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new sketch that's a full painting who are you trying to fool these videos are gonna take a toll on my mental health okay so the people have spoken and we're gonna do another art roast today and this time we have 3 000 entries three that's that's that's that is absolutely insane i hope you guys like pain because that's what's going to be inflicted upon you today okay i already see a victim let's get this started when you're drawing a portrait you want to always keep in mind the proportions of the face uh the space in between the eyes should be about the length of one eye what you have here is something more similar to sid the sloth from ice age this is something that you could easily fix with just a little bit of liquify you know move everything over a little bit bring the eyes in and i think the portrait after that will look a lot more pleasing and presentable and you know a little bit less like sid okay this is actually pretty cool good job this looks like traditional art when you're doing the hair you know you want to avoid this kind of like scratchy kind of look you want to still focus on the values of the darks and the lights even when you're doing traditional sketching you still want to think in big shapes got a little bit too much information in there and it's a little bit distracting this is actually really nice i love the stylization beautiful lighting what would be even nicer is if you didn't run from your responsibilities and actually painted in the background i'm just kidding what is that hi these videos are going to take a toll on my mental health whoa the background here looks amazing i think with the lighting scenario that you've managed to pick out here i think with the highlights you see the almost white color on the top rim of the hair i would actually sharpen up that edge there so that it doesn't have this gentle fade into the shadow colors just to accentuate that strong sunlight coming from the top even more yeah no otherwise this looks fantastic really well done very nice okay this is great i can see the influence from lois a little bit in this piece uh you know i can see like the really vibrant reds on the uh on the line art that looks really really good okay one tiny issue here is the eye it seems as though the eye right here is sunken into the socket like really really deeply if i were you i would try to bring this eye up and forward a little bit even though it is a stylist character you still want to do it in a way that's uh you know okay this is a common problem that i see good job with the lighting of the rendering but the space in between the nose and the lips is a little bit too long if you're observing portraits pictures of people you're gonna see that the space between the bottom of the nose and the top lip is actually usually not that much and if you extend this space a little bit too much it's going to make your character look a little bit strangely proportioned so try to avoid that what is this what are you ethan becker what the i will pretend i didn't say that i'm going to scroll down i didn't see anything okay this is a beautiful portrait uh really nicely done i like the skin rendering i like how you got some saturation there between the light and the dark uh one thing i would tell you to watch out for is the edge of the hair looks kind of like softly blended out i'm not sure if you were going for like a field blur kind of look where the camera blurs out the edge of the character and if i zoom in here what's really not working about that is you you have some very sharp strokes that lead into that fade you know you either choose the sharpness or choose the fade guys can we please draw our faces into our drawing please okay you know what after seeing this face i can understand why people do faceless drawings i'm just kidding i think what you could do to improve this face is to actually uh shrink that smile down a little bit i get that you're trying to stylize the face but you know there's a certain level to which you can extend the mouth before you get something like the the titans from attack on titan you know oh wow where have i seen this before guys no smoke smoking bad for you not good i'm not mad i'm just disappointed new sketch that's a full painting who are you trying to pull okay i really like that reflected turquoise color that bounces back up to hit the underside of the eyebrows and the bottom of the chin you've got that bounce light looking really really nice but if you look off into the horizon you can see that the ocean is what what did i do if you look off into the horizon you can see that the ocean is actually brighter than the sky behind it and if you look at enough ocean pictures you're going to realize that towards the horizon where the ocean meets the sky the ocean is usually darker than the sky i would lighten the sky towards the horizon and darken the ocean towards the horizon it's gonna make it a little bit more believable yeah i know this guy okay great job with the force running on the front hand i think it looks great but the backhand is where we have some issues the angle looks a little bit strange and i think a big reason why this might be happening is because you did not define the wrist joint that connects the hand to the forearm i think if you were able to define that it might make that backhand look just a little bit less awkward otherwise you know really good job man why are you guys all putting your time stamps and your captions now this is like a race uh this is what i've started are we racing now are we doing speed runs of art now what's going on but in all seriousness great job with the colors in the background but i'm gonna have to point out the eyes here if you draw a line between the two eyes you can see that it's completely horizontal whereas if you're looking at a character from this bottom up kind of angle the line between the two eyes is going to actually angle downwards a little bit so the two eyes are not going to be completely level but they're going to be something like this like how you're seeing me right now you see how that line that connects my two eyes kind of angles downwards but if i tilt my head like this they're horizontal now if you look at me from bottom up there's a tilt um i can't tell if she's in pain or if you're trying to wink at me it's okay i get it i'm like that too when i'm trying to be smooth she looks like she's about to cry like i mean if that's what you were going for you nailed it okay this is a good example i know what you were going for you were trying to get this like back lighting thing happening where the size of the face were lit but the middle was in shadow you know it's a very ominous kind of lighting but the problem is you didn't darken the eyebrows and the whites of the eyes that's why the character looks a little bit creepy like a sleep paralysis demon or something staring at you from the shadows a good way to think about this is if you look at your face okay the eyebrow is darker than the surrounding areas and the whites of the eyes are slightly slightly lighter than the surrounding areas so in this case you've made the eyebrows lighter and the whites of the eyes look like they're being hit directly by light when the front of the face is actually in shadow darken the eyebrows darken the whites of the eyes and our boy irwin here is gonna look more human and less like a demon that's really cute i love the saturation the bright colors i would go back to this piece and i would just flip that canvas a couple times because i think you're going to be able to spot some things with the eyes and the eyebrows because this right eyebrow here is actually looking significantly lower than the left eyebrow and the head is a little bit tilted on an angle but the eyes look like they're on a horizontal line so if you flip the canvas a little bit i think you're going to be able to see what i'm talking about remember to always flip your canvas guys okay billy making an appearance again one thing i want to say is the skin's really nicely rendered proportions look great super realistic looking i'm sure that's what you were going for but the hair i think could be a little bit simpler to be honest with you i mean if i zoom in you've got some very fine brush strokes in here on the edges and i really don't think all of that is necessary to be able to convey the idea that it's hair now if we scroll to the reference image you can see there are some big chunks here big piece right there a big piece right there and a big piece on the edge there you can say that with a couple of brush strokes instead of doing a thousand small ones sometimes less is more when it comes to art i mean this is a nice piece you know i like the stylization but why are you trying to break my neck why didn't you just post a vertical what's going through your head there man when you're looking at a picture of clouds they tend to absorb a lot of the ambient colors in the sky and the environment from the sun what you've done here is i think you've applied a very gray very neutral kind of tone and it doesn't really mesh with a very vibrant blue color right here that's showing through the sky you know i would try to watch out a little bit more for the harmony of the colors you know try not to go too far into the gray range when you're painting clouds you know you want to explore and play around with the different hues and saturations of blues and purples because the last thing you want is a muddy looking cloud okay i like that you're trying something with the dramatic lighting i appreciate the effort there i think it looks pretty good on the face you want to watch out for your proportions you can see the back of the neck is going out like this kind of a backwards angle and if you look at most people's necks when they're just holding it straight it tends to actually lean forward a little bit so you want to watch out for proportional stuff like this billy again this is actually a really good piece i really like the painterly textures that you have there what brushes did you use for that there's a problem though you did a great job with the detailing in this area of the face close to the nose and the eyes you know there's some folds in the skin there's wrinkles there and i think i'm missing that on the forehead and the cheek because if i cover this up i get a very rugged man in the face area and then if i cover up the face it's like smooth so the texture of the skin there is throwing me off a little bit but really well done with the brush strokes and the proportions and the uh the likeness this is great i like that you're trying out some expressions um what i would try to avoid are these very rough lines that you can see for example the chin right here you've used about like 50 different lines to describe this one single shape when in reality you could have used one single line i think the problem with this is it tends to distract from the actual focus of this study which is the expression you know when it comes to expressions you want to keep things as simple as possible to make things as readable as possible okay so first of all i would actually change the background color so that your character doesn't blend straight into the background you know if you were looking at this from a distance you probably couldn't even tell there's a silhouette of a character in there second of all i can see that you have the character's head facing a three-quarters kind of angle if i cover up the face the hair looks as though we're viewing the character from a profile angle the face three quarters the hair profile but anytime you're doing characters you want to be aware of the direction that your character is facing and you want to be aware of the way their hair is going to look as they face these different directions why does she look so sad what did you do come on now yep that's exactly how i feel when i'm looking through your guys's work i'm done you guys are very talented i take that back okay this is good i like that you're doing a value study but you need to push that dark way more this one looks like someone might have put a filter over it and washed it out completely and we don't want that but really good job with the proportions and the likeness i can tell who it is she's a little bit too red now what you can do to change that is actually to just adjust the hue of this piece to shift it towards the slightly more yellow range so that her skin tone looks more like the color of skin billy once again i actually like this one a lot good job um what type of fantasies you got going on over there next did she just hit a blunt oh she did never mind okay this is actually really cool i like that you put a pose with three different head angles and expressions there you know i think it overall looks pretty good it's a good design i would probably make the hair shape even more solid and if you approach that shape the hair shape that ponytail shape with even more confidence i think you can get a character design that is very iconic and easy to remember i love that tiny hint of pink in the cheek the reflection on the forehead on that eyebrow right there and on the chin i think that looks really good i love that ambient lighting it's fantastic i like what you did with the silhouette of the hair right here i would maybe try to add that to the top as well but that's a really good piece ah why so pointy come on now that's nice that's a cool character design he really said okay uh good job with the rendering i can see where the light source is coming from it's pretty clear to me right now the eyes look super close together and this type of proportion kind of destroys the potential for expressiveness in your character i'm sorry but you got to pull those pants up a little bit i do not want to see what's under there what is this i wanna know you know i don't oh my i thought that was something else i'm glad it wasn't though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on hang on hang on hang on wait a minute this is so cool look at that that is sick that's a 3d model one day late oh you submitted this on time you know what have my like what in the world oh my god no no no no why does he have a bulge oh i like that a lot actually really uh really good proportions great stylization i'd like to see just a little bit more of a direct light source i'm not too sure where the light is hitting right now when you guys are starting a painting you want to make sure that you can identify a light source before you actually start doing the rendering right so whether it be sunlight indoor light or like ambient light rim light whatever it is make sure you get the lighting scenario figured out and in this case i would like to see more of a direct light source because i think you have a great base to apply that onto one two three four five and pull those pants up come on guys okay i see you're trying to do a style study of elsa the rendering looks great you know i can tell exactly where the light source is hitting so great job on that you've even actually managed to get some warm tones into the cheeks which i think looks really good now the problem here is i think you've followed a more realistic proportion for the vertical spacing on the face what disney does is they make the eyes massive so the distance between the eyebrow and the nose to make up room for those big eyes is usually very very large so you probably want to extend the nose down a little bit make the eyes even bigger you could even push the eyebrows up just to exaggerate that proportion even more to make the stylization look a little bit more natural beautiful beautiful oh this is cool i love the colors i love how vibrant it is um but once again the inner corners of the eyes are way too close this episode should be called sam versus eyes that are too close together beautiful stylization there you know i love the colors you're 25 though huh you're really getting up there be sure to send my best regards to your friends over at the uh retirement home i'm not mad i'm just disappointed what in the i i've seen enough that's it all right there you guys go there's our gentle roasting of all of your guys's art i always enjoy doing these if i didn't manage to get to you it's okay we'll do more of these in the future but keep in mind that the tips that i offered to a lot of these other artists are also applicable to everybody else as well so if you guys learned something new from this video i hope you guys were able to take something away from it and keep drawing guys so i could keep gently roasting you guys but with that being said i hope you guys like this video thank you guys for watching to the end thank you so much for being here and if you want to see more content like this feel free to subscribe to my channel with that being said though i'll see you guys on the next video i give you guys a lot of sass in these videos but honestly y'all are very talented y'all are very good at this so give yourself a pat on the back you know you you've done good good job i can almost say i'm proud of you guys nicely done nicely done very good very
Channel: Sam Does Arts
Views: 315,961
Rating: 4.9695396 out of 5
Keywords: Digital art
Id: vM7fvHXi59Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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