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Aya Aya Where are we going today? We are going to come today . Mr. Xu and I wanted to see some furniture , so we decided to go to Daliao District to look for Daliao food and eat on the way. Yes, but because a typhoon seems to be coming today. We need to eat quickly before the typhoon comes. Hurry up and eat. Go home and evacuate quickly . I hope all the stores are open. Then we will leave without saying much. Go go go. Jike arrived at 10:10 early. I thought it was instant enough. What we bought was the last two pan-fried dumplings. Just now my sister told me that if I don’t buy this, if the other student buys it, I won’t have it. In this way , we can still count to a certain extent. I can’t be so quick . Sister, this egg cake is the one that caught my eye right away when I was searching for a store. Look at this egg cake. The egg cake is fried at the same time. You know its texture. It looks like it in the picture. Like hash browns, I can only say that this egg pancake is absolutely delicious. After frying, it is stacked directly. 30 yuan for a portion is actually not too cheap , because you can see that the portion is about half an egg pancake . 30 yuan is not too much. It’s so cheap. You’re too strict about the price, isn’t it? Brother, isn’t it because you’ve discovered that there are only eggs in it? His egg pancakes don’t have any ingredients, otherwise there would be something else in the egg pancakes. Many other people’s egg pancakes will have some kind of roasted pork or meat floss. The cheese one is 40 to 50 yuan, which is reasonable. 30 yuan is normal, isn’t it? 30 yuan. Let me tell you, the biggest reason why I found this egg cake restaurant is because I want to give it to those who like powdered egg cakes but also like crispy pie . It’s a good idea to order this cake when you come to their store. I think the crispness on the edges is very good. I told you that I want to eat it from the side first because it’s the most enjoyable . But I think this one must be oily and must be 100% oily. It’s actually pink. 80% of omelet pancakes are oily. After all, they are similar to the concept of deep-fried and semi-fried . Did you hear me holding my chopsticks like this? Eat it quickly. Wow, you will feel energetic after eating this in the morning. Did you know that it is greasy ? The feeling is coming. It tastes oily and fragrant as you eat it , but the middle is soft and tender like a kueh. It's like a carrot cake, it 's just a flour paste. The main part of the flour paste is still inside, but it's fried very crispy on the outside . Look at it in the middle . How beautiful is the middle? It looks like this in the middle. It has a layer of egg liquid sandwiched in the middle. It’s really beautiful. It seems to have a piece of cheese sandwiched in it. Yes, the oily aroma immediately hits my forehead. But what comes from behind is like carrot cake. The texture of ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ is very delicious. I think this powdered egg pancake is not inferior to any of the egg pancake specials we shot before, but it has a fatal flaw. It is really oily. I think their omelette is really oily. The powdered egg pancake is suitable for eating on site or if you are within 5 minutes of walking. Eat it as soon as possible. You will definitely be so oily that you will burst after the egg pancake. This fried dumpling is also the last two fried dumplings in this store. I just grabbed it . When we got to these two fried dumplings that cost 4 yuan each, we met a fan when we got off the bus. Ms. Starch yelled that the egg pancakes are almost sold out. Hurry up and leave . Hahaha . It turned out that the last one was so delicious and fried . It's very crispy, so it's very chewy. There's sweet cabbage inside. I'm telling you , I like this kind of slightly thicker fried dumplings. I'm telling you, eating their fried dumplings is very similar to the cabbage dumplings your mother makes at home. My favorite is the kind of seasoning that is not too salty and has a little bit of chopped cabbage. The kazuki is very small. The taste at home is the one made by my mother. The last two are really unpleasant. Well, I’m sorry for the lack of people behind. I think their family is very demanding about the crispiness of this kind of flour. It must be crispy. But if I come to their store and choose between the two, I will definitely choose the egg cake because the egg cake is The pancakes are so good that I should order them all because their pan-fried dumplings are thick-skinned and crispy. The fillings are cabbage and meat. I really like that taste. It’s my favorite standard pan-fried dumpling . I love egg pancakes and egg pancakes. I recommend Daliao afternoon tea to everyone. I want to take you to a hidden version of large intestine sausage near the industrial area. This industrial-style restaurant is called Lao Tan Sausage. But I tell you, you can use GOOGLE landmarks to visit Lao Tan Sausage. You can’t find sausages in Da Mei , so if you want to know the address, please see our description section . The sausages of this old stall are most famous for this bowl of wow bone pork. There is really enough. After he scooped it up just now, I followed him . He said we didn't want to increase the size. He said no, no, our normal size is this size. This bowl is 50 yuan. Look , look , this is the most exaggerated bone meat I have ever seen. I tell you , it's full of it. Oh my God. The bone pork is not what you imagined. Every cut of the bone is this bone meat. It is full of meat. You must order this bowl. It is really a must order when you come. The radio of this episode may be a bit bad. You must not be able to do anything about it now. I saw the picture I saw because all I see now are big cars squealing over there. The pork bone is so tender. The pork bone is really delicious and the portion is huge. It’s only 50 yuan. That’s exaggerated. It’s exaggerating to me. I know why because people here need physical strength. Well, there is no problem in eating this bowl at noon. The soup in this bowl is super rich. You will find that all the essence of oden is cooked in this bowl of soup , and its oden is also very rich. It just As soon as the lid was opened, there was really a lot inside. But I was stopped and I was only allowed to order 3 items. The radish was super delicious because the whole soup was sucked in. I had some radish, so I can tell you that the soup is very rich. In addition to the oden cooking just now , come to their large intestine sausage set. You can also order it for him. Lend me a dip. Their grilling method is quite special. He first cuts the large intestine in half and grills the inside before cutting it into pieces. Half-moon-like situation So you can see that its skin is very crispy and its roasting method is because it is cut in half, so its entire four sides are roasted a little crisper, so its bite will be firmer , especially its rice grains. The clear type, you can tell by looking at its arrangement that it has a very chewy bite and is not a rotten large intestine. But I think you have to say whether the seasoning is heavy or not, or you need to dip it in sauce. I personally prefer it. Its oden is bigger than this group of large intestine sausages , but the large intestine sausages are also quite delicious. If you come here, I will still order the sausages with the flavor of sorghum wine. If you are afraid of eating sausages with alcohol flavor , you may not like it so much and it is fat. It's a little more, but at 65 yuan, it's actually quite a large portion for afternoon tea. It's also for the crispy family that Mr. Xu just saw unexpectedly . We bought it in the car to eat. Of course, we can't do without Mr. Xu's favorite chicken wings, right? But you My favorite chicken steak is not included. Oops , I want to give it a try because I don’t know if it tastes good or not. After all, there are a few GOOGLE reviews. But let me tell you first, it is guaranteed to be freshly fried at a place next to the roadside in this industrial area. The crispy fried chicken shop is crowded with people and there is also an Uber. I think it won’t be a big deal. Do you think it won’t be a big deal? Look, ours is 20 pieces and it’s crispy. Its chicken wings are really not bad because they actually bite. It tastes very meaty and there's a lot of gravy inside. Plus, the crispy khazikazi on the outside is freshly fried. It's really delicious. I think it has a place in the afternoon tea series. Mr. Wrong Xu is awesome. Just kidding, my radar is on and I can’t turn it off. In addition to the chicken wings, I also ordered a sweet potato with sweet potato from Crispy Family . Every time I go to a fried food shop, I always want to order sweet potato with sweet potato. He took mine. I replaced the chicken steak with sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes. I really feel like I'm a bit spoiled by the American bombing of chicken. I just told Mr. Xu that 50 yuan for a portion of clams is a bit expensive. I think you really eat rice without knowing its price. American bombing chicken is considered to be made of Buddha's heart. This is the normal price and the portion is very large. Take a look for yourself. When I opened it, I thought it was a lot . This should be a large portion and it is the same as the chicken wings. I heard that the Crispy Family really deserves to be called the Crispy Family. Everything is coated with exclusive crunchy powder. Especially when I saw rice blood just now, even the rice blood is coated in a thin crispy powder. I thought I would sum it up. Crispy Family is a fried food shop in the industrial area of ​​Daliao District that I think is very attentive to fried food. Although I think the taste may vary from person to person , and one small drawback is that it is a little bit a bit too spicy. It's a little greasy , but overall I think it's a pretty delicious fried food shop and the price point is quite high. I think it will be the first choice in this place because there shouldn't be any fried food that can compete with it nearby. The store is not close to here and there is not even food. So if you are coming to the industrial area for work or something like that, you can come here to eat and travel . Don’t forget the pan-fried buns for afternoon tea. I came to Daliao to choose it today. There is a very special restaurant called Crispy Pan-fried Buns with Noodles and Money. No one has posted this. Please don’t talk about this Crispy Pan-fried Buns with Noodles. I was confused by this one at the beginning. Do you think the ordinary fried buns are? No, it’s called Dessert Taro Crispy Pan-fried Buns. Their pan-fried buns are great. Every butt is fried until they are so brown and brown. And when I first saw their sign, each one said how much three pieces are for a portion. I was so worried about money that I wanted to buy three pills at a time , so I secretly asked the landlady, can I buy a single pill? The landlady said, of course, she is a very nice person. He said that if I can’t eat that much, I would just pay for a single pill, but a single pill would be a little more expensive , right? He said that a single piece is more expensive , but he said that there is a discount for three pieces, and it is cheaper. He said it is 5 yuan cheaper. Let’s eat and look at the taro paste dessert . Wow, it’s all filled with taro paste. My friend, when I saw it at that time, I thought wow . Why is there so much and the filling is so thick when you bite it ? The taro paste inside is very pure and simple . You steam and press the taro paste into puree and you can bite into the taro paste one by one. It feels like there are taro paste chunks. It’s so delicious, so unexpected, so unexpected. The outside is crispy and the inside is soft and fluffy. If you are a taro paste lover, I really think that if you come to their store and order the taro paste for him, it will be delicious. The original flavor is not sweet and is delicious . In addition to taro , I also ordered their most popular and luxurious shrimp, surf and crab roe. This one costs 45 yuan. When the lady boss gave it to me, I asked the price and she said it was 45 yuan because of the price inside . The material is more expensive and he is afraid that I will find it expensive and the unit price is too high . What do you say to him ? I said that I have too much money. It is unfair. Sir, I really didn’t say that. This one caught my eye from the very beginning. The one above is too cute and beautiful. Oh , squirting juice, brother , oh my God, it was an accident. It was a close call. I just blocked him with my bare hands. Oh, my God, it was an accident. Oh my God, is this a soup dumpling? Is this a fried dumpling? This is a soup dumpling. What do you mean, boss lady ? It’s dangerous, boss lady, you didn’t warn me. Oh my God, you must suck it when you eat it. You make a cow-like sound when you eat it ~ Let me tell you first, look what he fried. What he fried is shrimp, this shrimp. The bullets are out, everyone. There are shrimps in the back, right? Look at the front. I finally know why he wants 45 yuan. Wow , there are shrimps in the front . It consists of grass shrimps, flat fish, celery, so if you are afraid of eating celery, you may eat a little bit. It smells like celery. There are small shrimps in front of my house and there are small shrimps in the back. This is really not good. You must be careful when eating it because it is really juicy. I just bit the shrimp . The shrimp is fresh. I thought you bit your tongue. It just looked like it was bitten on the tongue and there was still a little bit of rice wine inside. The Tixiang rice wine is quite heavy. It's a bit like the dumplings I made. Do you remember the dumplings I made? In the episode about our dumplings, do you still remember the dumplings I made? If you are a friend who likes seafood, I think you will like this one . Their special feature is the skin. The skin is fried until crispy and the skin is thin and there are a lot of fillings. But if you don’t like mushrooms, you probably won’t like them like me . I think it’s delicious. I give it this way. I think it’s delicious. It’s a little chewy. It’s real and the ingredients are good . It’s just the price. It’s a little more expensive but it’s real stuff. We came to the Dafa Dusk Market. It’s basically a small Vietnam. Did you know that all the stalls inside are Vietnamese stalls , especially in the alley behind the afternoon market. Basically, all the businesses are there. Most of them are Vietnamese, yes , and there are a lot of Vietnamese fried spring rolls and Vietnamese food on the road. There are so many Vietnamese dishes . We just walked to the end to buy French bread. We took it directly to the car to eat. There is one here. The feeling of going abroad for a second came to me in the Southeast Asian market. The LYNDA French bread at the Dafa afternoon and dusk market. Today’s LYNDA French bread should be regarded as the only store with a landmark there, right? When I searched it on Google, in fact, there are basically All the stalls have no landmarks. If you are looking for this one, just park your car outside the Dafa Twilight Market. Go through the market, go to the alley behind, turn left, and walk to the end. You will see it and its store is very There are two ladies who specialize in selling this . In addition to selling French bread, their store also sells Vietnamese meat buns. In fact, if the Vietnamese meat buns were not sold out today, I would really want to buy them. Look, we bought this French bread today. 70 yuan . We just secretly asked the young lady what the red sauce is. It is pork liver pate and mayonnaise. It is just like ordinary French bread with various vegetables and Vietnamese ham , and two slices of Vietnamese ham are added . Serve his Vietnamese roasted pork with their special pork liver pate and mayonnaise. I think its spiciness is different from the chili peppers I had before in Taichung. It's spicier than Taiwanese style. I just took a small bite and I think it's whole. The bread is very crispy because it is freshly baked. You can tell from the outside that this bread is absolutely crispy and crispy and fragrant, but the filling has a lot of vegetables and is spicy from the onions. The sauce is spicy, meaty, and has some vegetables. I think overall it is a fairly balanced and refreshing bread . It is a very meaty French bread , but relatively speaking, the vegetables are refreshing, which I think is okay because I may not have bitten it. There is a lot of crunch and sourness from the pickled radish. Without a little bit of sourness, I feel that this French bread lacks a little cold feeling . So if you like eating meaty French bread, you will like it . If you like the sweet and sour taste of Taichung Little Chili's crispy vegetables like me , then their store may not meet your high expectations. Taichung Little Chili is still the number one in our hearts when it comes to Daliao. I can’t help but mention this restaurant Beigang Mushroom Pork Soup Beigang Mushroom Pork Soup This restaurant is really famous in Hong Kong. It ’s famous in Hong Kong. Just ask people in Daliao. No one knows about this restaurant. This is the restaurant we have visited in Daliao so far. We queued up for 25 minutes for the store with the longest queue. I am very strict with queuing stores because this store is really hidden in the morning market in Daliao, so its business is very good. While I was queuing, I I have already felt that his business is good. The first thing is that his soup looks very delicious and the aroma is very good. Secondly, when the local people come to queue, they will not leave without carrying 10 bags in their hands. They are very exaggerated. There is a little trick for visiting this store because I just secretly discovered that everyone in the area calls first to make an order. Let me tell you why this method doesn’t work because he picked up the phone today. When we arrived at the scene, there was already a queue of ten people. There are dozens and dozens of people. The taste is super fragrant and their menu is very simple . There are only small bowls, big bowls and braised egg noodles. You can choose from three types: oil noodles, rice noodles and barley noodles. That ’s what we ordered today. Barley noodles because everyone said their barley noodles are delicious. You see, it’s so Q. It looks super Q. I want to eat it first. It’s really delicious because I just took a bite of it by myself when I was filming B-ROLL. In addition to its delicious barley noodles, its soup generally feels too thick or too sweet when you eat this kind of mushroom soup. Theirs doesn’t have the same fresh and sweet taste as theirs, but the fresh and sweet taste of shiitake mushrooms. Along with meat soup and bonito, its bonito soup base has a very strong taste. The soup looks thick but actually tastes very sweet. I think it is very delicious. It is on the same level as me. The meat soup noodles you buy on the side are completely different , because usually you will feel that the meat soup noodles are too white and have a lot of powder. Yes, they will clump together when they are cold. Theirs is not theirs. They just rub it on the surface and suck it down smoothly. It’s delicious , and their house calls it Mushroom Soup, right ? Their mushrooms aren’t very heavy. That’s why they are aimed at people like us who are afraid of mushrooms. They deliberately deprive the mushrooms of their presence but still leave the aroma of the mushrooms . Is it so light ? So if you are afraid of eating shiitake mushrooms, don’t worry. I think this bowl will not make you feel the shiitake mushrooms at all. When I eat it personally, it is completely acceptable to me and I hate shiitake mushrooms. But the meat soup is like this and is relatively small. Is the meat soup a real meat pie? If you are afraid of eating a lot of flour, you don’t have to worry at all because you won’t feel too much flour at their place. It's delicious. I personally give this meat soup a very high rating. The first is that the soup itself has a very sweet bonito flavor. Secondly, the noodles are also freshly cooked and hand-made. So it’s very chewy and strong. Then there’s the meat soup. Although it’s a bit smaller , the whole meat is solid. The whole flavor is very perfect. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that they have chili oil and black vinegar at the entrance of the store. You are welcome . Make sure to add a little black vinegar and chili oil. This bowl will be perfect. I personally have to make the soup myself. Spicy oil with a little black vinegar. Popular restaurant 258 in Daliao. It’s a big restaurant. No wonder it’s so smooth. You can see this one just by looking at the back. It’s in the urban area of ​​Daliao , but you would never imagine it from its appearance. It is a popular store because its appearance is just like an ordinary snack bar. They have no inside. Basically, you can take out or call it Panda. I originally thought it was a student store and I didn't have high expectations . Now I see that this bowl of eggs is really something. What I ordered today is a hidden version of the order. I ordered their popular leg rice with egg-flavored eggs. This one is soy sauce scrambled eggs. Yes, and it is soy sauce scrambled eggs. It's not fried and put there. The store said they are all fried freshly. I just went there and they fried it freshly. It was right and he was throwing the pot away. He just did this . This must be delicious. I was dumbfounded. Their leg rice is very simple. There are dried bamboo shoots and another side dish. When I first put the legs together, the boss asked if the fat ones are okay. Of course, the fat ones are a must. When I first saw this piece, my heart melted. Did you see it? This piece melts into so much fat with just one pinch. Come on, let me take a sip of their fat meat. It’s super tasty and soft. It tastes really good. It’s so tender. Their legs don’t feel like you’re eating fat anymore. The jelly you are eating is so tender. I think the egg-flavored eggs are also very good. The egg-flavored eggs are very traditional soy sauce scrambled eggs , which feel very much like hand-fried eggs at home. I think this will be a store that students love because of its simplicity. A bowl of egg-flavored rice is only NT$60. If you don’t want to eat the egg-flavored rice, you can also choose the egg-flavored rice. The side dishes of the egg-flavored rice are the same. They are two dishes. I think it is very traditional and ancient. This leg restaurant is also home. Damn, this bowl tastes so good. No wonder everyone recommends it. If you like soy sauce-flavored dishes, you can come to their store and order the egg-flavored rice. Yes, it’s super delicious. I highly recommend Long Fang, a traditional flavor that Daliao people definitely don’t know. This bakery, Longfang Cake Shop, is famous for its reputation. Many Kaohsiung people marry their daughters and wives. If they want to make big cakes, they will definitely choose their store. I actually wanted to buy their meat buns at the beginning. It is said that their meat buns are very delicious. But I just saw the steamer was empty at the counter, so I rushed over and asked my sister if you sell the meat buns. He said they would only sell the meat buns at 2 o'clock every day. The typhoon came at 2 o'clock. I couldn't buy them . He said I could only buy frozen ones. I went back to steam it myself , so I decided to buy their flatbreads. Their flatbreads are very considerate. You think the flatbreads come in a whole box, right? no no no no no. They have sliced ​​and diced ones, just like Boston pie. Wrong , and it costs 25 yuan a piece. In fact, I think it is very convenient for me. If I want to have one of each flavor, I will just buy this kind of slice. It is very good and not expensive. You must buy their big cakes. One flavor is the one I have now. In fact, I am a person who is very afraid of the flavor of almonds. The white snow cakes on the market all have almond flavor, but they don’t have it at home. At that time, when my friend invited me to eat it, I was like you. I have never eaten it before. I have eaten it because our office likes to share flatbreads. I am a woman who loves eating traditional flatbreads. Do you know what my favorite part of eating flatbreads is? The pointy one is particularly fond of eating the last piece. It ’s weird. Just like pizza , I like to eat the back piece and the bottom very much because the bottom and the back are slightly burnt and crispy, like a pineapple cake. I also only like to eat it with a crispy texture on the sides . Bai Xuesu is like eating condensed milk. You know, milk sugar condensed milk has a sweet taste , but I don't think its sweetness is too sweet, so you don't have to worry too much if you like to eat milk-flavored food. As for the products, you have to come and try their White Snow Crispy Taro Puree Q-Cake. They have a lot of traditional flavors of taro puree Q-Cake, sweet potato Q-Cake, Matcha Q-Cake, and all kinds of Q-Cake for you to choose from. This is what they have. Have you seen the thick layer of mochi ? The thick layer of mochi. Everyone , I thought the top layer was inedible. Have you never eaten traditional mooncakes? I’m not eating traditional mooncakes. This is a traditional mooncake with a red cover. The seals are all edible pigments. Although the skin of this Q-cake is not my favorite type of cake because I like to eat the crispy skin like Zhuangyuan cake . Well, its surface is more like traditional mooncakes , but I What I think is great about it is that its mochi mochi is very Q , not very dry and hard to bite, but it retains the taste of ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ. I have eaten it at their house till now, and I think it has a great place with sweetness. It's about 60 to 70% sweet, but not overly sweet. If you're afraid of eating traditional cake shops, which are very sweet, come to their store to buy cakes. You don't have to worry about whether it's delicious. It's just his performance. I think it's normal. If so. If you are looking for a cake shop in Daliao area, I think Longfang Cake Shop is pretty good. It is a time-honored brand with many flavors and a lot of choices. These are the Daliao delicacies we introduced today. I hope you all have a great time reading them today. If there are any Daliao delicacies, I will If you didn't eat it this time, please leave a message below and let me know. We will make up for it next time. But because it is really windy and rainy outside now, the typhoon is coming. We have to go home and take shelter. Run away quickly. Then we will see you next time . Bye , run away . Ah, hurry up, typhoon, typhoon, typhoon is coming. Go home, go home, go home, finish your work.
Channel: 澱粉小姐kakaya
Views: 57,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cyKNczS_caE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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