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Good morning, everyone . I ’m Misako and I’m Nina. We’re at Kyoto Station again. Speaking of Kyoto, what would you think of ? Eat matcha , so our video this time will take you to many matcha shops in "Uji" , as well as the well-known world heritage Byodo-in Phoenix Hall , so let's go as soon as possible. Take the JR Nara Line at Kyoto Station and arrive at Inari . We came to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine , behind me is the entrance of Senbon Torii. Before entering, I would like to introduce you to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, which is a must-see when you come to Kyoto. It has actually been established for 1,300 years. It is the head office of all the Inari shrines in Japan. It is dedicated to the god of commerce and agriculture , so many people will come to pray for family safety or business prosperity . The most famous of Fushimi Inari Shrine is of course the Thousand Torii. Behind me After entering this entrance, the entire road is full of torii gates , so let’s go to the Senbon Torii gate now (fox-shaped soil bell) (Fu Ling) (fox-shaped Ema) (various graffiti) Take the JR Nara Line to Uji Station ( Uji Station has a commemorative stamp of the station) Yay! Uji! We are now at Nakamura Fujiyoshi Main Store near Uji Station. I believe many people should have heard of this very, very famous matcha specialty store . Nakamura Fujiyoshi has been open since 1854. It is a very historical brand. It used to be in Taisho and Emperor Showa. When it was selected as a tribute to the royal family , it is a very representative brand in Japan. This time, Nakamura Fujiyoshi’s main store has launched many interesting matcha dessert dishes. We ordered two of the most popular ones to try today . One is this Maruju Sundae (まるとパフェ) and this one is raw tea jelly (raw tea ゼリイ), which is very iced. Generally, desserts in Japan are served in goblets , but they specially serve them in iced bamboo tubes, so they are iced. The effect is very good. It tastes very ice . Like the raw tea jelly I ordered, it contains matcha ice cream , white jade rice balls, red bean filling , and matcha raw tea jelly. This matcha ice cream tastes slightly sweet , so I won’t say it is too sweet or too chemical. I feel that if you pair it with this original matcha jelly , the taste will be very good. If you want to eat sweeter , you can add red bean paste to eat together . I ordered this very popular Maruju sundae. It is also made of bamboo. As a container, it actually hides a mystery . The menu on this side explains very intimately what is inside . The top layer is tiramisu . In fact, there are brown rice grains, berries , and the ones that Nina ate just now. White jade and red beans are used as a layer of matcha ice cream at the bottom , and the raw tea jelly that Nina ordered just now can actually be eaten in this maruju sundae . It's super rich, so let's hurry up and start ! Wow! It feels super rich. It contains red beans, brown rice grains , and matcha ice cream. It is mixed with brown rice grains, so the taste is a bit crunchy , a bit like eating biscuits . Welcome. I just walked along the Ujibashi Street shopping street behind me. Come here , to my right side is the approach to Byodoin Temple. These two streets are the busiest streets in Uji , especially the Ujibashidori shopping street behind me. There are many different shops on the road. For example, some laundry shops or restaurants that local residents need in their daily lives. Of course, there are also souvenir shops and matcha specialty stores that tourists like. Especially in these two streets, there are many famous matcha stores here , such as the main store of Nakamura Fujiyoshi. Ah, Samsung Garden Kabayashi Sannyu and other stores are all here , so these two are also shopping streets that you must not miss if you go to Byodoin Temple. Now we come to Ito Kyuemon on the road to Byodoin Temple . This store is also a very famous store of Uji Matcha. This store was established in 1832 , so it is an old store of more than two hundred years. The most special thing is that they have launched a lot of products related to Uji Tea , not just ordinary Uji Tea or famous tea. It’s roasted tea and the like, and they will launch many unexpected products , such as matcha wine, matcha curry , and any combination of matcha you can imagine , sweet or salty! So I think shopping here is very interesting. You can buy a lot of matcha-flavored things and try it at home. The most famous one recently is this Hanegoban ice cream "Matcha Sundae Popsicle" in my hand. This is matcha and various ingredients. The ice cream in the shape of traditional Japanese feather board was launched together. Now I am holding strawberry and matcha flavors . It is also available in spring, summer , or autumn. There are various choices , so if you come every season, you can enjoy it . You can eat different ice cream. Although Ito Kyuemon also has a branch in Taiwan , the ice cream of this haegoba can only be bought in Japan. If you want to visit Byodoin Temple, it is recommended to buy a haegoba ice cream here and eat it while walking . Visit Byodoin Temple , then we are going to Byodoin Temple now (the weather is super good) We are now coming to Byodoin Temple. The beauty here really shocked me . Byodoin Temple has a history of more than a thousand years . It was originally a nobleman named Yuan Rong This villa, Genrong, is the prototype of Genji, the protagonist of the very important work "The Tale of Genji" in Japan. This building was later inherited by the next owner, Michijo Fujiwara . After that, it was renamed Byodoin Temple, and it became a temple. The Phoenix Hall has now become Kyoto. Very, very important scenic spots , such as the red leaves in autumn or the wisteria flowers in spring, many people come here to take pictures . The Byodoin Temple reflected on the water is already beautiful . It should be beautiful in any season . In autumn, there will be a limited time lighting. The 10,000 - yuan banknotes and 10-yuan coins that you often see in Japan are related to the Phoenix Hall . The building with the 10-yuan coin is the Phoenix Hall behind me . The back of the 10,000-yuan note The phoenix above is the phoenix on the top of the Byodoin Phoenix Hall . It can be seen that this Byodoin Phoenix Hall is really a super important place to Japan (the image of Murasaki Shikibu). The sun is coming out . It is very beautiful and the weather is very good. The scenery is a bit like Arashiyama One and two are so heavy. Teacher: Well done . Are you grinding too fast? Teacher: No, it needs a little strength. It’s quite heavy. 1 , 2 , there is no sense of rhythm at all . Haha, if you look out of the window for a while, there is a tea garden next to it . Finally, draw a circle along the shape of "の". That’s right. Turn the tea bowl to the right twice and then go can drink (Stunning) It won't be very bitter, because I put very little powder in it . Teacher: It will be a little hot. It 's delicious. Wow! She is so fast . Teacher : The movement needs to be big and fast . Wow , this hand speed and the bubbles become bigger, it is very beautiful. The distribution of the bubbles can be drawn in a circle at this level. Wow, it is beautiful . Stir it vigorously and quickly , and finally you can follow the " The shape of の” is finished , turn around twice , ah , unexpectedly it’s not bitter, good tea won’t be bitter We’re now at “Chazuna (茶づな)”, which is a newly opened spot next to Uji Bridge in 2021 , here’s an introduction The comprehensive facilities of Uji tea include a museum of Uji tea , a restaurant , and the tea art experience classroom where I am now , as we have experienced making matcha today , and it is not just a tea ceremony experience. We grind the matcha leaves by ourselves and grind them into matcha After powdering, let’s taste it slowly . I didn’t expect the matcha I ground myself to be so delicious . It’s not bitter at all. I highly recommend everyone to come and have a look . Take the Uji Line to Nakashojima Station and then transfer to the Keihan Railway. Ishikimizu Hachimangu Station Arrive at Ishikimizu Hachimangu Station and walk to the cable car Hachimanguguchi Station, then take the cable car up the mountain and now come to the main hall of Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine. This is also one of the very important shrines that you must visit when you come to Kyoto. It is one of the three major Hachiman shrines in Japan. It is mainly used to worship the god of disaster relief . This Hachiman Shrine is the patron saint of Kyoto and the Japanese royal family . Therefore, in Kyoto , many people come to worship throughout the year . Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine. The animal messengers of the gods are pigeons , so you can see many images of pigeons in Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine. There are also many cute guards designed in the image of pigeons. If you want to come to Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine , it is recommended to take the cable car up the mountain . Both the cable car and the cable car going down the mountain have names , and during the maple leaf season , you can take the cable car to see the maple leaves on both sides. It's super beautiful (find the pigeons and the gods) and it's super cute. I 'll pick one and that's it! I ’m so nervous, yeah~ I just bought the dove’s gomi lottery. There ’s also a special edition goshuin , a limited edition embroidered goshuin. You must have never seen it. The red leaves are embroidered. There are actually three kinds of embroidery versions. The red leaf season is here , so I specially chose the red leaf version . Just now Nina noticed a detail . Look! Its Hachiman Shrine is in the shape of a dove, super special! The one with super commemorative value is 1,000 Japanese yen (about NT$224) . It’s pretty beautiful . There ’s a must-eat restaurant at the crossing of the Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine . Zoujingbing” is imitating the shape of a sword. In ancient times, there was a famous water called “Zoujing” . It is said that it was the well water used by the emperor when he took a bath for the first time. Sword That's why Zoujingbing is in the shape of a sword . This Zoujingbing shop has been in business for 250 years . When you visit Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine, you will come here to taste the famous "Zoujingbing". In addition to this, there are many traditional Japanese desserts in the store , such as red bean soup, or there are many desserts related to chestnuts . If you are tired from walking, you can also come here to take a rest. It feels delicious . OKAKI (おかき) with black pepper, this, this I would like to buy . The "Baiwari Tsui" in Hachiman City, Kyoto is also a very popular cherry blossom viewing spot in Kyoto in recent years. Take the Keihan Railway to Ishikimizu Hachimangu Station and walk for 10 minutes . You can see a tunnel of cherry blossoms with a total length of 1.4 kilometers and a total of more than 200 trees. Beautiful scenery. People who come to Yawata City must not miss this place. Take the Keihan Railway to Fushimi-Momoyama Station . Now we have come to a very special store in the Otesuji shopping street . It is famous because the water here in Fushimi is so-called soft water , which has less minerals, so the taste of the wine will not be so spicy . The Japanese wine made here is called female wine because it tastes softer and relatively soft . In the Nada area of ​​Kansai Hyogo , their water is relatively hard water , so their wine is called "men's wine". There are many, many wine cellars in Fushimi . There is a store of Japanese sake in the sake store. You can drink many Japanese wines from different wine stores at the same time. All of them are from Fushimi District . People who like Japanese wine should like this store very much. The most famous of this store is this set menu. There are 18 types of wine from 17 wineries in Fushimi District , and it is very special . After serving the food, it will tell you which wine is which wine . Drink it in the order they recommend, which is also learned . At the beginning, you are asked to drink cold wine , which is a wine that is not durable , and the later ones are wines that can be kept for a long time without any problem, and they will not become unpalatable . They are also in the middle and late stages of the menu, and the main dishes will be more suitable. It has been carefully calculated , so you can drink it in this order . There is also a very special place. Fusui Shukura Koji is actually a bit like a small food street . In addition to a lot of Japanese wines, they also have a lot of them. Stores , such as ramen shops or skewers, you can order any dishes you want on their menus, and you can order all of them, so let’s hurry up and let’s try the first one they recommend. This wine is said to be drunk Come like wine, a lighter wine , oh! Really, it tastes sour like wine. It’s so special. In my impression, Japanese sake has a strong alcohol taste and a little bit bitterness . This really tastes like fruit juice. It ’s delicious ! What about the second one? Its color is very different. It is beige. This is a Japanese sake called "turbid sake" . It has more sediment Ohhhh! This is so spicy. The alcohol taste is a bit thicker . It may be because it has more sediment, so I think its taste is more mellow . Then I ordered this tasting set of 18 kinds of Japanese sake. I highly recommend everyone to come to this store. It must be a challenge . After playing in the area of ​​Tea Kyoto all day, I have returned to the urban area of ​​Kyoto with Nina. Hey ! It's so convenient, it's really fast, it will arrive in less than half an hour, it's super fast! It’s really one stop to go directly to Shijo, Kyoto. That's right, today is really the first time I went to the tea area of ​​Kyoto, and it was my first time too. I found that it is actually quite a lot of fun . The most impressive thing in my mind is the newly opened tea づな . The tea ceremony teacher is really super Sincerely , I chatted with her and communicated with the local people. Seeing her so happy , I also felt a sense of accomplishment , and it was really possible to experience the world of matcha in a deeper way . I was really the first It’s the first time I can actually grind matcha powder. It’s really a sense of accomplishment . It will also teach you how to divide the types of tea , so that you can know more about tea . In my words, Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine is the most impressive . Its animal messenger is a pigeon. It’s super cute. Besides, I found that many shrines in Kyoto have that kind of animal god lottery . Today I drew one at the Hachiman Shrine. I got a good luck . This is a great memory for me . I think our YouTube should also flourish from now on. It 's a good sign. I also think it's the actual experience like today . I found it on a day trip from Kyoto Station to the Uji area! It’s so convenient . Why have I never been there before ? Why did it take me until now to come to this tea place in Kyoto for the first time? We also went for a walk in the old street and ate a lot of matcha desserts. We really want to play for three days and two days. Night is okay, yes ! Uji is really convenient and fun , I really should go and recommend it! This is the end of the one-day tea tour in Kyoto. Apart from this video , there are a lot of travels in Kyoto. You can follow our footsteps and play Kyoto in depth. If you like this video , remember to press for us. Like , don't forget to subscribe to this channel and share with us. Our channel has recently opened a membership function . If you like our videos, remember to join the membership to support us to make more good videos. See you in the next video. Bye-Bye
Channel: 吉田社長 Japan TV
Views: 633,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 日本旅遊, 日本文化, 日本自由行, 日本旅行, 日本生活, 日本現況, 日本散步, 4k, 吉田皓一, 日本觀光, 吉田社長JapanTV, 日本觀光列車, 日本美食, 日本必吃, 日本必去, 日本推薦, nina, misako, 日本4k
Id: b0jRWT27u9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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