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Aya Aya Where are we going today? We are going to Pingtung in Banten today. Banten in Pingtung. Today , I invited my good friend , the little prince of Banten, Mr. and Mrs. Yang , to take us to eat Banten. No problem , come to Wandan It’s right for Dan to come to me, okay ? Let’s go to Shangxin first for car repair and dinner , then let’s not talk much, just go GO (the service is so good that we will drive to Banten for maintenance) We finally bought it, you ’ve already started eating It’s really the first time for me to eat their wantan rice soup. I’m really looking forward to it. Just watching my aunt cook there, I think it’s super delicious and there are so many ingredients because it’s poured like this in the whole pot. Shrimp , the whole thing, what ’s it called ? It’s called bean sticks, right ? There’s a lot of ingredients in that shrimp and that shrimp. Why is it so fragrant? It’s because he fried some shallots after he added the soup in the first place. Yes, we saw it just now. When I was taking pictures next to him, I saw that the onion was added in lumps and kept adding it. It was the whole onion and minced meat, and poured it into the big pot. It was rattling in the pot, so it has the current taste . I think this taste There is another source , I just found out that there are chicken bones, so there are in it , and its meat seems to be made of pork belly , so it is tender and delicious . Your favorite fat meat . It ’s not that you have finished eating Yang Zai. When I tell you that he is not hungry, it is all false , and the proprietress who comes here to eat, they are all the neighbors in the neighborhood first, that’s right, so when you come from outside to line up, it will actually take you a while , but you can’t blame them because Is it true that the left and right neighbors are regular customers? Or is it that my elder brother taught us a way today, that is, you can call first , so you can also call first to order and then come to get it. It’s right to order with him first , but not only neighbors can do this , no, outsiders can also Yes, outsiders are also welcome. If you buy it on the spot, he has small portions and large portions. The small portion is only 60 yuan , and the small portion is a huge bowl. Okay , don’t order the big one, I don’t recommend it , because I have to wait for an hour and a half, I can’t stand it , I hate queuing, first wait, first wait, please call in advance, OK , but it’s delicious, it’s important to make an appointment , so I’ll give an average but big The thumb is slightly raised, the thumb is slightly raised, and I am also slightly raised , because I have waited for too long , I have waited for too long , but it is delicious . We came to Wandan Caitou Kueh. This room is our Banten people , and we immediately saw that we were going to take a picture of Wandan Dan was the first restaurant recommended to me by Yang Zai (not good enough to scold him). The sauce looked too exaggerated. I checked it on the Internet . Add an egg, right? Yes , you must add an egg when you come here . It’s only 5 yuan , and it’s marked on it that the price of eggs has increased . This is basically our elementary school . It’s the most traditional, and you can eat it directly. There is this on top of him , this is the carrot cake with his sauce , the carrot cake and his sauce are indispensable , you just add up to 100 points for 2, you may only get 30 points for one , so if you eat it alone Its radish cake is only about 30 points . If you eat radish cake alone, you will feel that it is radish cake. After eating radish cake with sauce, you will feel that this is Wandan carrot cake . This is the first time I have tasted it. Really this one The taste of radish cake is really the first time I have tasted it . It must have sauce. It must have sauce . I think it is delicious. Let me show you a bite . This is the essence that Yang Zai said. Minced pork sauce egg and carrot cake are missing one Indispensable , indispensable , and you are outside, you can’t find it at all, like him. Really, I’ve lived for 30 years , at least I haven’t found it. It’s the first time I tasted this taste . I think it’s delicious. What should I do? I like it, you like it, I like it. When I first saw this one , I thought it would be a soft and rotten carrot cake because I hate soft and rotten . It is fried until it is burnt. The aroma is very good , but the problem is that we don’t have soft men in our Banten . All of our Banten are hard-packed. The meat - flavored sauce is very delicious . Sorry , I have to refill the plate. I just ordered a large portion . The large portion is only 55 yuan. We used to eat it . You can’t keep the meat sauce when you’ve finished eating the carrot cake. Otherwise, you mean that the sauce should also be shot off. His meat is so big . I forgot to mention that it’s on the table. Both put garlic and chili. I forgot to add garlic . Okay, I’m going to eat it all . Really, I found out that garlic must be added. His garlic is so flavorful. Oh my god, I gave this restaurant a very high evaluation after adding garlic . Very good High, it was about 80 points after eating it . Now after adding garlic, it is 93.8 points. I directly give it 95. Its sauce is really more of a central and southern style , but children in the central and southern regions like us so much . This store is actually similar to ours. The rice soup I bought just now is the same . Many people will come to take it away . Although it has been frying and frying , you still have to wait for a while and he can’t call. I recommend carrot cake . Next time I come to Banten , I will do it myself. I will order a larger portion. Why didn’t I see the part of Cai Tou Kueh just now ? It’s because he’s afraid of the heat . Because I’m blowing on the air conditioner, the baby can’t be warm . Friendly pregnant women , okay ? It looks delicious. Is this the place for you? Dan’s flagship store, breakfast flagship store , I can only eat this one . I can’t go back after eating this one , but I’m a little sad because when I just went to order , they said that all the taro products have been sold out. I originally wanted to eat them in this one. The taro biscuits mean that he is very strong. That’s right. Did you recommend me just now ? I must order his omelets because I always order omelets . It is an ordinary omelet crust. But the skin is slightly fried, and the inside has a taste. I just saw these 3 on the table . In fact, the one I want to eat the most is this French toast. It is golden yellow and there will be traces of burnt. I rarely see it. Just now I wanted to say if he cut it in half , would it be white in the middle ? Without him, this side would be covered with cheese sauce . Pot-cooked pasta. It ’s a pity today because we want to order pot-cooked spaghetti. Someone scolded me , no. Well, we ’ve already ordered fried pasta . We ordered Thai-style fried pasta . What’s the point? This is more appetizing . Please show me the message when you get home. Dear viewers , do southerners order hot pot for breakfast? Burn the pasta and leave a comment below . It’s not fair. It’s fair to say that when you come to Banten Dongfangmei , you all order pasta. This is special . If you don’t look at it, it’s at a breakfast restaurant. It’s really like selling Thai food outside. Meat and the like are delicious, yes, it’s delicious, slap it quickly, except for the omelette, which I’m fine with, I like both of them. Let me give you a brief history of Dongfangmei . In the early days, he was a chain of Dongfangmei. His room only has a space of about five or six square meters. When we were young, he only sold simple items such as omelets, milk tea, and black tea. Traditional breakfast shops , but he has one thing that is very different, that is, this sauce. He was famous for this sauce at that time , really. False. I only opened this restaurant later. Did you say garlic and soy sauce paste? That’s right . It’s true that there are very few egg pancakes with this kind of dip. Yes, it’s rare. I read it on the Internet , and everyone said their taro is super delicious, but it ’s a pity that I didn’t eat it. Yes, everyone Don't come back at 12 o'clock next time, come earlier , but today I like the 3 dishes. This is my favorite . I like tossed pasta. I also like this . It's delicious , but I still want to order pot-seared pasta, so that we can be together Give Wandan Dongfangmei a thumbs up, okay? Here comes Ajuan Beef Soup. The locals in Pingtung told me that you must eat it when you come to Wandan , but the 2 Wandan people next to me haven’t eaten it . Yes, I have. Have you ever eaten it? I have. My customers who visit Pingtung must eat it . When they come to their house, it’s a classic way to order. Order stir-fried dishes for him , then order white rice , and then order 2 soups. It’s perfect for 4 people. You can also do it alone. Come to eat, this one can eat , order rice and then stir-fry beef with a soup is OK , and you don’t need to eat the soup, just drink the soup first, if you don’t have enough, then add more , it’s so cost-effective, I just picked up the beef Aroma Its beef has a pot smell . I just smelled it. Look at this beef . It was tender pink when it was first served. I think the beef soup in Pingtung is different from the beef soup in Tainan. I like to drink Pingtung. Yes, the taste is a bit stronger , it has a little taste of basil, right , but I have to say that I have eaten so far today and it’s pretty good. Ajuan ’s beef really surprised me because its meat is so tender, it’s so tender Oh, you give a lot of beef soup in Pingtung . It’s all from the basil. I’m not being stingy. If the beef offal soup in Pingtung is not full, it ’s a kind of disrespect. In Tainan, you will feel that there is no taste . The two are completely different. The meat in Tainan is better, softer and tenderer . Do you know why the beef in Tainan is better? Warm - body beef is because the beef in southern Taiwan is slaughtered. The slaughterhouse is on the Guantian side and Liuying side. Many of them are cut and frozen immediately . It’s really worse. Or maybe they can take the warm body. It’s true that he’s been eating beef since last night. Do you think kakaya can come here at will? This is probably the only dessert shop I found when I was looking for Banten desserts on IG. Our friends said that they seemed to have seen the owner set up a stall in the market before , and then he opened this shop . It looks like this 5 puffs are 60 yuan . The boss said that their little puffs taste today. There are two kinds of vanilla chocolate. I secretly asked the boss, can they be combined? Originally, it felt like it would be light and not too heavy . It was filled with stuffing and very heavy. The stuffing was ice-cold and the skin was very crispy and not very thick. You see, the skin is thin-skinned . The stuffing inside It's cold and not very sweet. The point is not very sweet. It's delicious. After eating this one , I decided that I want to drink an American style . It 's so full of fillings . It 's very recommended. It's delicious. This size , let's see how they start. How delicious is this product? It looks so delicious. The caramel on the top is bittersweet and the egg underneath is so tender , very fragrant and tender. I think the biggest feature of Zouzo desserts is that all his desserts are not very sweet . Let me tell you. Because the two of us go out to eat, all the girl’s desserts are what he ordered. I think it’s very recommended to walk around for dessert. If you come to Banten and want to eat a dessert , this room is really a good choice for you. It’s very cheap and very It’s cheap. Like this party. The two of us will introduce you to this party. This is an old-fashioned oyster and vegetable ball . This party is only introduced by you . Because it is vegetarian, I just said that I want to buy this one . No one said they want to eat it . But Because here in Pingtung, there are many sellers of this kind of vegetable balls . This is their unique feature. Is vegetable balls a specialty? 406 00:13:29,9 --> 00:13:29,709 That ’s right Oh, this small one, their vegetable balls , and this one that look like a flying saucer. This one is called Hezai , not an oyster. It’s an oyster in Taiwanese. -ㄚ-ㄉㄟ) The oyster looks like a spoon . The characteristic of the spoon is that it does not have oysters. What it puts are cabbage, vegetarian meat and carrots. Anyway, it is vegetarian FOR vegetarian friends , but you will find Their business is very good, there are a lot of local customers , the motorcycle came directly, I turned around and took a sneak shot It’s here , this location , the business is very good, I look at their countertops , you don’t think it’s a vegetarian restaurant at all, it ’s not at all, it’s exactly the same as the local fried food shop, I bought three of them today, the most special one, as I just mentioned Hazai, vegetable balls , what else do you see, taro toast, taro toast is very special , this shop actually sells taro toast, I was really shocked , I just asked the proprietress what is the difference between vegetable balls and hazai He said that the base material is actually the same , but the vegetable balls are made with powder, so they can be turned into a ball . Oh , it’s just shaped and fried . It’s delicious. It’s delicious beyond my expectation. I didn’t think much of it at first. Looking forward to this afternoon, I will buy it specially because the middle of it is really the freshness of vegetables , and you can also eat the crunchy feeling of shredded cabbage. The most special thing is their pepper salt . Their pepper salt has its own faction, which is easy to change. Next , this flying saucer-shaped Hazai , the powder on the outside is completely different from the vegetable balls just now. The powder on the outside is more like the powder of chicken chops , which is very crispy . It seems to be eating fried buns. The inside is exactly the same as the cabbage filling in fried buns. The concept of vegetarian fried buns is right . It tastes completely different from the vegetable balls just now. The vegetable balls can be eaten with a powdery Q bomb feeling. This flying saucer Hezibai is the original flavor of eating vegetables . Think of it as fried buns with crispy skin chicken steak skin . That’s right . It’s very sweet and delicious . Finally, the taro toast I’m looking forward to the most. I really like pepper . It ’s salty on the outside. Also, I sprinkled pepper powder for me. His pepper powder is very fragrant . His pepper powder is really his own. It ’s delicious . It’s delicious with any fried food . Take a look at the cross-section , and you can see that my mashed taro is fried directly. Although it is said that fried food will have such an oily feeling more or less , but because it is freshly fried , I don’t think it has that kind of oily taste, nor does it contain oil . In fact, it is quite delicious. Anyway, come to their house, you just order these 3 special products for him to fry . Everything is terribly crunchy and very delicious . Which of these 3 do you like best ? Which one do you like best ? 2 Vegetable Balls Vegetable Balls Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Dead. It’s delicious . Here comes the Aguo stinky tofu, which is promoted by the people of Banten. I have never eaten it or been to Banten. The field of stinky tofu cannot be challenged like this. Will the next row of people say that this must be added ? Let me tell you that the stinky tofu circle is very closed. Really , the stinky tofu circle is very literati. Their chili sauce is inexplicable , but I think it is cleaner , cleaner . Ah, it ’s going to be poured here . No, it’s not. If you pour it there, you will be scolded. We have to wash it. Do you want to pour it next to it or directly pour it on the side? It’s fine. If you pour it over there, I will call the boss directly . Really I’m going to apologize, lady boss , I’ve covered it . I’ve covered it. I didn’t mess around. We ordered a large portion today, and now the price of the large portion has increased to 65 yuan . The stinky tofu in our south is this kind . I saw the super crispy stinky tofu in the north, central and south. The stinky tofu in the south is actually this kind of stinky tofu. It has been cut and fried. The middle part is the kind of cube with sauce and kimchi inside. The Taipei one is a triangle shape. There is a kind of cut Triangle , yes, yes, yes , I want to dip it in his chili sauce, really add chili sauce, right? I really want to dip it, I will definitely dip it when I eat it, it must be served with kimchi, put the kimchi on top , and eat like this. Ah Guo is delicious. Ah Guo is definitely good. But I don’t like it being so crispy , you don’t like it being so crispy, I like Aijiao because Aijiao is actually a lot of people will ask him to fry it a little more crispy , but I like Aijiao Auntie originally , I think your faction seems to be different from ours . We like crispy ones and you are soft and rotten . I only like to win. Let me tell you because the circle of stinky tofu is very closed. Everyone has their own stinky tofu in their hearts. I want to ask one thing , if he takes it home, will it still be so crispy? It’s the same crispy but not so hot because you really have to eat it on the spot . It’s still crispy, but it’s not so hot inside . Yes, I think it’s better to eat it hot. Stinky tofu is a food that is not allowed to take away , but I must say that his stinky tofu didn’t feel very stinky. I’m just about to say this. I did n’t think it was very stinky, right? It’s not like you can smell it when you park outside. We just parked in . Actually, you didn’t If you look closely, you won’t be able to smell it. They sell stinky tofu . I’ll give 1. I ’ll give 2. It’s 7 thumbs up. It’s delicious . We’re going to eat Akibo roasted cold . Let everyone guess how much this bowl costs. Money , such a big bowl , I guess, I guess, I guess 60 yuan, no need , don’t do it again, sorry , no, I’m from Banten, I know this bowl is 40 , 50 yuan , not 45. Banten people , he has such a big bowl , 50 yuan for six ingredients, this Kaohsiung How to buy it in the urban area ? It’s not the first time I’ve seen an ice . It’s just that it has more material than ice. I’m sorry because we have actually melted it , otherwise it was just super beautiful . Now it’s just that you know it’s turned into soup , but the taro looks super. It ’s delicious. It’s a big piece . Did you see the picture of the boss making glutinous rice balls one by one ? Yes, yes, yes, yes. What’s the difference between handmade glutinous rice balls and machine-made glutinous rice balls? Shape, machine-made glutinous rice balls can’t be like chewing betel nuts . You said there is one Kaz, the machine can’t do this. The machine can’t do this. I ’m going to eat taro. Look at the local explanation . Basically, its hot and cold ice is actually the same as Chaozhou’s hot and cold ice . And Ajibo is really a local. The taro that people are eating is delicious And the taro must be eaten, it’s a huge piece , he has a huge piece of taro, bite into it , many ice shops in Kaohsiung are like this Small one chopped kind , his glutinous rice balls are also delicious , his glutinous rice balls taste like chewing gum as Yang Zai said ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ No, Yang Zai is talking about betel nuts . He can’t pull them. He can’t do this . There are a lot of ingredients in it. There are red beans, peanuts , and mung beans and garlic . It’s handmade. What is the bread inside ? I think it’s peanuts or sesame seeds. Let ’s take a look at the camera. In fact, I think it’s very similar to sesame peanuts . Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding I’m sorry Give him a thumbs up, do you want to give 2? Because it’s too hot. I still have feet. I have to eat it when I come to Pingtung. I ’m sorry I didn’t eat it , so I won’t give it. Okay, we come to Banten. There is one more thing we must eat. What is it? Red beans In fact, there is one of the most famous ones in Banten, the Huang’s . The Huang’s is right. The supporters of the Huang ’s . Let’s take a look at the screen just now . Let’s show you the screen . How many people are queuing up? The two of us came to Banten, and we didn’t bother to line up that one . What we like is that there is one next to him called Caifengshe, which is actually there . Your Huang’s family is a tourist, okay? So we each have our own supporters today, so we decided to do it. A blind test , Tina, help me randomly assign one of them a pill . We need to close our eyes first, right? For you, please close your eyes first. Close your eyes. Do n’t think I can’t see it. Close your eyes and close your eyes. Spread your hands out , it’s okay , can you open it, yes, you can open it, you are now , let’s compete purely with taste, let’s see which one is really the best . The obvious color on the right side looks darker. The 2 are about the same size . Is the 2 colors almost the same ? The 2 flavors are all soy milk , right ? I think it’s funny to see the two of you eating red bean cakes . I can already choose this one. It must be Huang’s. The darker one on the right must be Huang’s . I also think this is more delicious. Caifengshe Caifengshe ’s stuffing is less sweet. On the right, Huangjia’s cream is relatively bright cream . The one on the left is lighter in color. Huangjia ’s cream and red beans will have a little sharp contrast. He uses red beans for comparison. Solid , so he compares the red beans and butter . Caifengshe’s , he just mixes them together . Let me tell you my different views. I like the left hand side (Caifengshe) . They actually give a lot of fillings for both of them , but The layered part is just like what Yang Zi said just now. The Huang family has more obvious layers. The color of Caifengshe’s is a little lighter and it will be a little mixed together. Caifengshe is more liquid , and Huang’s is thicker. Yes, but the sweetness , the sweetness is too sweet from the Huang family. The reason why I like to eat Caifengshe is because Caifengshe is not so sweet. It looks like a lady with a temperament . The contrast is too obvious. Do you have to eat it together? You will suddenly I think wow, it’s so refreshing . I want to help me get one for you to eat . I eat this. Actually, it’s very divided. It’s very clear . Obviously, Huang’s is very similar to the red bean cake you eat next to the school. His red bean filling is very delicious. Like the more traditional honey red bean, it is sweeter , Caifengshe’s, you will think wow , it’s more like pudding, custard pudding-like cream , not so creamy, it’s very fresh , its creamy filling is very fresh, I ’m half on his side because This time, I found that the skin of Huang’s family is inexplicably crispy . I’m so surprised, because I have eaten Huang’s family’s skin in the past. It’s soft . Maybe you’re so stuffy. This time, I think that Huang’s family’s skin is so soft on the surface. The crispy Le is indeed his skin is more crispy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha anyway, anyway , you come to Wan Dan, you are the red bean cakes . After a video comes out, he can still avoid queuing in the future, okay? Let’s spread out the crowd, no, no, no, no, no, he will change into a queue in the future. The Caifeng Society will give it 2 thumbs up . I will give it 2. The Huang family will give it one. I will only give one to the Huang family, and he will give 2 to the Huang family . The above is our trip to Banten today . We must come to vote at the end. In everyone ’s mind, the first number one in Banten today , you start first. My favorite is Aki Bo, I’m sure it’s not Ajibo’s taro from Ajibo ’s 60-year-old shop. The two big pieces of taro are really wow, so cocky, so delicious. Well, which one is your favorite today? I ’m going to give Wandan Caitou Kueh today Kueh Carrot Cake is very simple, but it’s a bit like a combination of radish cake and minced meat . You can’t imagine combining these two things in other places , so it’s recommended by Little Prince Wandan. I think I personally vote for Cai Tou Kueh is super delicious . The sauce is really super delicious. Which one do you like the most today ? I happen to be different from everyone else. I like to eat Ajuan Beef Restaurant because I must drink beef offal soup when I come to Pingtung , so I choose this one One, his beef is really tender, but I think the most important thing to eat when you come to Banten is these two, okay ? The red bean cake in Banten is really different from other counties and cities . I have never tried it. If you want to eat , then we will call it a day and we will finish it. See you next time . Bye. If you like our video, what do you do? Don’t forget to press like, subscribe and share for us. Turn on your little bell , and we’ll see you next time. Bye, I’m so happy to have a driver . This is a must. What is this doing? He’s just recording some . It might be useful later My first place will be given to the 60-year-old shop of Ajibo, Ajibo !!!!! Let’s get stuck first . Wait a minute. Ajishi is going to the hotel......
Channel: 澱粉小姐kakaya
Views: 232,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D6894UAB3D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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