaper ones with two boxes in a set? It's strange that it 's not cheaper. I think it might be the most expensive one among our souvenirs this time. It's so expensive that I want to cry. It 's really expensive . What kind of biscuits are they? Does it have gold foil on it? Best of all, it's delicious. We have it in front of the store now. Every time the door opens , a very charming fragrance comes to my nose. I can't stand it. I want to go in and smell it. Haha, just go and smell it, don't buy it. After smelling it , you can come out. It also sells the huge version of Madeleine. There is an iron mold next to it. It is so big. This one is not cheap. It costs 5,130 yen . One Madeleine costs more than NT$1,000. This piece of cake It 's limited edition. There are only 15 cakes per day and each sells for 6,480 yen. Thank you. Thank you . There is a Starbucks on B1 of the building next to it, which can be used with desserts. We bought it to eat on the spot. This is one of the signatures of Ash Cream House. Madeleine is so small and so small It's more than 100 Taiwan dollars . We are relatively superficial and can only use money to measure its value. I want to eat it. I 'm so nervous. It's very fragrant and fluffy . The cream is really fragrant and sweet. It's not too sweet and has a caramel color on the outside. The combination of the crispy texture and the creamy yellow part inside is so delicious. Even though I took a small bite , my mouth was filled with saliva. It was fragrant and delicious. They seem to sell it in a box, which is more convenient to take back to Taiwan . But It tastes better when eaten freshly. Of course, it tastes best when eaten freshly out of the oven. Yes , this is to be paired with a cup of delicious coffee . In fact, it’s good to buy one and enjoy it here. It’s worth savoring. And it needs to be paired with coffee because If you eat a whole piece alone, it will actually be a bit dry. As we just mentioned, it has many branches in Tokyo. Even if you don't buy souvenirs, I think it is a good choice to eat a cream cake . It seems that there is no fork . I may have been Indian in my previous life , so I like to eat food with my hands . That madeleine is already delicious. This one is really wow . It’s so delicious. Oh my god. I have reasonable doubts. It’s in the middle. For the third layer, just use Ash Cream. Just put the entire cream on it. Just put the whole cream on top. Ash Cream Oil . It’s the original oil. It’s fragrant, smooth, rich, and delicious. The middle layers are sponge cakes. It's sweet and slightly sweet. The whole cake is not overly sweet. Unlike some cakes which are very sweet as a whole. I wouldn't recommend this one very much. I can tell you that the Ash Cream is the best I have ever tasted. The cream is thick, mild, and full of aroma. The taste is not very prominent, so you won’t feel greasy after eating it. You will want to let it stay in your mouth for a longer time and enjoy it for a longer time . Wow, you can eat it in one bite. Such luxury! There is a Champs Elysées boulevard next to the store. The trees are very beautiful. The most important thing is that there are free seats. Come here once in a while and have a cup of coffee in such a comfortable environment. If we are not in a hurry to shoot a video, we will I chose to sit here for about an hour or two. It's very relaxing and comfortable . And it's not noisy. Some places are inexplicably noisy. It 's not very quiet here . It has a quiet feeling. It's a quiet corner in the city . If you look through the camera like this, you will feel that this place is very comfortable. Okay, we have now finished shopping for the Ash Cream House. Now we are going to the Yaesu side. Just like the Tokyo Station souvenirs in the previous episode, we have to enter through the Marunouchi North Exit. You can actually go directly from the underground floor to the Yaesu North Exit through the North Free Expressway , but the underground is more complicated. Don’t make trouble yourself. On this side, the Shin-maru Building faces it and to the right is the Marunouchi North Exit. A young travel companion asked us about Tokyo. What should he do if the station is so big and he can easily get lost? In fact, Tokyo Station is much simpler than Shinjuku Station. Tokyo Station is located on both sides of the Bununouchi Exit and Yaesu Exit. There are three exits on each side: North, Central, and South. So there are 6 exits . It’s that simple. In addition to the ones on the ground, there are If there is an underground underground, let’s just ignore it. Hahaha, that’s where you need to go. Check whether it’s inside Marunouchi or on the Yaesu side. It ’s simple on these two sides. If you want to shuttle between these two sides without going in, that’s it. After passing the "Northern Liberty Street", we arrived at the Yaesu North Exit. After coming out of the "Northern Liberty Street", we continued walking straight and we saw the Daimaru Tokyo Department Store. Then we came to the Daimaru Tokyo Department Store . The store we wanted to buy was called "Sablé" "MICHELLE" should be pronounced like this in French , because this restaurant is not only delicious , but its packaging and shape are also very exquisite and beautiful. It can make my whole face look pale?! That's not how it is used, right ? I'm so excited. I'm so excited . Let's go buy it quickly . Next, we're going to introduce this one. It's called "Sakako Sui Honpo". No one has introduced it in Taiwan. Travel Priority is the first one to introduce it. It's amazing. We're not. I introduced it casually and it has a history of more than 130 years since it opened in Meiji 22. It is said that it is so famous that even Tokugawa Ieyasu ate it. We ate the same thing as him. We are also shoguns. We are Luyu Ieyasu. What exactly is it? What are you selling? This is a shrimp cake specialty store. In fact, it’s called shrimp senbei in Japan. It’s not the same as the one on the plate at the hot stir-fry shop. It sells classic and original shrimp senbei. Each piece has 70% wild-caught shrimp. The shrimp meat is inside, it's not farmed, it's wild. It's so powerful. It combines the traditional preparation method of the Edo period with creative skills. It combines the full flavor of fresh shrimp into a piece of biscuit . Next, we are going to buy this one. One store is called "PRESS BUTTER SAND" and their product is caramel cream sandwich cake . In fact, this store used to have a pop-up store in Taiwan and now it still has purchasing agents , so it is very popular in Taiwan. But I bought a box in Taiwan. For the price, we can buy two boxes in Tokyo . So what’s next for us ? After visiting Daimaru Tokyo Department Store, we go directly from the basement floor of Daimaru Tokyo Department Store to Tokyo Ichiban Street. Next to it is Tokyo Ichiban Street. You don’t have to walk and there is a direct connection. There is also a very good souvenir store on this side of the aisle . You must have heard that many ladies in Taiwan use this store called "Shiseido SHISEDO". In fact, Shiseido is also a century-old store. When I was a child, my mother used it. She is also a lady when using it, hahaha . It can be eaten and used. Not all different items will have that kind of soap. Is there any? Then only a noble lady who has one green and one purple will know about it. Let me tell you about Shiseido. It actually opened in Ginza in the 1950s of Meiji. It was a tea shop and its main products were soda water and ice cream. It was a geisha from Shinbashi who was shopping there. When I bought a soda, I got a bottle of Shiseido lotion for free. It was so exaggerated that I got ice cream and cosmetics for free . Thank you, thank you. Shiseido’s snacks are great. We have to enter the station. We have to buy some. We bought all the last ones outside the station. Finally , we bought souvenirs inside the station , and then we could take the subway home. What if we want to go back to Taiwan? It's the same. We can enter the station and take the subway to the airport . Is it smooth? It’s very smooth and awesome . Remember, we’ve put the map and detailed information in the information column. In the second half of the video, we’ll film the unboxing and try it out and tell you whether it tastes good or not . Remember to watch it after watching it. Hurry up and go to the next store. The next store we go to is "GATEAU FESTA HARADA" . This store is a souvenir I must buy every time I come to Tokyo. And it is a century-old store like the Shiseido store just now. It is 122 years old. Historically , its main snack is this French Toast Shortbread. I forgot how to pronounce it in French. Even though this is the original flavor, there are many similar products in the market. They are all copied from theirs , but I think this one still tastes the best to me. The appearance of those imitated ones may be imitated, but the taste, the delicate texture , and the essence are not learned. It is not as good as this one. The most special thing about this branch in GRANSTA is that other branches are not. They sell them in bags and boxes . This store sells them in small packages with various flavors. You can choose and combine them into a package or a box. You can combine what you want to eat. In addition to sweet and salty flavors , the price of each flavor is different. The original flavor is only 87 yen. The sandwich version is more than 200 yen. This is a limited time only . You must buy it when you come to Japan. It's a limited time only, so you have to choose it first , and it has many designs of gift boxes to choose from . So which style of paper box do you want to choose? I think this one from Tokyo is pretty good. If you are in Tokyo, you must get the Tokyo version. In fact, I think the most recommended product here is this one, which is high quality and low price. It doesn’t require any paper boxes , so it ’s cheaper to pack several pieces. There are 13 packs in total of 26 pieces. The big pack can last you a long time . The price is very cheap. It also cooperates with Sanrio to release tin cans with various characters. The packaging is so cute. I think it should be all inside. It’s the same thing. The wrapping paper is also very cute. There is also ice cream here to eat and there is an eat-in area . Wow , it looks so rich. I didn’t expect this . I’m so happy . I think we are in this episode. The souvenirs in the previous episode are more advanced and richer in content. We have specially arranged some ready-to-eat products for our little traveling companions who are buying souvenirs at Tokyo Station. They are sweet, fragrant and delicious , but they are not milky . The whole thing is greasy and has some smoothie feel. It's very fragrant, rich, not greasy, and delicious. The matcha flavor is strong and fragrant, but it's not bitter. The taste of milk also tastes very high-end . It doesn't feel fake. Next, use it. Its main product is this French shortbread to dip into the ice cream. The French shortbread itself is delicious. I think this store is the finale. This French shortbread is actually very good in terms of its milky aroma . It will be sprinkled with very fine granulated sugar. This kind of fine granulated sugar, coupled with its milky aroma, is really delicious and delicious. Plus, this is really great. I recommend you to eat it. It is very delicious. The next thing I want to drink is the ice cream floating ice coffee . This coffee is very fragrant and delicious. The coffee is not sour and has a slight carbon flavor . Then it is topped with milk and the ice cream is very delicious . It is really delicious. Perfect match! It’s delicious. You can also order YA! I finally bought all the souvenirs. There are 12345678 in total. There are 8 souvenirs. So let’s go shopping for souvenirs today and eat, drink and introduce them. It took a total of half a day, but I believe it. My little traveling companions, if you buy it, the time should be shorter and faster . Don’t change channels. Next, we are going to enter the tasting section. Without further ado, let’s go. Haha, it’s finally time for us to unbox. You can see the time for unboxing. When it arrived, the corners of my mouth couldn't help but turn up. I was so happy and could have a big meal. Without further ado, let's quickly unbox it. Now, the restaurant we are going to unbox is called "Sablé MICHELLE" This one is in French, wow... This one is called "World Tour Tin Box Biscuits". When I saw the photo on the official website, I thought it looked like this. Although the box won't be very big , at least it won't be. It's so small and cute. But after buying it, it's so expensive for a box. It's so small that it's smaller than half of my face. But it looks really high-end. There are many biscuits in tin boxes from World Tours all over the world. There are iron box biscuits made like this from tourist attractions . If there are too many cities and you don’t know how to choose, then you should learn to prioritize travel and choose Japan. You’re right. There are also very famous landmarks from all over the world and some very unique ones. The scenic spots and landmarks are all placed here. Wow, the Japanese packaging is really labor-intensive . There are many layers. One, two, and three layers . Wow . Didn’t I see it? It lists all the elements of Tokyo in it, including the Skytree Tower, Mount Fuji Shinkansen. It’s not completely dismantled yet. When I opened it, it was very fragrant. It looked like Mount Fuji and the Skytree. It looked like I couldn’t bear to eat it, so I took the photo here. Hahaha , it was really milky and fragrant. It was crispy and delicious. Oh, it's so beautiful. Oh, so beautiful. What kind of candy is this? Jinpingtang, this candy is really cute. It seems like an asteroid fell into my mouth like this . Next, let me introduce another product of "Sablé MICHELLE" . This one is also great , but it is also expensive . Wow, this one is so cute. They are all cute girly kawaii ones. Even the wrapping paper is so cute. Yes, it will make you even more shocked when you open it. This one is a strawberry cake with fresh cream and it comes in a tin box. The iron box version is a round iron box, and there are 6 pieces of round iron box, which really looks like a strawberry cake. Because we don’t have enough funds to buy the four-piece version, it looks like this, and the packaging is small. It's very cute, but this box is not cheap. This one is white chocolate wrapped with original cookies , and there are dried strawberries on top. It looks so cute. But because it is covered with white chocolate , If it's too hot, it will melt. Yeah, yeah , the white chocolate is so sweet and delicious . It's not only cute in shape but also delicious . Especially the white chocolate is sweet but not greasy . It's delicious when paired with this dried strawberry . Oh, little travelers who like white chocolate, you must buy this one. It ’s beautiful, good-looking and delicious. In fact, I highly recommend buying the iron box because the round iron box looks like fresh cream strawberry cake. So the shape is very cute , so I highly recommend buying one with a tin box. The restaurant we are going to eat next is called "now on Cheese". In the first half of the video, we already had cheese at "now on Cheese". The sandwich biscuits and strawberry cheese sandwich biscuits are very delicious. What we brought back were three kinds of cheese biscuits with very rich flavors , and they were packaged in red. The flavors are Gouda cheese and cheddar cheese. The flavor in the blue package is camembert cheese and black pepper. The last one is blue cheese and basil, which is basil flavor. Now let's try the "now on Cheese" with camembert and black pepper flavor. "This cheese biscuit is baked with fresh cream and carefully selected cheese. It looks like this . The three flavors are all individually packaged. If you don't know which flavor to buy ? When I went on a school trip, I bought a set of 3 types. I bought them all in one go . It was a bit broken when I brought it back. It tastes so good. Really, if you don’t like sweets and are afraid of getting fat and don’t eat sweets, I really recommend buying this one. I will also recommend that one. If you are fat, will you be fat? Hahaha, okay. Don’t take pictures. You’ll get fat if you don’t take pictures. Yes, it’s crispy and fluffy. The cheese tastes very fragrant, but it’s mild and not overpowering. It’s accompanied by the aroma of black pepper. At this time, I really want to have a drink. You know what? Is red wine really a good companion for red wine ? Hurry and bring me the red wine. No red wine! No red wine! Huh?! Hahaha , even if you eat something, you will lose one piece, 10 yuan, 10 yuan? I think it’s more than that. Haha, it’s delicious. It’s fragrant. If you haven’t finished eating, you can put it back in the box like this and eat this red one. It’s Gouda cheese and cheddar cheese. It looks like this. It ’s so cute . There are also cashew nuts here, yeah, yeah , wow , each one has a different alluring aroma and it smells so good. This is actually not a shortbread, it just tastes crispy and fluffy, like a soufflé. It’s a bit like milk, but Crispy is sweet, this is salty, oh , this is suitable for people with bad teeth. It will loosen up in your mouth and melt in your mouth. The rich cheese taste will fill your mouth and the cheese will not be choked . It's very mild and gentle, and it's so soft in your mouth. It 's very textured. It 's a very high-end cheese biscuit that's really worth savoring. It's delicious. It's delicious. What about the third one with blue cheese and basil ? My little traveling companions, if you have bought it, I want you to try the "now on Cheese" cheese biscuit. I think it will be very irresistible for cheese lovers and cheese lovers . Wow , it's so beautiful. Oh, why are you so good at buying? It’s beautiful. I don’t need to introduce what this cookie is. Everyone should know it when you see it. This is Shiseido. In fact, I bought this biscuit just for this iron box. It ’s very beautiful. It should be quite popular to give as gifts or to elders. However, this one is not just beautiful. Wow , this is a biscuit that Shiseido started selling in the early Showa era. You know that Shiseido didn’t start out by selling cosmetics. Yes, its coffee shop has been open before it sells cosmetics. This one is Camellia. It is a hot-selling item that has been sold since the early Showa era. The classic model is right. It seems that I have eaten this when I was a child. It has a crispy texture. It's crunchy and delicious , and it goes well in the mouth. It smells like a light milky aroma. After you bite it, the aroma of the egg spreads in your mouth. It's sweet and has a light sweetness. I think this biscuit is what it is. The feeling of a beautiful woman without makeup, the one who looks good without makeup like me... Hahaha , no, that won’t taste good. Then think of it as a delicious version of a beautiful woman without makeup. This cookie travels It’s a priority and highly recommended. It’s delicious . Shiseido also has a cheesecake worth recommending. The packaging is also very cute and you can’t tell the sense of age at all. It is also a century-old store. There are many souvenirs this time. We bought them from a century-old store. There are three packages, a bit like mooncakes, one cheesecake package , but they are smaller than I expected and I am afraid of falling. This one is also expensive, and it feels a bit like mochi, with a soft QQ feeling. It feels bouncy, and the top is kind of a soft cake. The whole bottom layer is just a whole piece of cheese spread on the bottom layer. It looks like pudding, and it feels very sweet just by smelling it. It has a very moist and dense texture. It's very delicious. The sweetness and the slightly salty and sour taste of the cheese are a great fusion. It 's a very delicious cheesecake . It's also quite suitable for traveling companions who don't like too sweet. I don't think you should go there again. What kind of NY cheese should I buy? Friends, you can change your taste and buy this Shiseido cheesecake. It will be very satisfying to eat. I recommend it. It is delicious . In addition to being packaged like this, it also has a gift box with cheesecake and The camellia biscuits I just introduced are one of a set , but no matter how you pair them, I think it’s a priority when traveling. This cheesecake and the camellia biscuits I just introduced are two classic styles that you must buy. They are delicious. Next, we will introduce this one. It's called "Sakakaku Sui Honpo". It's also a century-old store that sells shrimp senbei. This one is one of the two salty food souvenirs we introduced this time. I didn't know what to buy for the first time , so I accidentally bought it. There were so many styles to choose from that we bought 3 in total. One of them is its classic model. You must buy it. This is its signature product - wild shrimp scallops. And the whole packaging is very textured and looks like a boutique product. I was unpacking it while I was unpacking it. Let’s talk about what’s great about this shrimp senbei. In addition to being made in a century-old store, it uses a manufacturing method that has been passed down since the Edo period. What’s great about this shrimp senbei is that it not only uses wild shrimps, but also removes the shrimp heads. The shrimp shells are removed and shrimp meat is used. In addition to using shrimp meat, the whole piece of fresh scallops is 70% shrimp, so its protein content is very high and the starch content is very low . It is very fragrant and very shrimpy . Shrimp , I'm afraid that the shrimp cake will be smelly, it won't. It has the kind of elegant and elegant shrimp fragrance, not that smelly. Each piece takes 7 days to bake. I'll smell it and see if it's there? It tastes very high-end. It tastes very high-end. When I bought it, they were all Japanese , and some very noble Japanese ladies and Japanese ladies went to buy it . It ’s so crispy, so delicious, and you can eat it. The sweetness of the shrimp meat is amazing in this biscuit . The taste and aroma are really amazing. And it is not like some shrimp senbei I have eaten before. It is quite salty, salty or soy sauce flavor. It's very heavy. It's not . It has a very natural aroma of shrimp meat and a sweet taste of shrimp. Several shrimps are locked in a piece of biscuit . The shrimps inside are shouting for me to get out. Let me out . At this time, we will We need to use our mouths and our saliva to liberate those shrimps. Well, next, let me take a look at this one , and you see, it doesn’t look very dated because it is a century-old store. Doesn’t the whole package look very dated? When it should be high-end, it is very high-end. When it should be cute, fashionable and sophisticated, it is very beautiful and cute. I was actually attracted by its packaging. Let’s take a look at this one now. This one is a scallop. The scallop flavor is very kawaii. People who like scallops will also like it very much. Moreover, it comes in small packages. The small pieces are quite delicious . It is like the taste of the entire sea . It feels like being locked in a piece of biscuit. Well, this one is a bit crisper than the classic one just introduced, but the aroma is completely different. It ’s also very delicious. It’s also smoother and makes people want to eat it piece by piece. You can taste it. There is a fresh and sweet flavor of seafood in it. It says that the scallops it uses are scallops from Hokkaido. The sweetness is just light, but it contains a very rich taste of the ocean. I think this is quite suitable for children. Children will like it very much. It is very delicious. Then I just can't stand being sold and tempted. The clerk said that this is a Tokyo-only product called "Shiba Shrimp" , so I bought it. How does it taste? I'm waiting for my little travel companion. If you have bought it and eaten it, please share it with us below. The one we are going to eat next is the popular iron box cream biscuit from "Ash Cream House". This biscuit really makes me look forward to it again. Why are you afraid of getting hurt ? Because it's super expensive. A box like this costs almost NT$1,000. So don't take two boxes at a time. What will happen if the next one drops ? Be careful. So be very careful when eating. If a crumb falls accidentally, you will lose. It costs dozens of Taiwan dollars to unravel the mystery of this Guisongsong Ash Cream Cookie. It is packaged quite well. It is packed with this kind of shock-proof paper, so when I brought it back from Japan, it was not broken at all and every piece was present. Every piece is so perfect and separated by anti-shock paper . The biscuits are in a blue iron box and are thick and round. Well, it maintains its shape so perfectly. It's hard to imagine that it's so soft. It melts in your mouth and disappears like this. It gives you a full of rich ash before disappearing. The fragrance of the cream is very fragrant and delicious. I think it is worth the price . All its biscuits are made with 100% Ash cream. Do you want to try them? Oh, be careful not to drop it on the ground. It costs 200 yuan to drop one piece. Hahaha , and it’s also very labor-intensive. The one we brought back from Japan is delicious , right ? Its creamy aroma is very high-end, and it feels very elegant. Don’t take it. Think of it as an ordinary butter shortbread. Its texture and taste are completely different from what you have eaten before. It is completely different from what I have eaten before. Ordinary butter shortbread will make you feel tired after eating it. Although it will not touch the It feels a little greasy on your hands when it comes out , but it tastes surprisingly refreshing and delicious , and its sweetness is not too heavy, not too sweet, and just right . In short, this cream biscuit is very delicious. I also have a white iron box. I haven't eaten it yet . I'm going to try it now. I think the biscuits are just like the madeleines and cream cakes we shot in the first half of the video. The quality is very good and the taste is very delicious . It 's great . White iron box . It is a square biscuit , and it is also thick. It really maintains a very complete shape. This one is a little crisper than the one just now, but it will not break like this. If the hardness is higher, it will be just as crispy and delicious . The blue one just now is a bit crispier. This one is a bit crispier. This one is a bit crispier, but they are both very delicious. I think these two colors of iron box biscuits are quite worth it. If I have to compare the cookies I bought, I think the blue tin box biscuits are more popular in my heart. I like the biscuits better after eating. You can also keep the tin box. You see, there are even some cows on the blue side. Ah, the truck that delivers cream. Some of the decorations are very beautiful and beautiful. The design is ah , the iron box is covered and the lid covers this place. Oh, it won't be because the lid is covered and then it doesn't do the design. It can't be seen. The place we visited is also very exquisite. Next, we are going to introduce this one called "GATEAU FESTA HARADA" . It makes French bread shortbread. Let's first introduce its classic style . This classic style is what everyone must buy. There are tin boxes and large packages. If you really want to give gifts to your superiors, elders , or VIPs, you can buy the tin box ones. If it is for personal use, to reward relatives and friends , or for colleagues in the company, you can buy that kind. The bread in the large packaging uses very high-quality butter , and the milky aroma is very rich and thick , and the baking is very crispy. In addition, the powdered sugar sprinkled on it is very well sprinkled, and the whole bread body is very good. The cream and powdered sugar brushed on top make this French bread shortbread very balanced and delicious . This restaurant is highly recommended for travel. At least Paul likes it very much and he must recommend this restaurant. For my little traveling companions, he really buys this one every time he goes to Tokyo. The original flavor is left for the little traveling companions to try. It has some special flavors. Let’s try it now. In the past, we always bought the original flavor , but this time we went Ah, I found out that it has many different flavors, so we searched and bought many different flavors. There is this Kakako flavor, there is this one that can be paired with red wine, and there is no sugar added. This one is salty. It is a bit like the one from Rokkatei. There are Grape Cream Sandwich flavored shortbread and this Tropical Mango flavored one . There are so many . There is also this Indian spice flavored one with Indian writing. There is also this three cheese flavored one , but there are many flavors here. It's limited to a limited time or in summer, so let's introduce the commonly sold flavors to our little travel companions. First, let's introduce the grape cream sandwich flavor. It's sandwich , so it has two pieces sandwiched with white chocolate and raisins . OK . It's delicious. I think this one can be recommended. It has the taste of chocolate, cream, raisins, sweetness and aroma. The whole taste is very delicious and very balanced . No wonder Paul likes this biscuit very much. I also like it very much now. I highly recommend it to my little travel companions. Next, we are going to introduce this one, which is Tropical Mango flavored. However, it is a bit broken. When the shortbread itself is baked, mango juice is added to it. So the whole pie crust is the color of yellow mango pulp. The cream sandwiched in the middle of the biscuit is filled with mango juice and passion juice. What’s even more amazing is that it also has diced mango and toasted coconut flakes in it. Oh yeah , the shortbread on the outside is crispy and fluffy with mango cream and dried mango inside. The QQ one also has the aroma of coconut. It’s very delicious. This is a limited edition. Remember this when you come across this one. You should also choose it, so fellow travelers, if you go shopping, you may encounter some limited-edition items that we have never tried before, but you must buy the classic model in a large bag, which is very good. There are also salty French biscuits without added sugar. This one contains porcini mushrooms and Parmesan cheese, which is suitable for adults. Is there a red wine bottle painted on it ? Is it pouring wine? Is this red wine very suitable for pairing with red wine? It was really a miscalculation not to bring red wine to go with it this time. We brought green tea and coffee but not red wine. So some of the souvenirs introduced this time are very suitable for drinking. If you like to have a drink and pair it with some. My little traveling companions who are into side dishes will also like it very much . This salty one smells so good. Oh my God , it feels like sitting in a French restaurant and eating. It just condenses the taste of French food into this biscuit. Wow , that’s great. It smells so good. I can really taste it. It has the taste of porcini mushrooms. It ’s so delicious. It’s like eating a bowl of pasta . I’m going to introduce this next. Maybe my Taiwanese travel companions already have it. We all know that this is the "PRESS BUTTER SAND" caramel cream sandwich biscuit. Then we bought the original flavor and the lemon cream flavor. The packaging is also very high-end. It is not cheap. It costs NT$100 per piece. If you buy it in Taiwan, A biscuit costs almost NT$100. This yellow and oily texture looks so tempting. The ordinary sandwich biscuits are two biscuits, and this one is also two biscuits , but its shape is a bit like the shape of a lid, so You can squeeze a lot of fillings into it. It is very thick and feels very greasy. It tastes very milky and fragrant. It is worth mentioning that its texture is very Japanese-style . The texture is actually not just for beauty. Its purpose is that when you fold it, you can fold it into two pieces very neatly. In fact, there are two kinds of fillings in it. One is whipped cream and the other is. The caramel cream will have two kinds of cream, and a lot of high-quality cream is added to the crust when it is baked, so the whole thing should be very delicious . The crust on the outside is very crispy and milky. The fragrant caramel doesn't overwhelm the others, it's very sweet, and it doesn't feel like they complement each other. The whole biscuit is very sweet and delicious . The whole texture is very rich , and it tastes sweet but not greasy . I think the only shortcoming is you. Your hands will be very greasy after eating it. We also bought this limited-time lemon cream sandwich biscuit. The packaging is lemon yellow and so beautiful. The lemon cream filling inside is made of lemons from the Seto Inland Sea. It has a nice fragrance. Wow , the fillings of lemon cream and whipped cream are mixed with different flavors to create a flavor. The flavors are actually very soft and not particularly outstanding . For example, lemon is very sour, not caramel . Even though it's too sweet, it doesn't blend very well. In addition, its crispy pine cream crust and rich aroma taste very delicious. You can buy it and try it. Next, we are going to introduce these 8 souvenirs. The only candy-based souvenir included in the gift is called "Hunter Candy". The crispy butterfly gummy candies are crispy and soft . Are they soft or crispy? Let’s take a look. This box has a total of 6 flavors, fruit flavors , and soda flavors . The color of each piece is very pink! It's so cute that even the uncle will like to eat this pink and blue candy. Now let's reveal the secret why Crispy Butterfly Gummy Candy is both crispy and gummy. Its outer layer is a crispy sugar-coated inner layer. They are soft gummy candies. By the way, let me pick up the microphone. Now I finally know why the business of this gummy candy is so good because it is very delicious and the taste is very novel. I highly recommend everyone to queue up to buy it. You will definitely not scold me . This comes in a box with 6 flavors and 6 gummies. I can enjoy each piece slowly by myself. It is recommended to eat it. There is also a limited edition version , which is this one. It has three flavors. Made into a smaller version , it’s easy to carry and easier to chew. Hey, I just ate the blue one, now let’s eat the orange one . It’s also crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It’s sour and sweet, not too sour or too sweet. It’s sweet . You can enjoy it slowly . It’s delicious . It’s very good in terms of texture and taste. It ’s something I’ve never tasted before. It’s highly recommended. Then we ’ll introduce all the information on souvenirs today. Put it in the information column below. If you need a traveling companion, go to the information column to search for traveling companions who like us. Please like and subscribe for us and turn on the little bell. If you think our video is good, you can also give us a super thank you. Encouragement. If you haven’t watched our last episode about the little traveling companion who is also a souvenir at Tokyo Station, you can also click on the upper right corner to watch it. Then our video will end here today. Bye bye .
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Id: 7cRyQOl9YOc
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Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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