♦Drive-In Classic♦ 'MIAMI EXPOSÉ' (1956) Lee J. COBB, Patricia MEDINA, Edward ARNOLD

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ladies and gentlemen i'm mayor randy christmas of miami florida the film you're about to see is a startling expose based on fact it concerns a vicious attempt by organized crime to take over the entire state of florida but for the alert and courageous work of florida's law enforcement agencies and the integrity of its governmental administrations this threat might have been made good i take this opportunity to issue a warning to the people of every state in the nation it could happen in your state we are dedicated here in florida to the belief that it will never again happen to us thank you you're in a plane flying over the state of florida visitor soaring over six cities is tallahassee the state capital saint augustine ocala jacksonville tampa titusville you are too high to see what has happened to florida to see that it has become the fastest growing state in the nation that its population is more than five million in the tourist season perhaps you don't care about statistics all you're interested in is the end of the line but the end of the line is miami and that's where most of florida's fun romance adventure and excitement are waiting you're not interested in the millions of others who are flocking into the state on planes buses trains and boats all you want to do is forget your troubles but where there are millions of people there are billions of dollars and there are too many men who would do anything for that kind of money yes you should have thought about those statistics they might have saved your life [Music] so [Music] it's a hot sunday afternoon quiet lazy it's two months since 41 people died in the crash of the transport plane most people have forgotten it it was an accident the investigators said that it doesn't do much good to brood about tragedy but these people haven't forgotten the passenger in seat 36 on the death plane was a vital statistic to them they had no intention of ever forgetting i'll grab the first plane in the morning for the phantom you make sure you keep in touch with me twice a day this job shouldn't take too long [Music] a sunday afternoon serene placid filled with sun and brightness a day of rest of fun a day for those who don't care too much about tomorrow a day for the fortunate for the men with big plans for tomorrow [Music] great i've listened to every one of your confounded musical soirees attended your dinners guzzled your liquor wallet in your banquets played cards with you and generally was buddy buddy ever since you came to florida eight months ago now this just proves one point to me that you want something now what is it must somebody always want something from me yes can't get it anywhere else what's a lobbyist for i do favors for people i know i'm used to it and i like it i'm the i'm the general store the biggest one in the state i've seen to play it cozy and coast to the best but none like you now are you going to tell me what you want or are you going to keep me in suspense i don't think you can deliver no not as much as i want all right i'm being baited you name it florida has become one of the richest states in the country at the next election i want the uh people to vote for legalized gambling i want to make miami the las vegas of the east also this is a day for those who can only worry about today the ones who aren't fooled by a quiet sunday afternoon the ones who know that at any moment a fuse could be lighted to blow it into a hell of violence and death how do all those people on the beach find the energy to knock themselves out in a day like this and i can't waste time most of the money you have two weeks to either get healthy you get a heart attack just think they had the choice if i was out on one of those umbrellas even those bathing suits passing by wouldn't keep me awake some of the boys say you've been thinking or retiring to one of those umbrellas permanently me i'd go crazy what does a guy do has nothing to do see the world i can see the world out that window you're just talking like the other boys well i just wanted to hear you say it they put me in your spot and i don't want it maybe you're smart and smart he's got it all figured out two more years i retired 20 years of being a cop is enough i got a pension i'll only be 41. can i find something safe and sane to grab hold of oh you managed to stay alive 18 years 18 years made me a lieutenant in homicide 35 years got you a captaincy what have we got to show for it we're still alive that's all now i'll play it the way anne wants two more years i'll do my job without trying to be a hero or getting any medals four o'clock already yeah my shift's up you gonna see ann maybe taking a movie wait a minute stevie said he wanted some pencils a five-year-old this kid uses up more pencils maybe he's writing his life story [Applause] elkins all right i'll take it yes ma'am this is police headquarters now what you just saw a murder committed a man killed another man with a knife in the hotel right across the street from you yes mrs henderson now where did you see this killing the cromwell 20th and columns all right we take care of it right away all i want to know is why are you making me sharpen all these pencils at once if i don't you'll start kissing mom and we won't be able to talk oh but if you had a girl as pretty as your mom be careful steve he's trying to trap you heck i know it uncle bart when are you going to be my father uh young man would you kindly go in and wash up for dinner nobody ever answers anything [Music] and i'm not going to mess your lipstick you know he's right nobody answers any questions around here when are you going to marry me not until you have the force but i can't take a chance on that happening to stevie again i know that was rough on the boy but half the fellas on the force are married and have kids all i know is steve's father was a policeman and he was killed i saw what that did to stevie hello yes he is it's your office if they think i'm going to pass up your dinner again hello scott hmm [Music] [Music] yeah i'll be over right away hotel cromwell room 710. [Music] i don't know harry's just been killed [Music] another guy knifed i got a girl over there [Music] yes a quiet miami sunday afternoon did explode into a hell of violence and death and its first victims were captain harry elkins who had spent 35 years in the miami police department and a man named joey hodges [Music] [Applause] [Music] not much of a struggle chief now killer was probably hidden i think he saw him harry never did he never knew what hit him how to figure out what that henderson woman said talk up a guy started fighting to kill him quick job [Music] grogan talked to the witness who saw it from her window across the street she was too far away to give us a description who's this other one a guy named joe hodges just moved into this apartment about five hours ago his uh his wife got away [Music] our manager here said he saw her go up then come tear him down again immediately scared stiff she grabbed a cab checking the cab crippling huh yeah stevenson i've already sent high uses prints into the lamp for checking [Music] all right i know how close you and harry were was too old why did he come up here alone young a man might have been able to handle it you better run things until we get a permanent captaincy for you uh chief eye yes harry knew how i felt about running the office just how did you feel i'll do what i can drive back with me follow through on the fingerprints the fuse has been lit on this quiet sunday afternoon the explosion can take place anywhere anytime yo yes we met before mr sheridan mr pell to see you sir he's in the library um excuse me everybody i'll be back right away it's fouled up his wife got away huh i got hodges all right but his wife wasn't there so i decided to wait instead the cops showed up police that must have been a tip-off somewhere did he see him i killed him before he could i suppose there's nothing else you could do nothing it'd be a big investigation they never let it drop when the policeman's killed it's hard this woman she came back up there just as i got through with the cop i don't think she saw my face you let her get away i couldn't follow her i couldn't take the chance now look great there's a lot of things i'll do for you because you have to no you can't let this won't talk it's gotta be farmed she may be a long way from everybody you go back to the hotel wait till i get in touch with you don't leave your room maybe there's a way of finding out quickly [Music] the lab says the prince are the same all right joey hodges bodyguard for louis x sold for a cleveland mob poor harry sure walked into something somebody sure knew what hodges was up to stevenson says this hodges woman took a cab to the airport then bought a ticket for havana [Music] hello oh hello oliver yes all the boys here feel pretty bad about it no nothing concrete we know there's a woman involved yes have any huh oh yes i uh heard about harry from a friend of mine who happened to be passing by at the time yeah well he knows anything i can do before you can count on me yes it's terrible hmm well all right charlie uh say hello to the follow me i'll do that see you soon oliver news gets around fast i guess there's very little that happens in this state that oliver tubbs doesn't know about and you make your arrangements for havana well sedoya the havana force will be notified to put a check on another hodges tonight i'll take the first morning plan okay see you later i said i'd go along with you on this legal gambling bill of yours ryan cut yes please oliver any man who turned down a million dollar fee would be a fit subject for a psychiatrist it's the thought of the million dollars that should stop me from asking questions but i still want to know what's so important to you about the elkins hodges murder important oh nothing but before i retired in my days as a criminal lawyer up north i got to know the workings of the criminal mind in a purely clinical way you understand i also got to know the mobs the things they want the things for which they'll commit crimes i know about this hodges and his wife used to be a dealer in a midwest gambling combine at one time mary wanted to test my own ingenuity i guess the wife would try and find the man her husband was working for at the time louis ascot and ask it's in havana so the information you've got from the police american film i guess that's all i'm not often wrong about the moves they make it's a fascinating study well i can't say i share your enthusiasm uh tell me you want to do things my own way about this gambling million no oliver you'll do them my way all right charlie i want a committee formed of the names on this list be the most influential committee in the state and it'll throw all its weight behind the bill henry tremont the contractor marshall indicate department store man eric talman oil john hobart and citrus frank meaney dan spanner bob lucker wait a minute these are the most important men in the states you expect me to get all of those i don't expect anything or anybody to stand in my way remember that oliver it's very necessary [Music] in the brief moment that it takes to kill a man lila hodges had become the central figure the most fantastic and scandalous plan for crime in the history of florida the girl hoped to find refuge in havana cuba but there wasn't a country in the world that could guarantee her safety now [Music] [Music] where is mr ascot at the pool with guests we need the houses as him come in please you know what i thought of joey lyla first georgie evans on that plane not joey sheraton's gonna pay through the teeth for this nobody's been able to hang anything on him yet maybe we'll go back to like it was in the old days later we don't wait for the law to do our job oh don't be a fool lawyer cop was killed in miami too face is too hot to try something right now i'm just worried about my own neck the killers didn't miss me by much nerves are shut they can't let me run around loose they'll think about it you're safe they'll chase me here and then you're safe they can't find you in this place you know nobody followed you here oh no i got into town yesterday i checked in and out of three different hotels two restaurants a nightclub and a movie theater nobody could tell me through that nobody good i'm gonna miss joey you've got no worries not for the rest of your life now you get into your bathing suit lyle and you join the people at the pool yeah maybe later we talk about your future huh jerry isn't even cold yet yeah sure i know i'm jumping the gun when a guy gets a little older he likes to make every day count if you're drinking yeah i'll wait for you at the pool okay [Music] my man followed her as best he could but she is very smart yeah well that figures lieutenants are dying she's probably taking a roundabout route i have a car for you as you asked perhaps you better take a couple of my men with you no that won't be necessary but if i don't show up by six come after me will they that's okay can i hire a car around here she said you're outside the terminal right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah he's there now the cop from miami scott one of the homicide was annoying what am i gonna do you run it looks bad i keep him out that looks bad too i gotta talk to the cop they don't have any choice he's got something in his head i gotta find out what stay here don't come in the house okay send him in [Music] you think i was born yesterday scott if i didn't know you're better i think you're trying to calm me into a payoff and you know i'm leveling get your clothes louie i'm taking you back for the murder of harry elkins and joey hodges you look crack joey was like my own kid oh now that he's gone you're going to adopt little lyla you can't make that stick no what is she doing here you think a jury wouldn't believe you got rid of him to get hurt you want something you're pressuring me you know i had nothing to do with those killings did lala get a good look at the guy who did the knifing she had to get out of there fast she wasn't sure she could identify him or not what was she and joey doing in my eyes they went there to do some shopping before joining me down here and some guy bumped him up because he was shopping in the wrong store how do i know what the reason was you get all kinds of crackpots in the tourist season maybe the guy was off his rocker or something okay louie maybe lyle i'll do better with the answers i'm taking her back as a witness back to miami so that's what you want that's why you were pressuring me listen to me scott you take her back to miami that killer's gonna get another crack hit her maybe next time she won't be so lucky maybe she winds up dead i want to kill her that bad they can do it no no not here here she's safe i don't want anything to happen to her love comes to andy ascot the glass is in here i'll have a drink [Applause] [Music] easy what happened myla hodges yeah she's lyla it's okay baby who knows you'll be all right where'd the shot come from i didn't think it could happen not here you still think you'd be safer hidden with the police what's he mean he wants you to go to miami and answer some questions lila maybe you should go what can the devil cross easy baby i think it'll be all right you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to be afraid of just maybe some nut with a gun you answer some questions for the police they catch this maniac and you come back to louis offering clear we going about our business huh all right i don't know very much but i'll tell the police okay lieutenant as soon as we get out of here another safer i'll feel one thing you remember scott you got to give her protection anything goes wrong i'm taking it out of your hide what about your clothes you're upstairs don't get him don't try anything funny havana police are just looking for a shape like yours to uh whistle that you shouldn't talk like that to lily scott you just stay out of miami ascot the way you feel about her could still give us a motive for joey's death [Music] the airport's the other way that's right look scott you're supposed to get me out of havana in a hurry have you forgotten that a guy with a gun is looking for me relax you're gonna spend the night at my hotel why are you cheap cop if you think you're getting it i said relax no he'll kill you he won't let you get away with it we're giving us chance [Music] mr and mrs bart scott louie's going to love that on the hotel register i think you're gonna get more attention than a wife i'm not gonna let you out of my sight so it's not me you're up to something that's using the overhead what do we do sit right here in this room until morning i don't know i'm not even sure you're going to live till morning was that supposed to meet i like havana lots of night spots to go to you and i could do it up big i'm not moving out of this room we don't know where the killer is we don't know he won't see me well that's a chance we'll have to take we'll have to take it's my neck not yours now listen to me scott you'll have to drag me out of this room screaming i'll yell so loud they'll hear me clear back in miami ready to make a deal what kind of a deal tell me why joey was killed and we'll be on the next plane of miami how could i know i wasn't even with him at the time okay so we do the town tonight and if you haven't told me by morning maybe louie will and if louie doesn't kill you maybe i will [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] got away no more please i've had enough let's go ready to talk i've told you i don't know anything how much can you do to me my nurse feels if they're coming through my skin you know this can go on night after night i don't mind i'm having a good time taxpayers are picking up the check what you got instead of blood scott and bombing fluid harry elkins had real blood what good did it do him i'm going to ask her that's where you'll get yours i thought they went to miami here he comes which hospital you want to go to i don't like double crosses scott you said you'd get lyla off the island and give her protection i uh changed my mind just like that in cuba you're not a cop maybe you forgot oh no i didn't forget that's why i asked some friends to meet me here senor ascot your friend george evans operated in hafana for a long time without any trouble perhaps you should have learned a few things from him well what's the pitch district i was worried about your memory louie i i think it's slipping and my office is in the back the tourist commission here wants everyone to think the cuban climate is very helpful we stay here with lieutenant scott to make sure he enjoys that good health how long are you going to be a wise guy scott i play both you have a night really i'm going to give you a chance to show live how much she really means to you well maybe i don't need you for that or if you do you do i'm practically the best man lily you know where she and i have been all night dancing eating drinking every spot in town you did that knowing that trigger happy killers in town he thinks you're going to tell him why joey was killed he's not going to take me out of here till he knows well are you stinking cup there's no use i'll call him everything already you think this is playing rough i could hang you up by your sons or her or anyone else it's necessary it would help me find out who killed harry elkins well are you going to tell me what i want to know what does your girlfriend still make like a clay pigeon all i know is i couldn't stand another 24 hours in havana i didn't tell him anything if you wonder it's up to you joey was in miami because a new mob is going to take over your state you expect me to swallow that you ever hear of a guy named raymond sheridan sheridan criminal lawyer nellie's your boy he's gonna push legalized gambling through in the next election why don't you tell me before two men were killed georgie evans and joey i was ready to move in scott i was ready to move in and turn florida into a battlefield if i had to evans and joe were sent out here to lay the groundwork huh if we could have got rid of sheridan without getting rough we'd have tried it sheridan didn't wait he killed my men your information evans is on that plane that blew up a couple of months back harry walked into that huh it's been happening right under your nose business has fallen off in reno vegas in here we couldn't stand the competition of another state opening up you see how it is scott it's either sheridan or it's us now there's got to be more to it than that somebody's in this with sheridan he couldn't do this alone he has millions to spend the many needs he'll buy i'm guessing one of them will be that lobby guy oliver tubbs tubs you see you happen to be a pretty square guy scott but sheridan's buying the ones who aren't so square and maybe they're more sheridan's kind you want my advice you'll leave your guns and mothballs you've been a good boy a long time louie it's paid off don't spoil it you do it your way you mess it up i forget the moth balls and i go looking for sheridan myself is that all of it that's all i know well anna you and i can be on our way to miami tomorrow morning you're more valuable now than ever you help me stop sheridan i don't know maybe the governor will pin a medal on him just forget the medal since god make sure you send it back to me in one piece [Music] i got back in the hospital about a half hour ago i say she'll be sick a while but she'll recover you had it right the lab boys found traces of stricken at one of the coffee cups on the plane yeah what you tell me about sheridan is true this lila hodges is just a drop in a bucket especially with men like oliver tubbs throwing it with him now we're going to need a chief there are two things we've got to do we've got to find the murderer so that lala can identify him and then tie the murderer in with sharon you haven't seen the morning papers tubs came out publicly demanding a cleanup of the state down with vice gambling crooked politics the works propaganda started already yeah this is the best administration the state's ever had but by election time he'll have convinced the voters that we're all a bunch of crooks we've got to prove sheridan's the murderer our best wedge's lala hodges we've got to keep her alive the best guarantee of that is to make sheridan think she's dead what would that get us well sheridan can't be sure how much lala knows if he thinks she's alive he'll walk on glass anything she's dead he'll open up that's what we want how would you handle it i don't know i don't let it come from you give it to the papers that lila hodges died this morning sometime after being admitted to the hospital it could backfire i know i know you've got more delusion i have you got a place to hide her until we need her i think so all right move her out of the hospital when you can i'll arrange for the death certificate and the newspapers right oh bart do you want me to recommend you now for that permanent captain spot where do you see whether you have to make out a death certificate from me first [Music] well there's endicott tormund hobart spanner meanie and lucko are all with me a hundred percent fine what about allinson dolby and jensen tell me down cold oh perhaps they need a different kind of persuasion what i have something that may help you come hmm this is a file on victor jensen file look it through now this is fantastic where did you get this information impressive isn't it who would have believed such things of the righteous victor jensen powerful civic and society leader but is it all true mr jensen is a very discreet gentleman somehow he's managed to hide the crimes of his youth i'd say hidden them from everybody in the world except two people his wife and raymond sheridan and now of course you so what about the other files oh charming little exposers there's even one in the name of oliver turns we'll see that file don't bother it's complete you know i'm very thorough if the stakes are high enough but uh you're my friend instead of forcing you to do it i want to pay a million dollar fee that should assure you of my good intentions tell me how long have you had these valves everything was prepared before i moved to florida oh so you're going to blackmail jensen into lending his name to this committee no oliver i'm not you are oh but this is hideous all these people are my friends what are you going to do is to give them a chance to make a lot of money i don't know i i just don't know i'm going to share them of it i should be running the gambling license commission and only our friends will have licenses to operate no gangsters oliver just a very clubby group of gentlemen so here are the files on uh allinson and doby talk to them and uh and victor jensen and i'm sure this time they'll see the value of ridding florida of the thieves and murderers attracted by illegal gambling be right back sergeant [Music] hey bart this is king take him in there griffin she wants to walk a bit later doctor said she'll get better faster that way but you know i'm scared grogan will be here with you there's a little cab and a miner so far in the everglades even i need to have to find it you're gonna take over harry's job aren't you you would want me to slap things off now would you i don't know there will be lots of time here to think things out i have to consider steve's future thanks for helping me with the ladder no one else i dare trust maybe that'll give you something to think about too i gave her another sanity she'll be knocked out in a few minutes okay grogan take care of him i need him oh anything happens use the phone it's working i made sure hey uncle bond i need pencils again the kind captain alcor alcorn used to send [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i said if anything happened to lila you'd get your lumps get your hoods outta here ass can't you ever stop giving orders [Music] he's alive you idiot he's okay we want sheridan to think she's dead what kind of a stall are you giving me if she's alive where is she better in a cabin in the everglades we'll keep another we want it won't take me long to find out if you're leveling you bird brain idiot god hand shorten what he wants on a silver platter play into his hands take things in your own hands and lyla's still able to get killed you're mad okay so you're mad what i read in the paper made me mad there's a lot riding on this coming election scott maybe i'll just stay here to do some fishing huh base your hook with these two punks you want a fish fish let's stay out of my hair we'll just say your cabin wasn't i didn't say you good cop scotty i like you in the week following the publicized death of lila hodges oliver tubbs stepped up his campaign to form committees in every large city he toured the state to hold secret meetings with influential men on behalf of the legal gambling bill where necessary he resorted to the blackmail information contained in the files of raymond sheridan sheridan became more brazen more sure of himself he began to take chances one such chance was his desire to secure the backing of henry tremont a man who figured prominently in the phenomenal growth of florida it was a move that could have far-reaching effects on the entire election campaign if tremont went with sheridan the gambling bill was almost assured of success and on henry fremont sheridan had dug deep to prepare the most vicious blackmail file of all tubs i've known you for more than 25 years i've always known you'd stoop low to gain what you wanted but i didn't think blackmail was a weapon you'd use oh look you're going off the deep end all we want is your support and that support will bring you a fortune if i don't give it to you you're ready to ruin the lives of my daughter and her husband well i hope you don't make that necessary we have nothing personal against lois and bill but not only will i not lend my name to that bill but i'll do everything in my power to fight i'll get out of here now look you get out you're just excited tubs run so help me out all right i hope you realize this is a mistake on your part where's aura is he gone yes martha sit down something wrong it's a great deal wrong please sit down honey tubs knows about bill how'd you find out i don't know i can't think of anyone in the world i'd rather not have find out it's something he wants is that right henry yes and you don't want to give it to him tubbs chooses to make this public it would mean the end of our lives here in florida you know that and you're asking me to make the decision i want you to have the choice if you want me to string along with tubs i will darling seems like so much to give up i'll get in touch with tubbs you can have what he wants there'll be only one more thing we have to live with i don't want you to help him [Music] i was about to drink i'll fix them big tall ones did everything but throw me out i'll tell you this treeman is a tough guy he's got to fight us you know what that means trouble big trouble i should never have gone near him you should have left well enough alone i'll tell you something right you're overstepping yourself and i'm the one that's being hurt by it i'm sure the fee you're receiving will help to soothe your injured feelings go home oliver get a good night's rest henry tremont's not going to stand in our way how can he be so sure let's just say that i have faith in our enterprise you know ray sometimes you scare the living daylights out of me good afternoon oliver so long [Music] ah [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] wait hold on [Music] i think that's about all of it honey aren't you gonna kiss me hello after what you said last time i need an invitation i've missed you is that enough invitation kisser well yes she hadn't had her mind on the gym game all week i always wondered what kind of women fell for cops is there a special kind for the beating they take on the money they get are you serious see you're feeling better oh she felt good enough the second day to be how long have i got to stay holed up in this swamp i wish i knew sheridan's the one making all the progress not us judges started the campaign all over the state committees in every city if you think i'm going to stay here at election time get in the house [Music] ascot are you crazy coming here i thought you might like some company scotty boy okay where is she come inside sit this one out admiral it won't be long the boys have a crap game with something [Music] lila baby i'm never going to believe what i read in the papers again give it a shot yeah the swamps agree with me sheridan's men have been watching you like hawks ever since you came to miami what if they trace larry here through you you know how long i've been trying to find this place every day for three days we've been looking and i knew what i was looking for sheridan has no reason to look i'm sure he didn't give him one scotty boy you worried too much but i like a guy who plays square with me you said lada was alive and she is i just wanted to come here and make sure if anything had happened to her i don't [Music] yeah this is scott who i'll get right back to time what is it bart henry tremont's been shot to death do you want the big shot contract wife says oliver tubbs dude uh ascot you saw her she's alive you and your playmates clear out grogan you've seen it go this is a silly gentleman you know me i wouldn't kill anybody i'm a peace-loving man well other character witness is among the top men of this state of the bachelor you're accused of blackmailing murder tubs your big shock friends can't talk you out of that well you've only got the word of martha dreamer i like it i admire i've known her for many years i don't know why she'd do a thing like this maybe it was the shock of henry being killed if you didn't do it who did are you trying to save your own skin or try to protect someone else's look i told you i don't know who killed it man was killed at havana the same gun that got him got henry tremont i haven't been invited for 15 years man who killed tremont poison lala hodges what's a lot of help you got to do with this raymond sheridan is behind these murders we think you're trying to do his dirty work for him let it sink in tubs it's either your neck of his chief let's go look at those fingerprints got a couple of guards outside the door don't get funny tubs didn't do the actual killing he wouldn't know what to do with a 357 magnum you sure you left the switch open yeah okay let's uh send sheridan to let tubbs take a rash and tubs is a fool strange with all the smart deals he's pulled in this state he'd let himself be made up patsy by someone like sheridan well if he thinks he's in trouble now whatever he finds out lala hodges is still alive you'll tie him in so tight with sheridan they'll never have a chance and by that time it'll be too late for dubs attorneys to do anything about it hey chief is that intercom open i might ought to give him an airflow let's hope it works i'll go and release him that other stop his lawyers from screaming yeah i'm under arrest for murder and then you go in swimming huh yeah my lawyers get you out of me go have a drink no i don't want to drink i want to know the truth what do you know about the death of henry tremont why am i supposed to know something well the the police seem to think so that's impossible oh is it well i heard them talking over an open intercom they didn't know it they think that you're responsible and you're letting me take the blame do you believe that well you wanted a blackmail tremont what else could i believe you had a frightened little rabbit oliver well i was in that jail and you weren't and here's another thing i've heard about real hodges isn't dead or that it does mean something to you how do you know about the hajji's woman just something i heard at headquarters that's all i wanted to leave the country what jumbail well that would be admitting that i killed dremont you heard me start running i'll put a private plane at your disposal go to south america get yourself lost yeah but my money you'll get your money look i can't pull up states like that i'm giving you your life you you and lana hodges are the only two can hurt me and she's not going to be so lucky get out i never want to see your silly face in florida again [Music] i must arrest her right to the hospital and pumped her up i just don't understand how she took it don't get it you must be made of iron you can't afford another mistake maury time's run out lila's got to be found oh wait ray there's something that may give us the answer to this i had chuck borden tailing louis ascot he told me that louie took a little joy ride up in the everglades let's face it the everglades are for tourists and sportsmen on our boy louise neither one of those we'll get going check with you later [Music] yes sir gentlemen do something for you yeah we're thinking about taking a little ride a friend of ours told us you took him on one and it was real good maybe he could take us to the same place a sure thing but who is your friend so hello fella named ascot louis ascot yeah i remember him but that's not our usual run mister look 100 buys the same trip today for a hundred bucks mr i take you clear to havana for that you just want to get a board i'll call the boss and tell him we're taking off he has to send somebody else over to watch the office okay [Music] good captain scott please the captain this is gil muller at the boathouse those guys are here i didn't think it was going to happen this fast it's going to be rough is your radio transmitter set up all set it'll pick up anything they say all right you better hurry up cap i don't like being caught in the middle of this yeah sure i'll try to make the trip as slow as i can hello yeah boy oh everything's nice and quiet around here they jumped the gun the way out here now how many are there i buy will do the best we can no no i won't let them leave the house i bought look get out here quickly fine bad news huh can either of you handle again what's with guns i've done a little hunting with barbara tron sheridan's killers are on their way out here now [Music] 100 yards we didn't expect it to work out this way but headquarters set up a trap bring sheridan killers out of the open the trap was sprung too fast now the police gonna try to get here first they may not make it so now you know what's happening there's a gun for you man steve you my pal yes and a boy and when these men get here i want you to lie down on the floor make like a carpet don't even lift that little head here is okay okay i won't boy there's a gun for you i've never shot well in my life maybe this will be your day to learn baby even if you can't hit him just keep firing and keep ducking for cover stevie i don't want you to be frightened right mother this is terrific wait till the other kids hear how we lick those crooks how about that he's making us report to headquarters already and a boy yeah if somebody wanted to get lost they could sure do it at this place you guys never been through here before no and after today i don't think we'll ever have to go through it again a guy could show how this guy back in came with his wife ever finding out about it maybe that's what our friend louis ascot did yeah that's why i wasn't so anxious to let us pass though about this boat trip [Music] anybody want me to read to them what bart told me about the land around here they'd never make it well maybe they'll get lucky maybe they will make it we'll be sitting here like a bunch of rats in a trap they could shoot through that window so fast we wouldn't even heal either you have no guts or no brains which i don't know but that's a kid over there you understand the kid and he has to rely on us all of us what's the good thing he's just yours i better go outside so i can hear what's coming how's he picking on me for i didn't ask me made a pigeon it's his responsibility to see that nothing happens to you suppose you had to worry about somebody else's life you're gonna make me feel like a two-bit heel too oh no that wouldn't be you you're the kind of a girl that goes to church on sunday and wishes every day was christmas and you've never felt that way christmas is for people who get presents i never got anything i did learn lala we all came here to help you we didn't have to and you shut up that's a two-bit here [Music] you can i knew what that was before i could walk maybe that's the trouble sure why not will's full of them my father was one the first guy i ever loved was one of the schmoe i married was one but that's the first time anybody ever called me one roden's made mistakes before want some coffee how can you just sell a car even worse for you with a kid i know the police will do everything they can i thought you didn't think too much of cops that seems to be my faith lila i think a little too much of them really overbought for that scott guy yes well it's times like these it would be sure good to hear the pattern of size 13s around the house scott's okay he could have made a pass of me in havana but no he was strictly business all cop maybe you shouldn't try and make him anything else marrying kid then you got it made sitting around remembering you're a widow is liable to wind you up with section 8. that is if we ever get out of this wingding well i want you to be right how's about me telling you some stories you know some good ones hey come on let's start off when i was a kid hoping for the uso in the zone okay we've been riding around these swamps for hours what are you trying to do make a career out of this look i'm responsible for you man you go too fast in here and you stand a good chance of ripping out your bottom louie step went in here for a reason i paid you a hundred bucks to find out what that reason is wait foreign i don't want any conversation out of you i just want you to get us where we're going before it's dark otherwise you might not make that return trip look i didn't hire after suppose you just make this crate go a little faster yeah yeah sure [Music] jordan's getting impatient now this time we don't make any mistake with that hodges woman that's it that's a tie with sheridan [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't want you to go blow on your top we're gonna have enough trouble as it is hey grogan did i ever show you the soft shoe i didn't was on with the shells landing about a hundred yards away what did you do boy she should have gone battle i did i got a good conduct medal from a general and two girls names you know i kind of forgot about luzon i was too dumb to be afraid of guns in those days why don't you get real stupid now and grab that 38 over there [Music] let's come over here [Music] [Music] here they come forward [Music] [Music] don't make like a hero skipper [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] we held a beach head [Music] go ahead shout now gets caught go ahead [Music] how do you like that always kiss them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i guess that's it lyla's identification of marty pill pale's testimony should put the rest of them where they belong the way i'm sorry he's dead i'd like to have seen him come to trial might have served as a better warning to some of these other guys with big ideas [Music] i wonder what florida would have been like with legal again [Music] you
Channel: Rob W
Views: 115,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drive-In, B-Movie, Film-Noir
Id: BLANuvCumtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 55sec (4495 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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