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Aya, Aya, where are we going today? What are we going to do today? Since the last time we shot Wandan with Yang Zi and his wife , and we shot Chaozhou by ourselves, a lot of netizens have left messages below saying that they have already come to Pingtung City, why haven’t they eaten? Pingtung City’s delicacies are here, everyone. We have selected some snacks and restaurants recommended by locals this time and want to introduce them to you, our Gao Pingben family. In the future, we will take more photos of Pingtung things today. The market is mainly concentrated in Pingtung City, okay? Everyone, please stay tuned. So without further ado, let ’s go and eat. Let ’s go. The first store in Pingtung , we are going to Ouhiyo brunch at Ouhi. Oh, for brunch, I just saw their zucchini cheese omelette among the crowds. I have to say that it is quite rare for a breakfast restaurant to use zucchini in their dishes , because their breakfast is actually a bit of a staple, like their omelette, except for me In addition to the egg pancakes I ordered today, there is also a thousand-sheet egg pancake. So if you are a friend who is trying to reduce sugar and keep fit, you to eat their breakfast and you’ll be in awe. I actually ordered their Top1 and Top2 specifically today. If they are guaranteed items in the store, they will definitely not be famous. Oh, you ordered the most famous ones. I found that their breakfast prices are actually very affordable. The egg pancakes are covered with a layer of cheese. Yes, you found the point. Do you remember that we liked to eat one in Tainan before? I was just about to say that it is our Kexiangchao in Pingtung, okay? Kexiangchao. How long do you have to wait when you go to Tainan to eat ? The starting time is about 40 minutes. Last time , the wait was an hour . Yes, but in Ouhiyo, I only waited about 10 Minutes, come and eat. I like eating zucchini very much . Did I just take a picture of the dripping juice? Look at it. It’s dripping. Because their egg pancakes are fried with cheese spread on top of the egg pancake skin. So when you eat it, the charred aroma of the cheese is actually very fragrant. The egg pancake and the egg are very thick, so in addition to the salty charred aroma of the charred cheese, you can also taste the softness of the egg inside. Finally, this zucchini. It's amazing to take one bite. It's so refreshing and salty. It's coated with thick slices of soufflé. I found that as long as the breakfast restaurant is willing to make its own soufflé sauce , usually this breakfast restaurant will not be disappointed because it is a very troublesome task. I will I feel that the soufflé sauce is not the kind you can buy in the market . The taste is different from ordinary breakfast restaurants. If you think about a breakfast restaurant, it has so many items. It takes time to get one of the items. It’s a bit difficult to make your own. Let’s feed you one first. Otherwise, I think the sweetness and aroma are at the most appropriate position. Don’t think it’s not thick enough. It should be a little thicker. This is called thick coating. This is called coating thickly. No , I can't make it a little thicker. It 's just the right amount of sweetness. It goes very well with the toast. It's not too sweet, but it has the sweetness that a soufflé should have. Mr. Xu told me one piece after another, asking The toast is very soft and tender. Coupled with the thickness of the soufflé, the milky aroma and the burnt aroma on top, the overall taste is very delicious. I think there is no distinction between the first and second places. One is the sweetest and the other is the salty. You guys are the first. Come to Europe, don’t hesitate to order one or two. You won’t be disappointed if you order them all. We just found out what’s on every table. I have something that I care about very much . When I just entered, when I enter a store, I always look at the store first. Some people are ordering something. Everyone has noodles on the table , whether it's his instant noodles pot noodles or some fried noodles. I see he also has Shin Ramen. I really want to eat a bowl , but we have too many people today. We couldn’t sit down to eat and because we were taking out, we just wanted to eat the noodles. We’ll save it for the next time. Friends who have tried it quickly tell me whether the noodles are delicious or not . I really want to eat them. I want to see them too. Knowing that there is a second A Yue Noodle Stall, we are going to take everyone to eat at a secret store near Gongguan Elementary School recommended by locals. What attracted me to this A Yue Noodle Stall unexpectedly when I was searching for a store on Google was this. This three-fresh pan- fried crispy pie contains three fresh vegetables: shrimps and oysters. I have to say that when I just watched him make it, I already grasped two elements that I like. The first one is his fried rice. It’s only 65 yuan , but the seafood ingredients are actually quite generous. The second thing is that it belongs to the crispy pie. Just now we met a netizen from Pingtung at the Ayue Noodle Stall. She said, I watch your channel, and I found out. People in Pingtung are really very enthusiastic. We have been recognized two or three times today before we started shooting the second room. Thank you all for your support. Just now, my beautiful sister told me that when she comes to their house, she only orders three delicacies and dry noodles. In addition to Chinese breakfast, did you think it was a noodle stall when you heard the name? Well, they also have a lot of things like toast, hamburgers and milk tea . Let’s eat the three delicacies first . You see, I just like it. It’s fried like this until it’s just right. Well, this side must be the most delicious. It was the first time I heard that eating oyster omelette would make me cry. I found that the oyster omelette in the south seems to be all made with baby cabbage . But our Taichung is not our Taichung. We add water spinach. This is what our Taichung and Kaohsiung Ping The difference between Dongquan and Dongquan is that the seafood is basically fresh. I think the sauce is relatively light. As soon as I ate it, I told Mr. Xu that this is Dongquan chili sauce, which is diluted to make it sweeter than spicy. The sauce has no spiciness at all . In fact, I quite like this pan-fried pancake. I really like it because I don’t like things with a strong sauce flavor. I think it’s really bad to eat a pan-fried pan like this for breakfast . I’m so full . No wonder business is so good. Breakfast in Pingtung is being served again. We came and were waiting for someone at the dining cart. He was already waiting for someone at a store. I just passed by and was looking for where there was a dining cart. It turned out that he was a store . Then I took a look at him. Who are you waiting for ? Do you know? Wait for me. He is waiting for someone who knows how to eat. Today I am waiting for someone from the food truck. I ordered their recommended signature . This is their salt and pepper fried pork cutlet. I couldn't find the salt and pepper pork chop burger on the menu at first , but later I found out that it was the abbreviation of a friend who reviewed it on Google. He just called it the salt and pepper pork chop ~ All of their salt and pepper pork chop burgers can be paired with different buns like Today I ordered a burger and toasted bagel . First of all, this restaurant will be on my list today because I found that they have a great feature . All the ingredients are combined with local merchants in Pingtung like us. The bread is baked from Duomailu. If your friends who live in Pingtung must know that Duomailu is a very famous bakery here and they also have meat floss. If you eat their meat floss, it comes from Wende meat floss. He has some. All of his ingredients’ resumes are posted on his wall, so I think it’s great to combine some local stores in Pingtung to open this breakfast shop. Like peanut butter , most people use Hsinchu’s peanut butter , but they No, they use Chaozhou Jinhong’s peanut butter. Chaozhou also has delicious peanut butter, right? I like this kind of store very much. You know where you come from, you use whatever products you have to promote them. I like their salt-and-pepper fried dishes very much. The smell of the pork cutlet when it comes to the table is the smell of the fried pork cutlet at the back door of my elementary school. I really want to help you eat the protruding edge of the bun, but you can't. That place is the most delicious. I don't want to divide it between you. Give it to me. Go away! I'll take a bite first. I'll help you take a bite first. Come on, I'll come on, I'll come on, I'll eat it first. Let's see. There 's a lot of lettuce. There are onions, cucumbers , lettuce and tomatoes in it , so the juice will burst out as soon as you bite into it. This pork chop is full of praise. It is a soy-milk pig , so it tastes like the seasoning of a soy-milk chicken. I can’t taste the soy-milk flavor. It’s a little bit light . The thickness of the meat is decent , but the texture of the meat is soft and tender. The fried skin is like this . When you add Taibai powder and sweet potato powder, there will be grains in your mouth when eaten. Each grain feels very crispy. The meat inside looks very solid as Mr. Xu said. You will feel that it is very spicy, right ? It will be soft and tender when you bite it. If you think the seasoning is not strong enough, there are actually a lot of sauces at the counter , such as Japanese sauce, tartar sauce , and their own homemade dried fish chili. You can add it yourself if it's not spicy enough. It's great , not bad, not bad, really good. Oh, next we come to Huaji Barley Bean Curd. This Huaji Barley Bean Curd is the one that I would take out and eat in the car every time when Mr. I ordered their signature mixed beancurd. She even wanted to steal some taro for me just now. Good luck. They will only have taro in April. The lady boss said that taro is their signature. They are the honey taro series , but they only start selling it in April. So today I ordered red bean pearls and Mr. Xu’s favorite peanuts. Their peanuts are also delicious. I like peanuts. This season is really incredible. We are now in Pingtung in March. There are enough. It’s so hot that it’s super hot and delicious. I think their sugar water is great. I like their sugar water very much. Their sugar water is a very traditional brown sugar water. The softness of the peanuts is very just right. The bean curd is also a traditional bean curd. It is very soft . Take a look at their bean curd because Huaji's sugar water is relatively soft . I think People who don’t eat sugar may find it a little sweet , but don’t worry because the bean curd has no sweetness. The sugar water will stick to the beancurd and you will feel that it has reached a very good Their peanuts are really worthy of applause. balance in your mouth after you take a sip . The soft tofu pudding is also worthy of applause. The tofu pudding really melts in your mouth. The tofu pudding is cheap and delicious. Recommend Mr. Xu , what are you drinking now ? Lemon Aiyu is delicious. Huaji’s Lemon Ai Yu? It’s my first time to drink Huaji’s Lemon Aiyu. When I come to their house, I always eat Douhua. It’s the first time I drink this. It’s really good. I will order lemon with enough acidity next time. The weather is 32 outside now. The ice level was wow ~ It came up immediately. The famous Linde Roast Duck is oily and shiny. What a beautiful roast duck. Brother, this Linde Roast Duck restaurant opens at 2:30 every day, but we opened at 2:20. When we were assigned to the site, there were already people mountain people see~ There was an L-shaped queue. Later we found out that the fragrance was amazing . No wonder so many people were waiting in line. When we were transferred to us, we ordered their most famous roast duck because theirs The menu is very simple . There are two types of roast duck and roast chicken. Basically, the unit is half. Each unit is 250 yuan. So if you want half roast duck and half roast chicken, it is 250 yuan. If you want the whole one, don’t chop them. Just put it into the paper box for you. Just now, an aunt just carried two roast ducks and walked away very domineeringly. She carried two roast ducks and walked away very handsome. If I were the roast duck boss, I would die without chopping. It ’s great. We have half a duck today. The roast duck is now fragrant all over the car. His roast duck is not like other people who have to chop it into slices and cubes and don’t even use the skin . They just chop the whole box into something so thick and so proud. And you know what, this is the first time I’ve met them. The roast duck restaurant actually gave people a try. Just now, my sister asked me if it was my first time here. I said yes, it’s not the first time. I wanted to say it’s strange. Why did he suddenly ask us if it was our first time here? He turned around and said this to my mother. It’s my first time here. I want to say that it’s our first time here. What should we do ? Or help us choose the part ? No, he just turned around and brought this to me. He directly invited us to try a piece of duck meat. It's great , and it's not two people trying one piece, it's one piece per person. This is the first time for me to serve such a good service in such a well-known roast duck restaurant when the business is already so good . They just looked at the two of us as if we were curious. That’s why I asked this question. It ’s my first time to visit Country Bumpkin. When packing the box , my sister very thoughtfully reminded us that after trying it, if you think the seasoning is enough, you don’t need to sprinkle the pepper. I think it doesn’t need to be sprinkled. I think it doesn’t need to be sprinkled with seasoning. It's great, it 's great . The skin is really crispy. Come and eat one to show everyone how crispy the skin is . You can't understand it. You know, the piece I just picked up has a lot of oil and splotches, but it's not greasy at all. Because the upper skin has been roasted until it is crispy and crispy. When you bite it, what you will get is not the greasiness of the oil but the fragrance of the oil. The sweetness of the duck meat itself is completely locked in the meat, and the skin on the outside makes it so. The fat part is very crispy because it forces out the fat slightly , so it is in the most appropriate range. Especially when I eat duck meat, I actually don’t like this place. This place usually tastes a little dry after all, the duck breast. Well, but theirs is not theirs. The moment you bite into it, the juice of the duck will seep out from between your teeth. It ’s really good. Everyone, it’s really good. It’s no wonder you’re queuing up to order the Linde Roast Duck. If I come to Pingtung, I must buy it. The service is good, the roast duck is fast and delicious. Recommend . If it is after 3 pm, remember to hurry up and it will be sold out. Pingtung afternoon tea, we are here. Careless red bean cake. Kaohsiung. Guess. There is a careless person in Pingtung. Today , the red bean cake from the careless shop is diagonally opposite where we bought the Linde roast duck. It was such a coincidence that we found this stall with quite a lot of people. The Uji Kintoki red bean cake has just appeared. When making red bean cakes, I found that their red bean cakes are more crispy than the flying saucer pie. The flying saucer is so crispy and crispy on the outside . It is not like our traditional Wandan red bean cake, which may be a little bit softer . Danwanten , the red bean pancake I ordered today is Uji Kintoki. You should know what Uji Kintoki is, but I don’t know . It’s matcha with red beans. It’s super Japanese. They actually have many flavors like creamy red bean brownie and some are salty, but I just If you want to try their Ujikintoki, let me show you something like this. It costs 20 yuan. The taste of their Ujikintoki is like this once you bite it. In fact, the aroma of matcha is there , but it is not very strong. The red bean cake is careless. The pie crust is really crispy. I actually like the careless red bean cake. I recommend it to those who like crispy pie. If you like biscuit-like red bean cake , you will really like their taste and there are quite a lot of fillings. Although the matcha is not very rich , it has a fresh and elegant filling. If you don’t like sweet red bean cakes, they highly recommend the careless red bean cake. They also have a popular product that I think is relatively hidden, which is theirs. For the crispy puffs today, I ordered the original flavor because I just asked the boss about the flavor and he said that the original flavor with cream will be less sweet, but if it is chocolate and caramel, it will be relatively sweet. So we will start with the basic original flavor. When I started eating it, I ate the original flavor first. The filling inside was a bit like vanilla ice cream and it felt like it was about to melt. If you freeze the filling, I think it would be quite delicious . I guess it is more crunchy. There are traces of sugar baking , but theirs is a bit similar to Yimei puffs. The filling is relatively ice- cold and smooth as Mr. Xu said. It feels not sweet and delicious , and the price is not expensive. It’s okay . When I came to Pingtung this time, I chose two beverage shops. One of them was recommended to me by a netizen. It is a chain store that is only available in Pingtung called Longtao Tea House. When I arrived at the Longtao Tea House, I saw a notice saying Lemon Duoduo Green costs 45 yuan and it’s with plums. When I was at the counter, I asked him about the sweetness level. My sister said that if you are used to drinking sugar-free tea and are afraid of the sourness, just drink it first and wait for a while. Sugar , I think half sugar is great. This is half sugar. This is half sugar. It’s not bad . It’s not sour like what we’ve had before. It’s just sweet and sweet. It’s just right to quench your thirst. It’s sweet and sour , and it’s 45 yuan for an eco-friendly cup. There is also a discount of 5 yuan , so my cup is 40 yuan. The second restaurant I chose is the Royal Club. This one is also a local friend in Pingtung. He told me that he drank it since he was a child . When he came to the counter when he was a freshman, the boss was super cute and he immediately stood up. I told me that the brown sugar pearl milk I ordered today is limited. There are not pearls at every time and it depends on the time. The boss is very polite and cute. He told me that their brown sugar is not spread on the cup but honey in the pearls. If you want the pearls to be sweeter, just add more pearls. If you want the pearls to be less sweet, just add less pearls. You don’t have to add so much sweetness to the inside. Next, all the drinks outside are milk . I think the fresh milk from Shiduo is quite genuine when I drink it. I recommend it to everyone. If you have passed by, both of these are worth trying the tea from Longtao Tea House and the brown sugar pearls from Royal Kelifu. The fresh milk pearls are really delicious. They are big and juicy. They are so delicious. I think they can even knock out a lot of pearls from drink shops. You can go to these two to drink Wu Lei Delicious as part of your trip to Pingtung. Is the relay station okay? Then let’s continue to the next stop. What are we doing? Victory Star Village . Victory Star Village is a very lively area in Pingtung recently. Many gourmet restaurants have also opened stores nearby. He started from an old The military village has been renovated and turned into a cultural and creative base for young people. There are many shops and there will be markets on holidays. We will go shopping later. It is very similar to the concept of a small military village in the three major markets in our Taichung Star Reaching Villa. Okay , right? . I don’t know what Star Picking Villa is. Audit New Village Have you recalled Audit New Village ? Then we will take you to Victory Star Village. GO, I think everyone can eat at a few gourmet restaurants like us and then come to Victory Star Village to walk around and digest it. Otherwise, if you keep eating, you will turn into a pig. Every store is very delicious. After visiting Victory Star Village, you can go directly. Transform into the winning group of life (Embryo Embryo) A mosquito flew into my mouth (Uncle was incoherent) A dog with a bad mouth eats bugs (a dog with a bad mouth is so angry) I said nonsense and the mosquito came directly to the world to reward you. I’m a bit of a worm. I don’t know which restaurants everyone eats when they come to Victory Star Village . In fact, next time I really want to do an episode of food exploration in Victory Star Village. If you have a list on hand, you are welcome to leave a message below and tell us about it. Come over. Take a photo with the clock. Wait a minute. I turned my head and got a little dizzy. The importance of punctuality. Please be a person with a sense of time. I have a strong sense of punctuality. You eat shit. I am the spokesperson for punctuality . You are a member of the cattle herding class. I actually wore this when I was a kid. I remember trying to lie to me before. Will it hurt if I play it ? No , it’s not true . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ! Yours is here and this one I gave you is here. The reason why I won the Best Husband Award is because I used a rubber band to bounce you . Hahahaha. You gave me the Best Scumbag Award. You will hang this on me from today on. I'm sorry , sorry , I'm sorry . I drink about the same amount now. One basket has one basket . I drink about the same amount now. This basket has one basket. This grocery store sells a lot of small groceries from our childhood. My favorite thing is that hat. Ahead of Qingdao Street, you will find some relatively large restaurants. In addition to the simple restaurants you usually see on this Qingdao Street, there are also yakiniku restaurants and Japanese restaurants. This street is actually quite unique . You can find whatever cuisine you want to eat here . There are indeed many restaurants on Qingdao Street that Mr. Xu and I want to eat at , but since we can only eat at one restaurant at a time , we may find another opportunity to visit them one by one . This restaurant has a beef restaurant. Mr. Xu and I came to Pingtung to eat on his birthday. The beef at this restaurant has a super high value and is also delicious. If you want to see the unboxing details, you can also go to my IG. I will put it in the description. I will bring you a Minxue 88 Tea House here. I think this is a very good place to rest in the afternoon. The Minxue 88 Tea House is very cultured and elegant . Besides being an old house cafe, the 88 Tea House is very considerate. There is also a dedicated parking lot next to it , so as soon as we drove in, we drove directly into the parking lot , parked the car, and walked elegantly to our store in Pingtung. This is how our store in Pingtung is (subtitles give up...) The land is big and we have plenty of space. Welcome everyone to come and take a walk in Pingtung. Next to it is Victory Star Village. The whole thing needs literature, literature , food, and literature. Good food and literature. You just need words, good looks, good looks , good looks, postures, and good looks, because many As soon as the husband came in, he saw that there was Ecstasy Beef Noodles on the menu and he was fascinated. It wasn't that his beef noodles were not delicious. It was because I was going to eat a very delicious beef noodle restaurant later. I suddenly felt that I was going to eat it today. The items are a bit repetitive , but I just tried their beef noodles, and they are indeed good. Is their beef noodle style more like knife-shaped noodles? Because their noodles are thick, yes, they are knife-shaped noodles. For an old house cafe. His beef noodles are really good. I'm a little surprised. The noodles are very chewy. The shaved noodles are quite thick. The soup base is slightly spicy and has a braised flavor . In fact, it doesn't taste very spicy. It’s heavy but has a spicy aroma and the taste of onions. The beef tastes great. Except for the beef tendon meat, the part I just caught by accident looks like ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ beef noodles. If you didn't specifically say it was beef noodles from a cafe, I would have thought it was the beef tendon sold in a beef specialty store. It melted right in the mouth because it melted in the mouth. This was my first time here. When I first came in, I would first look for some clues in the store to see what their signature was. The reason why I chose beef noodles was because they sold frozen packages of their beef noodles at the counter . Oh well , I want to say that you dare to sell your own beef noodles in frozen packages. I believe you must be quite confident. The soup is braised but not greasy. I ca n't help but drink it all. I make this soup and I don’t feel it’s salty. The more I drink it, the saltier it becomes . It’s not at all, it’s not burdensome. The whole soup tastes fresh and spicy. I personally like it. The Q-degree noodles are very filling. Thank you . You can pay me back. Come to Minxue. What I look forward to the most is to eat this taro cheese and egg sesame pancake on my hand . You see how exaggerated he is. This is in his special project. His special project. I guess the boss himself is. A friend of mine is a taro pie because they seem to have a lot of taro products and taro pancakes , but the one that everyone seems to recommend the most is the sesame seed pancake in my hand . As soon as it was served, it turned out to be true. I know what everyone recommends. The taro paste is so thick and eggy. Is it too much? Do I have to show you this? It ’s too much. For a simple restaurant and cafe, I think their ingredients and menu are quite high-quality , and the prices are really approachable. This one is not ordinary. The omelette is made of a material similar to an omelette and tastes super tender. There is a layer inside that seems to be cheese, so in addition to the sweet aroma of taro, the taste I eat is also tender and salty from the cheese and omelette. The fragrance is so delicious. Plus, the top layer is sesame seed cakes. It is covered with sesame seeds. When you bite it, the aroma of sesame seeds erupts directly into your mouth. It is so crispy and ugly . You have just sprayed out a lot of crumbs. Are you a monster? Let me show everyone the piece I just cut off. This is the taro paste in the middle of the omelette . It is very similar to the sweet filling in the mille-feuille. Plus the omelette on top is an incredible combination of Chinese and Western . This is the perfect interpretation of the delicious combination of Chinese and Western. All my taro-loving friends came to eat it for me #%$^ & %&^*^*^#%^*#%$^%& Please eat the food and say it again . Thank you to all my taro-loving friends for coming to eat the taro in this restaurant . The taro in this restaurant is really good. The real taro puree has a fluffy salty and sweet taste. All taro addicts in the south come here to eat it. I highly recommend Taro Angel. The last one in Pingtung we came to Axiu Beef Noodles. Today I strongly request that you must eat it no matter what. Ah Xiu, add me in. Ah Xiu, we haven’t started filming the channel before we came here. Mr. Xu and I will definitely eat a bowl of Ah Xiu beef noodles first every time we come to Pingtung . Their beef noodles are really something we dream of every time. I must eat when I come to Pingtung. My favorite in Kaohsiung is Yuanxiang. My favorite in Pingtung is Axiu. Axiu, you don’t know. I like Axiu so much that I even buy their cucumbers in a group in Kaohsiung. Their cucumbers are super good. It’s so delicious. I have to tell you that I just got some cucumbers from a group purchase website two days ago. After finishing them, we came to Pingtung to shoot Axiu ’s scene . In fact, I just saw a lot of take-out cucumbers in his refrigerator. Because here , as long as you finish eating their cucumbers, you will go to the counter and say, I want to take a piece of cucumbers home . They are so delicious and really amazing. I think the most unique thing about their cucumbers is the cold salad. Taste , but he kept the whole cucumber intact. Each cucumber is so thick. It is sprinkled with minced garlic and minced chili. You think it will be spicy, but it is not. It is sweet and sour . The cucumber is very crispy. You would think it would be tasteless when you see it is so big, right? It’s so tasty that it’s pickled inside your heart. It’s so delicious. Come to Axiu to order . Don’t be confused. Find a seat first. He will go straight to the table. When you are asked to order the noodles , the prices are listed on the wall. After ordering the noodles, he will give you a number plate for cutting the side dishes. When the number is called at the counter, you go to cut the side dishes. Just remember that the aunt will tell you how much it is. After how much, please write it down on the paper and stick it on your table with a magnet. Just take these two slips and go to checkout. There is a SOP. It's great. We ordered their signature beef noodles today. His beef. No need to mention the noodles. Anyway, just use a small bowl or a big bowl. If the two of you don’t have that big appetite, you can share a bowl . It’s no problem. The bowls are all nearby . Their beef noodles are more Sichuan and original. The taste is actually very similar . But Axiu's strength is that the first meat he chooses is beef tendon (slip of the tongue), not beef tendon. His beef ribs are this kind of beef ribs. His beef ribs are basically stewed . Next is the soup base that melts in your mouth . The soup base has a bit of garlic, onions , garlic and onions . It has a lot of garlic flavor. The soup base is very authentic. I personally like soup very much. You will feel a slight irritation when you drink it. It's very refreshing , very refreshing, and a little spicy in your throat. Mr. Xu just mentioned that because they all use this kind of beef ribs, you will feel that they are very thick, but they are not rotten , and they will not melt in your mouth . Don't think like this. You will know when I eat it. It is so soft. It has been stewed until the meat of the beef ribs falls apart in your mouth as soon as you take a bite. The beef flavor will rush out from your mouth . Mr. Xu misses you so much. You know, I kept saying today that I must eat it in the end. Ah Xiu is so exaggerated. His meat is very delicious and meaty . Today is for filming. We only have one bowl for the two of us. Otherwise, I won’t share it with you. I want to order a bowl myself. The above is our food tour in Pingtung City. We haven’t seen Pingtung for a long time. After eating this time , we still like the human touch of Pingtung and the prices of Pingtung. This time I really feel it in Pingtung. I went to various stores and my friends were full of enthusiasm. Thank you very much. We decided to significantly increase the frequency of shooting Pingtung in the future. This is our food trip. If you like my video, please remember to like, subscribe and share it with me. If your good friends have any Pingtung City delicacies that we didn’t eat this time, you are welcome to leave a message in the message area and tell us. We will come back one by one next time. I will come back soon . Then we will see you next time . Bye bye . It’s just right. The train is coming. The train is coming. Bye bye ~ Liukuacuo train station. Is this how you sing when I send you away ? Come here and be a little more forceful. Oh , I was very forceful just now. Oh, I was very forceful just now . Hahahaha.
Channel: 澱粉小姐kakaya
Views: 127,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N61q_Ozavak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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