▶ "One Step Beyond": The Secret.

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i hardly know what to tell you about the next half hour except that it has been reported as true by those to whom it happened it has been investigated and no one as yet has been able to explain it or disprove [Music] it where is sylvia aykroyd many have asked that question her husband her friends the police especially the police i'm not the first nor will i be the last to visit this room it's sylvia's room now become one of the world's more celebrated bed chambers thanks to scotland yard's highly trained clue seekers they began as they usually do with personal effects with these dresses all knit by hand lonely hands the hands of a woman who had nothing else to do but where is sylvia now dead but not exactly well not officially that morning the fourth of april was an important day it was her birthday sylvia her 40th birthday good morning my dear harrison i have something for you you should have come down to breakfast this morning yes he did something triumphal with kidneys and bacon kidneys made me nervous at the best of times let alone breakfast now do you mind signing here and here what is it it's a new stock i'm buying now now please dear i'm in rather a hurry i'm sorry but i do like to be told about things now and again well i'll tell you later incidentally i won't be home for dinner tonight i didn't expect you it's friday you're always late fridays merely because friday happens to be the most opportune evening for filling business associates with expensive champagne of course as a matter of fact i'm taking horton bastard out of sunnydale really you remember horton he was with me during the war the three of us used to go out together in paris he was with us the night we won that waltz contest at bricktops that was such a beautiful lovely night you have a very good memory my dear i need it shall i give horton your regards do well have a good day you too [Music] good day a good day what is a good day [Music] this is egg freud where are you i'm down here essie what are you doing down there celebrating my birthday oh thank goodness i've been wanting to get this place cleaned up ten years this stuff's been lying around here all the things i had in paris oh the welfare people could use some of these he is a perfectly good swimmer i know essie this saved my life you didn't have any heat during the occupation oh living in the past when them things could keep some poor kid warm oh essie look our transmitter we used to send messages on that across the channel and you don't know you know we really should send some of these things to the hospital my diploma from the saban before the world what's all this oh essie madame solo and i made these the day the allies marched into paris we we dyed little strips of rags with red and blue ink and oh we waved them and waved them as the boys came marching up the champs-elysees the day i met harrison oh essie it was so exciting well it's over now yes it certainly is it's hard to believe it was even me what's this a game for young and old oh well that can go to the hospital for some of these clothes no estee well what is it jeremy jeremy jeremy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] remember you remember today oh bless you i needed it so much [Laughter] hey oh wessie that's not very big you're lucky to get anything sending me down at the last moment three shops i had to go to for enough candles and i got lamb chops for your dinner wonderful wonderful maybe i should get some more there's uh only enough for one no that's right essie dinner for one i'll have it up here on a tray hahaha sir hmm i was wondering if you knew a man called jeremy hmm doesn't that look good uh jeremy who i don't know you came to call on mrs ackroyd yesterday jeremy jeremy oh probably jeremy carlos from the spanish console what did he look like oh i didn't see him he uh came when i was down at the shops mrs aykroyd asked me to get her a birthday cake and it was when oh was it her birthday heavens essie why didn't you remind me anyway it was quite a party well good i'm always telling mrs aykroyd she should have more friends have a few laughs well there were plenty of laughs yesterday i could hear them even when i was down here dusting the sitting room good morning darling good morning it's all right i see i'll help myself oh i'm so hungry this morning i could eat any kidneys scrambled eggs oh so they are darling i'm sorry about yesterday what your birthday oh darling i forgot yours last year anyway i i thought you were just being tactful you know how women dread birthdays i was saying to uh i was thinking that's one advantage in not having any children you never miss an opportunity do you i didn't mean it that way i i just meant that this way i can stay the same age forever without suddenly finding i have a daughter years older than i am anyway i'm glad you had a nice day i did i did essie tells me you had quite a party who was here oh it wasn't really a party i just thought a birthday cake would be fun that man from the console who carlos carlos oh no harrison then who was here there's no one here sylvia what you do is your own affair i use that word judiciously frankly i don't mind as long as you're clever enough to keep it that way but you must understand my position i will not risk adverse publicity i don't intend to find my name in the morning papers i hope i make myself perfectly clear [Music] to jeremy you know harrison thought uh [Music] oh jeremy harrison you're early where did you go tonight oh i got bored with the house so i thought i'd dine out well so you thought you'd dine out yes harrison it's friday your night out i thought it was time for my night out too where did you go quaglinos did you see anyone we know yes i saw the bradens and did they see you they were sitting at the next table well you're gonna tell lily braden right now i'm delightful just to have your cousin over here on a visit from france i won't harrison because lily wouldn't know what i was talking about yes they did see me in fact they asked me to join them because i was by myself dining alone you're a liar as well how dare you [Music] now what about this afternoon oh i haven't had time to type it up yet sir here you are see 12 30 coal lobster and salad at the dover butchery 115 proceeded along dover street to bailey's gallery in the prince's arcade made purchase of four pictures did you see what they were well without getting too closer they look like military prints soldiers in different kinds of old-fashioned uniforms yes when forty took taxi along to the leicester square cinema american musical starring sid cherise and g did she meet anyone uh not today sir and uh mrs aykroyd left the cinema about 4 25 and took a taxi home no visit to the museum today no not today sir and all this time she never talked to anyone well not to anyone sir what do you mean well when she thought no one was looking she talked to lotsa in a low whisper and laughing so your wife laughs a lot but always to herself i see jeremy why can't i see you oh you're always saying one day one day it's maddening jeremy come over here to the piano this little figurine see if you can move it it's not ridiculous well then show me push it over please jeremy all right it's silly but but i just want to see if you can do something physical no harrison paid a force for all what'll i tell harris but how i don't know how to play the piano but i can't all right what do i have to do yes yes i can feel your hands on mine [Music] jeremy let's beautiful look at my fingers you never told me you could play like this jeremy jeremy please let me see you just once i'll do anything yes what [Music] i promise this afternoon i'll go to hot nails and buy the giddiest thing i can find [Music] you will honestly now jeremy don't tease me i couldn't bear it if you when jeremy tonight but i'm oh jeremy i want to know how tall you are and the color of your eyes and what you look like when you laugh turn that okay drink this it's pathetic isn't it all these weeks you've been suspicious now you know i do have a friend now you know why i couldn't tell you about him because i was frightened you'd be jealous i wish you could have been if you were capable of jealousy this wouldn't have happened i know one thing silvia i know that you're ill you need a doctor no you don't know anything i'll tell you you remember me i don't mean the the heroine of the resistance or anything like that i mean me me the way i was fun and pretty and enthusiastic about things you remember what happened to me harrison i died he wasn't getting older that did it harrison i loved you very much just listen when i found out about you i should have fought to keep you but i didn't i i just gave in i stopped stop living until three weeks ago harrison on my birthday something happened to me and all of a sudden i was moving again and there was color and fun and in sunlight because someone was showing me some affection who someone incredibly kind but who sylvia do you know what a ouija board is a ouija board what are you talking about you remember when when piac daddy was captured uh and we couldn't get any messages across anymore but madame soolong had read a book on telepathy it seemed pretty far-fetched but but we were desperate enough to try anything the nights were long anyway so somewhere she'd find a ouija board well you've seen them you you put your hands on it and they write messages it's a board well anyway it didn't work not for the purposes we wanted but we didn't make a friend go on slogan before god i'm telling you the truth at first the writings were were meaningless but but slowly there was sense and then jeremy jeremy yes he was a soldier who fought for france in 1870 and oh i know this sounds unbelievable but i i've checked it i've checked in every book in the library everything he told us it's all there his name his regiment where he fought i swear to god well we began to depend on jeremy very much he used to tell us where we could find food from the germans and he he warned us before the gestapo made searches and he best of all he made us laugh well that's my lover man who's dead 80 years operator would you give me the number of the belden nursing home please what are you doing four five six one harrison person why are you calling that place i'm sorry sylvia we need a doctor that's not a nursing home hello can i speak to the doctor in charge please that you you can't you can't everything i told you was the truth hello doctor this is harrison aykroyd speaking could you come to my house please as quickly as possible it's my wife yes we live quite nearby there's nothing the matter with your wife 4-3 queen's gate as soon as possible please i'm not insane i'm not i can prove it i can't i can't i can't i i can jerry me promise me jeremy promised what time is it almost 7 30. 7 30. jeremy [Music] jenny please i need you harrison if you wanted to get rid of me so badly why didn't you tell me i would have given you a divorce this was a cruel way of doing it sylvia i don't want to argue at this moment i want to argue you can't sit clearly now but what i'm doing is the best for you you see you need care no yes i do need care but not from a doctor when the doctor comes i'm sure he'll make you understand better than i i won't see him you mustn't do this harrison please don't do it i'm sorry sylvia now listen to me if you heard him if you heard him too if you heard his voice if you saw him jeremy jeremy jeremy you promised i never needed you so much jeremy jeremy the piano now you know i can't play the piano harrison but you heard me play it on the tape recorder that was jeremy if if i can do it now if jeremy look me help me help me help me help me [Music] the doctor's here doctor i'm harris mcroyd that is my wife you can trust me you'll be happy where you going come on now is it necessary for me to come with the doctor not at all i'm sorry sir oh don't bother to make up the fire uh see i'll be going out almost immediately oh i hope the doctor's not having any trouble sir stackroid yes i'm dr werner who one we talked earlier on the telephone from hospital i've come for your wife where is she mr aykroyd where is she when she left this house sylvia aykroyd joined that bizarre band of human beings who have simply vanished from this earth finally utterly it would be nice to believe that jeremy did keep his promise he told her she'd be happy where she was going wherever that may be in a moment a word about next week's story [Music] you
Channel: One-Step-Beyond
Views: 444,471
Rating: 4.834342 out of 5
Keywords: One Step Beyond
Id: WAyFmWbiALc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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