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hi i'm susan and today i was asked by a subscriber from ireland how to cut some cells off a frame when you have a hiveco queen list and they make a run of cells you don't knock them all down if you don't have to you can harvest those cells and then make multiple nukes that that way you have a chance at more queens coming back the one part we don't have a control over is when queens return so the more queens you have the more virgins you have going out to get mated the better chance you have of some coming back and so that's what i'm going to show you how to cut a cell [Music] so this this hive is queenless they made multiple cells on the bars if you leave them you can get cast swarms more than one queen flying and then you lose your hive you can see i've got five under this one side six actually seven on the whole frame one has already emerged two has already emerged so there's virgins running around and they're gonna kill these more than likely so instead of allowing that to happen you need a really sharp knife [Music] a really sharp knife because you have to cut into your brood okay can you get a film like up here here's herself and you want to cut up into this brood area because if you cut too close to here you'll open up the cell and stop her development you want to brush or blow the bees away if you shake it and because i don't know exactly the stage of her development although i can say that she's within a day i still don't want to shake her so i go up two cells at least the black wax is very difficult to cut just take your time get it cut there's a queen cell and she's viable because there's no you didn't open it up and you can either push it into a frame or just like your queen other queen cells basically hang it so it depends because you just don't want to squish it any more than you need to i'll cut another one since she's right here let me show this one i would say this one is not developed as far because of how light that trafficked comb is these ones down here are definitely get ready to emerge they might even emerge in my hand before i get them out this one is not so this one is a more delicate procedure and i can show it she's more attached into the frame you get that [Music] me [Music] so that's the drone that's not the queen so that's two cells if you make a mistake and you kill the cell that's not a big deal because the virgin that's loose in there is either gonna kill her or they're gonna fly away because there's too many in there but these are viable cells [Music] okay so there i've harvested three cells they can have the rest now i can put those in a nuke if it was from a queen i didn't like i wouldn't do it fighting me so these are mini nukes i know this is a queenless nuke i can just utilize someone's still biting me oh there she is it's here i'm gonna let her go in she was she's the one who was biting me she just emerged in my hand got her [Music] [Music] she keeps biting me so there she is like i said those were the cells done go in just to run around okay okay so so that's all you have to do you have to have a sharp knife don't try to cut it with a dull one if you mess up the cell just chuck it up too she was gonna die anyway and try it again you have to have at least two frames for your nukes give them some comb something to eat and in 10 days you can check her to see where she is if she's still in her nuke did she fly did she not come back this is a great way to maximize your queen cell uh your your hive's ability to get a mated queen the more virgins you have going out there the better chance you have at least one coming back if you cut down all those cells to one now you have to bet you're betting on one queen flying navigating past birds and dragonflies and anything else that's out there and finding her way back maximize it make five nukes out of that queenless hive and you might get one and you might get five so thank you very much for watching and until the next video happy beekeeping you like to do that [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Butts Bees LLC
Views: 7,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cut queen cells, harvest queen cells, bees, beekeeping, how to cut Queen cells, beekeeper, sustainable apiary, queen rearing, honeybees, mated queens, Mississippi beekeeping, how to harvest queen cells, queen cells, bee lady no gloves, harvesting queen cells, beekeeping videos, swarm cells, swarm cells in hive, cutting out queen cells, make splits with swarm cells, Queen rearing step by step, Cut out queen cells, swarm cells in a beehive, queen cells bees, queen cells in hive
Id: UVjYdEvI8ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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