► WarCraft 3 - KiwiKaki vs. Deuce - Orc vs. Undead - GenoZ Cup

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all right boys and girls game on we have our next game up and we are on last refuge here at the Guiness cup General's Cup Gino's Cup butchering the pronunciation for sure but down to the bottom left we have too much a source sauce also known as a deuce and other players you can see right in front of you starting here with a graveyard and crypts are already starting with a fiend built immediately as up to the top right hailing from Canada is Kimi cocky oh yeah okay so obviously old-school or player from the good old times Walker three reign of chaos and Frozen Throne now coming back for remaster or we've forged we're just going to hit next year at least the beta and yeah keep the cocky so far in round number two this opponent here should be a little bit tougher for him awkward on that matchup that's what we're currently focusing on and in the last game we had a Farseer first against unregister logo Blademaster but then Keeley cocky he likes as far see us and he's sticking with it for now so far see on his side I would be shocked to see anything else in the alter of darkness than death night as the first hero but we're gonna find out how exactly he is going to start the game but if you go into fiends you want to have a deathmatch you need the death called - what relics also being built so I mean the whole idea is really to just you can see that he's sticking with it with a double ghoul so it's not even going into a third so we're definitely gonna see fiends for him another couple of benches of gold and then you should be fine so right now that's the death knight that we have the first fiend being killed and the deaf man is gonna pop out roughly at the same time or shortly after the two more relics is completed and that means you can immediately go for the road of necromancy Roth is the most important who were super fast tech whoa look at that going into a Great Hall before anything else he be cocky definitely in the past known to throw a couple of interesting strategies around and he's doing the same thing already now keep in mind the on the player has actually not scouted it you didn't send out an acolyte or anything so he does currently not know what's happening here so this is actually a really nice switch after passing from him we have a very early war mill we have again the barracks being built potentially had numbers but with that earlier take into Great Hall we see a super fast tech here on the side of he and now just the question how much harass can you really put on with this particular movie when you're looking towards too much sauce aka deuce then you already see the road of necromancy here in the inventory and that's one of the best items that you can really have as none at play as one of the strongest items that comes out of the tomb over just simply because it allows you not only to harass a lot more successfully it also allows you to eat a lot safer double fiend already no experience on the death night just yet because he saw the Farsi Irie summon the spirit wolves and already a bit of man are sacrificed here to keep those fiends alive but by now we have four skeletons on you can start to creep the small camps here but as you can see Kili kaki is a man on a mission today is a man on the wolf but his mission at this point is just it's basically like the name of the game right now keep him busy and make sure that he cannot get too far ahead with his hero levels because on that really rely heavily on late-game hero levels when they commute the out of any opponent especially low HP opponents like the farce and in the meantime he can already tell that up here we have with grunts being produced we have the Great Hall nearly done so it's all about that fast tech that ki is currently putting in yet under of course is also taking up to the Necropolis way later than what we're seeing from the odd also nerubian tower being built that helps against the Blademaster arrest in the early game but it also helps very much so against spirit Wolf's that are trying to chase you down so that's going to be super important and well as we can see right now up to the top right we're having immediately BB story being built now this is actually a little bit old-school what they're usually seeing here because what you do really do with that is it going to vibin we could have seen him with some kind of tech integrator as well but if you go for a suction fast taking you're really trying to go for bb3 than while and usually the new weapon of choice the problem is you're actually building that into fields that can be a little bit tricky because they are one of the anti-air units that undead half as long as you research web for them but it depends a lot on how you actually use those wyverns is just simply arrest I try and go for a tiny port force and we still don't know if you actually commits to a BB revive and play here or if you're going to see him with a bit of a different approach so we're gonna check that out soon in the meantime her ass is still starting and slowly and steadily the death knight is getting a bit of extra experience here is starting to come completely creep through that already far SIA starting to retreat but you can see he has no experience so the entire idea was really just paste me on that off make sure that he can't get to those camps too easily we have no shadow Honda's being built and we see Raiders and I like Raiders way more so already going in to ensnare here and with the Raiders he can then start to also put a lot of pressure on two structures in particular since Raiders do of course extra damage let me also double check the sound volume a little bit but yeah either way we're having Raiders committed to and with that you already are gonna again there's potential to just move in and try and snipe structures with the scroll of speed for example you can easily do that and now even having the Black Saturday like a war on that player we're still doing a meri creeper on here for seeing him by now with the mantle of intelligence that's very likely to end up on the second tier assuming that the militia and the walls of attack +6 same thing yeah both of those items are mall as screaming hate we want to have a range hero and the Lich is doing pretty well with that especially since as you know attribute is of course intelligence few more items that spec into stats it's not too bad for him either and by now we're having the first raid out as well and when we're talking about timing attacks and stuff like this and of course then one of the main questions is always like when exactly do you execute an attack like what are you gonna do with it and if you go into such a heavy fast tech as we have seen from kitty cocky here if you try and get something out of that early game tech advantage and so that's what we can expect from him to at some point surprise the an that maybe force the town portal at least through those and snares and play around that for now though he's just completely happy to make sure that he's starting his creeps we see hex coming in against the main pixie fire time double level out here for the heroes as well there's that school of speech that we've been talking about earlier and we have the first Raider on the way make that a double nope expansion attempt apparently hear from him and still oh there's the triple radar down here alright so he's just trying to harass that spot a little bit he's already scouted that out we have four Raiders by now and he is actually trying to harass with those Raiders a bit outside of his heroes creeping now that's something that in general you're gonna see a lot one sidewalk rust to me he's starting to pick up I think reforged that's going to be the same that you are creeping with heroes while you are racing with units and he needs to be careful because the Lich is here but with the ensnare he can just really use that little little skirmish wood here to be annoying but now we're already seeing a deuce starting to move in he's a little bit behind when it comes to supply but that ends now from the creep camp they definitely know what there was eight hit points before the healing self hit holy now it was definitely an annoying spot here for the under that's not something that he was really too happy about looked at that versus like a melee okay that he did not put the ad on I thought it did apparently that's still not blocking it okay mother alright here come those and snares yeah of course once again we're not only having on the side of the Lich D or the ER more frost ama being used for us but also that coil is at least for now saving most of those fiends one might fall just now and yep death knight and not having the cooldown ready another one being ensnared here immediately author of necromancy starting do a bit of work yeah DK still working hard or hardly working obsidian statues trying to make sure that he still has bitonic straight points but so far he's doing fairly well problem of course is the key card is starting to lose quite a bit of Units here 41 supply for him death knight on three with at level two coil can easily keep those fiends alive but can't foil an obsidian statue so that's the focus at least for now for a TV but it's really starting to be a little bit problematic here statue will fall eventually is around against the grumpier and Eve Falls but he be cocky isn't losing quite some ground he and he's trying to expand behind all of this elite on the other hand is in trouble and that's not enough man on the death knight to get that coil through and that's a huge problem needs a little bit more expansion has at least been found out right now but it looks like that lidge's gonna bite the dust hero down skull of speed already used to make that kill possible and at this point we're having now the Kota beast already with one fiend devoured and more Raiders are coming in and all of his sudden losses in trouble the coiler trying to save the fiend a bit too late and the town portal out as the undead player is just barely able to get away with one fiend was actually a pretty nice force that we just had there initially it didn't really look too hot for TV cocky after I lost a couple of his Raiders but that kill against the Lich and that focus was really nice of getting the fiends right afterwards having the Codel in play for the devourer was also strong and now of course he's in a really good spot he has gained the map control he has the expansion basically completed and is starting to mind from two bases this is really one of those positions where the unmet player where deuce has to really start making a little bit of headway in the experience Department and he needs to make sure that he has a strong army that he can send over with for example destroyers on tier 3 but he can just attack that base because the longer the game lasts no better the economic advantage or the situation that we are seeing with for key and here's now the Farseer on level 3 same is also true for the Shadowhunter so that bad boy is on three as well continuing to keep these camps nuts of course also dropping additional items into his hand but only the claws but they are talking again about the scroll of feeling that he just bought and was full of the news now granted scroll of the beast that's one of those one of those things that once destroy us on play I'm not gonna give you too much it's a lot untie me when exactly you use it but it's still a nice to have in a pinch having a potion of greater healing yes that's all players but dream if you're going up against some that would be surprised to see also portion of lesser invulnerability eventually being taken him from the shop but that's definitely a good one Book of the Dead for the death Knights shabby has no torrent totem on the side of kitty cocky just yet meaning we're having very little a KK no dispel and therefore a Book of the Dead is actually pretty solid talking about books tomb of intelligence and tomb of agility now we've seen a couple of tombs not taken earlier to I'm not quite sure if the players just didn't see them or if they're that wasn't the past a bit of an observer park that show to me even though they were already taken it could literally be the case here gurus is again in a bit of a weird spot because he wants to attack the base up here and he does but at the same time that our aid us in his and right now key be cocky makes the perfect move goes immediately for the plexi door and it says like grow if you don't TP back I am going to snag your main structure and that thing is gonna fall they're gonna see and snares on those acolytes I'm not gonna be able to repair anymore and that if he's too late my friend that TP is simply too late you just traded your main base on expansion and all of a sudden we're in a really awkward spot for beyond that he is really really in massive that spot right now the name building is already gone and any kind of tech you annihilated at this point is gonna be fantastic for you so far we're not seeing the goldmine being attacked that's something I doesn't get but the shop is about to fall is already a negative supply 43 of 20 and anything that key can kill right now is going to be fantastic and he still has that home port and immediately uses it to move out here so that's a horrible spot for me I'm gonna be a kid akagi's sitting at 52 supply just went into the low op deep and up at the top that base barely down because the Book of the Dead was summoned but still if you look at it kiri still has a really nice income he has a couple of Ivan's as well he makes a tech switch into air was a bit of scouting going on but I really doubt that the UH net has seen too much of that and he needs to get all of his supplies back and that means the double cigarette is being built right now and the Acropolis is also on the way but the spot that too much sauce okay Deus is in right now is really really bad one so he merely makes a bit of a more risky choice he says I I need to do something I need to hope that I get some good items so he starts creeping the red spots gets the wood of cunning here another item for the Lich riches at least the over corruption Mia's robe of the Magi and mantle of intelligence also called tactical cigs probably going to switch the road of necromancy out for the hood of cunning that's at least what you would expect but at this point you're really relying on heroes because that was not quite the spot where you wanted to she's trying to make sure that that camp or Scouts that out a little bit but key by now has nearly a little for we are seeing him also with a man a stone as well it's great for the shadow Honda of course has the portion or feeling would still offer him to go to the shop and maybe get a portion of lesson vulnerability but then again if you think about it he lost his expand so it's not like has no money at this point but his sitting and comfy fifty supply and he's also getting additional items even a tiny Great Hall now once again being used and this time I can actually showcase that you like them this is actually going straight for the second red spot he's really just trying to get the boss items at this point so already here's the tiny Great Hall we're gonna see another expansion in a sec but let's see what that all the low drops because that's gonna be beautiful if you can get an all right here that would be absolutely fantastic and we might see it is oh my god if you're an under play at this point you just wanted to look into because that is literally in aura that we already have over the devil that is the most useless item that he could have gotten at this point this is literally just hey I just found gold that's literally what just happened I mean first of all what's great for deuces once you take those camps you also get gold because you take down those creeps that's huge already as is but at the same time you want to have big items you want have strong items that really help you in these fights especially as Nana playing there right now but when you're looking over to that Legion do more that's literally into something that she is going to sell because it just gives it the unholy aura that you already have anyways on level 2 as it stands now the death that is level 5 that means level 3 coil that Lich has a level 2 Nova and that's pretty powerful but we've been talking about the nuke ability of these heroes there is a potion of healing we have a potion of greater healing scroll of healing to town portal is also still available again I would have loved to see a portion of less unavailability but the fight is still starting up here and this is going to be a decisive one because again it's one base against two base right now air units in the mix and those fiends they don't have WEP the fiends without web and that's a huge issue nice hex that we're seeing here trying to make sure that it gets a couple of more units take down and that Lich already on the run but we still have the webstie ensnares are coming through but now the feed goes down 56 supply for ki the OP player looking is strong 37 for the undead deuce is in a huge amount of trouble right now he's literally hinging everything on his heroes but that Lich is not looking too pretty at this point is running out of mana as well and now we're seeing one statue after another just being sniped here he's just going up to the top he sees the expansion and that is really one of those moments where you can already think about typing gg if he needs if he wants to come back into this game he needs to kill heroes he needs to get some hero kills but I just don't see it happen just look at that army that is coming his way now we have the immediate hex on to the Lich yes that coil hits home but where are those Raiders Raiders are actually completely gone why Ivan are still down here but there we go Raida is in there comes the ensnare immediate surrounded by ki be cocky here frost armand off frost armor alright good snipe against the radar that at least helped and that actually allows him to move away for now the Edit movement speed that we have through the unholy aura is of course doing quite a bit of work here to keep it cocky again not mining from that base so deuce is really doing whatever he can in the situation but at the same time we also have to just realize how far behind he is in supply I mean that's nearly a twenty five supply difference on behalf between the two and that army all the all players also getting stronger by the minute Farsi is about a hit level 5 the Shadowhunter is in a very similar situation still has access to that mana stone and he has a pretty big mana pool the boom so those hexes are gonna do work and you look over to death night and the first thing you see is literally no mana yes the hex can't do anything that has to be a TP but can't even use it barely and yep gets the TP out but things are looking worse and worse by the second before doom is the undead currently sitting on 2,000 gold in his main gold mine Keva cocky nearly mined out of the top right as well but of course we're seeing more Raiders coming in right now the map control has completely gone over to the orc player and the Canadian player here he's doing exceptionally well with this mixing a couple of the Kota beasts now in Widow's Raiders Kota bees can still go for the vowel once the fight starts and we have the wyvern as well so we are dealing with a massive Armada of units that can literally just like ensnare you on the ground the entire time get the weapon here and make sure that you're not even running away and it's the only thing that can really help another in this position is the heroes the problem is just simply the mana pool that we talked about already early look at that Lich and you see that he's on half mana the death knight has I think also gobbled up another portion of mana that helps him a bit but this is one of those do-or-die or pushes he doesn't even have to go for that he could just simply go for that base here but he's sniping another statue free statue and now he's starting to make his way up to the top trying to defend his base his expansion a little bit worried maybe that in the long run he might not have the sustain because again I'm that hero's high level in the late game are brutal to deal with but this could be literally the last fight let's look at the death knight yes has still a town portal so this is able to move out I don't think he has a chance of actually taking down that expansion but at least we'll be able to retreat if need be and here comes King cocky the off moves in this time we're having web for the fiends but if that's gonna be a big deal we're gonna find out pretty soon for now it's the crush on the death knight that's a huge problem as a positional feeling might have to use that soon and the lich at least is safely in the backline but has no mana left anymore it's level five at least the k moves out another wireman goes down themed barely alive thirty seven supply against fifty five he be cocky still looking strong here but we see the lich on five level three no Vanel for him and the death knight nearly on six now i would be very surprised if he actually expects into his ultimate instead we're most likely gonna see an unholy aura on level three but he has another mana potion and that's hugely important right now you need to keep mana on that death knight if you don't do that then you are going to be murdered by your opponent fairly soon here and talking about opponents with that far see on level five for seeing the shadow wolves now moving into good damage stood with a plus twenty here on the Lich and now keep it cocky just double-checking what's happening does my opponent have an expansion just checking okay what about income can I just start him out do I actually have to commit to a fight here and he just sees okay there's no income any longer so that's very little that my opponent can do he's trying to use those shadow wolves to take down a few of the acolytes Akiba cocky he knows that he can slow play this the longer this game goes the more money he has the better his position in terms of items that he can buy an army that he can build because he knows that eventually the under is gonna make a move and then it's just a question of can you defend against that Porsche yes or no and if I am in Keokuk issues I'm gonna be absolutely honest with you I wouldn't even go for that attack right now because in the end what can this is the best position for the undead you have access to your shop you have also the Flex citizen in the back but Kitty car key finds at least be good approach towards that statue takes that down death night in the middle here comes to call Nova coil saves the feed the Nova takes down one of the Raiders and now and another one of the AI unit is about to fall The Killing we have a little bit too low too slow and well and the Wolves still doing work no destroyers summonings are strong at this point keyd cargo 48 supply still in the no upkeep same true for lucia who's at 33 here comes the level 5 shadow hunter and we all know they move buzzer at the same time though do sia relying again on those ranged units trying to also retreat a little bit deeper into his own base to make sure that the black sevilla can help out here another slow against the Raider does he have enough mana for another cold Nova doesn't look like it especially that Lich is having trouble when it comes to that no coil either on the fiend level 6 for now he be cocky still the healing wave keeping his boys alive cool of these gobbled up one of the fiends already on another coil takes down the Raider at least for now heavy attack by kV cocky but also taking a couple more units down so a decent defense by deuce but the problem is he's the one eventually running out of resources and he be cocky knows that he wants to stay on till the no upkeep and is trying to just trade units here the more units he trades the better for him just needs to make sure that it's an even trade at least death knight as Louis still has the mana potion by the way good healing way of coming through to make sure that that Cotto is not falling incredibly important here considering that it still has that one fiend which also obviously gives visions to the undead for now and that's the main target as they're seeing for Jews he wants to take it down with the Lich the plus 20 damage are awesome and yes Dakota goes down the fiend gets dropped another two wyvern already on the ground he has the honour and is desperately trying to take this army apart and doing a great job at him so far at least but the pressure is still on the death knight as those two wolves are moving in coil hitting once again keeping the fina life here why haven't about to fall once again but so might the death knight and here comes a town portal barely able to pull that through once again very very worried about the hexia if that hex hits then the death knight is definitely toast so good move by him also attempting to now save somehow that last fiend but well sure to tell you that's Fein goes down far say on 5:00 shadow hunt on five in the mana on the shadow Honda alone is absolutely fantastic the base is still mining and now we're having with everything that he has dudes on the way acolytes as well he knows he needs to go for it there's no other way you hinge on those heroes you need to make sure that the coal Nova is hitting home hard and he's actually expanding instead okay I thought he was going for Justin simply desperate attempt to go straight in here but no not quite Kili cocky let's check the items yes has the scroll town portal isn't use it just yet but boys despite the fact that he's looking strong in this game so far is at forty one supply that's not really all that much considering the deuces at 33 those undead's heroes are really pesky the lack of destroyers is a problem though the burrow goes down but this might be the last fight or might not be there's a portion of lessened vulnerability on the death knight still delish with very little to no mana massive problem for him but now we're having the fiends being focused one after another the coil saving it for now level 6 Lich haven't seen that in a while doesn't have any mana though so he can't even use souls but even if you would go for it which i think is unlikely to say the least once again sauce about to lose FA the Chain Lightning coming through and taking it down another one attack and slowly and steadily the ante on the side of the honored is gone he has one morphine that's about it potion of lesser and availability already being used but keep in mind that hexed is still available on the side of key he wants to go for another coil though on to the radar down he goes statues falling as well if the hex comes through the death knight might be toast here and here it is hex comes in and that is the end of the decay and should be the end of the game the GG as we have the game engine key being successful in this second round of the generals come
Channel: KhaldorTV
Views: 18,854
Rating: 4.8727274 out of 5
Keywords: HotS, Heroes of the Storm, Heroes, Gaming, Gameplay, Tournament, Guide, Tutorial, Storm, English, Entertainment, Interview, English Interview, Heroes Gameplay, Heroes Tutorial, Blizzard, Shoutcast, Khaldor, KhaldorTV, esports, esport, StarCraft (Video Game Series), Electronic Sports (Website Category), Video Game (Industry), Sylvanas, Undead, Orc, KiwiKaki
Id: j4aKlxGJhO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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