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Aya Aya Where are we going today ? We are going to Night Market Kaohsiung today. In fact, there are many local night markets , but we found that tourists seem to have only heard of Ruifeng and Liuhe Night Market . The Jilin Night Market we are going to take you to today is definitely the The first choice for locals in Kaohsiung to find food every day . Do you still remember that we took photos of the Rehe Night Market? , he is like Jilin The night market forms a golden cross It is very impressive because they are located close to the Medical University of China. So a big feature of the Jilin Night Market is that it has a lot of high - priced delicacies . Without further ado, we started to eat Go Go Big Brother’s Spicy Garlic Cuisine. As soon as we passed by this restaurant, Mr. Xu kept clamoring for him to eat Triangle Bones. My food radar immediately activated. This item is in the night market in Kaohsiung. It seems that you rarely see this store. It should be a newly opened store. And the most famous item of this store is probably called chicken wing tips. Do you know what chicken wing tips are? Chicken wings. This is chicken wing tip. Chicken wing tip. Don’t chicken wings look like this? Yes, yes, is there a sharp point ? But this time we ordered the triangular bone because the triangular bone looks really delicious. If it tastes good, we will go back and order another one later. We ordered the small one today. Spicy, right? It’s spicy. I think it’s very similar to the Hong Kong drama Two-Sword Turkey God of Cookery. Have you seen turkey sister and chop it up directly it ? And he ’s a big boss . He’s supposed to be a tribute to Young and Dangerous . Do you know who Chen Haonan’s boss is? Big Boss . Big B brother Jilin B. Haha. Haha , it's delicious. You know it, because I think the triangular ribs may have been cooked until the garlic flavor is already very delicious. Finally, after picking it up, it will be topped with chopped garlic and chili , because we ordered small ones. Spicy. In fact, the spicy one is quite spicy. To be honest, when I saw what he was doing there, I felt that this item couldn’t be delicious. The first one is that it is a triangular bone with a method similar to that of braising, with a lot of garlic. It can't be less delicious than chili . I think there is another very special feature : the aroma of the rice wine. How much does it cost before you introduce it ? 120. I think this one is not very affordable in terms of night market food , but it can be eaten as a snack. The price seems to be about the same. I think it's okay. It's 100 yuan at the night market. I really don't know what to eat because it's a triangular bone. You see, it's actually quite a lot to get it like this . And his lunch box is for us to eat healthily. Have you ever remembered bento ? To be honest, a series of his items are quite high-quality, including his lunch box and his cutlery. The cutlery also surprised me. It was the first time I saw someone even come with a toothpick. I was really shocked when they gave it to us. I want to say wow, it’s so considerate. He picks your teeth right after eating because he knows that the triangular bone may get stuck between teeth. It’s so considerate . I think it’s delicious. I’ll wait. I want to go back and buy the remaining two items, which are really delicious. The crispy cartilage is really amazing. Their restaurant also has the noodles boss who is very smart because he knows that his items may make people a little bit unsatisfied. I was full , so he put a starchy food like this for 20 yuan , and his soup noodles were absolutely delicious. When he was making them just now , after cooking the noodles, he directly poured the sauce of the triangle bones we just made , so it The seasoning is basically the same as the triangular bone we just had, exactly the same, but it goes so well with the noodles. I even want to suggest whether we can add rice. Please tell the boss if we can add rice next time. I'll wait. When I went to buy chicken wing tips, I told him again that this soup is delicious with rice and is definitely suitable for noodles. After just finishing the triangular bone, Mr. Xu came to buy two other items . He was clamoring to buy both because He felt that the seasoning was really suitable for wine and food . Just after we finished eating his triangular bone at Big Boss, we really thought wow, this is really suitable for wine. Without saying much, Mr. Xu immediately bought the rest of the food in the store. The two items were packed directly back. At that time, the clerk's brother told me that the knee bone should be the favorite item of girls. When I saw that there was so much meat, I personally am a bone eater, so the tips of the chicken wings should be very good for my stomach . I think it is not suitable for girls. Girls should like the knee bone which is relatively meaty. I think the knee bone is very meaty and tender when stewed. When you bite it, it will have a slightly soft bone- like texture , but the cartilage only takes up a lot of the meat. Most of the small portions are made of solid meat that is as tender as chicken drumsticks . This is Mr. Xu’s favorite chicken wing tip. Let me tell you , I have always felt that I am a niche person. I used to eat chicken wings the most. What I like to eat is this pointy place. I hate that place the most . Many people don’t like it because there is no meat there and it takes a long time to chew it. But I am the kind of person who likes to eat ribs, chicken feet and the tips of chicken wings . I really wanted to eat this kind of food after it became available in Hong Kong. But when we went to Hong Kong, I got gastroenteritis and I told you that you are not alone. Just when I was at the stall, I found that a lot of boys were ordering this. I sincerely recommend it to you. I want to order the knee bone. I personally eat it with a fork when I go shopping. By the time I get to the end of Jilin Street, I have already finished the whole box. And I think they have UberEats or foodpanda, right ? I think some people will come to order food. After I bring this, I will probably order takeout. If I want some wine at night, I will just get a piece of garlic and give me a lot of super cool beer to drink . I must say that it is not the type that requires a full meal , but it is this kind of food. Coincidentally, I recommended it. I think this restaurant is quite good . It has a very novel taste. Next time I go to Hong Kong, I heard that there seems to be a chicken wing restaurant in Yuen Long that is also quite famous. We didn't eat it last time and will go there next time. It's time to go eat and see if you can stop being so verbose. Now hurry up and get me a beer. When I was passing by Jilin Street, I found that the business of this restaurant is super good. There were about four or five groups of people queuing in front of it. It's not an exaggeration. I just wanted to say that it's a small shrimp. What’s so great about cakes ? There are two great features. What I discovered when we were just doing the pre-work, the first one is because the one I ordered today is called oh it's so straightforward and it's very hidden you know because it's one directly on the menu The characters in the corner are so small and the characters in others are so big. His moon shrimp cake is so small and super thick. If you don’t look closer, you can’t see this item at all . So I told the boss that I want a super thick one . Sorry, we have an emergency. What happened ? The shrimp fell into my pants . His shrimp cakes are delicious and super thick. The moon shrimp cakes are a little more expensive than the ordinary moon shrimp cakes because they usually sell for 80 yuan . Our order today is 120 pieces of ordinary moon shrimp cakes. The shrimp cakes we eat at night markets are usually filled with mud. You can only see slightly minced shrimp meat , but their thick shrimp cakes are not, they are complete grass. The shrimp inside is so good and he lives up to his name. When we first ordered the super thick one, the boss told us that we can order two kinds of sauces because it contains original pepper, Thai and plum sauce . We ordered plum sauce and pepper today. Now I'm going to talk about the second great thing about him that I just talked about. His sauce has ingredients. We only pour out a little bit of his sauce now . Can you see his sauce? His sauce has plum meat and sauce in it. There is plum meat inside, which is ridiculous. When Mr. Xu was closing another package, he told me that I can’t close it later because the plum meat is stuck on top. Yes, you can see that the plum meat is stuck on top like this. I think I need to give it. Listen to the crispiness. Can you hear the crispiness? It 's delicious. The moon shrimp cakes we had in Thai restaurants before were not as flavorful as this one because they chew the shrimp paste. Keep biting until the pieces of shrimp meat are so bouncy that they jump and dance in your mouth. With the addition of pepper, I feel it is delicious enough. This is really good. The shrimp meat in the shrimp paste is very complete and the sauce is very complete. The juice is also made of real ingredients and is made of plums. I think it is very rare for a night market vendor to give me a push. The fried food is not oily. I really want to give it to me. There is a hidden place above the Jilin Night Market. I searched all major websites for food before I found the cheese dumplings that everyone recommends. Your hands are so dirty. Seriously , I just sacrificed my middle finger just to peel it. It’s on Jilin Street. I don’t think it’s a main road. It's a relatively close place. In the alley next to it, their cheese dumplings have a lot of flavors. What I ordered today is my favorite taro flavor and original flavor. The original flavor bursts into pulp as soon as you tear it open , and it's very original. How much does it cost to pull a piece of silk like this? Your hands are so funny. I don’t know what you are doing . I am thinking about how much it costs. Let’s just put the subtitles on for everyone to see so that you don’t have to think about it . It’s a bit like deep-fried spring rolls. It’s a bit salty. There is a strong cheese aroma inside. I don’t think so. It’s not like a spring roll , it’s just a regular dough wrapper . It ’s just that the wrapping method is relatively flat. I can understand why it’s called a cheese dumpling because the skin on the outside actually has a little bit of it. It's like a dumpling wrapper , but the way it's wrapped is different from our ordinary dumplings. Our dumplings are big. Because in order to allow the cheese to heat evenly, it's wrapped into a relatively rectangular and flat shape , so after it's fried, it's The whole cheese melts inside and if you eat it, you will fully enjoy the richness and texture of the cheese , plus the crispy fried texture on the outside. I think it’s great. You’re right. The correct way I have just been searching for to deep-fry the dumpling skin is to make cheese dumplings. Although they have many flavors , netizens seem to strongly recommend the original flavor. What I ordered today is my favorite taro flavor. In fact, I think it tastes the same as the original flavor. The seasonings are a bit the same, because what we ordered today is a small portion. For the small portion, you can order the original flavor and add a taro flavor. You can choose two flavors. For the small portion, you can choose two flavors. I finished the original flavor and the taro flavor by myself. After the aroma, I seem to prefer the original flavor because the taro aroma is not very prominent in it. Instead, you can taste the aroma of cheese. If that's the case, I seem to prefer the original flavor. the cheese explode? Just order the original flavor here, okay? But he Five seems to be 50 yuan . Five 50 yuan is a little bit expensive. I think it's a little expensive. Let's consider it . I think it's pretty good. The original flavor is good . The original cheese is delicious. Gold Medal Grilled Corn. Let's eat the grilled corn from the night market again. This Gold Medal Grilled Corn It is definitely the roasted corn that everyone recommends on Jilin Street . Is it the shining star of Jilin Street? The most special thing about the roasted corn in this restaurant is that it is roasted with lard. I think the most special thing is that it is super fast. Why is it that he was fine as soon as we passed by ? Is it already baked and waiting for us over there? Is there no? He happened to have one spinning on top. I saw this one and he happened to be very lonely spinning this over there. I was a little bit disappointed. Although he said that he was fast, it should be a bonus, but for me, every time I eat grilled corn, I already expected that I would have to wait for a long time. However, he didn't let me wait , and their grilled corn was also not good. There is no need to ask you what to add. Anyway, the boss just asked you directly if you want it spicy? The taste of the gold medal roasted corn is completely different from the roasted corn I have eaten in the past. I don’t know if it was roasted with lard. I must first say that this type of grilled corn is not something I personally like very much. The barbecue sauce is not bad and it is relatively salty. The corn itself should be steamed and then grilled. It is not directly dry roasted. I personally prefer dry roasting. Yes, it costs 70 yuan a pop. I remember when we walked to the stall, it was not like other stores that may have weighing or grading. Without it, it was the same price. The price of corn was the same. Their sauce tasted good. I think the taste is too bland for me. The sauce of the roasted corn I used to eat should be put on top of the corn and it will be a little sticky to the teeth. But theirs is either their own sauce or a thin layer. In fact, it tastes better now. They all taste the flavor of corn and the sauce. I haven’t tasted the sauce and it hasn’t gone into the corn. But this is a situation that is more likely to happen with ordinary grilled corn. If you don’t grill it from raw to cooked, this kind of grilled corn is more difficult to cook. The sauce is completely absorbed. I personally like to eat that kind of thing . It's very fast. So there are pros and cons to each. In addition to the sauce , it has a thin layer of peanut powder sprinkled on it . So if you are like I prefer to eat heavy-flavored ones, and you will feel that they are a little bit not strong enough to scratch the itch. But if you are a friend with a relatively light taste, you will really like their roasted corn, which gets better and better the more you eat it. The more you eat, the more delicious it gets. You won’t feel tired until the last bite. No, their corn is light and light , and the corn tastes more tender. I think it is more tender and hard, so that’s right. If you are like me and like to eat heavy-flavored soft pies, their store is not suitable for you. It’s not bad, it ’s okay , Xianji’s ancient spring rolls. I think this one doesn’t need to use your arms to come out. It’s not as successful as others’ spring rolls. Let me tell you this This is an old shop that is highly recommended by many people who come to Jilin Night Market. I just walked up to the stall and saw that its ingredients are really very traditional, including dried tofu , cabbage and sausage slices. What innovative meringues or... There is no chicken at all. My first impression is that it is just a very traditional spring roll shop. Secondly, I think the vegetables should be slightly fried instead of blanched, so I want to wait and eat . The taste should be quite strong. The third point is that the sausages are a bit small because the sausages are sliced ​​thin . Each one costs 60 yuan. Let me tell you 60 first. But one cool thing is that it has a lot of powdered sugar sprinkled on it. I will first sprinkle a layer of sugar on the first piece of spring roll wrapper, then spread the remaining ingredients on the first and second spring roll wrappers, so the spring roll wrapper is quite thick, and finally sprinkle a layer of sugar on it when wrapping it. It’s because I ordered normal sugar today. Several sisters in front of me ordered half sugar or light sugar. Only we ordered normal sugar spring rolls and did not eat normal sugar. I don’t know why we eat spring rolls. The ingredients in the spring rolls are really very simple, and then cabbage. It's about like this, bean sprouts, sausage slices , dried tofu, and eggs , yes, eggs . I think the whole ingredients have a very traditional taste and are very simple. The fried vegetables make the whole spring roll not so boring. I think he fried them. The stir-fried vegetables don't have much flavor . I think they are more flavorful than the boiled ones because we have eaten them before. There are some that we haven't photographed. There are some that I don't think are delicious because the boiled vegetables have too strong taste. To sum up my taste, first of all, we added a lot of sugar, so it is very refreshing. Second, although this spring roll is said to be a 60-year-old local brand in Jilin Night Market, it is indeed good, but it looks like the cultural center we have photographed before. Compared with the successful spring rolls, I don’t think its characteristics are very outstanding. It’s a little less surprising. It’s understandable that it should be something that local residents here may often eat. It’s okay. It’s not bad. Last time when we were filming the pot roast noodles series, Yi Zhu said to many netizens that you have all come to Jilin Street and haven’t eaten at this Wangwang restaurant. You are ashamed, so this time I decided to put it on Jilin Street this time. To give it a taste, I ordered the original seafood hot pot noodles . A big bowl of it cost 80 yuan for a bowl . 80 yuan is cheaper than what we had last time. I think it is affordable. Apart from the original flavor, it is actually There are many flavors, such as sesame milk, spicy and just curry and kimchi. If you want to eat more flavors, there are quite a lot of choices here. I think it looks more like the basic pot roast noodles. I think this Wangwang restaurant is relatively good. It 's completely different from the flimsy one we had before. It has a home-cooked taste and is a bit more earthy and has the feel of a breakfast shop. It's more like the one we ate in Yancheng District before . There are a lot of vegetables in it , especially I have eaten so many home-cooked noodles with this kid. The first time I saw this kid, I didn’t like it very much . The kid actually had carrots , and his dish was not just a single one. It also had cabbage and bok choy. In fact, I felt that if If you come here as a student, you will be very satisfied. Also, the king oyster mushrooms are served in large portions, which is understandable. I think for 80 yuan, it is indeed a home-cooked meal. Although it does not have special features , it is just one, I think. It’s a cheap hotpot noodle with a decent soup. If our family lived nearby, we would want to eat it after work. It’s a hotpot noodle shop. It’s very homely and very homely . After eating so many snacks, you always have to have a drink. This is the Cingjing tea house. I think everyone should be familiar with this drink shop in Jilin Night Market. You see there are so many drink shops in Taiwan . There is actually a traditional drink shop like this in Jilin Night Market that can survive and has the best business. You know it has its strength. The boss lady told me directly that their top one is the Guanyin thick milk that I have in my hand now. I ordered the de-iced micro sugar. I thought the micro sugar was a bit boring and tasteless, right? Later I checked and found out that their store is often called One of the Google reviews is because the store said they are cold brew tea. Cold brew tea may not taste as good as the hot tea in ordinary beverage stores. If you are usually used to drinking thick tea, you will think their tea tastes bland. But for me, it just has a light tea flavor which is pretty good and the milk flavor is quite enough. So if you are looking forward to drinking a strong tea flavor, I think their drinks may not be that suitable for you , but they are very suitable for you. A good friend of Jilin Night Market because the snacks here are fried and have a strong taste. This cup is suitable for you to drink together when visiting the night market. It’s not bad. This Jilin Oyster Omelette is also recommended to me by netizens because it is above Jilin Street. There seem to be two or three very famous oyster omelets. The Jilin oyster omelet I chose today impressed me because you can see how the oyster omelets are fried until they are super crispy. I ordered their oyster omelets today. In addition to oyster omelette, they also have shrimp omelette, crab omelette and mixed fried food. If you want to eat mixed fried food, in fact, their mixed fried food only costs 10 yuan more. Let me first show you what their oyster omelette is. The oysters are very tender and tender. I actually think the oysters of the Dongshi faction and the Penghu faction are relatively small. You are exaggerating, I guess. The crispy skin is fried like this until it is crispy. Because I usually eat oyster omelette. I don’t like the feeling that the whole texture is all pink and white. I like their texture with a little crispy texture on the edge. This fits the taste. I like the crispy edges very much. I think the edges of this kind of white flour oyster omelet must be crispy. That is an important basis for me to judge whether the oyster omelet is delicious. Overall, I think it is quite delicious. It's a pity that the sauce is not the one that impressed me the most because its sauce is a bit similar to ordinary sweet and spicy sauce. I feel that compared to Fengyuan 's sauce, which has a strong aroma of peanut powder, it lacks a special feature. When I ordered it, I thought it was missing a bite. I knew which restaurant it was as soon as I ate it. I think the oyster omelette only needs to be crispy on the edges and the oysters inside are fresh and large. If there are enough fresh and large oysters , it will be a passing grade. I think their oyster omelette has at least 70 points. The oysters are very fresh. When talking about Jilin Night Market, someone will definitely talk about Jilin Steamed Dumplings. So if you come to Jilin Night Market and don’t try this one, your visit will be in vain. What I ordered today is not his ordinary one. The steamed dumplings I ordered were this Jade Shrimp Jade Shrimp Dumplings. What I ordered today was their most famous Jade Shrimp Dumplings. How much does a basket cost? 110 yuan. Their business is really good. It was full as soon as I came in. They are all human beings . I am not exaggerating. I am not exaggerating. My steamed dumplings came in less than a minute, maybe less than 10 seconds. It was so fast. Their shrimp dumplings are almost as big as a thumb and they look really similar. You know the dumplings in high-end restaurants are so beautiful. As soon as I took a bite, they exploded with juice. Although it is not as exaggerated as the soup dumplings, it is very juicy for steamed dumplings . The whole shrimp is whole over there. This one is very good. Exaggerated, very exaggerated. The flavor of leeks is also very rich. I rarely use the words juice juice to describe steamed dumplings. I actually watched the interview video of the boss on the Internet. He said that their steamed dumplings are all wrapped in lard jelly. Go in , so after steaming and biting into it, it will be so juicy . The gravy is very rich . If you are a friend who is afraid of eating leeks, I think the taste will be a bit heavy for you , but I really like their skin . Don’t you think their skin is very Q? It’s so thin but very Q. I think it’s very good. This is a must-try in Jilin Night Market. We’re going to eat LILICOCO Braised Meat at the last restaurant in Jilin Night Market. This LILICOCO Braised Meat is also in Jilin Night Market. Everyone says we must eat it. An old restaurant that is highly recommended and a must-try. According to netizens, the taste of this LILICOCO braised food is that he can do a blind test. As soon as he tastes this taste, he will know that it is the same as the Ah Liang Fragrant Chicken Steak next door . The popular restaurant has a lot of people waiting in line. We just waited for about 10 minutes for this one. I wanted to bring another piece of chicken steak for about 10 minutes , but there were just too many people. We were too full . Anyone who has tried Ah Liang, please tell us whether it is really different from other Ah Liang. If so, we will try it out next time. Today at LILICOCO we simply ordered a few things . When I first opened it, I was a little scared because their seasoning is really different from the ordinary braised food. As soon as I opened the plastic bag, I smelled the super strong nine-story pagoda smell and sauerkraut . Let me eat it first and see what we have to do today. I ordered Mr. Xu’s favorite tofu skin jelly and dried tofu. When you hear this, you will definitely want to say how much you love to eat it. I love it very much. But in the end we still ordered a pig ’s ear. The portion of the pig’s ear is quite large. We just stole it. Looking at the price, I think LILICOCO's braised food is quite affordable. It's between 10 and 30 yuan. A plate like ours costs 90 yuan. The taste is really different from ordinary braised food. I think their braised food is quite affordable. It has the flavor of roast duck with fried duck bones. Oh yes, it’s very special. Why does the stewed duck have the flavor of fried duck bones? I guess it’s mainly because the sauerkraut is mixed with the nine-layer pagoda and the sauce, which actually gives you a kind of flavor. I think the misunderstanding about fried duck bones is because you have these things in the fried duck bones in the south. The nine-story pagoda sauerkraut must be added with a little chili and a little sweet sauce to taste. I think LILICOCO braised sauce is better than other braised dishes. It's quite heavy on the taste, and it's sweet . I think it's sweet. In fact, the real heavy taste is in the sauce. The boss specifically said that our house doesn't have any signatures . The signature is our chili peppers . The chili peppers are really special and long like this , and the chili boss is not ours. Order the braised meat for 90 yuan ? You give so much chili pepper, how does It's very exaggerated (I've given up on the subtitles) I told you it's spicy, it 's real, it's fake, it's real, it's fake , don't look at him like this, he looks harmless , he's very spicy , oh , he 's spicy, his chili also looks very spicy Is there any soy sauce paste that is so spicy that it burns as soon as it is put into the throat? It looks harmless to humans and animals , but in fact, it is very spicy inside when you take your time. The spiciness makes you feel like soy sauce paste at first, but it turns out it is not. As soon as you swallow it , it will be burned and the aroma of garlic will come with its spiciness. No wonder their signature is getting more and more spicy the more you eat it. Plus its spiciness is so delicious. LILICOCO is so good. The above is what we went to this time. Jilin Night Market Food Tour Compared to other night markets, Jilin Night Market is not particularly large in size. There are many famous food stores in just one street. You will probably encounter a famous store every two steps. If you haven’t eaten this time, Welcome to leave a message below to tell us your favorite store. My favorite two stores this time are the thick shrimp cakes and the solid shrimp meat in the middle. The second store Jilin Steamed Restaurant is really amazing. The emerald shrimp dumplings are so chewy and juicy. I will definitely go back for a return visit next time. The first of my two favorite restaurants is Da Lao Bi. I think this time it made me a little bit excited. I have never eaten Hong Kong-style chicken wing tips and triangular bones like this in a night market in Taiwan . I think the taste is very good and worthy of everyone to try. The second restaurant I will give LILICOCO its braised flavor . With the smell of fried duck bones, no wonder people say that this braised food can be tasted blindly. This is the taste of LILICOCO that turns to ashes. I also recognize that the above is our video this time. If you like our video, please remember to like and subscribe for me. Share the delicacies in which area you want to see us eat. You are also welcome to leave a message and let us know . We will see you next time. See you. Every time you mention Jilin Night Market, one out of ten people will mention Jilin Steamed Dumplings. Nine out of ten people will mention it. Only one person out of every ten people mentioned that there are so few. Are you an idiot
Channel: 澱粉小姐kakaya
Views: 35,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cnwyhIu0yIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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