《楞嚴咒》咒中之王的意義| 趨吉避凶神咒功德利益【上篇】|The Powerful Meaning of the Shurangama Mantra|Ven. Master Miao Yin 妙音法師

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大家好 Hello Everyone 今天我想在這個視頻和各位分享 Today I would like to share 楞嚴咒的殊勝功德以及其利益 the extraordinary merits and benefits of the Shurangama Mantra. 楞嚴神咒是佛陀所宣說在楞嚴經其中一段的咒語 The Shurangama Mantra is a Mantra preached by the Buddha in the Shurangama Sutra. 而且人人都說楞嚴神咒能夠總持不斷的憶念 It is said that if the Shurangama Mantra can be recited continuously, 就能夠讓正法永住 the True Dharma can forever abide. 一切邪魔外道都不敢侵 All evil spirits and heretics dare not invade. 所以神咒的力量為何如此殊勝 As to why the power of this Mantra is so extraordinary, 為何如此的具有大的加持力 why it has so much blessing power, 在楞嚴經當中 in the Shurangama Sutra 佛陀也都一一的為我們做了很多的解說 the Buddha also gave many explanations accordingly. 這當中他是開示了阿難尊者 Among them, there was this teaching he gave to Venerable Ananda. 其中的經文是這麼說 In the Sutra context, Buddha said: 【阿難 是佛頂光聚悉怛多般怛囉秘密伽陀微妙章句】 "Ananda, this Mantra is a secret wondrous Mantra revealed in the light gathered on the top of the Buddha's head." 祂這個意思就是告訴阿難 The Buddha was telling Ananda that 這個神咒就是保護眾生的精微奧妙的章句 this Mantra is a wondrous collection of texts to protect all beings 因為它是由佛頂 這個佛頂的 because it came from the top of Buddha's head, 白毫光中所化的神咒 manifested in the light from the tuft of his white hair. 所以它聚集在一起就如白焰火光 So when gathered together, it is like a white flame 這麼大的無比的加持力 with a great blessing power. 就像黑暗當光遍照 It's like in darkness, when the light shines all over, 遍照下去 all over, 所有的黑暗都掃除無餘 all darkness is swept away. 所以就代表形容 It is describing that 楞嚴神咒的這個威德力是十分的廣大的 the power and merits of the Shurangama Mantra is very tremendous. 再來在經文當中也這麼說 The Sutra also said, 【十方如來 因此咒心 得成無上正遍知覺】 "The Tathagatas of the Ten Directions due to this Mantra can attain the perfect enlightenment." 這就是說楞嚴神咒是 It is saying that the Shurangama Mantra is 所有十方如來的內心本密所成的這個心咒 a Mantra formed by the inner secrets of all Tathagatas of the Ten Directions. 它所以能夠讓十方諸佛去做神咒的宣說 That's why the Buddhas of the Ten Directions preach this Mantra 而且它是最微妙的密因就是所有的十方諸佛能夠得成 And it is the most wondrous secret cause for all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions to achieve 正等正覺 無上正等正覺 the ultimate perfect enlightenment. 都要因此密因 It is all due to this secret cause. 所以這個是【出生十方一切諸佛 So, "All Buddhas born in Ten Directions, 十方如來 因此咒心 得成無上正遍知覺】 all Tathagata of the Ten Directions, because of this Mantra, can attain the ultimate perfect enlightenment." 再來 【十方如來 執此咒心 降伏諸魔 制諸外道】 In addition, "Tathagata of the Ten Directions upholding this Mantra can subdue all demons and heretics." 所以十方諸佛在修道 在證果之時 Therefore, when all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions are cultivating to attain enlightenment, 若是遇到魔障而來侵擾的時候 when facing demonic obstacles, 若是不能夠因為這魔障的侵擾 if because of the intrusion of these demonic obstacles, 而讓自己能夠突破這些障礙而成就正等正覺 they are unable to overcome these obstacles and achieve Buddhahood, 就應該要速持此心咒 they should immediately recite this Mantra. 就是要持誦楞嚴神咒 Therefore, one must recite this Mantra. 能夠持誦楞嚴神咒 If one is able to recite the Shurangama Mantra, 就像是一個有非常強而有力的外在的保護 it is like a very strong external protection 來降伏這所有的諸魔外道 to subdue all external obstacles of demons and heretics. 不會讓一切的邪見 Not disrupted by wrongful views 斷見而所干擾 and not affected by the view of sentient beings disappearing entirely upon death. 再來如果能夠【持誦咒心 Additionally, the Sutra said, "When Tathagata of the Ten Directions recite this Mantra, 能於十方摩頂授記 they can give assurance of Buddhahood to all beings in Ten Directions. 自果未成 亦於十方蒙佛授記】 If themselves have not attained Buddhahood, they will invite Ten Directions of Buddhas to give assurance for them." 所以如果是能夠持誦如來神咒 So with the blessings of this Mantra recitation, 可以得到這個十方諸佛的授記 one can receive the assurance of Buddhahood from Ten Directions of Buddhas 最後能夠得道而成佛果 and can ultimately attain Buddhahood. 這是能夠得到十方蒙佛的授記 This is to receive the assurance of Buddhahood from Ten Directions of Buddhas. 再來它也能夠拔濟群苦 The Mantra also can relieve all beings' sufferings. 就是【所謂地獄餓鬼畜生 It is said that, "The Hell, Hungry Ghost, and Animal Realms' beings 盲聾瘖啞 怨憎會苦 the blind and deaf in the Human Realm, those suffering of being together with despised ones, 愛別離苦 求不得苦 suffering from being apart from loved ones, suffering of unsatisfied wanting, 五陰熾盛 大小諸橫同時解脫 suffering due to the five aggregates, all sufferings of irregular death can be eliminated at once. 賊難兵難 王難獄難 The suffering of calamities from bandits, misrule, prison, 風火水難 飢渴貧窮 應念消散】 fire, flood, hunger, poverty are all eliminated immediately by reciting this Mantra." 從這個經文我們可以知道說 From the Sutra text we know that 如果我們能夠持誦神咒 if we can recite the Mantra, 不管是我們在人道有很多的苦 regardless whether we have a lot of suffering in the Human Realm, 種種的苦愛別離苦 怨憎會苦 all kinds of suffering, suffering from being apart from loved ones, suffering of being together with despised ones, 求不得苦 五陰熾盛苦 suffering of unsatisfied wanting, suffering due to the five aggregates, 包括地獄惡鬼畜生 including Hell, Hungry Ghosts, and Animals Realms, 不同道類眾生他們所承受的苦痛 the sufferings among the beings of different Realms, 大大小小都能夠因佛頂神咒的加持 能夠漸漸消散 regardless of their intensity, can gradually be eliminated due to the blessing of the Shurangama Mantra. 漸漸消滅了 同時如果是 If we are to encounter 會遇到賊難兵難王難獄難 the suffering of calamities from bandits, misrule, prison, 種種的這些外在的障礙困難 all kinds of these external obstacles, and 火災水災等等 fire, flood, etc. 還有甚至飢渴貧窮 都能夠因我們持誦楞嚴神咒 And even hunger, thirst and poverty can be overcome by reciting the Shurangama Mantra, so we 能夠得到最終的解脫 eventually attain ultimate liberation. 所以一切的苦難都能因為 So all the sufferings, 佛陀的慈悲神咒之力加持都能夠煙飛滅散 under the power of the Buddha's compassionate Mantra, can be eliminated. 所以這個是在楞嚴經當中佛陀開示阿難尊者 So this is what the the Buddha taught Venerable Ananda in the Shurangama Sutra. 為何此神咒是如此的殊勝不可思議 Why the Shurangama Mantra is so extraordinary and inconceivable. 持咒呢能夠清淨心 If we recite the Mantra with a pure mind, 能夠以發想要利益所有一切眾生心念 a mind wanting to benefit all sentient beings and 我們這樣的一個心念來持誦 if we recite with such a mindset, 就能夠退避一切的怨敵 we can shun or deter all enemies. 甚至一些咒詛 Even some curses and 甚至一些橫災都能夠被消滅 even some unforeseen calamities can be eliminated. 甚至消除 自然能身心安康 Our body and mind can attain well-being. 我們就能夠沒有障礙的來修行佛法 We will be able to practice Buddhadharma without any hindrance. 又可以避免外在的天災人禍等等 We can also avoid all natural or man-made calamities. 剛才在經文當中佛陀也跟我們宣說過 In the Sutra, the Buddha also preached to us, 不管是內外障礙等等的災難 regardless of the calamities being internal or external obstacles, etc., 包括現世你想要所求 including what you wish to get in this world, 我們很多人在這個現世都希望求長壽 many of us in this world wish to live a healthy and happy life, 想追求一切都是順遂 want to pursue everything being smooth, 人命長壽然後富貴種種 longivity, wealth, and 妻子兒女都是美美滿滿的 a perfect family. 這個都是世間人的一個希求 In general, these are the wishes of most people in the world. 佛陀一樣在經咒裡面都說 Like the Buddha said in the Sutra, 如果能夠至心虔誠的持誦 if you can recite sincerely, 也能夠圓滿我們所說的剛剛所提到的這種 it can also fulfill what we just mentioned earlier, 世間的現世的希求跟心願 the worldly wishes and desires. 所以從這裡我們就可以知道說 From this, we can understand 楞嚴神咒是多麼的殊勝令我們 how wonderful this Shurangama Mantra is to us and 所有後世的眾生 可以 the future generations. The Mantra can 帶給我們這麼無限量的這種殊勝的功德 bring us infinite merits and extraordinary blessings. 所以我們應該要好好的來持誦 念誦 憶念 憶持 So we should recite well 這個楞嚴咒 能持一遍楞嚴咒 this Shurangama Mantra. You can recite once, 七遍楞嚴咒 seven times, 二十一遍楞嚴咒 twenty-one times of Shurangama Mantra. 不管是多少遍的楞嚴咒 No matter how many times of reciting the Shurangama Mantra, 心心念念在持誦這神咒的時候 While we are reciting this Mantra, 憶念佛陀所告知我們咒語的殊勝功德以及其利益 keep in mind the great merits and benefits of the Mantra that the Buddha told us. 若能夠更增上的 If we can advance ourselves, 發一個廣大的菩提心來持誦楞嚴咒的話 arouse a great Bodhicitta to recite the Shurangama Mantra, 這個功德更是不可思議 the merit is even more inconceivable. 那一種加持力也是更是倍倍不可思議 The kind of blessing is also immensely inconceivable. 所以我想今天在很短的時間 So this is my short sharing of today 和各位分享楞嚴神咒的殊勝功德 to share with you the extraordinary merits of the Shurangama Mantra. 希望能帶給大家一些啟發 I hope to bring you some inspiration 我們一起來持誦不可思議的殊勝神咒 Let's recite the inconceivable Mantra together 讓我們這個世間佛法能夠永住 May the Buddhadharma constantly abide in this world, 讓我們所有這世間的眾生能夠得到最究竟的利益 let all the beings in this world attain the most ultimate benefit. 我相信這也是佛陀內心的一個心願 I believe that this is also an aspiration of the Buddha 以及祂對我們末世眾生的一個厚愛跟庇佑 and their profound love and blessing for all beings in the Dharma-Ending Age. 所以持咒一定是心心念念與佛菩薩的 Therefore, reciting the Mantra we must connect our mind with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 身口意三門相應為合去誦念 就能夠得到很大的 With our body, speech, and mind corresponding to one another to recite, we can gain great 加持力以及它的殊勝密意 blessings and the profound meaning of the Mantra. 我想也在此祝福各位六時吉祥 Here I would also like to wish everyone constant auspiciousness. 阿彌陀佛 Amituofo!
Channel: Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
Views: 35,940
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Keywords: 楞嚴咒解釋, 楞严咒是什么意思, 楞嚴咒心, 楞嚴咒心感應, 咒中之王, 持誦楞嚴咒的神奇感應, 楞嚴咒感應力非常強大, 讀誦學楞嚴咒能除一切苦, 楞嚴咒, 《大佛頂首楞嚴經》, 大悲菩提寺, Shurangama Mantra
Id: af3TokuMlIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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