► WarCraft 3 - Grubby (UD) vs. Starshaped (NE) - Conceiled Hills

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another Night Elf versus on that game here today and we actually have a little bit of a special we currently unconcealed hills again and all the way to the top right we have a star-shaped and he goes up against grubby starting down to the bottom left of the map some of you might be asking him about what whoa his grubby not orc yes it is that of course for his stream he's playing a lot of different races and jumps through all of those three frequently he's a pretty mean undead played a lot of night off of course as well so he is pretty much a very sophisticated random player with still walk as his main race but we're going to see how much of a fight he can put up with under TN today's game now star-shaped he is the guy who currently in the patch is very much so focusing on other heroes than the keeper not saying that we're not necessarily gonna see the keeper here but he's the one who's really still trying to get the demon hunter out he played it against morrow in one of the climb matches the other day and he has a couple of pretty cool styles yeah and in this game today what are we gonna see from him again the demon hunter the guy with a blindfold so we are going he's a little bit kinky demon hunter maybe be playing roles and the fifty shades of gray sequel we're quite sure but at least he applied but that being said bit of demon hunter action here in the game up against the death knight so we talked about this in some of the games in the past one of those things that he can actually do when you're an under player and you don't know what you're up against just yet you don't skill your first ability with a demon hunter because you're just waiting does my opponent play sorry were there for the death knight and you just double-check what your opponent place if you play as a keeper you're going to coil but if he goes into a demon hunter then you oftentimes go straight until the unholy aura instead because you just simply say hey he's gonna mana burn me into oblivion anyways might as well just get the benefits from the unholy aura on level 1 and then spec into the coil on level 2 and level 3 but it makes my early game a bit easier so there's definitely some wiggle room here for grubby ones that he realizes what exactly is going on now already knows what's happening here so he knows already about the demon hunter here and that acolyte is not going to make it sorry buddy same time we're also now seeing the first experience in item dropping into the hands of star-shaped eh getting the ring of protection here and grubby is currently not making any adjustments in that sense but you can tell up at the I get to the top left that he hasn't actually skilled his level 1 talent yet so for the exact reason that I pointed out earlier he's waiting this out a little bit see he really needs that coil but if not and is very likely to spec into the aura on level 1 actually takes the coil over it and tries to rush the creep spot takes the creep spot as quickly as he can to make sure that he gets the item and the experience and now of course another coil even coming through making sure that that ghoul is gonna get healed before he gets mana burned so it doesn't have the aura now for quite some time it's an interesting choice here for sure having sentry Watts picked as the level well the first item that he gets a bit of additional divisions in the main base already one crypt so you would expect at some point the transition to fiends happen for him necropolis upgraded now and let's see how he's gonna play that the interesting part for me is that a starship actually doesn't even bother attacking him too much starship is currently just like sitting tied getting his own demon hunter to level 2 we might see him eventually buy some boots of speed as well depending on how much he wants to focus on her ass and he actually goes into the tree of Ages to so that both of the players taking it's not really too surprising when you're considering grubbies raise because i'm that we normally try to get a fast tier 3 relax a little and then later on in the game you expand if at all if you're not one basing and that's a night elf your are a little bit more you have them over right in the early game you're a little bit more open to diversity geez here you can go for mass here one push have a lot of units on the board and then go for quick expansion you can tech you can even combine the two if you want to play it a bit more greedy you can get away with quite a lot of you're an idle player and in this case we actually see now the boots of speed so the demon hunter is going to be a lot more agile in all of these fights that we're going to see between the two of them Robbi now using also his scouting item to immediately double-check what's happening here so whenever there's an expansion about to be built by the Night Elf ill about it and he also tries to keep the spot away it's actually interesting because the two of them are basically just creeping each other's gold mine both of them thinking they're gonna steal it away from their opponent but as you can tell it's just an even exchange that what's what's it comes down to gloves of haste and the claws of attack great items to give to your second hero to the Lich later on there's gonna be great damage output from the ranged hero tech in the tier 2 is completed for grubby and there's a couple of variations of what you can do with this right now we've seen that from niden in the past but he often times goes into an immediate attack into the black citadel and then adds the Lich and the slaughter house afterwards and a few other under players that have mixed things up a bit and try to get that lich out slightly quicker grubby goes into the direct tag into tier 3 here so super fast tech for him adds the slaughterhouse next up we're gonna see that litter like when you reproduce and once that he has that what we're gonna see is once he reaches tier 3 go into the orb of corruption super important for you to get that it's one of the best tools that we have in the arsenal of an undead player here comes the Lich having as the second cleaver Alchemist still taken a pretty damaged demon hunter here actually that demon hunter has taken quite a beating from the creeps on the map and grubby is actually arousing the bank's taking down one two wisps here doesn't get the experience for them but forces the detonate and that's 120 gold down the drain 60 each and even forces okay not a TP but at least the staff of teleportation to be used here women hunt of course had to sip the moon wells quickly because he was already a rather low in the meantime still no expansion still the attempt to just go into the shoot based claim and grubby is easily gonna be able to escape here for now because of the boots of speed alchemists will have any items of either but again scouting tools both of them relying heavily on those sentry wards that they place down earlier to know what's happening here rob is not trying to scout bottom right but as we said before they just exchanged Akua two gold mines and another wand of mana stealing wow sells both actually as we're now seeing him with an additional 400 gold definitely try and use that The Alchemist could maybe use that mana get a bit more sustained in with the healing spray later on assume that he went healing spray and acid bomb but we still see occasionally chemical rage being played especially if you're trying to put pressure onto a single here on your opponent's side that could be pressure against the death knight since under the Army's are so heavily hinging on that at night ancient of lost two of them now being built notice three tech just yet for star shape and will sink rubble with his lich and d completed tier three check are nearly completed and then we're gonna see that hope as well there's a bit of a slower game and a slower build up that we have in the game right now both of them just trying to get decent heroes and that's what he get occasionally especially if the night elf doesn't decide that he wants to be aggressive in the early game in trying to harass his opponent that's kind of what you see it's also a result of the choice that we see in heroes for star shapes and it's often times when you're trying to start a game with the keeper of the goal your whole idea is that you won at least in the mid game if you focus on let's say hunters for example you're trying to make sure that you control the map and that you force fights around a new tangle but since that isn't really the case here and with the unholy aura krabi would always be able to move away with his undead army it's much smarter here for the night off to just say okay listen I'm going to focus a bit on creeping here I need those hero levels a higher level demon hunter high level alchemist is gonna benefit me in the long run immensely and at this point now the mana burn here but already the demon hunter taking a bit of a beating we have a true shot or up for the alchemy so it's gonna be fantastic even going for a couple of forests or berserkers but now with the OP of corruption grubby can easily start focusing those heroes talking about focusing stuff they have a tree of life being build and that's something that grubby would like to fold to us because he knows about it already thanks to those sentry was that we pointed out earlier but this is definitely going to be where the real battle is gonna start have a couple of dry it's in the game one about to go down here's the level up for grab a level three for the death knight a level two coil now already and already the archers are in trouble here one rod offer the necromancer is being used for the skeletons level up for The Alchemist he has committed the regen goes straight for those statues trying to drop the sustain that gravi has in the army dry its are being taken out at the same time in even-aged no voice joining the fight here the reinforcements for star-shaped are tickling in slowly and steadily to the Waypoint on the hero and are really helping out here a bit of a defenders advantage at this point in time for star-shaped grubby still fighting even buying an orb Ramola on the mercenary Campea one fiend often are about to fall especially the death ah they kill against the demon hunter nicely done here no town portal on the demon hunter it is on the I on the alchemist instead and that guy gets surrounded to all of the sudden it's the Lich who's in trouble though the Lich about to fall and might even die and he does just before the TP goes through demon hunter is dead but so is the Lich the alchemist gets out can now heal himself at the moon wells which he does immediately and starts moving over a thirty-one supply for star-shaped gravy at thirty two at this point takes down the ancient of war get some mud golem as well has now slowed as a tool in the arsenal to slow down units on the other side and starts to focus the expansion tries to force it down but starship is already there and again with the chemical rage moving in immediately trying to drop the fiends here needs to be really careful with that alchemist though a couple and goodness fell here on the wisp Down Goes the fiend level three nearly four death knight has nearly enough mana for level two call by the way and that might be a huge problem for the alchemist if it ever comes into play thirty-two supply for grubby still focusing on that tree of life and we haven't thirty two of cores opponent mouth rejuvenation coming out there the first roots of the claw joining no wisps to actually defend the Tree of Life via krabi it looks like you will be able to take it down Alchemist going in trying to take a few units on here's the level for one ghoul gets the coil and the immediate focus again the drives of course starting to slow down the ground units from the under player again moving them back Michael coming enough from star shape to keep his units alive one ghoul biting the dust the second one falling third one being chased by The Alchemist might still be able to get it but now another statue is play and that allows grubby to have a bit more sustain as he also brings his second hero back into play two gloves are faced for him focusing on the arcanist now Nova coil both coming in right away no demon Honda just yet no Stafford preservation either but still with the chemical rage boost the alchemy is able to move out here star-shaped now down to 33 supply gravy on 32 no expansion on either side but the demon Honda is back and we should see that moniker and coming in soon enough getting it right on the Lich and the town portal used by krabi the expansion is down he can't do anything anymore the units outnumber him so the on that player makes the choice to go straight back to base and at this point we'll just go and shop again at the store gets first of all rod of necromancy as still a massive damage output here from the Lich the death knight on level for the expansion taken down so for grub's perspective definitely a good start here also the kill against the demon Honda was great for him too he lost a fair amount of units as well though and that leaves the alchemist on level 4 we having the demon hunter on level 4 - and of course in the later stages of the game and that'll areas flute of accuracy that he found is another issue for sure bit of an attempt apparently to go straight for the orga Lord sport here starts to bait it out grubby not quite as aggressive with this creep head-on after the skirmish that we saw - the top left was for the smaller camps instead and has currently found for his death knight rude braces great fantastic item against on they're not the best item when you're playing against the Night Elf can help you a little bit against certain tools but it's likely that it's going to sell it in the long run but already is a much more aggressive creep pattern here from star-shape rappy then again is also trying to do the same thing what's the right side now going for an organ or to the whisk just barely scouting it but let's see what the items Allegiant doom harm for grubby that's pretty much a shitty aside America could have gotten here it's the death knight or an of course this one is only level one they can't really do anything with that that's basically just gold to be sold whereas we are seeing a clausal attack plus twelve for the demon hunter that meant into the main base now has plus twenty damage with the OP of venom that he just bought and the staff of preservation now as well base being built here again another expansion in play and down to the bottom right grubby is doing the exact same thing both of them expanding the both of them looking to add more experience and for krabi that means the function C turn towards the bottom right moving in here trying to get the litter on level four death knight on five would be fantastic of course problem will always see you come on up and that we're seeing from star shape Steve manga the main reason for that but that both pretty much in the know of what's going on here grab his double checked with one Google as well actually he even sends it on to the expansion and starts attacking it just to force some kind of reaction on a star shape to send over in star shape in the meantime creeping as well his demon hardens alchemists are both starting to get a bit closer to level five but probably healing wards healing warts are always a little bit of a mixed bag because in general it's a great item but if your opponent is really good micro he's going to take them down with a quick attack during the fight anyways so often times you will see a player using heal Awards while he's trying to get big creep spot there are no really big ones left anymore so that's not going to be a great useful but maybe the back line can be receiving a few hit points great timing here for the attack at the expansion well done by star shape takes the acolyte down forces the cast on expansion nothing that Robbie can do about that very very well done here grabbing himself no still creeping as a death knight as we said nearly low five finds wand of the wind now one of the wind in general is another great item to have for sure a problem of course is if you go up against the knight of play and he has a Polish magic and he can always try and play around that and make sure that you don't get too much value out of it but just in general as an interrupt pattern it's fantastic you can either use it against units which of course increases the duration or goes to the full duration or if you're going let's say up against on that player if you can use it to interrupt maybe the coil that would save the second hero then it's always fantastic as well attack on to the expansion again but the Nidal is their grubby still trying to take it down but the fight is already undergoing taking a lot of hits yeah against the Tree of Life though great play by him but is he gonna move out he's trying to snipe a few units before that but else of course the stamp of preservation comes into play saves at the druid and grubby sacrificing to TP to move away fifty supply currently for grubby staying in the no upkeep zone we have 54 star shapes of both of them not paying any update it makes a lot of sense if you think about it normally when you're trying to go into low upkeep is when you have an expansion or when you're preparing for final push in the game neither is currently happening here to both of them I'm just trying to save some resources here's exactly that didn't work use that I've been talking about earlier they're trying to go for a bit of a bigger creeps plot and you play around that pen enough energy taken by The Alchemist only one staff of preservation by the way in the inventory here Stella plus 20 attack damage I mean the alchemists now with a fair amount of mana so he can start spamming that as a bomb for sure and acid pump is an absolute nuisance now first of all the damage over time is already but then you also have at the same time that armor reduction and it can really take a hero down in the long run so pretty good tools here for them we're having the death knight now on five the Lich himself on four and a half with plus 11 damage to have you know parry off the brutality which helps in an idea more creepin going on as dawn shape is trying to hit level 5 with his heroes too and I mean let's face it both of them at least gonna get it during the next battle as even a bit more - what's the right side which he can use as wells let's see if that works out fine but ok so one down level 5 demon hunter for him and grubby trying to access a couple of shop items yeah another potion of lesser invulnerability actually at this point so it gets one over to the Lich one on the death knight has one of each hero but this is definitely now the moment when both of them are saying okay there's nothing left on the map anymore we don't have expansions we need to start thinking about really taking those big fights and we have even chimera ruth's now being produced by star shape and he has the resource and he started and goes straight into that coil Nova onto the demon hunter on level 5 has to be staffed out here with a staff of preservation 59 supply 4 star shape we're currently having 58 for gravy they are dead even in experience expansion down at the bottom ride known for star shapes at this point the on that player gravi actually in a great spot again they call Nova against the demon hunter needs to move back tries to go in for the mana drain over and over but can't do anything about it now grubby immediately trying to follow this up but of course we're also seeing again the rejuvenation being cast by the druids and here comes star shape he knows there's an expansion down to the bottom right and krabi is just trying to buy himself time robbie knows perfectly well if he buys himself time for the expansion to come into play and for him to get that extra income then he has a fantastic position might even cross over into the high upkeep eventually but he has to stop any tries then choke point the immediate reaction over the one of the wind already being used against the heroes we're having nice micro to safety or Kamala for now but of course grubby still hiding a bit good healing what in the back as well potion of lessen vulnerability on the demon Honda as he barely survives so much aggression and focused fire again for Robbie but now the retreat path is gonna be difficult for him as we have the dry and slowing everything down that they can reach another Nova hits home but Robbie just moving back with the help of the undead aura of the unholy are trying to also coil those abominations whenever possible chimera is coming in and very little tools in the arsenal for Robbie to deal with that you want a bomb about to go down bites the dust' yes the next one is being attacked Robbie on the way to the top left sees there's no expansion and t-piece out but not before losing another a bomb Oh he barely saved it he barely saved it with his statues I was sure that that thing would die I actually thought that at least NASA bump or something would affect it and take it on eventually but that's not quite what happened here so now that being said we're currently having star-shaped still not with the alchemists level 5 by the way I thought that he already hit that ages ago it's not the case though alchemists currently on level 4 still and at the sound demon hunters level 5 but now the expansion is being attacked here and we are really starting to move straight into a potential last fight towards the bottom right here grabby has to defend it right now this is do or die for starship and he knows that grubby is sitting at 66 supply 66 for starship again it's actually insane out both of them the entire game have the exact same amount of supply 3 acolytes still mining here and now we're having once again grubby trying to just kite back and forth forcing a bit of a battle again chimeras moving in trying to take down those abominations and that magic damage does wonders WEP finally been researched if Robbie has a few more tools in the arsenal over those fiends to try and take the Camaro's down there's still two in the army off star-shaped and he is trying to take these units down one fiend dies but Robbie does a fantastic job microing these units back saving another set of abominations but it leaves aren't for dry and we have an immediate focus on to the Acolytes expansion itself being unsummoned grubby without that additional income towards the top left still no Vegas for star-shaped either just a little bit gold left in both gold mines but it means that of course eventually we are going to see the tree of eternity walk over cannibalize being used I'm really really liking this more and more players are starting to use cannibalize with of eliminations these days and just trying to make sure that in this case for example through all those corpses around the graveyard they can heal those abominations up a bit faster but again mana burned onto the statue demon Honda just a absolute nuisance one of these things that we've now seen several times Alchemist has of course hit level 5 through the last skirmish yeah demon hunter himself but one mana burn after another the coiled Nova is hitting and it's hitting hard but he has always a few druids around or the rejuvenation so starship is just thinking let's move in drain a couple of these statues if I eat damage can always heal it up quite easily have of course a step of preservation as well that I can use if the really hits the fan but outside of that he also has a potion of lesser invulnerability as a bit of a panic button if anything would go awry at any point in those little fights yeah 78 supply now for star-shaped on the upgrade side he doesn't really have anything Robbie on the other hand when we're looking over here sitting at 59 he has 1:1 abominations is again just coiling away here taking the demon hunter down a notch but he's definitely in a bit of a holding pattern with his opponent here and is now attempting to move out with a lich then hasn't reached level five yet so you can only rely on the level 3 coil doesn't have the Nova on the same level moving in again focus fire here onto that frontline staff or preservation used immediately Aurora comes in two and the destroyer scan trying to spell that as quickly as they can but it's definitely a boost in damage that star shape is going to try and rely upon throughout the teamfight 59 supply for grubby paw for the entire time 78 for his opponent towards the right side scouting going on for both players that is another expansion that actually star-shaped knows about as well has a wisp in the trees he himself does just now have that tree of eternity moving over so he's trying to get the excess to another goldmine but he's definitely shutting down grubbies attempt to get another haunted come online for himself grubby though still trying to fight you but he's running out of mana mana burn again gets at least the call through demon anti his low moves back gets the rejuvenation from the druid of the claw at the front line another druid Falls but also the death knight is lone has to use the potion of less animal ability a star-shaped is starting to chase him down one unit after another one a bomb den in the second one focus fire by the dryads is going to die whereas the other ones are still attempting to have any kind of impact yet she Mara Falls but grubby is losing his frontline 71 supply for star-shaped and grubby at this point down to 47 once again the a bombs being slowed by the dried poison and star-shaped is just attacking picking units off left and right the entire time moves in again one more coil available for grubby but the focus fire is there star-shaped noobs in tries to slow them down still a has that Alchemist on five and a half good Nova and a nice hit against the druid really good play here from grubby trying to pick individual units of gets another druid of the claw here very well done from him but his biggest problem of course is now that tree of life towards the top left y krabi is soon gonna face another expansion and source of income from his Night Elf opponent still the Lich not level 5 though and that's a big problem here he needs that bit of experience to a give him the level 3 Nova it's already tough enough going up against an opponent who mana burns your statues and heroes the entire time but then not even being able to rely on to that higher level nuke ability that we see coming in from under players is another problem gets that ancient protected own that finally allows him to rely on to a level 3 Nova can also attempt of course to use that against the opponent's hero here once again with that being said we're having star-shaped now going up against and on that has 47 supply he himself as 20 supplier heads at 67 and she has that additional income so he is going to be able to rely on a few more items to if he wants to go to the shop the school of healing might actually even be a good idea at this point in time the second starvation would be an asset to him but having also really nice Hero levels for star-shape I mean if that demon hunter at any point hits level 6 and gets metamorphosis that would be just in sane so we're currently having still the attempt to go straight for quick attack at the bottom but he sees there's no expansion Robbie has basically given up on this idea Robbie is really just trying to win it in one big fight and he has frost worms now as well gets frost worms into yeah into play to have it against the heavy armored frontline consisting completely off druids of the claw and they are heavy armored so this is a great tool for him to be used but of course you need to be careful with all of those dryads coming into the piercing damage and krabi already going straight for the attack yet starting to move up to the top going for the Tree of Life and star-shape is on the move now he wants to make sure that this is going to be the last and final fight and krabi has to defeat the army he cannot really hope to play around his opponent with the aura the entire game and try and win this he has no expansion he is trying to take the shop out and that is actually really smart by him making sure that there is no access to any potions of healing but with the night off now moving in he even has to abandon that plan for the time being and it's just trying to kite around and star-shape is happy to go in here get another mana burn off against the statue it comes to focus onto the demon hunter but the moon wells are close and uses them right away more slow against the frost worms grubby trying to kite away here one druid of the claw a little bit far out actually it might be the first victim of this fight gets moved away by star-shaped though as he's trying to chase Robbie down now 71 supply for the night off and grubby is sitting at 49 still 30 behind his opponent has to rely on the hero power now but with the demon hunter mana burning glitch and the statue as this is going to be a bit of a struggle another base even being built by star-shaped he really wants to seal the deal now wants to put the final nail into the coffin of Carabas game here and grubby is still looking for isolated victims moves in tries to take the threw it down but the staff of preservation is already there another big mana burn against the death knight he's not gonna be able to call any of these units anytime soon and that frost worm is of course an immediate priority target for starship trying to take it down here the focus on the demon hunter again but it's very unlikely to do too much here come the chimeras right now trying to take down those statues the Lich surrounded and even with a potion of less animal ability this is a huge problem this might actually just be it for bravi down go the units he passes over the town portal the Lich barely survives but is able to move out and grubby now down to 49 supply lacking the items to really have an impact here star-shaped at 64 Robin was able to snipe at least a few units throughout these past few fights but now the expansion on the right side is completed the gold mine to the top left is continuing to give another stream of income to the Night Elf player and we're seeing job taro the demon hunter going in for another quick mana burn taking those statues down and here comes star-shaped grubby can't attack those magic immune stripes with anything demon honda in again that takes the statue down pork and brought the entire time and another quick staff of preservation being used as we seek Robby desperately attempting to take the demon hunter down and starship just place a long game here he knows time is working in his favor uses the demon hunter with the staff for teleportation to go back in and grubby just shields the battlefield GG taps out as star-shaped takes the game and is victorious and concealed Hills [Music]
Channel: KhaldorTV
Views: 6,572
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: WarCraft, WarCraft Reforged, Undead, Orc, Nightelf, Human, HotS, Heroes of the Storm, Heroes, Gaming, Gameplay, Tournament, Guide, Tutorial, Storm, English, Entertainment, Interview, English Interview, Heroes Gameplay, Heroes Tutorial, Blizzard, Shoutcast, Khaldor, KhaldorTV, esports, esport, StarCraft (Video Game Series), Electronic Sports (Website Category), Video Game (Industry), Sylvanas, Grubby
Id: d6yG2DNkWJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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