★ reorganizing my art space | lil art studio tour ★

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is my current art area situation i have a desk and like a desk with drawers and then i have this shelf and i have all this stuff under here so this is my desk this is a really old kind of gross chair that i got from my aunt because she wasn't using it but this is the desk that my dad made me and it lifts up like a drafting table but because i have all this stuff on it all the time i can never use it as a drafting table so that's one of my goals is to get this desk cleared off so i can lift it whenever i need to under this table i have a bunch of canvases from my 20 portraits challenge i have a portfolio over here i have this um chalkboard i think i'm gonna erase it i'll take you know some good pictures so i have that these are my friends and then these are my friends i have them out so i can see their beautiful faces all the time because i missed them um but i think i'm gonna erase this because i've the more i look at it the less good it is and i have these paintings of them so it's fine i'll erase that and i can use the chalkboard again because otherwise it's like why do i have it you know just taking up space um this is art supplies that i still need to review in a video so that's stacked separate um these are just some drawing boards and then this is all stuff that needs to go up on my walls so the top of the desk is just not functional at all i have some pastel pencils and cups over here that i barely ever use so it doesn't really make sense for them to be out like that takes up a lot of space that i just don't have i have my markers all in these they're kind of getting a little cramped so i might move those around and then i bought this to hold all of these like boxes but i can't take anything out of it without pulling this all the way off the shelves so it doesn't make sense i have some random pencils in here some of which i use all the time some of which i never use and it's completely chock full so things fall out all the time same with all my pens over here it's so full that things are constantly falling out and then falling down the back of the desk and then i have to pull all of this stuff out just to find the one pen that falls so that sucks i have all of my brushes in these two things and it's there i don't like that they're separated so i want to fix that then we have this shelf which frankly i don't love that it's here at all i think it kind of makes the room look a little like i just don't like it i think it's kind of ugly but i needed the space so it's got to be up there and i probably will still need it after today i have more markers and just random art supplies all up in here like pens these are all used sketchbooks this is a mess this is usually like current stuff that i'm using like my current sketchbook my ipad my notebook and this is all painting supplies and then i have a bunch of trinkets up there that i would love to find a better home because you can't see any of them and i want to be able to and then we have this um closet which is filled with bear with me it's so ugly and messy um so i have my no issue tissue paper that i got um i have mailing stuff and then i have canvas and paper that used to be right there but well i needed that room for other things so i had to move this stuff in here so it works like i'm not against having it in here but i wish i had a better organization system so that's my current situation like i said i have a bunch of painting stuff under the bed which i would love to have out more i'm thinking that might go in the cart um i have those two desks that the closet stuff under the bed stuff on the bed that needs a new home just a lot of stuff just in a lot of places with no real organization so i'm going to go build the shelf and then i'm going to move this furniture well first i'm trying to take literally everything off and start stacking it and organizing it into what it is and then i will start moving the furniture around and see what kind of feels the best and then we'll go from there there's really no real plan i'm really worried that this is gonna take all day and nothing is gonna come from it but we'll see we'll see wish me luck [Music] so i did not record the first half i guess i never press record so that's a great um so you didn't get to see me take most of the stuff off the shelves but i have almost everything down on the floor now i just need to go through a few more things i'm debating if i even want to take stuff out of the closet or just kind of leave it up because i'm running out of room on my floor but i'm organizing that stuff into piles i'm probably going to show you the piles maybe and then it'll be time to move furniture around so you didn't miss anything it's just a lot of me carrying things all right so let's go finish that up and then i'll show you all the different things i have i guess so this is the current situation um bit of a mess here i have supplies that still need to be reviewed so those will probably just stay on my floor over here i have my portraits from my 20 portraits painting video thing i need to find something to do with them because i do really want to keep them i really like them but i can't display 20 portraits here is some old art that i still really like here's a portfolio and old sketchbooks and then this is a stack of things that i need to go through just some originals some paperwork for school like just stuff that i have that i need to go through this is all the new stuff that needs to be up at my walls eventually and then this is um scrap paper that i can still use or like sticker paper stuff to go in my sketchbook this is stuff that needs to stay on my desk because it's what i grab all the time this is stationery type stuff a lot of washi tape pictures current things that i'm using so like my current sketchbook my current planner my current jewel oh my gosh journal this is like miscellaneous craft normal stuff like not art supply stuff journal stickers or like you know planner stickers regular stickers palettes all old stuff slash a few like non-art things that i'm still using this is all marker stuff this is all acrylic paint stuff two cases some clay working stuff oil paint stuff watercolor gouache these are just like paint boards this is all pastel and pastel pencils paint brush type thing you know and like a holder so paint brushes this is like pens and marker pens this is graphite and colored pencils and this is my chalk stuff and then i have all the trinkets that i want somewhere over here so a lot of stuff um no idea how i'm going to organize any of it so i'm going to get around to moving the furniture i'm thinking this ikea shelf here or here and then the cart somewhere over here and then maybe if i still need space moving this along this wall but we'll see [Music] so [Music] okay so um my phone ran out of room so i was transferring footage and while i did that i organized all my markers in rainbow order but besides that i haven't gone any further my cheeks are starting to get really stiff and painful so i think i'm gonna take a break and ice them for a while until i can take my meds next and then i will continue but for now it's still just a mess on my floor i literally don't know what to do next so hopefully while i'm just laying on my floor and pain some inspiration will come to me but i'll talk to you soon uh [Music] [Music] so um [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay so this is the final result i am very pleased with it it's not perfect it's not the super prettiest most beautiful thing i've ever seen but it's functional and it's way better than it was before so i'm good i'm fine with it i've come to peace with it the only thing that's missing is well there's two things missing i have a bunch of loose pastel pencils that need a little case basically so i'm waiting on that and i still need to put up all of the stuff not only here but on all of my walls but so that'll come at some point up here here's just going to be basically swatch markers business cards from other artists just things that i find inspirational things like that and that's it so you're not you're not missing that it's fine um but yeah let's quickly walk through it i'm sweating like a pig because it's perpetually satan's armpit in florida so let's get this done as quickly as [Music] possible so this is the desk area like i said before my dad made me the desk uh this chair is for my aunt it's disgusting it has like fabric coming out of the bottom and it creaks like crazy but it's very comfortable and it was free so i'm not i'm complaining a little bit but it's it could be worse um and like i said my only goal for the desk was to be able to prop it up with only having to take my laptop off and i succeeded there's no longer anything cluttering up the desk and it is so nice oh my gosh i love it i'm so happy that it's clean now um but anyways the top of the ikea shelf yay the ikea shelf worked so well so much better than the desk did before i was really worried i would be losing space but i definitely gained like oh my gosh so much better [Music] so i have all of my markers stacked up here before i had these like side by side now i have them stacked they just barely fit it's perfect i am so happy um i just have them in rainbow order because obviously um yeah i wanted to be really close because like i reached for them the most often so this worked out perfectly i was afraid that they were going to end up like up here or something you can't see that um but i managed to like get them exactly where i wanted them over here i just have like computer stuff and then i have a cup pretty little cup of all of my like literal go-to so mechanical pencils red pencils pencil sharpener erasers and then i have a water cup because i'm a thirsty over here i have downsized the amount of cups that i had so i have one of just pens so like microns inking stuff literal just pens then i have my long brushes and a ruler in this funky clown mug from my mom she used to be obsessed with clowns when she was younger so that's cool i have all my little brushes in a jar is that an asmr i don't know um i have like funky pens so like non-inking stuff acrylic pens a pasta thing um other kinds of like marker pen things some paint markers not a lot but i wanted them separate and then i have a few loose prismacolor pencils and a few watercolor pencils because i had no other place for those and then i have graphite tools so tortillas i don't know what they're called i think they're called tortilla those things and then graphite pencils compass that's it and then i also have my harry potter quill because i'm an 12. okay so that's the top of the ikea shelf let's move on okay so the floating the wall shelf i have all my old sketchbooks up here which is just frankly better i had them down here before and i like never look at them really so there's no point in them being like front and center of the it it was pointless so they're up there now which is fine and then i have trinkets which i kind of wanted to be a little bit more dispersed but i don't really have the room for that so they're fine up there over here i have pastel stuff stick pastels and tiny little case of pencil pastels on my floor i have a lot i'm staring at them a lot of loose pastel pencils and they're i need a case for those so once i have that they'll be up there too so and then i have earbuds and my polaroid down here i have my journal malfoy as well as everything i'm currently working with so my ipad my current sketchbook a trash sketchbook my planner and my list keeper planner down here i have more markers this is the arteza stuff i have artisan paint markers and artisa pens this is open because i am literally always grabbing these and then i have this little thing it's like a wall decoration and i really need to do something with it i've had it for probably like years and i need i need to paint it but i'm lazy so that's cool over here i hope i'm shot i'm sure it's it's i don't care um i have a bucky barnes i got him for christmas he is a bobble head which i don't love but like bucky barnes funko pops are so hard to find so i'm settling and i'm done forever with funko pops these are the only two i need i also have this draco malfoy little figurine um i love him he came from like a christmas shop last christmas and then this christmas i got this ron and hermione one and kind of obsessed they're like so ugly i love it they're so ugly um i have this skunk from my grandma who is obsessed with skunks she has she used to have a pet skunk um and she just has like a bunch of skunk trinkets she was going through stuff getting rid of some of them so my sister has some i have one it's very cute i also have this joker like keychain decoration that i found on the ground in a walmart parking lot and i picked it up for no reason i have a framed picture of me and my friend from a hike we went on years ago i have a chakra candle from my friend and i have this i think like a walmart or target organizer that's filled with scrap paper so this is a bunch of like bits from like when i'm cutting fancy paper i really can't do anything with these so i keep them to like where's to test my markers on um because it's i like i don't want to waste them it's good paper back here okay come on back here i have like cut paper that i can still use um like i have this where i was going to start a drawing and never did but i'm not going to throw this away so like this is just if i need paper i can check like if i need to do a commission i just check there to make sure i don't have that cut already recycling re i don't know and then here's your stuff that i want to use in my sketchbook so i have like a fish cut out of a magazine one of those like buck pelham where you black stuff out i'm because i'm cool this is so cute we went to sunken gardens and you can feed the koi and they have this beautiful bag so i'm gonna cut that out and i'm gonna make like a thing with that so that stuff goes there before i was in a drawer and it was um here i have a bit miscellaneous kind of here are my oil pencils and i'm still trying to figure out what the heck to do with and then this is artisan like liner pen things and then here's my prismacolors it's not ideal that they're all the way up here but it is better than having to like before this was like here and i had to take this out to take those out now i can just grab the prismacolors and it's not perfect but it's better so that's fine i have my spray stuff if you've ever wondered what i spray on my graphite in my sketchbooks to keep it from like smudging this is it got it off somewhere amazon online you can find it anywhere and then i have mod podge and then i just have like office supplies stuff staples staplers clips okay we're on the floor now so here are all of my art books i've been collecting these since like high school from used bookstores um they used to be up on my bookshelf where i needed a ladder to reach them so i literally never ever read them or open them or looked at them which is super sad because i like love to look at these things and i know i would more often if they were in reach and i already i'm like i've been pulling these out and looking at them a lot more so two of two goals accomplished those were this and the laptop thing are literally the only things i knew i wanted so i am satisfied um but yeah books down here is just one of those like baskets full of like odds and ends i have like post-its a notepad my chalkboard and the chalkboard markers a painting i'm currently currently working on so just like literally random stuff like loose papers that are hidden away [Music] over here i have oh my god i'm playing oh palettes i also have pastels over here i have palettes and a brush holder thing nothing really special about that and then down here i have all of my canvases and like old stuff so they're technically still out but they're not taking up the eight yards of floor space that they were before over here i have a portfolio it just holds like really bad old old stuff i thought i saw a spider we're fine like old stuff and then i have two art boards that technically were stolen from my old art teacher okay let's look at the cart now [Music] this stuff i don't know if you can see it but it's just this move the stuff that i need to make videos on still so it's jay chilling on my floor for now in the top card i have gouache and then watercolor and then the stuff that goes with it i have a few palette knives like the what's this called masking fluid yeah paint stuff down here i have all of my stickers here's like my loose stickers a lot of harry potter stuff some dinosaurs some plants and then i have all of my washi tape in here i did not know i had so much washi tape to be fair some of it my sister didn't want anymore so i took it but like oh my god i literally have so much washi tape and i feel like i never have enough but i should probably stop buying it for a while and then down here i have acrylic and then oils are in this bag and then i have this to open my really terrible terribly like messed up taps of tubes that are really sticky so yeah that's uh and then i have this magnet that my sister got me last year sorry i missed church i was busy practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian so yeah that's the cart so that is my art space for slash reorganization i'm so sorry that this video is probably like so messy and disorganized and low quality that's why i never normally film in my room i go somewhere else to film terrible lighting terrible angles i don't have a tripod like my camera is on my like a loopy arm camera holder attached to a dinner chair right now like i don't have any proper filming equipment it probably just looked so bad i'm probably like seem like a mess right now because i'm trying to film this in the 30 minutes that my parents are gone at the store so this was a mess and i'm so sorry but i really wanted you guys to to come along this journey with me because i i like watching these videos i think they're so fun and they always inspire me so hopefully hopefully you enjoyed this and got something out of it um if not sucks for you you watched it anyways so yeah that's the video thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed um if you did you know leave a comment leave a like whatever it's a mess so i won't blame you if you don't want to um but i had a lot of fun i'm really happy with how it turned out leave a comment telling me something good that happened to you this week because i'm interested i want to know uh yeah that's it i'm this is such a mess okay bye do go do some art bye [Music] you
Channel: Lilstarnerd
Views: 45,938
Rating: 4.9310684 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, artists on youtube, art supplies, lilstarnerd, traditional art, artists on instagram, art video, art studio, art studio tour, art space, art space tour, art studio organization, art studio makeover, art studio reorganization, art vlog, art studio vlog, studio vlog
Id: GMuBkLjvIL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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