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[Music] okay friends get your to-do list ready because today's video is going to be a super motivating speed cleaning video I'm doing a cleaning power hour and I'm going to be getting my whole house back in order in 1 hour so if you're in need of some motivation today then this is the video for you [Music] all right you guys so I am giving myself 1 hour to get as much cleaning done as I can today my house was a huge mess from the weekend so this Monday morning I'm focused on just doing a whole house reset I won't be doing any deep cleaning today because Mondays are typically my reset days and a day that I use to plan and prepare for the week ahead including planning our meals and scheduling a grocery pickup for Tuesday Mornings okay so to get my morning going I always start with making my bed now since I'm doing a speed clean today and I'm doing a power hour I know that I'm going to have lots of cleaning ahead of me so this is the first thing I wanted to get done this usually motivates me to keep going because it's pretty much the easiest cleaning task on my list every single day is to make my bed and then the other thing that I do right after this every single day is I go ahead and start a load of laundry in our washing machine I pretty much am doing laundry Monday through Friday I don't do any laundry on the weekend unless I absolutely have to but pretty much every other day of the week we are doing some load of laundry or [Music] two I've been feeling so small watch the CL taking off the wall but tonight I'm letting it go spend my coin for sure [Music] going okay that was easy now let's move on to starting a load of laundry I'm going to throw in a couple of gain pods some scent beads and white distilled vinegar for my fabric softener and I know it drives some people crazy but I do not separate my colors from my whites or my lights and darks I just throw everything in there and I've never really had any issues with it I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I just want to feel alive now here's a look at the house before and what all I'm going to be cleaning up we actually have a load of laundry that's already folded that just needs to be put away and then the rest of the mess is just from coming in and just dropping our things all weekend we actually had cheer and baseball in one weekend so it was crazy both mornings me and my daughter Gracie June she's 10 um she does All-Star Cheer both mornings Saturday and Sunday morning we had to be up at 5:45 in the morning and we had to be leaving our house by 6:30 to get to our cheer competition and then after each day of cheer we ended up driving over to the baseball fields to watch my son Cas he's 12 we um watched him play in a baseball tournament so both days started super early and ended super late and we were exhausted after the weekend so we definitely weren't doing any cleaning when we got home on Sunday evening but I am grateful that all the schedules worked out though because I got to watch cheer and we got to watch baseball all in one weekend a lot of times we're dividing and conquering but this weekend um her cheer competition happened to be in Savannah which we live right outside of Savannah Georgia and so that was nice and then the baseball tournament was in rink which is you know not too far from Savannah either so it all worked out we were exhausted after all of it but it was a lot of fun and I was just glad I got to see both of my kids doing things they love [Music] doing not to hold me down feel light when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to drive the faster car nothing can break me no no nothing can break me not can hold me down feel Al light when I'm in this town look at beautiful stars I want to take a trip to Mars Nothing can break me no no nothing can break [Music] me look at beautiful stars I want to drive a faster car lay my TR rest blow the smoke through my cigarette City Lights looking and know it is just my time now I'm going to be my all right another room is tidied up and now I'm going to go around and start picking up all the extra stuff we've got her cheer bag right here so I'm kind of going through her cheer bag and putting things where they belong we made these little bow boxes for the girls that beginning of the season and then I also made this cheer garment bag for her to keep all of her um cheer uniform stuff in all in one place and I even used some of those Pockets to put her bags with her makeup and her hair accessories and all that stuff in there too so I love that little garment bag I got it for like 16 bucks off of Amazon and then I personalized it with my Cricut myself but I threw her uniform into the laundry room because it definitely needs to be washed I'm not going to wash it right now because it does have to be washed separately in a small little garment bag and then I took her cheer backpacks up to her room and just put them in her closet now this little bag here I was actually using to take back and forth from Cheer to baseball so we had some snacks in there I also had some other things in there that Gracie June was using to keep herself entertained at the baseball field so she had like a jump rope some markers and a notepad things like that so I'm just going to take that back up to her room because most of that that was left in there was her stuff and then I did put the extra snacks away I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I just want to feel alive it's just what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down feel Al when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to drive the faster car nothing can break me no no nothing can break me try not to hold me down feel Al life when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to take a trip to Mars Nothing can break me no no nothing can break me [Music] look at beautiful stars I want to drive a fter car I'm going to now when I was cleaning today I did have to stop for a little bit and pause my timer because I had a conference call to get on and so if you see the time it is a little bit later but that's because I had to take about 30 minutes to get on a conference call and then I got back to cleaning after I was done and I don't know about you guys but sometimes I just do not have that motivation on Monday mornings to tackle my entire house or back a mess and it's mostly because I'm exhausted from the weekend but if I do something like a power hour I feel like it motivates me and it just makes me so much more productive I think sometimes I look at my house and especially if it's just a complete wreck like it is most Monday mornings um I look at it and I think to myself that it's going to take me forever to get it done so I don't even want to get started but when I do a Power Hour I know that I am literally racing the clock to get as much as I can done in that one hour and so it doesn't seem like it's going to take me as long if that makes sense so y'all let me know if you try this maybe it's not even an hour maybe you only have 15 minutes to get as much as you can done or 30 minutes whatever it is set yourself a timer and see what you can get done in that amount of time I guarantee you will be so productive now if I have a lot more cleaning to do and I know it's going to take me more than an hour maybe I'm doing like a decluttering project or I'm doing some deep cleaning that's going to take me a little bit longer then I really love to listen to audible books I actually love to listen to audible books like all the time so when I'm driving or when I'm working out or when I'm cleaning I am most likely listening to some sort of audio book and I'm always sharing them here on my channel so um if I'm listening to a specific book A lot of times I will share them in my videos I do have good reads but I'm horrible about updating it I'm trying to be better um but let me give you a rundown of a couple of the books that I've read recently and just so you guys know my favorite genre is Thriller suspense so I read a lot of those types of books and every now and then I'll switch it up and read something else like romance or science fiction or pretty much anything else that is highly recommended but if you like thriller books then let me tell you a few of the ones that I've read recently I have really loved Freedom mcfaden books she is such a good author and she always has some sort of crazy twist at the end that you never saw coming the last three books that I've read of hers are the teacher the inmate and never lie and those three books were so good probably some of the best thriller books that I've read recently another book that I've read recently which is also in the Thriller suspense genre is the good daughter and honestly like I try to rate these all the time out of five stars and I share them over on Instagram and this one I said was probably between three and a half to four stars I felt like it was a good book like it kept me into it the whole time but some of the details in the book just were very gruesome and so I think that that kind of was off-putting and then also the ending I don't know it was just okay I guess but my current book that I'm reading is actually science fiction and I can't believe I've never read it because it's an older book it's called The Time Traveler's Wife and apparently there's a movie I don't know if I've just been living under a rock but I didn't even know of this book or movie so far I'm really liking the book I will say that it's not one that's like like sometimes I'm reading a thriller book and I'm like oh my gosh I have to know what happens like I have to keep listening you know so it's not like that for me um I am into it and I got into it pretty quickly it's very interesting um I am dying to know what happens at the end um so I will have to let you guys know what I think of it after I finish it cuz like I said it's definitely a different genre than what I typically listen to but so far it's been pretty good but I do save all of my reviews over on Instagram I have like a little highlight bubble on Instagram that just says books and so I save all of my books there and I do like a little rating and tell you what I think of it I should be better about doing this on Goodreads too but I do put them all over there on Instagram so if you're on Instagram you can definitely go check out some of my recommended books over there too and of course if you guys have any recommendations I always love hearing your book recommendations so leave them down in the comments else I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I'm going to be myself I'm going to be someone else I'm going to be myself be someone else I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes try not to hold me down feel alive when I'm in this town okay you guys so I'm at about 45 minutes at this point so I'm going to do a quick vacuum in here and then I have to run upstairs and I am really going to be pushing it for time but I wanted to get the room cleaned up because I desperately needed to clean in there and vacuum and wipe down the windows and the furniture and stuff when I'm in this town look at beautiful stars I want to take a trip TOS nothing can break me no no nothing can break me [Music] I've been trying my best for a while trying to please everyone who's around me I've been putting on my fake smile even though I'm wasting time I don't want to be trapped in a box trying to be like the rest but I'm not I just want to go my own way going to let the PS burn down cuz honestly don't want to be stuck more conversations with you with you I'm going to leave it all behind find myself I'm going to start a new yeah on [Music] my on we are now upstairs in our playroom SLC craft room and here is just an overview of what the mess looks like I know it looks horrible but honestly a lot of this is just toys that's going to go into those little baskets and then just taking some of the other things and putting them where they belong in the kids rooms so my daughter has been really into making these Paper Dragons for like the last year and so she had been in here making some dragons also coloring and so I have this little lap desk and so I'm just putting like her artwork and the extra sketch pad stuff stuff in here and just cleaning this up for her and then she still has to finish some of these little paper dragons that she's been working on so I'm just going to put these over in our little art area now most of our blankets and stuffed animals we store in these bean bag chairs that I got off of Amazon so many years ago gosh I don't even know how long we've had these things but I love it for this purpose my kids love some throw blankets and so um I just stuffed them right here in these bean bag chairs they can d as an actual bean bag chair to watch movies on or they can serve as storage for our blankets and stuffed animals now these little baskets that we have for all the toys used to be all organized by whatever type of toy we wanted to put in there but a long time ago I decided I wasn't going to organize them anymore they're pretty much all my daughter's toys so I'm just throwing them all in the baskets just to hide them and then since I'm the one cleaning it up when she's ready to pull these back out she can search through the baskets and find what it whatever it is that she's looking for I'm on my way [Music] now I'm on my way [Music] now I'm on my way [Music] now I'll be going away for a while oh and I don't know what I'll find maybe I can be a rockar playing songs on my guitar I know I have to be somewhere else to be able to find myself shouldn't be so complicated if I listen to my heart I'm going to leave it all behind find myself I'm going to start over new yeah I'm on my way now o I'm on my way now I'm on my way now I'm on my way [Music] now I'm on my way I am I am on my way I am I am on my way I am I am on my way I am I am on my way I I don't want [Music] ding I just want to go my I am on my way I am on my way I am on my [Music] way I am on my [Music] way I am on my way I am on my way I am on my way I am on my way I am on my way [Music] I got this boy on my mind that I can't without his eyes me and he keeps talking about everything that likes and I can't stop listening I'm thinking about him all the time I thinking about him all the time I'm thinking about him all the time all the time and my heart's been fast when it's looking like that only smile is killing me it's the way that it moves and the way that left so I can get enough think about him all the time I can get him off my mind oh I want him to be mine to be mine my heart is saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I want him n n n say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I told them I can be a fighter if you want I'll be there to catch you with you fall I can make it brighter when it's dark when it's dark I told him I would do it all for you and I know you do it for me too I can be a figh if you want if you want I can be a fighter I can be a fighter if you want I can and then this area over here is pretty much all of her American Girl doll stuff and so I do want to reorganize this stuff and I think what I'm going to do is bring another one of those Cube bookshelves up here in the playroom and connect it to the other one and put all of her American Girl stuff in a bunch of baskets like we have over there because we just don't have any of this stuff organized or place to put this stuff so it's been sitting in these bags and then also in the little toy box chest we have a bunch of American Girl doll stuff in there so I am going to do that soon I'm not going to do it today because I'm obviously racing the clock to get this Power Hour done but I also have to get that Cube bookshelf up here so that will be another video for another day now really quickly I'm just going to wipe down the furniture and then vacuum in here and I will be done all the way that I feel you I know that it's real cuz I can get them out of my head I don't care what we do everything's feeling new even if we're stay in bed I hard to say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I want it n n n n now heart saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I told him I can be a fighter if you want I'll be there to catch you with you fall I can make it brighter when it start when it start I told them I would do it all for you and I know you do it for me too I can be a fighter if you want if you want I can be a fighter I can be a fighter if you want I can be a fighter if you want I can be a fighter I can be a fighter if if you want you can be a figh if you [Music] [Music] want to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I want a n now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the last thing I'm going to do in here is a quick vacuum and I'm using my Dyson v15 detect I've had this vacuum for gosh maybe eight months now I don't know it's been a while and this thing is so good it's super powerful I can use it on my Hardwoods my carpets rugs everything the suction is so good and the battery lasts forever like I can do my entire house without the battery going dead and if you've ever watched any of my older videos I always talked about how the shark uplight was my favorite vacuum ever and it was a corded vacuum and I always talked about how I've never found a cordless vacuum that was as powerful as my shark uplight and so that's why I always wanted to use that vacuum well now I don't even have a corded vacuum anymore I got rid of all of them and I just use this one I I do have another cordless vacuum that's like it's a Tenco and it's in my garage and I use that sometimes too but just to because like if I'm in the kitchen it's closer right there I'll just grab it really quick for quick cleanups but um this one I keep in my dining room and I use it all over my house it's awesome so if you're in the market for a new cordless vacuum then I highly recommend this one I do have it linked on my ltk which you can find the link to my ltk down in my description box and I have all of my other cleaning favorites link there I have house Decor kitchen favorites gift ideas um clothing favorites just everything that I find and love I love sharing with you guys so I have all that stuff linked there I also have a bunch of stuff linked on my Amazon storefront so anything that's from Amazon is linked on Amazon and ltk but then all of it is linked on ltk so you can definitely check that out if you're ever looking for a specific link or just let me know in the comments and I will try to get you that link as soon as I can okay so at this point I was actually about 5 minutes over the hour but I really wanted to clean up this little area really quick this is our art area I do all of my Cricut projects here and then Gracie June does a lot of her little art projects right here as well so my power hour ended up taking me a little over an hour it was about an hour and 18 minutes but my whole house is back in order now and I feel like I had a pretty productive Power Hour so now that all of my cleaning is done I want to know what's on your to-do list for today and also let me know if you decide to do a Power hour and then come back here and let me know if you got it all done now if you're new to my channel don't forget to subscribe before you leave and introduce yourself down in the comments and just so you guys know I have moved my video days back to Mondays with having the weekends being so crazy with baseball and cheer Mondays just work better so thank you guys for sticking with me as I change up my schedule once again I am so glad that y'all are here and I hope you guys have an amazing week and I will see you next Monday with a brand new video bye I'll be there to catch you you fall I can make it brigh when it's when it's I told them I would do it all for you and I know you do it for me too I can be a SPID if you want if you want I can be a figh I can be a fighter if you want
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 44,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closet declutter, whole house decluttering, minimalism, clean with me, clean and declutter, clean declutter and organize, organization ideas, closet organization, organizing, cleaning, how to clean, speed clean, massive clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation, sahm cleaning, routine, amy darley, deep clean, deep cleaning, window cleaning, huge deep clean, extreme cleaning motivation 2023, cleaning routine, power hour, house reset, monday reset
Id: gbce6oL-WjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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