How to Hide Your Big Flabby Arms this Summer \\ How to Dress if You Don't Like Your Arms

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so you want to know how to hide your big flabby arms okay we're going to go there but really we're just going to talk about how to dress beautifully if maybe your arms aren't your best feature but you still want to look great hello welcome to today's video ladies I am so glad that you joined me but I have to tell you people have been asking for this particular video for some time and I've just not wanted to go there and why because I don't like my own arms and that's just the truth of the matter now most of the time I'm wearing a jacket on here because I need something to attach my microphone to I do go places and and of course wear outfits where I'm not wearing a jacket but then again when I want to look my really my best I do tend to hide my arms with a jacket of some sort so let me tell you I am one person who's like an expert on this as far as like I understand I get it I I can you know empathize with you and I recently ped uh women on my Instagram account asking hey do you like your arms do you not like your arms or do you like maybe not like them but you're just like okay with it you don't really care and surprisingly well maybe not so surprisingly most of the people who responded to the survey said no they didn't like their arms and they wanted to hide them in some way and I get it that's like I said that's pretty much me too but another large percentage said that they didn't really light their arms but they're over it they just don't care and here's what happens kind of on on these dates in April and May as we're leading up to Summer I'm generally like okay what can I do to disguise my upper arms because I I have kind of big upper arms and then also they're bumpy they're bumpy and have kind of red splotches they're not pretty they're just not pretty and smooth and attractive looking and so whether that's your situation or they're just flabby or or whatever or maybe your arms are so skinny I I know some women actually respond and said their arms were too skinny so you know whatever your situation is I get it but I do think maybe we need to start shifting more towards so what I don't like my arms a whole lot but what can I do to maybe accentuate the positives and so that people don't really notice the negatives or what I consider to be a negative and as as I was saying during March April May I'm kind of all into the let's disguise this situation by June I'm like what the hey I don't care let's just go ahead and bear my arms and so then I'm all for what's the best way to Bear my arms and for them to not look as unattractive as I think they do now you know through this I'm going to give us a little positive selft talk because I do think that we all need to be really careful to not feed our insecurities but instead build some confidence and so I want to give us some tips for dealing with arms that maybe we don't really like a whole lot that would help us to dress in a way that builds confidence instead of feeding our insecurities I think that's so important ladies even over 50 here we are over 50 some of you over 60 I'm 60 you're over 70 and we have these insecurities and we've got to stop that because here's why we don't want to breed those same insecurities in our daughters and our granddaughters do we we want to help them to be confident women and so we've got to build a little confidence in this this area ourselves that said not going to preach anymore let's get go on with the tips for how to dress if you don't really feel comfortable with your arms whether they are too big like mine are they're flabby you got that little wingy thing going on or maybe they're crepy or they're too skinny I don't know I don't know so or maybe like me you've got some red blotchy bumps on your arms and you don't really want to show those too whatever I've got some tips for you the these are in no particular order but we're going to get going because I have so many we're going to run through them fast the first thing you might want to do especially in the spring and summer is wear sleeves with lightweight fabric you don't want anything just just real heavy that's going to cling to your arms and build even more bulk of course so when you do want to go uh not like short sleeved you want to go short sleev maybe wear some lightweight Fabrics really going to help but at the same time you want to wear U sleeves and clothes all together that fit your body it's really important sometimes when we start focusing so much on trying to conceal a part of our body trying to hide it or trying to minimize it we just try to like wear something big and baggy all over or in that place so that it just you know it's just really hidden really well but when we do that especially with our sleeves we could create a monster so to speak instead you really do want to wear sleeves that fit you you want to wear things that fit you in the shoulder seam I think that's really support it if it has a shoulder seam then that shoulder seam needs to hit you at the right place it doesn't need to be hanging over it doesn't need to be up on your shoulder because that's just going to draw Focus to your arm and to that that upper part of your arm so you don't want to do that so you also of course don't want to wear anything too tight but you don't want to wear things that are too loose too big too baggy that's not going to be helpful now if you do want to wear a short sleeve because see I'm just I'm all for wearing short sleeves going sleeveless and everything with your your arms no matter what you think they look like okay so I'm going to help us do that um I'm going to give us some tips for hiding them too but let's if you want to go sleeveless you want to wear short sleeve what do you do so if you want to wear short sleeves then just wear some that don't hug your arm or they definitely some that don't cut off your arm like you have that little indentation there you know you don't want that so you want something that either lays really smoothly and soft on your arm or even preferably you want something that stands away from your arm just a little bit there just needs to be a little distance between the fabric of the sleeve and your arm so for instance in this white T-shirt this is just an old t-shirt from my closet that I have I have it in my closet but it is not doing me any favors here because it is snug it's not snug but it just you know it's just clinging to my arm and it's also hitting in a really bad place so that's the next tip is you don't want a sleeve that hits you your the ends at your widest part of your arm if your issue is a large upper arm then you don't want that sleeve hemline to hit you at your widest point and going straight across that because remember horizontal lines they widen and so all that's doing is widening my arm the fact that it's snug on my arm is widening my arm it's just drawing Focus to it instead wear a t-shirt with a little bit of room there a little bit of room you know in that sleeve there and you know could be just the same kind of t-shirt solid white T-shirt but a little bit of room is really going to help another option and I don't think I have one to show is to wear a clear or you know a sheer sheer sheer or Lacy uh short sleeve so that can just first of all look really beautiful and sheer fabric is really on Trend right now and you know I'm personally not one for wearing something that's just all sheer but if you wear like a pretty top that has a sheer sleeve or some sheer places on it I think that's really tasteful and beautiful and a sheer sleeve is actually going to make your arms look a little smaller because there you got the sleeve the blousess of the sleeve s and your arm is you can see the arm in there and it's not touching the fabric so it just kind of makes it look almost like it's smaller in there and it's just really lovely and beautiful so it's a beautiful way to wear a short sleeve um Tastefully beautifully and to not accentuate the size of your arms instead Mak them actually look a little smaller and really very dainty and feminine another great option for a short sleeve that might work for you is to wear one with a diagonal um hemline so one that hits you kind of Di diagonally and there's all sorts of shirts that do this um as you can tell if I don't have anything to model I'm just showing you some images here of things that I'm finding online right now in uh retailers websites and so I'll link those below I'm numbering them and I'll link them below but here are just some options of sleeves that hit diagonally and that can be really lovely because a diagonal line actually minimizes it's going to make your arm look a little bit smaller uh you know depending on how you're looking is somebody is looking at you but it's it's really going to be a nice option for a lot of us of course another option is a short sleeve that flutters so that fluttery sleeve once again one that has some room in there also this is going to be really cool it's going to feel good on you it's going to almost going to feel like a sleeveless top but it's a little flutter sleeve now I think what you have to be careful with here is if you get too much flutter going on and especially if let's say you're an apple shape or an oval shaped woman you're that's your body shape then that's just going to add a lot of bulk also if you are what we call an H or a rectangle shape once again going to add a lot of bulk if you've got wide shoulders that's going to add a lot of bulk that's not going to work for everybody in fact I would say that none of these suggestions are going to work for everybody so pick and choose those that work for you but if you get a flutter sleeve you know think about the the width the length of it so you could get one that's a little higher you could get one midlength one that goes down to your elbow and really what you want to do is take into consider ation your body shape and your proportions those both of those things are going to be really important when you're considering this particular kind of sleeve that could adapt a little bit for your wide upper arm now one of my favorite options though is a dolman sleeve and here I'm wearing this beautiful silk blouse that I showed last week from Lily silk is is a great option so it's a beautiful silk blouse and you notice the way that the dolman dolman sleeve is simply one that goes all the way from the neckline to the hemline of the sleeve with no interruption no seam line so the sleeve is like built into the bodice of the dress or the shirt and there is no seam there and it just kind of really hangs nicely off of the side of the body some people call these batwing sleeves so they have a lot of looseness in them a lot of give making your arm look a little smaller underneath there because you have so much nice room and everything and it just doesn't accentuate the the you know the bulk of your arm that way you can get these that are shorter like this one from Lily silk or you can get some that are longer so here is a jumpsuit from everlan that also has a dolman sleeve and I think it's a dolman sleeve it may have a seam but but it has that same effect so it really hangs off of the side of the body very nicely and it goes to the Elbow so that one it might you know with something like that not necessarily telling you to buy these pieces you can if you want to but I'm just saying a sleeve that does like that can really help to conceal your arms and still make you look really beautiful because you know ladies that's the goal too we're not just trying to hide our body we want to look beautiful in our clothes we want to feel confident in our clothes and to feel also cool and fresh of course as we're in spring and summer so we're not just trying to conceal everything we're trying to make choices where we can look beautiful things that work well for our body shape and proportions but also work nicely with our unique variations that's what I like to call things that we maybe think are little they're not our favorite features those are our unique variations it may be a large bosom it may be you know big arms it may be chunky knees you know whatever it is we all have them we all have those things and we can learn to kind of make some unique little adaptations for those unique variations so that we look and feel our best another option is to wear a light lightweight shirt or jacket over your um a sleeveless top even so of course here I'm wearing a a tank top and I've just added a very lightweight linen shirt and this is why I wear a lot of linen shirts in the summer and in the spring but um mainly really in the summer I I find that linen uh is keeps me really cool and comfortable I don't sweat in it I feel really good even in a long sleeve shirt uh over a tank top really feels really great to me especially if you're inside and there's air conditioning and all but even if you go outside a little bit I I find it works really nicely and of course so that's definitely an option but if you do that here's another step to take is I definitely suggest you roll those sleeves up a little bit not just so you'll be cool but also so that you bear your wrist I just to say bear your ankles that's not your ankles bear your wrist because as you be your wrist just as I have even today with this Blazer it just accentuates the thinner part of your arm which is your wrist now personally I don't even think my wrists are all that thin but it but they're definitely thinner than my upper arms so bearing your wrist is just a great way you got some bones here you know and then just you it's just the pr one a pretty part of a woman's body and so showing a little bit of wrist will really help compensate for the fact that you are wearing long sleeves of course you could roll these sleeves up as long as you want to all the way up to your elbow or whatever and if that works for you if you can get them up there I can't even get mine up that high but uh if you can do that just roll them up a little bit first of all it adds some interest to that sleeve it also Bears the wrist and it gives you the opportunity to wear some pretty jewelry and that's actually another tip is to wear some pretty jewelry that will draw attention away from the parts of your body that you don't want to accentuate so if you're not wanting to really show a whole lot of your arms you're not wan to draw attention to your upper arms or maybe your elbows or whatever then wear some pretty wrist jewelry some pretty bracelets rings that draw the focus there another third piece you can wear though instead of a shirt or a Blazer especially in the summer is a kimono now I know our kimono duster I I hear all kinds of names ruana is another name it kind of really depends on what that retailer C this piece but it's just that loose drapey piece mine that I'm showing you here is from Johnny W about 3 years ago it's silk and it's reversible it is lovely I know they have some similar to it now but it is an investment piece but you know what that's okay it's the only one I have on my closet and this the one I wear over and over because it is reversible but you don't have to invest that much in them you can find them so much more less expensive and I'll show you several here but wearing a pretty Kono like this is just a great answer in my book because you can wear over a tank top and it's very cool and Breezy mine is silk you can also get them in linen or gauze or cotton of course some natural fabric is really going to serve you well and it can look so beautiful and so feminine now let's think about some other things though because it's not just a matter of what kinds of sleeves to wear for short sleeves or wearing a jacket or a shirt like this over your arms but another thing to consider actually you might be surprised at are the other parts of your top or your dress so first of all let's think about the neckline did you know that a v-neck or even an open Button you know upshirt like this is going to draw more Focus to your face it's actually going to open up your face a whole lot and draw the focus there and it keeps the focus away from your arms so you know you could wear a short sleeve top even a sleeveless top but if it has a nice opening at the neckline either a scoop neck or a v-neck that really opens up this area a little bit I think you might find that that really works for you now I know what's going to happen is somebody's G to say well but I don't like my neck either I don't like my chest I don't like you know every around my I got all these wrinkles you know what ladies it's okay we are over 50 we're all getting older together we're doing this together we've all got some wrinkles we've all got some age spots I get it I do too but trust me it's still better to show some of your neckline than to try to hide everything when you open up your neckline you also see uh your clavicle your so you see that little bony area it's actually just one of the most feminine beautiful parts of a woman even if you don't think that's true of you because see I don't think it's true of me but I'm just going to go on what they tell me and I'm going to believe it and I'm going to gain some confidence and I'm going to walk out in confidence because I'm just going to believe it's true so open up that neckline wear a pretty v-neck wear something pretty a scoop neck or something like that and it will draw the focus away from your arms and to your face it's not going to draw the focus to your chest okay it draws the focus to your face it's like a light that radiates onto your face and another thing you want to do but that has nothing to do with your arms so much is you want to accentuate your waist so if you for instance wear let's say a sleeveless dress you want you're going to go bold and you're going to wear a sleeve less dress if you will take a belt and cinch that waistline in at your D at your dress and just kind of you know accentuate that waistline a little bit you're going to put a little bit of space between your waistline and your arm and when you do that it actually is going to make your arms look smaller more delicate so I know that's kind of a trade off because maybe you're thinking well I don't want to accentuate my waistline you know what the truth is I've just spent found that if we a lot of times the things that we think are our worst features and we shouldn't accentuate them if you'll just play around with it you you've got to accentuate something you have to uh you you have to decide on some things that you like about your body and don't tell me you don't have anything there's got to be something about you that you love that you like at least what do other people say that they love about you learn to accentuate something whether it's your ankles or your wrist or your neckline or your waistline or you know something your eyes and and sometimes ladies it's not a matter like if I well I want to accentuate my eyes I think okay well I just wear some eyes Shadow no there's more actually wearing some lipstick accentuates your eyes more than wearing eyeshadow and wearing an open neckline also accentuates your eyes because like I said it's like a spotlight on your face that you know draws the focus up to your face so it things are not always CAU as they seem I guess that's the bottom line they're just not always quite as they seem so trust me on this one accentuate your waist wear something that's fitted in the bodice in the waistline and it will actually make your arms look a little smaller okay I've already mentioned wearing a scoop neck or a v-neck or some kind of open neck another great thing to do is to wear a pretty necklace now today I'm wearing kind of a little dainy necklace but here you can see I'm wearing a beautiful jeweled necklace this is a Julie Voss uh necklace I just love it and it adds a splash of color there it looks rich and beautiful I mean it is a attention grabber right wouldn't you say that so if you wear an attention grabbing necklace there it is really going to draw the focus away from your arms and to that place which then radiates up to your face especially if you also wear some pretty earrings that maybe coordinate you put on a little bit of makeup a lipstick you know something like that it's really going to draw the focus away from your arm arms let's talk about those of us who decide you know what maybe like I said not this month or the next month but by the middle of the summer you're like ah okay I'm ready to go sleeveless and uh or maybe you've just decided you know what I don't particularly care for my arms but I'm just going for it then here are a few tips first of all you absolutely can wear a tank top uh you can go sleeveless but there is a kind that is going to serve you better and that is one that actually comes in in on the shoulder a little bit so here I'm showing you a pink tank top that is like a racer back tank top so in the back there you see how it's you know it goes you know together and it does it just kind of Scoops in at the shoulders a little bit so it doesn't sit on the outside of my shoulder it sits more towards the inside of my shoulder what that does is it shows more of the shoulder more of the body there where the shoulder connects to your body and that actually makes your arms look smaller in comparison so just showing a little bit more shoulder is really going to help you if you feel like your arms are really large you know so that's a great that I mean that tip really saved me a few years ago when I was just like I I just got to like I don't want to wear sleeves and that has been a GameChanger for me now I still don't like think I look my very best in a tank top but that has really worked for me so pick your tank tops carefully pick one that shows more of your shoulder another thing you can do surprisingly is to wear an off-the-shoulder top now I don't have any to show you because I'm still working towards this one you know we all have our insecurities this is one of mine I don't even think my shoulders are all that great so I haven't done this but definitely I I see it I know it's true if you wear an off-the-shoulder top either one shoulder off the shoulder or both shoulders off the shoulder it accentuates once again that clavicle and that whole neck the deage area and it draws the focus away from your arms and especially if you can find a shirt that maybe has some flounces that you know that hang down on your arms like a ruffly sleeve there that hangs down on your arms that's really going to camouflage that area and it's going to accentuate your shoulders it look so beautiful okay now I'm just going to show you what I'm actually wearing today I think I already referenced it once but I'm wearing this little cap sleeve top here and it's you know like I said a cap sleeve cannot can be a not good thing especially if it's one that sits right on your arm that's just going to accentuate the size of your upper arm but a flowy little fluttery one like this I think works nicely and you know that just brings me to my concluding Point ladies and that is this guess what you're going to go to all this trouble and you're going to wear the kimono over your tank top or you're going to wear just the right tank top so that uh it shows more shoulder and it doesn't cut you at the wrong place or you g to wear a short sleeve that either hits at the elbow or that's fluttery sleev so that it doesn't hit you tight across the arm and here's the truth nobody else is even going to notice they're not they're not going to notice because if you go out to the mall today and you walk around you go shopping a little bit or you go um somewhere like you know really find out to dinner or something or you go to the nail salon and you're getting your nails done do you notice other people's arms I don't I really don't and usually if I do it's like after I've just stared at them because I thought oh what a beautiful woman or what a happy woman or what a Confident Woman and then I've I've looked and looked and looked long enough to then notice a few of her imperfections because we all have them but I don't see someone's large arms or thick ankles or you know oversized bizom or anything else like that when I first noticed them especially if they have a smile on their face they look confident and they look happy and so you know I really want to encourage us all me too I am preaching to me because like I said I don't like my arms especially my upper arms and as I get older I don't like my lower arms and my elbow but um I I also though want to be more than a woman with beautiful arms I want to be a confident happy woman uh one that spreads a little Joy and that puts other people at ease so I'm encouraging you and me to focus and to accentuate the positives to go ahead and learn a few skills for wearing the clothes that we enjoy and then to get out there and just just go and just put it behind us and just get out there and and do our best look our best and be confident with the bodies that we have all right ladies I hope I haven't stepped on any toes I hope I've G given you some encouragement and some tools to use if you enjoyed today's video you got anything out of it at all give me a thumbs up on your way out that really helps my channel share it with a friend or two someone who complains about her her arms or whatever share this video I hope you'll do that share it on your Facebook account that would be great too and I will see you again next Wednesday bye now [Music]
Channel: Dressed for My Day with Kay Harms
Views: 173,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion over 50, women's fashion, style inspiration, style over 50, ways to wear, how to style, fashions, wardrobe essentials, outfit inspiration, style hacks, over 50 fashion, style tips, style advice, fashion tips, large upper arms, how to hide large arms, how to hide large upper arms, how to hide flabby arms, flabby arms, don't like my arms, what to wear to diminish arms, how to conceal large upper arms, big arms, how to hide big arms
Id: -f4Ztma1VQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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