⚠️ This Thing Was NOT Easy To Work On

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pterodactyl here today's video is going to be on this here Toro time cutter SS 4235 but before we start on the video I need you grass rats to do one thing and that subscribe to this YouTube channel subscribe subscribe subscribe okay the problem with this thing it's got this electric parking brake system on it so the customer called said they turn the key it does nothing it's totally dead they replace the battery they replace the solenoid they did everything they knew and it's dead can you come pick it up we can't move it because when that parking brake system goes bad even when you release the the hydraulics on it because it's got those release levers you still can't move it because the parking brakes are on so I asked elkskins because he's always hanging around here I said can you go pick that thing up for me and he went out there and he had to get under there and manually release the parking brake from underneath and then he had to pull the blower shroud off oh there goes the hard work and take the kill wires off the coils and then he jumped across the solenoid with screwdriver so he could get the thing to start and run so he could get it on the on the trailer on his trailer and bring it to the shop because he didn't want to have to push this thing so he got under there with some bailing wire and he manually pulled them away so this is that parking brake electronic parking brake module this is what it looks like and everything through this plug runs through this thing just about everything because we were cycling the key and you can hear the solenoid on the on the carpetrator you can hear it hear it clicking that was the only Power we were getting other than that dead so I pulled the wire connector off this thing is hard to get to too this this component this electronic parking braking so I pulled it off I got to get a little a little demonstration tool I pulled it off and one of the terminals had rotted off so now I have to get that that little tool so I can show you what I mean so here's the terminals for the switch and it uses an automotive type plug which I would you know would prevent this from happening but it did so one of these terminals is supposed to be right here and it's one of the main power Terminals and it's rotted off it's gone it's rotted away you can see it's kind of rusty right there so I got a hold of our friends at Pro partsdirect.com tronic parking brake module and now I'm going to show you them side by side see there's the terminal that's missing that rotted off and the part number for that part is 121-3017 now check your model and serial number to make sure that this is going to fit your unit if you're having the same problem but for this model this was the one that we needed now I know what you grass rats are saying I can hear you I guess I always can hear you maybe you can replace that terminal inside the yellow you can't I took this apart right here I'll take these screws out and show you and when you take this off the only thing that's in there is a bunch of gears and a little like electric motor for like an RC car no you could take you you could tone and you just gonna go through all that to fix this part not me if you want to do that dissolve all that stuff and try to fix that terminal that's up to you but I'm going to show you what's inside here and you cannot get to that terminal to fix it hey like my hat I believe gas and oil I came up with that because one time I was working on a mower and I cut myself and instead of red it was blue so it must have been two cycle oil I was bleeding and it smelled like gas so it was probably 50 to 1. all right I took the screws out also you can get the Hat in our online store we're selling these hats get yours today all right I took the screws out and I'm going to pull this off and that's what it is a bunch of plastic gears and a little 12 volt motor like you would have in like an RC car or something so there's no way to get to those terminals to fix it this is junk it's not worth the trouble just replace it but another problem had arisen it wasn't simply just by the new part plug the plug on there and we're done no no no never that simple let's go back to the mower so I plugged the connector back into parking brake module electronic parking brake module and still nothing when I hit the key dead handles out all that stuff so I started wiggling around on it and it started to work and not work you know so I'm wiggling wiggling so that's telling me it's a bad connection so I took this thing apart I took this plug apart which is simply just popping these you know pulling back on the sides here I got in there with a little tool and was able to work this cover off and lo and behold these terminals are all corroded so you cannot from Toro you cannot buy these individual connectors you have to buy the whole wiring harness so what you would have to do to repair this would be to buy this module which I think is about 160 bucks and then you'd have to buy the whole wiring harness and then you would have to install it so that's a lot of Labor so I'm like well this is an automotive type connector I should be able to find these little terminals so I did a lot of searching and I mean a lot of searching and I called somebody I know at an auto parts store a good auto parts store and he said uh I gave him a part number because I did a giggle search and I was able to find the terminals there they are and then I called my friend at that good auto parts store and I sent them some pictures and he said yeah that's that does look like those terminals but he couldn't get them but I did find him on eBay and you can find them on Amazon and that was the part number I found online that I gave to him and he said yeah he said yeah that looks like those so I was able to get a 25 pack of them for seven dollars and 20 cents so they're GM he said gt150 series but that was the number and lo and behold there there they are so I got 25 of them now so now I got to cut off cut off these bad ones and crimp on the new ones because they're all they're all pretty much corroded so I should probably just replace them all which is going to take some time and then put this plug back together so I'll just cut them and crimp them because you got to keep this wiring in order so I'm going to disconnect that battery cable because I don't want any of them touching and I'll get my crimping tool nope still got the key on get that out of the way and then I can pull these through one at a time cut them off strip them back crumple mine so I got all my crimping tool which some of you grass rats have seen in other videos but it's a mountain MTN c48 and I have to use these Jaws on it for this size terminal they just slip out put the new Jaws in got the old terminal cut off I stripped it back a little bit and I've got the new terminal being held in the crimping tool so now I just got to slide it in there and give it a crimp and there's your dinner just like Factory again okay I got the connector back together and I got a little Dielectric grease I'm going to put on here [Music] okay and we're going to plug it back in goes on this way and we're going to hit the key and the motor should start cranking now like I said it wouldn't do this before it wouldn't do nothing [Music] there's your dinner so now all I got to do is put the module back in its place after I pick up my uh crimping tool that fell on the floor and all the pieces fell out so now I need to unplug this connector because the module goes in from the bottom and then the connector goes in from the top and then this cover goes over it now this was the hardest part is getting this cover off because there's a screw you take out and then you're supposed to be able to lift this off and get it out of this Notch but it's a little difficult to do there's not a lot of room in there that's why I had to take this middle spring out because this middle spring has got a bolt with a nut on it and ahead of the bolt kind of is right in the spot of this cover and then it's got all these plastic screws that hold it in that's what a lot of these holes are for so you can get to those screws to unscrew it so I'm going to disconnect the connector and then I gotta go from underneath and put this thing back on and then the links get it boy get it yeah he's getting it today and then those links for the parking brake hook onto here with little hitch pins so when you turn the key this thing will cycle and release the levers from the parking brake which are these little gears that's your parking brake there's a little arm that comes in and hooks into these little gears that's what keeps it from moving Elkins took all this off too I don't think he needed to do that one you did what he did to get it here put the module in there and Mr cameraman is going to have to start those screws for me this is why you need a second person to help you [Music] all right foreign job and get the wife to help you and I also took two bolts out of here to kind of give it a little Flex for that cover and loosen these a little so I can wiggle give it a Wiggles work so I can line up the ones in the back which are through these two holes here like I said they put it in a kind of a bad spot but you can't get to one of them screws until you get this cover off because this cover covers one of the screws then I gotta hook the links up back on the parking brake that one in there there's a little Cable in the way there push that out of the way now I can plug the plug back in with the releases in the front there's the release to release the PIN now I got to get this cover in there or if you get frustrated enough you just leave the stupid cover off foreign this is the tricky part I'm gonna get something to kind of wedge that up under there so there's those links that go to that electronic parking brake module with the quick fins in it so it's pretty simple to just undo those quick fins and pull those links off so you can get to that module so this is where those links hook to with those quick fins that's what it does so taking this cover off was a lot easier than putting it back on so now I'm gonna take these two bolts out here that are holding this crossbar maybe that'll give me a little more room so I need a my impact with a long extension and a half inch on there because these are just self-capping screws and hopefully that'll give me a little more room to get that cover on who knows if you own one of these yeah there we go now I can get way under there let me put my wedge and wedge it way up you may say you know what I just leave that stupid cover off so now you can see it a little better so this fits over that over these wires but you have to get this tab through this slot right here so since we didn't show show y'all how I was taking it off and then we gotta pop that in there there we go so now it's on now that covers on so this is the bolt that holds that cover on this little self-tapping screw and there's a hole right here to get at that as you can see let me get the light so as you can see it's not real easy to get at but you know you would know all this if you took it apart so I need to give me a 3 8 socket so I can put that screw in and hold that cover on then I gotta put the engine shroud back on too all right there's your dinner that cover back on now I can pull my shims out foreign this is the first time I've had to replace one of these so there's a bolt with a nut here's another bolt with a nut and then this Bolt went from underneath for this spring and I got to drop this nut down in here they don't make it easy they just make it cheesy [Music] all right now I gotta get me a half inch wrench which I don't have at my disposal look over here laying by this other job that's a problem working on multiple jobs at the same time we've got tools scattered everywhere then you're looking for this tool and that tool it's like oh maybe it's over on this other job that I was doing earlier [Applause] maybe I shouldn't have tightened that one down until I had this other one in knucklehead I bought a new t-shirt called knucklehead working on Power Equipment there we go there's our dinner gotta have a little oh I can't get my hand in there now I gotta go down like this here you gotta be here could have this to work on these lawnmowers seems to be a little more room on this side than that side [Music] and then put that blower shroud on well got it all back together so I'm gonna turn the key out one click I'm going to pull my arms in and out you should hear that electric parking brake cycle hear it that's it cycling so let's fire it up fire it up shut up where is he foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you got one of these machines and it won't start let me push that handle in if it was doing this because this is what this one was doing the arms were out of course it's going to cycle because we fixed it but it it wouldn't do nothing this is what it was doing this was a complaint and they checked all the fuses they changed the solenoid they put a battery in it they did all kinds of stuff to it and they could not get it to work right because that was bad what did I do with that old one because that electronic parking brake here it is that electric parking brake module was bad like I said everything runs through this for the starting so that's what you need to check and it was because of bad connection or maybe you have one of these and this isn't bad maybe you want to pull that connector off and put some Dielectric grease in there before it rocks that terminal off maybe you should run out to your garage or shed or like most of y'all probably sitting out in the yard with rain dirt and mud all over it pull that plug off squirt some Dielectric grease in there but that's what it took replaced all the terminals here they are some hit the floor I picked up as many as I could placed all them got the part number for that now in case you got to do that otherwise you got to buy a whole wiring harness and I sure there's dealerships that aren't going to do what I did they're gonna say yeah you got bad connections you need a whole new wiring harness because we can't get these or maybe you're a shop owner and you're like thanks for that tip Terrell I'm gonna buy some of them because I got those mowers or I sell them and then you'll have them because that's that automotive type connector the only thing Toro forgot to do is put the Dielectric grease in there I think I'll say Dielectric grease one more time you like that word Dielectric grease Dielectric grease so we got it done we'll get it back to the customer now they'll be happy as Larry when they get it back whoever Larry is and uh don't be happy it's Larry so subscribe to this YouTube channel like I said in the beginning follow me with your Dielectric grease on Facebook and Instagram go to our web store pick up this hat because you all your Grassroots you bleed gas and oil get this beautiful work shirt with your name right here Tommy is that your name Tommy no Timmy okay Timmy all right get your name on there and as always there's your dinner time cutter Time covers when electric parking brake
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 136,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taryl, fixes, all, grass, rats, taryl fixes all, toro, Toro, TORO, timemaster, time, master, time master, Time, Master, Timemaster, mower, zero turn, zero, radius, turn, lawn, lawn mower, grass cutter, trimmer, cutter, cutting, ss4235, ss 4235, SS4235, ss, 4235, model, serial, number, brand, electric, parking, brake, electric parking brake, automatic, battery, issue, troubleshooting, troubleshoot, how to, how, to, fix, repair, replace, install, electrical, problem, common, review, nightmare, diy, DIY, tutorial, step, by, 50, inch, 52, 48, 42, it
Id: 2trTUEmWSmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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