✅ pfsense - turn those extra router ports into switch!

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[Music] hey guys today we're gonna be configuring this pfsense router to act like a five port switch now by default pfSense only configures the first and second port on your router tract as I went and land ports okay first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to factory default this router we're gonna go here and yeah factory reset yes I'm going to quickly go over to you setup portion setting up the DNS and the times on information we are going to change the default network configuration here from 192 168 dot 1.1 to 192 168 dot 5.1 now this will make a little bit more sense afterwards when we're done configuring the entire switch but for now just you know do this at this point you may manually need to unplug the LAN cable temporarily and plug it back in and also change the IP address in the address bar to 191 68.5 dot 1 and finally click finish from the dashboard click on interfaces assignments click add this will add a new interface called opt e 1 click on opt in one to configure it enable the interface and change the description to learn to click Save and apply changes now go back to interface assignments and repeat the exact same process for LAN 3 from the interface assignments page click bridges click add select LAN 2 and LAN 3 by holding the control key down in clicking on it and change the description to my switch and click Save if we go back to the interface assignments tab and click on the available ports we will see that there's a new one called bridge 0 and in brackets my switch that's what we created click add and then click on opti three to configure it change the description to my switch enable the interface and change the IP for configuration to static scroll down to the IP for configuration and change the IP address there to a one 92168 dot one dot one and change the subnet to slash 24 click Save and apply changes click firewall rules my switch tab and click Add change the protocol to any click Save and apply changes our next step is to configure the DHCP server for our switch go to services DHCP server click on my switch tab enable DHCP server scroll down to range field from field should be 192 168 1 10 2 field should be 192 168 dot one dot 200 scroll down and change the DNS servers to whatever you like I change them to the Google servers and select save our next step is to test what we've already configured to make sure it's working I'm going to open up a command prompt window and do an IP config and we can see that our IP address is 192 168 dot the land cable over to the next port which is part of our switch and do the same thing and we can see now that we're getting a new IP address 192 168 dot 1.10 moved over the LAN cable into port 2 which is our switch we need to access pfsense from now now that we know that our switch is working I'm gonna go back and the additional interfaces we didn't include the first time around so I'm gonna speed this up we're gonna add land for EM and five next we need to go into interfaces assignments bridges tab click on the Edit icon in re highlight all the available interfaces from land to land 5 and click Save now we need to clean up a few things that were set up initially by did the fall configuration we need to delete the DHCP server for land and the DHCP six server for land and in the land interface section we need to modify the IP 4 and IP 6 configuration type which should be to none next thing on our list is to move the LAN cable back to port 2 and also plug in Cisco access point so we could do a little testing by pinging across the switch I've been refreshing the DHCP status screen and our Cisco access point has finally received an IP address so it's 192 168 dot 1.11 if I did everything correctly and I opened up a command prompt and do a ping on 192 168 dot 1.11 I should be able to get a response back from the access point so it's failing which means I missed the step somewhere so what looks to be the problem is that we're missing a firewall rule in each of the LAN ports please add this rule to each port you after figuring out that the issue was a firewall rule I've been constantly pinging the access point and moving the cables around it appears to be working as expected now so that's it for this video thank you for watching
Channel: Mr. Nick's Hardware & Food
Views: 36,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pfsense, router, switch, cisco ap, pfsense tutorial, pfsense setup, configure pfsense switch, cisco small business router, network trouble shotting, vlan setup, pfsense qos, netgear switch, cisco switch, poe, poe+, opnsense problems, pfsense problems, opnsense, segmenting your networks with pfsense, pfsense 2020, pfsense build
Id: bz45r_4BREw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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