Comedy story about adventures in the US Army | Kelsey Grammer | Full Movies

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[Music] foreign [Music] I think it might be useful to clarify a few things right off the bat by simple definition we are in the business of winning wars what else do you need an army for take the Cold War we won without firing a single shot why number one we just flat out outspent them the Russians couldn't shovel money into the fire as fast as we could number two and this is where my command comes in technology nobody shapes nature the way we do we take atoms and molecules and before we're finished with them they're everything from combat boots to bombs the kind of bombs that nobody from the other side will ever see until the damn thing's plowing down their chimney like Santa Claus from hell General what this is not the first time you've been here we've been down this road before that is correct so several times in fact I haven't been keeping count well let me refresh your memory you have before you a document I do [Music] the centrifused anti-tank missile no I'll be the first to admit that this program did have its share of difficulties we did experience a glitch or two with the thing and that much certain thank you even a heat-seeking missile can miss a Target General I see here that you taped electric hot plates to the surface of the vehicle to help your heat seeking missile find its Target and that the temperature of the vehicle was so high that it could have fried an egg at 20 feet it's fired thank you there was a verifiable deviation from the standard test data accumulation there were other deviations where they're not what about the Paveway bomb to sit here and tell you the pave way never missed it missed by a mean distance of five miles and nearly 50 percent of the time you know in baseball a guy who hits 400 is considered pretty damn great in baseball the losing team isn't killed by their opponents be that as it may the Paveway is one hell of a bomb laser-guided state-of-the-art and it proved what that we have an effective weapon as long as the enemy allows us to build a two-story crane directly above their tanks have had some spectacular successes such as that's classified information General please let's move on to the next item on our list the Bradley Fighting Vehicle what would you say the batting average is for the Bradley General it takes people with sophisticated knowledge and expertise to conduct these tests and to interpret the results if the U.S army acted on the advice of every Tom Dick and Harry who had an opinion on these matters we'd wind up with a bunch of B-52s powered by outboard motors I failed to see your point my point is that a lot of things have to come together to create a new weapon and it takes teamwork good old-fashioned teamwork Colonel James Burton was he part of your team General or less [Music] ER [Music] you tell me how to get to 4E 624 forward into the escalator your left two flights up to four you're left e-ring you're right receive past quarter nine face left thank you thank you foreign [Music] had a rocky tenure that we didn't see eye to eye but it didn't start out that way no no no no no no no no I spoke to General Hall General Hall spoke to General Jones General Jones spoke to Admiral Watts well then write it down that takes care of spina in Rhode Island to maze from Nebraska any Democrats no forget him because he's a scum suck and Judas would sell his own mother for a handful of votes how about the Senate that son of a [ __ ] after we papered his state with contracts all right then let's just make the fuselage of Michigan and the landing gear in Mississippi Oh by all means let's keep Congressman Groves and his blood sucking buddies happy welcome colonel thank you Journal I thought you and I ought to get to know one another I welcome the opportunity sir fact is I'd like to help you thank you sir I don't mean to alarm you Colonel but this new job of yours under certain circumstances could turn into a real [ __ ] burn in detail gonna need as many friends as you can get I'd like you to count me as one of them well I appreciate that sir Air Force Academy Strategic Air Command MBA from Auburn your commanding officer General de Grasso and I are old friends he says as far as you're concerned the sky is the limit [Music] but then you draw the Short Straw I was a sign sir oh hell it's a bum deal whoever made it every other year somebody decides we're spending too much money it's a bunch of pencil next but they're pointy little heads together and come up with a plan this year it's the joint live fire test program staffed with officers from every branch of the service so now we got the Army Navy Air Force and Marines doing a circle jerk over weapons testing and you get to hold the big dick I mean who thinks of this nonsense Congress sir and so it shouldn't that's its job you'll never hear me criticize the hill although you'd think Congress has enough of their own [ __ ] to shovel without wondering what's going on over here well I'm not anticipating any problems with the posting sir neither am I man doesn't come as far in his career as you have without knowing how to walk a Minefield Howard Matheson came here two rotations ago that Marlin is not the only thing he caught I got him into sin commonly left here now he's the head of their missile testing Blake Gilmore you know Blake no sir man wasn't even a full bird colonel when he left here for the private sector that was four years ago fuel frequency gain modulator contracts later and look at him man goodbye and sell both of us a thousand times over lucky man smart man first-rate Soldier just like you Colonel knew how to make the best of a difficult situation now this new job of yours it's too tough for any one man to go it alone it's going to require teamwork here you go these are a couple of your projects undergoing testing the uh-60 helicopter the av-8b jump jet and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle all outstanding programs all organized and ready to go I did a little homework for you give you a leg up I appreciate that General you know you could return the favor by giving the Bradley there just a little extra attention attention we need it in the field the sooner the better just make sure it goes on top of all the things in your inbox so that it'll get into your outbox as soon as possible as a personal favor to me best of luck to you Colonel thank you sir colonel sir next time you're told to report to this office be on time yes sir [Music] sir Colonel James Burton I'm here to take a look at the Bradley Fighting Vehicle Test Straight Ahead sir thank you [Music] there he is that's the guy that's him it's supposed to be real smart Squadron Officer school Eric command and Staff College first towards the Pentagon he was at the Air Force lab in Albuquerque when Congress called he's a soldier not just a manager what do you mean he's put in his fair Sheriff flying time it's like a [ __ ] choir boy to me maybe but nothing gets ordered into production until he signs off Robert said to JD Buck welcome to the team Buck is there good to see you this is Major Sayers all right Chief tester army weapons research lab so I have an Air Force guy end up overseeing tests run by the army well could have been worse how's that Congress could have appointed someone from the Navy the range is now hot the range is now hot preventing the armor penetration test on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle tension on the firing line attention on the firing line you're ready on the right ready on the left firing line is ready wearing detail coming inspiring [Music] [Music] [Applause] that is damn impressive armor congratulations all right drink some of me gentlemen joining us colonelberg congratulations thanks for your help on that one you know we couldn't have done it with that thanks for your help on that one thank you hey Colonel are you going to join us what should we take a closer look no no actually safety precautions see the fire team goes out there first and then no one else allowed near the vehicle for at least another hour why is that with any anti-armor test involving a live round there's always a freak chance that something might blow after the fact plus we don't want to lose your first day on the job colonel so how about that drink sounds good veggie [Music] there'll be a phone call for you in your office at exactly 1100 hours it's important you be there foreign [Music] [Music] good morning sir I took the liberty of unpacking a few of your things thank you Sergeant family sir what's that Family oh that's my uncle he was a flyer in World War II I'm gonna fly in the T28 used to take her up Slide the canopy back fly for hours just me in the sky personally sir I like this guy right where it is with me on the ground looking up at it so where you from Sir just outside of Chicago and where would that be normal Illinois is that on a map Sergeant it is is it normal normal I think the word is uneventful you getting paid by the Iowa colonel No No I um got an appointment I'll um take this Sergeant thank you thank you fine [Music] Colonel Burton hello the test on apparently I hear you wanted to take a closer look [Music] how did you hear that when it comes to the Bradley follow your instincts Colonel who is this I can't tell you that right now well whoever you are I don't take unsolicited advice from people I don't know just make sure you read the fine print colonel you're up early sir Oh I thought I'd drop by on my way to the office Sergeant check out the Bradley sir isn't your office 40 miles that way sir yes Sergeant yes it is anything been altered on this vehicle since the test no sir are you looking for something sir just reading the fine print sergeant just reading the fine print [Applause] Stinger missiles 50 cal tracers 7.62 tracers 25 millimeter rounds what's this that's what was used on the Bradley sir just writing it's Romanian isn't it yes sir it is sir Colonel back and made the stairs won't be here until noon that's when I first tested the day of scheduled sir well this isn't exactly an all-out test sergeant more like a little pop quiz I'm not sure regulations will allow us to borrow the door from the ammunition ship for a pop quiz sir regulations state that the ammunition shed should never be left open sir Julie noted Sergeant I believe that regulation will also apply to removing the door entirely Colonel also duly noted foreign ready [Music] back Blaster you're clear on the way sir fire D you wrecked a door [Music] the ammunition that was used in the last test on the Bradley is the same as we used on this door Romanian arguably the most ineffective ammunition in the world no wonder the Bradley came through with flying colors well this is very serious it is yes you've destroyed a door Colonel we're talking about a test on an armored personnel carrier a vehicle that will carry soldiers into combat right but this door is property United States government I assume you knew that the shell barely penetrated the door okay but now it's all been out of shape how are you going to get it back on its hinges well right now I'm not really worried about putting it back on yes but this door protects our ammunition the idea but we need the ammunition for our tests we'll buy the Army a new goddamn door you can't afford a door like that did you see what it stood up to exactly some some spitball from Romania it was my understanding that only Soviet arms would be used in these tests well yes and Romania is one of the Soviet blocs isn't it colonel Burton we've been testing the Bradley for some time now you may not be aware of some of the steps we've taken the Romanian rocket is only 73 millimeters that's less than the 85 millimeter Russian version a smaller diameter means a smaller explosion a smaller whole and less traffic we're interested in conducting ballistic tests using all sorts of ammunition of varying diameters to determine the exact threshold of the Bradley's tolerance so far it's held up against everything we've thrown at it sorry Soviet Romanian Latvian Lithuanian like a rock my apologies oh well you're new to the project it's a lot to catch up on you're right so if you'll just get me the test reports I can catch right up how's that cuddle send me the data I'll do my homework and we can push this thing right through but we've got five years of test reports on this model alone we have a schedule to maintain and let's keep to it Bradley into production ASAP what do you say thank you gentlemen [Music] I have syncom recruiting me this could blow the whole deal I'm telling you sir you've got to nip this in the bud like you did with the last guy don't worry about it so he wants to see the reports how are we going to stop him just give him the report are you out of your mind I'm not going to show him a single page now listen to me listen very carefully give him everything he wants every single piece of paper everything [Music] Sergeant good answer what the heck is all this everything you ever want to know about the Bradley and Warren afraid to ask every memo on every last nut involved one of which national forest laid down its life for this project you read any of this stuff not yet sir I was hoping you'd show up with the cliff notes I hardly know where to start maybe that's the whole idea I don't get it what that said Bradley well if that's the Bradley then what's this what's the date 1968 the question is how did they get to that from this [Music] gentlemen our mission was to design and Implement an infantry transport vehicle that would be a worthy replacement for the m113 armored personnel carrier we have met that objective and then some the Bradley armored personnel carrier will bring troops to a combat zone swiftly efficiently and safely it will hold 11 men plus a driver and features a 20 millimeter cannon which will provide amplifier power and at the same time flexibility lightly armored speedy and solidly engineered our troops will be arriving at the battlefield in the very finest American Technology has to offer and at a million and a half per a real bargain nice work colonel outstanding damn impressive in other words it was designed to be a big taxi cab Drive guys to the battlefield and go back home but how did it end up with a Turret on time [Music] well this is all well and good Colonel Smith but something wrong General well with this gorilla in production I don't suppose there's going to be anything left in the budget for my Scout Dolly Bob you don't eat Scouts you have radar Airy con satellites you always need a scout and you know what I'm thinking why couldn't this thing serve as a scout but it's a it's a Troop Carrier General but this is a speedy vehicle why can't it be both well for one thing it's too big and for the other you can't really see out all that much from inside sounds like a design for All To Me design flaw no we'll just stick a turret on top with lots of opticals but then sir it'll be even bigger well what's your problem Smith not elegant enough for you well the the thing is in general it's kind of hard to do a sneak and peek when you're over 10 feet tall he's got a point Bob well all I know is we need a scout this is fast enough to do the job and it's funded well um I actually wear a hair over budget you turn the Bradley into a scout we're going to be selling them off to some El Presidente day Chimichanga in no time anything for surveillance ends up South of the Border before the paint even dries when you needed that any air gun hoback who backed you up on that you did Bob testified to appropriate on behalf of that day Bob I'm talking to Appropriations next week now do I sell you on my Scout or do I not you did Bob and how about some portholes along the side for individual Firearms so the fellas can stick out their guns and shoot people good and you know what colonel we already have the turret we ought to get the biggest bang we can up there I'm sorry bang sir you can't hurt anybody with that pansy ass gun add on some fire pond where am I supposed to fit the extra ammo I don't know can you just shift things around make some room you already got 4 400 rounds of machine gun ammo now you want to add 25 millimeter shells General wants his ammo you can't have his ammo unless he runs alongside this thing carrying it well can you just squeeze it in no oh come on just squeeze it in we're not trying on Levi's here colonel are you telling me that in a vehicle this size you can't find room for a few rounds of ammunition not in its current configuration no sir so the configuration's wrong it must be something you can dump dump sir something you don't need General the interior is very spare besides the ammunition and the men maybe you can leave one of the fellows behind with the ammo or the men go sir [Music] it is a Troop Carrier so make a couple extra trips what's the difference [Music] they want a transport that doesn't carry men and a scout that's got a cannon as big as a tank's on it and portholes oh portholes so the guys can shoot at whatever they can't hit with their Cannon you don't have to buy the damn thing Jones just draw it foreign [Music] [Music] that's one hell of a cannon that's a problem why you go out in a battlefield with this pecker sticking out of your turret and the enemy is going to unload new with all I got might as well paint a big red Bullseye inside but it's a Troop Carrier not a tank do you want me to put a sign in it in 50 languages I am a Troop Carrier not a tank please don't shoot at me this was going to be so beautiful that's good work Smith looks perfect to me thank you sir thing is yes General looks a little like a tank with that cannon on top uh probably gonna draw more fire actually sir that has come to our attention we know it's not a tank but will the other side I guess we could always stick in the armor toughen up to hide a bit Colonel Smith could you explain why you put those portals there uh yes sir as per your request so the men could shoot out um at the enemy you're joking aren't you besides portholes what are we in now the Navy [Music] the river no uh no sir no no no no no no no amphibious the Bradley's supposed to swim in theory at least amphibious Troop Carrier slash Scouts slash tank a couple more months I bet they can get this thing to fly what's this in the margin please help me I am losing my mind RLS Lieutenant Colonel Robert Laurel Smith head of oversight and development this thing's got an aluminum skin huh anything an enemy tank Fires at is going to go through it like a hot knife through butter we're doing the specs on using steel rather than aluminum of course steel is much heavier than aluminum so it won't go as fast no we can't lose speed we lose speed it won't work because it's a scout vehicle it won't keep Pace with M1 tanks either thicker arm is a reactive measure let's think proactive here I say equip the thing with anti-tank missiles then it can blast those enemy tanks before they get a chance to fire what do you think colonel fine anti-tank missiles I don't know where do I put them the men will have to wear the missiles as hats I don't know Jones that's why you get paid the big bucks Colonel there's no room we're not talking about a pair of Levi's I know I know God damn it what we are talking about is 11 years with nothing to show for except then also the size of the District of Columbia in a career that's on permanent halt you see this I've been I've been a bird colonel so long I swear I'm gone feathers now if you have to design hats to all those goddamn missiles then just do it ah a [Music] [Music] usted Mississippi ladies and gentlemen if I can have your attention please if you'd all just take your seats thank you we are pleased to present a scale model of the new Bradley Fighting Vehicle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] featuring Scouts two transport and any tank capabilities [Applause] it carries six men how many was it supposed to carry eleven Bradley is outfitted with the most sophisticated surveillance equipment ever developed it is also equipped with a rapid fire Cannon and an anti-tank rocket launcher which means it's loaded with 1500 shells ten toe anti-tank missiles so in summation gentlemen what you have before you is a tube transport that can't carry troops a reconnaissance vehicle that's too conspicuous to do reconnaissance and a quasi tank that has less armor than a snow blower attention to this morning's in New York Times if you'd be so kind to turn to the editorial page it essentially says that every weapon we produce is an overpriced piece of junk now that's not news critics have said it for years what was news to me touched on our supposedly spectacular Sergeant York anti-aircraft gun it says there that when the Sergeant York proved incapable of hitting airplanes we test-fired it at hovering helicopters when it failed to hit hovering helicopters we fired it at stationary targets and it missed those now is this possible General Keane there was a problem with the proximity fusing according to this one missile locked onto a ventilation fan in a latrine and destroyed the latrine will be test firing at latrines that day my first sergeant was in that latrine at the time and I can assure you he's around to swear otherwise why am I learning about these things in the newspaper it makes me look foolish and I am not a foolish man General Cushing are you having any problems with the Maverick missile you're testing no sir Admiral Morehouse any problems with the a12 none whatsoever sir General Partridge sir any problems with the Bradley no sir absolutely not production is imminent Mr secretary I believe the Press is on a wild goose chase looking for problems where none exist let's hope you're right General because there are people in this Administration who do have problems terrorists in Lebanon and Colonel Gaddafi in Libya and sandinistas and Nicaragua and let's not forget our ongoing problems with the Soviet Union frankly I don't appreciate calls from reporters and congressmen asking me why nothing we are working on works and I can't answer them because the men in charge of developing these systems tell me everything is just peachy so if you don't have problems good if you do get rid of them I want these weapons built if not by you all fine men who can foreign you wanted to see me sir yes I do close the damn door come on about these tests you have been thinking about conducting on the Bradley I understand your concerned but if you know the vehicle as I do if you were in armored Warfare expert instead of a flyer you wouldn't be concerned you'd understand that the Bradley is a good vehicle four thousand Americans will be employed building it the Army wants it once you've had a chance to read the files I've read the files sir 200 pages on the rear door 250 pages on the paint job computer simulations of combat conditions not a single test that actually indicates what might happen if the Bradley takes a hit which is why I've ordered a full-up live fire test I want to equip it Bradley with all the ammunition it will take into battle fill all the fuel tanks and hit it with the Soviet anti-tank weapon see how it'll hold up cancel it sir I think we're having a communication meltdown here colonel whatever problems there are we'll fix them and in the field after they're deployed the general that's the way things are done around here kernel that's the way we're going to do this nobody takes your job more seriously than I do but I also have a job got to get that Bradley deployed I want that rocket launcher pointed at the Soviets there Jesus there's missed good afternoon good afternoon sir afternoon Fanning yes sir what happened to you don't ask what's this it was on your desk when I got back from lunch some ammunition for your Bradley battle it's a British Army test report top secret too till it landed here [Music] General Smith Jim Burton how did you find me you are very uh distinctive handwriting I've been reading memos on the Bradley going back to 1968 with your handwritten notes in the margin or initial by you this handwriting we should not be talking okay you contacted me Chad no you received an anonymous leak about which I know nothing so the British found out that aluminum armor Burns and gives off a toxic gas when hit by a shell bad news for men in an aluminum armored vehicles enough said couldn't we couldn't we sit down somewhere and actually talk are you out of your mind Colonel if the Pentagon had their choice of busting us or nailing a Soviet spy they would choose us in a heartbeat who exactly is US general there are some people who work in the Pentagon who are fed up watching billions of dollars thrown away on defective weapons upon which our troops are supposed to stake their lives people like you Colonel we are the enemy to whom to Majors who want to be Colonels to Colonels who want to be generals the generals who want that four star you bet we are the enemy nobody moves up without getting things done so what you don't want to be is the one who drops the ball because if you're the one who drops the ball no promotion no star no cushy job with a contractor when you retire which is why Colonel Lenny and everyone attached to the Bradley will see to it to stop your tests General I appreciate your interest if not your methods whatever disagreements I may or may not be having over the Bradley will be resolved above board now if you have something to say I'm sure the Washington Post would love to talk to you me the Press are you crazy the Army is my life like you Colonel I work inside the system and you don't have a prayer in Hell or running your tests not unless you're willing to sacrifice your career and if you think you're safe because Congress gave you your job you better think again good day Colonel good luck so why did you send me that report see you General good to see you [Music] sir good evening sir hello so she leaned over to me and whispered why do you think the general always stands at attention [Music] [Laughter] serious I'm busy I'm sorry sir but he said to tell you that the little prick or to test on Bradley what I'll have his ass I'm sling so far who's that sir made you stares at the little prick well General Sir he now seems to know about the study that the Brits did what study Brits did a study on aluminum that would be the same aluminum shooting used on the Bradley sir when hit by a cell that has a tendency to burn and when it burns it gives off a toxic gas God damn it we fought a revolution so we wouldn't have to pay any attention to the [ __ ] British so why are they messing things up now I thought you talked to him I did man must be an idiot or a fool well can't you stop him sir no I'm not his commanding officer some draft dodging Junior Congressman decided we needed more objectivity in the testing process goddamn checks and balances right but General with all due respect this isn't just a check sir it's more of a full [ __ ] body block if we don't get the Bradley out there now it'll be stuck in development forever [Music] start production now let's throw Burton a bone or two let them run a couple of tests yes sir general actually he'd like to blow it up I don't give a flying [ __ ] what Burton wants let him do some piddly [ __ ] stuff take it for a test drive see if he can parallel park the [ __ ] just get it into production [Music] am I to understand that you were not in favor of the tests Colonel Burton proposed absolutely not absolutely not yes or absolutely not no absolutely not absolutely are you questioning his motives or his methods General I have no reason to question Colonel Burton's motives I can only speak to his methods to buy anyone's definition where somewhat peculiar I mean there were other ways to find out of clothing would catch fire inside the Bradley when it took a hit let's take the the mannequin thing thank you Colonel yes phone call for you sir they said it's important very good yes sir I'll meet you back at the firing area yes sir strip the dummies sir strip the dummies Sergeant now [Music] let's go fire when ready posterior clear on the way sir fire [Music] D hold it there let me see those uh-huh oh that looks good beautiful [Music] what what's that that's part of our chest that's part of our test wait a minute certainly no one in my command gave the order to strip the dummies and put their clothes inside a fireproof container inside the vehicle while Colonel Burton wasn't around [Music] the insults that were traded that day definitely had no business showing up in the test reports they were of course deleted from the final report oh except a colonel box unfortunate reference to Colonel Burton's mother I understand temperatures were running High apparently inside the Bradley as well there's a degree of uncertainty involved in every test that's the point of doing tests to find out what happens if we knew what the results would be we wouldn't need to do the test and just because the tests didn't always come out the way Colonel Burton expected there's no reason to assume that anything devious was going on I ask you General feeling the fuel designed to check the combustibility of those tanks that wasn't devious if the tanks had been filled with fuel there's a good chance the vehicle would have exploded isn't that the point if the vehicle had exploded we couldn't run additional tests I can't order up a unlimited number of Bradley's just to blow them up that's of course you're telling me to spend more money which I can't imagine you are General I believe that efforts were made to make the Bradley amphibious yes although how that's relevant I failed it comprehend how many Bradleys were lost during that experiment lost the report says four of the Bradleys sank during testing not as a matter of opinion it's not opinion General four of them sank technically yes General can we get back to the fuel tanks [Music] always been filled with water only when the vehicle's being custom sir I know Sergeant I'm asking you a question what else don't I know about these tests the ammunition stored in the Bradley sir what about it sand that's affirmative sir tell me did the term Court martial ever enter anyone's mind here no sir really that's truly amazing sergeant I mean here we are watching water drip out of the gas tanks and sand spill out of the ammunition right after a test that was done to figure out whether or not the damn thing is safe and no one here even thinks of the term Court martial now why if you don't mind my asking is that we were under order sir do you think acting on those orders is conscionable Sergeant it doesn't matter what I think or do sir because you desk Warriors from Washington will show up and find a million different ways to make the test turn out whatever way you want sir I'm not here to manipulate test results I'm here to learn the truth you want the truth sir we get a new white knight every other year sir some guy just like you and you all start off the same big speeches that turn this [ __ ] after six months when your next promotion comes due and then as business as usual and where did you pick up this lousy attitude Sergeant right here sir watching guys like you I'm sorry I'm really sorry to hear that because unlike you I take my job seriously really well maybe maybe you can explain to me colonel why have Bradley has been ordered into production before you have done your job [Music] foreign telling me what this is a hundred Bradleys have been we have a schedule Colonel Burton and I'm not going to have it on my record that the Bradley fell behind schedule just because you're fussing over some goddamn test those goddamn tests could save lives but Bradley will save lives Colonel by bringing him into the front line where they're needed idea Colonel what would happen I know all about the British study Colonel and it is [ __ ] that thing could be a death trap it says who says me and how do you know how you put people in there during a test no of course so you don't know Colonel actually know anything and until you do all you're doing is wasting our time are you suggesting Colonel Burton had no reason to be concerned I am suggesting that Colonel Burton and his tests did not reveal anything we didn't already know except his own pension for theatrics theatrics General yes theatrics cheap theatrics at that so Billy now the little prick has issued a memo that stipulates that for the tests he'd like to use sheep Jesus we've already started working the chassis Center but Dave don't worry about it well because if the shoot come out of this thing tits up we're gonna have to stop production no ways around it weighs around anything absolutely like what well we could stick the animal rights people on them yeah well it is cruel and unusual treatment of sheep rack of lamb yeah that would be me yes major say is just called Sir when do they plan to run the test we I thought they were in charge of the sheep they say it's being handled at our end the surgeon general's office Surgeon General have to do with sheep [Music] excuse me you must be Colonel Birdman if we were told you might show up who told you that Colonel Buck he established this office last week with the Surgeon General procurement you're the one who's trying to kill the Bradley oh who told you that I'm sorry sir all information in this office is classified procurement anyway that's what this office has been created to do yeah but what is it the analysis and policy determination for the farmers about which will be tendered research data on the optimal test room enough such ruminants are to be you're talking about sheep you're in charge of buying a sheep correct we can't just go out and buy sheeps why not we're doing a vaporifics test on sheep I mean vaporifics is all about what happens when a warhead penetrates our metal particles vaporize and form a large Fireball that fills the true Lieutenant I know what a vaporifics test is I'm the one who called for it well then you know we have to have sheep specs before we can proceed cheap specs what are sheep specs specifications short or unsure um Rams use or Lambs perennials are short hair I mean Sean Bruno use are unshorn Merino ramps Big Horns are domestic domestic showing Lambs are big horn unshorn just how long will it take you to get your sheep specs not long at all six eight months tops then then we can go to Tender on the research dad but looks we can move in the Prototype room and evaluation how much well [Music] all right bring it back Sir Charles bark is on his way over here sir I'm sure he is for your information sir it sounded like a world-class [ __ ] fixer I'm sure it is Sergeant the hell are these sheep doing here I bought them well you can't do that I did there are no sheep specs Colonel all right advise the chief specs major what are they they're live and Kicking that's good enough for me testing is a science kernel every test has to be a controlled experiment just sticking her to sheep into a vehicle just you don't want sheep Leonard Chavez get the Sheep out of there and get in the Bradley dogs yes sir get in the pride thanks sir I need a vaporifics test getting the Bradley everyone in the Bradley you totally out of your [ __ ] mind Colonel you think this is some kind of joke colonel see all right we'll just use the Sheep I think that's a terrific idea these sheep in your family yeah backplus during clear on the way sir fire [Music] God Granger don't breathe stay back how are you doing I'm okay Jesus it's one tiny whiff did you get a look inside nothing could have survive those fumes Major singer said they had to go in the incinerator what they just got him away sir [Music] follow those sheets sir sergeant [Music] I need them for autopsy to verify test results [Music] I see it we got him sir [Music] concentrate on the Sheep move it [Music] what the hell are you stopping us for stop the Sheep what's a hurry sir not one of the tests I've ordered has been conducted according to plan and since my job my job stop whining and serve the United States as befits an office my job General is to oversee the joint live fire test program and deliver a report on my findings to Congress and in order to do that I'm going to have to insist on a live fire test of the Bradley under combat conditions they're simply another way you [ __ ] Fly ball You Don't Know Jack [ __ ] about combat I know there are a lot of ways for a soldier to die in that vehicle sir Don't You Preach to me you son of a [ __ ] I want a realistic the number one priority is to get those people first vehicle second those are my priorities unfortunately the Army's priorities seem to be the exact opposite why way out of lying I won't sign off on the Bradley without a live fire test sir those Burton's commanding officer General de Grasso sir get them for me now it's an economic move Colonel department-wide you're being reassigned in the meantime should I should I continue in my present assignment your present assignment has been eliminated colonel I didn't think my job could be eliminated I was appointed by Congress but you're paid by the army if they can't afford you and they can't you have no job Colonel it's time to move on let's not let this little blip on the screen ground you permanently [Music] foreign would the colonel ever consider having a drink with an enlisted Soldier was the enlisted Soldier I think the colonel needs one are they gonna do five okay just a little one [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you know what's really ironic General Omar Bradley was a brilliant tactician and a great leader no ego just did the job I looked out for the morale and the safety of his men and then they go and put his name on this thing talk about a kick in the ass the closest the brass ever get to a battlefield is the First Tee on a Saturday morning foreign I've been around long enough to know that the Pentagon is not a charity it's it's cash flows and egos it's part of it it's what helps drive it fine but somehow somehow I always thought men came first I always thought that the people on top knew that it was about the soldier in the field you gave it your best shot didn't I yes sir you did well now it's somebody else's problem my problem is salvaging my career which apparently is not Beyond repair I'm a good little boy so that's it that's it the man said or as hell foreign peacetime you don't mind do you no be my guest I don't believe in government waste Burton so they're moving you out is there anything you don't hear about well how far are you willing to go with this thing question is how far are they going to send me I think you ought to take a trip to California this weekend I'm not really up for a vacation right now no one goes to Fresno for a vacation colonel [Music] can I help you sir Heidi please I'm here to see the project manager foreign [Music] yes Steve Thompson project manager hi thank you sir let's go what the hell is going on here who changed the specs here's Riley the Israelis when will they Place their order so these are for X4 yes all of them that's Colonel you're telling me we're manufacturing two different versions of this vehicle the Israelis wouldn't take the Bradley is designed Colonel they run in the fuel tanks on the outside reinforced armor a different ventilation system what about the specs for Rob Bradley exactly like the ones you have tested Colonel no change [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] followed I drove around for hours I don't even know where we are maybe you'd prefer to meet at the Officers Club israeli's test test that they knew by looking at it that it was a death trap so are we sending our guys off to die Pentagon brass is redesigning the damn thing for somebody else they can't sell it overseas like it is business as usual so maybe you'd like to keep fighting the bastards I've lost my job General they're moving me out bro they're moving you out you haven't been discharged we're from inside from wherever it is they send you and turn into you passing Anonymous notes and meeting in parking lots you know you're great at sitting in the shadows and telling people what to do why don't you get off your ass and do something I can't I have done everything that I can I've been fighting this battle for almost 20 years I'm not going to go to the Mount over this I I've got too much to lose 70 000 troops seventy thousand American boys hard of sending them to their deaths in one call one call I'll make one call and that's it grounds around General Partridge you've read today's Washington Post I have Mr secretary and I take it you've seen the story attributed to an anonymous highly placed Pentagon Source yes I have sir and may I say I am as deeply distressed as you that anyone in the Pentagon would stoop so low leaks within the Pentagon General how I get most of my information Mr secretary are you suggesting that the Pentagon is less than forthcoming less than forthcoming General then perhaps you can explain to me why I have to learn from the press that the man in charge of testing the Bradley Fighting Vehicle has been fired it wasn't fired sir he was reassigned by whom by General degrasso his commanding officer I'm as shocked as you are my guess is that there was some confusion between the Army the Air Force commands that's the sort of trouble you always get with these cross-departmental joint testing programs yes Sam what can I do for you what article oh that article no completely untrue enter office snafu file it under creative journalism I'm looking into it now you'll be the first to know right right my best Alan General I want a full update on the Bradley and I want it in writing right away sir that is the last call I expect to receive on this matter from Congressman Stratton or anyone else on the hill do I make myself clear General perfectly Colonel Burton I want you to write your report on the Bradley I was under the impression that my job had been the job has been reinstated why don't you report on my desk by 1800 hours tomorrow yes sir and colonel in case you are unaware as per the military manual you will deliver your report to me and to me alone should so much as a single copy of your report be made public I will bring you up on charges of willful subversion of military procedure and have you Court martial you can stop packing we're staying we're staying hard to do that I didn't do anything we have a rule book a rule book set you know a book with rules in it what do you need a rule book for playing by the rules because I always play by the rules how do you know you're playing by the rules if you need a rule book to tell you what the rules are I need a rulebook to tell me which rules I just get me the book [Music] thank you you need anything else sir Chinese food noodles no thank you Sergeant I'm fine well then night sir what sounds better Bradley has so far failed virtually every test or the testing program of the Bradley has been without any coherent standards they both sound like something the general wouldn't want in his report it's not just a report it's a deadly weapon so an M16 is a deadly weapon a report is just a pile of paper unless you plan to inflict a lot of extremely vicious paper cuts go home sergeant good night sir [Music] [Music] failure of the Bradley to incorporate even the most Elementary safeguards to protect the troops inside raises questions about the integrity thank you and the manner in which the vaporifics test was carried out just either negligence or a failure in the chain of command had any troops been inside the vehicle as it is currently configured they would have been killed either by toxic fumes Flames or by the overpressure created by the powerful expanding gas in the compartment and as a result of manifest efficiencies in every area this office as a result of manifest efficiencies advising the immediate necessity conditions rewrite it sir rewrite the [ __ ] piece of garbage so it smells like a rose [Music] the Bradley test standards have been consistently altered in Extreme Ways the Bradley tests have been extremely consistent they have altered the standards for testing test after test has revealed design flaws in the Bradley [Music] a marginalized Optimal Performance data suggests no performance data suggests no vaporific shift at this time that's brilliant Lieutenant that sounds [ __ ] lutely brilliant thank you sir but sir what what does it mean what do you mean what does it mean you wrote it producer good afternoon the Bradley tests have been extremely consistent they have altered the standards for testing have you actually read this thing it's exactly the opposite of what you wrote how can they do that they're playing by the book sergeant oh my [Music] paper cuts vicious paper cuts [Music] the characterization in your report is at best a serious misunderstanding of the testing procedures on a vehicle as flawed as the Bradley as noted in my original report the integrity Jesus Christ who did this [ __ ] thing go to the distribution page listed 198 names Court martial the son of a [ __ ] lock him up now oh we can't we should as hell can Burton's playing by the book his report was classified it was sent to you you revised it and sent it back to him he wrote a memo on your revision which in accordance with regulations can be sent to anyone remotely involved with the Bradley in this case 198 people I will fillet them I will draw and quarter him I'll stick his head in the face we can't touch him sir it's by the book and you find me something in that goddamn book that'll help me fry the little son of a [ __ ] what sir The Washington Post is on the phone well that was fast leaks don't usually get to them until after lunch yes no I'm sorry cannot comment on that no he he cannot comment on that we're sorry but on the military rules I'm unable to comment I I can't comment no no no comment sorry bye getting locked you off from not saying anything Burton I I can't comment is there anything I can comment on well yes I just received orders that I am to report for Duty in Alaska is a Prestige posting Senator no no no I assure you that memo it has had absolutely nothing to do with his being transferred oh Senator I'm sorry I've just been informed that secretary weinberger's on the other line yes I'll get right back to you I promise thank you sir before you pick up wine Burgers on two uh line one is the Times line three is the Wall Street Journal line four is Newsweek line five is the house armed services committee house armed services committee what do they want hearings sir on the Bradley [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I said Alaska General as I said in my opening remarks Madam chairman a lot of things have to come together to create teamwork good old-fashioned teamwork yes who told us General and Colonel Burton's not a team player he's a rogue operator I'm not a name caller Madam chairman but if you wish to make that connection that would be your choice not mine did you ever say to Colonel Burton if I get one more call from the hill about your expletive deleted reports you'll be sitting on your brains does that sound like me sir just answer the question General please I don't remember saying it not that I wasn't provoked two witnesses testified that you said those exact words to Colonel Burton outside the Pentagon Pharmacy I have visited the pharmacy quite a bit lately for ant acids but I would never say anything like that to anyone let alone fellow officer but you make no secret of your antagonism towards Colonel Burton so it's his report that I don't approve of Colonel Burton's report is fallacious misinformed and accusatory and I have no use for an officer who is more interested in grabbing headlines than he isn't defending this country [Music] language at this time the committee would like to call as witness Colonel James G Burton United States Air Force and chairman yes General as no under the rules of military conduct no man can appear at these hearings without the express order of his commanding officer unfortunately General degrasso is on a fact-finding tour of our bases in Germany I don't believe General degrasso has given any order for Colonel Burton to testify yeah quite bright General but as Colonel Burton has been transferred to Alaska he's no longer under General degrasso's command am I correct [Music] do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do looks like you've stirred up a hornet's nest colonel intention man what was your intention [Music] Rabbi was assigned to do the Army test reports do not make the possibility of casualties a top priority fact general partridge's report on the Bradley doesn't even mention the word casualty not once I came to the conclusion that what was required was a live fire test I requested such a test repeatedly did you get that test no ma'am I did not why not I wanted more realism than Army testing was accustomed to providing you want realism General you are out of order Madam chairman in the interest of resolving some of the issues presented here today I'd like to say something please be brief General of course Carla Burton wants more realism so let's talk about the real world for a moment the real world has enemies in it there are forces at work even now as we speak with one objective in mind of Destruction of this country we must not we will not allow those forces to Prevail for if we do you can be certain that you and I and everyone else will never again enjoy the luxury of meeting in this building to debate anything as I said at the outset we are in the business of winning that takes teamwork generally the teamwork you so prize I take it it was in full force during the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle textbook perhaps you'd like to tell us how much has been spent so far to develop the Bradley how much well you have the figures don't you of course uh 14. more or less 14 . million what did you say General billion billion with a B with a B [Music] 14 billion dollars for Designing one armored vehicle that's one way of looking at it of taxpayers money we are all taxpayers after all we're in this together General how many years has this program been running bear with me just a moment uh uh well let me uh 12 15. 17. what 17. which is evidence of the enormous care my team takes in the development of every weapons system undertaken by the Pentagon 17 years 14 billion dollars of the taxpayers money General I think it's time the American public gets the live fire test that Colonel Burton wants thank you tomorrow's the big day sir I'll tell you one thing every day I'm one of these nuts and bolts has been taken off and put back on again this wouldn't be flame retardant would it you think they made the men trick this whole thing up wouldn't surprise me not a bet [Music] room potato headies gentlemen looks like you've been working hard Corporal there let me have one of those M16s I want to tell you a story you got a problem with that sergeant no sir about a year ago I went to the veterans hospital is it a friend of mine for my flying days only I took a wrong turn when I got off the elevator now when I look back on it I think I was meant to go down that corridor because that's where I met Phil thank you corporal but sir let me finish Dalton I want to pass on something I learned about the M16 from Phil you all know the M16 better than I do a lot of you used it in Vietnam but you were lucky in the early days of that war they sent guys off the fight with M16 said jammed in combat a little bit of dust a little bit of rain the gun was useless maybe those early M16s weren't tested properly maybe somebody somewhere is more worried about a production schedule or a promotion than he was about those Grunts and some Far Away jungle might end up with their stomachs in their hands but you don't know anyone that happened too do you no I'm sure not otherwise you'd be out there right now making sure that that Bradley is exactly and I mean exactly the way it would be in the normal combat conditions with some of your buddies riding inside guys like Phil only Phil has been in a coma for the last 20 years since the day his M16 jammed somewhere outside of Benoit but hell you don't know the guy or anybody like him right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sir just fine [Music] a little more Okay so [Music] everything all right Sergeant fine sir [Music] oh thank you [Music] jeans looks like some party ladies and Gentlemen please thank you ladies and gentlemen distinguished members of Congress I think it's fair to say that you'll be seeing enough from this test to give you the basis once and for all to form your own conclusion about the sort of systemic Excellence we've been pursuing I will be giving the signal shortly when I do I want you to visualize combat conditions imagine that the men firing that round are the enemy and that the Bradley I don't have to tell you the Bradley is on our side ladies and gentlemen distinguished members of Congress I give you your Bradley Fighting Vehicle [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sergeant everything's going to go as planned isn't it to go exactly as it should sir as planned right carpool this is Sergeant Dalton move the vehicle about five yards forward and then clear out over Roger how much fuel is in those tanks Sergeant just enough to do those Maneuvers no more than it would have if it was in combat sir [Music] [Music] Northern briefed as to the test conditions they are is at hand [Music] all eyes flapped on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle the vehicle that will carry our boys to victory for many many years to come foreign clear fire [Music] [Applause] oh look at this baby ranger I'm sorry sir could you uh explain please well we tried to tell you sir you see sir and you gave us that speech last night we had already fixed the vehicle back to the way it should be [Music] you were ahead of me I don't know about ahead but we've been behind you ever since you fried those mannequins sir [Music] I'm sorry I made you listen to that lecture now I uh sir well you have nothing to apologize for sir we had you figured wrong the men come first with you and you prove that it was a hell of a good speech though sir anytime you want to give another one you know where to find us thank you man sir [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Views: 856,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelsey Grammer, Cary Elwes, Viola Davis
Id: wvvWJ1rsaEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 25sec (5905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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