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today's video is about the nikot system and I  already told you about the bits and pieces and   how the system works so this video has been a  couple of times a couple of weeks in the making I intended to just have a couple of  weeks and show you just how Swift   Everything can work and well that's not how  it happened so this video contains not just   the introduction of the queen and into the hive  but it contains an introduction to two queens I have a bank here and one or two that probably  are queenless right here so she's not happy   this video is shows you just the difficulty I  experimented and I thought maybe I won't show   this I'll cut it out I'll do this whatever and  make it a short nice video this video is on the   longer side for me and that's why so let's get  to it and I'll just begin the sequence [Music]   when we begin we're I'm going to show you how I  put the queen into or the night caught itself into   a hive to be cleaned and then I find the queen and  put her in the first queen that I put into the box   is not the queen that actually ended up laying  in the box so that's part of it and hopefully   I will be putting chapters in you know giving  my time constraints and my other duties as an   actual beekeeper that will then show you how it  all went and then as today I show you at the very   end I will show you just what did the Builder  think of what the nikot gave me it's the hive and she's down below because the  nikot was put in with the Brew Queen has not been confined yet so it's been way too many days that I've had  rain dark cold and then I had Queens come up   so certain things take priority but either  way the nightcot should be well into being cleaned up and ready for her to be confined and being that the nicot is full of  pieces you've got to make sure you   kept your peace that you need to put  back on all pieces intact and ready to go so first things first will  be two take the Nikon out and then I'll look for the queen so there it is they started to build patties on  both sides worker size comb no less   and she laid in it so it's really not  a bad deal it's going to help her feel   more comfortable I'm not knocking  that down that's not a problem see if I can show you there's all her  laid out nice little eggs it's beautiful nothing in here because it's plastic and she  doesn't really want to lay in there   but at least there's no nectar and this  side's brand new and I don't see well   I see an egg or something there but for  the most part they're just getting going so now it's churn for the queen put it to  the side so you don't lose track of anything there's eggs there so I'm still  assuming she's down below even   though she had free reign to go up into the hive what's going on super frame of pollen so when I finally found her  she was in the Second Story   not the first she's in the  Second Story and she's laying and there she is so before I proceed to show you   how to pick up a queen first I want to  just lay out my box and get it ready so here's the Box and I want to close it up and I will pop her in this little hole there's no way in no way out except  that hole and this is the queen excluder so when you go to grab a queen you want  to grab her by her thorax when possible   you can grab her by her wings But Wings can  rip off so you want to be as gentle as possible   and it's easier if she's actually  if you grab her from behind so you just reach in and grab her by her  thorax and gently lift her away sorry got her by your thorax bought for her your finger and gently oh hold down her leg and then the  other legs but push on her thorax so you're not   really holding her by her legs she can't twist  you can't run you have her now by her thorax   and now we're going to just pop her in the hole there's the hole here she goes head down and in and there she is running around close it up together and there she is in there it's  gonna be in there about four days I now see her they want to take care of her  they're going to get in there and take care   of her and now it's the waiting game one  more time for four days so that you can   just pull the cells put them on your  graph bar and we'll go on from there where does the bar go well it goes right back  where you had it goes down into The Brood nest she'll feel comfortable there she's got her eggs  right next door and hopefully she'll lay in it   she'll start laying in it tonight because  it's so clean that she can't help but like I've said it before and I'm gonna say it  again some Queens refuse to lay in this Nikon   and this particular instance I wasn't gonna  give up because I was making this video so I left her in there so I have now very old  larva next to like one or two eggs but nothing   the size that I need and I said they wouldn't cap  but they actually capped one or two where is it there's a cap right there so no I let the queen out I'm gonna try a  different clean some Queens just won't do what you   ask and hopefully I didn't stress her too bad they  seem to be fine but this is ridiculous this is   one of their problems of the nicot is to get the  queen to lay in there and you can't always do it she had laid there and there when the my cat  was in for cleaning so the scent was everywhere   but no I had to release her I'm going to  shake off the bees and try another hive so here it is the queen has been  in here for at least four days and for complete Clarity this is the second Hive  that I had to confine a queen in I tried for two   weeks with the other Queen both in and out and in  and out and she wouldn't like some Queens won't   do this it may not be anything that you're doing  but for whatever reason they just cannot do this   this queen apparently has done fairly well so  I'm gonna take it up part and see just how well so you never want to shake any of these  bees off here if anything you brush you can hold the Nikon up to the light and  kind of see what they've been doing in there yes I knocked it Queen just went in her little  chamber there here she is right here she just went back into her chamber there he is in and out she goes  so she was fairly comfortable   she has lots of workers in there with  her and once I can get her out of there   I'm going to brush the bees and try  to get a good shot of what is actually   in there and regardless I'm just gonna take what  I can get and put it in a hot and in a builder come on she's already been under a lot of stress just  being in this machine this confined confinement   so I'm just gonna slowly flip it over she may go out before I get the back  off that I'm going to take off the back um okay I don't see her anymore on that side and you can see that they felt like they  were queenless even though she was in the   hive so they have all these little starts  of Queen cells nothing to put in them but so now I'm just gonna go get  my brush and brush them off so don't shake the bees off here make  sure she's off and then brush them   if you brush her hopefully  she goes back into the hive don't be too gentle you gotta just get them off so I don't know if you can see these some of them have little dots in them  of royal jelly they are just emerged and if you have to you have to get a set of  goggles or something some sort of Jewelers I use it for grafting so if you use Jewelers if you use glasses if you're  younger you have better eyes and we'll see now we'll take them off and put  them in in to the bar and this is the bar yikes and we're gonna see about taking  and taking them into the Builder okay this here is a wet t-shirt so that it  doesn't dry out these things are very very   tender and so you don't want them to dry out  just in the short time that you're working take your white receiver cup gently pull it off okay nice there is an egg in there but there's also the royal  jelly which also has a little   larva says that she laid twice in  there I had her in probably five days so that's one and probably what I'm gonna do  is just use one and transfer and I do have a set of Jewelers  glasses on so that I can see it there was nothing if you pull it and there's  nothing just set it to the side we have about   a hundred chances and hopefully she gave me I'm  just looking for 32. all right because that's just you don't want to jostle them too much come on yeah yeah they're supposed to just come  right up that's fine they like to stick   I don't want a jostle them  too much barely get them up maybe the receiver cup was  giving me trouble I don't know   try a different one that one went fine nice larva oh my God from the back you can almost see the  difference between a larva and an egg if there's no royal jelly in  there it's probably an egg for the ones that are already down make sure you   cover them as well because  you don't want them just drying out on your bar so  both sides should be covered [Music]   thank you so so far so good we're doing great with larva like I said keep them covered  even in my humid swamp [Music]   again see if I can get this to show you guys see it in there yes it's small it's beautiful so there we just did 16 on that bar we'll go to the next bar I think I grabbed one  or two eggs which I will go back and get larva [Music] foreign [Music] again [Music] my little systems probably on the average I don't  know 10 years old so it might be a little warped   if you have a brand new one it may  work better as far as popping these out there's more you just want to be careful when you hear that  popping that you didn't just knock them right out   that's why you brushed them so I finished I finished they have larva and I  have maybe two cells that I couldn't find so I   used eggs and those eggs should be hours hours  away from emerging so it won't bother me so Jeweler's glasses they make things clear  that are teeny tiny get yourself a pair   now we put them in the Builder  make sure we keep them covered doesn't matter how wet you think your yard  is keep them covered keep them covered it'll   make sure that you don't have these tiny  little things that just dry out on you   and we'll walk over to the Builder my  phone cut off somewhere in the middle   so I don't know where I lost it but I don't  have tan time to go back because time is of   the essence when you have the bar and you want to  get everybody in there so my Builder is down below you don't want your bar to shake you don't want it  to fall you don't want it to anything those little   eggs The larva can be fall out can  move and just it'll ruin your graft   you want to be as gentle as you can put my hood on and I'll show you my Builder this  is the Builder she's full full she's hopelessly cleanless and over an  hour ago I shook nurse bees in there hopefully they'll have nothing to do but  take every single one of those larva and   make something out of it I have to be careful because so  many bees I have a feeder on there so instead of actually taking the lid off  I'm just going to take the whole feeder off they're awesome too bad it's a full gallon bag as any graphics it's heavy stinging I don't know why she has to sting me  I didn't do nothing mean to her come on okay here's the Builder plenty of bees she's got plenty of pollen she's got a frame  of pollen next to her she's got some stores in   there and are better and so they're hopelessly  Clueless there better not be a rogue Queen I   have double checked and re-double checked  but the Queen's in a queen yard do fly in   so we pray that that doesn't happen in  your yard it shouldn't so now what do we do we have the bar and we let it float down in there nice and gentle foreign Don't Let It Drop too hard  get beats out of the way and that's that thank you so that's that they should start feeding those larva a queen  larva sped 1600 times a day she's got plenty of   bees to do that I do have rain on the way that's  why I'm feeding even though that there are there   are a lot of wildflowers and trees still blooming  I'm not in my main flow that's another month away   but they are definitely in building and  swarm mode I've had one swarm this year   this is what you want the more bees you have  the better can you do it with less bees yes   you might want to cut down how  many cells you put in there   and in four days those cells will be capped so  just not even counting today today is Monday   Friday they'll be capped and seven days  after they're capped they will emerge and until then we'll I'm gonna come back  I'm gonna wait on this video posting I'm   going to wait four days and see how  many took I might wait three days so the Nikon is a difficult task if the queen  makes it difficult best practice with Nikon is   that you feed the donor Hive wherever the queen is  feed her so that they feel like they don't have to   eat back all these things all these larva that's  one of the things two some Queens just won't do it   nothing you're doing it's nothing that you can  do about it so if you only have one Queen and   she's not laying in that nightcot get  yourself a paintbrush or some type of   grafting tool that you want to learn and  just start grafting and start learning it   because it's very frustrating I found myself  very very frustrated with this uh system I   took her out I saw some eggs laid I took her  out I was feeding she's got a great Hive no   so then I left her in too long and I had  three or four that had really old larva   but still no eggs no tiny larvae so I missed this  weird window where five eggs that she had laid   they decided to feed five out of a hundred that  doesn't make any sense but she's an old Queen   and she was stressed and she didn't like it you  know I can't make them do everything we would like but the Nikon if you have more than one Hive  to try to to graft from to try to do a queen   it does give you a little bit of Leverage you  don't have to touch anything except the queen uh   but each has its drawbacks so we'll wait three  days see how good they were they were good larvae   and now actually this part is really not  the Nikon and now this is the Builder   and you should know how to build the Builder that's another video I think I have one this is day four we put the Nikon in on Monday  this is Friday the Builder is rejoined with the   mother hives she's no longer on a queenless state  they're rejoining to be in a clean right state but   they should either be trapped or nearly capped  right now so I'm going to see just what they did thank you there's the bar it looks like they had a really  big tank but even under that curtain of bees may not be a cell no one two three four five six seven eight nine first bar was the best which is this  far on the top one two five six seven   eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen  fifteen it's about fifty percent tape   which really isn't horrible  the bottom did some nice spells the first run so I did this bar first that had the   best larva this was the second  but they chose to not take them obviously I had plenty of these for them  to do it I didn't touch any of the larva   The larva was in the cell they chose  not to make the queen that's nightcock   if you want to do nicot it will  teach you what to look for and really   team sells 16 Queen cells there's nothing to  sneeze at it's a 50 take when I graft I go for a   75 and I generally get 70 to 75 percent sometimes  better I've gotten as high as like 90 something   percent that's not always what happens 75 is good  50 isn't dead if you're gonna do night talk it's   an expensive little Gadget but it's worth it if  that's what you're gonna do if you're not going to   continuously raise Queens I suggest you just get  yourself a grafting tool it's a little bit cheaper   but this whole kit is what you're going to need  anyway so go in a few extra products thank you so that's my Nikon and a 50 take is not a bad  take it's not great as far as grafting but   really if you take what you can get if I had maybe  left it in an extra day uh my frustration level   was pretty high and I toyed with saying hey you  know what this is my I hate the nightcot system   it's gonna hit me in the lips this is  my I hate the nicot system video golly   so it's I don't hate the Nikon it can  actually teach you something but it is   frustrating especially because it's  kind of where you have less control   I as a graft person I now graft I say oh I can  pick the graphs that I want I'm not waiting on   a queen to hopefully lay and I have a builder  waiting and I turn around and there's nothing   to put in the Builder so I have a coinless builder  but I have no graphs put in it so grafting itself allows you to control that part of the  situation yes please don't fly in my mouth   I think you can take as you will from  this video If you enjoyed it please   leave me a like maybe subscribe  and hit your notifications Bell   and if you try this system let me know how it  goes for you everybody's different everybody   has you know success I hope I mean at the  very least if you try it and you get one   Queen that's one more Queen than you actually had  four days ago so until next time happy beekeeping
Channel: Butts Bees LLC
Views: 3,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The COMPLETE NICOT ! START TO FINISH QUEEN REARING, nicot queen rearing system instructions, nicot queen rearing instructions, queen rearing without grafting, how to use the nicot queen rearing system, queen rearing step by step, susan butts queen rearing, queen rearing nicot system, raising queen bees without grafting, queen rearing, nicot method of queen rearing, nicot queen rearing kit, nicot queen rearing kit instructions, nicot queen rearing system
Id: njnsOcXAy6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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