✅ pfsense on 1 network/ethernet port PC using VLANS

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[Music] hey guys today I'm going to be installing a PF sense 2 for 2 from this USB key to this dell optiplex micro PC now this only has one port so we're going to use this Cisco SG 208 port and we're going to configure using VLANs to use port 8 as the wind port port 1 as the trunking port the rest of the ports will all remain uncuff you lacked like a normal switch I will also reset the switch just to show you the full configuration that I do there's nothing that I'm hiding here everything else I'll show you from step wants a final setup how I do this it's very simple but I've seen others try to do a write-up of this or explanation in forums and it seems to complicate things more than anything else so I thought I'd do a short video hopefully of installing pfSense and configuring a switch to do this I know a lot of you have a single port pcs that you're thinking of using it but you end up not using it because these instructions seem all complex to do VLANs so I'm going to do my best to have a short install ok let's start I'll be inserting the USB key into one of these USB ports this is version 2 for 2 and I'll be putting off it using the boot selection of the PC so I'm hitting f12 to select the a boot devices and I will be selecting USB storage device and I'm just gonna let it go through the default boot up so for the first part we really don't need any network cables connected to this so that's why I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible we will connect the switch and other cables afterwards so we're going to accept the defaults and we're going to install PF sense again defaults so this installs pretty quick within a couple of minutes we'll have a full install on this and no we don't need any additional configuration and we're going to reboot I'm gonna remove the USB key okay and I'm letting the system boot on its own now I'm not selecting any booth devices at all all right so this is one of the very few cases where you should actually set up VLANs now so I'm going to select yes and we're going to select our e0 for our parent interface and we're going to use a VLAN number 10 for our tagging and we're done with the VLAN part now we're going to assign our e0 10 for the LAN interface and we're going to set up our e0 for delenn interface and that's all we need to do in this first part of the configuration so I'm going to answer yes to this all right we can see now that everything looks the way we want it to the next thing I'm going to do is plug in my notebook into the PC itself and just go through the setup wizard okay let's type being the default IP address for the router and if we could advance here we can proceed it's not safe but we actually know it's safe so admin the default username pfSense for the default password and we're just going to click through all this I'm just going to select the Google DNS and we're gonna click here to go to the web configurator we're gonna accept this so we can see right here that in terms of pfSense is concerned that we have two interfaces and so I'm able to log in through the land port and I'm canonical under interfaces here and show you exactly what happened during the initial configuration so if we go under VLANs this is what it created for us so we can do the same thing coming here but doing it through the console interface is a lot easier all right so let's go and we can see that it detects everything if we go into system advanced they go into miscellaneous we can change the thermal sensors here to Intel and also select the AES ni cpu-based acceleration and when we do that we can see that it shows here that AES and I is active now and also we get the temperature reading for the CPU but let's go ahead and add the thermal sensors here so that gives us a little more information we're gonna close this down and let's at the let's up the traffic graphs applet alright so everything looks good what I'm gonna do next is uh plugging the switch but before I do that I'm gonna reset it so I plugged it in and right here there's a pinhole you can put a paperclip and just hold it down you're gonna see all the lights flash which means it's it's going to reset to defaults when it resets you're going to see all the LEDs flash there we go all right so that's reset now I'm going to plug in port 1 which is going to be our trunking port to the PC port here and I'm gonna plug my notebook into port two and what we're going to do is configure port number eight for our LAN port so if we go into status and DHCP leases we just see the IP address of my PC my notebook and the IP address of the switch so we can see my PC right now let's do a refresh and there we go there's the switch so what we're going to do is I'm going to open up a separate browser and we're going to log in with that internet explorer into the switch and the default login for this which is Cisco for the username in Cisco for the password now I'm using Internet Explorer because setting the initial password doesn't work with Chrome okay time to switch to Chrome now and see if we can configure everything else through there alright so the first place we're going to go to is the VLAN management and we're going to add let's expand this up a bit and we're going to use 10 and that's what we've set with the initial pfSense configuration that we were going to use a VLAN ID number 10 ok so that's all we have to do there we're going to move into the end next section here interface settings and for number 8 we're going to edit and we're going to make this our access port alright next we go to a port to VLAN and we're going to uncheck this here and we're going to switch this to ten here and we're going to check it now we're going to move over to the court VLAN membership and we're going to modify part one hit edit and we're gonna select this select membership and move it over and now hit apply and now we're gonna close this and we're gonna refresh the screen here and this is what we want so as long as this is indicated here everything is correct and that's all we need to do on this switch so what I'm going to do now is hit save to make sure our configuration is saved and I'm going to hit apply I'm going to flip back to the pfsense configuration here and go back to the main status screen and I'm gonna plug in our went cable now so you should see this right here change as I'm doing it so this is our wind cable and I'm going to plug into port number eight and there we go you can see that the when in her face got an IP address so though this shows us that everything is working okay so I'm going to open up another tab here and just go to some random tech news site and we can see that everything is working okay I'm going to disable the wireless off Maya my notebook just to make sure that everything is working and we can see I'm now only connected through the Atlanta interface let's pick something here and everything is still working if we go back we can see that the land and the a--when interface are showing us traffic here so that's it this is where I'm gonna end up this video I know it's not much but it's it's a short intro that showed you how to do this with a VLAN capable switch
Channel: Mr. Nick's Hardware & Food
Views: 178,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pfsense is always this complicated, pfsense setup, pfsense configuaration, pfsense vlan, pfsense install, cisco networking, cisco switch, netgear, lenovo, dell, pc engines, aes-ni, crypto, pfsense openvpn, pfsense ipsec, pfsense guide, cisco reset, learn networking, network training, opnsense, pfsense with 1 nic, pfsense 2020, pfsense build, cisco vlan
Id: z59_MWWPL-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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