【京都自由行必逛】京都高島屋新館開幕🔥任天堂京都店、大型瑪利歐雕像超好拍📸蔦屋書店、中村藤吉抹茶、肌膚之鑰、SABON、和牛壽喜燒、DIESEL、日本免稅攻略|京都自由行・Japan 4K vlog

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Hello everyone, I am Nina. Minmin and I are now at Kyoto Takashimaya SC. This Kyoto Takashimaya SC opened a new store in October 2023. Kyoto Takashimaya SC T8 . So this time we are going to take you around. Kyoto Takashimaya SC and their new store T8. Kyoto Takashimaya SC has always gathered a lot of souvenirs or Kyoto local brands. It is a very good place to shop. This time, their newly opened T8 store has gathered more. There are many different shops. They are mainly shops that young people will like. For example, there is a record store, Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore , and the most important thing is that there is a Nintendo store , so be sure to visit here . If you want to go to Kyoto, The transportation in Takashimaya SC is also very convenient. If you take the Hankyu Railway, you can take the Osaka Umeda Station directly to Kyoto Kawaramachi Station (slip of the tongue). If you take the Keihan Railway, you can take the Keihan Railway to Gion Shijo Station and walk for 5 minutes. That's it. Let's take you to visit this must-visit facility in Kyoto. We are now at the Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore on the 5th and 6th floors of the newly opened T8 building in Takashimaya SC, Kyoto . Although this is not the first Tsutaya bookstore in Kyoto. But this Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore has a lot of new concepts. For example, this Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore is themed on modern art, photo albums and various arts, so you can see a lot of them here. There will also be irregular exhibitions of various works or art galleries related to this genre of book selections or works. You can see something different every time you come . Another special thing is that there are Kyoto's first A SHARE LOUNGE means that you can work here or sit there and read all day without any problem . Because this Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore occupies a quite large area , we will now show you what is special about it. A very special place about this Kyoto Tsutaya bookstore is that they have a Kyoto-specific corner on the left hand side of their counter. As you know, Kyoto actually had many monster stories in the past , so they are now in this issue. The exhibition is about the design of monsters in Kyoto. In cooperation with Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore, they have launched a lot of cute and weird peripheral products. You can buy monster handbags or some handbags, desserts , and bath agents for bathing. The designs are very cute. This size is just right for stuffing a book like this one , and then you can take it out and sit in the park and read. I think it’s super cute. This monster was specially designed by Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore for this bookstore , so it can’t be seen elsewhere. The Yokai you arrived is a Yokai related to books . In addition to the Kyoto Yokai corner I just introduced, there are many Kyoto-related magazines here , so you can also just come here with nothing and buy a magazine and then arrange it for you. How to play in Kyoto? There are many topics in the magazine and the introduction is quite in-depth. So those who want to travel in depth in Kyoto can first go to Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore to browse. There is also a selection on the 6th floor of Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore. There are some cute little things sold in the small corner. Japan has this kind of bean dish , which is a small plate for putting things . It is designed to be made of wood and has very cute patterns on it. It is so cute. The white dog's piggy bank looks like a pair of sheep. Ah, so fat and cute. This Kyoto Tsutaya bookstore has a large SHARE LOUNGE space on the 6th floor. You can work here or drink coffee and read a book. If you don’t have to work, it doesn’t matter. You can purchase a one-hour plan. It’s okay to sit here and enjoy a high-quality rest time. The fee for an hour here is 1,540 yen. Within this hour, you can enjoy unlimited cookies, snacks and drinks . What’s very special is this Kyoto Tsuta restaurant. The SHARE LOUNGE of the House Bookstore has specially cooperated with Jinjindo, a century-old bakery in Kyoto , so you can eat Jinjindo’s bread , and the coffee here is also the coffee beans of Ogawa Kahi, a famous coffee shop in Kyoto . If you want to drink, you can also If you can pay an additional 1980 yen, you can enjoy unlimited alcoholic beverages. This Kyoto Takashimaya SC T8 building also has the first MANDARAKE in Kyoto . We have also introduced MANDARAKE to you before. It is a variety of antiques. A specialty store for comics, models and toys . It has more art or photo album-related books than other stores. So if you want to find some specialized and hard-to-find antique books, you can come here and take a look. Now let me go in and take you around . There are quite a lot of picture books from the past in this area , and they are all in good condition. I just picked up one now. This one was made by a very famous illustrator . It feels like this. You can really dig up a lot of treasures. There are torii gates in the store, which is a feature of MANDARAKE. This store in Kyoto also has a lot of Inari torii gates, so when you come here to shop, you can also come here to take commemorative photos . There is a whole wall of models outside the MANDARAKE store. Here you can find various models from previous animations or Disney. There is a whole area here. Although I don’t know much about it , I think it is very ugly. Cute minmin, do you want it so much? I want it so much. It’s super cute. Now we come to a very special store, nuunu KYOTO . This store specializes in selling various art works . But you don’t need to feel nervous when you hear about art. Because the art here is very easy to buy at a very affordable price , it has collected a lot of works by Japanese artists or artists from all over the world . It is divided into unfinished works and completed works. The unfinished works will be displayed like this. It's like looking for a vinyl record here . You can easily browse if you have a painting you like. The price of these unfinished works is also very affordable , probably under 10,000 yen. If it is a completed work, the price is very affordable. It will be relatively high , so you can find things here to decorate your room or give as gifts. You can come here to shop. For example, this author I saw casually now, I thought it was so cute . It’s my favorite painting style. It’s suitable for Nina. She likes it very much. It’s super cute . This is Nina’s color matching. Let me introduce one to you personally and recommend it to everyone. The store I must visit is the one I'm in now, Face Records. This one is a vinyl record store. This store is actually a very famous vinyl record store in Shibuya. This store is Their first branch in Kansai sells a lot of rock and jazz , as well as the vinyl of City pop, which has become very popular in recent years. You can find it here. This branch is also very particular about the quality of music and speakers. For example, they have a DJ booth here. For example, during holidays and Christmas, DJs will perform live here, so everyone can choose music while enjoying the DJ performance here . Their sound is still special. They use very good brands , so if you come here, you might have the opportunity to experience the sound quality of their speakers . Whether you are a music fan or want to try out some vinyl records, you should be able to find what you like in this store. Because they have a large collection of classic discs. If you are looking for the original soundtrack of Ghibli or some famous albums of rock bands, you can find treasures here. Now I have come to Nakamura Fujiyoshi, which is a must-visit store in Kyoto. They are There is a store in Uji. If you don’t have the means to go to Uji, the Kyoto Takashimaya SC store here is actually very easy to browse. There are many kinds of souvenirs at the entrance. There is also a cafe inside where you can drink matcha before coming back. After visiting Takashimaya SC in Kyoto, let me now show you some recommended souvenirs . The one I am holding now is a cookie gift box limited to Nakamura Tokichi’s Shijo store. It contains a lot of Japanese tea matcha. Cookies: This purple cookie actually represents the color of Kyoto Takashimaya SC , so it is specially designed for Kyoto Takashimaya SC. The red box is also designed to match the image of Kyoto Takashimaya SC , so the whole feeling It’s very elegant with a hint of purple among the green. I think the design is super cute. This is a matcha mille-feuille biscuit, which the store clerk recommended to us just now. This matcha biscuit contains chocolate made from their matcha , so it tastes quite rich in matcha flavor. It is divided into small packages , so you just take a box back to see if you want to give the whole box away or give it to others one by one. They are very suitable for them. This series of packaging is very cute , don’t you think? That’s right . Look at this yokan. Look at this yokan. Look at this yokan. It’s so cute. It’s super cute. They also sell a variety of their classic Japanese teas, such as hojicha , gyokuro tea , and various matcha. You can find them here. Another recommendation. Yes, they also have matcha desserts here that you can buy directly for takeout . This one is matcha raw tea jelly, and this one is original green tea raw tea jelly. Both are very cute. We are now in Takashima, Kyoto. SABON on the first floor of Building SCT8 is a store that is also popular among Taiwanese. In addition to the most popular body scrubs that you must buy, there are also some gift sets that are limited to Kyoto Takashimaya SC , so you should buy them and take them home. It’s perfect for trial use or giving away. For example, we found here that there are small packages in the corner , so hand cream or small jars of scrubs are all available. They are sold here in Kyoto Takashima. House SC’s exclusive gift box set contains the most classic body scrub , scalp scrub and two different facial scrubs . Because this gift box set is limited in quantity, you can try your luck to see if it is still available. After visiting SABON in T8, we are now going to browse the cosmetics in the main building. The T8 building in Kyoto Takashimaya SC is actually very close to the main building. So after visiting T8, you can go directly to the main building. While shopping, you may find that the design of the T8 Hall is a little different from the design of the main building. The T8 Hall is designed with more plants or bolder colors. It is a part of the Takashimaya SC Main Building in Kyoto. There are many makeup brands gathered here , so the first one we want to introduce to you now is Skin Key, which everyone will definitely want to buy when they come to Japan. This brand is the top brand of the Shiseido Group. In Japan, it not only has a lot of supply , but also can Duty-free , let’s introduce a few popular products to you now . This is their recently popular foundation called Hydrating Radiance Cushion Powder Cream, which contains ingredients they exclusively developed. I heard that it is very moisturizing when applied on makeup. You will feel like you can take care of yourself at the same time . The lady behind the counter was very nice just now . Because she saw us introducing a new product, she specially brought a new product for us to try and see. When you open it , you can see that it feels very hot inside . I really didn’t make any effort just now , I just put a little bit on it and it was very hydrating, so I feel that the amount of it is quite economical. When I pat it on lightly , I feel that it has strong concealing power. Then as soon as I pat it on, the tangy fragrance of the whole rose comes over. Well, the one I picked up is the brightest shade. It may look a little inconsistent with the color of my skin , but you can feel that it is very dewy and has a bit of pearlescence in it. The product recommended by another store clerk is what I have now. Laser Diamond White Essence This Laser Diamond White Essence is a beauty lotion that can be applied after moisturizing. What’s special is that it can be used during the day and night , so you only need to buy one jar to solve the problem. It’s very suitable for lazy people like me. I just squeezed it a little bit and you can see the pearlescent light inside it. Have you seen how bright it is? After applying it, your hands instantly become super shiny. We are now at this counter. IPSA is also a super popular brand in the past few years. Then its most popular product I shouldn’t need to say more, but this is Liquid Gold Water , which is known as one of the four fairy waters of skin care brands. Its biggest feature is that it is suitable for any skin type . If your skin condition is not good and you need first aid, listen to it. It is said that it is very effective. Many people have shared that their skin quality has improved after applying it wetly or their blackheads and acne have improved. I really want to buy it and try it out. Another product that the store clerk recommended to us just now is this one. The Skin Beauty and Moisturizing Essence Stick is used when you want to touch up your makeup. You can first wipe off the oil on your face with oil-absorbing tissue and then use it to touch up your makeup . It feels a little cool at first and then you will feel it immediately. It feels hydrating , so I really think it's amazing, but you can't even see it. It helps you replenish the skin's moisture level. When you put on makeup at night, your skin won't look very dry. It feels like it's been spent . It's a must-have in your makeup bag. They have a very considerate service here that can help you test your skin type. After that, you can choose the most suitable skin care products for you. When you see my skin, it ’s so naked . It says this black area is my oil. What I am doing now is the measurement of skin oil. There is a super popular dessert shop in Kyoto Takashimaya SC, which is the Mushakusanbo we are now at. We ordered two of their most classic dishes. One is the one in front of me. Another famous dessert here in Kyoto is the Matcha Parfait Warabi Mochi . It is very rich and you can tell at a glance that its texture is very dense. Generally speaking, Matcha may taste sweet. It feels a bit like adding some sugar. It feels like it has a natural sweetness . You can still taste the aroma of tea. Let me pair it with a small cake. After adding the cake, it can neutralize the taste of matcha , so it can be paired together. To eat , the other thing we ordered was their warabi mochi . Their warabi mochi is freshly made, so it will be very chewy when picked up. The way to eat it is also very special , that is, pick up the warabi mochi one by one and put it on their After the soybean flour is added, add this black honey and mix it bit by bit before eating. In fact, this is the first time I have eaten Kyoto’s warabi mochi . If you are an elder, you really have to eat it slowly. It is soaked in warm water, so it tastes warm. It is paired with soybean powder and black honey. I think it is quite a special experience. You can try it when you come to Kyoto . This warabi cake is made of their natural arrowroot powder, so it maintains the original color of the arrowroot powder. The current DIESEL is also a very popular brand in recent years because many girls in Korean groups wear their clothes, so recently This brand is becoming more and more popular . This brand actually started out by making jeans, so you can see a lot of jeans with washed or special designs on their counters. In recent years, in addition to jeans, they have also launched many small items such as bags or bags. Although this floor of clothes with their logo is mainly men's clothing , there are quite a lot of gadgets that girls should like, so I will take you to browse them now. Their hat is quite unisex and should be worn by both boys and girls. Minmin. Look, I was already looking at this cabinet just now. This little waste bag is so cute. It 's super cute and the price is surprisingly affordable, so it's OK . After everyone's tax refund, it should be very cost-effective . Now I'm here on the 5th floor of the main building . I want to introduce to you a local outdoor product brand in Japan, which is Foxfire behind me . In recent years, outdoor functional clothing has become more and more popular, so everyone who comes to Japan will probably buy these outdoor brands to some extent. So I would like to recommend this one. It is a Japanese brand founded in 1982. Especially now that autumn and winter are about to enter, many people should have the need to buy windproof and rainproof jackets . There are many windproof and rainproof jackets made of GORE‑TEX material . Another very interesting one to choose from. They also have a series of insect-proof jackets that are very suitable for people who like outdoor sports. If you are looking for outdoor products, you can come to this brand and take a look. Now I want to introduce to you the duty- free one that everyone is most concerned about. It is in Takashimaya SC, Kyoto. There is a tax-free counter on the 7th floor of the main building. You can get tax refund here when you spend money in the Kyoto Takashimaya SC main building and T8. What you need to pay attention to is that there are some shops in the T8 building that have to be opened in their own area. The stores offer tax refunds or there are also non-tax-free stores , so everyone should pay attention when checking out . Just bring all the shopping receipts to this counter, and there will be a dedicated person to help you with the tax exemption. What are the conditions for tax exemption? In general stores, as long as you spend 5,000 yen or more and bring your receipt to the duty-free counter, there will be a dedicated person to help you with the duty-free service. Let me tell you a good news . As long as you bring your passport to the duty-free counter, you can get this tourist attraction. The exclusive 5% off Hello Kitty card for customers. In this way , you can get 5% off and tax exemption at the same time. It is super cost-effective . You must remember to bring your passport to collect it. On the 7th floor of the Kyoto Takashimaya SC main building, there is a floor called the Kyoto Corridor. There are many local famous restaurants in Kyoto gathered here, such as tempura and the famous sukiyaki restaurant we are waiting to eat. If you want to eat delicious food in Kyoto, come here. Speaking of sukiyaki here in Kyoto, When it comes to sukiyaki, I will definitely talk about Mishima-tei, the restaurant I'm in now . It has been a famous sukiyaki restaurant since ancient times , and what's very special about them is that there will be dedicated personnel to help you serve the dishes here while watching them. It's super delicious , and the movements they make are very elegant and feel like works of art , so the whole taste is more atmospheric. Their meat is very large , so you can feel the oiliness as soon as you bite it . I personally think that they must be dipped in egg yolk to make the texture milder , and because their beef is dipped in egg liquid The whole entrance feels smoother, and you really want to eat it with rice . And their side dishes are also very good. In addition to Kyoto’s classic pickles, this one is meat floss made from Wagyu beef. It’s super cool. I feel like I can’t waste a bite . I want to pour it all into the rice . It feels so delicious. After finishing the sukiyaki, they will also have desserts . The one we had today was the yuzu smoothie. It was so good that there was a complete set . I felt very happy and it was Paired with this relatively refreshing dessert, I feel very relieved and it tastes very refreshing. We started shopping at Kyoto Takashimaya SC today in the morning and have been shopping until it gets dark . We can choose classic cosmetics or boutique brands. Find out in the main building that there are many very trendy shops in the T8 building, such as the vinyl records we visited today , the gallery of nuunu KYOTO , and new shops such as MANDARAKE. In addition, there are many must-eats in Kyoto. You can eat here like the matcha dessert we had in the morning and the sukiyaki we had in the afternoon. If you come to Kyoto and want to shop, it is highly recommended. You can come to Kyoto Takashimaya SC. Then we have this one. That’s the end of Kyoto Takashimaya SC’s video. If you like this video of ours, remember to like and leave us a comment and share it with your friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. Then we’ll see you in the next video . Bye -bye
Channel: 吉田社長 Japan TV
Views: 24,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 日本旅遊, 日本文化, 日本自由行, 日本旅行, 日本生活, 日本現況, 日本散步, 4k, 吉田皓一, 日本觀光, 吉田社長JapanTV, 日本觀光列車, 日本美食, 日本必吃, 日本必去, 日本推薦, 日本4k
Id: evDDepiXDy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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