▶ "One Step Beyond": Forked Lightning.

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the amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record you may believe it or not but the real people who live this story they believe it they know they took that one step beyond [Music] the city sleeps unaware overhead the dark clouds move in swiftly piling up in an angry churning mass gathering strength to smash the city but the force we will not soon forget but the storm will bring much more than wind and rain much more a force far beyond man's understanding the might of psychic lightning it is just before dawn of a wednesday morning in a moment lightning forked lightning will strike two human beings at two distant points of the city drawing two complete strangers together with an irresistible force [Music] one of them lived in this house george wake up wake up what i saw you dead at that same moment at the other end of the city all right alex you had it come on [Music] [Music] a duck what happened well he sort of froze if i hadn't grabbed him that grinder would have chewed his hand to bits what's the matter alex better sit down [Music] well let's see what's wrong with you all right alex off with your shirt [Music] ellen don't you think it's time you came back to bed baby i've got to get up in an hour it wasn't a dream it wasn't sure i know it was a a premonition your grandmother's gypsy blood talking to you i saw you i saw you lying there on the floor of the bank i did i did it was as real as anything that ever happened ellen baby darling we've got to get some sleep you don't believe me sure i do but you're acting like a child everybody has bad dreams it wasn't a dream it was different i could see right through the walls through the darkness there was this terrible loud noise clanging in my head there were people frightened people all around suddenly some of you were lying there at my feet all right have a journey i'm dead how can we go back to bed oh don't you mustn't go in today you must oh well for heaven's sake promise ellen are you awake really awake thinking clearly are you suggesting that i call the bank and say i won't be coming in today because my lovely wife has a feeling that something terrible will happen to me if i do yes yes oh stop it i'm going back to bed please i beg judge i'm so afraid that's all right it's all right now it's all right [Music] [Music] all right alex you put your shirt on now of course this is only a preliminary examination but as far as i can tell it appeared that you suffered from a slight stroke it's not necessarily serious in itself but it is a pretty good indication of a deteriorating circulatory system alex this is important i warned you what would happen if you kept pushing yourself now i'm going to have to put in a report to the front office that you're no longer fit it's for your own protection i should have done it months ago i'm sorry alex but i have to do it if you take care of yourself proper dive proper rest or you can live as long as anyone else and even come back to work eventually if you don't you'll be dead within six months you're uh i only wish i were alex look you take this envelope back to your own doctor have him get in touch with me i'll only be two years long i don't have six months i don't have six days i'll be dead by tonight alex it's true your condition is serious but not that when i was standing there at that wheel it was like a million colored lights exploding in my head that's symptomatic of a stroke now suddenly i knew i was going to die doesn't matter what i do i'll be dead by the night i know it alex [Music] remember this [Music] [Applause] the medical history of alex peters [Music] this morning the patient suffered his second cerebral arterial spasm with the left-sided paresis in other words a stroke but was it really a stroke or was it a physical reaction to the sudden unshakable knowledge that he was going to die today well today is still young and as alex peters wanders the morning streets in search of some plan for his last hours on this earth across town the second part of the double premonition is having quite a different effect across town george chambers has finally quieted his wife's hysteria he has agreed to spend the day at home but only to humor her he knows there can't possibly be anything in her foolish premonition not possibly i can't explain any better than i already have all i know is it was clearer than you are right now all right but you were asleep now what makes you so sure it wasn't a dream because it wasn't i ought to know the difference then what do you call it you said the word premonition hello hello phil good morning no he hasn't left yet i was going to call you george won't be coming in today it's nothing serious will you tell mr masterson that george isn't available let me talk to you phil what's this about masterson today but he wasn't due until next monday i see what time i'll be right down george you promised i know but this is terribly important more important than your life oh stop being so childish why can't someone else take care of masterson's business no nobody can why not because he's a federal bank examiner that's why so so what would he do if you really were sick what would we do if i were suddenly in jail don't worry i can fix it i just need a little time that's why it's so important well where do you suppose all the money came from you like this house don't you you like prefer coats don't you and you like the free trips to europe every summer don't you george don't worry [Music] [Music] hi good morning don't you think you've had enough sleep for one night young lady why what time is it 9 30 why didn't you wake me well i just got home how come i had some things to do where'd you have breakfast i didn't why should i when i've got such a good cook at home hey school what am i gonna do at school would you really mind very much missing one day well not really come on it i'd love some coffee how do you want your eggs no eggs just cotton i'm not very hungry but you can't live i'm just coughing don't you worry about me [Music] it doesn't really matter too much about school anyhow mrs first is still home sick and we've got the substitute who only gives this review i won't miss anything important that's good besides i can get it from alice if she gives us any new steps it'll be fun being home with you all day anyhow we've got food shopping too [Music] i'm taking two [Music] what's the matter nothing why are you looking at me like that how am i looking funny you feel all right sure [Music] you know something i like you [Music] excuse me what do i see about uh setting up a trust fund or mr carter or mr chambers can help you i'd uh like to set up a trust fund for my daughter well i think that can be arranged i sure hope so i'm a widower i figure that carolyn will need well at least a hundred dollars a month to live on at least certainly uh how old is carolyn 12. i'd uh like to set it up so that well after i'm dead whoever's taking care of her carolyn will have the money to live on yes of course does carolyn have a middle name what oh no no she doesn't have a middle name ellen i have to hang up now it's all a question and i can't discuss this with you any longer let's first let's get all the facts down goodbye ellen is 12. i take it she's an only child now suppose we start with your current assets well there's my life insurance policy yes what's the amount twelve hundred dollars twelve hundred and uh then there's the stock hudson corporation fifty shares it was selling at three and a quarter this morning well that comes to a hundred and sixty two dollars and fifty cents savings well i have uh 672 dollars in postal savings and what else that's all oh surely there must be other things uh furnishings your car home real estate no no i i don't have any of those things and i live in a furnished apartment 150 750 1200 672. [Music] well as of today your total worth is 2034.50 counting the insurance and assuming there are no debts at six percent that would bring in about a hundred and twenty dollars a year a year yes sir for an income of a hundred dollars a month you need 10 times that amount 10 10 times of course a lot of things could happen before before it becomes necessary to use such a fun you're young been many productive years ahead of you surely your estate will grow and of course a certain amount will come in from social security we always figure on that thousand dollars i'm afraid that it'll uh let me have a conditional sales contract i'll run out of charges twenty thousand oh well sure thing alex no sooner said than done ah man can't have too much insurance uh sir let me see here the beneficiary would be uh oh yes carolyn peters now you got a real sweet kid there alex and the things the way they are with her well man can't be too cautious yes sir gives a man a real peace of mind i know his loved ones are adequately provided for not that anybody ever expects to die of course but we never know when the grim reaper is sharpening up his axe for us do we well now let me see the monthly premium for a man your age would be uh that would be uh 67.50 that's kind of steep for you alex we can cut it in half for you if you like you can always do that you're an old friend i don't forget old friends alex i'm not that kind of a guy you know that yes sir well i uh i guess uh you know what you can afford huh the uh policy will go into effect the minute i hear from uh hello hazel uh this is wilson tuttle how's my girl uh-huh i got another customer for you i want you to take extra good care of me as an old friend uh well uh how about uh tomorrow morning first thing no use letting any grass grow under our feet huh um we're trying to set up an early appointment with the doctor for you what for well uh it's uh just a formality of course but uh when a man jumps from twelve hundred to twenty thousand why uh we don't make the policy binding on either party until the physical examination is complete not not that you will have any trouble but uh we all have to protect ourselves in the clinches now uh if the doctor hasn't opened appointment uh hello hazel ah also well as well uh 9 30 bright and early that's fine fine fine out alex alex are you sleeping are you sleeping brother john brother john morning bells are ringing morning bells are ringing ding dong [Music] george just please listen to me please i tried not to go the feeling suddenly stronger than ever that now right now the terrible thing that's going to happen has started george unless you george don't hang up for me george please listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] daddy daddy [Music] hurry harris i want you to deposit this in the name of wilson barrington right away please no no no no no no [Music] [Music] yes it happened just as you saw it it happened but why [Music] well fate destiny what other words are there certainly it was destiny for george chambers and alex peters to cancel out each other's lives that's not a very satisfactory answer is it but what other answer is there i mean that we know about [Music] you
Channel: One-Step-Beyond
Views: 126,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Step Beyond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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